Interesting ideas for YouTube videos. Ideas for the YouTube channel: what people will really watch

You want to create your own channel on YouTube, but you can’t figure out what to make a video about. We'll give you some ideas.

First, you need to understand that many different channels have already been created that cover almost all areas of activity, so when creating your own channel you need to immediately decide whether to copy someone’s success story or try to occupy a free niche.

Before creating your own channel, it is best to study competitors’ channels on similar topics. See what they do, what results it brings. Analyze, perhaps they are doing something unnecessary or, on the contrary, not doing something. Draw conclusions and build your channel based on them.

In principle, the approach is the same as when building any business. If you want your channel to be successful and popular, approach its creation wisely. Gone are the days when you could just post a couple of funny videos of kittens and get hundreds of thousands of views. The viewer is now more demanding and spoiled by quality, so you will have to try to surprise him and interest him.

We suggest you first familiarize yourself with the most famous and popular representatives of video bloggers.

Ideas for Youtube channel

If you have no idea what to film or what to do, then we offer you the top 5 most popular channels in the world:

  1. PewDiePie - more than 42 million subscribers. The entertainment channel is dedicated to passing different games.
  2. HolaSoyGerman - more than 26 million subscribers. An entertainment channel with humorous content. The most popular Spanish-language channel.
  3. Smosh - almost 22 million subscribers. Another entertainment channel with a variety of videos.
  4. elrubiusOMG – almost 17 million subscribers. Channel about games. Also entertaining.
  5. Nigahiga - more than 16 million subscribers. Another entertainment channel about everything.

Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk about such topics as ideas for a YouTube channel. *Theorists* like to write in the comments: *You don’t give us good thoughts! *And for some reason I have to give them to them for free, or they think that I earned 2 dollars from this video. I'm making this video with the goal of earning 2 dollars - *a lot* of money, I drank a lot of tea while I was coming up with the idea for this video. Today guys, there will be 6 ideas that you can rise to, it's only a matter of time.

The first idea is not mine; a friend suggested it to me. The idea is that you can read out quotes from famous people in a pleasant voice. This is being implemented, now I’m showing it using the example of the public Motivation 13, but you can do it differently, but why not show your public and show others’. By the way, please go to my public page Motivation 13, repost, like, subscribe. The first idea is to make, for example, 5 lessons from great people in video format.

The second is to make a video about how to live on the minimum wage - 6 thousand. And you definitely need to show some tricks that will help with this. For example, in the store *Magnit* you can save a lot, the difference in prices there is huge, in some places less, in others more. Show receipts, rations. I would be very interested in this, if anyone has one, put it in the description of this video, I won’t ban you. These are not modern video bloggers. Here I am walking, brushing my teeth, well, who cares? Start your video blog with this challenge.

The third is a declaration, that is, give yourself some kind of challenge, for example, earn 15,000 and lose 6 kilograms, as Ella Savorskaya did. She’s great, of course, you’ll say: *Well, she doesn’t have a million views*. Yes, not a million, but 87 thousand is normal for a beginning video blogger.

The fourth is a review of bloggers. You say: *Here, you are saying obvious things*. But people rise up to this. Nemagia's channel (not the main one), they just sit on chairs and discuss the wife of Sergei Simonov and gain 300 thousand views. You say: *They spent a lot on advertising*. So what? Now they have 250 thousand views and this money pays for itself.

I really like the latest topics. Here is Zems.Pro, when I bought an apartment, I wanted to renovate, I thought: * Should I buy a rough one or a fine one? * I bought a fine one, but I could also take a rough one. They have their own team, they do renovations and rent in Moscow videos. And most importantly, they have views, 257 thousand subscribers, sell their services. What is the best thing - you are the best dentist, plumber, etc., you live in a city with 500 thousand people, you have 500 views on YouTube. You have a competitive advantage For example, we had a plumber we knew when we lived in Vorkuta, he charged more, but his neat, handsome guys arrived on time. If you show this on YouTube, it might work.

The fifth idea is to sell your competence. If we talk about my channel, I make money by selling consultations and advertising.

The sixth idea is to sell houses, but when you come in and see the interactive, that is, you see each apartment live (on video).

By the way, write your ideas in the comments.

Nowadays video content is becoming increasingly popular on the Internet. The most popular video content site is, of course, Youtube. Every day thousands of videos are posted there and millions of visitors come to watch them. This is all big business. If you are a creative person and are capable of creating unique videos, you will be able to do well make money on Youtube.

How to make money on Youtube?

The earning scheme is as follows:

  1. Creating a channel on Youtube
  2. We post videos regularly (at least once a week)
  3. Promote the channel (you need to ensure that your videos are watched at least several thousand times)
  4. Join the Youtube affiliate program
  5. We get paid for advertising

If you become a member of the Yotube affiliate program, Google will begin posting contextual advertising adsence in your videos and you will receive a portion of the income from it. For example, if 1000 people watch your video, you will receive from 1 to 3 dollars. The more views a video has, the more income it will generate. Income per click on advertising depends on the topic of the video.

By the way, sometimes the most simple videos become hits on Youtube. For example, a video of a cat fighting with a parrot gets millions of views.

To become a member of the affiliate Youtube programs, you need to follow some rules:

  • Delete from your channel all other people's videos (that you did not create)
  • Stick to a specific channel theme
  • Regular channel updates (at least once a week)

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone with a video camera, so making videos for Youtube is not a problem. The only problem is with original ideas. Any student can start filming let’s plays (playing games and posting the walkthroughs on Youtube), but it’s not a fact that he will succeed, because there are thousands and thousands of such channels. Success depends largely on personal charm and creativity. If you are a creative person, then you are more likely to achieve success.

Also a big plus Will have the ability to edit video. In all successful Youtube channels The videos are well edited and have good effects.

What do you need to make money on YouTube?

  1. Camera or smartphone to shoot video
  2. Free time to do this
  3. An original idea for a channel, personal charm and creativity
  4. Ability to edit video and add effects preferred

How to come up with an idea for your Youtube channel?

The most popular so-called humor channels. People just act on camera and make good money from it. And although the level of humor there is most often degenerate, there are many grateful viewers.

Another large group is let's plays. When a person films himself playing a game, he comments on it and posts it on YouTube. There are a lot of such videos and to stand out you need to come up with some special feature.

Also in lately Many bodybuilder channels have appeared on which they show how to properly train and eat in order to gain muscle mass.

The easiest way to come up with an idea for a Youtube channel is to start making videos about what you like. For example, if you love to cook, film your own cooking show. If you are an athlete - sports videos. If you're into electronics, let's talk about electronics. Etc.

How much can you earn on Youtube?

As an example of people who have made a career for themselves on Youtube, I can give Pewdiepie and Russian badcomedian.

Pewdiepie generally earns 4 million dollars a year from his videos, but he started like everyone else: he sat down at the computer and started recording let’s plays. And now he has more than 23 million subscribers.

Badcomedian - became popular thanks to funny movie reviews, and now he has turned into a stand-up comedian and tours the country with concerts.

If you realized that making money on Youtube is not yet suitable for you, there are many other ways to make money on the Internet, which are described on this site.

Do you know what the mistake of most novice video bloggers is? They spend months searching for an idea for a YouTube channel, simply because they are afraid of competition and are trying to fill empty niches.

But in reality everything is more complicated. If you want popularity, you need to give people what they like. That’s why the next cooking show will, in any case, gain more subscribers than, say, a channel about types of nails (although the second one will also have its own audience). So let's talk about formats that are always relevant.


Perhaps the simplest example of an idea for a YouTube channel. Your task is to choose the very best in some area and briefly talk about it. For example:

The space for imagination is almost limitless, so you can always find new topic. People watch such videos with pleasure, because it is always interesting to learn about something surprising and unusual.

Video instructions

To create a channel like this, you don’t have to be an expert in any field. Thousands of people are looking for basic things - for example, how to create electronic wallet or tie a tie nicely. New ideas for the YouTube channel can always be found on forums where users ask their questions. Or simply translate useful articles and blog posts into video format.

Products from Aliexpress

Another popular niche that is now experiencing a kind of boom. On the Chinese site "Aliexpress" you can find thousands of unusual and simply useful products, but most are simply too lazy to waste time searching. Moreover, there is always a risk of getting the proverbial pig in a poke.

Make life easier for your subscribers and publish mini-reviews of your purchases, indicating links to products in the description (by the way, this is also a great opportunity to make money on the affiliate program).

Travel Notes

Almost everyone loves to learn new things about other countries, their history, customs and life. If you travel frequently, you have every chance to create popular channel dedicated to your travels. The main thing is to find your own twist so that it doesn’t look like an educational film for a geography lesson.

Production sketches

A trend that will not lose its relevance for many years to come. As a rule, these are small scenes showing funny life moments. The format depends on your capabilities and imagination - these can be 30-second anecdote videos, or full-fledged short films with their own plot and actors.

Let's play

If you love computer games, this hobby may well become the basis of an idea for a YouTube channel. Many gamers subscribe to 10-20 similar channels at once. You can publish both let's plays (videos about playing different games with your comments) and guides (training videos - for example, on how to play various Dota 2 characters).


Don't like modern pop music, mainstream films and books, other bloggers and youth idols? You will be surprised, but this can also be a good idea to create popular YouTube channel. Tell everyone why you don't like 50 Shades of Gray or vegetarians...

True, immediately prepare for the fact that you will have no less haters (and most likely even more) than fans. However, black PR is the best PR, isn’t it?

Master classes

And this option will be of interest to those who know how to do something with their own hands. There are hundreds of directions, and almost everyone has their own audience. Cooking, drawing, car repair, playing the guitar, handicrafts - choose what you like. The main thing is to record the shortest and most understandable videos so that everyone can repeat what you do.


An original format that is definitely worth paying attention to when looking for an idea for a YouTube channel. Despite the fact that the concept is blatantly copied from a popular American TV show, there are so many myths in the world that Messrs. Heinemann and Savage would not have enough time to study them all.

If you have enough free time, you can also find interesting theories from everyday life and check how true they are. Can canned food explode? Is it possible to break a padlock with a shot, like in Hollywood films?

Making videos like this is truly exciting, because you never know what discoveries await you.


Ideas for a humorous YouTube channel are almost inexhaustible, especially in terms of practical jokes. Do you remember how many videos appeared on the Internet after the game “Scary Maze” (yes, the one with the scary face at the end) was released? Many people posted videos of their friends going through it for the first time - it was really funny to see it from the outside. Everyone loves to watch someone get pranked, so channels like this will always be trending.

Once you have decided on the topic, all that remains is to find ideas for the name of the channel on YouTube and more or less good camera. However, if you look at the recordings, you will see that what is more important is not what to film, but how. A lively, interesting presentation, ability to speak and, of course, a sense of humor can make you an Internet star, even if your channel is similar to hundreds of others.

Each user decides for himself how to make money on the Internet. There are quite a few options and one of the best is opening a YouTube channel. The authors of popular videos earn decent money, and you can join their ranks, but don’t expect quick results.

This article presents 6 ideas for a YouTube channel that you can use. Some video creators have to record videos for several years, and when one of them becomes popular, the entire channel becomes popular. So it's important to keep posting videos even if they don't get many views at first.

YouTube Channel Ideas

It is not necessary to come up with something new; you can take a ready-made idea and, having come up with original chip, start working. can be quite profitable if you work hard on your channel. Which channel to open on YouTube?

1. Hand-made.

A great idea for a YouTube channel that has a lot of directions. Handmade has always attracted attention, and in your videos you can show anything, from creating mannequins to knitting. Write down detailed instructions about what you do, if they are useful to the audience, do not doubt your success.

On the site you can make good money from videos with such instructions, but it’s more promising to add them to YouTube.

2. Cars.

This idea has already been implemented by many video bloggers, but there is a place in the niche for everyone. Nowadays there are most of the car channels with car reviews, but there are other directions in this area. For example, you can record videos about various spare parts, add repair instructions, record videos on the topic of car acoustics, and so on.

3. Work.

We all go to work, and it takes a lot of time. You can create a channel on a topic related to your work. Consultants in hardware stores can add reviews, office clerks can talk about their daily lives and have fun, entrepreneurs can share useful tips and so on.

Students can earn money in the same way by creating different channels for schoolchildren or students; there are even more directions here.

4. Animals.

Cats, dogs and any other pets can be great artists for your channel. People love animal videos and the most interesting ones get a lot of views. If you can constantly add many such videos and record different animals, be sure to take advantage of it.

5. Narrow topic.

To get ahead of your competitors, you can choose a narrow topic for your channel. For example, create a channel about the Beatles, a specific sport, clothing from one brand, and so on. The main advantage of this idea is to obtain target audience and convenient monetization of the channel.

City websites receive huge traffic, but only a few cities have YouTube channels. This great way to be one of the first. You can rest assured that your videos will be interesting to the residents of your city. The most important thing is to have time to shoot important points, and working on such a channel can be compared to the work of a journalist.

Each of these ideas for a YouTube channel will help you start making money with a popular video hosting site. The most important thing is to find out and make efforts not only in terms of content, but also by actively attracting subscribers to gain views.