Interesting articles on computer science are small. Interesting facts from the world of computer science

A programmer is a specialist who writes and edits programs for computers (any computing device), that is, programming. A traveling salesman (French commis voyageur) is a traveling sales intermediary who, moving around the market, plays the role of a simple intermediary or acts on behalf of his client (seller); a traveling sales agent of a company who offers customers products based on samples and catalogs. William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955, Seattle), better known as Bill Gates - American entrepreneur and public figure, philanthropist, co-founder (with Paul Allen) and largest shareholder Microsoft company. Until June 2008, he was the head of the company, after leaving the post he remained as its non-executive chairman of the board of directors. He is also co-chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Webcam (also webcam) is a small-sized digital video or photo camera capable of capture real-time images intended for further transmission over the Internet (in programs such as Skype, Instant Messenger or any other video application).

The computer has become so familiar in our lives that we perceive it as a workhorse and little think about how many interesting things are connected with our PC. We decided to fix this. So, interesting facts about computers:

1) A modern personal computer has ten times more power than it once took to launch and land a man on the moon.

2) The CD capacity is enough for 72 minutes of music. This is exactly the duration of Beethoven's ninth symphony, which the creators of the new product were guided by.

3) A split second is enough for us to evaluate the quality of the site we have visited.

4) Chinese gamers are prohibited from playing games that promote murder, such as GTA or Postal. Hackers are not welcome in the Celestial Empire either: they face serious prison sentences, and in 1998 a couple of hackers were even sentenced to capital punishment.

5) Hackers, of course, are not worth protecting - criminals of the information space. But also don’t forget about your loved ones. Some accounts, email addresses and other personal pages on the Internet are just asking to be broken! The most popular passwords are numbers in ascending or descending order, as well as date, month and year of birth. Many users are so careless that they even enter the same set of characters in the “login” and “password” windows.

6) If you often sit at a computer for a long time, then you blink at least seven times a minute. This is how our eyes try to prevent “office vision” syndrome.

7) Bill Gates' official email receives millions of emails every day. Need I say that the vast majority of them remain unanswered?

8) There is a lot of debate about whether a computer can catch up and surpass us in abilities. But he was already recognized as “person of the year”: in 1982, this was done by the employees of Time magazine.

9) People who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them are called cyberphobes.

10) 2/3 of Americans surf the Internet at least three hours a day. We think our compatriots are not much less...

Computer related services are considered a very profitable business. At least three out of six rich people made their fortunes in the IT sector.

11) The sysadmin holiday is celebrated in many countries. But only in the States is it called “System Administrator Appreciation Day.”

12) Contrary to popular belief, computers most often break down not from problems in the electrical network or from malicious viruses. They should “say thank you” to their owners who spill tea, coffee, soda and other drinks on the keyboard.

13) if we take all email messages transmitted in the world as 100%, then 94% of them are spam.

14) The first e-mail was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, the author of a program for exchanging messages between computers. He also suggested using the @ icon to separate the username and computer name.

15) The creators of the Google search engine wanted to name their brainchild Googol (10 to the hundredth power - that’s how many pages they were going to index), but the domain with that name was already taken.

16) The first dot matrix printer was developed in 1964. It was used in Seiko brand watches to permanently print the exact time.

17) The Internet and computer games are considered the most devastating threat to employee productivity. The amount of time workers in the average American office spend on the Internet is still unknown, but they spend about half a billion hours a year playing computer games.

18) The famous combination - the three-finger program - Ctrl-Alt-Del - was created and implemented by one of the IBM PC developers, David Bradley.

19) The first personal computers had a very limited amount of memory - only about 16 kilobytes.

20) A computer scientist is still not a woman’s profession. The world's largest IT corporation, Microsoft, employs 75% men and only 25% women.

1. Interesting facts from the world of computer science confirm that they first started talking about this science in 1957. 2.Initially, computer science was the name given to only the technical field that automatically processes information using a computer. 3. The electronic computer was first registered in 1948 and it was created by Rameev. 4.Programmer's Day is celebrated on September 13th. 5. The electronic computer was created over the course of six months, and the logical circuits in it were created on semiconductors. 6.In the 60s the Internet was created. 7.The most popular social network is Facebook. 8.Users post about 3 billion photos monthly on Facebook. 9. In the entire history of computer science, it was possible to identify the most destructive virus - LoveLetter. 10. The largest and first computer attack was the one called the “Morris Worm”. It caused approximately $96 million in damage. 11.The term “computer science” was introduced by Karl Steinbuch. 12.Of all the HTTP protocol errors, users most often encounter the 404 Not Found status. 13.On the first typewriters in America, the buttons were arranged in alphabetical order. 14. The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart. 15.In 1936, the word “spam” appeared. 16.The world's first programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. She was originally from England. 17.The founder of computer science was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. 18.The first creator of a computer in our state was Lebedev. 19.The Japanese supercomputer is considered the most powerful computing machine. 20.In 1990, the first network in Russia was connected to the Internet. 21.The highest award for achievements in the field of computer science is the Turing Award. 22.For the first time in 1979, emotion was transmitted using electronics. Kevin McKenzie did it. 23. Before the creation of the first computers, the word “computer” in America was used to refer to a person who performed calculations on adding machines. 24.The first laptop computer weighed 12 kilograms. 25.The first dot matrix printer was released in 1964. 26.E-mail was created in 1971. 27.The first domain registered was 28.Approximately 80% of all photographs available on the Internet are of naked representatives of the fairer sex. 29.Approximately 15 billion kW per hour is used by Google. 30.Today, approximately 1.8 billion people are connected to the Internet. 31.The largest percentage of Internet users is in Sweden. 32.Until 1995, domains were allowed to be registered for free. 33. Every 8th married couple started meeting their partner on the Internet. 34. 10 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. 35.E-mail was introduced before the Internet was created. 36.The largest computer network consists of 6,000 computers. It serves the Large Hadron Collider. 37.The most common cause of computer breakdown is liquid getting on the keyboard. 38. Every day, a computer network is attacked by an average of 20 viruses. 39.The first speech recognition system originated in India. 40. Engineers from Denmark managed to develop a computer with which a cow can milk herself. 41.The first programming language for an electronic computer is Short Code. 42.The first Internet provider in the history of computer science was called Compuserve. It was founded in 1969 and today is owned by AOL. 43. On September 19, 2005, a record was set for the number of identical queries on Google. It was on that day that millions of people used the phrase: “hurricane rita.” 44.The term “computer science” was created from two words “automation” and “information”. 45.Informatics is a practical science. 46.The first working mechanical calculator was created by Blaise Pascal. 47.Informatics as an academic discipline first began to be used in the USSR in 1985. 48.It is on April 4 that World Internet Day is celebrated. 49. Anyone who sits at a computer for a long time blinks at least 7 times per minute. 50. Cyberphobes are people who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them. Read more at.

Modern society cannot do without computer technology. Computer science teaches us how to use a computer. Interesting facts about her are not known to everyone. Computer science arose much earlier than we thought. In importance, this science is no less necessary than mathematics. You need to know interesting facts about computer science, because you cannot do without it in modern times.

1. Interesting facts from the world of computer science confirm that people first started talking about this science in 1957.

2.Initially, computer science was the name given to only the technical field that automatically processes information using a computer.

3. The electronic computer was first registered in 1948 and it was created by Rameev.

5. The electronic computer was created over the course of half a year, and the logical circuits in it were created on semiconductors.

6.In the 60s the Internet was created.

8.About 3 billion photos are posted on Facebook every month.

9. In the entire history of computer science, it was possible to identify the most destructive virus - LoveLetter.

10. The largest and first computer attack was the one called the “Morris Worm”. It caused approximately $96 million in damage.

11.The term “computer science” was introduced by Karl Steinbuch.

12.Of all the HTTP protocol errors, users most often encounter the 404 Not Found status.

13.On the first typewriters in America, the buttons were arranged in alphabetical order.

14. The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart.

15.In 1936, the word “spam” appeared.

16.The world's first programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. She was originally from England.

17.The founder of computer science was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

18.The first creator of a computer in our state was Lebedev.

19.The Japanese supercomputer is considered the most powerful computing machine.

20.In 1990, the first network in Russia was connected to the Internet.

21.The highest award for achievements in the field of computer science is the Turing Award.

22.For the first time in 1979, emotion was transmitted using electronics. Kevin McKenzie did it.

23. Before the creation of the first computers, the word “computer” in America was used to refer to a person who performed calculations on adding machines.

24.The first laptop computer weighed 12 kilograms.

25.The first dot matrix printer was released in 1964.

26.The electronic post was created in 1971.

27.The first domain registered was

28.Approximately 80% of all photographs available on the Internet are of naked representatives of the fairer sex.

29.Approximately 15 billion kW per hour is used by Google.

30.Today, approximately 1.8 billion people are connected to the Internet.

31.The largest percentage of Internet users is in Sweden.

32.Until 1995, domains were allowed to be registered for free.

33. Every 8th married couple started meeting their partner on the Internet.

34. 10 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

35.E-mail was introduced before the Internet was created.

36.The largest computer network consists of 6,000 computers. It serves the Large Hadron Collider.

38. Every day, a computer network is attacked by an average of 20 viruses.

39.The first speech recognition system originated in India.

40. Engineers from Denmark managed to develop a computer with which a cow can milk herself.

41.The first programming language for an electronic computer is Short Code.

42.The first Internet provider in the history of computer science was called Compuserve. It was founded in 1969 and today is owned by AOL.

43. On September 19, 2005, a record was set for the number of identical queries on Google. It was on that day that millions of people used the phrase: “hurricane rita.”

44.The term “computer science” was created from two words “automation” and “information”.

45.Informatics is a practical science.

46.The first working mechanical calculator was created by Blaise Pascal.

47.Informatics as an academic discipline first began to be used in the USSR in 1985.

49. Anyone who sits at a computer for a long time blinks at least 7 times per minute.

50. Cyberphobes are people who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them.

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A few facts from the field of computer science.

Modern society cannot do without computer technology. Computer science teaches us how to use a computer. Interesting facts about her are not known to everyone. Computer science arose much earlier than we thought. In importance, this science is no less necessary than mathematics. You need to know interesting facts about computer science, because you cannot do without it in modern times.

What function, besides entertainment, was assigned to “Klondike” and “Sapper”? The well-known standard Windows games - “Klondike”, “FreeCell” and “Mineweeper” - were included in the operating system for a reason. In addition to the entertainment function, they, according to the developers, were supposed to help users master the mouse and adapt to the graphical interface after the command line interface. In the mentioned solitaire games, the drag"n"drop skill was honed, and Minesweeper taught the precise positioning of clicks and the correct use of both mouse buttons.

How do toy ducks help programmers debug code? Some programmers use the duckling method to debug code. To do this, you need to put a toy duck on your desktop (or imagine it) and explain in detail, line by line, what the program should do. When resorting to this method, the programmer often encounters the error he was looking for, which he did not notice when viewing the code in the development environment.

How was the Windows 10 desktop background created? The background image for the Windows 10 desktop is not at all the product of creativity in a graphics editor. To create it, Microsoft hired a photo studio, where they used a large structure with four screens, cameras, different light sources and smoke.

How many bits are in a byte? The name "byte" was first used in 1956. V. Buchholz when designing the first supercomputer IBM 7030 Stretch for a bunch of six bits simultaneously transmitted in I/O devices. Later, as part of the same project, the byte was expanded to eight bits.

History of the creation and development of Bluetooth technology It all began in the 90s of the twentieth century, engineers from leading technology companies united to create a new standard for wireless communication over short distances. In 1994, the Swedish company Ericsson set out to develop an interface that would wirelessly connect a cell phone and a headset. According to the developers, the new interface was supposed to be universal, inexpensive, small and, preferably, not very energy-intensive. Since the development center was initially a Swedish company. The name of the invention has bright Scandinavian roots - “Blue Tooth” - this was the nickname worn by King Harald I. The technology being created was designed to combine various communication protocols into a single standard.

Who is considered the world's first programmer? The world's first programmer was an Englishwoman, Ada Lovelace. In the mid-19th century, she drew up a plan of operations for the prototype of a modern computer - Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, with the help of which it was possible to solve Bernoulli's equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy of a moving fluid.

The computer program for burning discs ("burning") Nero Burning ROM did not get its name by chance. Where did this name come from? This is a pun, literally translated - "Nero burning Rome", and is reminiscent of the Roman emperor Nero, who was credited with setting the arson that led to the Great Fire of Rome.

Who was featured on the first Apple logo? The very first Apple logo depicted Sir Isaac Newton and an apple tree from which an apple was about to fall on his head. This emblem was not on the Apple I computer, only in its instructions. The overall composition of the logo was heavily overloaded with details, so less than a year later it was replaced by the familiar bitten fruit.

What is the HTTP error number indicating that access is restricted due to censorship? Of all the HTTP protocol errors, users most often encounter the 404 Not Found status, when the server cannot find information from the request generated by the client. You can often see the 403 Forbidden status, which means that the server has the information, but cannot provide it to the client due to limited access rights. Among many other error messages, one can highlight status 451, indicating that access to data is prohibited at the request of government agencies or copyright holders. His number is a direct reference to Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451.