Interesting community names. Ideas for group names on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

The popularity of a VKontakte group largely depends on its name. It is the name that can attract or scare off new subscribers. Original and catchy names always arouse interest: a person can enter the community just out of curiosity, and then join it. How to come up with correct name? This question interests absolutely everyone who has decided to create their own VKontakte community, but first of all, those who plan to make a profit from it.

    • What types of communities are there?
    • What name to come up with for a group on VK: some tips
    • How to come up with a community name

What types of communities are there?

VKontakte communities are mainly divided into groups and public pages . Groups are more suitable for discussions, exchange of opinions and comments, and publics are more suitable for providing information about a person or organization.

There are entertainment communities where various funny stories, jokes, funny statuses, motivators, etc. There are also communities of an advertising nature, communities of interests (cooking, children, cars), information communities and groups aimed at teaching something.

According to the degree of privacy, closed and open groups are distinguished.

Before you create your own community, you need to clearly understand what your goal is and what your group or public should be like. Go to communities and carefully study all the information to make the right decision.

Watch the video on the topic:

These tips are valuable for those who are planning to create their own group and make money from it. They will also be useful for those who promote their own business or company on VKontakte.

First, the administrator needs to decide on the topic. Think about what information will be posted in the group and who it is intended for. When visitors see the name, they should immediately understand what your community is about. The administrator, in turn, must clearly understand what audience he wants to attract and what benefits his group can bring.

Think about the keywords in your topic. After all, people can be attracted not only from VKontakte, but also from the Internet: some can find a group or public through search engines. That is why it is necessary to clearly think about what keyword will be contained in the group name. As statistics show, the same similar queries are entered into search engines every day and asked by thousands of people. If your group has a keyword in the name, they will be able to find it too.

To choose the correct VKontakte group name, you must use the correct keys. To ensure that the keys are correct, you can use the Wordstat service from Yandex.

For example, enter the phrase there: make money on the Internet. This phrase has received more than 140 thousand requests on the Internet, which means that a group with such a topic can become very popular. Another thing is that all the “hottest” topics have already been processed by your competitors - you will have to try very hard to somehow stand out from them and attract subscribers. To find out what your competitors are writing about, you need to visit their groups and analyze the information received (We recommend reading the article “ The most large publics In contact with».

Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earning money on VKontakte

How to come up with a community name

Let's see what name is suitable for the group on VKontakte. It should be:

  1. Catchy. After seeing it, a person should feel a desire to find out more details and visit your group. The competition on VKontakte is enormous, and every administrator should clearly understand this. So what to do? Think about an original and catchy name.
  2. Catchy. Seeing it, a person should want to visit this particular community.
  3. Short. This is the essence of success: a long and boring band name will not attract anyone. Ideally, the name should consist of 2-3 words. Many webmasters try to fit all the descriptions for it into the group name, but this should not be done. Some administrators include a number of key phrases or words. This is done to attract visitors, but this is also not worth doing.
  4. Capacious. Despite the brevity, the name should contain a keyword or words, and also communicate the focus of the community - entertaining, educational, informational, etc.
  5. The name must not contain profanity, otherwise the group may be blocked. Some might argue that titles with swear words already exist. These communities were created a long time ago, but recently all the rules have changed.

Sometimes associations work well: for example, there is a fairly popular group “Ward No. 6”. Unlike other humorous groups, the name does not contain the words “humor” or “laughter,” but everyone understands what this community is dedicated to. The same goes for the “90-60-90” community - it’s immediately clear that it’s dedicated to weight loss issues.

Other examples of successful names of entertainment groups: Smeyaka, Killer humor, Laugh until you cry, Sarcasm,, Witty.

Now you can easily come up with a name yourself. Identify the keywords and consistently write down on paper everything that comes to mind. Sooner or later you will find the right word or phrase.

We hope these tips will help you create an interesting community and find the best name for it. It should be remembered that the name of a VKontakte group is only one of many components of success. There should be constant activity and discussion in the community, and information on the wall should be constantly updated. It is necessary to learn to attract new participants and publish useful and interesting content. Only in this case will your community be successful and be able to bring you significant income.

Do you want to know more about making money on VKontakte and other types of making money on the Internet? The most up-to-date information is collected here: 50 ways to make money online

If you created a VK group to make sales, then you should think about other options for selling goods on the Internet, for example, through Avito. Read the article about the opportunity making money on message boards and find out which products are best to sell and how to do it correctly.

If a group in contact was created to receive Additional income and you want to quickly increase your income, you should take the course on money management to not only learn the tricks that rich people resort to to increase their capital, but also learn how to make good money yourself.

The calling card of a group on is its name. It is advisable to call it original. For example, the very well-known community “MDK”, which was previously an ordinary set of letters, but is now a well-known brand. If you are planning to create not just a group, but a real good community VKontakte, then already at the initial stage you need to figure out what to name, perhaps, the future brand. What to start from and in what direction to think will be discussed further.

Name for the VKontakte group

Let’s analyze the tops by their names, for this we’ll use , and do it by sections:

1. “Sports and Health” - this includes the subsections “Fitness”, “Sports Nutrition”, “Football”, “Other”, “Weight Loss” and “Workout”. Popular group has more than 3 million subscribers:

As you can see, the names of the groups are ordinary, and the leaders were probably created earlier than the rest - hence a large number of visitors.

2. “Nature and Travel” with subsections “Travel”, “Nature” and “Animals”:

Here, even the tops only have about half a million subscribers, which is not such a big figure. The names are not original, but there is a springboard for creativity.

3. Let’s consider another section - “Society”, with subsections “Professions”, “Politics”, “Religion” and “Geopolitics, Economics”:

We look at the names - they are mostly specific, that is, they reflect what information is published about in the group.

Let's look at general statistics on VKontakte, that is, the most popular:

Again, we see that the names of the leading groups reflect the direction and theme. Let’s say “In Fun” - it immediately becomes obvious that the group contains cool materials, pictures, jokes and everything from this opera. It is much more interesting to analyze public pages on

To start receiving income from advertising on social networks, you will have to try: little or “VKontakte” - you still need to figure out what to fill it with and how to achieve an increase in subscribers. Oddly enough, it all starts not with studying the advice of experienced bloggers and community owners, but with choosing a cool or at least interesting name - you can come up with it yourself, based on the tips below. The next step is to develop a beautiful avatar: a correctly selected image will reinforce a favorable impression of the group.

It is only possible to give a list of communities for social networks: it is impossible to predict what exactly will appeal to the public, which often changes opinions and moods. However, a few tips given in the following sections will help the owner of the group choose an original name for it. Further, it all depends on talent and willingness to work: the more the author invests in the new community, the faster the result will appear.

Why is it important to name the group correctly?

Naming your group in a way that creates a great impression on visitors is important for the following reasons:

  1. A cool and original community name is guaranteed to attract new subscribers- and therefore will increase the attractiveness of the group in the eyes of advertisers. Even without investing money in promoting your own community, just by “highlighting” its name in large public pages a few times, the owner can already achieve good growth, and by showing more activity, even bordering on intrusiveness, he can bring it to a leading position in the chosen direction. The principle at work here is “ word of mouth": a user who saw something beautiful and interesting name and, having become convinced of the quality of the content offered by the creator, will pass on the information to others - and so on ad infinitum. Not all visitors will become subscribers, but getting a hundred or two regular readers just because of the name is better than spending money on something that is not always effective ways promotion.
  2. A cool name is attractive not only to ordinary users of social networks, but also to advertisers: before making a commercial offer, they meticulously assess the prospects of the investment, taking into account not only the current number of subscribers, but also its predicted fluctuations; and the correctly chosen community name plays an important role in this. it is much easier if the user has a chance to remember its name the first time; and not a single major advertiser will place ads in public pages with vague, poorly perceived names, as well as with missing avatars.
  3. A beautiful and original name for the group will help revive it in case of capture or deletion. For example, with such probabilities, you need to take into account: the owner of the most successful and profitable community may one day lose it - due to blocking, technical failure or malicious actions of third parties. Of course, the group will have to be created anew; and it will be much easier to win back at least some of the previous subscribers by using a cool name that has already proven itself and is remembered by visitors to social networks.
  4. A name that is not only original and cool, but also corresponding to the theme of the group is the key to its successful development. Firstly, a visitor to the page, who finds himself on it for the first time and is convinced that he was not deceived in his expectations, is guaranteed to become more loyal to the public and, quite likely, will even subscribe to it. Secondly, people looking for communities of interest usually “drive” into the lines search engines only keywords, at best adding to them the name of the desired social network; and the more logical matches there are between the request and the name of the group, the easier it will be to find it
  5. Cool name - it's just beautiful: even if you don’t take into account the growth of subscribers and commercial offers from advertisers, it will delight the author and his regular readers, standing out for its originality against the backdrop of mostly uninformative group names.

What should you consider when choosing a name?

The correct choice of group name is determined by the following factors:

  1. Simplicity. Users of social networks, especially those who devote a lot of time to them, by default do not like to think too much and are not able to remember large amounts of information. The simpler and more concise the name, the more likely it will remain in the memory of the page visitor, and vice versa - a complex (even if original and cool in its own way) name has no chance of success. The owner of such a group will, at best, be able to count how many people have the ability to remember the name of the group; This is interesting, but it’s clearly not enough for promotion and generating income.
  2. Content. The name of the group should correspond as best as possible to its topic, be it general or highly specialized. If this condition is not met, the owner of the public will not be able to count on satisfactory promotion: on the one hand, those who went to the page by mistake will not subscribe to it, and in the worst case, they will create a bad reputation for the community; on the other hand, people who really need the group simply will not be able to find it by name, and therefore, become its subscribers. In addition, a group with a cool name that matches the topic is more likely to appear in one of the many recommendation lists distributed on the Internet, and this is another step towards success.
  3. Logic. The name of the group should not only be original and beautiful, but also coherent: a set of words that have nothing to do with each other is unlikely to be remembered by users who already do not want to strain their memory again. Ideally, the name should consist of one to four words: more of them will create problems with promotion - at least because it will be poorly displayed on the screens of some mobile devices.
  4. Legality. The name of the group, of course, should not violate the norms of current legislation. Otherwise, sooner or later the administration will block it; In addition, neither advertisers nor a particularly conscious part of social network users will show any interest in the potentially criminal community, and it will simply be impossible to earn income from it. When choosing a name based on this parameter, you need to take into account not only the official terminology (the “Drugs in the City...” group, even if we are talking about comic posts, is doomed to trouble), but also the trends of the times: for example, call a public page dedicated to books “Bookmark” It wouldn't be too fatal, but still a mistake.
  5. Attractiveness. Finally, the name should be something that will appeal to potential subscribers. Even the most original and cool group in terms of content will not be able to rise in the rankings if it has a repulsive or unsympathetic name. For example, a public page about Siamese cats would be better called not “Siamese cats: biological characteristics and diet,” but “All about Siamese cats” or “Beautiful Siamese: raising and feeding.” Another piece of advice is that the community name should promise a little more than the group can deliver, without slipping into outright deception. It is clear that no one will be able to provide the visitor with comprehensive information on any issue, but the presence in the title of the words “All about ...”, “The most beautiful ...”, “Ideal ...” and so on makes it attractive - and this is ultimately what owner needs.

Advice: In order not to suffer too much in trying to name the group on his own, the owner can study existing, most successful names. Based on the research conducted, it will be easier for him to come up with something original and truly cool name for your public.

List of cool names for groups on social networks

Whatever path the creator of the group took in social network(whether trying to tackle the issue on his own, using services or shamelessly copying and compiling existing titles), it will be useful for him to familiarize himself with the list below of the 50 coolest titles. For greater convenience, they are divided into categories: this will help you not to get lost in the options by immediately going to the desired section.

There are five main categories:

  1. News, political and information groups:
    • “What happened to us?”;
    • “Let’s read the reports”;
    • “Listen to the news together”;
    • “News flow: moving with the times”;
    • "Today is better than yesterday?!";
    • “The inner world of politics: figuring it out together”;
    • “Put down the newspaper! The most important news in one place";
    • “Newsman: all the most important things are in your feed”;
    • “The latest developments: timely and to the point”;
    • "Do not relax! News for the week."
  2. Groups about pets:
    • “We feed and raise our kittens!”;
    • “Public purrs: advice from a cat lover”;
    • “Dogs and cats are fluffy bellies”;
    • “The best tips for a dog owner”;
    • "Our friends are hamsters";
    • "Guinea Pigs: Squat and Adorable";
    • “The most charming budgies”;
    • “Indoor pigs: photos and breeds”;
    • "Furry living creatures";
    • "Full House: Dogs and Cats."
  3. Groups about cooking and serving:
    • “Cooking and serving!”;
    • “All about meat in French - tips and ingredients”;
    • “Fork on the left, knife on the right”;
    • “Clean plate - inexpensive recipes for every day”;
    • “Cooking with mayonnaise: soups, cutlets and dietary cakes”;
    • “The best dishes for the hostess”;
    • “We cook for the whole family: bread, water and a little care”;
    • “Get ready!” Public about cooking";
    • "Aspiring Chef"
    • “Today a kitchen, tomorrow a restaurant: unique recipes.”
  4. Groups on raising and caring for children:
    • “Cheerful kids: sharing experiences”;
    • “Beginner mother: first pancake and other tips”;
    • “Educate me!”;
    • “What’s wrong with the child? Expert Consultations";
    • "Our children";
    • “Educating without tears: the latest techniques”;
    • “Development in facts and figures: more about your baby”;
    • “Let's go for a run together - we teach the baby to play sports!”;
    • “The best books for children”;
    • “We read and count: early development baby."
  5. Groups about mobile devices and entertainment:
    • “My music: recommendations from a music lover”;
    • “Notes from the theater: premieres and prices”;
    • “All about cinema: new releases and timeless classics”;
    • “We think together - the best puzzles in the world!”;
    • “Paintings and statues: a public for art lovers”;
    • “Take a walk or a run: Moscow parks during the day and evening”;
    • “Cool club: the best night events in the city”;
    • “Hanging out in nature!”;
    • “New gadgets: reviews and discounts”;
    • "My console is best games 2019!

Important: The names given above are indicative. The group owner can select best option yourself or combine several suggested ones. To attract the attention of visitors, you should use upper case when writing some words and Special symbols. The main thing is to do it in moderation, leaving pride of place for the semantic part.

Let's sum it up

A cool name for a group on a social network is the key to its popularity and successful promotion. The better the name is chosen, the more chances the public owner has for an influx of subscribers and advantageous placement advertising. In addition, using the original name will allow, in the event of an incident, to revive the group and bring back some of the subscribers.

The name of the community should be succinct and logical, pleasant to the ear and easy to remember. It should not conflict with current legislation and contain ambiguous expressions. When choosing, the community owner can be guided by his own considerations, use examples from the Internet, or focus on the above options: all of them perfectly correspond to the main topics of the publics.

Many people, after completing registration on the site, immediately create their own interest group and agonize over what name to give their brainchild. The name of the group determines whether it will be successful and attract the attention of new users of the social network.

What name should I give the group?

To ensure her continued popularity? Upon closer examination of this problem, it turns out that it is enough to adhere to several simple recommendations, choosing a name for your community so that it always arouses genuine and lively interest from users.

First rule

Pay attention to keywords. Just imagine, a social network user went to the site to register in some community that suits his personal preferences and interests. Let's say this person is a long-time fan of "Dancing Minus". So he will enter into search bar site keywords “rock band”, “Vyacheslav Petkun”, “Dancing minus” or “Russian rock”.

Accordingly, if you are planning to create a group about the creativity, discography and biography of “Dancing Minus” or another musical group, you should not ignore these factors.

Second rule

Reliable answers to the question of how to name a group on Odnoklassniki to interest and attract attention users of this social network turn out to be very expected and predictable, if you think a little, concentrate and use logical analysis to come to the only correct conclusions. The name of the group on a social network should correspond to the topic and not be “made up.”

Hello again!

Tell me did you have problems with how to name a group in contact. Well, what's the matter? Trifle. So I’ll take it and write “super duper, cool group on the topic of … ". Okay, it seems cool. And everyone who sees the name of my group will definitely join it. Isn't this the main goal?

In today's article, I would like to consider this issue in detail, and finally find out how the name of the group can affect further promotion and, accordingly, future profitability!

I met a lot on VKontakte, and on any other social network. networks of groups and public pages, the names of which are so ridiculous that it is unclear why people run the group, what they want to convey in the name to other community members. Some choose a name from some cool phrase or slogan, others put a set of keywords in the name so that the group searches for the right keywords. And others don’t bother at all, and write the name with special characters. Everyone is original in their own way :))

No matter what you name the group, it won’t make any sense... to find out how to connect a BLOG to a VK group and earn BIG MONEY without leaving home, really!

How can you name a VKontakte group?

First of all, you need to decide on a topic.

The important point is not so much to choose a topic, but to target your target audience. Yes, it is based on the interests of your audience that you need to choose a future name.

Whoever you are aiming at, move on from there!

Recently, I came across this cool name:

“I'm not a lady. What a shame. Not an ounce of lady.”

(women's quotes with pictures)

And at first I was surprised, what a stupid name, but it turned out to be quite original. The administrator of the group has more than 95% girls, and the total number of subscribers is 350,000. Moreover, there are no keywords by which one could receive additional thread subscribers from search. Just originality and that's it!

It depends less on the name itself, and more on what kind of content is published on your public page - its quality, and who it is intended for. And then, due to the prominent name in the feed, you can add new readers. And no search is needed.

On the contrary, if you initially aim to rise through search, then accordingly you need to indicate the keyword in the name. You can stick to high-frequency drivers, but it will be easier to choose a low-frequency key. word and typing the required number of subscribers, and be in the top.

I have never chased traffic and subscribers from search. For me, the main goal in choosing a name is to be cool, short, and clear. Why invent a set of words. For me it's better beautiful name than a set of keywords. But promotion and attracting subscribers is a completely different question!

As the saying goes: “whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail!”

Also, it will be difficult to work in a group with a name you don’t like. And it’s not uncommon for such groups to remain abandoned...

It’s better to spend a little time on the name and choose an original one that would set you apart from millions of other communities.

Among the many successful communities, there are such popular and cool names:

  • Statuses for which they give class (mine 🙂)
  • Tell me this to my face, not through statuses
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • Women's secret
  • Success Diary
  • Always say yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Secrets of success (your continuation)
  • Thoughts from (Your continuation)
  • Secrets (...)
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Erudite Club

There is no need to try to make the name humorous; it is better to make it clear and short from the first lines.

Do live band, with a live title!

By creating an interesting and informative group, a person will be pleased to be in it. And having chosen the correct name, and filling it useful content, interested people will start to catch up!

And finally: the name for the VKontakte group can be need to create recognizable and beautiful! And if you want to be in the top, then add keywords to your title.

I just want to wish that everything works out for you. And already in the first month you have recruited many like-minded people.