What is the iPhone 6s case made of? What does an iPhone consist of?

Nowhere is a failure, but everywhere there is reason for criticism

The purpose of this material is to discuss stereotypes and common misconceptions regarding the hardware and software characteristics of Apple iPhone smartphones with iOS and competing smartphones running Android OS. Our resource already has objective and detailed technical reviews of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. We also recommend that you read the first and second parts of this material.

Since we've spent so much time and text on the screen, let's briefly go over the rest of the characteristics of the iPhone 6 and 6+. And first of all, let's talk about the body.

  • (either)


Changing the body size and screen size of the new iPhones is actually a much bigger step than it seems. And the transition to a new form factor creates quite a lot of problems (including for developers), and also noticeably changes the pattern of interaction with a smartphone. In general, it’s not for nothing that Apple held on to its old form factor for so long.

The iPhone (up to 5s inclusive) has always had two huge advantages: they fit very well and tightly in almost any hand (whether male or female), and you can reach anywhere on the screen with your finger. In principle, with 5 (5s) it was a little uncomfortable to reach into the upper corner, but just a little. The new models are not just larger - they fit differently in your hands, and this is very noticeable if you use 5 and 6 at the same time. With 6+ and without this everything is clear. You hold a large smartphone by the sides with your fingertips (that’s why the power buttons have moved from the top to the side edges), rather than clasping it with your palm, and you often have to slightly intercept it so that you can reach one or another place on the screen with your finger.

Accordingly, since the screen is larger, it becomes difficult or impossible to reach the top of the screen. Apple's proposed solution (double-tapping the Home button makes the screen slide down to the middle) is a workaround so that you can use older apps until developers adapt them for new screens. And for this we will have to rework the interface. I think that in the future, all controls in applications (or better yet, all active elements) need to be dragged down. For example, in a browser, the back button, address bar and tab management should be at the bottom of the screen, and not at the top, as before (by inertia after switching from a PC). By the way, in the Nokia Lumia browser all these elements are already there.

That is, we are not just talking about increasing the body and screen diagonal: now developers will have to rethink application interfaces. iPhone 6 can still somehow get by with traditional ones, but 6+ definitely can’t. For large models, it is also no longer possible to ignore the possibility of use in a horizontal orientation. Developers generally complain that two new devices gave them two additional form factors in addition to the existing ones, which is a lot (before this there were only 4 of them, not counting the division into regular screens and retina). Therefore, they gradually started talking about fragmentation of the platform (although in this regard, Android is still very far away). But let's not delve into this topic in this material.

In general, the new models change very, very much in the way they work with a smartphone. In this regard, I am much more interested in what will happen with the form factor of the iPhone 5. Because there are many people who simply like the way the old iPhone lies in the hand (and the small screen where you can reach everywhere), and at the same time they are not particularly They actively use smartphone functions, and for those who do, the screen is sufficient. As a rule, the matter is limited to mail and some small things. And they don’t sit on their smartphone all day. And they certainly don’t watch movies on it. This is one of the influential categories of buyers for Apple smartphones, and it is very interesting to see their fate.

Hardware configuration and other internals

The problem with the hardware characteristics (we talked about this in the part about the screen) is that there is nothing for the eye to grab onto. There are no revolutions in the usual sense: new frequencies, cores, etc. are unacceptably few! We have already said that both x86 and Android are developing approximately according to the same scenario: one architecture with minor variations and one OS for the entire market, so where the numbers are bigger, the better. Four cores? Not enough, it will be eight! 2 GHz? Not enough, give me 2.3! Amount of RAM? The more expensive the device, the more!

An analysis of the hardware characteristics of the iPhone perfectly shows the futility of comparing with Android smartphones, as we discussed in the previous part. There is a certain A8 with a certain M8 of a closed architecture and unknown parameters with an OS optimized for it (which also does not understand how it works inside) against some Snapdragon 800. By the way, everything is not very clear with the parameters either, but oh well . How to compare them? And we take well-known parameters such as operating frequencies - and the trick is done!

In these comparisons, we always forget about the true measure of everything: productivity. In tests, the Apple A8 (1.4 GHz, 2 cores) often outperforms the Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 (2.5 GHz, 4 cores), including browser tests. Even if we talk about virtual machines and performance losses, the result is still more than significant.

Moreover, productivity is not such a driver of industry development for tablets. At least not in the same way as in the PC market. That is, rather than users updating their tablets to play a new toy with cooler graphics, developers will lower the level of the toy’s graphics so that it runs on a wider range of devices and they sell more copies. But this is also a separate topic.

The situation is approximately the same with the other characteristics: everything is generally at the level of competitors, but without breakthroughs, so it’s boring. Now all models support all LTE bands, the new, faster WiFi standard is supported, etc. But at the same time, if you constantly follow the announcements of new products on Android and your eyes are, as they say, blurry, then this news really does not produce some such impression.

There are two subtle points in the configuration of the new iPhones that were famously ignored in the presentation - the amount of RAM and battery capacity (it was replaced by a slide with the type of autonomy in typical scenarios. But we know how these scenarios are calculated).

With claims to 1 GB of RAM (nothing has changed compared to the previous generation), the situation is the same as everywhere else: we take the inflated requirements of Android, transfer them to Apple, and get indignant. How is it possible to have 1 GB of RAM when flagship Androids already have 3 GB? Horror!

Hm. Why do you need 3 GB of memory in a smartphone? 3 GB is, for example, the maximum memory for 32-bit desktop operating systems. A full-fledged desktop OS with enormous capabilities, Windows XP worked perfectly on 2 GB with all applications, and even now 2 GB is a typical amount for modern tablets running a full-fledged Windows 8.1 on Intel Atom processors.

So why so much memory? As a rule, a lot of memory is needed where it is difficult to optimize its use. It is unlikely that a smartphone needs the same huge number of modules hanging in the system memory as a PC, and the applications there are much simpler and more compact than on a PC. Android's gluttony for memory can most likely be attributed to the desktop roots of the OS and just a large number of all sorts of system services and modules. Plus a virtual machine, plus applications... that’s how it works. Plus, in iOS, when going to the background, the application must remember its state and freeze, so there is not much difference in whether it returns from memory or restarts - except that you will have to wait longer.

In reality, I encountered two situations when I did not have enough memory in the iPad: firstly, if there are many tabs open in the browser, then the oldest ones may go out of memory. Secondly, if you played a gluttonous game, switched to other applications, worked with them (opening one is usually not enough), you want to return - but no, it restarts, and not from the middle of the level, but a complete restart. Yes, it happens both. But, um, this is still a personal portable device, you don’t need to demand from it the capabilities of a full-fledged PC. Let's then complain that there are no separate user profiles, etc. Or competing multitasking, like in a PC. Although we know very well why it should not be done on mobile platforms: it has a negative impact on both memory consumption (ahem) and battery life.

And here we smoothly move on to the issue of autonomy. The difficulty with it is that, firstly, you have certain components that consume a lot of energy. And you won't do anything about it. And secondly, energy consumption very much depends on the usage scenarios, and they are different for everyone. Therefore, everyone will have their own autonomy. According to my estimates, the two most active consumers of energy are receiving data via cellular networks (3G, 4G) and using geolocation services (GPS). If you use them separately or together, be prepared that your smartphone won’t last long. And given the love of modern social networks for pulling information through cellular communications and at the same time placing geotags... well, you get the idea. Next come the games, then just the screen being turned on, the rest is not so important.

For example, an iPhone 4s can be put on a shelf, having first turned off all wireless interfaces except the cellular network for calls - and it will last 4-5 days. And if you load it to the maximum (social networks, a little navigation, checking email, etc.) - it will last for a maximum of half a day.

Optimizing the power consumption of the platform, OS and applications, of course, has its importance and should not be discounted. However, the successes of Android smartphones that we have seen lately, in my opinion, are explained for the most part not by software optimization, but by a banal frontal attack: we take a large battery, make a larger case around it - yeah, the battery life has increased. So, we take the battery even larger... etc. Although the batteries of the new iPhones are weaker than those of most Android competitors, on average they are not that far behind the competition in terms of battery life, unless they are loaded to the maximum. However, in scenarios that drain the battery to the maximum, you shouldn’t expect miracles from them.


Camera. 8 megapixels. It was and remains. The number counter again did not click upward. But! But in general, it’s the same story: we cling to the only accessible (or easy-to-understand) number and ignore all the slightly more complex parameters or everything that is not expressed in one number.

Well, on the forums and even in some reviews a wave arose again: “Ugh, 8 megapixels again! Look, the competitors already have 20!” Well, why waste time on trifles then, let’s immediately remember the Lumia 1020, which has as much as 43 megapixels. She will outshine everyone in this parameter within two years for sure. AND? Just a secret, while Nokia slows down when shooting, saves the frame for one and a half seconds (we should write a separate article about “ease of use”) and for some reason, unclear shots of a running child are obtained more often on it than on the iPhone 5. And often you have to resort to manual mode. True, she has it, yes, and you can customize almost all shooting parameters. And yes, if the shot is successful, and also in “heavy” shooting modes, it should give much better picture quality. But…

The generally accepted (instilled by manufacturers) incorrect opinion is that the more megapixels, the better. In theory and subject to a number of conditions, this is true, but in practice, the capabilities of a modern camera, especially in mobile devices, are not at all determined by the parameters of the matrix, and even more so by the number of pixels on them.

Now the bottleneck is rather the optics. Firstly, she also has her permission. If the resolution of the optics is low, then no multi-megapixel matrix will help. Secondly, the photo module in a phone must be compact, which imposes serious restrictions on the size of the optics and on the distance between the optics and the matrix. The smaller the optics, the smaller the matrix should be.

The smaller the matrix and the more pixels it has, the less light falls on an individual pixel. It is necessary to increase its sensitivity, but at the same time the parameters of light perception begin to fluctuate and the matrix begins to “make noise”. This leads to the need to use a more powerful noise reduction, due to which details are lost, and as a result, the detail of the image may be worse than that of a less “megapixel” matrix.

Therefore, at a certain point, in order to improve the quality of the image, you have to “reverse” the whole logic: make the matrix larger, its resolution smaller, the lens glass larger again... and therefore the distance between the lens and the matrix will be larger, which in our world of ultra-thin smartphones leads to the fact that the lens begins to stick out from the body and spoils the whole look.

In general, Apple is not the first company to take this path. Before her, they tried to push this idea to the masses, for example, HTC with their “4 MP” and Nokia - however, Nokia acted more extravagantly, making a huge matrix resolution and relatively large optics for a smartphone. At the same time, the photo module sticks out from the body quite a bit, but these smartphones (808 Pureview and 1020) were still positioned as the choice of lovers of gorgeous photographs who are ready to put up with inconveniences for this... Apple is trying to smooth out the disappointment of buyers: they say, but faster autofocus, stabilization (at 6 - electronic, in 6+ - even optical). Although, in our testing conditions (see reviews of the iPhone 6 and 6+), these advantages either did not appear or did not play a decisive role.

And here we come to another point. Firstly, in some situations, startup speed and ease of control (pressed - it came out right away) are much more important than even higher image quality achieved through manual control of the settings. Those who have small and very fast children will understand. Secondly, the advantages of the new iPhone cameras can manifest themselves in difficult shooting conditions and in low light (shotting at home in the evening of the same children running around. Or parties... or something else). The difficulty here is that moments like “and then Lech fell off the table in a funny way” are poorly repeatable and therefore do not fall into the tests - and life is full of them. I wouldn't judge the quality of a smartphone camera solely by studio still life shots. I would go even further and say that a smartphone camera generally cannot be assessed only by pictures, you need to take the entirety of the work of the photographic part, since “it takes average photos, but quickly” may be preferable for most smartphone users than “it takes excellent photos, but you need to keep two seconds and adjust sharpness and brightness manually.”

In general, you definitely shouldn’t make a tragedy out of “insufficient number of pixels”; you need to look at the overall quality, and most importantly, at the quality and speed of shooting in difficult conditions - this is more important in life. The problem is that you can feel this and evaluate the quality of the pictures (taken by you and in the situations you need) only after the purchase, but the bright line “now 5 megapixels more!!!” on the sticker - and before purchase. And this contradiction between marketing and life is not so easy to resolve.

By the way, all these considerations in no way cancel out the outright horror in terms of the front camera. There are still dark suspicions that Apple simply missed this point. The megapixel race was snobbishly rejected, and the selfie trend was missed. And judging by the Americans, who joyfully click themselves in any situation and carry small cameras on sticks with them, they missed it in vain. I’m sure this will come back to haunt the company, most likely in the near future.

Line and prices - interesting points

Finally, the last point I would like to dwell on: how will the new models affect Apple’s line of smartphones?

The fact is that, unlike previous generations, iPhone 6 and 6+ should not be perceived as a transition to a new generation (with an almost complete abandonment of the old one), but rather as the introduction of a new model to the line. No, 5c was predictably moved to the “outgoing” category, leaving only the model with a minimum of 8 GB as a free addition to the contract. But the 5s is still quite functional: they removed only the top version with a memory capacity of 64 GB (and this is understandable), but left models with 16 GB and even 32 GB memory, and even reduced the price for them. The iPhone 6 and 6+ increased the maximum memory capacity to 128 GB (today this is one of the record figures), but left three models in the line, removing the 32 GB model from it. Most likely, the logic is as follows: those who choose a junior model do not need a large amount of memory (otherwise they would pay extra for the next one), so 16 GB will be enough for them. And the rest were actually given twice as much memory - after all, the difference between the models remained 100 dollars

Oh, and about the prices. With the release of the iPhone 6 and 6+, the price for the 5s models was reduced - now it is $550 and $600 for models with 16/32 GB. The untethered 5c costs $450 in the US - that is, it's still $100 cheaper than the 5s, and is still of little interest at that price. By the way, let me remind you: when analyzing iPhone prices in the USA, do not forget that sales tax must be added to the announced prices - from 7 to 11%. There are situations where it is not paid (in two states, plus, in some cases, when trading over the Internet), but if you buy a smartphone in a store, you will pay it. Enough has already been written about the prices of new iPhones, so I will refrain from actual comments here.

My opinion is that from a positioning point of view, the prices for the iPhone are quite adequate, and in general, the price should not be the determining factor when buying an iPhone. These devices are for those who love convenience and additional service, and not for those who use a calculator to calculate the cost based on the estimated cost of components. The iPhone is not aimed at "opportunity for price" but at those who can afford the price for convenience. There, the ruler is made in such a way that “do you want something better? Well, add 100 dollars... or a hundred hundred." In general, saying that “it’s expensive and that’s why people won’t buy it” is wrong. This will be purchased first by those who have a lot of money and who need a convenient phone. Because they don't account for every dollar. And then they’ll buy everyone else on credit to look like those who don’t count every dollar. And only a few will walk around with “Hung-Chun-Zhui Incorporated”, which has 650 dpi and a 1.2 m long LTE antenna, and proudly say that “well, it doesn’t work here yet, they promised to fix it in version 4.4 - but But the characteristics are wow, in terms of numbers they are twice as good as an iPhone!” Well, we understand everything, right?

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so you don’t have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free delivery. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give your Macbook for repair to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Whatever you say, the attractive design of a smartphone is often one of the main selection criteria for many people. Therefore, Apple works hard to create a stunning appearance in all its gadgets. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, perfection of form - even in the details. The company's developers pay close attention to ease of use. Therefore, according to the results of various surveys, the degree of user satisfaction never falls below 90%.


Finally, Apple has mastered a new (for itself) form factor and released the large smartphones that true followers of the brand have been waiting for. Contrary to Jobs' predictions, 4.7- and 5-inch models have become truly mega-popular.

The body length of the new iPhone is 13.81 cm, width – 6.7 cm. The plus version is an order of magnitude larger: its length is 15.81 cm and width – 7.78 cm.
In addition to record sizes for the company, the iPhone 6 series also turned out to be surprisingly thin at 6.9 mm (or 7.1 mm in the plus version). All thanks to the use of ultra-modern materials, the finest microcircuits and boards.


Following the tradition that has developed over several years, this year Apple’s flagships have acquired high-quality aluminum cases. Whatever you say, metal cladding has always been and remains in favor among users. Holding such an iPhone in your hands, you feel a high-quality and status product.

This time the image of the iPhone came out somewhat futuristic. Exceptionally smooth anodized aluminum sets the tone for the entire iPhone design, making this high-tech device seem like it came from the future.

It looks absolutely monolithic - all its elements are so clearly fitted. Its contours flow smoothly, and the screen is like a natural extension of the body. There are no gaps of any kind, no backlash or creaks. The button travel is quiet and precise.

To create the corporate “Apple” logo, a “smart” material was used – Liquidmetal (i.e. “liquid” metal). It is resistant to most types of damage and is capable of self-healing. So the notorious apple will retain its original state for a long time.

It is worth noting that despite the significantly increased diagonal, the sixth iPhone does not look big at all. The rounded edges visually conceal the actual size, and the exceptional thinness of the smartphone only enhances this effect.


In a sense, the “sixes” represent Apple’s return to its roots, another attempt to reinterpret the glorious all-metal models that preceded it.

As previously mentioned, the body of the sixth iPhone is made of anodized aluminum alloy, 6000 series. It is both lightweight and very durable, resistant to damage and scratches. A similar material is actively used in the aircraft and automotive industries. It is simply universal, because... is not subject to corrosion and rust, even when in contact with aggressive environments. It lends itself well to processing, and allows you to create fairly strong structures with low weight, with minimal wall thickness.

Based on the markings, the tensile strength of this kind of alloys can reach up to 6000 kg/cm2. For greater strength, the manufacturer subjects the source material to additional thermal hardening, which significantly extends its service life.

Titanium and steel inserts are interspersed inside the alloy, in the most vulnerable places - in the center and near the antennas.

They are the skeleton for, in general, ductile aluminum.

Contrary to expectations, the iPhone did not become either dust- or waterproof. And I would really like to, since the number of “drowned people” makes up a significant part of failed smartphones.

However, in the new flagships, other problems of their predecessors were eliminated. Thus, complaints about the rapid erasure of paint on the corners and sides of colored iPhones forced the company to take action. This time, taking into account all the complaints from users, the “colored” versions of the “sixes” were painted using a more advanced method - anodizing.

It involves deep penetration of pigments into the material, under prolonged exposure to polarizing currents in a conductive liquid. In addition, an extremely durable oxide film is formed on the surface, equivalent in hardness to diamond. In the future, it prevents the pigment from “washing out” and greatly facilitates subsequent care of the gadget.

The surface of the smartphone does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and the paint does not peel off over time. This coating is much more resistant to abrasion, and whitish streaks of scratches are less noticeable on it. True, it will not be able to protect the case from chips and dents when dropped on asphalt, tiles or concrete. If the chips are deep, everything will be clearly visible. However, a network of small scratches will go unnoticed.

In this context, the silver version is the most durable, as it is not painted. In fact, it is on it that you observe the true color of the alloy from which the case is made. And no matter how much you damage your iPhone, its surface will always remain monochromatic.

The other part of the iPhone body is the display. And this time it is made, albeit durable, but still glass. Expectations about the appearance of a proprietary sapphire display in the “sixes” did not materialize. At the moment, the company has not yet managed to create a material that fully meets the high requirements. The test samples were either too thick and did not fit into the context of the “thintest iPhone.” Or the image on the screen was too dim. Therefore, we had to temporarily abandon this idea for now.

But the camera eye and the Home button are traditionally covered with high-strength sapphire glass, which is second only to diamond in terms of hardness and transparency. And since both the first and second are extremely important for the full use of the iPhone, the use of sapphire coating is absolutely justified.

Case problems

Many were extremely unhappy with the ugly plastic inserts on the back of the iPhone. If in the graphite-colored version they seem to merge with the metal, then in the silver and gold versions they quickly fade to white and become even more noticeable.

Moreover, they are often painted blue - from jeans, when worn in the back pocket. Even the explanation that they are forced - from a technical point of view - to allow electromagnetic waves to pass unhindered to the smartphone antennas did not smooth out the overall unpleasant impression. The famous bulging camera, which became the object of ridicule from competitors, also added fuel to the fire.

Does it bend?

In pilot products, slight deformation of the case was also observed when the user sat down with the smartphone in his pocket (in essence, he sat down on the iPhone). The most vulnerable spot was the space between the volume buttons and the middle of the device.

Competing companies and ill-wishers immediately inflated the whole company with a loud slogan: “But the new iPhone is bending!” Many videos flooded the network in which the iPhone was subjected to imaginable and unimaginable tests: deformed in presses, clamped in a vice, crushed in a blender, etc.

Although partly the problem was exaggerated and far-fetched. Still, if you set a goal, you can bend any smartphone. It is clear that in ordinary situations, a normal, sensible user who has paid a lot of money for an iPhone will never treat it this way.

The company acknowledged the problem occurred in isolated cases. If you look at the dry statistics, then out of 15 million first-wave iPhones sold, only nine users made such complaints. And all bent iPhones were replaced to avoid further consumer outrage.

This “fragility” is partly caused by the design of the case itself. This time it turned out to be record thin, despite the fact that the diagonal has grown significantly. Well, of course, the plastic strips for the antennas did not add to the overall strength of the product.

Subsequently, in a short time, the frame was strengthened in all subsequent mass series. Thus, in the weakest areas it was supplemented with special inclusions. They can be seen with multiple magnification - these are thin red veins.

In addition, Apple hastened to post an official “exculpatory” video, in which you can see the degree of load resistance of the plus version of the sixes. In laboratory conditions, using special equipment, iPhones were tested for bending and breaking. Thus, the “experimental six” sagged by 3.25 mm under a weight of 100 pounds, while its competitor’s analogue, the Samsung flagship, sank by 4.5 mm. It is curious that the predecessor of the sixes showed a much better result - 1.75 mm. After which they all remained safe and sound, see for yourself:

Other disadvantages

Another nuisance that has received wide publicity among Internet users is pinched hair. Yes, yes, you heard right. Many owners noted that during conversations, hair near the temple and beard got stuck in the narrow gap between the body and the display glass. Not expecting this, the user, having finished the conversation, removed his iPhone from his ear as usual, and with it pulled out a strand of hair or regrown stubble. Spiteful critics immediately spread the “meme” that the new iPhone could replace the owner’s razor or trimmer.

Also, according to the feelings of most owners, the iPhone 6 series turned out to be extremely slippery. Therefore, the number one problem not related to the operation of the gadget is damage from falls. The display suffers the most, because most often the iPhone lands on it, and asphalt and glass are incompatible things.

Everything would be fine if, to replace it, you didn’t have to disassemble the smartphone case down to the screws, and pay only for the original spare part - almost half the cost of the new gadget. So we strongly recommend purchasing a case. With it, the grip will be much more confident, and the case will certainly protect you from damage in case of careless falls.

By the way, regarding the display, the reviews were also not the best. Without the use of a case or protective film, the durable coating vaunted by the manufacturer - Gorilla Glass, from Corning, very quickly becomes covered with a network of micro-scratches. Especially if the user does not treat his smartphone with the most care - he carries it in his pockets or in a bag, along with keys and other similar contents.

Do you want change?

Traditionally, Apple does not pamper consumers with color variety. And this time, only three body colors are again available for choice: golden, light and dark silver.

If the colors presented by the manufacturer seem boring to you, you do not accept covers or bumpers - service centers are ready to come to your aid. For an additional fee, they can repaint and “tune” a standard iPhone into a unique gadget that reflects the spirit and style of the owner. This can be not only repainting by anodizing in the desired color, but also engraving, inlay with stones, “playing” with the logo, even creating a glowing apple.

As a rule, the device itself does not suffer at all from such manipulations. So if you want to customize the exterior of your smartphone, go for it. Moreover, this method can be used to renew a body damaged by a fall.

Friends, many of you are often interested and ask what the iPhone consists of? And today we decided to take a closer look at what it consists of. This time we will talk about the iPhone 5, although iPhones have a slightly different structure, many details are passed down from generation to generation, slightly changing.

There will be a video soon, but for now the article is for you to read and review.

Below we will talk about the components that make up the iPhone; each picture will show one of the parts of the iPhone with a description of the functionality it performs and the reasons for its breakdown.

The rechargeable battery powers the device. Typically, battery problems are caused by either exceeding the cycle limit or cold temperatures. But again, older batteries have a greater tendency to die instantly in the cold. New batteries may drain faster, but not instantly like worn-out ones.
The power button (installed with a metal swing to the module), the button to switch to silent mode (installed with a marker to the module) and the volume button +-, + up, minus down.
Protection of the lower charging loop and battery protection, the left part is always underneath, the right one covers the top and is tightened with one screw.
Flash protection, the lower part is screwed into the motherboard, the upper part is screwed into a small barrel screw.
The wi-fi antenna is screwed on with one screw with vibration motor protection, the cable itself is attached to the back of the motherboard.
Protection of module cables, covers the cable from the module and the front camera, secured with three screws.
Geolocation antenna, attached to the motherboard. Serves to enhance the signal of the GPS module, which determines the location of the iPhone.
The hearing speaker with protection is installed on the module, its contacts touch the upper cable of the front camera, it is screwed with two screws, the bottom right one is smaller than the top one and is long and serves to center the front camera.
The module locks, 3 identical and the fourth small, hold the module frame inside the device, correct installation (with recesses at the bottom, an even part towards the module at the top, elastic band towards the walls of the case).
The home button cable and the Home button itself. When installing a new button, we glue the elastic band to the module with 4 drops of gel glue at the corners, for the correct operation of the button itself.
Home button cable and home button view from the back side.
Protection of the upper microphone on the power cable, correct installation, with the wide part at the top and the narrow part at the bottom, a small screw secures the barrel from the top, a regular small screw for a Phillips screwdriver is screwed from the bottom.
SIM tray pusher and SIM tray, correct installation of the pusher, so that its narrow part looks towards the on button, and the recess for the paper clip looks into the window in the case where the paper clip is inserted.
Vibration motor with protection, installed on the power cable in the upper right corner of the device and secured with three screws, in the upper part of the case, in the right side and the bottom mount is screwed with one screw with a wi-fi antenna
The upper cable of the front camera is installed on the module, and is fastened to the motherboard on the connector in the places with the module cables and is closed with a metal protection with three screws. The cable has a front camera, a microphone, light sensors, proximity sensors, and ear speaker contacts.
A polyphonic speaker, installed on the lower charging cable, is responsible for speakerphone and music in the device.
The power cable contains the power membrane, the top microphone, vibration motor contacts, switching to silent mode, switching the volume - +.
iPhone 5 motherboard. All elements that are on this page are connected to the motherboard. The motherboard is the connecting link of all components and modules.
iPhone 5 body is made of aluminum.
The mounting bar for the iPhone 5 module is screwed from the back of the module to the frame with four screws on the sides; there are also holes in its upper part for the screw securing the top cable.
iPhone 5 module, it contains glass, sensor, matrix, module mounting frame. on iPhone 5, the mounts for the home button are located parallel.
The Bluetooth antenna is installed on the audio jack, which is located on the lower charging cable, in the lower left corner.
The lower charging cable contains: audio jack, lower microphone, home button contacts, charging connector, gsm antenna, polyphonic speaker contacts.

It was also no exception. Soon after the release of the flagship smartphone, it turned out that its body can be bent with bare hands. The source of the information was , authored by Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy.

This time, Hilsenteger examined the back panel of the supposed one and made some interesting conclusions. Apparently, there will be no problems with excessive flexibility in the new smartphones - Apple has taken several steps to strengthen the case. The case itself is almost similar to the iPhone 6 model, but differs slightly in thickness. The thickness of the prototype is 7.1 mm, while the height of the edge of the iPhone 6 is 6.9 mm. When comparing iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 digital caliper showed the following dimensions: 138.2 x 67.16 mm for the first and 138 x 66.91 mm for the second. It is assumed that these changes are associated with the presence of sensors, thanks to which the smartphone screen will be able to recognize pressing pressure.

Apple strengthened the case walls in the places where the volume and device lock buttons are located - this is where the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus bent. It was also made in the arrangement of fasteners, thanks to which iPhone 6s will become stronger and more inflexible. It is assumed to be made of 7000 series aluminum - an alloy of aluminum and zinc. This material is 60% stronger and lighter than traditional aluminum alloys. Currently, the new development is used in the Apple Watch Sport smart watch, successfully proving its shock resistance.

Some preliminary information about the hardware of the next generation iPhone is already known. It is assumed that the gadget will be built on the basis of the Apple A9 microprocessor, and the amount of RAM of the device will increase to 2 GB. In addition, for the first time since the release of the iPhone 4s, the camera resolution will improve - it is possible that the device will have a 12-megapixel version, which can be used to create spectacular, colorful photographs and videos.

It is expected that the new generation iPhone will be launched in the first half of September this year.

2024 gtavrl.ru.