Inurl single php id desired. Using Google's Little-Known Features to Find What's Hidden

I decided to talk a little about information security. The article will be useful for novice programmers and those who have just begun to engage in Frontend development. What's the problem?

Many novice developers get so carried away with writing code that they completely forget about the security of their work. And most importantly, they forget about such vulnerabilities as SQL and XXS queries. They also come up with easy passwords for their administrative panels and are subjected to brute force. What are these attacks and how can you avoid them?

SQL injection

SQL injection is the most common type of attack on a database, which is carried out during an SQL query for a specific DBMS. Many people and even large companies suffer from such attacks. The reason is a developer error when writing the database and, strictly speaking, SQL queries.

A SQL injection attack is possible due to incorrect processing of the input data used in SQL queries. If a hacker's attack is successful, you risk losing not only the contents of the databases, but also passwords and administrative panel logs. And this data will be quite enough to completely take over the site or make irreversible adjustments to it.

The attack can be successfully reproduced in scripts written in PHP, ASP, Perl and other languages. The success of such attacks depends more on what DBMS is used and how the script itself is implemented. There are many vulnerable sites for SQL injections in the world. This is easy to verify. Just enter “dorki” - this is special requests to find vulnerable sites. Here are some of them:

  • inurl:index.php?id=
  • inurl:trainers.php?id=
  • inurl:buy.php?category=
  • inurl:article.php?ID=
  • inurl:play_old.php?id=
  • inurl:declaration_more.php?decl_id=
  • inurl:pageid=
  • inurl:games.php?id=
  • inurl:page.php?file=
  • inurl:newsDetail.php?id=
  • inurl:gallery.php?id=
  • inurl:article.php?id=

How to use them? It is enough to enter them into Google search engine or Yandex. The search engine will give you not just a vulnerable site, but also a page about this vulnerability. But we won’t stop there and make sure that the page is really vulnerable. To do this, it is enough to put a single quote “‘ after the value “id=1”. Something like this:

  • inurl:games.php?id=1’

And the site will give us an error about SQL query. What does our hacker need next?

And then he needs this very link to the error page. Then work on the vulnerability in most cases takes place in the "Kali linux" distribution with its utilities for this part: introducing injection code and performing the necessary operations. How this will happen, I cannot tell you. But you can find information about this on the Internet.

XSS Attack

This type of attack is carried out on Cookies. Users, in turn, love to save them. Why not? What would we do without them? After all, thanks to Cookies, we don’t have to enter the password for or a hundred times. And there are few who refuse them. But on the Internet, a rule often appears for hackers: the coefficient of convenience is directly proportional to the coefficient of insecurity.

To implement an XSS attack, our hacker needs knowledge of JavaScript. At first glance, the language is very simple and harmless, because it does not have access to computer resources. A hacker can only work with JavaScript in a browser, but that’s enough. After all, the main thing is to enter the code into the web page.

I will not talk in detail about the attack process. I will only tell you the basics and meaning of how this happens.

A hacker can add JS code to some forum or guest book:

document.location.href =””

The scripts will redirect us to the infected page, where the code will be executed: be it a sniffer, some kind of storage or an exploit, which will somehow steal our Cookies from the cache.

Why JavaScript? Because JavaScript is great at handling web requests and has access to Cookies. But if our script transfers us to some site, the user will easily notice this. Here the hacker uses a more cunning option - he simply enters the code into the picture.

Img=new Image();


We simply create an image and assign our script to it as an address.

How to protect yourself from all this? It’s very simple - do not click on suspicious links.

DoS and DDos Attacks

DoS (from the English Denial of Service - denial of service) - hacker attack on computer system in order to lead her to failure. This is the creation of conditions under which bona fide users of the system cannot access the provided system resources(servers), or this access is difficult. A system failure can also be a step towards its takeover, if in an emergency situation the software produces any critical information: for example, version, part program code etc. But most often this is a measure of economic pressure: the loss of a simple service that generates income. Bills from the provider or measures to avoid an attack significantly hit the “target” in the pocket. Currently, DoS and DDoS attacks are the most popular, as they allow almost any system to fail without leaving legally significant evidence.

What is the difference between DoS and DDos attack?

DoS is an attack built in a smart way. For example, if the server does not check the correctness of incoming packets, then a hacker can make a request that will take forever to process, and there will not be enough processor time to work with other connections. Accordingly, clients will be denied service. But it will not be possible to overload or disable large well-known sites in this way. They are armed with fairly wide channels and super-powerful servers that can cope with such overload without any problems.

DDoS is actually the same attack as DoS. But if in DoS there is one request packet, then in DDoS there can be hundreds or more of them. Even super-powerful servers may not be able to cope with such an overload. Let me give you an example.

A DoS attack is when you are having a conversation with someone, but then some ill-mannered person comes up and starts shouting loudly. It is either impossible or very difficult to talk. Solution: call security, who will calm down and remove the person from the premises. DDoS attacks are when a crowd of thousands of such ill-mannered people rushes in. In this case, the security will not be able to tie everyone up and take them away.

DoS and DDoS are carried out from computers, the so-called zombies. These are computers of users hacked by hackers who do not even suspect that their machine is participating in an attack on any server.

How to protect yourself from this? In general, no way. But you can make things more difficult for a hacker. To do this you need to select good hosting with powerful servers.

Bruteforce attack

A developer can come up with a lot of attack protection systems, fully review the scripts we have written, check the site for vulnerabilities, etc. But when it comes to last step layout of the site, namely when he simply puts a password on the admin panel, he may forget about one thing. Password!

It is strictly not recommended to set a simple password. This could be 12345, 1114457, vasya111, etc. It is not recommended to set passwords less than 10-11 characters long. Otherwise, you may be subject to the most common and uncomplicated attack - Brute force.

Brute force is a dictionary password attack using special programs. Dictionaries can be different: Latin, enumeration by numbers, say, up to a certain range, mixed (Latin + numbers), and there are even dictionaries with unique characters @#4$%&*~~`’”\ ? etc.

Of course, this type of attack is easy to avoid. Just come up with complex password. Even a captcha can save you. Also, if your site is made on a CMS, then many of them detect this type of attack and block the IP. We must always remember the more different characters in the password, the harder it is to guess.

How do Hackers work? In most cases, they either suspect or know part of the password in advance. It is quite logical to assume that the user’s password will certainly not consist of 3 or 5 characters. Such passwords lead to frequent hacking. Basically, hackers take a range of 5 to 10 characters and add several characters that they may know in advance. Next, passwords with the required ranges are generated. The Kali Linux distribution even has programs for such cases. And voila, the attack will no longer last long, since the volume of the dictionary is no longer so large. In addition, a hacker can use the power of the video card. Some of them support the CUDA system, and the search speed increases by as much as 10 times. And now we see that the attack is like this in a simple way quite real. But it’s not just websites that are subject to brute force.

Dear developers, never forget about the information security system, because today many people, including states, suffer from such types of attacks. After all, the biggest vulnerability is a person who can always get distracted somewhere or miss something. We are programmers, but not programmed machines. Always be on guard, because losing information can have serious consequences!

And so, now I’ll tell you how to hack something without any special knowledge. I’ll say right away that there is little benefit from this, but still.
First, you need to find the sites themselves. To do this, go to and search for dorks

Inurl:pageid= inurl:games.php?id= inurl:page.php?file= inurl:newsDetail.php?id= inurl:gallery.php?id= inurl:article.php?id= inurl:show.php? id= inurl:staff_id= inurl:newsitem.php?num= inurl:readnews.php?id= inurl:top10.php?cat= inurl:historialeer.php?num= inurl:reagir.php?num= inurl:Stray- Questions-View.php?num= inurl:forum_bds.php?num= inurl:game.php?id= inurl:view_product.php?id= inurl:newsone.php?id= inurl:sw_comment.php?id= inurl: news.php?id= inurl:avd_start.php?avd= inurl:event.php?id= inurl:product-item.php?id= inurl:sql.php?id= inurl:news_view.php?id= inurl: select_biblio.php?id= inurl:humor.php?id= inurl:aboutbook.php?id= inurl:ogl_inet.php?ogl_id= inurl:fiche_spectacle.php?id= inurl:communique_detail.php?id= inurl:sem. php3?id= inurl:kategorie.php4?id= inurl:news.php?id= inurl:index.php?id= inurl:faq2.php?id= inurl:show_an.php?id= inurl:preview.php? id= inurl:loadpsb.php?id= inurl:opinions.php?id= inurl:spr.php?id= inurl:pages.php?id= inurl:announce.php?id= inurl:clanek.php4?id= inurl:participant.php?id= inurl:download.php?id= inurl:main.php?id= inurl:review.php?id= inurl:chappies.php?id= inurl:read.php?id= inurl: prod_detail.php?id= inurl:viewphoto.php?id= inurl:article.php?id= inurl:person.php?id= inurl:productinfo.php?id= inurl:showimg.php?id= inurl:view. php?id= inurl:website.php?id= inurl:hosting_info.php?id= inurl:gallery.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:view_faq.php?id= inurl:artikelinfo.php? id= inurl:detail.php?ID= inurl:index.php?= inurl:profile_view.php?id= inurl:category.php?id= inurl:publications.php?id= inurl:fellows.php?id= inurl :downloads_info.php?id= inurl:prod_info.php?id= inurl:shop.php?do=part&id= inurl:productinfo.php?id= inurl:collectionitem.php?id= inurl:band_info.php?id= inurl :product.php?id= inurl:releases.php?id= inurl:ray.php?id= inurl:produit.php?id= inurl:pop.php?id= inurl:shopping.php?id= inurl:productdetail .php?id= inurl:post.php?id= inurl:viewshowdetail.php?id= inurl:clubpage.php?id= inurl:memberInfo.php?id= inurl:section.php?id= inurl:theme.php ?id= inurl:page.php?id= inurl:shredder-categories.php?id= inurl:tradeCategory.php?id= inurl:product_ranges_view.php?ID= inurl:shop_category.php?id= inurl:transcript.php ?id= inurl:channel_id= inurl:item_id= inurl:newsid= inurl:trainers.php?id= inurl:news-full.php?id= inurl:news_display.php?getid= inurl:index2.php?option= inurl :readnews.php?id= inurl:top10.php?cat= inurl:newsone.php?id= inurl:event.php?id= inurl:product-item.php?id= inurl:sql.php?id= inurl :aboutbook.php?id= inurl:preview.php?id= inurl:loadpsb.php?id= inurl:pages.php?id= inurl:material.php?id= inurl:clanek.php4?id= inurl:announce .php?id= inurl:chappies.php?id= inurl:read.php?id= inurl:viewapp.php?id= inurl:viewphoto.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:galeri_info.php ?l= inurl:review.php?id= inurl:iniziativa.php?in= inurl:curriculum.php?id= inurl:labels.php?id= inurl:story.php?id= inurl:look.php? ID= inurl:newsone.php?id= inurl:aboutbook.php?id= inurl:material.php?id= inurl:opinions.php?id= inurl:announce.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:galeri_info.php?l= inurl:tekst.php?idt= inurl:newscat.php?id= inurl:newsticker_info.php?idn= inurl:rubrika.php?idr= inurl:rubp.php?idr= inurl: offer.php?idf= inurl:art.php?idm= inurl:title.php?id= inurl:".php?id=1" inurl:".php?cat=1" inurl:".php?catid= 1" inurl:".php?num=1" inurl:".php?bid=1" inurl:".php?pid=1" inurl:".php?nid=1"

here is a small list. You can use yours. And so, we found the site. For example
Next, download this program

**Hidden Content: To see this hidden content your post count must be 3 or greater.**

Click OK. Then we insert the victim site.
We press start. Next we wait for the results.
And so, the program found an SQL vulnerability.

Next, download Havij, paste the received link there. I won’t explain how to use Havij and where to download it; it’s not difficult to find. All. You have received the data you need - the administrator password, and then it’s up to your imagination.

P.S. This is my first attempt to write something. Sorry if something is wrong

How to search correctly using

Everyone probably knows how to use this search engine, like Google =) But not everyone knows that if you compose it correctly search query with the help of special designs, you can achieve the results of what you are looking for much more efficiently and quickly =) In this article I will try to show what and how you need to do in order to search correctly

Google supports several advanced search operators that have special meaning when searching on Typically, these operators change the search, or even tell Google to do it completely various types search. For example, the link: construct is special operator, and request will not give you a normal search, but will instead find all web pages that have links to
alternative request types

cache: If you include other words in a query, Google will highlight those included words within the cached document.
For example, cache:www.web site will show the cached content with the word "web" highlighted.

link: The search query above will show web pages that contain links to the specified query.
For example: will display all pages that have a link to

related: Displays web pages that are “related” to the specified web page.
For example, related: will list web pages that are similar home page Google.

info: Request Information: will present some of the information Google has about the web page you are requesting.
For example, info:website will show information about our forum =) (Armada - Adult Webmasters Forum).

Other information requests

define: The define: query will provide a definition of the words you enter after it, collected from various online sources. The definition will be for the entire phrase entered (that is, it will include all words in the exact query).

stocks: If you start a query with stocks: Google will process the rest of the query terms as stock symbols, and link to a page showing ready-made information for these symbols.
For example, stocks:Intel yahoo will show information about Intel and Yahoo. (Note that you must type the characters latest news, not company name)

Query Modifiers

site: If you include site: in your query, Google will limit the results to those websites it finds in that domain.
You can also search by individual zones, such as ru, org, com, etc ( site:com site:ru)

allintitle: If you run a query with allintitle:, Google will limit the results to all query words in the title.
For example, allintitle: google search will return all Google pages by search such as images, Blog, etc

intitle: If you include intitle: in your query, Google will limit the results to documents containing that word in the title.
For example, intitle:Business

allinurl: If you run a query with allinurl: Google will limit the results to all query words in the URL.
For example, allinurl: google search will return documents with google and search in the title. Also, as an option, you can separate words with a slash (/) then words on both sides of the slash will be searched within the same page: Example allinurl: foo/bar

inurl: If you include inurl: in your query, Google will limit the results to documents containing that word in the URL.
For example, Animation inurl:site

intext: searches only the specified word in the page text, ignoring the title and link texts, and other things not related to. There is also a derivative of this modifier - allintext: i.e. further, all words in the query will be searched only in the text, which can also be important, ignoring frequently used words in links
For example, intext:forum

daterange: searches within a time frame (daterange:2452389-2452389), dates for times are in Julian format.

Well, and all sorts of interesting examples of queries

Examples of writing queries for Google. For spammers

Inurl:control.guest?a=sign “Homepage URL” “Sign my” inurl:sign Homepage

Inurl:sign.asp “Character Count”

“Message:” inurl:sign.cfm “Sender:”

Inurl:register.php “User Registration” “Website”

Inurl:edu/guestbook “Sign the Guestbook”

Inurl:post “Post Comment” “URL”

Inurl:/archives/ “Comments:” “Remember info?”

“Script and Guestbook Created by:” “URL:” “Comments:”

Inurl:?action=add “phpBook” “URL”

Intitle:"Submit New Story"

Magazines mode=reply

Inurl mode=reply / “ Guestbook

Blogs”postID””anonymous” “Post a comment” “Remember personal info?” “Post comment” “addresses of anonymous posters”

“Post comment” “addresses of anonymous posters” -

Intitle:"Post comment" “Post comment”


Inurl:gate.html?”name=Forums” “mode=reply”





Run the downloaded file double click(need to have virtual machine ).

3. Anonymity when checking a site for SQL injection
Setting up Tor and Privoxy in Kali Linux

[Section under development]

Setting up Tor and Privoxy on Windows

[Section under development]

Proxy settings in jSQL Injection

[Section under development]

4. Checking the site for SQL injection with jSQL Injection

Working with the program is extremely simple. Just enter the website address and press ENTER.

The following screenshot shows that the site is vulnerable to three types of SQL injections at once (information about them is indicated in the lower right corner). By clicking on the names of injections you can switch the method used:

Also, the existing databases have already been displayed to us.

You can view the contents of each table:

Typically, the most interesting thing about tables is the administrator credentials.

If you are lucky and you find the administrator’s data, then it’s too early to rejoice. You still need to find the admin panel where to enter this data.

5. Search for admin panels with jSQL Injection

To do this, go to the next tab. Here we are greeted by a list possible addresses. You can select one or more pages to check:

The convenience lies in the fact that you do not need to use other programs.

Unfortunately, careless programmers who store passwords in open form, not very much. Quite often in the password line we see something like


This is a hash. You can decrypt it using brute force. And... jSQL Injection has a built-in brute forcer.

6. Brute force hashes using jSQL Injection

The undoubted convenience is that you do not need to look for other programs. There is support for many of the most popular hashes.

This is not the most best option. In order to become a guru in decoding hashes, the Book “” in Russian is recommended.

But, of course, when there is no other program at hand or there is no time to study, jSQL Injection with its built-in brute force function will come in very handy.

There are settings: you can set which characters are included in the password, the password length range.

7. File operations after detecting SQL injections

In addition to operations with databases - reading and modifying them, if SQL injections are detected, the following file operations can be performed:

  • reading files on the server
  • uploading new files to the server
  • uploading shells to the server

And all this is implemented in jSQL Injection!

There are restrictions - the SQL server must have file privileges. The sensible ones system administrators they are disabled and access to file system won't be able to get it.

The presence of file privileges is quite simple to check. Go to one of the tabs (reading files, creating a shell, uploading a new file) and try to perform one of the specified operations.

Still very important note- we need to know the exact absolute path to the file with which we will work - otherwise nothing will work.

Look at the following screenshot:

To any attempt to operate on a file, we are answered: No FILE privilege (no file privileges). And nothing can be done here.

If instead you have another error:

Problem writing into [directory_name]

This means that you incorrectly specified the absolute path where you want to write the file.

In order to guess an absolute path, you need to at least know operating system on which the server is running. To do this, switch to the Network tab.

This entry (Win64 line) gives us reason to assume that we are dealing with Windows OS:

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99 Server: Apache/2.4.17 (Win64) PHP/7.0.0RC6 Connection: Keep-Alive Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 353 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:48:31 GMT X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.0RC6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here we have some Unix (*BSD, Linux):

Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:57:02 GMT Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html X- Powered-By: PHP/5.3.29 Server: Apache/2.2.31 (Unix)

And here we have CentOS:

Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=9p60gtunrv7g41iurr814h9rd0; path=/ Connection: keep-alive X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.37 X-Cache: MISS from Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 12:08:54 GMT Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1251

On Windows, a typical folder for sites is C:\Server\data\htdocs\ . But, in fact, if someone “thought of” making a server on Windows, then, very likely, this person has not heard anything about privileges. Therefore, you should start trying directly from the C:/Windows/ directory:

As you can see, everything went fine the first time.

But the jSQL Injection shells themselves raise doubts in my mind. If you have file privileges, then you can easily upload something with a web interface.

8. Bulk checking of sites for SQL injections

And even this function is available in jSQL Injection. Everything is extremely simple - download a list of sites (can be imported from a file), select those that you want to check and click the appropriate button to start the operation.

Conclusion from jSQL Injection

jSQL Injection is good, powerful tool to search and subsequently use SQL injections found on websites. Its undoubted advantages: ease of use, built-in related functions. jSQL Injection can be a beginner's best friend when analyzing websites.

Among the shortcomings, I would note the impossibility of editing databases (by at least I did not find this functionality). Like all instruments with graphical interface, one of the disadvantages of this program can be attributed to the inability to use it in scripts. Nevertheless, some automation is possible in this program - thanks to the built-in function mass check sites.

The jSQL Injection program is much more convenient to use than sqlmap. But sqlmap supports more types of SQL injections, has options for working with file firewalls and some other functions.

Bottom line: jSQL Injection - best friend novice hacker.

Help for this program in the Kali Linux Encyclopedia can be found on this page: