How to get rid of unnecessary address junk from your browser. Internet guide - all the most interesting things on the Internet

Recently, I noticed that Dov ol but strange error under F irefox: when I clicked the button at the bookmark, I got a truncated list... but when I went to the bookmark manager and I asked what all the posts were, I saw them all!

So I had 2 different results, depending on whether I was in Firefox or directly in the bookmark manager!

Since I have over 1000 bookmarks and my list was truncated at the beginning of the list, it was quite embarrassing for me, so I decided to try to figure out what the problem was, because at the beginning I thought it was Firefox, which clearly has a limited list. because with over 1000 mark page, no wonder!

Comparing 2 lists I found where in Firefox list was truncated. In the pages of signs the manager tried to move the bookmark, which after... it is impossible to move! I tried to move the 2 that followed and the one that preceded, and they moved! There I realized that it was, in particular, a blocking of mortgages ki! But it's impossible pouring, trying to open it is simply impossible!

Long story short, the buguait bookmark was present in the list, but I couldn't do anything with it! Click right click mice on it maybe, but open, delete, properties, etc…. nothing works ah! I had a nice press, nothing reacts! Then I noticed that even when I click on it, usually it should provide a name and a link to bookmarks... But even those don't appear! Like the name and link of the selected page in front of the brand! It is not difficult to understand that it was beautiful and well bugue and blocked!

A little research on the Internet allowed me to see that this error is not new, it would seem that it appeared in Firefox 3, but it is not very common... Many did not find a solution and quickly gave up.

A solution that might work and I found was to export my bookmarks to html file, remove the element's lock and then import it... Technically this was a good idea!

Except it doesn't work! Why? Because the bugue bookmark was not even in the html file!

Because it disappeared in the html file, so I decided to import the file as what! Also, I forgot that import doesn't delete old bookmarks... So I ended up with over 2000-1 bookmarks! I could very easily go all over again and delete the old bookmarks first before doing the import, but what is clear is that buguait cannot be deleted?

The other solution I had was to reset Firefox... This is quite an extreme case, and before using a hydrogen bomb to eliminate a mosquito, I prefer to always find and use other less extreme methods first!

Re sewing, which I found? This is the one that I call vayu "barbarian put" b"!

What it is? To delete a file, one of which contains all the bookmarks!

Considering that I'm exporting bookmarks to an html file, I could afford it, because in the end, I count everything by doing a simple import! But even the import was not necessary, I solved the error, nothing by deleting the file (the bugue bookmark disappeared) and I did not do anything else!

How to remove bookmarks that cannot be deleted under Firefox

The first 2 steps are the same as those from the article allows you to export.

  • Click Open folder button

  • The file browser will open. Close Firefox.

  • Look in the places.sq file lite (N.B.: E If you ever have your Firefox still open, you can't make changes, and in addition, you have 2 places.sqlite files – hsm and places.sq lite - wal which are present so they can use the indicator to see if Firefox is open (invisible))

  • Rename it to something other than r oldplaces.sql ite (only where you will experience problems this way you can restore old files)!
  • Restart Firefox. It will take longer to start because it has to restore the file, also if you leave your Windows Explorer open, you will see the places.sqlite file appear and the other 2, so don't worry, give it time to recover!

Once Firefox is ready, you will see that your bookmarks are even smaller than those that could not be deleted! The only drawback of this method is that the icons (icons) of bookmarked sites have disappeared! But they appear after return links!

Check that everything is there and if it's ok, you can delete the file you renamed!

Today we will learn how to add bookmarks in the Mozilla browser. Thanks to bookmarks, you can quickly visit any sites you need. After adding a site to bookmarks, it will be saved in the browser and can be opened from them with one click. This saves a lot of time.

Saved pages can be sorted into folders for convenience, deleted, edited. In short, full set all necessary functions.

Adding a bookmark in Mozilla

Everything is surprisingly very simple and can be done in a couple of clicks. The main thing is to follow the instructions and you will succeed.

As you can see, everything is simple. But there are also other ways. For example, you can do this using hotkeys. To save a page as a bookmark, click Ctrl+D.

How to delete a bookmark in Mozilla Firefox

In order to delete an added bookmark, you first need to go to their control panel. You can do this by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B. Or by clicking on the icon on the right, then the add bookmark button, and there selecting “ Show all bookmarks”.

And so, now you have gone to the right place, a window will open for you to manage all saved pages. If you want to delete any of them, right-click on it and select “ Delete" To delete multiple pages at once, click Ctrl and select those that you want to erase, then, by analogy, delete everything.

Jan 11 2016

Menu Firefox bookmarks: how to remove unnecessary elements

 One of the nicest features of Firefox that sets it apart from most modern browsers, – bookmark menu. Hidden behind a button on the toolbar, it allows you to get fast access to your favorites, but unlike bookmark bars, it doesn't take up valuable screen real estate.

Almost everything in the Firefox bookmarks menu is good, except, perhaps, for an excessive number of elements that are already present there initially. Take a look at the screenshot:

"Show sidebar", "show Pocket list", "subscribe to news feeds" - have you ever used one of these or any other commands present in this menu? We're willing to bet that at least some of them are definitely superfluous for you. At the same time, they take up space in the menu that could be useful for the bookmarks themselves.

Clear Firefox Bookmarks Menu from extra folders, shortcuts and other elements in several ways. We suggest choosing the simplest one and using the miniature extension Simple bookmarks menu. Follow the link and install it from the official Mozilla directory.

As a result, after installation, the bookmarks menu will look like this:

In our example, the extension was installed on “clean” Firefox, where there were no custom bookmarks yet. If you have them, don’t worry, the Simple bookmarks menu, of course, won’t do anything with them.

By the way, if you wish, you can make the menu completely empty. Unlike the others, the three remaining items can be deleted (or moved) manually, without resorting to the help of an extension.

When the menu is completely clean, you can start adding your own ones there, either individually or in entire folders:

The contents of unfiled bookmarks can be transferred directly to the menu if necessary. New bookmarks can also be placed directly in the menu:

If you miss some feature that was on the menu before, you can easily return it. Open the extension manager and enter the Simple bookmarks menu module settings:

While working in the browser, we accumulate a lot of information there that is no longer needed (although before it was quite the opposite). And there are countless such projects.

What are the ways

You can clean yours Mozilla Firefox in several ways:

  1. Removing from the library:
    • single entry;
    • a specific folder;
    • the entire set of stored addresses.
  2. Deleting from a folder located on local disk your computer.
  3. Removal using a special add-on.

Uninstall directly from Firefox

Here's what you need to do to delete bookmarks using standard features browser:

Advice! Carefully look at what exactly you delete, the data cannot be returned, backup copies not in the profile.

Deleting a file with addresses

To directly delete a file with bookmarks located on your hard drive, you must:

Advice! You can also open the above file using notepad and remove unnecessary bookmarks from there (Only for those who are on basic level is familiar with HTML languages and PHP).

Add-on to remove

We can also delete bookmarks using a browser plugin, for this:

Advice! Additions of this type there are a lot and you can choose any other one (in which, for example, an icon will be added to the toolbar). Or one that will also perform other functions (sorting, installing an image on the “Library” window, etc.). As a result, you will have a powerful functional tool for managing your bookmarks.

You can say that I conveyed the information to you. Cleaning your bookmarks helps a lot to better navigate them and organize them. fast work and improve your overall efficiency. Now you know several ways of this procedure. I hope you will look into solving this problem.

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to the Internet and computers, or rather was dedicated to them.

It’s probably immediately obvious that no new articles have appeared on the site for many years. Yes, this is the fate of most blogs. This project was once an ambitious undertaking, and the author, like many others writing at the time, had ambitious plans to become one of the best Russian bloggers. Well, if you look now, of those blogs that were created simultaneously with mine, most have already disappeared into eternity. And I just simply didn’t have enough time to blog. So yeah, it's not updated anymore. Although we once won the “Runet Blog 2011” competition with this site.

I even had the idea of ​​deleting all this, but then I reviewed the old materials and realized that they could still be useful to readers. Yes, some articles are outdated (if I have enough strength, they will be marked accordingly), but the site, for example, can be useful for beginners - here you can read about basic concepts Internet, learn how to set up the Internet, Windows, or even decide to switch to Linux. So take a look at the categories and choose the one that suits you.

And yet, I hope that this is more than just a blog, but a real guide to the Internet. The site can be viewed in directory mode, where all available articles are structured by categories. And, who knows, maybe one day new high-quality articles will start appearing here.

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