Qualities of a man sitemap htm. Sex and gender stereotypes

At all times, people have tried to understand what love is? It was declared either a mental illness that needed urgent treatment, or a special state of mind...

The Austrian psychologist M. Luscher, in the middle of the twentieth century, found out that each person has one of four chromotypes of behavior. That is, our behavior, according to Luscher, can be colored fiery red, dark blue, emerald green or sunny yellow.

People with a blue chromotype are calm and melancholic, those with a red chromotype are excitable and sometimes aggressive, those with a green chromotype are phlegmatic and stubborn, those with a yellow chromotype value freedom and ease of relationships. And their love is also divided into blue - love in which softness and tenderness predominates, red - in which passion comes first, green - possessive and yellow - free love-friendship. Of course, in each individual case, love, like behavior, often has a second and sometimes a third color. For example, there is red love-passion with cheerful yellow splashes of love-friendship or green love-jealousy with blue stripes of tenderness, but the main color will always be the same. It is easy to see which color of love is closer to whom. This manifests itself, moreover, on an unconscious level, in everything, in the style of clothing, in the manner of communication, in the interior of the house, habits and hobbies. By paying attention to these moments of your potential loved one’s existence, you will learn about him, even what he himself is not aware of. And then decide whether to stop or continue the search for your one and only.

So, what is a young man whose love is colored blue?

It was created for you if you love romance, walks under the moon, “accidental” touches, can’t imagine how a first date could end in bed, and value loyalty and devotion above all else.

What is he like in appearance? Reminds me of a teddy bear, just as chubby, funny, cute and calm and calm in any situation. Of course, he is not always chubby and cute, there may be variations, but a man with a blue type of behavior is always calm. He dresses in a traditional style, simply but tastefully, no extravagance, even a little boring. In principle, he doesn’t care what label is sewn onto the suit, the main thing is that he likes it. Watches, cufflinks, ties, most often inexpensive, but elegant and tasteful. But he doesn’t like rings, rings, or various medal chains; excesses are not his style.

His character and habits. Intelligence in a man with a blue type of behavior is in his blood. Raising his voice is as rare for him as snow in May. He cannot stand scandals, he simply tries to leave the room where the atmosphere begins to heat up, so all conflicts with him must be resolved peacefully.
You can often notice that a man blue type, smoothes his hair, removes invisible specks of dust from his suit, and generally seems to like to clean his feathers once again. This is not entirely true, the fact is that all these preening, smoothing and removing specks of dust are nothing more than gestures of self-soothing and their appearance speaks of emotional excitement that is carefully hidden.

Calm, like a boa constrictor, externally, internally he is very vulnerable, and therefore does not like to be the center of attention. The role of a leader is not for him, why, when he can quietly sit at the computer, develop truly brilliant plans, and others will present them to management and implement them. True, he most likely won’t get fame and honor for what he has done, but he doesn’t really need them. The main thing is that everyone has a good time.

What is his inner world like? His deity is harmony, and his most cherished dream is that everyone suddenly becomes polite, kind, sensitive, like himself, for example. And also for the upstairs neighbor to finally stop wearing green jeans with a crimson T-shirt that doesn’t match them at all! He tries with all his might to hide his sensitivity from others, and at the same time he is looking for someone who would understand him, whom he could trust. However, he conducts his search with such great secrecy that it is almost impossible to suspect him of looking for something. Those around him get the impression that in order to piss him off, you need to try very hard. Not only does he masterfully avoid all the sharp corners in a conversation, he also masterfully avoids things that irritate him. In fact, this is, developed over the years, reliable self-defense from those who can, voluntarily or unwittingly, injure him.

About the things that surround him. The things that a man with a blue type of behavior seeks to surround himself with have the main goal of giving its owner a feeling of confidence and peace. There is no metal or plastic in the decoration of the house. Frames, doors, and sometimes walls, are wooden, warm amber color, wallpaper and curtains on the windows are soft warm tones. In his cozy home, the absence of a woman’s hand is almost unnoticeable.

The walls of his house are often decorated with icons; without the spiritual support that faith gives, it is difficult for him. And if he is not very passionate about religion, then on the walls there are photographs of famous singers, actors, artists, in general, those who make this world kinder and better. He himself loves, in his spare time, to play music or draw, but if his creative abilities don’t work out, which happens extremely rarely, then he simply loves to read. The library of well-read books is proof of this. Having admired the huge collections of stamps, minerals, coins, the collection of which requires long, painstaking work, not only will you bring great joy to the owner, you will also be awarded the title of Connoisseur with the Most Subtle Taste.

If a blue guy gets a dog, it will be either a Newfoundland or a St. Bernard, in a word, something big and good-natured, like himself. His car, large, stable and reliable, designed for at least six, literally screams about the desire to start a family. A man with a blue type of behavior is cold with horror at the thought that he will not succeed.

You and him. Know that he expresses his sympathy with long and tender glances. If in Lately If you constantly catch these on yourself, then, I assure you, their owner is definitely not indifferent to you. But don’t think about waiting long for him to take the initiative, no, maybe he will......., someday. Most likely, you will have to take the first step, and with great caution and patience, so as not to frighten this delicate, sensitive nature with excessive pressure. In a relationship with him, you need to be a stayer, and if you are a temperamental young lady who wants everything at once, it will be difficult. At first, treat him like a good friend, so that he sees you as a friend and begins to trust you. To do this, learn to listen to him, and never reveal his secrets to anyone. As soon as he understands that you will not abandon him, will not leave him alone, and sees in you a moral support, you will receive the most faithful, most loving and gentle man on earth.

A man with a red type of love is almost the complete opposite of the previous one.

If you love sports, drive active image life, but deep down you have a weakness for adventure. If you are sure that there is no love without crazy passion, if the only thing that matters to you is what happens at that very moment, this man is especially for you.

What is he like in appearance? Slim, fit, thin. His movements are rapid, he is always in a hurry to get somewhere, but when he is not in a hurry, he is busy with something. Looking at him, you begin to doubt the impossibility perpetual motion machine.
Unlike the blue type, he doesn’t like short haircuts; he always tries to grow his curls longer. He dresses very original. Fashion and conventional taste have a weak advisory voice when he decides what he should wear today. A man of the red type can wear a classic English suit under his overcoat one day, and the next day, under an elegant coat, hide some kind of absurdity in the grunge style. This crazy combination of styles with a predominance of bright, variegated colors, an abundance of large, shiny decorations is impressive, shocking, sometimes outrageous, but never seems tasteless.
His character and habits. General attention to his own person is vital for him; without it, a man with a red type of behavior begins to mope, waste away, and may eventually get sick. This happens not because he is some kind of over-vain, but because in his body there is a constant excess of energy that needs to be given, and the attention of others is ideal for this purpose.
Unlike the blue one, which is almost impossible to get going, the red type starts with half a turn. It’s easy not only to make him angry, but also to make him laugh, pity or make him happy, and his emotions change instantly.

Rebellion, aggressiveness, intensity of feelings, competition are his element. Being a born leader, he knows how to ignite, raise people and lead, protesting against a stupid boss and a small salary. But all riots and revolutions end someday, salaries increase, and the boss’s stupidity has not been very evident lately, and the poor red guy remains out of work. Do you think he will calmly rest on his laurels, enjoying the fruits of his victories, aha!, now, very soon he will find a new use for his inexhaustible energy.

What is his inner world like? The main goal of a man with a red type of behavior is to achieve success, and he does not care whether those around him notice it. He makes a career only for himself, gets a fifth degree, studies a seventh foreign language, or wins sports awards. Of course, if his work brings admiration from others and money, this is very good, but still the main thing for him is self-respect. If a dark streak has come in his life, everything falls out of hand and he is completely overwhelmed with business, because often he wants to do everything at once, he will ask those around him to help, his pride will not suffer from this. He is very afraid of not having time to do something in life. This fear forces him to strive for something all the time, and having achieved the goal, he immediately loses interest in it and goes to storm new heights. The saying about the train that has already left frightens him, and although he knows that he will catch all his trains, he still shudders when he hears it.

About the things that surround him. “Wow!”, you involuntarily exclaim when you enter the room of a man with a red type of behavior. You will be amazed by the abundance of all kinds of cups, medals, pennants and other sports awards won in hard struggle. Hunting trophies, all sorts of skins, antlers, stuffed animals are not uncommon in the house of a red-type man, and it is very possible that the owner of the house himself obtained all this. Furniture covered with leather gives the home a look of strict solemnity. In a word, everything says that here lives a 100% man, brave, strong, purposeful. Against the backdrop of such harsh masculinity, somehow at least, plush toys look strange. But if you think about it, perhaps they betray the carefully hidden sentimentality of the one who lives here?

His favorite and also his house guard is a German shepherd. An exact copy of his employer, just as lean, athletic and always ready to do his duty.

Red type men adore elongated rooms, all sorts of galleries, corridors. And this is not surprising, given that his speed requires a running start. But he truly feels awe when he looks at a sports car that rushes past at incredible speed. Such a car is his passion, his idol, his greatest love, and he will do everything to acquire the same one.

You and him. In general, a man with a red type of behavior is firmly convinced that without passion there is no love. And since he often flares up instantly and immediately demands a way out, platonic relationships are not his style. Although he will not force you into bed, two hours after meeting you, you can easily find yourself in it, completely not understanding how this happened. Believe me, it is impossible to resist his drive and charm. Try it, resist at least for show, and you will see how his desire to achieve his goal will intensify hundreds of times. The girl of his dreams should be passionate, sexy and confident, if you are just such a man with a red type of behavior is exactly what you need.

The most complex character is a man with a green type of behavior, but with a girl who values ​​stability, respect from others and is a sober thinker, he will make a very good couple.

What is he like in appearance? Usually a man with a green type of behavior is not very tall, but average or even shorter. With his stocky figure, his feet planted firmly on the ground, he gives the impression of a man who, in an argument, is oh-so difficult to move from his point of view. The pace of his speech is slow, and the words are clearly separated from one another, as is usually the case with primary school teachers and their students.
Trendy things, what are you! this is not for him, a green type man prefers classics, but with one condition, that these classics be expensive and prestigious, the higher the price, than more famous name on the label the better. Jewelry and accessories to match the clothes are prestigious and, of course, expensive. And he also really loves family jewelry, for example, the ring that he got from his great-great-great-......great-grandfather he wears with such pride as if he himself, and not his grandfather, one hundred and thirty-two years ago back he brought the countess’s beloved pug out of the fire, for which he was actually awarded this piece of jewelry.

His character and habits. If the grandmother, a man with a green type of behavior, traditionally sat down to dinner at exactly three o'clock in the afternoon, then her grandson always starts dinner no later than three minutes past three. Traditions are sacred to him, and how much they correspond to the time and circumstances does not bother him. The only thing higher than tradition for him is his own well-being, material, of course. For this he is ready to work day and night. As a subordinate, he is simply a treasure for three reasons: first, you don’t need to come up with any extraordinary ways to make him work well, just a high salary is enough. Secondly, if the salary suits you, then with his energy, the green type will work for at least three people. And third, absolute loyalty to superiors, unquestioning recognition of his authority and strict execution of orders.

What is his inner world like? Secretive and stubborn. Almost not subject to outside influence. He follows the path once chosen, and it is impossible to force a man with a green type of behavior to turn away from it, even onto the road that leads faster and easier to the same goal. After all, in order to decide to change something, you need to make a choice, and the green type simply cannot stand this.

Changes cause a vague fear in him, to get used to something new again, to destroy the old, good foundations, what if it will be worse than it was? No, that's not for him. The green type loves stability, and everything that gives it, family, home, children, good job. He is proud of his ancestors, and therefore knows the family tree almost thoroughly. And if a noble’s nest is discovered somewhere on this tree, his pride will be boundless.

About the things that surround him. The house of a man with a green type of behavior, as a rule, is somewhat reminiscent of its owner, just as solid and strong. As a rule, green types like houses made of concrete, decorated with marble and metal. And even if it is an apartment in a high-rise building, it still has a spirit of solidity and stability in it. The door, and it is usually beautiful, expensive and very reliable, is a kind of business card of the house and by it you can already judge its decoration. A green dwelling resembles a museum, with antique furniture, expensive, ancient trinkets. In the house of a man of the green type, it is not uncommon to have the same things as in the house of a man with a blue type of behavior. It seems to be the same paintings, icons, sculptures, but the significant difference is that for the blue type the main thing is the beauty of the thing, and for the green type, its prestige and price.

Hobby: reading about your loved one in newspapers, and then cutting out and collecting these notes into big folder, gives the green type incomparable joy. And since, with his ambitions and rare energy, both his folder and his wallet are replenished much faster than one can imagine, it is quite likely that he will buy his dream car, a latest model Mercedes, very soon after his first salary.

You and him. To attract the attention of a man with a green type of behavior, you just need to look expensive and prestigious. He simply won’t notice a girl whose toilet costs less than 3 thousand. If you still interest him, you no longer need to do anything, he will do everything himself. That is, he will be the first to offer to get acquainted, drink champagne, well, and so on... Just try to let the process of your conquest go on longer, since he quickly loses interest when he gets into his hands.

It should be noted that he treats women, to put it mildly, very condescendingly. It is psychologically very difficult for him to accept that a girl can be just like him, ambitious, smart, energetic. And to assume that she can surpass him in some way is completely impossible. The girl should be his silent attachment, a beautiful escort, and he himself will be smart and businesslike.

A man with a green type of behavior is convinced that when he gets married, his wife will raise children at home, and not work and pursue a career. His task is to provide it completely, and even beyond that.

But a man with a yellow type of behavior will be an excellent match for a girl who likes to make new acquaintances, travel to unfamiliar places, get fresh impressions, read not only glossy magazines, loves to fantasize, and moves through life with ease.

What is he like in appearance? To say that a yellow type man likes to dress fashionably is an understatement. His clothes should be exclusive and trendy. What he wears today, most will wear in a year and a half, not earlier. He really likes unusual color combinations, new fabric textures, and avant-garde styles. He also loves frivolous jewelry and accessories, and enjoys hanging himself with “chicken gods” found on the seashore, shell necklaces, hippie “baubles,” and other rubbish. Of course, when going to work in the office, he may not wear a shell necklace, but an ultra-fashionable watch with a triangular dial and a super-charged mobile phone will clearly make it clear to others that in front of them is a man with a yellow type of behavior.

His character and habits. He likes to be ahead of his time, and he does it with such perfection that he seems to live ten years later, and looks into our days only to find out how his loved ones are doing. The most difficult thing for him is to finish what he started; he quickly gets bored with everything. Even a favorite activity, for example, cleaning the engine of a beloved car, can be abandoned halfway, only because it took more time than he expected. But this is perhaps the biggest drawback of a man with a yellow type of behavior.

The life of a yellow type man passes under the motto: “I want to know everything,” which is successfully translated into reality. There is always a huge pile of fresh newspapers on his desk, his computer is not disconnected from the Internet for weeks, and the TV shows exclusively informational and educational programs for days. Demonstrating a unique ability not to choke in a rapid flow of information, he manages to fish out the most valuable things from it, so that from these grains he can then grow an idea vying for a Nobel Prize, which his boss really likes.

What is his inner world like? To be free and not to depend on anyone is the most cherished dream of a man with a yellow type of behavior. He quietly hates everything that in any way limits his freedom. Whether it's the need to come to work on time or an overly caring wife. Control is unbearable for him. Having discovered it, a man with a yellow chromotype immediately begins to protest violently, and this can have the most unpredictable consequences. To the point of breaking up with someone who doesn’t trust him. And for the yellow type, I must say, it doesn’t matter who it will be the boss or the bride. He does not forgive attempts on his freedom.
However, if you think carefully, he simply needs freedom. Otherwise, how can he, being loaded with responsibilities and affairs, be able to expand his endless intellectual and spiritual horizons?
About the things that surround him. A spacious house with huge windows, in which there is a lot of air and light, is the ideal home for a man with a yellow type of behavior. And while he can’t afford a house, he strives to equip even his small apartment, which is located in a standard high-rise building, so that it has as much as possible free space. Built-in wardrobes, doors on wheels, furniture transformers, in general, everything possible is used to make this unrealistic dream come true. And indeed, after installing all this in the house of a yellow-type man, such an unattainable goal as space in a small apartment becomes a reality.

But what really catches your eye in his house is the abundance of all kinds of equipment. It is natural for him that his entire life is placed in the reliable hands of mechanical assistants. Cooking dinner, cleaning the apartment, washing shirts is a couple of trifles for him and he sincerely does not understand those who make this big problem. And yet, if Appliances is perceived by a man with a yellow type of behavior as an integral part of life, then he experiences a real love for office equipment. Sorry, but only love can be called that mixture of admiration, tenderness and passion with which he looks at his new computer or scanner.

The yellow man loves to host crowded dance parties in his home. This, of course, does not always please his neighbors, but he can always find a compromise on any issue.
You and him If a man with a yellow chromotype is in love, then it is difficult not to notice it. In the presence of his beloved girl, his eyes literally shine with warmth and tenderness. The head tilts slightly to one side, the voice sounds a little lower, and gentle intonations appear in it every now and then. The movements become smooth and swift, like a panther on the hunt, and the face expresses unearthly bliss.
For him, his favorite is ideal. He is ready to admire her every feature, her every gesture and sing her praises for days. True, given his craving for change, most likely these days will not be many, so three or four, maximum six, but this is enough for the girl to feel like Miss Perfection.

And if you want a man with a yellow type of behavior to stay with you for a long time, try to become not only his beloved, but also a loyal friend and an interesting conversationalist.

It is clear that appearance plays a big role when a man chooses a partner. But with beautiful eyes, long hair, size 5 breasts and legs that stretch from ear to ear, you can’t talk all night long. Even the quality of sex does not depend on the height or length of your fingers. What is important here is the same chemistry and, of course, the character of the girl. We found out what spiritual qualities attract the stronger sex.


Our brutal and harsh brothers in mind are looking for softness and the ability to empathize in us, says David Bass, a researcher from the University of Texas, USA. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to cry over every homeless kitten while your new gentleman accompanies you home. It is enough to give up your seat to old women in public transport and not be rude to people in line.


Or rather, a positive attitude towards life. Research conducted in 2011 by social psychologist Jeremy Nicholson showed that girls who radiate optimism and know how to have fun seem more attractive to men. So, if you meet that same guy on the way to the trash, dressed in a shabby robe and grandma's slippers, smile.

When you yourself realize your own value, your partner feels it. And he believes that by winning you, he grabbed a truly expensive prize. This is important: the stronger sex values ​​competition, so a man is pleased to know that he is dating the coolest girl in the room/office/on planet Earth. And if you tell the universe “I’m ordinary” with your whole appearance, what will he be proud of?

Ability to express feelings

Instead of manipulating your partner. Men like it when you can honestly say that you want to spend the evening together, and not pretend to be sick, demanding attention from your beloved. This quality becomes especially valuable during a quarrel. Compare: “I was upset because I missed you so much and expected you to come earlier” and “Of course, work is more important to you than me, don’t come any more, I’m offended!”

You have many friends, interests, a favorite job and a packed schedule in which, so be it, you will find time for him. That is, you will not cling to your partner as the only thing in your life, and you will calmly let him go to get-togethers with friends, because you yourself are running away to meet your classmates. Yes, there are controlling types who want all your attention to be absorbed only by them. But such personnel gradually turn into little domestic tyrants. Believe me, you don't need it.


Oddly enough, it is much more important for men than for girls. The already mentioned David Bass in the book “Evolutionary Psychology” gives the following example: the stronger sex has a harder time experiencing the betrayal of a partner and is more likely to decide to break off the relationship after learning about infidelity than we are. Therefore, they still choose those girls they can trust.

Text: Anna Volodina

Today we will talk about the site map, its importance, creation and correct application.

What is a sitemap:

It’s not difficult to understand that a map = a guide, a collection of information that allows you to navigate. In our case, it helps to understand what is being done on the site.

There are two types of site map:

For visitors– contains structured information on the site, which highlights important pages/ page groups. Correct appearance custom sitemap is a whole science. Some even conduct extensive research, which results in mock-ups of the ideal sitemap for the user.

Download an example map in pdf –

And although a sitemap for visitors is no less (and often more) important than a sitemap for search engines, I will touch on the topic of creating a normal sitemap for visitors today indirectly. Each site has its own tasks and in this important issue standard advice difficult to write.

A very good plugin for WordPress for generating a custom sitemap is dagon design sitemap generator. Plugin in automatic mode generates a nice sitemap that can be displayed on a separate page, as well as on a search page and/or 404 error page, so that a user who came from the wrong link does not immediately leave, but perhaps sees what else is interesting on your site; )

More precisely, I used it, now there is some kind of incompatibility, I’ll figure it out later).

The second type of site map is xml site map for search engines. As Wikipedia says

Sitemaps- XML ​​file with information for search engines (such as Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Ask.com, Bing) about website pages that are subject to indexing. Sitemaps can help search engines determine the location of site pages, the time of their last update, update frequency and importance relative to other pages on the site in order to search engine was able to index the site more intelligently.
Using the Sitemaps protocol is not a guarantee that web pages will be indexed by search engines, it is just an additional hint for crawlers to perform a more thorough crawl of the site.

After you have cleaned your site of debris (and this must be done), you can begin generating the sitemap itself.

As I already said - for the majority popular CMS There are ready-made solutions, you just need to install and configure them:

  • WordPress – Google XML Sitemaps
  • Drupal - XML ​​sitemap
  • Joomla-Xmap
  • DLE is a function built into the engine, by configuration

But, as often happens, a sitemap may be needed on a custom engine, a regular multi-page html site, or something exotic (for example, some of the store components for Joomla do not comply with sitemap plugins, as a result of which the pages created by this component simply did not fall into the general site map - and there are many such cases). Then sitemap generators will be useful to us - they can be Internet services and desktop applications

Sitemap generation services

This is what the main program window looks like (clickable):

  1. Here we actually enter the address of the site whose map we want to create
  2. Additional start pages, for example, we need to include in the sitemap a subdomain or some directory to which we do not have links from the main site
  3. Pages you don't need to consider when creating a sitemap
  4. Visual display of the map creation process, you can see what is being loaded - useful or garbage
  5. Statistics
  6. Google sitemal / xml – a tab where, after scanning the site, a generated xml map will be contained, which can be immediately corrected and saved
  7. Yahoo map / text – a list of all pages that are included in the site map in plain text format
  8. html sitemap – creates a sitemap that is more or less pleasing to the eye, the page title is used as an anchor (someone may only need this function, for example, to generate springboards for spam;))
  9. On this tab you can see a list of erroneous URLs, although not like Xenu, we won’t know which page this link comes from in order to fix it
  10. Outgoing links from our site
  11. robots.txt – you can load robots.txt from our website, and it will be taken into account when creating a sitemap

Advantages of desktop software for creating a sitemap: flexibility in configuration; the ability to control the process; different variants results. Cons – speed and generation large quantity traffic (after all, in fact, your computer bypasses all pages of the site).

What to choose for generation is up to you. After you have created a sitemap, you need to upload it to your hosting and show it search engines:

  • For google go here http://www.google.com/webmasters/, add your site and in the indexing settings indicate the address to the site map
  • For Yandex, we carry out this procedure in the webmaster panel http://webmaster.yandex.ru/

Sometimes, if you have a large sitemap, you can archive it, although search robots will not understand the .zip or .rar format - give them .gz. TotalCommaner will help you quickly archive a file in gzip format in Windows - select required file and press the key combination ALT+F5, a window will appear

Well, additional respect to Devake and Garlic - the thoughts on their blogs make the cockroaches move in my head 😉
PS I gave up blogging for six months, everything was in such a shaky state, it barely works properly. Well, it’s okay, there are still three weeks until the end of the competition, you can write some good articles;)

P.S.S. I forgot to add that there is a sitemap directive in robots.txt:

If you use a description of the structure of your site in the sitemaps.xml format and want the robot to learn about it, specify the path to sitemaps.xml as a parameter of the 'Sitemap' directive (if there are several files, specify all). Example:
User-agent: Yandex
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://mysite.ru/site_structure/my_sitemaps1.xml
Sitemap: http://mysite.ru/site_structure/my_sitemaps2.xml
The robot will remember the paths to sitemaps.xml, process the files and use the results in the subsequent formation of download sessions.

What is a site map

The content of any web resource will sooner or later be indexed by search engines. How can we make this process happen faster?

One of the most effective ways– use of the so-called site map ( Sitemap).

Map of site ( Sitemap) - This xml- a file with information for search engines about the pages of a web resource that are subject to indexing. Sitemap helps search engines determine the location of web resource objects, the time of their last update, update frequency, and priority.

Protocol format Sitemap comprises XML-tags.

The file must use the encoding UTF-8.

Attributes XML-tags Sitemap

– required attribute. Encapsulates this file and specifies the current protocol standard;

– обязательный атрибут. Родительский тег для каждой записи URL . Остальные теги являются дочерними для этого тега;

https://gtavrl.ru/en/ – обязательный атрибут. URL страницы; должен начинаться с префикса (например, http:// ) и заканчиваться косой чертой, если ваш веб-сервер требует этого. Длина этого значения не должна превышать 2048 символов;

– необязательный атрибут. Дата последнего изменения файла; должна быть в формате W3C Datetime . Этот формат позволяет при необходимости опустить сегмент времени и использовать формат ГГГГ-ММ-ДД;

– необязательный атрибут. Вероятная частота изменения этой страницы. Это значение предоставляет общую информацию для поисковых систем и может не соответствовать частоте сканирования этой страницы. Допустимые значения: always , hourly , daily , weekly , monthly , yearly , never ;

– необязательный атрибут. Приоритетность URL относительно других URL на вашем сайте. Допустимый диапазон значений – от 0,0 до 1,0. Это значение не влияет на процедуру сравнения ваших страниц со страницами на других сайтах – оно только позволяет указать поисковым системам, какие страницы, по вашему мнению, более важны для сканеров (приоритет, который вы назначили странице, не влияет на положение ваших URL на страницах результатов той или иной поисковой системы). Приоритет страницы по умолчанию – 0,5.

Пример XML -файла Sitemap

(необязательные теги выделены ):











If your site contains many web pages, you can omit optional attributes (this will significantly reduce file sizes Sitemap):




Using Index Files Sitemap

File Sitemap must contain no more than 50,000 URL, and its size should not exceed 10 MB.

If necessary file Sitemap can be compressed using an archiver gzip to reduce bandwidth requirements.

If you need to transfer more than 50,000 URL, you should create several files Sitemap. You will need to list each of these files in the index file. Sitemap. In the index file Sitemap a maximum of 50,000 files can be listed Sitemap. The size of this file should not exceed 10 MB.

How to create a sitemap

To create a sitemap, you can use so-called generators Sitemap, or you can do everything yourself:

– open Notebook;

– following the rules of protocol Sitemap, fill out the file Sitemap ;

– enter the file name in the appropriate text field (for example, sitemap.xml);

– in the drop-down list File type select All files (*.*);

– in the drop-down list Encoding select UTF-8, press Save;

– upload Sitemap to the root directory of your site.

Notifications for search engine scanners about the presence and location of a file Sitemap

After the file Sitemap created and hosted on a web server, its location must be reported to search engines that support this protocol. This can be done in the following ways:

Uploading a Sitemap Using the Search Engine Web Interface

To send a file Sitemap directly to the search engine, which provides the ability to obtain information about the status and processing errors, refer to the search engine help system.

For example, transfer

A sitemap is an html page of a site or special xml file, which displays links to all important pages of the site. To understand what a site map is, just imagine a book’s table of contents and it will immediately become clear why do you need a site map. A site map helps a visitor, be it a person or a search robot, quickly find any page on the site, making a minimum number of transitions. On simple, small sites, all pages can be accessed in 1-2 clicks from home page, but what to do if the site is large and its structure is complex? Such a site will not only be inconvenient for visitors, but also not obvious to search engines.

What types of sitemaps are there?

Search engines index the site gradually, level by level, starting from the main page. If the site has many levels of nesting of pages, then it will take many months for all the pages of the site to be indexed. So it is necessary create a sitemap, on which there will be all links to all pages of the site at once, so that the robot does not waste time navigating through nesting levels, right? Yes and no. The answer depends on why the map is being made and what it will be like. Let's take a look what are the types of sitemaps?.

Sitemap HTML Sitemap

Sitemaps are divided into 2 main types or formats: sitemap html and a sitemap xml file. HTML sitemap is a site page, which lists the links. Usually these are links to the most important sections and pages of the site. HTML sitemap is more designed for people rather than robots and helps you quickly navigate the main sections of the site. For a sitemap in the form of an HTML page, there are serious restrictions on the number of links on one page. If there are too many links on a page, not all links may be indexed, or the site map page may even be excluded from searches for having an excessive number of links, even .

In order for the html sitemap to be correctly indexed and adequately perceived by visitors, you should not place more than 100 links on the page. This is more than enough to place on the page all the sections and subsections that do not fit into the main menu.

Usually, site map in HTML format has a tree structure, where expanded sections and subsections are indicated. Unnecessarily cumbersome HTML site maps are often designed graphic elements, CSS styles and complemented by Java script. However, the html sitemap does not have of great importance for search engines.

An HTML sitemap is not a full-fledged sitemap. What to do if the site has hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of pages? To do this, you need to place links to all pages in the site map in xml format.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file in xml format, like sitemap.xml, which is usually located at the root of the site. A sitemap in xml format has many advantages over an html sitemap. Sitemap xml is special format site maps, which is determined by all popular search engines, such as Google and Yandex. You can specify up to 50,000 links in xml sitemap. Moreover, in sitemap xml You can specify the relative priority and frequency of page refreshes.

It is worth saying that the contents of the site map are only recommendations for search robot. For example, if you set an annual update frequency for a website page, search robots will still visit more often. And if you set the page refresh rate to be hourly, this does not mean that robots will index the page every hour.

XML sitemap has a certain syntax, let's take a look xml structure site maps in more detail.

Example sitemap file sitemap.xml

The correct sitemap.xml must be UTF8 encoded. The contents of the sitemap.xml file look like this:

http://mysite.ru/ 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00 always 1.0 http://mysite.ru/category/ 2014-09-18T18:57:09+04:00 hourly 0.8 http://mysite.ru/page/ 2014-09-18T18:59:37+04:00 daily 0.6

Where the following required tags are used:

  • — parent tag, it contains all URLs;
  • — a tag that contains information about a specific URL;
  • https://gtavrl.ru/en/— in this tag the url is indicated directly.
  • — this tag contains the date the page was last modified;
  • — the tag is used to indicate how often the page changes: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never;
  • — indicates the priority of a particular page relative to other pages of the site from 0.1 – low priority, to 1 – high priority.

Also, the sitemap file in xml format must contain an indication of the XML language namespace:


If the sitemap file includes more than 50 thousand links or the size of the sitemap.xml exceeds 10 MB, it is recommended to split the sitemap into several files. In this case, in the site map you need to indicate several links to different files kart.

http://mysite.ru/sitemaps/sitemap01.xml!} 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00 http://mysite.ru/sitemaps/sitemap02.xml 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00

Tags that are already familiar to us are used here And , as well as required tags:

  • — parent tag, which contains the addresses of all site maps;
  • — a tag that contains parameters for each sitemap.

Example sitemap file sitemap.txt

Another way to create a site map in the form of a file can be a site map in txt format:

1. http://mysite.ru/ 2. http://mysite.ru/page/ 3. http://mysite.ru/page1/

It's simple. The sitemap.txt file lists all the necessary links line by line. A sitemap in txt format is an “option for the lazy”. A similar sitemap xml limitation of 50,000 links works here. However, the TXT sitemap does not have the ability to indicate the last modified date and page priority.

How to create a sitemap

Creating a site map an important process in which it is necessary to clearly indicate which pages of the site need to be indexed and how best to index them. Depending on what type of sitemap we're talking about, various ways to create a site map. How to create html map There is no point in discussing the site separately. Let's look at how to make a map in the format xml file. There are several basic ways to create a sitemap, but what they all have in common is where the sitemap is located and how sitemap file determined by search engines.

As already written above - The sitemap file is located at the root of the site. Search engines are able to independently detect a sitemap file. But there are several ways to provide a direct link to the sitemap file(s) for faster discovery by search engines. The easiest way to specify the location of a sitemap file is to directly specify a link or several links to sitemap files in the webmaster tools from Yandex and Google. There you can check sitemap, conduct analysis of the site map for correctness, correspondence of which pages from the site map are found by the search engine and how many of them are indexed.

The second way to point search engines to the location of a sitemap file is .

Sitemap: http://mysite.ru/sitemap.xml

You can specify several sitemap files in robots.txt, after which it will automatically be added to webmaster tools. We've looked at how to find a sitemap, now let's move on to how to create a sitemap.

Basic ways to create a sitemap

  1. Generating a site map by the site management system, if the CMS has such a built-in capability.
  2. Download site map from outside online service. There are many online sitemap generators with different capabilities and limitations. For example, xml-sitemaps.com has the ability to configure sitemap parameters, but has a limit on the number of links in the sitemap.xml file of 500 pieces.
  3. Download the site map generator program. Similar programs generators are usually paid, but with their help you can regularly generate sitemap xml for one or several sites. Here are a couple of examples of such generator programs: SiteMap XML Dynamic SiteMap Generator, WonderWebWare SiteMap Generator.
  4. Automatic creating a sitemap site maps in Joomla (Jumla), WordPress (Wordpress), Bitrix (Bitrix).
  5. Creating a sitemap manually.

A site map is one of the most important tools. It doesn't matter how the sitemap is created. It is important what links will be listed in the sitemap and how often it will be updated. Sometimes, everything is uploaded to the sitemap, even those links that are prohibited in robots.txt or . And the sitemap is updated once a month or less. Such an attitude towards the site map can not only make it useless, but even worse - confuse the search robot, which will negatively affect the indexing and position of the site in the search.

Create a sitemap for your resource. But be careful and think carefully about what to upload to the sitemap and what not.

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