How to block messages in Odnoklassniki. Disabling access to unwanted commentators

Today we will try to figure out how to block a person on Odnoklassniki. Honestly, the meaning here may change depending on our idea. Or we are talking about a black list, or completely blocking a user’s access to all profiles (including his own). So let's look at both options.

What is "ignore"

But before blocking a person on Odnoklassniki, it’s worth talking about what we’ll be dealing with today. After all, it is always important to know what we will encounter. This is the only way to take control of the whole situation.

A blacklist is a kind of ignoring of a particular user. That is, regarding social networks, this means that the contact listed there will not be able to visit your profile. In addition, he will lose the ability to write messages to you, as well as view your personal information. Instead, he will be shown a blacklist message. It’s very convenient when someone is really pestering you on the Internet. Let's see how to block a person in Odnoklassniki.

Adding to "Emergency"

Well, now we should take a closer look at our question for today. The thing is that there is a small number of rules that must be followed when blacklisting a person. It is not very difficult, but nevertheless, without this you will not be able to implement your idea.

The first thing that is necessary in order to answer how to block a person in Odnoklassniki is the presence of a working personal account V social network. That is, without authorization you will not be able to access the site's functions. In principle, this is an obvious fact.

The second interesting point is the presence of at least one message from the user you plan to “ignore”. In this and only in this case, it will be possible to think about how to block a friend in Odnoklassniki. Once you are sure that you want to deny the user access to your profile, you can get started.

To get started, log in. Ready? Then go to your messages and take a close look at the letters from our “victim”. There will be an inscription “Block” next to the avatar. Select the person with a tick, and then click on this button. That's all. The user will no longer bother you. True, there is another rather interesting point. Let's talk it over.

Full blocking

Now it’s worth talking to you about how to block access to Odnoklassniki for a particular user, including his own profile. That is, we will, as it were, “cut off” him from the social network. It is worth noting right away that this is not a particularly simple matter. However, sometimes it can be done in the shortest possible time.

In general, to completely ban visiting a social network, we will need to prove that the user is a fraudster or an unscrupulous person. Burglar, hacker, "inadequate" - whatever. If there are many complaints about him, then the site administration will definitely “ignore” him. Thus, if you are thinking about how to block a person on Odnoklassniki once and for all, gather a group of acquaintances (large, very large) and collectively start sending regular complaints about the profile you have chosen. Quite a long and unreliable method.


Here's another method that may help. It's about about account theft or hacking. The thing is that this method is often used by scammers. If you want to block someone’s access to a social network, then you simply need to hack it.

If you know the basics of programming, you can try to do it yourself. Otherwise, the best thing to do would be to download a program that supposedly expands the capabilities of Odnoklassniki, and then install it on the victim’s computer. As soon as the user enters his username and password into it, he will be hacked. That's all. Now you know how to block a person on Odnoklassniki in every sense.

You can make many friends on the Odnoklassniki social network. When you add people to yourself, sometimes you don’t think about the consequences. And then annoying messages, unpleasant offers or spam begin to pour into your page. How to stop an unpleasant “friend” from bothering you anymore? How can you make it so that he can no longer write to you what you absolutely don’t want to read?


  • Go to your account and under the line where your name is written large, there is a whole list of clickable buttons, find the “friends” button there.

    Click on it with your mouse. A list of friends will open with photos or avatars, if any. Even if they are not there, your friend's name or nickname will still be there.

  • Find someone you want to block. If you have a lot of friends, you can speed up the search by entering his name in the box above the photos that says “search among friends.” This is the fastest and convenient search, because you can have more than one hundred people as friends. By clicking on the “find” button there, the person you are looking for will immediately appear, and you will not need to look through all your friends yourself. Although often the search starts automatically while typing a name.
  • Hover your mouse over his photo or avatar. A list of actions that can be taken regarding this person will open. Select “end friendship” at the very bottom of the list; this is the place where you should click. After this, a window will appear confirming your actions, click on “Yes” and the person will be immediately removed from your friends list.
  • Go to the messages section of the page and find the person you just deleted from your friends list. Open the conversation. At the top of the green field, after his name, you will see a small icon in the form of a crossed out letter “o”. Hover your mouse over it and the “block” message will pop up. Click on the icon and block it. Confirm your action by clicking on “yes” after the confirmation window pops up again.
  • If you don’t want to remove him from your friends list, but only block correspondence with him, then it will be enough to “end your friendship with him.” His messages will be blocked, but he himself will remain on your friends list. If you wish, you can always return it back, add it as a friend again, and unblock all correspondence. Everything is very easy and convenient. Block those who bother you on Odnoklassniki and prevent you from having a pleasant conversation.
  • In today's article you will learn several ways to add a person to your blacklist in Odnoklassniki if he is not a friend or a friend. If you are an active user of social networks, then you have probably encountered users with whom you did not want to communicate. And you are very lucky if you managed to resolve this issue by simply asking the unwanted interlocutor not to bother you anymore.

    But sometimes you come across completely abnormal people who refuse to stop communicating. Also, do not forget about spam bots, which will silently ignore your requests, flooding your mail with tons of spam. The best solution in such a situation, the user will be added to the blacklist, and therefore this article will discuss how to block a person on Odnoklassniki forever.

    A person who is encountering the user blocking procedure for the first time may experience logical question: “What does this blocking actually do?” Once a user is blacklisted in Odnoklassniki, he will not be able to do the following:

    1. Write comments to your posts.
    2. Send messages to your email.
    3. Post on your wall.
    4. View photos from your albums.
    5. Send you gifts.

    That is, in essence, by adding someone to the blacklist on Odnoklassniki, you deprive him of the opportunity to somehow contact you through this social network. Such a radical approach to this issue helps completely, insults and various types of spam.

    How to block someone on Odnoklassniki forever

    Now that we have discussed the nuances of blocking users, and you are convinced that this solution to the problem suits you, you can proceed directly to the blocking process. By the way, there is far more than one way to block a person on Odnoklassniki; to be more precise, there are as many as seven of them. Let's discuss each of them separately.

    In Group

    The first option is blocking through a group in Odnoklassniki in which you are an administrator or leader. In this way, you will not be able to add a person to the blacklist of your profile, but you will add him to the blacklist of the group, and he will no longer be able to interact with it in any way until you unblock him yourself. If you are interested this procedure, then to do this you need to do the following:

    After this, the user will be removed from your group and will no longer be able to join it, at least from the same profile. Along with him, you can also delete all his posts and comments; to do this, in the menu where you indicate the reason for blocking, select the item “ delete all topics and user comments”, and next to indicate for what period.

    How to block a person if he is not a friend: blocking guests

    In Odnoklassniki, you have the opportunity to block not only friends and subscribers, but also just people who visited your page. If you want to prevent any user from visiting your page again, do the following:

    This way you can block a person if he is not a friend and at the same time he will receive the same restrictions that were written about at the beginning of the article.

    How to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki if he is a friend

    If you want to block a person who is your friend, then there are two types of blocking. The first is blocking news coming from it; for this you need:

    1. Among your news, find any post by this user.
    2. Click on the cross to the right of it.
    3. In the menu that appears, select “ Hide all events and discussions”.

    This method will allow you to get rid of the news of this user, but at the same time remain friends with him.

    If you want to completely block a user, then you need to do the following:

    1. First, go to his profile.
    2. Then open the popup menu by clicking on the image three points right below the photo.
    3. Here select “ Remove from friends”.
    4. After you stop being friends with this user, enter the same menu again and select “ Block”.

    After this, the user will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to interact with you through this social network.

    Blocking via comments

    You can also block the person who leaves nasty comments on your posts. Here's how to do it:

    After this, the comment will be deleted and the user will be blocked.

    Banned for bad grades

    In addition to bad comments, bad ratings for photos can also be a reason for being added to the black list on Odnoklassniki. If any user deliberately underestimates the ratings for your photos, then you can respond to him as follows:

    1. In events, find the rating given by this user.
    2. Hover your mouse over it, two options will appear “ Remove rating" And " Block user”.
    3. Choose the second one and press “ Block”.

    There is no need to delete the rating manually after this, since when the user is blocked, all his ratings will also be lost.

    Blocking via correspondence

    If someone sends you letters whose content you do not like, you can block him at any time, simultaneously complaining to the administration.

    After this, the administration will most likely decide to block the page in Odnoklassniki, and this user will no longer be able to use it. The Odnoklassniki administration is extremely strict about insults and spam, and therefore they almost always ban people for these offenses.

    Blocking a person via support

    Another option on how to block a person on Odnoklassniki forever is to contact support. This option the longest, but very reliable. To bring your problem to the attention of the administration, do the following:

    In addition to the options described above, there is another way to block a person on Odnoklassniki. It is suitable for blocking absolutely any user: your friend, guest, or even a person who has never visited your page. However, you cannot block people in this way simply because you do not want them to have access to your page; you will need to indicate the reason for blocking. If you have valid reasons for blocking, here's what you need to do:

    Using this method, you can not only add a user to the blacklist of your account, but also completely block his page (of course, if the reason for your complaint is confirmed). In this way, you can even block an unlucky user via your phone; the button is still there.

    This method is especially convenient because it is suitable for blocking any user, even one whose page you are seeing for the first time. But there are situations when just looking through user pages, you come across those that are really worth complaining about. And now you know what to do in such a situation.

    By the way, when sending a complaint against someone, you don’t have to add him to the blacklist. To do this, you just need to remove the bird next to the “ add this person to the “black list” in the window where you indicate the reason for blocking.

    What does a person blocked in Odnoklassniki see?

    If suddenly you are interested in how your page is displayed for a user you have blocked, despite the fact that you yourself have never found yourself “on the other side of the barricades,” then now you have a chance to find out.

    At the beginning of the article, it was already reported what functions are blocked by being blacklisted: sending letters and comments, giving ratings and viewing photos. And therefore in general appearance your page will not change after blocking, however, all your photos will disappear from it, and instead of them there will be standard icons, as if you had not added a photo. When trying to write something, the user will receive a corresponding notification that he is on the black list.

    How to find a blocked person in classmates

    Essentially, there are two ways to find a person blocked in Odnoklassniki.

    If you are looking for a person whose access to your page has been blocked, you can find him on the blacklist. To open it, you need to do the following:

    All users to whom you have blocked access to your page will be listed here.

    If you are looking for a person whose page was completely blocked on a social network, then the only way do this - the user's posts and friends. Blocked pages disappear from the search, but remain in friends' lists; all comments and letters sent by the user also remain, by which you can find his page. Although this is useless - there you will only find a notification that the page has been blocked. The only reason why you might need to look for it is to check whether the user is blocked or not.

    How to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki: video

    How to unblock a person in Odnoklassniki from the blacklist

    If at any point you decide that you made a mistake blocking a user, there is a way to unblock them back.

    That's all, after this the user will be unblocked again full access to your page.

    This article is written to help you find out everything possible ways, how to block a person on Odnoklassniki forever, and also how to unblock him back after that. This function social networks were created with the goal of making your time on it more comfortable, so don’t hesitate to use it whenever someone tries to ruin this time for you.

    The widespread use of social networks has increased the number of users of such sites. There are both good and bad people. They can be annoying with their messages, comments, give bad ratings, etc. Sooner or later, every user has a question about how to block a person in Odnoklassniki. Read on for detailed instructions.

    What does blocking do?

    A visitor who is blacklisted is deprived of the opportunity to write messages to you, comment on publications, view photo albums, or send gifts. This radical method helps to get rid of overly annoying product advertising, rudeness, and insults.

    There are several ways to block a user in Odnoklassniki, each of which will help make life on the site easier.

    Blocking unwanted messages and advertising mailings

    • You can stop sending messages by following these steps:
    • Go to the messages section. Click on the sender's photo.
    • At the top right, click on “More” and select “Block”.
    • Confirm your action.

    After completing a simple procedure, you can permanently stop receiving unwanted messages.

    Blocking guests

    Disabling the ability for certain users to access your page is done as follows:

    • Go to the "Guests" section.
    • Point your mouse at the person you don't want to see as a guest.
    • In the pop-up window, click “Block”.
    • Confirm your action.

    The person can no longer access your page.

    Disabling access to unwanted commentators

    Delete offensive comment and you can prohibit their further publication like this:

    • Go to your discussions tab.
    • Find a discussion.
    • There is a cross icon on the right. Click, check the box next to “Block author”, then click the delete button.

    This way, you can remove unwanted comments and completely disable the possibility of their further publication. The function works on a computer and from a phone.

    Banned for bad grades

    Some users deliberately give bad ratings for no reason. You can ban such people as follows:

    • Point to the rating.
    • A “Block User” and “Delete Rating” icon will appear.
    • Click to confirm the action.

    This way you can get rid of both the person and the assessment.

    How to block a friend in Odnoklassniki

    There are 2 types of blocking for friends. The first concerns the display of their news in the feed. You can click on the icon on the right and select “Hide user news”. This way you will remain friends, but you will not see posts.

    You can completely ban a friend only by deleting him from friends, then clicking “Block” under the profile avatar.


    Having learned how to block a person in Odnoklassniki, you will no longer have problems with unwanted messages, ratings and comments. If one of the users is interfering, feel free to block to make spending time on the social network pleasant and calm.

    In the social network Odnoklassniki, as in other networks, not all people are equally useful to other users. They create false accounts to tarnish another person's reputation or to fraudulently obtain money or personal information. Of course, finding such people on a social network and having close contact with your account are not at all desirable things. How to block a page in Odnoklassniki for such a user? How to protect your profile from unwanted visits or completely remove her from Odnoklassniki?

    Ways to block other users

    First, let's highlight methods of how you can block someone else's page on Odnoklassniki. There are several of them.

    • Adding a person to the blacklist;
    • Contacting the site support service.

    Now let's look at each account blocking option in detail.

    Adding a user to the blacklist. In fact, this method is much simpler than contacting support, but it protects against harmful influences only your account. And a letter in support completely frees the network from a harmful user.

    • To block a user with a blacklist, you need to go to his profile on a social network.
    • Under the avatar or place for the photo we find the desired button, which is labeled "other actions".
    • After clicking on other actions, you should select “Complain”.
    • Then check the checkbox (check the box) to add this user to the blacklist.
    • That's all! Now the selected person will not be able to view your profile, and therefore will not be able to cause any harm to you. A person cannot comment on your posts, send you messages, rate your photos - nothing!
    • Using mobile app or by going to mobile version site, you can also block a person.
    • The complaint button is still located in the profile of the person we don’t want.
    • Also, through the complaint button, you can transmit information about the negative actions of this account to the site administration.

    Now let's look at the second option for blocking a person.

    Contacting site support. How can you block a person on a social network using this method? Let's do this together step by step.

    • First of all, look for “Help” on the screen. It is located at the top or bottom of the screen.
    • By clicking on help, we look for the item with useful information, which is at the bottom of the page.
    • Then you need to click on “Contact Support”, and then click on the link that opens the request window - this button is underlined to make it easier to find.
    • Further - easier. Fill in all fields of the support request, indicate the reason, subject, your email for feedback and specifically describe the problem indicating complete information about the offender and his actions.

    This is how you can contact the support service of the Odnoklassniki website.

    Protecting your Odnoklassniki page

    There is a proven method to protect your profile from unwanted visitors. At the same time, your friends will be able to work normally with your account, But it will be hidden from other users. What do we have to do?

    • On your Odnoklassniki page, under your avatar, click on the close profile button. It has an icon of an unlocked padlock.
    • After which you will be asked to pay the cost of this service.
    • Yes, security costs money these days, even on social networks.
    • On the other hand, by paying a small one-time amount, you can forever enjoy the absence of influence of unwanted users on your own page.

    If you are completely tired of constant troubles with your profile, then there is a radical way to block the Odnoklassniki page - this is deletion.

    • A request to delete your account can be sent to site support.
    • Instructions on how to find the application form are outlined above. There you will need to perform a lot of actions, but there is an easier way.
    • Another way is this. At the bottom of your profile, look for the “Regulations” button. Because the feed automatically scrolls, you can use page search.
    • Under license agreement site you will find a button to refuse services.

