The quality of the digital television signal varies. The right antenna for receiving DVB T2 digital television at the dacha

Let's talk about the most common problems with receiving a terrestrial television signal on DVB-T2 set-top boxes. The page was created in response to the most frequently asked questions from our customers.

  • No signal
  • No reception
  • Noise, poor picture quality
  • Lack of some digital terrestrial television channels.
In almost all cases, the problems are on the consumer's side - cases of absence or problems with the signal on the part of the broadcaster, such as maintenance, are very rare, sometimes lasting several hours.

Electronic devices, unfortunately, also break down, just like antennas. Antennas installed on the roofs of houses are exposed to atmospheric conditions throughout the year, and sometimes for many years - frost, heat, snow and rain, and sometimes poor-quality or inaccurate installation can lead to moisture penetration into cables, splitters, amplifiers and the problem will appear at the most unexpected this moment.

Let's divide the problem into two parts:

  • There is a complete absence of a television signal - you don’t see the image, and of course you don’t hear anything.
  • interference, interruptions in broadcasting - that is, stopping the image displayed as “pixels - crumbling into cubes”, as well as the absence of some channels or the entire multiplex.
Complete absence of television signal

If reception is through a receiver, start by checking whether the signal from the receiver reaches the TV. To do this, just see whether the receiver menu is displayed on the TV screen. If there is no menu, this means that there is no connection between the tuner and TV and it is necessary check signal hdmi cable(or SCART).

Check if antenna on the spot. This is not a joke - bad installed antenna, an old mast can lead to the collapse of the structure, and an antenna mounted yesterday on a pipe may already be lying on the roof or under a neighbor’s balcony today. There are also cases of antenna theft or vandalism if the antenna is installed in an accessible location, such as on the roof of a multi-story building.

Check if it's correct antenna cable connected to tuner/TV. You may have forgotten to connect all the cables, or the cables may have become disconnected after cleaning the room or as a result of other physical impact.

Ask a neighbor, or call and ask them if everything is ok with their signal. If yes, and everything is in order with the antenna mast, as well as with the connections, then we look for the problem further.

Do you have an antenna with a booster, make sure that adapter alternating current connected, for example whether the LED is lit (if there is one at all) - if the LED is not lit, the power supply may not be connected to the network or may be damaged.

If everything is in order here, then the only option left is to replace the elements. Use, for example, a neighbor's or friend's tuner to check. The comparative method will always give an answer to where exactly the problem lies.

Interference, interruptions in broadcasting

The most common reasons for poor reception are incorrect installation of the antenna or the wrong location for its installation, as well as the use of low-quality components, such as cables, adapters, etc.

Antenna System Overview


If everything worked yesterday, but today it no longer works, then you should see the antenna itself - still present, the presence of all its parts, the connected cable. A common mistake is to isolate the amplifier/cable connection in plastic bags or cans, which supposedly should protect the device from water. But basically this causes the opposite effect - water gets in anyway, don’t forget at least about the condensation formed from temperature changes, and the insulation effectively leaves moisture in the middle. As a result, after a fairly short time, the joint will noticeably oxidize or even rot...

It is necessary to carefully check everything and, if necessary, repair or replace components.

Installing or changing antenna settings

Don't forget that your antenna must match the reception conditions. Due to dense buildings in cities, the signal is distributed very unevenly. Evaluate which antenna will be suitable for your receiving location.

In a nutshell:

External antenna- will definitely work better in most cases, can easily be directed towards the transmitting center, obtaining maximum signal quality. In the case of a large distance from the transmitting station, various signal quality amplification systems have been developed. But do not forget that the antennas are subject to various types of interference.

Indoor antenna- can be used if you live close to a transmitting station, optimally if you see it through a window, even if the distance is several kilometers. In other cases, the indoor antenna may not be enough for stable reception.

Our location- we must know where the nearest transmitting center is in order to install the antenna towards it. If you see it, you just need a directional antenna without an amplifier.

Antenna installation height- the higher the antenna is installed above the ground, the better. Preferably, of course, on the roof.

Indicators - signal power and quality

After connecting the installed antenna to the TV or receiver, check the signal level. Currently, almost every receiver has an indicator of signal level and quality in the menu.

Signal level is an indicator that determines the level at which the signal reaches us. If the signal level is low (typically less than 50%), the signal contains too much a large number of interference and it will be difficult for the receiver to receive it.

No less important indicator is signal quality. This parameter determines the "purity" digital signal, which reaches your antenna. If the signal strength is bad, or somewhere along the way there is a disruption in the data stream, a lot of errors will occur. If the number of such errors is small, the tuner is able to restore and give us high quality image and sound, if there are too many errors, we will see the image scattering into cubes - “pixels”, and we will also hear distortion of the sound, or the image display will completely stop. The minimum value for good signal quality is about 70% - below that there may be problems with reception.

More often, both parameters “go hand in hand” - that is, for example, a signal level of 80% quality is 95% and this result can be considered very good. It is worth noting that the picture and sound quality do not differ at 70%, 80% or even 100%. The image won't be sharper, the colors won't be better, and the whites won't be whiter, so you shouldn't fight for every percentage point to get to 100%.

Most common problems

Low signal level

The most common reason for poor reception is that the signal strength is too low. Most likely, the only solution is to fine-tune the antenna, or reinstall it in a different location or higher, where the signal level will be better, or use another, better antenna.

Too much high level signal

The reception problem may also be that the signal level is too high. Staying near the transmitter and installing a powerful amplifier on the antenna may cause interference or the inability to receive a signal. The easiest way to diagnose the problem is when the signal level indicator shows 100% and the quality indicator shows 0%. Therefore, you will probably have to abandon the amplifier or perhaps use an indoor antenna.


No less significant influence on the signal that enters your TV receiver has coaxial cable. An old cable that is cracked or already falling apart, or one purchased on the market of poor quality cheap cable An unscrupulous seller can also cause a decrease in the signal level or even its absence in the presence of a high-quality and correctly installed antenna.

Splitters and connectors

The quality and quantity of splitters and connectors affects the signal that reaches our TVs or receivers. Each of these passive components contributes to reducing the signal level. Regardless of the connection, especially on the external side can lead to rapid oxidation of the connections and, consequently, to a significant deterioration in signal level and quality. If possible, they should be installed minimal amount and of course good quality.


There are many transmitting devices operating simultaneously around us (and our antennas) - Cell phones, modems, routers, alarms, CB radios, radio relay lines, etc. Radio waves received from other frequency bands may cause interference to television reception. Interference can also be caused by devices that do not have a transmitter - microwave ovens, fluorescent lamps, electric motors, and even cars. This is why it is so important that the installation of the antenna be done with due diligence, otherwise careless installation will lead to poor performance of the receiving system, and, accordingly, to problems when watching TV channels.

Surely many Russian users Those interested in terrestrial television have already heard about the gradual transition to digital broadcasting throughout the country. Many TV viewers have no idea what needs to be done to switch to digital TV, whether they need to purchase optional equipment or not. In this material I will try to answer all the questions of users planning to use digital TV on their TVs, because the digital television standard thanks to information technology converted to new service for the viewer.

Advantages of digital TV and disadvantages of analogue

The main disadvantage of the analog signal is poor protection against interference, as well as a fairly wide band of the radio frequency spectrum required for broadcasting one channel. Therefore, on the air we were limited to a maximum of two dozen color channels, and on cable networks an average of 70. With an analog signal, it is quite difficult to create a service convenient for the user and operator (for example, to implement the ability quick connection and disabling channel packages). In addition, analog TV requires high power transmitters with a large coverage area.

A digital signal does not have these disadvantages. The main advantage of digital TV is that the signal can be compressed using modern algorithms(eg MPEG). By compressing the signal in the frequency range of one analogue television channel, you can fit up to 10 digital channels with approximately the same picture quality. Exactly how to encode and compress a signal is determined by a single standard. Today in Europe and Russia the main family of standards is DVB - a product of the international consortium DVB Project. The family includes standards for satellite, terrestrial, cable and mobile television, differing in the degree of compression, noise immunity and other parameters (depending on the transmission medium used).

Advantages of digital TV

  • noise immunity, compression capability;
  • improving picture quality (digital signal is less sensitive to interference than analog);
  • a larger number of over-the-air channels compared to analogue broadcasting.

World digital TV standards

In America, the ATSC standard, developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee group, is widespread, in Japan ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) is rapidly developing, Russia has followed the European path, adopting the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) standard as a basis.

Let's go digital

Mass transition to digital standards television broadcasting happened in the world in the early 2000s. In our country, government broadcast channels began the transition to digital in 2009 as part of federal program“Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015.” As a uniform standard digital broadcasting DVB-T2 was chosen, which allows more digital channels to be placed on the frequency band than its predecessor DVB-T, but this does not mean an increase in the resolution of the broadcast picture. We should expect HD quality on air only in the distant future. Today, DVB-T2 transmitters operate almost throughout the country. In some places, only the first multiplex (package of 10 digital channels) is currently on; in other areas, the second is already available. This means that if you have an appropriate TV or an additional set-top box, you can receive and watch 20 channels for free in decent quality and almost without interference. Development program digital television in Russia it means updating only distribution and transmission equipment. Viewers have to think about replacing receivers on their own, because to receive a digital terrestrial television signal you need TV tuner DVB standard-T2, and a similar one is provided only in . To receive a signal with older devices, TV viewers will have to purchase and install a set-top box at home.

Video compression formats in the DVB standard

DVB standard- is not Full description digital television format, but a method for a specific broadcast implementation. Various video encoding systems can be used within this standard (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, etc.), but not all of them are backward compatible. The most common compression formats are MPEG-2 ( best quality pictures) and MPEG-4 (has better compression). Russian digital TV will use MPEG-4 compression. TVs that support the MPEG-4 standard can also work with MPEG-2, but not vice versa, since MPEG-2, in turn, is used by cable operators who are not limited in frequency band and the picture compressed with this codec is much higher quality.

Analog antenna or satellite dish?

The principle of operation from a satellite dish. You need to buy and install a set of signal receiving equipment: a dish, an access card satellite channels and a set-top box (satellite receiver), which ensures the transformation of the received digital signal into an analogue one that is understandable to the TV. Satellite receiver - this is a device that provides transformation of a signal from DVB (various decoding systems) into a format perceived by a household TV. You can connect a cable operator’s wire or a conventional antenna to such a set-top box. terrestrial television. Intermediate equipment may not be needed, since many modern televisions support the standard DVB-T, which means it is compatible with MPEG-4 compression and does not require a special antenna to receive the digital signal.

In order not to change the TV, there is an alternative - CAM module. It is a kind of expansion card that is inserted into the TV and gives it the functionality of a set-top box, but to use this component the TV must have a CAM interface. I will tell you more about the CAM module in the section on digital cable TV.

Satellite platforms officially operating in Russia use DVB-S standards and DVB-S2. For reception, you need a correctly installed antenna (the diameter of which depends on the geographical location of the subscriber and the selected satellite), a receiver with with a valid card access and TV.

DVB-T2 - a new standard for digital television

DVB-T2 standard- this is the second generation of the European digital terrestrial standard DVB-T broadcasting. It is designed to improve the capacity of television networks by at least 30% compared to DVB-T with the same network infrastructure and frequency resources.

Advantages of the DVB-T2 standard:

  • increasing the number of channels in the broadcast package;
  • the possibility of organizing “local” broadcasting;
  • possibility of television development high definition;
  • release of ethereal frequencies.

The use of the DVB-T2 standard in subscriber devices creates technological basis for provision through digital terrestrial television networks additional services and HDTV. In the future it is possible to introduce a new interactive technology, thanks to which the capabilities of a conventional TV will become an analogue of Smart TV. So when buying a TV, pay attention to support for the DVB-T2 standard.

Image resolution in digital television

A regular television signal is "standard definition" ( Standard Definition,SD), there is also an improved quality signal option ( "increased clarity") - 480p, 576p, 480i or 576i. The number indicates the number of pixels in height, and the letter indicates the scan type - interlaced (i) or progressive (p). The number of pixels in width depends on the aspect ratio of the picture, which leads to the existence of several more types of high-definition signal. There are at least four SD options in modern analog TV. If your TV has DVB-T support, there will be no compatibility problems. Cable and satellite operators, as a rule, offer one or another version of the “high-definition” image. IN currently The DVB-T standard is considered obsolete and has been replaced by DVB-T2. In Russia, digital broadcasting is carried out in DVB-T2 standard with support for MPEG4 video compression standard and Multiple PLP mode.

High Definition Television ( High Definition TV, HDTV) – best quality at the moment. HDTV comes in two flavors - 1080i and 720p. The 720p format has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and progressive scan, and the 1080i format has an image resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with interlaced scanning. Formally, the number of pixels in a 720p image is two times less than in 1080i, but in 720p a whole frame is formed in one pass, and in 1080i half. 1080i is more suitable for video with a minimum of movement and maximum detail, while 720p is the opposite, for this reason there is no need to compare them.

Digital cable television

In parallel with the transformation of terrestrial television, cable operators are also thinking about optimizing the frequency spectrum and developing services. In the cable television industry, a typical development path is to launch broadcasts in DVB-C format(DVB standard version for cable networks, is characterized by a lower degree of compression and lower noise immunity compared to the terrestrial standard, which is quite acceptable in a “cable”). When switching to digital, operators have the opportunity to flexibly manage content, for example, allocating channel packages, opening and closing access to them for users, etc. To decrypt encrypted channels on the subscriber’s side, so-called access cards are used. Each encoding system has its own, but the standard provides a universal connector for connecting a CAM module to a TV or set-top box for a specific type of encoding, into which an access card is already installed.

Like DVB-T2, the cable version of digital TV supports high-definition content (HD). But it is up to each operator to decide whether or not to include HD channels on their network. It should be noted that almost all cable networks in Russia, where digital television has been launched, offer HD channels. Some even experimented with 3D channels.

Equipment for receiving DVB-T2 and DVB-C

To view a digital signal from cable networks, you need equipment that accepts the appropriate standard. TVs and set-top boxes with DVB-C support went on sale back in 2007, so if you have changed your TV receiver in the last few years, then you most likely have support for the cable version of the DVB standard. Ideally, to connect to cable digital television, the owner of such a TV only needs to purchase a CAM module from the operator and install an access card there. But since each operator determines its own policy for the operation of the service, CAM modules are sometimes not offered, and then subscribers need to purchase an intermediary device - a set-top box with system support conditional access(COURT) used by the operator. Most often, such devices are “tailored” for only one VAT.

If cable operator offers HD channels, the equipment must also accept HD resolution to view them. In general, support for DVB-C (DVB-T/T2) does not at all mean support for Full HD (picture resolution 1920x1080 pixels for both TVs and set-top boxes). The situation is similar with 3D channels.

The fact that a TV supports the cable version of the DVB standard does not mean that it also decodes the over-the-air digital version. Deliveries of equipment with DVB-T2 support to our country began only in 2012. So we can say with confidence that if your TV was purchased earlier, then it will not “understand” the DVB-T2 standard. Cable set-top boxes also rarely accept DVB-T2. If your TV device does not allow you to receive terrestrial “digital” by default, you do not have to change it. You can limit yourself to purchasing a set-top box for DVB-T2. Digital TV tuners of this standard Available in various designs, including compact accessories for tablets and computers with a USB connector.

Television over the Internet

An Internet channel is also used to transmit a digital television signal between the telecom operator and the viewer’s TV. Globally, network television projects can be divided into IPTV and OTT. Although OTT is a type of IPTV, they are usually considered as different services. It is generally accepted that IPTV is a service within the operator’s network that provides broadcast of channels in real time, and OTT (Over The Top) is any video service (not only broadcast of channels, but also cinema, that is, video on demand) provided via the Internet . Many common operator platforms support both options within the same service, so it makes no sense to talk about a strict separation of IPTV and OTT.

Equipment for IPTV or OTT

At the moment, TV manufacturers have not yet agreed on a single standard for IPTV (OTT) services. Therefore, while viewers are forced to choose between several available options watching TV over the Internet:

  • – operators provide applications to connect to the service. It is important that you cannot use here third party solution: The only one who can release such a program for this particular network is the operator providing the service.
  • – ability to connect to IPTV TV is determined by the presence of connectors for connecting a set-top box. The cost of such devices, however, is slightly higher than that of broadcast consoles. There are even universal devices that work in networks different operators(reconnection may require changing the gadget's firmware, but at least not purchasing new equipment), as well as those acting as a home media center (for example, Dune HD).
  • watching channels on a computer – Often the “computer” package is smaller and you can rarely find HD channels there.
  • television on mobile devices.

Note that IPTV can broadcast HD, 3D and even channels. But to view them you need a set-top box and TV that support these standards and resolutions.

TV on mobile devices

Idea mobile television became widespread when combining high-speed mobile Internet and IPTV. Its advantage compared to terrestrial, cable and satellite digital standards is that potentially a television signal can be received not only on specially produced devices, but also using any mobile device, including a smartphone or tablet. This is what many telecom operators who have previously launched IPTV (OTT) projects take advantage of. To work with encoded content, telecom operators release applications for mobile gadgets. Moreover, such programs often allow you to manage subscriptions to channels or a home set-top box. IN Lately Many projects have appeared that are not associated with any telecom operator or provider at all, but only offer video content for smartphone and mobile users, such as Amediateka, free IVI, etc.

I hope you now understand the differences between the types of digital TV: cable, Internet television, satellite and terrestrial.

The development of digital television is a need faced all over the world. An analog signal, of course, extends over greater distances compared to a digital signal, but the quality of image and sound deteriorates as the distance to the broadcasting antenna increases. There was only one way out of the situation - to encrypt the signal so that it could be received and processed tens of kilometers from the translator without loss of quality. So the choice settled on digitally transfer of information.

History of digital television

For more than 60 years analog television was the only means of delivering news, films, and entertainment programs to the homes of millions of viewers around the world. If the receiver, that is, the TV, is located near the repeater, then the signal and sound have acceptable qualities. When removed, there is a need to amplify the signal different antennas. The further away the repeater is, the larger the antenna should be. At a distance of 50 kilometers, these receiving antennas reach enormous dimensions, like a multi-story building. All for the sake of several channels in mediocre quality.

Finally, in 2009, after many experiments with various formats Modern digital television DVB-T2 was launched. A number of questions immediately arose. Nothing has changed for cable and satellite television users, but analog signal recipients have experienced new problem. To decrypt a digital signal, you need a TV with a built-in digital signal receiving module or a set-top box. The cost of the latter reaches $50, which not everyone can afford.

The issue is partially resolved with the help of government subsidies, and perhaps in the next few years digital television will completely replace analogue.

What is needed for high-quality digital television reception?

The quality of a digital television signal, like an analogue one, depends on the distance to the repeater. The difference is that the analog picture when bad reception the signal will blur and the sound will hiss. In digital television, the image will either disappear completely or will be displayed on the screen in rectangular blocks. That is, for high-quality reception of a digital television signal, you also need an antenna, but not as bulky as in the case of an analog signal.

The television signal is distributed in two bands - meter (English designation VHF) and decimeter (UHF). The first does not allow the signal to propagate to long distances, its waves do not cope well with obstacles in the form of buildings and walls inside the apartment. Therefore, most channels broadcast in the UHF range. Accordingly, for high-quality reception you will need digital DVB television-T2.

Types of decimeter antennas

All antennas for digital television reception are antennas UHF, as well as meter. Thus, they can be divided into larger groups - indoor and outdoor.

Both types of antennas can be either passive or active. The latter has a built-in amplifier, which allows you to pick up weak signal. But it is more narrowly targeted; it needs to be directed towards the signal source. Passive does not have an amplifier, but receives a signal from all directions for its subsequent feeding to a signal amplifier in the TV.

Which antenna to choose

Before you can set up an antenna, you need to select it. A professional approach to installation involves measuring the signal level using a portable sensor. It will be very useful in areas with dense buildings, where the signal comes not only directly from the repeater, but is also reflected from the terrain or comes from several repeaters at once. After obtaining the signal characteristics, it is necessary to study the instructions for the antenna so that the quality of reception is guaranteed.

If it is not possible to use a portable sensor, then you can use general recommendations, select the antenna by trial method. The recommendations are simple. For an apartment in an area with sparse buildings, a regular but high-quality indoor antenna for DVB-T2 is suitable. In areas with dense buildings, it is necessary to use a signal. In open areas, that is, in cottage villages and dachas, it is already necessary to use an external antenna. Taking advantage of the free product replacement option in the store, you can independently configure several antenna models until you find the right one.

Setting up a UHF antenna

Before installing a decimeter antenna for DVB-T2 digital television, you need to configure it to receive a signal. Having connected the antenna output to a TV or set-top box to decrypt the signal, you need to point the antenna in the direction where the repeater is located. Then you need to do automatic setup channels from the device menu. The entire frequency range will be tested.

By turning on any channel, if its quality is insufficient, you can slowly rotate the antenna to find the ideal position in which the signal will be best. Typically, receiving devices show the signal level for each specific DVB-T2 channel. You should not think that in an ideal position for receiving one channel, all others will be of sufficient quality. Having configured the reception of one channel, you need to move on to the next and so on until all channels are broadcast.

If the receiver did not find a single channel during automatic tuning or found less than half, in this case how to configure the antenna? It should be rotated 180 degrees to receive the reflected signal. This often occurs in residential areas, where a large number of houses interfere with the signal.

In open areas, you should simply point the antenna towards the repeater and automatically configure DVB-T2 channels on the signal receiver.

Installation of a UHF antenna

After successfully setting up the channels, the result must be recorded, that is, fix the antenna in the position in which the signal reception turned out to be the best. Indoor antennas are usually installed on cabinets and cabinets, but this is not aesthetically pleasing. Stands modern antennas provide mounting points for screws and screws that can be installed directly on the wall.

External decimeter antennas for digital television DVB-T2 are mounted on brackets or supports. An outdoor antenna usually comes with fasteners that will allow you to securely mount it. outdoor antenna on a support. When outdoor antennas are used in apartments, they are usually mounted outside the home: on balconies or external walls. Then, as in the case of an indoor antenna, you will need to drill several holes in the wall for secure mounting.

The process of operating a decimeter antenna

A few more notes regarding the work decimeter antennas for digital television DVB-T2. Depending on weather conditions (even time of day), the quality of signal reception may vary. Therefore, the antenna mount must allow for its rotation to adjust for better signal reception.

Choosing the right antenna will allow you to enjoy digital quality TV signal. The DVB-T2 network is constantly evolving, new channels are appearing. This is a great alternative to cable and satellite television, as it does not require a subscription fee.

Hello friends! In this post I will continue the topic of how to set up DVB-T2. Terrestrial digital TV, 20 channels for free, how to set up an antenna and enjoy a high-quality image.

If you are interested in what types of digital television there are and how to choose the right TV given this variety, then follow this link and

You can ask about how to choose the right antenna for digital television

Well, right now, about how to set up the antenna and equipment for digital channels.

A little general information for a better understanding of the matter.

Currently, terrestrial digital television offers 20 television programs, and to listening to 3 radio stations. Total 23 and these channels are included in two digital television packages.

But what’s interesting is that the user does not need to separately configure all 23 frequency channels on his TV or set-top box, but only two.

P.S. Residents of Moscow and the region can enjoy more; they are broadcasting a third package, which already includes 30 digital television programs and the need to tune in three frequency channels.

To make it clearer, let's remember how it works in analog signal? In this case, one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, for example, in my region, Channel One was broadcast on frequency channel 6, the Rossiya TV channel was broadcast on channel 12, and NTV broadcasts were broadcast on channel 27 in the UHF range. And then further - One frequency channel = one television channel!

With the advent of digital broadcasting, everything has changed!

And one of its advantages is that now not one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, but ten or more at once, so to speak in a package. This is called “Package” or “Multiplex”. For example, from the television center in Belgorod on channel 43 of digital broadcasting 10 television channels and plus 3 radio stations is the first package, and on the 46 channel frequency another 10 TV channels are the second package. Thus, only two television frequencies are used, and not twenty-three. But keep in mind that if in Belgorod these are channels 43 and 46, then in another city these will be different frequencies.

There is only one thing that unites everyone, in any region these will be frequencies of the decimeter (UHF) range, and therefore an antenna is also needed for UHF. (ADDITION: Currently, some broadcasters are still broadcasting only one of the two packages, i.e. only ten channels.)

Find out on which channels Digital Terrestrial Television is broadcast in your region, where the transmitting towers are located and whether they operate in full mode, broadcasting two packets, This information can be extremely useful for the successful installation of the antenna.

So, if you decide to organize digital terrestrial TV channels You will need:

  1. A TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or, if it does not have one, then you will need a set-top box for digital television, also in DVB-T2 format.
  2. And of course the antenna itself, UHF range. Indoor or outdoor, depends on the proximity to the translator and the quality of the signal in your area.
  3. Television cable, antenna plug.
  4. Sometimes it helps to have a helper, and it never hurts to have patience and persistence.

How to find out if my TV is capable of receiving Digital Terrestrial Television

First, let's find out whether your TV is capable of receiving DVB-T2 signals without a set-top box, the fact is that not all devices are able to do this, old, non-flat TVs don’t even need to be checked, but flat LCD TVs may or may not receive . But if you know exactly what your TV is capable of, feel free to skip this part.

There are several ways: 1) (Dreary) Get the technical passport from the TV and look in the “technical specifications” section to find the presence of DVB-T2 there. Why is it boring? Look at your passport!….. Although sometimes you get lucky.

2) (Simpler) There is a tag on the TV case, on its back, with the TV model written on it, write it down or take a photo. Next you need to enter the TV model into search bar browser and add the word “Characteristics”. See examples in the photo below.

The model has been determined, we type in the search engine…….

Upon entering the site, select “ Specifications» then “Advanced” And we get where we need to be.

As you can see, this model is capable of receiving DVB-T2; it does not need a set-top box. Further designations indicate: C - digital cable, S2 - digital satellite. But we are interested in DVB-T2 and it is present, otherwise we would have to purchase an additional set-top box for digital television.

How to set up your antenna and TV for digital TV under different signal conditions

Let's look at the simplest option first: You live in the good zone confident reception signal. We have decided on the antenna, an article about this will help you. We connected the antenna to the TV and turned on auto channel search, in some models, when we go to the settings menu, the TV may ask you to choose whether to configure analogue or digital channels, choose digital. If everything went well, the TV itself will save the caught channels. You can admire the excellent image quality.

Let's complicate the situation a little. On auto-search, the TV did not catch anything, or only a few channels that were snowing. If this is so, then these are not digital channels, but ordinary analogue ones; digital television cannot go with the snow. (the fact is that on auto search, the TV can scan the entire range, both digital and analog).

Your next steps: If the auto search did not help, then It will greatly simplify the situation by knowing which TV channels broadcast the first and second multiplexes in your area. And also where and in what direction the TV tower is located from you in order to correctly point the antenna. If you don’t know this, then you can also see the desired direction of the antenna by paying attention to where the neighbors’ antennas are “looking.” Just don’t take it as a guide satellite dishes, they are sent to the satellite.

If you know the channel number, then do the following - You need to find the mode in the TV menu manual settings, do not forget to select “Digital”; it may be designated as DTV. Next, your task is to dial from the remote control the channel number on which one of the multiplexes (packages) is broadcast. IN manual mode a scale will be displayed on the screen that visually shows the signal level received by the antenna. (Sometimes there may be two scales, for example “Level” and “Quality”, refer to the bottom one)

And now, on the scale, you can see whether there is a signal from the antenna, in some cases, if there is no signal, then the indicator on the scale may behave like this: It will jump, zero percent - one hundred percent - zero - one hundred ..... etc. d. This indicates there is no signal. By changing the position and direction of the antenna, visually determine the best signal level, and this level should be stable, and if it changes, it should be within small limits, not to zero.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the result from changing the antenna position will not be reflected immediately, after about 5 seconds. So look best position stages, each time taking a short pause, observing the signal level on the scale. If the antenna is located on the street, then it will be more convenient to work here with an assistant.

When we managed to find the antenna position at which the signal is stable, we give the command to search and save channels. We repeat the search and save procedure for the second multiplex, indicating its channel number (if there is broadcasting of two multiplexes, it is not everywhere yet)

And now completely a difficult situation: You live in an area with difficult television reception. This may be due to the distance from the transmitting tower, the complexity of the terrain (mountains, lowlands, wooded areas). High-rise buildings located quite close to you and at the same time standing on the way to the transmitting tower, your antenna directed at the tower seems to “rest” against the high-rise.

In these cases, the principle of the adjustment itself is the same as described above; you need to visually determine the best position of the antenna using a scale. But the antennas used and some methods differ.

Antennas in difficult reception conditions must be used active ones, i.e. with an amplifier, also structurally having a higher gain. Typically, the longer the antenna arm, the greater its own gain.

Methods include the following: Determine if there are other transmission towers in a more favorable position for you. And try to catch a signal from them (fortunately they will be built quite tightly)

Using masts and other heights is the task of raising the antenna higher. (Effective in lowlands and wooded areas)

In built-up areas that are not very far from the tower, it is not necessary to use a powerful antenna; try to catch the reflected signal, point the antenna not at the TV tower, but in the opposite direction, at the building behind you or on the side. If it is possible to install an antenna on the roof of a high-rise building, this will give excellent results.

Antenna setup via digital set-top box

When using a digital set-top box, everything is the same as described above; it is better to set it up manually in order to see the signal level. The only difference is that the TV plays the role of a monitor connected to the set-top box via an HDMI or RCA cable (tulips). This means that all settings need to be made in the set-top box, and not in the TV. Just don’t forget to switch the TV to the appropriate VIDEO or HDMI mode (depending on what connectors you used for connection)

To do this, you need to find the corresponding button on the TV remote control, in different models it can be indicated in different ways, here are some examples, separated by an asterisk: AV* AV/TV*VIDEO* SOURSE * HDMI * RECTANGLE ICON WITH ARROW IN* INPUT* In some SONY TVs The order is as follows - HOME - Settings - External inputs.

All further actions settings are made using the remote control from the set-top box, through manual or automatic search.

Do not forget that in this case we connect the antenna to the set-top box, and not to the TV.

What you need to know when choosing digital set-top box read in

Well, I hope this article can help you in connecting digital broadcasting to your home.

P.S. I decided to add them below to this article as interesting cases related to tuning antennas become available. If you have any, write them in the comments and they will definitely appear in your feed.

  1. In my practice, very rarely, but there were cases when the antenna did not receive the signal at all, but as soon as I moved it literally a meter to the left or right, everything went fine, we returned it a meter back, again everything disappeared.
  2. Today I encountered another incident. I'll describe it in detail. The situation is this: An old TV is on the floor, it works great through the set-top box, the indoor antenna is on the windowsill nearby, the signal level is about 70-80%. In this case, there is the following task.

You need to set up the number on the new LG LCD. I put it on the windowsill, next to the antenna that I connect to it, so what? LG does not see a signal at all, not even an ounce. Maybe it doesn’t support DVB-T2, I thought! I checked the model, no, everything is supported in order. What's wrong with the antenna? No, the old TV works through a set-top box. I'm at a loss!

I connect a set-top box to the new LG (What if!)........ There is a signal through the set-top box, but below 10% - It’s some kind of mystery why everything is fine with the old TV, but with the new one, which, even when in monitor mode, is connected through the set-top box, - the television signal drops completely. 😯

After a short “Dancing around and around” It turned out!

The power supply of this LG was external and it was connected to the socket there, on the windowsill (there was an extension cord tee there). So, the OH power supply emitted such radio interference that being next to the antenna completely jammed the signal.

It was worth smashing into different sides, a few meters, the antenna and the power supply of the LCD TV, and everything immediately returned to normal. Bringing it close to the antenna again, the signal disappeared!

3. If you use an indoor antenna and your window is covered with metal blinds, then they can also seriously interfere with the signal. Keep this in mind!

Digital terrestrial DVB-T2 broadcasting is carried out in the UHF television range 470-862 MHz, divided into 48 channels of 8 MHz (21-69 channels). That's why in the settings digital receiver or TV, you need to select 8 MHz, 7 MHz is for countries with a different broadcasting standard, where the channel width is narrower.

Also in the settings you should select the channel number or the corresponding center frequency of the channel. Not to be confused with the image carrier frequency, this is for analog.

The UHF range has never been completely occupied by analog channels, therefore (and not only), free channels are used to transmit digital multiplexes. On one TV channel with a width of 8 MHz you can transmit one analog channel or one digital multiplex with multiple digital channels. The fewer channels included in the multiplex, the higher their quality

It is in principle even easier to install and configure an antenna for receiving digital television than for analogue television, but you need to understand some simple things.

  • Indoor antennas only for areas of reliable reception with a good location, - high point, direct line of sight to the transmitter. Indoor active antennas may slightly improve reception if not in a good location. In other cases, they will simply be an element of the apartment’s interior.
  • For high-quality digital television reception, it is necessary to use outdoor bands UHF antennas. The antenna itself has gain; the more elements in the antenna design (passive directors), the higher its gain. Two antennas of different designs at the same reception point will have different signal levels at the output.
  • At greater distance from the transmitter it would be more correct to use more powerful antennas, rather than active. Any passive antenna can be made active at any time by supplementing it with an antenna (mast) amplifier, and there is plenty to choose from.
  • Those who wish to gain more insight into the issues of choosing an antenna for digital television should read on the topics: “wave channel antenna”, “calculation of UHF antennas”
  • When choosing an antenna design, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the transmitter, and when installing the direction. Sometimes, if it is not possible to install the antenna on a direct signal, you can try to receive a reflected signal; with a reasonable approach, the result will always be positive. For mountainous areas, things are much more complicated.
  • If you are in an area where the transmitter has not yet been launched, you can try to receive a more distant signal. Here you need to experiment with more expensive antennas and amplifiers.
  • If the antenna has amplification, then the “wiring” elements are just the opposite - attenuation. All passive elements: cable, splitter, antenna sockets, connectors contribute their share of attenuation to the signal. In this case, it is necessary to remember that the signal received by the antenna will be greater than the signal supplied directly to the TV. To compensate for attenuation, amplifiers are used, but here you also need to remember that “a lot” of signal is also bad, over-amplification will occur.
  • A splitter is a divider; the more parts we divide into, the less each gets. If one apple is divided among three people, then each person will lose 2/3 of the apple. Antenna sockets are not only for beauty, but also for weakening the signal.
  • Any receiver, including the DVB-T2 receiver has sensitivity. Sensitivity is the signal level, from some minimum to some maximum value, with which the receiver can operate. All changes in signal level values ​​that fall within this range do not affect the quality of the picture on the TV screen in any way(unlike analog TV). Anything less - weak signal(it is impossible to receive the entire multiplex), anything more - over-amplification(again, it is impossible to receive the entire multiplex).
  • The signal strength of multiplexes can be approximately estimated from neighboring or nearby analog channels. Each region has its own situation.

Actually the right approach this is to measure the signal level and calculate and/or control its attenuation.

If we take the 16th floor entrance as an example, then the main task there is not in receiving a digital television signal, but in its correct distribution throughout the home network. People encounter this same problem only in miniature in private houses and apartments when connecting several TVs.