How to make an inventory of letter attachments. How to correctly send a registered letter with a list of attachments: sample

Inventory of attachment- this is a document that is included in the postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items being sent. The attachment inventory is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, and parcels. This document must be endorsed with a stamp post office before sealing postal item.

The investment inventory form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an investment inventory

Let's consider the procedure for filling out the form for listing the contents of a mail item.

First, indicate the type of shipment: valuable letter, parcel post or parcel.

Then in the “To” line we write the full name, in the “Where” line - mailing address recipient.

We proceed to filling out the table in which we indicate the item number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of mail. But it is important to take into account that the higher it is, the higher the insurance fee for the shipment. postal parcel. If the sender wishes, it may not be indicated.

We put a signature in the “Sender” line.

Below is the position and signature of the postal worker who verified all the completed information.

The list of attachments is drawn up in two copies - one of them is included in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or filled out on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a postal item is stamped on the attachment inventory form.

Russian Post provides customers with a wide range of different services. So, for example, by contacting the branch you can make Money transfers, send or receive a parcel, as well as send the most ordinary, registered or valuable letter, parcel post. In order to be sure of the safety of valuable documents sent by mail, it is recommended before sending them.

The list of attachments itself is a document inserted into the shipment and containing detailed information about the quantity and cost of sent objects. It is issued at the post office when handing over a parcel, parcel or valuable letter, and guarantees the safety of the item transferred to the post office.

The inventory is a list of valuable investments, and is drawn up in a separate document according to form No. 107, approved by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012, with the consent of the sender. This document is from the sending department and is sealed in an envelope at the time of its transfer (sending) at the post office.

The inventory registration service is useful for those who are really concerned about the integrity of what is being sent or want to have proof that a document (or other attachment) was sent by mail.

Businessmen, entrepreneurs or members of organizations dealing with serious documentation often resort to using an inventory. So, in order to, you can send them by mail. It is for such cases that it is useful to draw up an inventory of investments.

What are the benefits of creating an inventory?

The inventory of the property, valuables or securities being sent is useful service provided by all post offices in the territory Russian Federation. Often, an inventory allows you to get rid of a number of problems:

  1. When sending any documents, an inventory confirms that the letter was sent to certain time and contained specific documents. Thus, the inventory is documentary evidence of the contents of the letter.
  2. Upon receipt of the letter, the recipient can check the correspondence of the contents of the envelope with the inventory directly at the Russian Post office itself. If inconsistencies are detected, the addressee has the right to present his claims on the spot.

It is the inventory that often plays a key role in resolving controversial issues, since its presence is on the side of the sender:

  • When citizens appeal to supervisory authorities
  • When sending various types of applications that officials, employees of organizations or members of certain authorities for any reason refuse to accept

Another important detail is that the date of reporting and sending of the letter is also the date of acceptance of the letter. In other words, sending a letter with attached reporting and inventory (even at the last moment) relieves the sender of the need to pay penalties in case of delay.

How to prepare an inventory of valuable documents

Since the document inventory service is provided at any post office of the Russian Post, registration forms can always be taken on the spot: they are freely available. You can also pre-issue forms at home or download a design template on the official website of the Russian Post.

Like all official documents, the Russian Post document inventory form is drawn up according to a specific template as follows:

  • Fill out the inventory in two copies: one is included in the shipment, the other remains with the sender
  • Specify the type of shipment (parcel, parcel post or valuable letter)
  • Fill in the recipient's mailing address and zip code
  • Enter the addressee's full name in the appropriate line or
  • Fill out the attached table of shipment contents

The Form 107 table itself is also designed in accordance with a specific template:

  • number listed in order
  • full name of the object
  • quantity
  • declared value of the item(s)

In the “Total” field located under the table, you must indicate the total number of objects declared in the inventory and the total amount of value (in rubles).

At the end of the inventory, the sender’s data lines (full name or full name of the organization) and his signature are drawn up. If there are unused cells left in the table, they must be crossed out, and if the number of items being sent exceeds the number of rows in the table, it is allowed to use an additional form.

It is also worth remembering that the inventory is an official document, so it is not acceptable when preparing it.

The declared value serves as a kind of guarantee that important valuable documents will not be lost or lost. If anything happens to the reflow, upon presentation of the inventory, the sender will receive a monetary compensation.

Correct completion of the inventory and compliance with the postal employee's attachment. His signature is placed on both copies of the inventory.

Thus, drawing up an inventory of documents on Russian Post letterhead is a guarantee that the valuable item will reach the addressee safely, and the sender will have indisputable proof of sending exactly those documents that are indicated in the inventory of the attachment.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    I was involved in the inventory of documents in court cases when I was doing my internship. Great care was taken to ensure everything was clean, neat and legible. And when sending by mail, it is also important to indicate everything correctly.


The attachment inventory is a document that confirms the name, cost and quantity of items being sent. An inventory of attachments can be included in valuable letters, parcels and parcels. This document is completed according to standard form 107, after which it is endorsed with a post office stamp.

Rules for filling out the attachment inventory

The investment inventory form is filled out as follows:

  • indication of the type of shipment (parcel, parcel, valuable letter);
  • recipient's details – full name and postal address (written in the “Where” line);
  • filling out the main table (indicate item number, name and quantity of items being sent, their cost);
  • an indication of the total number of items being sent and their declared value (written in numbers).

At the end of the form, in the “Sender” line, you must put a signature, after which the document can be certified by a postal worker. After checking the accuracy of the inventory information, postal worker must sign the form and indicate his position.

In the attachment inventory form, the sender must indicate the declared value of the parcel, the amount of which will be returned to him in the event of loss of the postal item. However, please note that the higher the value of the package, the higher you will have to pay. If desired, the value of the shipment may not be indicated, but then the sender will not receive compensation if it turns out that the package is lost.

According to the rules, the list of attachments is filled out in two copies, one of which is included in the shipment, and the second remains with the sender along with the receipt. The document can be drawn up by hand or filled out on a computer. After certification with a post office stamp, no corrections or additions can be made to the list of attachments.


Adygea rep. Altai rep. Altai Territory, Amur Region. Arkhangelsk region Astrakhan region Bashkortostan rep. Belgorod region Bryansk region Buryatia rep. Vladimir region Volgograd region Vologda region Voronezh region Dagestan rep. Jewish Autonomous Region Trans-Baikal Territory, Ivanovo region. Ingushetia rep. Irkutsk region Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Kaliningrad region Kalmykia rep. Kaluga region Kamchatka Territory Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Karelia rep. Kemerovo region. Kirov region Komi Rep. Kostroma region Krasnodar region Krasnoyarsk region Crimea rep. Kurgan region Kursk region Leningrad region. Lipetsk region Magadan region Mari El rep. Mordovia rep. Moscow Moscow, Moscow region. Murmansk region Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nizhny Novgorod region. Novgorod region Novosibirsk region Omsk region Orenburg region Oryol region Penza region Perm region Primorsky region Pskov region Rostov region Ryazan region Samara region St. Petersburg Saratov region. Sakha (Yakutia) rep. Sakhalin region Sverdlovsk region. Sevastopol North Ossetia - Alania rep. Smolensk region Stavropol Territory, Tambov Region. Tatarstan rep. Tver region Tomsk region Tula region Tyva rep. Tyumen region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk region Khakassia rep. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Chelyabinsk region. Chechen Republic Chuvash Republic Chukotka Autonomous District Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Yaroslavl Region


Complete the list of items you are sending. Indicate the quantity and value of each item being sent. The total amount will be calculated automatically.

# Item nameNumber of itemsDeclared value (RUB)



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Inventory of attachment - a document describing the quantitative and cost characteristics of a postal item. In general, this is a form that is filled out by hand or on a computer and inserted into a postal item (letter package, etc.).
The inventory contains a list of items that are included in the shipment, as well as their quantity and cost. The attachment inventory form must be endorsed with a post office stamp before sealing. Russian Post uses the inventory form according to Form 107.
The attachment inventory according to Form 107 is used for the following types of shipments:
  • a description of the attachments in the valuable letter;
  • a description of the contents in the parcel;
  • an inventory of the contents of the parcel;
Below is a description of the procedure for completing the forms for registering investments in Russian Post institutions.
The sender fills out two forms to list the attachment according to the form, which indicate: the name (or full name) and postal address of the addressee, the name, number of items and the amount of their valuation from the sender’s point of view. The indicated cost, on the one hand, affects the amount of compensation you will receive in case of loss of the shipment, on the other hand, it increases the insurance fee for the shipment.
Next, after filling out, the sender puts his signature on each form. If among the items being sent there are items without valuation, then in the “declared value” column opposite them in the line there is a dash on each form. In this case, at the request of the sender, the valuation of the items may not be indicated on the copy of the inventory included in the mailing.
After filling out the attachment inventory forms, the postal worker must perform the following actions:
  • Compare the entries in both copies of the attachment inventory;
  • Compare the correspondence of the address and the name of the addressee indicated in the inventory and on the address side of the envelope (address label) of the postal item;
  • Compare the items being sent with the entries in the inventory;
  • Check the correspondence of the total amount of investments, from the inventory, with the amount of the declared value of the postal item. The amount of the declared value of the postal item must be identical to the total value of all investments indicated in the inventory;
  • Put a calendar stamp on both copies of the investment inventory and sign for them;
The first copy of the attachment inventory is placed on top of the attachment in the postal item and packed, the second copy is issued to the sender along with the receipt.
Service for checking the contents of parcels handed over by citizens and postal items with declared value handed over legal entities, may be paid.

There is a method for submitting a tax return (calculation) by a taxpayer (payer of a fee, tax agent) to the tax authority in the form of a postal item with a description of the attachment. Moreover, when sending a tax return (calculation) by mail on the day of her presentation The date of sending the postal item with a description of the attachment is considered.

The investment inventory form according to Form 107 is used in the following cases:

  1. a description of the attachments in the valuable letter;

    Note: For example, when sending a tax return by mail.

  2. a description of the contents in the parcel;
  3. an inventory of the contents of the parcel;

Postal item with declared value is sent to open form with a description of the attachment. In this case, the sender of a valuable letter, parcel or parcel is required to fill out two forms inventory of attachments f.107, which indicates:

  • name and postal address of the addressee;
  • name, number of items and the amount of their assessment.

The sender of a valuable letter with a tax return must put his signature on each copy of the inventory form. If among the items sent there are items without valuation, then in the column “declared value” a dash is placed next to their name on each inventory form. At the request of the sender, the valuation of the items may not be indicated on the copy of the attachment inventory included in the mail item.

When the inventory forms according to form 107 are completed, the postal worker is obliged to:

  • compare entries in both copies of the inventory;
  • compare the correspondence of the address and the name of the addressee indicated in the inventory and on the address side of the shell (address label) of the registered postal item (RPO);
  • compare the items being sent with the entries in the inventory;
  • check the compliance of the total value of investments indicated in the inventory with the amount of the declared value of the RPO. The amount of the declared value of the RPO must be equal to the total value of all investments indicated in the inventory;
  • put a calendar stamp on both copies of the inventory and sign them;
  • insert the first copy of the inventory on top of the attachment in the RPO and pack it, give the second copy to the sender along with the receipt.

If you send a parcel with a description of the contents of parcels, as well as according to RPO with declared value, handed over by legal entities, a fee will be charged.

The sender determines the value of each item independently. The cost of the inventory items affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of the shipment, but the higher the cost of the items, the higher the cost of the shipping insurance fee will be. The sum of items can be made zero by placing a dash.

Cost of sending a valuable letter with a list of attachments

Forwarding a valuable letter with a list of attachments with a document cost of 10 rubles weighing 20 grams it will cost 120-170 rubles in Russia.

List of attachments for 3-NDFL when sent by mail

TIN 770012345678,
Alexander Sergeevich Ivanov
Address: 145147, Moscow,
12th Slesarnaya St.,
59, bldg. 12, apt. 409


1. Tax return 3-NDFL for 2013 on 8 (eight) pages – 1 copy.
2. A copy of the income certificate in form 2-NDFL on 1 (one) page - 1 copy.
3. Application for the return of personal income tax, excessively withheld by the employer in connection with
providing a property deduction from the beginning of the year, on 1 (one) page –
1 copy.

04/22/2014 A.S. Ivanov