Java examples of working with arrays. Java Array

An array is a finite sequence of ordered elements of the same type, each element in which is accessed by its index.

The size or length of an array is the total number of elements in the array. The size of the array is set when the array is created and cannot be changed later, that is, you cannot remove elements from the array or add them there, but you can assign new values ​​to existing elements.

The index of the starting element is 0, the next one is 1, etc. The index of the last element in the array is one less than the size of the array.

IN Java arrays are objects. This means that the name given to each array only indicates the address of some piece of data in memory. Nothing is stored in this variable except the address. The array index, in fact, indicates how much you need to move away from the starting element of the array in memory to get to the desired element.

To create an array, you need to declare a suitable name for it, and then associate it with this name required fragment memory, where the values ​​of the array elements will be stored one after another. The following options for declaring an array are possible: type name; type name;

Where type is the type of array elements, and Name- a unique (not occupied by other variables or objects in this part of the program) identifier starting with a letter.

Examples: int a; double ar1; double ar2;

In the example we declared names for three arrays. With first name a an array of elements can be further associated type int, and with names ar1 And ar2 further arrays of real numbers(double type). So far we have not created arrays, but only prepared names for them.

Now you can create (or, as they say, initialize) arrays as follows: a = new int; // array of 10 elements of type int int n = 5; ar1 = new double[n]; // Array of 5 elements double ar2 = (3.14, 2.71, 0, -2.5, 99.123); // An array of 6 elements of type double That is, when creating an array, we can specify its size, or immediately list all the desired elements separated by commas in curly braces (in this case, the size will be calculated automatically based on the sequence of elements that will be specified). Please note that in in this case after the closing curly brace a semicolon is inserted, which does not happen when the parenthesis closes a block.

If the array was created using the operator new, then each of its elements receives a default value. What it will be is determined based on the data type (0 for int, 0.0 for double, etc.).

It was possible to declare a name for an array and create the array itself on one line using the following scheme: type name = new type[size]; type name = (el0, el1, ..., elN); Examples: int mas1 = (10,20,30); int mas2 = new int;

To access one of the elements of the array in order to read or change its value, you need to specify the name of the array followed by the index of the element in square brackets. An array element with a specific index behaves the same as a variable. For example, to display the last element of the mas1 array, we must write in the program:

System.out.println("Last array element " + mas1);

And this is how we can put in the mas2 array the same set of values ​​that are stored in mas1:

Mas2 = 10; mas2 = 20; mas2 = 30;Already from this example it is clear that in order to access all elements of the array, we have to repeat the same type of actions. As you remember, loops are used to repeat operations many times. Accordingly, we could fill the array with the necessary elements using a loop: for(int i=0; iIt is clear that if we had an array not of 3, but of 100 elements, we simply would not have been able to do it without a loop.

The length of any array created does not need to be remembered, because there is a property that stores it. You can access this property by adding .length to the array name. For example:

Int razmer = mas1.length; This property cannot be modified (that is, it cannot be assigned anything), it can only be read. Using this property you can write program code to process an array without even knowing its specific size.

For example, this is how you can display the elements of any array named ar2:

For(int i = 0; i<= ar2.length - 1; i++) { System.out.print(ar2[i] + " "); } Для краткости удобнее менять нестрогое неравенство на строгое, тогда не нужно будет вычитать единицу из размера массива. Давайте заполним массив целыми числами от 0 до 9 и выведем его на экран: for(int i = 0; i < ar1.length; i++) {ar1[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); System.out.print(ar1[i] + " "); }

Please note that at each step of the loop, we first sent a random value to the array element with the i-th index, and then displayed the same element on the screen. But the two processes (filling and withdrawal) could be done in different cycles. For example:

For(int i = 0; i< ar1.length; i++) { ar1[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9); } for(int i = 0; i < ar1.length; i++) { System.out.print(ar1[i] + " "); } В данном случае более рационален первый способ (один проход по массиву вместо двух), но не всегда возможно выполнить требуемые действия в одном цикле.

To process arrays, loops of the “n times” (for) type are always used because we know in advance how many times the loop should repeat (the same number of times as there are elements in the array).


    Create an array of all even numbers from 2 to 20 and display the elements of the array first in a line, separating one element from another with a space, and then in a column (separating one element from another by starting a new line). Before creating an array, think about how big it will be.

    2 4 6 … 18 20


    Create an array of all odd numbers from 1 to 99, display it on the screen as a line, and then display the same array on the screen as a line, but in reverse order (99 97 95 93 ... 7 5 3 1).

    Create an array of 15 random integers from the segment. Display the array on the screen. Count how many even elements are in the array and display this number on the screen on a separate line.

    Create an array of 8 random integers from the segment. Print the array to the screen as a string. Replace each element with an odd index with zero. Again, display the array on a separate line.

    Create 2 arrays of 5 random integers from the segment each, display the arrays on the screen on two separate lines. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the elements of each array and report for which of the arrays this value was greater (or report that their arithmetic means are equal).

    Create an array of 4 random integers from the segment, print it to the screen as a string. Determine and display a message indicating whether the array is a strictly increasing sequence.

    Create an array of the top 20 Fibonacci numbers and display it on the screen. We remind you that the first and second terms of the sequence are equal to ones, and each next one is the sum of the previous two.

    Create an array of 12 random integers from the segment [-15;15]. Determine which element is the maximum in this array and report the index of its last occurrence in the array.

    Create two arrays of 10 random integers from the segment and a third array of 10 real numbers. Each element with the i-th index of the third array must be equal to the ratio of the element from the first array with the i-th index to the element from the second array with the i-th index. Print all three arrays to the screen (each on a separate line), then print the number of integer elements in the third array.

    Create an array of 11 random integers from the segment [-1;1], display the array as a line. Determine which element occurs most often in the array and display a message about it on the screen. If two elements occur the same number of times, then do not output anything.

    The user must specify an even positive number from the keyboard, and the program must create an array of the specified size from random integers from [-5;5] and display it on the screen as a line. After this, the program must determine and inform the user about the sum of the modules of which half of the array is greater: the left or right, or inform that these sums of the modules are equal. If the user enters an incorrect number, the program should require repeated entry until the correct value is specified.

    The program must create an array of 12 random integers from the segment [-10;10] so that there are equal numbers of negative and positive elements and no zeros. In this case, the order of the elements must be random (i.e., the option is not suitable when the array constantly contains first 6 positive and then 6 negative numbers, or when the elements constantly alternate through one, etc.). Display the resulting array on the screen.

    The user enters a natural number greater than 3 from the keyboard, which is stored in the variable n. If the user entered an incorrect number, the program should ask the user to repeat the input. Create an array of n random integers from a segment and display it on the screen. Create a second array only from the even elements of the first array, if any, and display it on the screen.

Sort an array

Sorting is the process of rearranging the elements of an array, when all its elements are arranged in ascending or descending order. You can sort not only numeric arrays, but also, for example, string arrays (by the same principle as books are arranged on library shelves). In general, you can sort the elements of any set where the order relation is specified. There are universal algorithms that perform sorting regardless of what the initial state of the array was. But besides them, there are special algorithms that, for example, can very quickly sort an almost ordered array, but do not cope well with a heavily mixed array (or do not cope at all). Special algorithms are needed where speed is important and a specific problem is being solved; their detailed study is beyond the scope of our course.

Sorting by selection

Let's look at an example of sorting in ascending order. That is, the initial position in the array should have the minimum element, the next one should have a larger or equal element, etc., and the last position should have the largest element. The essence of the algorithm is as follows. We look for the minimal element in everything and swap it with the initial one. Then, in the remaining part of the array (i.e., among all elements except the initial one), we again look for the minimum element and swap it with the second element in the array. And so on.


For (int i = 0; i

Bubble sort

The essence of the algorithm is this. If we go through any array, establishing the correct order in each pair of adjacent elements, then after that pass the desired element will be guaranteed to be in the last place of the array (the largest for sorting in ascending order or the smallest for sorting in descending order). If you go through the array again with the same transformations, then the desired element is guaranteed to be in the penultimate place. And so on. Example:

2 9 1 4 3 5 2 → the order is correct, there will be no rearrangement

2 9 1 4 3 5 2 → 2 1 9 4 3 5 2

2 1 9 4 3 5 2 → 2 1 4 9 3 5 2

2 1 4 9 3 5 2 → 2 1 4 3 9 5 2

2 1 4 3 9 5 2 → 2 1 4 3 5 9 2

2 1 4 3 5 9 2 → 2 1 4 3 5 2 9

Code: /* The outer loop constantly narrows down the fragment of the array * that will be considered, because after each pass * of the inner loop, the desired element will be * in the last place of the fragment (it does not need to be considered again). */ for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 2; i--) ( /* In the sorted variable we will store a sign of whether the array * is sorted. Before each pass of the internal * loop we will assume that it is sorted , but if we make * at least one permutation, it means we are not yet completely sorted. * This technique, which simplifies sorting, is called the Iverson criterion. */ boolean sorted = true; /* In the inner loop we go through the array fragment, which is * determined by the outer loop In this fragment we establish * the correct order between adjacent elements, so in pairs * processing the entire fragment. */ for (int j = 0; j a) ( int temp = a[j]; a[j] = a; a = temp ; sorted = false; ) ) /* If the array is sorted (i.e. there were no permutations * in the inner loop, then you can stop the outer * loop. */ if(sorted) ( break; ) )

Multidimensional arrays

An array can consist not only of elements of some built-in type (int, double, etc.), but also, among other things, of objects of some existing class and even of other arrays.

An array that contains other arrays as its elements is called a multidimensional array. Two-dimensional arrays are most often used. Such arrays can be easily represented as a matrix. Each row of which is an ordinary one-dimensional array, and the union of all rows is a two-dimensional array, in each element of which a link to some row of the matrix is ​​stored. A three-dimensional array can be imagined as a set of matrices, each of which we wrote down on a library card. Then, to get to a specific number, you first need to indicate the card number (the first index of the three-dimensional array), therefore indicate the row number (the second array index) and only then the number of the element in the row (the third index).

Accordingly, in order to access an element of an n-dimensional array, you need to specify n indices.

Arrays are declared like this: int d1; //Ordinary, one-dimensional int d2; //Two-dimensional double d3; //Three-dimensional int d5; //Five-dimensional When creating an array, you can explicitly specify the size of each level: d2 = int; // Matrix of 3 rows and 4 columns But you can only specify the size of the first level: int dd2 = int; /* Matrix of 5 rows. It is not yet known how many elements will be in each line. */ In the latter case, you can create two-dimensional array, which will not be a matrix due to the fact that each row will have a different number of elements. For example: for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { dd2[i] = new int; } В результате получим такой вот массив: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Мы могли создать массив явно указав его элементы. Например так: int ddd2 = {{1,2}, {1,2,3,4,5}, {1,2,3}};

In this case, you can access the element with index 4 in the second row ddd2, but if we access the element ddd2 or ddd2- an error will occur, since such elements simply do not exist. Moreover, this error will occur during program execution (that is, the compiler will not see it).

Typically, two-dimensional arrays with an equal number of elements in each row are used. To process two-dimensional arrays, two nested loops with different counters are used. Example (we fill a two-dimensional array with random numbers from 0 to 9 and display it on the screen in the form of a matrix): int da = new int; for(int i=0; i


    Create a two-dimensional array of 8 rows of 5 columns each of random integers from the segment. Display the array on the screen.

    Create a two-dimensional array of 5 rows with 8 columns each of random integers from the segment [-99;99]. Display the array on the screen. Then, on a separate line, display the value of the maximum element of this array (its index does not matter).

    Create a two-dimensional array of 7 rows with 4 columns each of random integers from the segment [-5;5]. Display the array on the screen. Determine and display the index of the row with the largest absolute product of elements. If there are several such lines, then print the index of the first one encountered.

    Create a two-dimensional array of 6 rows with 7 columns each of random integers from the segment. Display the array on the screen. Transform the array so that the largest element in each row comes first. In this case, the composition of the array cannot be changed, but only the elements can be rearranged within one line. The order of the remaining elements of the line is not important (i.e., you can only make one permutation, or you can sort each line in descending order). Display the converted array on the screen.

    To test the students' residual knowledge after the summer holidays, the primary school teacher decided to start each lesson by asking each student an example from the multiplication table, but there are 15 people in the class, and the examples among them should not be repeated. To help the teacher, write a program that will display 15 random examples from the multiplication table (from 2*2 to 9*9, because multiplication tasks by 1 and 10 are too simple). Moreover, among the 15 examples there should be no repeating ones (examples 2*3 and 3*2 and similar pairs should be considered repeating).

2010, Alexey Nikolaevich Kostin. Department of TIDM, Faculty of Mathematics, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

19 answers

You can use an array declaration or an array literal (but only when you immediately declare and affect a variable; array literals cannot be used to reassign an array).

For primitive types:

Int myIntArray = new int; int myIntArray = (1,2,3); int myIntArray = new int(1,2,3);

For classes like String it's the same:

String myStringArray = new String; String myStringArray = ("a","b","c"); String myStringArray = new String("a","b","c");

The third method of initialization is useful when you first declare an array and then initialize it. A cast is needed here.

String myStringArray; myStringArray = new String("a","b","c");

There are two types of array.

One dimensional array

Default value syntax:

Int num = new int;

Or (less preferred)

Int num = new int;

Syntax with specified values ​​(variable/field initialization):

Int num = (1,2,3,4,5);

Or (less preferred)

Int num = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Note. For convenience, int num is preferred because it clearly states that you are talking about an array here. Otherwise there is no difference. Not at all.

Multidimensional array


int num = new int;

Int num = new int;

Int num = new int;


num=1; num=2; num=1; num=2; num=1; num=2; num=1; num=2; num=1; num=2;

Int num=( (1,2), (1,2), (1,2), (1,2), (1,2) );

Ragged Array (or non-rectangular array)

int num = new int; num = new int; num = new int; num = new int; num = new int;

So here we explicitly define the columns.
Another way:

Int num=( (1), (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2), (1,2,3) );

To access:

for (int i=0; i<(num.length); i++) { for (int j=0;jAs an alternative:

For (int a: num) ( for (int i: a) ( System.out.println(i); ) )

Type variableName = new Type; Type variableName = (comma-delimited values); Type variableName = new Type; Type variableName = (comma-delimited values);

is also valid, but I prefer parentheses after the type because it's easier to see that the variable's type is actually an array.

The following shows an array declaration, but the array is not initialized:

Int myIntArray = new int;

Below is the declaration as well as the initialization of the array:

Int myIntArray = (1,2,3);

Now the following also shows the declaration as well as the initialization of the array:

Int myIntArray = new int(1,2,3);

But this third one shows the anonymous creation property of an array-object, which is indicated by the reference variable "myIntArray", so if we only write "new int(1,2,3);" then it can be an anonymous array object.

If we just write:

Int myIntArray;

This is not an array declaration, but the following statement makes the following expression complete:

MyIntArray=new int;

I find it helpful if you understand each part:

Type name = new Type;

Type is the type of a variable called name ("name" is called an identifier). The literal "Type" is the base type, and the parentheses mean it is the array type of that base. Array types, in turn, are their own, which allows you to create multidimensional arrays of type Type ( array type Type ). The new keyword refers to the allocation of memory for a new array. The number between the bracket tells how big the new array will be and how much memory will be allocated. For example, if Java knows that the underlying Type is 32 bytes, and you want an array of size 5, it needs to internally allocate 32 * 5 = 160 bytes.

You can also create arrays with already existing values, such as

Int name = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

which not only creates empty space, but also fills it with these values. Java can tell that the primitives are integers and that there are 5 of them, so the size of the array can be determined implicitly.

Also, if you want something more dynamic, there is the List interface. This won't work, but is more flexible:

List listOfString = new ArrayList (); listOfString.add("foo"); listOfString.add("bar"); String value = listOfString.get(0); assertEquals(value, "foo");

There are two main ways to create an array:

This one, for an empty array:

Int array = new int[n]; // "n" being the number of spaces to allocate in the array

And this one, for an initialized array:

Int array = (1,2,3,4 ...);

You can also create multidimensional arrays, for example:

Int array2d = new int[x][y]; // "x" and "y" specify the dimensions int array2d = ( (1,2,3 ...), (4,5,6 ...) ...);

Take the primitive type int for example. There are several ways to declare an int array:

Int i = new int; int i = new int (value1, value2, value3, etc); int i = (value1, value2, value3, etc);

where in all these cases you can use int i instead of int i .

With reflection you can use (Type) Array.newInstance(Type.class, capacity);

Note that the method parameters... display variable arguments . Basically, any number of parameters is fine. It's easier to explain with code:

Public static void varargs(int fixed1, String fixed2, int... varargs) (...) ... varargs(0, "", 100); // fixed1 = 0, fixed2 = "", varargs = (100) varargs(0, "", 100, 200); // fixed1 = 0, fixed2 = "", varargs = (100, 200);

Inside the method, varargs is treated like a normal int. Type... can only be used in method parameters, so int... i = new int() will not compile.

Note that when passing an int to a method (or any other Type), you cannot use the third way. In the statement int i = *(a, b, c, d, etc)*, the compiler assumes that (...) means int . But that's because you're declaring a variable. When passing an array to a method, the declaration must be either new Type or new Type (...) .

Multidimensional arrays

Multidimensional arrays are much more difficult to handle. Essentially, a 2D array is an array of arrays. int means array of int s. The key is that if an int is declared as int[x][y] , the maximum index is i . Essentially, a rectangle int is equal to:

Declaring an array of object references:

Class Animal () class Horse extends Animal ( public static void main(String args) ( /* * Array of Animal can hold Animal and Horse (all subtypes of Animal allowed) */ Animal a1 = new Animal; a1 = new Animal() ; a1 = new Horse(); /* * Array of Animal can hold Animal and Horse and all subtype of Horse */ Animal a2 = new Horse; a2 = new Animal(); a2 = new Horse(); /* * Array of Horse can hold only Horse and its subtype (if any) and not allowed supertype of Horse nor other subtype of Animal. */ Horse h1 = new Horse; h1 = new Animal(); // Not allowed h1 = new Horse() ; /* * This can not be declared. */ Horse h2 = new Animal; // Not allowed ) )

An array is a sequential list of elements

Int item = value; int one_dimensional_array = ( value, value, value, .., value ); int two_dimensional_array = ( ( value, value, value, .. value ), ( value, value, value, .. value ), .. .. .. .. ( value, value, value, .. value ) );

If this is an object, then this is the same concept

Object item = new Object(); Object one_dimensional_array = ( new Object(), new Object(), .. new Object() ); Object two_dimensional_array = ( ( new Object(), new Object(), .. new Object() ), ( new Object(), new Object(), .. new Object() ), .. .. .. ( new Object(), new Object(), .. new Object() ) );

In case of objects you need to either assign it to null for initialization using new Type(..) , classes like String and Integer are special cases that will be treated as follows

String a = ("hello", "world" ); // is equivalent to String a = ( new String(("h","e","l","l","o")), new String(("w","o","r" ,"l","d")) ); Integer b = ( 1234, 5678 ); // is equivalent to Integer b = ( new Integer(1234), new Integer(5678) );

In general you can create arrays that are M dimensional

Int .. array = // ^ M times brackets ((..( // ^ M times ( bracket // this is array.. // ^ M times ))..) // ^ M times ) bracket ;

It's worth noting that creating a dimensional array M is expensive from a Space perspective. Because when you create an array M with N in all dimensions, the total size of the array is greater than N^M , since each array has a link, and in M ​​dimension there is an (M -1)-dimensional array of links. The overall size is as follows

What is an array?

An array in Java is a collection of elements of the same type that can be accessed by index.

Array elements in Java are located one after another in the computer's memory. Below is an example of an array in Java.

Declaring an Array in Java

Let's declare an array to store elements of type int:

Here the variable arr is declared, which is an array. To use this variable you need to define it.

Array Definition in Java

To define an array in Java, you must specify its length, i.e. number of elements that can be stored in it:

Our array will store 5 elements.

An array is a collection of elements. Each element of the array can be referred to by its number. The number is usually called an index. The numbering of array elements in Java starts from zero.

How to load elements into an array?

Let's assign a value to the first element of the array, and the first element has index zero:

Let's assign a value to the second element of the array, and the second element has index one:

for(int inn = 0; inn< 5; inn++)
arr = inn;

When declaring an array, you can immediately load values ​​into it:

int arr = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);

the number of elements here is 5, i.e. There is no need to specify the number of elements, it will be determined automatically.

How to get elements from an array?

Each element of the array can be referred to by its number. To get an element of an array, you need to specify the name of the array and the index of the element:

This is the first element of the array, because the first element has index zero.

Let's assign the value of the third element of the array to the variable int a:

Let's output all the elements of the array in a loop (we'll iterate over the array):

For(int inn = 0; inn< 5; inn++) { System.out.println("arr[" + inn + "] = " + arr); }

A simplified version of the loop for outputting an array is as follows:

For(int inn: arr) ( System.out.println("arr[" + inn + "] = " + arr); )

How to delete an array in Java?

You can delete an array in Java like this:

How to get the length of an array in Java?

We get the length of an array in Java like this:

int arrLength = arr.length;

How to get the first element of an array in Java?

int firstElem = arr;

How to get the half-last element of an array in Java?

int lastElem = arr;

How to define a variable length array in Java?

How to define a variable length array in Java? No way. When you define an array, you then set its length; it cannot be changed later. In such cases, collections are used, for example: Vector, ArrayList, etc.

So, the array length cannot be variable. But you can use a variable when defining an array. If so:

int cd;
int ab = new int;//Error.

then we get an error: the length of the array cannot be a variable.

You need to set the cd value:

int cd = 10;
int ab = new int;

It's okay now. If you change the cd variable after defining the array, this will not affect the array, i.e. its length will not change. Example:

Int cd = 10; int ab = new int; cd = 12;// This is possible arrLength = ab.length; System.out.println("ab array length = " + arrLength); //Outputs: ab array length = 10 ab=4;// And here is the error

We get an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 11

The maximum index of our array is 9. Changing the value of the cd variable does not affect the array, because it is already defined and its length is constant.

Variables can be used to access array elements:

Int var = 1;
int elem = arr;
var = 2;
elem = arr;

Array of characters in Java

An example of a character array in Java and its output:

Char charArr = ("S", "B", "P"); for(int inn = 0; inn< charArr.length; inn++) { System.out.println("charArr[" + inn + "] = " + charArr); }

How to fill an array in Java?

You can fill an array using the static fill method.

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Java arrays

An array is a data structure that stores values ​​of the same type. An individual array element is accessed using an integer index. For example, if a is an array of integers, then the value of the expression a[i] is equal to the i-th integer in the array.

An array is declared as follows: first, the type of the array is indicated, that is, the type of elements contained in the array, followed by a pair of empty square brackets, and then the name of the variable. For example, here's how to declare an array consisting of integers:
int a;

However, this statement only declares the variable a, without initializing it with an actual array. To create an array, you need to use the new operator.

This operator creates an array of 100 integers. The elements of this array are numbered from 0 to 99 (not from 1 to 100). Once created, the array can be filled, for example, using a loop.

int a = new int;
for (int i = 0; i< 100; i++)
a[i] = i; // Fills the array with numbers from 0 to 99.

If you try to access element a (or any other element whose index is outside the range 0 to 99) by creating an array of 100 elements, the program will terminate because an array index out of bounds exception will be thrown. range.
To count the number of elements in an array, use the method nameArray-

For example,

for (int i = 0; i< a. length; i++ System.out.println (a[i]);

Once an array is created, it is impossible to change its size (although you can, of course, change its individual elements). If you need to change the size of an array frequently during program execution, it is better to use another data structure called an array list.

An array can be declared in two ways:

int a;
int a;

Most Java programmers prefer the first style because it more clearly separates the int array type from the variable name.

Array initializers and unnamed arrays

Java has a facility for simultaneously creating an array and initializing it. Here is an example of such a syntactic structure:

int smallPrimes = ( 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13);

Note that in this case there is no need to use the new operator. Additionally, you can even initialize an unnamed array:

new int ( 16, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37)

This expression allocates memory for a new array and fills it with the numbers specified in curly braces. In this case, their number is calculated and, accordingly, the size of the array is determined. This syntactic construction is convenient to use to reinitialize an array without creating a new variable. For example, the expression

smallPrimes = new int( 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 );
is a shortened expression
int anonymous = ( 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 );
smailPrimes = anonymous;

You can create an array of zero size. Such an array can be useful when writing a method that evaluates an array that turns out to be empty. A zero-length array is declared as follows:

new element type

Note that such an array is not equivalent to a null object.

Copying arrays

One array can be copied to another, but both variables will refer to the same array.

int luckyNumbers = smailPrimes;
luckyNimbers = 12; // Now the smailPrimes element is also 12.

The result is shown in Fig. 3.14. If you need to copy all the elements of one array to another, you should use the arraycopy method from the System class. Its call looks like this:

System.arraycopy(from, fromlndex, to, tolndex, count);

The to array must be large enough to contain all the elements to be copied.

Rice. 3.14. Copying an array

For example, the operators shown below, the results of which are shown in Fig. 3.15, create two arrays, and then copy the last four elements of the first array into the second. Copying starts from the second position in the source array, and the copied elements are placed in the target array starting from the third position.

int smailPrimes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13);
int luckyNumbers = (1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007);
System.aggausor(smailPrimes, 2, luckyNumbers, 3, 4);
for (int i = 0; i< luckyNumbers.length; i++)
System.println(i +.": " + luckyNumbersfi]);

Executing these statements produces the following result.

0: 1001
1: 1002
2: 1003
3: 5
4: 7
5: 11
6: 13

Rice. 3.15. Copying Array Elements

An array in Java is significantly different from an array in C++. However, it is practically the same as a pointer to a dynamic array. This means that the operator

int a = new int; //Java
is equivalent to the operator
i n t * = new i n t [ 1 0 0 ] ; // C++,
but not
int a; // C++

In Java, the default no operator checks the range of indexes. In addition, Java does not have pointer arithmetic—you cannot increment a pointer to access the next element of an array.

Last update: 11/09/2018

An array represents a set of values ​​of the same type. Declaring an array is similar to declaring a regular variable that stores a single value, and there are two ways to declare an array:

data_type array_name; // either data_type array_name;

For example, let's define an array of numbers:

Int nums; int nums2;

After declaring the array, we can initialize it:

Int nums; nums = new int; // array of 4 numbers

An array is created using the following construction: new data_type[number of elements] , where new is a keyword that allocates memory for the number of elements specified in parentheses. For example, nums = new int; - this expression creates an array of four int elements, and each element will have a default value of 0.

You can also immediately initialize an array when declaring it:

Int nums = new int; // array of 4 numbers int nums2 = new int; // array of 5 numbers

With such initialization, all array elements have a default value. For numeric types (including the char type) this is the number 0, for the boolean type this is false , and for other objects this is null . For example, for the int type the default value is 0, so the nums array defined above will consist of four zeros.

However, you can also set specific values ​​for the elements of an array when you create it:

// these two methods are equivalent int nums = new int ( 1, 2, 3, 5 ); int nums2 = ( 1, 2, 3, 5 );

It is worth noting that in this case the square brackets do not indicate the size of the array, since it is calculated by the number of elements in the curly braces.

After creating an array, we can access any of its elements by index, which is passed in square brackets after the name of the array variable:

Int nums = new int; // set the values ​​of the array elements nums = 1; nums = 2; nums = 4; nums = 100; // get the value of the third element of the array System.out.println(nums); // 4

Indexing of array elements starts at 0, so in this case, to access the fourth element in the array, we need to use the nums expression.

And since our array is defined for only 4 elements, we cannot access, for example, the sixth element: nums = 5; . If we try to do this, we will get an error.

Array length

The most important property that arrays have is the length property, which returns the length of the array, that is, the number of its elements:

Int nums = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); int length = nums.length; // 5

It's not uncommon for the last index to be unknown, and to get the last element of an array, we can use this property:

Int last = nums;

Multidimensional arrays

Previously, we looked at one-dimensional arrays, which can be represented as a chain or string of values ​​of the same type. But in addition to one-dimensional arrays, there are also multi-dimensional ones. The most famous multidimensional array is a table representing a two-dimensional array:

Int nums1 = new int ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); int nums2 = ( ( 0, 1, 2 ), ( 3, 4, 5 ) );

Visually, both arrays can be represented as follows:

One-dimensional array nums1
Two-dimensional array nums2

Since the nums2 array is two-dimensional, it is a simple table. It could also be created like this: int nums2 = new int; . The number of square brackets indicates the size of the array. And the numbers in brackets indicate the number of rows and columns. And also, using indexes, we can use array elements in a program:

// set the element of the first column of the second row nums2=44; System.out.println(nums2);

A three-dimensional array declaration might look like this:

Int nums3 = new int;

Jagged array

Multidimensional arrays can also be represented as "jagged arrays". In the example above, the two-dimensional array had 3 rows and three columns, so we had a flat table. But we can assign each element in a two-dimensional array a separate array with a different number of elements:

Int nums = new int; nums = new int; nums = new int; nums = new int;


A special version of the for loop is designed to iterate over elements in sets of elements, such as arrays and collections. It is similar to the foreach loop found in other programming languages. Its formal announcement:

For (data_type variable_name: container)( // actions)

For example:

Int array = new int ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); for (int i: array)( System.out.println(i); )

In this case, the container is an array of data of type int . Then a variable of type int is declared

The same thing could be done with the regular version of for:

Int array = new int ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); for (int i = 0; i< array.length; i++){ System.out.println(array[i]); }

At the same time, this version of the for loop is more flexible than for (int i: array) . In particular, in this version we can change the elements:

Int array = new int ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); for (int i=0; i

Looping through multidimensional arrays

int nums = new int ( (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9) ); for (int i = 0; i< nums.length; i++){ for(int j=0; j < nums[i].length; j++){ System.out.printf("%d ", nums[i][j]); } System.out.println(); }

First, a loop is created to iterate over the rows, and then within the first loop, an inner loop is created to iterate over the columns of a particular row. In a similar way, you can iterate over three-dimensional arrays and sets with a large number of dimensions.