How to fix the Home button on iPhone, iPod or iPad. Home button not working on iPhone or iPad? Do-it-yourself home button repair

All gadgets break down sooner or later, and smartphones are no exception. In fact, phones can be exceptionally fragile - sometimes just dropping them is enough to render them useless or severely damaged. But even if the phone has never been dropped, there are still a lot of things that can happen to it. One of them is when at one point the screen lock button stops functioning, and then you find yourself simply unable to lock or unlock it.

Obviously, things aren't so bad with phones that have physical button return, such as is present in the vast majority of phones on Android based. Home key can also be used to wake up the phone. Phones that can be unlocked double click on the screen are beautiful too. But phones that are in short supply last function and have capacitive or on-screen navigation buttons, become as functional as a potato once their lock button stops working. However, there are a few things you can do to improve the situation.

Step 1: Unlock your phone

There are several ways to unlock your phone without relying on its power button. You need to have someone call you - in most cases, this will turn on the screen and give you control of the phone. Once the phone is working, you can proceed to the second step. Alternative option: Connect your phone to charger. This will turn on the screen and allow you to access the device. If your phone has a physical camera button, hold it down. This should launch your camera app, which you can simply close and use other phone functions.

NOTE: If the lock button is stuck, as if it is constantly being pressed, shake the phone well, but do not hit it against anything. If you're lucky, the button will come off and work normally. Avoid complete shutdown phone, because then you won't be able to turn it on again without operating button nutrition.

Now that your phone is working, you can replace the screen lock button with one of the dedicated apps.

Step 2: Select an application

There are a number of applications that will allow you to reassign the lock function from faulty button. You can easily select any application that best suits your needs. Here are the most popular and effective of them:

1) Power Button to Volume Button.

This application remaps the lock button to the volume button. It is compatible with the vast majority of Android phones and does not require root rights. The program is absolutely free, so you can always use it.

2) Gravity Unlock.

This application is also a great help if the screen lock button is faulty. It automatically detects your hand position and unlocks the phone when you hold it as if you want to use it. The program works fine with most phones, although some models may have problems.

3) Shake Screen On Off.

This application unlocks your phone when you shake it well. The program automatically analyzes the situation, preventing accidental and unwanted unlocking when the phone might get shaken in your bag, for example.

Step 3: Find a permanent solution

All of the above, although effective in most cases, is still a temporary solution and not a permanent one. It will be better if you contact service center, if your phone's screen lock button is faulty.

Failure of the Home button on iOS devices happens not rarely. Actions assigned to it may be performed late, or the pressing does not occur clearly. Many will say that you can do without this button. Its work may well be replaced by a jailbreak tweak from Cydia. It's even possible.

In contact with

But dealing with this problem is not difficult and in most cases it can be done at home without much effort. First you need to figure out the reasons that may cause the button to operate unclearly, then it will be clear how to fix the problem.

1. Software glitch. If you haven’t updated the firmware for a long time and often install it, then the problem may be a simple software glitch. In this case, the button is pressed well and does not stick, but the actions occur with a delay. The solution is to calibrate the “Home” button. For this:

  • open any standard application iOS (Weather, Stocks, Notes, etc.),
  • Press and hold the Power button until the power off slider appears, then release the button.
  • press and hold the “Home” button until the slider disappears and the application closes.

After this, the button will be calibrated by iOS itself and the standard length of delay between pressing and action will be restored.

2. Button sticking. This can happen if dirt, dust or moisture gets under the button and, at one point, it will not work adequately after pressing. It is very easy to return a stuck button to its place using a regular charging cable. To do this, you need to insert it into the phone connector and gently press it with your finger from below. This way the connector will push the button and return it to its place.

3. Button sticking. From previous state It differs in that the button does not stick, but is pressed tightly and does not work well after pressing. In this case, you can solve the problem using the favorite tool of all motorists and mechanics, WD-40. This is an aerosol that helps remove plaque and rust. It is enough to spray the button once so that the solution gets inside and press it several times frequently. If iPhone repair is not your thing, contact your nearest service center.

4. Physical breakdown. If the previous methods did not help you, then the problem is that the button itself is broken. As a solution to this problem, we can propose the use of software duplication. This feature has appeared in iOS since version 5.0, but not many people know about it. The mechanism is activated as follows:

  • go to the menu Settings –> General –> Universal access
  • activate the option Assistive Touch
  • We use the duplicated button.

This mode is designed to use some functions when it is not possible to press some buttons, turn the device over and perform various gestures. There will always be a button on the screen that will be visible even on top full screen applications. By clicking on it you will be taken to a menu, one of the functions of which is to duplicate pressing the “Home” button.

If you decide to replace the button yourself by disassembling the device at home, be sure to use it.

Any smartphone, no matter how functional it is, has its own weak spots. Often, in addition to the elements touch control an unpleasant surprise Mechanical buttons can also be presented.

Owners of iPhone 5 from time to time encounter such a problem as a stuck power button. Both the most common external factors and simple wear of a part can lead to this. If you bought a phone not long ago, and the button has already started to stick, then it is better to immediately contact a service center for a replacement power buttons iPhone 5 is carried out on a warranty basis. In some cases, the smartphone is exchanged for a new one directly at the store where it was purchased.

Breakdowns do not always appear when they can cause the least problems. It’s much more offensive if the problems remind you of themselves after you’ve had time to get used to the phone and you simply don’t have the slightest desire to buy a new one. And if you don’t really want to go to the service center, you’ll have to deal with this problem yourself.

First of all, it is worth understanding for yourself that there is no reason to panic in this case. The phone may continue to function without this control. It is enough to make a few settings and the device will turn off using touch screen. Switching on occurs automatically after connecting the phone to the network. If such approaches do not inspire confidence, then you should start repairing your phone.

There is no need to immediately disassemble the device and try to see the malfunction. Some flaws may not be noticeable at first glance. Problems with the power button are sometimes observed due to software glitches. To eliminate such a defect, it will be enough to reboot the system and the functionality of the phone will be restored. If such actions do not bring the desired result, then it is better to go to a service center where the phone will be reflashed. It’s better not to try to carry out such manipulations yourself, because cheap software downloaded from the Internet will not bring anything good.

A malfunction of the button is sometimes noted after it becomes clogged. It is no big secret that the phone body is practically not protected from external factors. One way or another, small contaminants get inside the device. They are what cause the button to jam. To eliminate this problem, you just need to clean your smartphone, and it will continue to work without any surprises. There is a second option, you can order and forget about such problems, and also earn money.

If the membrane in the power button has already worked, which returns it to the starting point, then there can be no talk of any minor repairs. This part cannot be restored. Only a complete replacement will be required. It is best to entrust such work to specialists who will complete the assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. In addition, all services will be guaranteed.

Occasionally home button mobile devices on iOS it becomes less responsive - it starts to work with some delay or stops working at all. In most cases this is due to software glitch and restoring its functionality is not difficult. It happens that after a few years active use The Home button mechanism wears out and requires more serious intervention.

Be that as it may, you can revive iOS devices without contacting specialists at a service center. There are four ways to fix the broken Home button problem on iPhone and iPad.

Method 1: Software calibration

Sometimes the main button iPhone smartphone and the iPad becomes less responsive - it starts to work with some delay. If this is due to a software failure, then it is necessary to perform.

To do this, you need to open any standard application, such as weather or stocks. Then, press and hold the power button of your iOS device until the power bar appears. Now you need to hold Home until the bar disappears, and running application will not be unloaded from memory. After this, the Home button will work as expected.

Method 2: Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad stops responding to presses, it will help, for which you will need a standard 30-pin cord. First, you need to place the plug into the iPhone connector, and then put your finger under the plug and gently press it from the bottom up. After this, all you have to do is click on Home. Now you can remove the cord and check the operation of the device.

Method 3: Use WD-40 spray.

You can restore the functioning of the worn-out Home button mechanism on the iPhone and iPad using the well-known among (or simply “Vedeshka”). This product is used in the weapons and aerospace industries, aviation, and electromechanical production.

The spray is also used at home, the “Vedashka” eliminates the creaking of doors, it can be used to lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 is also suitable in the case of an iPhone - just spray the product on the non-working Home button, then make 5-10 quick clicks. As a rule, it comes to life and begins to respond to pressure again.

Method 4: Software duplication

If three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button is really broken and specialist intervention is required here. Until you contact a workshop for repairs, you can use the built-in operating system iOS function software duplication of functions.

To do this, go to the Settings menu -> General -> Universal Access and turn it on by clicking the switch at the top of the screen. Now click the circle that appears on the screen and in the window that appears, click “Home”. Once you close Settings, you can call this button at any time to return to the main screen.

IN in this case This is a temporary solution that will allow you to use your iPhone and iPad even with a broken Home button.

Laptop repair service centers are often contacted with problems such as a broken or dropped button. Even one key that fails can cause problems with the operation of the computer. How to fix a button on acer laptop, may differ from laptops from other manufacturers. This is due to the fact that in various models laptop keyboards differ in design. Therefore, first you must, and then only you can look at ways to attach keys on the Internet. However, there are also general recommendations How to fix a key without resorting to the services of specialists.

Possible causes of failure

The keyboard on a laptop is usually quite thin, and its buttons have little travel. In this regard, this part on the laptop is very susceptible to mechanical stress. Most common reason breakdowns - spilled liquid. In this case, the conductive paths fail, and one or more buttons, and sometimes the entire keyboard, stops working.

In addition, the keys become clogged with dust, pet hair, dirt, etc. in this case, you need to do it correctly. When a user begins to clean the keyboard on their own, a button often falls out as a result of some incorrect action. Although this is unpleasant, it is completely fixable. And you can find out how to clean the keyboard without consequences for it from this. Well, then let's take a closer look at how to fix a button on asus laptop or models from other manufacturers.

What to do if the button on your laptop is broken

Despite the fact that laptops differ from each other, the way they attach the buttons is usually the same. Essentially, the key is a rubber base with a built-in contact. When you press the button, the contact comes into contact with the circuit, resulting in necessary action. Therefore, it is necessary to restore contact and ensure that it is established correctly.

Before you fix the button on an HP laptop, as well as on other laptops, you should understand the cause of the breakdown. If the key is stuck, you need to try to pull it back or simply remove it. For this operation you will need a special screwdriver or a thick needle. Place the end of the tool under the button and gently pull up. You don’t need to apply a lot of force, the action is done smoothly, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the key, and finding a replacement part will be quite difficult. As a result of manipulations, the button should pop out.

Before you begin repairs, you should inspect the key. It may not work due to mechanical damage. If the button cannot be restored, then replacing it with a new one cannot be avoided. Buy separate part keyboards can be found in repair shops. In cases where the key can be glued together, you can use super glue. It is important that the contact ends up in the same place where it was, otherwise the button will still not work.

If the key falls out, you should the following actions. First you need to understand the design of the button mount, which is usually the same. WITH reverse side the keys have latches and grooves in which there are “ears” of the rocker, the purpose of which is to connect the entire keyboard with the cover separate button. If the key falls out along with this rocker, they should be separated. Next, install the rocker itself, on which the button cover will be placed. These two elements are connected to each other by grooves located on them. Before you begin manipulation, remove all dirt from the opened niche with a napkin; the surface you are working with must be clean.

As you can see, fixing the button yourself is not so difficult if you first understand the cause of the breakdown. However, if liquid is spilled, it is not always possible to handle it yourself, since it is quite difficult to restore blurred contacts. In this case, you will either need to contact the service center or you can. And replacing a fallen button is not difficult even for a beginner who is encountering this for the first time.