Radiation from a computer is harmful. Electromagnetic radiation from a computer

Modern man every year he spends more and more time in front of a computer monitor, laptop, TV screen, projector. Manufacturers of information display devices, in the fight for their customers, are constantly releasing new lines of models, reducing prices for their products, each time, according to them, improving their characteristics. The buyer, in turn, is often no longer able to understand such an abundance of models presented and makes a choice more emotionally than rationally, completely forgetting about the impact the monitor screen has on vision and general well-being.

Very often, when choosing a monitor, laptop, tablet, TV, etc., we do not think about the possible harmful effects of its screen on health. Working with any information display device - be it a computer monitor, laptop screen, tablet, TV or a sheet of paper - is associated with intense work of the visual organs. In addition to the purely physical tension of the optic tract, increased load, also tests the brain processing incoming information. And the more complex its structure, the worse the conditions for obtaining it, the more more effort required for its perception and processing, and the more Negative influence screen not only on the eyes and vision, but also on human health in general.
The amount of information a person receives through various electronic devices, is growing steadily. At the same time, the time a person works with them increases. And, every year, more and more people begin to notice not only the fact that their eyes are hurting more and more often from the monitor, but also a general deterioration in their well-being. Among the most common symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of concentration;
  • discomfort in the eyes (pain, dryness or increased tearing);
  • blurred vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased irritability;
  • and much more…
Fig. 1 Graph of incidence growth since 1980.
From the incidence growth graph in Fig. 1 we see that the highest growth rate was noted in the 90s-2000s, that is, during the period of mass introduction computer equipment. This is especially pronounced in the growth of pathologies of the organs of vision (primarily due to the seriously increased load on it when working with a computer monitor). A certain decline in the growth rate of diseases in the last decade is probably associated with an improvement in the quality of computer equipment, and, first of all, monitors.
All the symptoms mentioned are often caused by prolonged work at a computer or laptop monitor. For them, foreign sources even introduced a special term - “LCD Syndrome”, i.e. "liquid crystal display syndrome" A complex deterioration in well-being in a person who spends a lot of time looking at a computer, laptop or tablet screen is caused by the fact that the display can negatively affect not only vision, but also directly on the human brain, on its biorhythms, as well as on general hormonal levels.

What computer monitor parameters have a negative impact on health.

The main unfavorable factors when working with a computer display are (as the degree of danger decreases):

  • flickering (pulsation) of image brightness;
  • increased image brightness levels;
  • unsatisfactory external lighting conditions;
  • poor quality images (clarity, contrast, focusing, uneven brightness, etc.);
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • improperly equipped workplace;
  • electromagnetic radiation;
  • poor ergonomics and poor monitor design ( glossy screen, bright parts or indicators on the front panel, poor screen position adjustment, etc.).

Flickering image brightness simultaneously negatively affects both human vision and brain function. The effect of pulsations is described in more detail in the section “The impact of monitor flickering on human vision and brain.”

Ripple on the monitor screen can be caused by several reasons, which are described in the article “Disadvantages of LCD monitors. Causes of image flickering include backlight, VCOM, lighting, grounding, and electromagnetic fields."
Requirements for safe levels of electromagnetic radiation, brightness, external lighting and image quality on the monitor screen are formulated in sanitary standards, a summary of which is given in the material “Computer Screen. Sanitary standards. Requirements for location, image quality, radiation level, workplace arrangement.”
Almost all types modern monitors emit some ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation when working at a computer monitor negatively affects human vision. This is a serious problem. Read more about it in “LCD monitor backlight. The harm of fluorescent lighting."
Is it possible to reduce the health harm from a computer monitor? Definitely yes. Of course, it is best when purchasing a display or laptop to take care of choosing the most secure and quality model. To do this, read the material “How to choose and buy the right safe monitor", where we give recommendations on choosing the safest model in terms of negative health effects.
And finally, in the article “How to properly set up a computer monitor,” we give advice on how to make sure that working with a computer display or laptop screen not only does not harm your health, but is also as comfortable and productive as possible. Make your computer monitor your real assistant and partner!

The computer is a major breakthrough in the field modern technologies. The ability to communicate via the Internet has become the reason for people to conduct large quantity time in front of the monitor. In this regard, the influence of the computer on the health and human body is of great importance. After all, many users complain about their health. Scientists attribute this to the influence of electromagnetic radiation on people.

Computer damage

Why is a computer harmful? First of all, it harms the eyes. Small vibrations and flicker from the screen can strain the eye muscles, which reduces visual acuity over time.

Working at a computer causes dry eye syndrome for many, which brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Prolonged eye strain can provoke a spasm of accommodation. This is false myopia, it can be eliminated with the help of hardware treatment or certain exercises.

The computer is also harmful to the spine. Constantly being in one position puts stress on only one muscle group. This can provoke their degradation and damage to the intervertebral discs, which leads to osteochondrosis, the appearance of a hernia, headaches, and pain in the internal organs. Children often experience spinal curvature.

The most important negative factor is electromagnetic radiation emanating from the computer. Modern technology has become much safer than older models, but not entirely harmless.

The computer also negatively affects the genitourinary system. Prolonged sitting creates a thermal effect between the chair and the user's body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. The result of this is hemorrhoids, and there is also a risk of prostatitis.

The computer is harmful to the human psyche. It is especially dangerous for the health of children, because popular shooting games often cause great damage to their mental state. Many people are also addicted to the Internet.

Working at a computer reduces the user's physical activity, which disrupts the body's metabolism, causing excess weight and cellulite.


Is a computer harmful during pregnancy? This is a very important period in a woman’s life. During this period, the child is extremely sensitive to negative external influences. Intrauterine damage to the fetus by electromagnetic radiation is possible at any stage.

Especially expectant mothers need to be careful in the first trimester. At this time, miscarriages occur more often and various malformations of the child appear. Therefore, pregnant women should not forget about the dangers of a computer.

Radiation from a laptop is just as harmful as that from regular computer. You should not place a laptop on your lap, especially during pregnancy, because in this case it will be very close to the fetus.

What effect do computers have on a person during pregnancy when they spend a long time looking at the monitor?

  1. A prolonged sitting position disrupts metabolism and blood circulation in the pelvic area, which leads to blood stagnation. This negatively affects the uterus, disrupts blood flow to the baby, and can also lead to hemorrhoids.
  2. During pregnancy, due to the severity of the fetus, huge pressure on the spine. By aggravating this with a prolonged sitting position, you can get osteochondrosis, as well as some joint diseases.
  3. The harmful effects of computers on vision while carrying a child are also dangerous, especially for those who already have problems in this area. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause rapid progression of the disease.
  4. This technique is also harmful to the mental state of the pregnant woman. Computer radiation may cause irritation, depression, fatigue.

Impact on children

What harm or benefit does a computer bring to children? Currently, children's knowledge of the world is simplified using modern technology. The computer helps develop memory, thinking, and creative skills. Games develop motor coordination, children learn to make independent decisions.

To minimize the harm emanating from a computer, it is necessary to adhere to standard standards. They imply regular ventilation of the room, an LCD monitor, and special furniture.

Improper organization of the workplace can harm the child. However, even if all standards are observed, it is necessary to do exercises and walk in the fresh air.

Symptoms of radiation

At daily work while at the computer, you should know what symptoms indicate an “overdose.” Signs of excessive computer exposure may be confused with stress or overwork. Also, some associate them with old age. The influence of a computer on the human body is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Memory loss, decreased concentration.
  • Fatigue, loss of strength.
  • Dizziness, frequent headaches.
  • Insomnia, irregular sleep.
  • Dry skin, itching and flaking, wrinkles appear.
  • Pain in muscles, arms and legs.
  • Frequent heartbeat.

In the future, radiation from the computer can lead to more disastrous consequences: inflammation of the lymph nodes, the birth of sick children, infertility.

Such symptoms and manifestations indicate electromagnetic hypersensitivity. However, this diagnosis is not recognized by all specialists. Many people believe that these signs can simply be suggested to themselves. But every day more and more people go to the hospital with similar complaints, mostly active PC users.

How to protect yourself from harmful radiation

Modern technology provides a lot of opportunities, but it also has back side– dangerous electromagnetic radiation. By following some recommendations, you can minimize the harm your computer can cause to human health. The following protection methods exist:

  1. Highest level radiation is in the back panel system unit, therefore the distance from her to another person should be at least 1.5 m.
  2. The screen should be installed at a distance of 50-60 cm from the eyes, preferably in the corner of the room, to reduce harmful radiation from its walls.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the length of power cables as much as possible.
  4. Wet cleaning should be carried out regularly. The use of an ionizer will also additionally protect against PCs.
  5. After finishing work, be sure to turn off the computer.
  6. When purchasing a monitor, you should choose an LCD monitor marked Low Radiation, indicating a low degree of radiation exposure.
  7. There are monitors with special protective screens that help minimize the harmful effects on the eyes when working on a PC for long periods of time.
  8. The system unit should be positioned away from you.
  9. Several computers in the room should be placed around the perimeter so that the center of the room remains free.

Special glasses

Among the ways to protect against computer harm to your health, you can also highlight computer glasses. By appearance They are no different from ordinary medical glasses, but they have a special coating applied to them. The glasses block the blue spectrum of rays emanating from the screen and protect against its unpleasant flickering.

In addition, they are coated with an antistatic coating that protects the eyes from exposure magnetic field, as well as from dust sticking to the lenses, which is very convenient during operation.

Computer glasses have the following properties:

  • Protects eyes when working in bad conditions environment.
  • Reduces stress and strain on the eyes, while the user instinctively moves away safe distance from the screen.
  • Prevents the occurrence of dry eye syndrome.
  • Eyes wearing such glasses are much less tired during long-term work.

Video: about the dangers of a computer.

CT scan

Computed tomography allows for non-surgical examination and diagnosis of various diseases. However, research shows that this method has a detrimental effect on human health, increasing the risk of more dangerous diseases. At first after a CT scan, the risk of cancer increases by 35%, then this percentage gradually decreases.

There are maximum permissible doses of radiation per year that will not cause significant harm to health. Exceeding them is allowed only if absolutely necessary.

Computed tomography is a diagnostic method that is used last, when to replace alternative method it is forbidden. If it is possible to conduct an examination using ultrasound or other safe ways, it's better to choose them.

Computers and laptops enable millions of users to earn money, communicate, and have fun. However, nothing is more important than human health.

It is the mysterious emissions from the monitor that are usually first of all in mind when talking about the effect of a computer on health. In fact, this is far from the worst of the “computer” hazards. Although you shouldn’t forget about it either.

When you hear the word “radiation”, first of all you start to think about some kind of radiation, something radioactive. So here it is. The monitor is not a source of radioactive radiation! Neither alpha, nor beta, nor gamma particles fly out of the monitor! The monitor's cathode ray tube produces small doses of x-ray radiation. In some models of very old monitors, manufactured in the 80s or earlier and which can now still be found here and there, X-ray radiation reached rather large values ​​and could, during daily work for several hours a day, really undermine the health of the operator, including provoke the appearance of various tumors. But the X-ray radiation from modern monitors is so negligible that it is not possible to talk about any harmful effects on health.

But the monitor does generate electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields. And their impact on the user’s health can be very noticeable, as, in fact, was the case with monitors of older models (again, from the 80s and earlier).

In addition, electromagnetic radiation from monitors was not only harmful to health. Some old monitors created such interference that it was impossible to watch TV in the next room. It also made it possible, using special “spy” devices, to read all the information displayed on the screen at a distance of up to several tens of meters.

The first successes in the fight against electromagnetic radiation, real or imaginary, at one time gave rise to the famous inscription “Low Radiation”, which was, in fact, an advertising ploy by monitor manufacturers. And it was the regulation of the levels of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields generated by monitors that became the main part of the first monitor safety standards (MPR-II, TCO-92).

The restrictions on electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields introduced by the TCO-95 and TCO-99 standards are so stringent that monitors that meet these standards are almost completely safe even for children and pregnant women.

An important note: all of the above applies to monitors with a cathode ray tube (CRT), which now, one might say, have become exotic. Modern liquid crystal monitors, even the simplest and cheapest models, do not emit X-rays at all, and the levels of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields are so low that they meet the most stringent existing standards with a huge margin.

To summarize, we can say: if you work on a CRT monitor that meets the TCO-95 or TCO-99 standard, and even more so on a modern liquid crystal monitor, then you don’t have to be afraid of any radiation. And if you have to use a very old monitor (or even if one is working in the next room) - be vigilant and careful! Better yet, replace such a monitor with a new one (or change your job and leave the “company” that doesn’t care about its employees).

Radiation from a computer raises many controversial opinions. Some people argue that it is not too dangerous, while others, on the contrary, believe that it causes irreparable harm to health.

Until now, humanity has not come to a common opinion.

That is why you should know what PC radiation actually is and how it affects human health.

Radiation from computer operation: what is the harm?

IN modern world There is a computer in almost every home. It is used by everyone, everywhere; it is no longer possible to imagine life without it. However, do not forget that this electrical appliance, and, therefore, there is electromagnetic radiation that affects a person and his condition. A lot of people, having spent quite a bit long time at the computer, they begin to complain about the deterioration of their condition, pain in the head and eyes.

What happens if you use a PC for a long time? What harm is done to the body?

After some research, scientists made certain conclusions about the influence of radiation.


  • It is carcinogenic
  • Affects the cardiac, vascular and hormonal systems,
  • Can provoke the development of diseases of the brain and respiratory system,
  • Reduces human immunity,
  • It has a negative effect on the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.
  • Negatively affects the nervous system.

However, this should not be taken literally. Such consequences can develop as a result of constant long-term use of a computer.

The strongest radiation comes from the back of the monitor. Fortunately, nowadays you almost never see monitors with cathode ray tubes. It was from them that the greatest harm to the body was caused.

LCD monitors are no longer so dangerous, but waves from them still exist.

Long-term operation of the PC leads to the fact that some parts begin to heat up. As a result, the release of harmful substances into the external environment begins. The air in such rooms is quite heavy for the respiratory system.

In addition, the air space is gradually saturated with dust particles, which are affected by the electrostatic field of the monitor. Most people who are constantly in such premises have diseases with the respiratory system.

Particular attention should also be paid to laptops. Electromagnetic radiation is also present, so such devices should also not be used for a long time. In addition, it should not be placed on your lap in front of various important organs.

Computer radiation and pregnancy

Electromagnetic radiation is very harmful to pregnant women. The fact is that at the time of the baby’s development, any intervention is unfavorable.

Influence electromagnetic field during this period can cause various damage to the fetus. Wherein greatest danger represent early dates.

Therefore, expectant mothers should pay attention to their health and the health of their unborn baby.

By the way, radiation from a laptop is just as dangerous at this time as from a computer. In addition, many women continue to place this device on their knees close to the abdomen, which is far from favorable for the unborn child.

Protection from harmful effects of the computer

Regardless of whether there is radiation from the computer, you should consider some rules for using this device to avoid negative consequences.


  • The distance from the back of the monitor to the user's back should be at least one and a half meters.
  • Power cords should be kept as minimal as possible.
  • The distance to the monitor should be comfortable for vision, and it should be placed in a corner of the room.
  • Radiation from the system unit can be minimized if it is located at a sufficient distance from the workplace.
  • In a room with a computer, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often.
  • When choosing a monitor, you should pay attention to the Low Radiation inscription, which indicates low level radiation.
  • Protective screens should be used, especially for fans of computer toys.
  • If there are several PCs in the room, then they are placed around the perimeter and the middle is left empty.

Compliance with these rules will minimize harm from your computer.

Plants protected from computer radiation

Many people are convinced that best protection from electromagnetic radiation, it is a cactus.

It seems to absorb harmful rays. However, what would happen to the radars in Mexico, the homeland of this plant, if this were true?

There is only one conclusion - not a single plant will reduce radiation. However, by placing it in your workplace, you can enjoy its view. This will lift your spirits, and positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Benefits and harms of computers for children

Modern children spend a long time at the computer. Is this good or bad? Both points of view should be considered.


  • Improper arrangement of the place can cause problems with posture and vision.
  • The child's psyche may suffer.
  • Computer addiction may occur when a child replaces live communication with the virtual world.
  • Children under five years old should not be allowed to use a PC at all to avoid developmental disorders.
  • And, of course, radiation, which affects children’s incompletely developed organs.

However, using a computer can also be useful. For example, with its help you can receive new information and explore the world.

At the same time, children's memory and thinking also develop. Therefore, you should not completely exclude the computer from children's use.

However, parents should ensure that their baby does not sit on this device for long periods of time. In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the workplace.

Radiation from a computer can have a negative effect on the human body, just like any other electrical device. However, this does not mean that you should completely abandon the use of this device.

Simply, when using it, you must follow safety rules. This is especially true for parents; they need to monitor the time their child spends near the computer. Then there will be less harm from it than good. Many people have and with a computer, and it also does a lot of harm.

Video: the truth behind the cactus from radiation

Basically, those who sit for days in an embrace with the old huge “monitor” depicted here should be afraid. And almost no one has these anymore. But let's also give more important tips , which, despite their simplicity, can really save your health and vision.
And then we’ll touch on the topic of radiation, which is not so scary with modern screens.

So, first and most importantly, don’t be afraid of radiation, but take care of your eyesight:

1. When working with a screen, take BREAKS for 10-15 minutes every hour, relax, look into the distance. LED bulbs directly into the eyes, no one has yet helped save their eyesight.

2. Do EYE EXERCISES (rotate your eyes, etc.).

– Watch the LIGHTING: electric light should not be too bright, but also do not create a “cinema” for yourself, working at the monitor in a dark room. AND THERE SHOULD BE NO GLARE on the screen.

3. Install on your computer free program Flux https://justgetflux.com
This program makes working with the monitor much easier for the eyes. Before installing Flux, my eyes got very tired after just 10 minutes of sitting in front of the monitor. And so I installed this application. I even forgot about the previous pain in my eyes; I don’t experience them anymore. The program makes the image on the monitor warmer (in color temperature), and it becomes more suitable for vision. Others who use it write the same thing.

4. MOVE! Sitting motionless in front of a screen for long periods of time harms you worse than any radiation. It is fraught with fatigue, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, diabetes and other “charms”.

This problem can be solved by taking regular breaks. Do simple exercises, go outside more often, breathe fresh air. When working for a long time, change your body position, stand up, and walk around. IN free time walk more, play sports.


1. Regarding "X-ray" radiation from monitors, then you don’t have to worry about it too much.
For “ancient” cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors it is within normal limits, but for liquid crystal monitors it is not at all.
2. But to electromagnetic field should be taken more seriously.

Electromagnetic field namely electron beam monitor (see picture) is quite large and therefore harmful to health. This is especially true for pregnant women. Some experts believe that electromagnetic fields can have a harmful effect on the embryo, starting from the moment of conception and during the first months of pregnancy.

From such a monitor, the field extends to the sides and especially back from it at a distance of up to 1-1.5 m. (Therefore, according to the rules, no one should sit BACK of a cathode-ray monitor).

The vast majority of you have had a LCD monitor for a long time, and although it also creates an electromagnetic field, it is not as intense and harmful as that of cathode-ray screens. Therefore, in terms of safety liquid crystal preferable.

What to do if you have to work specifically on an electron beam a monitor like the one shown in the picture?

First of all, Monique is preferable, compliant with TCO-95, TCO-99 standards or later. Such monitors have built-in protection against electromagnetic radiation (built-in protective screen, special foil inside the case), and therefore they are almost safe. However, for this protection to work, the CRT box must be CORRECTLY grounded. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from electromagnetic fields, call an electrician to properly ground your monitor. Grounding MUST NOT be carried out to the working “zero” of the power supply system, battery or water pipe!

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