How to archive a file in zip. How to Zip a File in Windows

Using the program WinRAR. Let's now look at two more features of this program - archiving a file in parts, and creating a self-extracting archive.

Archiving a file in parts

If the file is large and it is impossible to transfer it due to size limitations of mail or a file hosting service, then you can split it into parts, more precisely, into several archives, and transfer these archives.

In the WinRAR program you can do archiving in parts. Let's do this now.

To archive files you will need WinRAR archiver installed. If you don’t have it, you can download the archiver from the link at the beginning of the article.

In the window My computer , or in the program Total Commander, right-click on the file that you want to archive in parts, and select the item in the context menu WinRAR - Add to archive . If you have an English version of the archiver, then you need to select Add to archive .

A window appears Archive name and parameters , in which you open the tab Are common, if it is not already open by default. In the English version of the archiver this tab is called General .

At the bottom, find the window under the item. In the English version the inscription will be Split to volumes, bytes .

In this window, enter the size of the parts into which your file will be divided.

For example, if you have a file of 6GB in size, and you need to split it into archives of 600 MB each, that is, into 10 archives, then enter the number 629145600 in the box, since 600 MB is equal to exactly this number of bytes: 1 MB is equal to 1024 KB, and 1KB is equal to 1024 bytes.

Now press the button OK. That's all, the file is archived and will be placed in several archives. The names of these archives will be the same as the name of the source file, with the addition of a dot ending: .part1, .part2, .part3 and so on.

You can safely transfer these archives, or keep them for yourself.

Combining them into one file is also very simple. Place all these archives in one folder, and unzip any of them. You don't need to unzip them all, just one is enough. All the parts will then come together, and you will have a complete file.

Self-extracting archive

You've probably seen some archives that you could double-click on to automatically unarchive them? There is no need to right-click and look for unzipping items. You don’t even need to have the program itself - an archiver for unpacking. Everything is inside such an archive.

The self-extracting archive has the extension exe. To extract such an archive, you double-click on it with the left mouse button, and in the window that appears, select the location where this archive will be unpacked.

If the destination folder is left as default, the archive will be unpacked into the same folder where it is located, which is very convenient.

Now let's figure out how to create such an archive. Everything is very simple. In folder My computer , or in the program Total Commander, right-click on the file or folder that you want to archive, and then select WinRAR - Add to archive .

Naturally, you must have WinRAR installed. Next, put a tick next to the item Create SFX archive , and press OK .

The abbreviation SFX stands for self-extracting, and is translated from English as self-extracting .

Upon completion of archiving, you receive this archive in the same folder where the original file or folder is located.

Self-extracting archive in parts

You can also archive the file in parts so that the first archive is self-extracting. This can be easily done by combining the method of archiving a file in parts with the method of creating a self-extracting archive.

Right-click on the file and select WinRAR - Add to archive , and in the window at point Divide into volumes of size (in bytes) specify the size of the archives. And on the right side, put a tick in front of the item Create SFX archive . Next click OK .

The self-extracting archive will be ready in parts.

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What is file archiving, why is it needed and how to create an archive. The archiving process simplifies data transfer and allows you to store much more information in limited space. Archiving is mainly necessary for long-term storage of information, as well as for transmitting a large amount of data over the network in the form of a single file - an archive. It is very common to archive files for mailing.

In this case, the speed of working with data is an order of magnitude higher, because the entire amount of information is transmitted in one large file, and confidentiality can additionally be ensured by passwords on the archives. Archiving is performed in several ways, the most popular of which will be discussed below.

How to archive using programs

Archiving using Windows

Operating systems of the Windows family allow the user to create ZIP archives from files and folders. To do this, go to the object’s context menu and select “Send” there. After this, in the drop-down menu you need to go to the “Compressed ZIP folder” item.

It is noteworthy that this name is typical for Windows 8, and in younger versions of the OS the text may be slightly different. When archiving is completed, the user will be able to select the name of the resulting file. Such an archive is ideal for transmission over the network, because... it can be opened freely by integrated system tools.

Archiving programs

Because The creation of archives has several functions; a number of archivers have been created. They create archives in their own formats with varying degrees of compression. Among such programs, it is worth highlighting the shareware WinRAR, as well as the free 7z and Total Commander.

How to archive a folder using WinRAR

Immediately after installing this utility, several new items appear in the context menu of any object, which begin like this: “Add to archive...”. Here you can simply create an archive in RAR, RAR5 and ZIP formats, and also send one of these archives by e-mail in a few clicks. For the convenience of users, quick creation options have been created: an archive with a name similar to the object in *.rar format and sending this archive by email.

Download Winrar(

How to zip a file using 7zip

The free 7zip archiver operates similarly to the previous program, only here it creates not several items in the context menu, but only one. It, however, has its own drop-down menu where you can create archives in *.7z and *.zip formats, immediately send them by mail, add files to existing archives and perform a number of other actions.

Download 7zip(

How to archive a folder with files using Total Commander

The popular file manager provides even more extensive archiving options. To start the process, you need to run total-commander in the first part, find and select the file or folder that needs to be added to the archive and press Alt+F5. After this, a new window will open where the user can set the format from a large number of available ones, as well as select archiving settings. Among the formats there are both popular (*.rar, *.7z and *.zip) and lesser known *.gz, *.tar and others.

Download total commander(

As you can see, the archiving process using system tools cannot fully reveal all the possibilities for creating an archive. For this purpose, a number of additional programs have been created that allow you to compress data and create archives in different formats.

I’m often asked: “How to send a file by email?” or vice versa, I ask someone to send me this or that file, and the person I ask has no idea how to do it...
Therefore, I decided to write this guide.
First, let's prepare a file that we will send by mail.
To do this, the file can be sent unpacked, i.e. as is, just attach the file to the letter, as an attachment, or packed in an archive...
If our file is small, then it can be sent without "Archiving", i.e. without compression...

If the file is large, it is better to pack it in "Archive", thanks to this, the file can become much smaller, which will speed up the transfer significantly.
Also, it must be said that today, some mail services do not allow sending executable files and many program library files. In the case of Windows, the executable file is .EXE - i.e. file-program, and .DLL - file-libraries (libraries can be not only dll files, but I won’t list them all). This approach of mail services is understandable, this is due to the fact that when transmitting such files, the latter can simply turn out to be viruses, Trojans and various similar nastiness... Therefore, mail servers, in order to avoid problems during the transmission of a letter, simply cut off the attached files that they consider it suspicious. This also applies to script files and files containing sets of commands, such as .BAT and .CMD...
Therefore, such files should be packed into an archive, and not just packed, but packed and protected with a password!
And also, a few words about packaging and archiving of files... Picture files, such as .JPG, .PNG, are almost not compressed during archiving, they can be packed into an archive only if you want to send a lot of files in a letter, and adding them all one by one is very “tedious”... Text files, on the contrary, are compressed very much when packed into an archive; it happens that after compression, the archive has approximately 30% of the original file size. In this case, it is better, of course, to pack the files, because... the size will decrease significantly.
This means that we have found out that packing files into an archive, i.e. should be archived:
— If we want to transfer many files, after packaging, we will need to add only one file, and not 20 or 30 for example...
— If we want to transfer text files, because... when packaging, the size is significantly reduced, and naturally, if we have a lot of these files, then it is much easier to add one file to the letter...
— If we want to transfer a program file, etc. — the file(s) need to be archived so that the mail server does not cut them off...
Also, we know that images like .JPG, .PNG should be archived only if we want to transfer several files, because these files almost do not lose size when packaged...
Now let's talk about everything in order...
How to archive files:

For example, I have prepared several text files that have a total size of 3.73 megabytes.
To pack files into an archive, we must have an archiver installed. Today the most common archiver is WinRar one minus of this program is that it is paid.
And the program 7-zip(official website of the program: this archiver is free, but less common.
Also, today, almost all operating systems support .ZIP archive files - this means that if you send a person a ZIP archive, he will simply be able to open it.
Now let's add the files to the archive. To do this, select the required group of files:

Click on them with the second (right) mouse button and select "Add to archive" (if you have some other archiver installed, the name of the menu item may differ).

The Add files to archive window will open:

In which we need to configure some parameters:
1 — Set the file name (to transfer files over the Internet, it is better to set names in Latin letters to avoid problems with encodings, etc.)
2 — Select the archive type (we already talked about this)
3 - Set the compression level (the stronger the compression, the smaller our archive file will be)
4 - Press the button OK to create an archive.
Here is the dialog of the archiver program 7-zip:

As you can see in the picture, almost everything is the same, well, yes, they are called a little differently, but in principle, it’s easy to understand...
After packaging, we now have an archive file that is only 31.6 kilobytes in size, down from 3.73 megabytes!

Now, how to set a password for the archive:
WinRar— To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, go to the tab "Additionally" and press the button "Set password".

A password setting dialog will open:

In which both fields should be filled in, i.e. password field and password confirmation field and click the button OK.
7-zip— To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, fill in two fields, naturally the password and password confirmation:

After that, we carry out all the related settings, as described above.
Well, that's it, we've sorted out the packaging, let's now move on directly to sending the file by mail...
Adding a file to a letter.
Now, we need to figure out some things... In what way do we use mail - through some mail program or through web interface, i.e. by going through a browser to the mail server website, enter your data there, etc. (a browser is a program that you use to view Internet sites)
If you use Web Interface, then go to your mail account...
Create a new letter. (I will show as an example how this is done on servers google, And yandex)
And after you write the text of the letter, if of course you need it, click:

Link "Attach file"- V google

button "Attach file"- V

button "Attach file"- V yandex

After which, you will see a file selection dialog:

In which you need: - specify the path to the file, i.e. go to the folder in which you store files for transfer, or in which you created the archive. Select the desired file and click on the button Open.
After which, the file will be uploaded to the mail server and added to the letter:

If you need to add any more files, then click on the “Attach file” button or link again, and actually do everything that was described above...

Actually, that’s all, after creating a letter and adding an attached file, click on the send button and send the letter...
Now let's look at how to do all this through email programs. For example, I will talk about the two most common email programs, these are The Bat! And Microsoft Outlook.
First about Microsoft Outlook.
As in the case of the Web Interface, create a new letter, enter the addressee, subject, text of the letter...

Attach file

(in older versions this button is located in a different location)

In the same way, you can add several more files if necessary...
Now about "The Bat!"
As in all previous cases, we create a new letter, enter the addressee, subject, text of the letter...
To add a file, click the button Attach file

After which we will have an attachment file:

In the same way, you can add several more files if necessary...
That's it, to send the letter, click the send button...
Using this guide, you will be able to send files through most Mail Servers, using their Web Interface and Most Mail Programs... Because. almost everywhere, these functions are very similar, almost always, named the same and located in the expected places.
In many email programs, at the time of creating a letter, you can add attachments by simply dragging the files into the editing window of the new letter. (as from folder to folder).

In this article I will tell you how to simply and effectively archive any of your files, Can archive music, archive photos or yours documentation and much more.

What we will consider:

  1. Archiving programs
  2. Installation and launch

Archiving a file is the process of converting information stored in a file into a form that reduces redundancy in its presentation and, accordingly, requires less memory for storage. In this case, it is possible to block access to information packed in the archive with a password.

Not all files are archived Fine. Media files have virtually no effect when archived. Text documents, on the contrary, are compressed significantly.

1. Archiving programs

In fact, there are a lot of archiving programs, but today we will consider only the most popular programs, namely WinRar, and 7-zip.

Well, let’s directly look at how you can archive files using Windows.

  • WinRAR – Paid program, there is a trial period for 40 days.
  • – Analogue of WinRar, absolutely free
  • 7-zip – Free program

2. Installation and launch

First you need to download the WinRar and 7-zip programs, and of course install them.

For example, I will choose more popular file formats, let's see which file will compress better.

To compress all the files that are in a folder, you need to select them, you can use Ctrl + A, right-click, it will open me - Add to archive.

To compress all the files that are in a folder, you need to select them, RMB and it will open me - there will be a program icon and Add to Archive...

7- zip

We open the program, it is located in the standard Start location - 7-zip, or in Windows 8 in all programs.

Archiving with the necessary settings

After you click “Add to archive”, the program itself will open in front of you with the name of the archive and additional settings.

Delete files after archiving - everything is clear here. You will only have the archive, and the original files will be deleted
Create SFX archive - creates a self-extracting archive with the .exe extension. A compact unpacker is added to this archive. To run or unzip, you do not need to have the archiver installed on your computer. Simply launch the archive and select the unpacking location. Convenient if you are not sure whether the archiver is installed on your partner’s computer.
Create solidarchive (Create a continuous archive) - allows you to get a higher compression ratio than with a regular archive - this is a +. In this case, the archived files are treated as one data stream. Disadvantages of continuous archives: when extracting one file or changing an archive, you will have to rebuild the entire archive and the process will take longer than when working with a regular archive. If any file in the archive turns out to be broken, it will not allow all the following files to be unpacked normally.

him files. In this case, it is recommended to add recovery information.
Add recovery record - if the archive turns out to be broken for some reason, you can use it to try to recover the information. When you select this option on the tab, you can additionally set the amount of information to be restored as a percentage. The more, the greater the chance of recovering the archive as a result of unexpected failures.
Test archived files (Test files after packaging) - if testing is successful, then you will most likely receive a working archive. The option goes well with deleting files after archiving, since the original files will be deleted only after the archive has been successfully verified.
Lock archive - the archive is locked for changing or adding any files to it
Compression method – from minimum to maximum.
Set password – Password for more secure data storage from prying eyes.

Let's set all the settings for maximum compression.

Before compression After

As you can see, the reduction by 1.2 MB was not impressive.

Let's try archive every file separately and see which one shrinks the most.

As you can see, the most effective compressed file was TEXT, 1.2 MB, PDF compressed by 3 KB, media files did not give a positive result.

After you click “Add to Archive...” the program itself will open in front of you with the name of the archive and additional settings.

Delete files after archiving
Test archived files (Test files after packaging)
Create solid archive (Only for 7Z)
Pot each file to separate archive
Turn PC off when done
Compress and E-mail
Create SFX archive
File (Files to be compressed)
Algorithm (Compression algorithm)

The compression process is similar WinRar, compressed by HaoZip 1 MB more than WinRar.

7- zip

In the program explorer, select the files to be archived, hold down SHIFT or CTRL and select the required files with LMB, then click “Add”.

Archive format 7z
Compression level: ultra
LZMA2 compression method
Dictionary size 64 MB
Word size: 273
Block size: continuous
Number of threads: 2
Entering your password
Possibility to create SFX archive
Encryption method

After packing all the files, the archive lost weight by 2 MB compared to programs WinRar And HaoZip.

Compression by meansWINDOWS.

Select the necessary files, RMB – Send – Compressed ZIP folder

A quick and convenient way to make an archive of documents.

Many people create an archive not for the sake of compressing files, but for the sake of conveniently transferring large amounts of data via email or Cloud service.

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The most convenient way to send an entire folder of files by mail is to first compress it into an archive, thereby reducing the amount of data to be sent via the Internet and compactly placing all the files in one.

You can archive folders and files either using the ZIP archiver built into any version of Windows, or using third-party programs, the most popular of which are WinRAR and 7-ZIP.

The main advantage of the first method is that your recipient will be able to open a simple ZIP archive in any case, because it is supported by default on all versions of Windows. However, the degree of file compression will not be as high as when using third-party programs, which is important when sending a large file over the Internet.

When using third-party archivers, you can choose the compression level of the archive in order to reduce its size as much as possible. At the same time, it is worth remembering that a higher level of compression will lead to a longer process of archiving and subsequent unarchiving of files.

Archiving using Windows ZIP

To archive files and folders into a ZIP archive, there is no need to download and install third-party software. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps in Windows.

Select the desired file or folder and right-click to bring up the Windows context menu.

Select the “Send” menu item, and in the sub-menu that opens, select “Compressed ZIP folder”.

After this, the folder will be archived into an archive with the original name. After the archiving process is completed, it will appear in the same directory/folder as the source.

After this, you can safely send this archive by mail or transfer it using a flash drive or burn it to an archive DVD, etc.

Archiving using WinRAR/7-ZIP

If you need to send a large number of files, you may need stronger data compression than provided in a standard ZIP archiver. In this case, we recommend using popular archiver programs. We will demonstrate the archiving process using WinRAR as an example. You can download this program from the official website of the developer.

Select the localized version of WinRAR in Russian. If you don’t know the bitness of your system, choose 32 bit, it will work on any Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 system.

After installing the program, several new items will appear in the context menu.

Select the desired file or folder and right-click to open the Windows context menu, select “Add to archive...”.

The WinRAR archiving menu will open. To change the compression ratio of a file, select a compression method from “High Speed” to “Maximum”. The more thoroughly the program compresses the file, the longer this process will take, but the archive itself will be smaller in size.

You can also change the file name, select its format, or split it into several archives. If your recipient does not have this program installed, select the ZIP format.

If you do not want to make these settings for archiving, simply select “Add “archive name.rar” to archive”, in which case archiving will begin instantly, without additional settings, at the “Medium” compression level.

With all the advantages of this archiver, it is worth remembering that WInRAR is a shareware program. A month after installation, every time you start it will prompt you to purchase a full license. In this case, the archiver will remain fully functional. If you use the archiver only from time to time, you don’t need to purchase a license. You can also install a free archiver with no less wide functionality - this is 7-ZIP with