Computer science and programming. Using basic algorithmic constructs: following, branching, looping




N.V. Komleva, A.A. Smirnov computer science and programming Textbook

Moscow, 2006

Komleva N.V., Smirnov A.A. Computer science and programming: Textbook / Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.-M., 2006.-

The manual contains a presentation of basic concepts in the field of computer science and programming fundamentals, as well as practical examples.

The manual is intended for students of the following specialties:

- “Management”, “Management of Organizations”, “Human Resources Management”, “Commerce”, “Marketing”, “World Economy”, “Crisis Management”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Finance and Credit”, “Linguistics” ", "Taxes and Taxation", "Psychology".

1. Computer science.

1.2. Measuring and presenting information.

1.3. Technical means implementation of information processes.

1.4. Software tools implementation of information processes.

1.5. Programming technologies.

2. Algorithmization of data processing processes.

2.1. Basic concepts and definitions.

2.2. Tools for depicting algorithms.

2.3. Characteristics and classification of data.

3. Basic language structures Pascal programming.

3.1. The main elements of the program on Pascal language.

3.2. Operators of the language.

3.3. Conditional operator and its use for organizing branches.

3.4. Managing branches using the Case statement.

3.5. Organization of cyclic processes.

3.6. Loop operator with counter.

3.7. Processing symbolic information.

3.8. Organization of program execution in DELPHI environment.

4. Software processing of structural types.

4.1. Organizing information in the form of arrays.

4.2. Software processing of information presented in the form of records.

4.3. Features of processing economic information organized in the form of an array of records.

4.4. Presentation of economic information in the form of a set.

5. Modular programming.

5.1. Organization of the modular structure of the program.

5.2. Using Procedures

5.3. Using Functions

5.4. Procedures and functions without parameters.

5.5. Organization external modules.

6. Literature and INTRNET resources

7. Glossary

1. Computer science.

1.1. Information and informatization of society.

The term information comes from the Latin word “Informatio”, which means clarification, awareness, presentation. Computer science considers information as conceptually interconnected information, data, concepts that change our ideas about a phenomenon or object in the surrounding world. Along with information, the concept of data is often used in computer science. Data can be thought of as features or recorded observations that are not currently in use but are stored. In the event that data begins to be used, then data turns into information.

Information can be converted into knowledge. Information received from specialists only becomes knowledge if it is structured, in a special way presented, thoroughly tested and capable of development. Knowledge when using logical inference allows you to generate new knowledge.

Economic information is a set of information reflecting socio-economic processes intended to manage processes and teams of people in the production and non-production sphere.

In a broad sense, computer science is understood as a set of various branches of science, technology and production related to information processing. In a narrow sense, computer science can be represented as a set of the following interconnected parts:

Firstly, technical means (hardware);

Secondly, software;

Thirdly, algorithmic tools (brainware).

It is characteristic that computer science, both in the broad sense and in the narrow sense, can be viewed from different positions:

Firstly, as a branch of the national economy;

Secondly, as a fundamental science;

Thirdly, as an applied discipline.

The introduction of computers and modern means of processing and transmitting information into various fields of activity marked the beginning of a new process called “informatization.”

The informatization of society is understood as an organized socio-economic, scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs of government bodies and citizens based on the use of information resources. Modern material production and other areas of activity increasingly require information services and the processing of huge amounts of information. An information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage and processing of information.

2006 release

Pavel Belov

Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, ITMO University

At one time, I entered the “Informatics and Programming” program, because in the early 2000s it was almost the only direction with an interesting and relevant training program in the city. Even Olympiad students were admitted there only after an additional test, which indicates a fairly high bar that the faculty staff set for students, and we, the applicants, in turn, understood that the quality of the education we received there would be appropriate. At that time, graduates of such St. Petersburg schools as Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 and No. 239, where I studied, at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov was taken without additional tests. And they would have taken me, but it wasn’t interesting, so I chose ITMO University. And I made the right decision, just like my classmates. After graduation, I managed to work abroad for about 10 years and return to my home university as an employee. Now I am the head of a successful international laboratory that employs more than 100 people. And my classmates work in various IT companies in management positions, with 100-300 people subordinate to them. I will not advise anything specific for admission, because each direction in science has its time - trends need to be taken into account. In the early 2000s, ITMO University rector Vladimir Vasiliev successfully guessed that it was necessary to develop and study IT - computers and programming. But now current trends in science are changing, and the university is changing along with them. Of course, programming is still popular, but along with it, photonics and optical sciences, which are currently breakthrough and promising, are actively studied at our university. Therefore, if you want to study at a non-classical, rapidly developing university that actively works with foreign colleagues and is actively transforming, then you definitely need to enroll at ITMO University. Perhaps it is one of the leaders among developing universities. And if you want to be part of these changes, to obtain qualifications that you cannot get in other educational institutions, then this is definitely the place for you

2009 release

Fedor Tsarev

In 2003, I was in 11th grade at Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 and thought: “What’s next?” Actually, no :) At that time, I went to ITMO University every week for lectures on algorithms and was preparing to enroll in Computer Technologies. In addition, in April 2003, a team of ITMO University students took third place at the World Programming Championship, and I really wanted to win this title too. Entering ITMO University was the first step in achieving this goal: I had no doubt that there were people here with whom it would be easier to achieve this goal. Set goals and achieve them with ITMO University!

Dmitry Mukhutdinov

KT, in my opinion, is one of the best places in Russia where they train serious IT professionals. Thanks to the IT&P faculty, I have acquired and continue to acquire not only a lot of professional skills, but also a lot of acquaintances with the smartest people. I am sure that my future professional activity will be as rich and interesting as my studies. ,

Ivan Belonogov

Georgy Agapov

When I started my first year, I thought I knew a lot about programming. I can’t say that I was wrong then. It still seems to me that in order to make a career in IT, it is not necessary to have a diploma. However, Computer Technology gave me something more important than programming skills. When you start programming, you see the world in a flat way, you are just a cog in mechanisms that you could not even think about the existence of. At the faculty I was taught to think more broadly. They really teach here, give useful knowledge, and mercilessly demand immersion in this knowledge. And this immersion changes your perception of the world as a whole. Be sure that after ten such dives you will feel like an excellent programmer.

2013 edition

Alexey Sergushichev

Master's student at ITMO University

After receiving a diploma at the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics, I could enter any university without exams. I was choosing between the three strongest universities in the country in the field of programming: Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and ITMO University. As a result, the choice fell on the computer technology of the latter, which I do not regret at all. In addition to a thorough knowledge of mathematics, algorithms, programming languages ​​and other subjects, while studying, I received an excellent opportunity to engage in science. Already in my fourth year I went to two international conferences in Barcelona and Dublin, and now I have articles published in the top international magazines. So I authoritatively recommend “Computer Science and Programming” to everyone who is interested in programming. Even if science is not your thing, after graduating from university you will definitely not be left without a well-paid job. Well, don’t forget that ITMO University is located in the center of the most beautiful city in Russia.

Sofia Titova


CT training is quite difficult, but very interesting. Here you have the opportunity to study under an enhanced program in specialized subjects. Also highly qualified and responsive teaching staff. It's nice to study among interesting and goal-oriented people who are passionate about programming.

Boris Minaev

The dream of almost every programmer is to develop a product that will be used by millions of people. And to create high-quality, high-load systems, you need both knowledge of algorithms and data structures, and a deep understanding of the processes that occur when a computer operates. There are only a few places in Russia where they talk about this on high level. ITMO University's Computer Science and Programming program is one such place. One of the advantages of the program is close interaction with IT companies. Already from the second year, students have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in real projects. However, when applying, you should understand that you will have to study a lot and, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. For example, only half of the people who entered my first year received a bachelor's degree.

2000 edition

Matvey Kazakov

When we entered a still very young program related to computer technology, and in the name “ITMO” IT did not mean “information technology,” we did not understand that we had pulled out a lucky lottery ticket. When, six years later, we graduated with master’s degrees, the title “ITMO graduate” in the field of IT became business card. The doors to any company involved in software development and other related areas were open to us. Now, 14 years after graduation, I can say with confidence that I have acquaintances in all the large software development companies in St. Petersburg, with whom I studied at the same time in Computer Science and Programming. Many of my former classmates, as well as university colleagues, occupy leadership positions or have created their own businesses. Many work in the world's largest companies. Almost none of my colleagues changed their specialty after graduation, since everyone found themselves in the industry information technology. Of course, we cannot forget about the achievements of our students in sports programming and other competitions. It was our university that became the world champion in team programming seven times! And this is not only thanks to talented students, but largely due to the unique, innovative, advanced atmosphere at the university. It was the environment of students who are passionate about their work and the comprehensive support of teachers that helped our generation become professionals in their field and become part of professional network graduates of ITMO University.

The manual contains a presentation of basic concepts in the field of computer science and the fundamentals of programming, as well as practical examples.
The manual is intended for students of the following specialties: - “Management”, “Management of Organizations”, “Human Resource Management”, “Commerce”, “Marketing”, “World Economy”, “Crisis Management”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “ Finance and credit", "Linguistics", "Taxes and taxation", "Psychology".

Computer science in a broad sense is understood as a set of various branches of science, technology and production related to information processing. In a narrow sense, computer science can be represented as a set of the following interconnected parts:
1) technical means (hardware);
2) software;
3) algorithmic tools (brainware).
It is characteristic that computer science, both in the broad and narrow sense, can be viewed from different positions:
- as a branch of the national economy;
- as a fundamental science;
- as an applied discipline.
The term “information” comes from the Latin word “Informatio”, which means clarification, awareness, presentation. Computer science considers information as conceptually interconnected information, data, concepts that change our ideas about a phenomenon or object in the surrounding world. Along with information, the concept of data is often used in computer science. Data can be thought of as features or recorded observations that are not currently in use but are stored. When data comes into use, it turns into information.

Table of contents
Information about the authors 5
1. Computer Science 7
1.1. Information and informatization of society 8
1.2. Measurement and presentation of information 9
1.3. Technical means for implementing information processes 10
1.4. Software tools for implementing information processes 14
1.5. Programming technologies 15
2. Algorithmization of data processing processes 21
2.1. Basic concepts and definitions 22
2.2. Tools for depicting algorithms 23
2.3. Characteristics and classification of data 24
3. Basic constructs of the Pascal programming language 29
3.1. Basic elements of a program in Pascal 30
3.2. Language operators 32
3.3. Conditional operator and its use for organizing branching 34
3.4. Managing Branches Using the Case 35 Statement
3.5. Organization of cyclic processes 37
3.6. Processing symbolic information 41
3.7. Organization of program execution in the DELPHI environment 43
4. Software processing of structural types 49
4.1. Organizing information in the form of arrays 50
4.2. Organizing information in the form of records 52
4.3. Organizing information as a set 55
4.4. Processing Features economic information, organized as an array of records 58
5. Modular programming 65
5.1 Organization of the modular structure of the program 66
5.2. Using Procedures 68
5.3. Using functions 72
5.4. Procedures and functions without parameters 77
5.5. Organization of external modules 80
Laboratory topics 89
Glossary 90
List of recommended literature 94

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