Information technologies and promising developments of motor transport. IT technologies in transport and logistics

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automation transport information system

Informatization in transport continues to develop. Software products and hardware are being improved, new technologies are being introduced, and the Internet is being increasingly used. Electronic commerce (E-Commerce), Internet technologies, automated management based on modern technical and software opened up new opportunities to improve the efficiency of transport and the efficiency of logistics systems. This was greatly facilitated by modern telecommunications systems and, first of all, the mobile communication system based on the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) standard. Great importance for automation on all types of transport has a global vehicle location system (GPS) based satellite communications. Automation and informatization in transport have been greatly facilitated by advances in the field of identification of cargo and carriers based on bar codes, as well as new radio frequency identification technologies using transponders.

The main direction for optimizing the use of road transport is the use of automated navigation systems, through which the optimal route for vehicles is determined.

Currently, a number of such systems with a variety of software are known. Most of these systems operate on the basis of a global automated geographic system GIS with topographic maps in digital form, which is used not only in automobiles, but also in other modes of transport to automate control. As an example of a GIS-based navigation system, consider the system developed by Macon GmbH (Germany). PDS GmbH (Cologne, Germany) proposed a portable Personal Computer new model, which can find wide application in transport and logistics. A Team Pad 30 computer has a 64-bit processor and runs on the Windows CE operating system, is equipped with radio communication devices of the D and E-network standards and a mobile phone. telephone communication GSM standard The built-in CMOS camera allows you to read codes, graphic images and text inscriptions online. The camera resolution is 330 thousand pixels. It is possible to integrate a special module into a computer to determine the location of vehicles using the global GPS system based on satellite communications.

Informatization becomes the basis for the further development of transport and logistics systems. A significant number of companies are working in the development of new software tools that make it possible to create increasingly more efficient systems. Information technologies are increasingly used to serve passengers on public transport.

Improving passenger information systems is seen by German railways as important factor improving the quality of passenger service. A network integrated information system has been created to serve passengers of public railway transport using the capabilities of a global system for determining the location of vehicles based on satellite communications (GPS). An important feature of the automated system is that it notifies passengers both at stations and on trains. Within the European Union, intensive research and practical work to create a unified automated information system for public transport passengers. Such a system, called SAMPLUS, upon completion of its creation and trial operation will be implemented in all EU member countries, as well as a number of other European countries. Trial operation has already been carried out in Belgium, Finland, Italy and Sweden. Close in its functionality to the SAMPLUS system is the BVS system, created in Germany.

The satellite-based global vehicle positioning system (GPS) in combination with the GSM-based global mobile communication system has created extensive opportunities for the design and construction of automated transport systems for various modes of transport. The specialized company DENAX Communication for Products AG Kastor & Pollux (Frankfurt, Germany) is successfully working in the field of creating such systems. Cubic Transportation Systems Deutschland GmbH (Bonn, Germany) is known as a developer of automated systems for public transport. The company has developed and implemented ticket vending machines, as well as ordering and selling tickets on the Internet. In total, the company has implemented more than 400 projects. Corn ROAD AG (Unterschleissheim, Germany) specializes in the development of software for transport and logistics using such global systems as an automated vehicle location system based on satellite communications (GPS), a GSM mobile telephone system, etc. Software products The companies are sold in more than 30 countries around the world. Barthauer Software GmbH (Braunschweig, Germany) offers a wide range of services in the development and implementation of software for automated control systems for various purposes. The company develops application software based on the use of an automated geographic system (GIS), a computer-aided design system (CAD), etc. A number of software packages have been developed and implemented to optimize enterprise resource management, manage utilities and urban transport, and organize marketing in order to provide quality customer service and etc.

More than 100 industrial and transport enterprises successfully operate automated control systems for vehicles based on TESS software developed by the Institute for Operational Management Inform GmbH (Aachen, Germany). The modular design of the software package allows you to effectively solve various problems of operational transport management, including optimization of traffic routes. The main feature of the package is that, along with the use of deterministic data and traditional two-valued logic, it is possible to use non-traditional, so-called “non-strict logic* (Fuzzy Logik) for solving probabilistic optimization problems. Convenient interfaces are provided for communication with automated control systems for material and technical supply and ACS resources. The development of logistics in recent years is associated with the use of information technology and the emergence of electronic business technology (E-Business). The company Bartsch und Partner GmbH Berotung und Vertrieb (Wiesbaden, Germany) specializes in the development of electronic business technology and software based on such technologies. In particular, the company has developed and offers software for the automated management of material and financial resources of industrial enterprises. The NAWIS (g) software package can be effectively used to optimize and manage the purchase of raw materials and supplies related to the logistics of enterprises. CAS Concepts and Solutions AG (Hamburg, Germany) is known for its conceptual developments in the field of information technology in industry, transport and logistics. Based on a thorough study of the local characteristics of the enterprise, the company develops a conceptual approach to selecting an informatization option and ensures the development, implementation and maintenance of the system. Convenient interfaces connect new software products with already implemented ones, for example, the SAP software package. The success of automation of various logistics systems largely depends on the collection, processing and transmission of data using modern hardware and software. Intermec, founded in 1965, has been successfully operating in this area. The company's mobile and portable terminals and software are used in warehouses and industrial plants, providing automated management of reliable data necessary for making the right management decisions. The company creates local LAN networks based on the use of radio communications for data exchange. A significant amount of work is being carried out in the field of identification systems for cargo, carriers and vehicles.

The use of floor-mounted vehicles operating without drivers, i.e. robotic carts, provides flexible automation of assembly, installation and other types of work. At the plant for the production of gasoline four-cylinder engines for Opel passenger cars, Burkhardt Systemtechnik GmbH (Germany) supplied robotic trucks with a dual-zone laser navigation and traffic safety system developed by Honeywell. Robotic carts provide flexible automation of engine assembly; the navigation system provides reliable visibility along the path of movement of carts within a radius of 10 m. MLR Soft GmbH and its subsidiary MLR System GmbH (Germany) also successfully specialize in the creation of floor-standing vehicles operating without drivers. Such trolleys and robotic trolleys are equipped with modern simple navigation systems that work with high degree reliability and safety. The specialized logistics company BMG Baugruppen und Modulfertigung GmbH (Germany) provides comprehensive logistics services for the Volkswagen automobile plant in Moselle. The warehouse of a logistics company is located 10 km from the enterprise. Between the enterprise and the warehouse, 240 road trips are carried out daily, ensuring the delivery of packaged cargo. Transportation is organized according to the “just on time” principle. This is facilitated by the automated loading and unloading system created by Geselschaft fur automatischen Verladetechnik mbH & Co.KG. For unloading, the warehouse has 14 unloading stations, from which further transportation of goods is carried out by automated controlled belt conveyors. The implementation of the system made it possible to increase the productivity of the enterprise by 50%.

At the enterprise of Uzin Utz AG (Germany), two Mercedes Benz Actros 2531 vehicles, equipped with automatic control developed by Fox GmbH (Germany) with the participation of co-executing companies, are used to transport palletized goods between production and a newly built warehouse. The car body is made of steel sheet and accommodates 14 pallets with cargo, the loading and unloading of which is carried out automatically using a built-in roller conveyor. Cars operate without drivers. Equipped with a laser navigation system, a safety bumper and a scanning device to recognize obstacles in the path of movement. The annual volume of cargo transportation is 120 thousand tons. The SK Group company (France) offers an automated system for ensuring the safety of cranes and preventing conflict situations in the construction industry. The system is based on the use of the Navigator 2000 on-board computer, special sensors and radar. The on-board computer can be connected to the company's control computer with the ability to monitor its operation via the Internet in real time (on-line). Ravas Europa offers built-in scales of the RWV-RF series for equipping forklifts with a lifting capacity of up to 5 tons with an accuracy of determining the mass of loads of 0.1%. Radio communication is used to transmit data from the load cells to the on-board device with a display. It is possible to determine tare, net and gross weight. The scales are equipped with a battery with a battery life of up to 30 hours without charging. The use of built-in scales significantly increases the performance of forklifts, since it eliminates special trips to the scales for weighing cargo. A whole range of interesting technical solutions adopted in the design and construction of new automated warehouses and container terminals. For example, in an automated warehouse of rolled metal products from Saizgitter Stahlhandel GmbH (Gladbeck, Germany), an automatic overhead crane operates with an automatic positioning accuracy of up to 3 mm. The crane's lifting capacity is 13 tons. The ICS 50001 positioning system works reliably over the entire length of the warehouse, which is 170 m. The crane's movement mode is optimized by the ASC system.

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1. Autopilot - a device or hardware and software complex that guides a vehicle along a certain trajectory. Most often, autopilots are used to control aircraft, due to the fact that the flight usually takes place in a space that does not contain many obstacles, as well as to control vehicles moving on rail tracks. A modern autopilot allows you to automate all stages of flight or movement of another vehicle.

2. GPS - navigation satellites providing time and distance measurements; global positioning system - satellite navigation system. Allows anywhere on Earth (not including the polar regions), in almost any weather, and also in outer space near the planet, determine the location and speed of objects.

The basic principle of using the system is to determine location by measuring distances to an object from points with known coordinates - satellites.

3. Carputer or Onboarder (English carputer, English onboarder) (other names - onboard, car computer, car PC, computer) - an analogue of a home personal computer installed in a car and specially designed to work in a car. Onboarders are used for auto navigation, connecting to the Internet, and entertainment. The onborder's capabilities combine the functionality of traditional single-purpose devices (car radios, navigators, DVD players) with the capabilities of a personal computer.

4. Parking radar

5. Car alarm - an electronic device installed in a car, designed to protect it from theft, theft of components of the vehicle or other things in the car.

32 Concept of intelligent transport systems

An intelligent transport system is a comprehensive system for optimizing the management of transport networks (TN) and means in real time, with the properties of adaptability, situational analysis and planning (prediction).

Purpose and main functions

Increasing the capacity of transport networks

Ensuring comprehensive security:


Reducing mortality and accident rates



Man-made disasters

Environmental pollution

Optimization of costs for modernization and development of the road network

33 Basic methods for optimizing transport processes.

ABOUT One of the methods for solving experimental problems, including experimental ones related to the optimization of control of transportation processes, is dynamic programming or the use of dynamic models. Characteristic features in the tasks:

    Ambiguity of the result (multivariate solution).

    Possibility of dividing the computing process into stages. (stages of solution).

    General criterion, which is the sum of particular criteria at the stages (adequacy of the criterion).

Dynamic programming solves problems involving processes that can be divided into a number of stages or steps. Optimization of control at each stage separately does not ensure optimization of the process as a whole; if the number of stages and the possibility of a solution at each stage is limited, then the optimal solution as a whole can be found by searching through all possible options. The principle of optimality was first proven by Bellman. The optimal strategy, starting from any stage, does not depend on the previous strategy, but only on the state of the system at this stage, i.e. from decisions at subsequent stages.

There are also methods of mathematical analysis in optimizing the transportation process, methods of mathematical modeling, graph theory, mathematical programming, probability theory, linear and dynamic programming and the theory of flows in networks.

There are also methods of mathematical analysis in optimizing the transportation process, methods of mathematical modeling, graph theory, mathematical programming, probability theory, linear and dynamic programming and the theory of flows in networks

In addition, optimization methods are divided into the following groups:

    analytical methods (for example, the Lagrange multiplier method and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions);

    numerical methods;

    graphic methods.

Depending on the nature of the set X, mathematical programming problems are classified as:

    discrete programming problems (or combinatorial optimization) - if X finite or countable;

    integer programming problems - if X is a subset of the set of integers;

    a nonlinear programming problem if the constraints or objective function contain nonlinear functions and X is a subset of a finite-dimensional vector space.

    If all the constraints and the objective function contain only linear functions, then this is a linear programming problem.


1. “Management of transport systems” - Rakhmangulov, Kornilov, Trofimov (on disk).

2. Design of information systems or automated control systems - automatic system management.

3. Information systems or automated control systems for various types of transport (mainline public railway, industrial railway transport, automobile).

4. Dispatch centers and technologies for managing the transportation process (a guide to modern information systems in mainline railway transport) – Levin D. Yu.

Main objectives of the discipline.

1. Particular (practical) task is to acquire the skill of using databases and information systems in everyday work and in life.

37 people Norm % max %

1) Internet 21 people - 57% 100 100

12 people - 32% 90 100

2) Active use of the Internet 2 people - 5% 90 100

3) Advanced use 2 people - 5% 60 80

4) Professional use 0% 10 30

2. Acquiring knowledge of the design of modern information systems for creating and operating them in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as in the workplace.

3. General - developing an understanding of the principles of managing complex systems and the importance of information in management.

“Management is impossible without information; effective management is impossible without quality information.”

Basic concepts of control theory.

Norbert Wiener - 1949 : the emergence of cybernetics as a management science.

Management is an action or work, a function, the implementation of which is impossible without an object or system that implements them.

A system is a set of interconnected elements. Each element performs its own function, from the set of which the function of the entire system is formed, for example, a car: movement function - elements: engine, etc.

Control system diagram.

O.U. is an object of control (what is controlled: a car, a locomotive, an enterprise).

U.O. is the governing body (who controls: driver, director).

External environment (disturbing influence) Control system’

O. With. 1 u.v. 1 o.s. 2

direct connection


Feedback 1 – information about changes in the external environment or the impact of the external environment on the control object.

Feedback 2 – information about the result of control.

Control influence – control commands (actions)

u.v.1 – control action from a higher level control system (control system’).

From the point of view of a higher-level control system, the entire lower-level control system is a control object.

The management process is continuous and cyclical, including the following stages:

1) assessment of the impact of the external environment;

2) decision making and implementation of control actions;

3) assessment of management results and adjustment of management decisions and their actions.

The speed of the management process depends on the speed of changes in the external environment. With the development of the modern economic system, the rate of change in the economy increases dramatically over time. To ensure a timely response of the control system to changes in the external environment, it is necessary to maintain a high speed of the control cycle. The discipline “Information Technologies in Transport” studies methods, methods, means and devices for ensuring high quality information promotion through feedback loops in the transport management system.

Indicators of information quality in management systems.

The quality of information is assessed using a system of indicators:

1) speed of information transfer (at a high rate of changes in the external environment, even minor delays in the transfer of information through feedback links cause untimely adoption of management decisions and the occurrence of accidents and catastrophes).

2) reliability, i.e. a low percentage of errors in the data (with manual processing the average percentage is 20%, with computer processing - 5 - 10%).

3) completeness of the collected data (the higher the speed of the management process, the greater the amount of data that needs to be collected and analyzed. For example, in the 80s on an industrial railway, only the fact of the arrival and departure of wagons to the enterprise was recorded, currently loading and unloading are taken into account of all wagons on all fronts, as well as the movement of trains at the enterprise.In the future, all shunting operations with a wagon will be recorded.

4) depth (degree) of data processing (there are “data” and “information” - processed data. Converting data into information takes time and this reduces the speed of control action.

To ensure high quality of feedback work, information systems are currently used - this is a set of technical devices, computer programs, methods of storing information in databases, mathematical methods of data processing, methods of organizing the operation of an information system, methods of information security, etc.

The concept of information, methods for assessing the amount of information.

1. Statistical method for assessing information.

The statistical method is based on the presentation of information as a measure of the uncertainty of events. Information reduces or reduces uncertainty, so the amount of information is equivalent to the amount of uncertainty it reduces.

K. Shannon's Law: the amount of information in a message about an event is inversely proportional to the probability of this event occurring.

Information in the control system is necessary for making decisions to eliminate various deviations of control objects from specified values. These deviations occur under the influence of the external environment. The impacts are random in nature. The least probable events have a stronger impact on the control object than the more probable ones.

Compensating for the influence of stronger environmental influences on the control object requires high costs. In control systems, these costs are significantly reduced by obtaining information about such events or by predicting these events.

Currently, most industrial transport information systems collect data on maximum probable events. At the same time, unlikely events that lead to severe economic consequences are usually not taken into account and not identified.

Modern instrument predicting low-probability events based on a variety of data about probable events is Data technology mining (information extraction). The technology allows you to find stable dependencies and patterns in an array of disparate data.

In the future, information systems will develop in the direction of deepening the analysis of collected data in order to identify dangerous low-probability events.

Shannon formulated an objective method for calculating information based on a generalization of certain results of statistical physics. He views information as that which eliminates the uncertainty of choice. With this approach, as a measure of information, a measure of uncertainty in the choice of one of n states of the system is used, each of which has an uncertain probability P1, P2,...Pn, and Shannon calls this measure the entropy of the system H (P1,P2,...Pn) or the amount of information , characterizing the state of the system:

K is the coefficient and base of the logarithm, depending on the chosen system for measuring the amount of information (for example, the binary system).

2. Thesaurus method of information.

Thesaurus is the volume of human knowledge. The disadvantage of the statistical method is that it does not take into account the ability of the information receiver to interpret the messages received (for example, a lecture in English). The amount of information in a message depends on the level of the thesaurus of the information receiver.

I, amount of information

T (thesaurus)

In practice, it is necessary to regulate the level of the thesaurus, i.e. the qualifications of people analyzing incoming information, this means:

1) the need to educate and prepare people working with the information system;

2) it is necessary to promptly change the level of authority and responsibility of people who have achieved a certain qualification.

3. Pragmatic method.

Allows you to evaluate the impact of information on achieving management goals

I - amount of information,

P is the probability of achieving the control goal after receiving information,

P* - probability of achieving the control goal before receiving information,

Technological diagram of the transport process:

Unloading, O 1
Overload, O 2
Transportation, About 3
T 1 T 2 T 3

cargo flow

О 1,2,3… n – technological operations,

T – time spent on the operation,

T 1

T 1 >T 2 >T 3 – equipment downtime,

T 1 =T 2 =T 3 – cargo flow is not slowed down, coordinated processing of cargo flow.

In practice, cargo flows constantly change their intensity and structure, so cases of delays in cargo flows or downtime of transport devices regularly arise. The main purpose of the transport information system is to provide timely information about the places and cases of such delays and downtime. This information is the main source of reducing transport costs and obtaining it is the main task of the information system in transport.

4. Structural method.

Based on the representation of data in computer memory. All data on a computer is stored in binary form. The binary method is a description of a system in which two states are possible: 1) completed events; 2) absence of an event.

More complex values ​​and larger numbers are represented in eight-bit binary code (byte), 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit.

00000000 - byte = 0 256

Until recently, given the high cost of computer memory, methods for creating rational database structures were widely used. Currently, the structure of data storage in a computer affects the speed of access to this data.

Functions and tasks of managing systems of varying complexity.

As the complexity of the control object increases, the tasks and functions of control become more complex. When creating an information system, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the tasks and functions to be automated for each specific object.

Based on complexity, systems are divided into the following levels (types) of systems:

1) Technical systems;

2) Technological systems;

3) Organizational systems;

4) Socio-economic systems.

1) Technical systems– are artificial (man-made) systems, the main elements of which are technical devices.

Control functions: 1) stabilization; 2) program control; 3) tracking; 4) optimal control.

Stabilization function:

U.V. - control action

P - control system parameter

P n - standard value of the parameter

P f - actual value of the parameter.

When solving stabilization problems, the value of the standard parameter does not change and it is necessary to bring the actual value as close as possible to the standard value using a control action (for example, a thermostat, drain barrel, etc.).

Program control function:

The same, but P n changes over time.

When solving problems of program control, the standard value of the parameter changes in a known way, i.e., according to the program (washing machine).

Tracking function:

The standard value of the parameter changes in a way that is not known in advance (military homing equipment).

Optimal control problems:

The normative value changes in an unknown way, but it is necessary to find the optimal way to achieve the control goal (for example, a homing missile does not fly after the target, but predicts where it will fly and hits it).

These problems are well described, brought to the level of specific calculations and are widely used in technical devices. The considered control tasks are retained when managing more complex systems, however, they are supplemented with new functions.

2) Technological systems - it is a set of people, equipment, material resources and technologies that transform initial resources into finished products or services. Technology is the knowledge of ways to convert resources into products or services. The main element of a technological system is technology; a person plays the role of an executor (does not make decisions).

The new function and management task, along with the four previous ones, is the task of adapting technology to changes in the external environment. Currently, transport systems are mainly at the level of technological systems. Depending on the strength of external changes, 4 types of adaptations are used:

· parametric;

· structural;

· systemic;

· adaptation of goals.

Unloading, O 1
Overload, O 2
Transportation, About 3
Unloading, About 1’

(See transport process flow diagram)

Changing cargo flow, in such conditions we must be able to change the processing speed (reduce or increase).

In conditions of fluctuations in cargo flows, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the elements of the technological system to these changes.

Parametric adaptation - this is a change in the parameters of the elements of a technological system (changes in the duration of operations, the number of devices, etc.).

Structural adaptation– stronger fluctuations or over a longer period of time (changes in the number of elements and connections in a technological system under conditions of large or long-term fluctuations in cargo flow, i.e. a change in structure). New communication elements are added or existing communication elements are eliminated.

System adaptation– search and elimination of the leading limitation in the system (as a rule, transition to another operating technology). In railway transport, there are flexible technologies for the transportation process.

Goal adaptation– changing the purpose of the technological system. There are 2 main strategic goals of the technological system:

1) minimization of costs, at a given level of product quality;

2) maximizing quality and profit at limited costs.

When implementing adaptation at a higher level, all adaptive changes occur at lower levels and vice versa.

The main disturbing element of a technological system, leading to fluctuations in resource flow, is a person. The removal of humans from the technological process is called automation and leads to the fact that the technological system becomes a simpler technical system.

3) Organizational systems– a set of technological processes, goals and its structure. The main element of the organizational system is the person who makes decisions (managerial) and enters into information relationships in the team. The main function of the organization is its development.

Development is a process of targeted, qualitative and irreversible changes in the organizational system.

Purposeful Change– changes implemented in accordance with the (strategic) development plan

Qualitative changes – Development is a change in the work of an organization by an order of magnitude (a transition to another qualitative level). Many quantitative changes in an organization are called organizational growth.

Irreversible changes– changes that cannot be eliminated. Organizational development is studied in detail in the discipline of management.

4) Socio-economic systems the main element is man, as the bearer of economic interests and needs. In organizational systems, a person is the bearer of “motives” (see motivation theory). The economic interests and needs of people are studied in the disciplines of “marketing” and “macroeconomics”. The main task of managing socio-economic systems is the function of controlling self-organization processes.

Self-organization is an uncontrolled process of the emergence of new properties and structures in the system.

Control by self-organization processes means control of the conditions for the occurrence of this process. The science of “synergetics” (I. Prigozhin, G. Haken) studies the processes of self-organization.

3 main conditions for the emergence of the process of self-organization:

1) the presence of a large number of system elements;

2) the presence of positive feedback in the control system;

3) the presence of fluctuations.

1. A large number of elements provides many connections between them. These connections lead, on the one hand, to qualitative changes, and on the other hand, to the occurrence of fluctuations.

2. Positive feedbacks increase deviations from the standard values ​​of the controlled quantity.

P o.o.s. o.o.s.

p.o.s. o.o.s. P f

P n – standard value of the parameter;

O.O.S. – negative feedback – reduces deviations of the actual value of a parameter from the standard value;

P.O.S. – positive feedback increases the deviation of the actual parameter from the standard one.

Positive feedback over time leads to a change in the value of the normative parameter. For example, changes in transportation volumes, profitability, etc. In organizations, positive feedback is a source of innovation, that is, new technologies.

New technology is a deviation from existing or normative technology. The difficulty lies in assessing the quality of the deviation, i.e. good or bad.

3. Fluctuations – random deviations from the norm. Currently, the number of fluctuations in society is assessed as the main factor in its innovativeness. There is the concept of “innovative economy”, i.e. a socio-economic system favorable for the emergence and development of innovation. Many economists propose to evaluate the degree of innovation of a region according to the following criteria:

1) the number of people with an academic degree, starting with bachelors;

2) the number of patents received;

3) the criterion of bohemianism (writers, artists, poets, actors);

4) the number of emigrants;

5) the number of people with non-traditional orientation - gay index (they deviate from the norm according to certain characteristics; the greater the level of deviation from the norm, the more favorable the conditions for the emergence of innovation).

Practical use knowledge of the basics of managing systems of varying complexity.

Knowledge of the control function is necessary for the right choice automated tasks and functions when creating a specific information system. Currently, transport enterprises from the point of view of their automation are considered as a technological system. Main reasons:

1) the transport system is not technical, because its work is decisively influenced by people, as performers and organizers of the transportation process. However, individual operations with cargo and PS are fully automated and are considered simple technical systems. For example, the process of disbanding trains from the hump is automated. Currently, the task of automatic registration of data on cargo and cargo is relevant. These are systems for automated reading of vehicle license plates and package codes.

2) the urgent task is to find and eliminate bottlenecks in the transport technological system. Currently, most information systems in transport do not solve this problem. The objective reason is the lack of operational data on the movement of the PS, the subjective reason is the low qualifications of managers and information systems workers.

3) the transport system is not considered as organizational because part of the functions of transport management as an organization is already automated - the function of transportation planning and transportation control. All transport information systems mainly automate the transportation control function.

In addition to control and planning, when managing an organizational system, the functions of motivating people’s behavior and organizing work are performed. The main function is motivation management. Automation of the motivation management process is implemented within the framework of the personnel management system (see the disciplines of management and logistics). Thus, some of the functions of the organizational system are already automated, and the functions of personnel management and motivation are not a specific function of the transport enterprise.

4) the object of management of the socio-economic system is a person, as a bearer of economic interests.

Information systems solve the problem of collecting and analyzing macroeconomic and demographic data (salary level, price level, etc.). Currently, the collection of this data for transport systems is irrelevant, since most transport enterprises are geographically located in the same region with the same macroeconomic and demographic indicators. When forming transport and logistics systems, the elements of which are located in different regions or countries, the amount of data for decision-making is limited and does not require the creation of a separate information system. For example, the choice of places for cargo transshipment, the level of socio-economic development of the transshipment site affects the cost and quality of work, however, it is enough to obtain information about the cost and quality of services, technical features port (its capabilities) without analyzing in detail the socio-economic situation in the region.

An analysis of the socio-economic situation is necessary if a decision is made to acquire ownership of the port. You should not purchase property in regions experiencing an economic downturn.

Thus, the main task of a modern information system in transport comes down to the constant search for and elimination of delays in the movement of cargo flows, as well as downtime of transport devices based on the analysis of operational data on the movement of goods and transport vehicles.

The procedure for developing and implementing an information system.

Work on creating an information system (IS) is divided into a number of stages:

1. Pre-design stage of creating an IP.

2. Development of technical specifications.

3. Development of a technical project.

4. Detailed design.

5. Pilot and industrial operation of IS.

6. IS operation.

7. Reorganization of the IP.

Consideration of each stage occurs according to plan:

1) fix the goals and objectives of the stage;

2) the scope of work performed at the stage;

3) characteristic errors.

Pre-project stage.

Goal: development of a concept for building a future IS.

Objectives: survey of the operating technology of the enterprise, reorganization of the existing document flow system or management system as a whole, assessment of the economic efficiency of the future information system.

Work stage:

1) Study by IS developers of the technology of the enterprise. Developers of modern IS are narrow specialists in their field, so they must fully study and know the technology of the enterprise being automated. It is recommended that you first study the regulatory documents containing a description of the basics of the technological process. For example, in industrial railway transport: TPA, unified technological process, work of the junction station of JSC Russian Railways and non-public railway tracks, i.e. railway stations of the enterprise, contact schedule.

Contact schedule is a schedule for the movement of in-plant permanent trains (turntables). A more thorough study of the technology is carried out using several methods: 1) the survey method (see laboratory work); 2) creation of working groups of enterprise specialists and IS developers; 3) allocation of a consultant who has knowledge of work technology.

2) Inspection of the enterprise management system and document flow system.

This survey is carried out to identify and eliminate deficiencies in the existing document management system.

Main disadvantages:

Collection of redundant data;

Drawing up documents that duplicate each other;

Overload of work on document preparation in individual elements of the management system.

The listed violations arise during many years of using the same document flow system.

The emergence of new requirements for the documentation of work is associated with the need to draw up new documents, while the previously existing document flow system, as a rule, is not revised. As a result, many documents are drawn up that duplicate each other, and the content of which is practically not used in management. Reorganization of the existing document flow system can increase its efficiency by 30 - 50% without the use of IS. On the other hand, informatization of an ineffective document flow system can slow down the processing of information flows. In no case should you mechanically convert “paper” documents into electronic form without eliminating the shortcomings of the document management system. In particular, it is necessary to eliminate intermediate documents, the preparation of which is only necessary when compiling documents manually.

3) Development of the concept of future IP (see the topic “Information support”).

A concept is a way of describing the technology of an enterprise in the form of interacting information objects.

Information object– a collection of data relating to one real or material object. For example, a railway car is described by the following data: car number, type, load capacity, type of cargo.

The interconnection of information objects determines the technology for working with them, i.e., the connection of several cars with the “locomotive” information object describes a technological operation: forming a train.

At the pre-design stage, it is necessary to require IS developers to clearly identify stable information objects and connections between them.

Stable information objects and connections are called connections that do not change with a significant change in operating technology. For example, you can perform the operation “forming a train” using various technological methods. In this case, a stable connection will be one that connects the information objects “car”, “shunting locomotive”, “formation station” with each other.

Building an IS based on unstable information objects leads, as a rule, to the need for subsequent reworking of the IS and DB; this is associated with additional costs, for example, many railway IS are focused on working with trains, with rigidly defined routes, prefabricated trains, etc. d. When the operating technology changes, when a block train can become a prefabricated train, it is necessary to redo the database, and this is a loss of time, work stoppage, etc. (conceptual diagram developed in laboratory work 4)

4) Assessment of the economic effect of future IP. The main source of the effect of IS in transport is the identification and elimination of bottlenecks along the route of car flow. The magnitude of the expected effect is compared with the costs of creating the IP, and it is necessary to draw a conclusion about the minimum costs for the acquisition of computers, software, etc., which will ensure a positive effect:

Effect, rub

Costs, rub

Optimal costs

Typical errors at this stage:

1) ignoring all the work of the first stage (the importance and complexity of the work of the first stage can be up to 50% of the complexity of the work on creating an IP). The absence of a preliminary plan for the future IS will lead to further constant reworking of this system, which will reduce its performance;

2) automation of the existing document flow system without analyzing and improving it. As a result, the information system will collect, store and process data unnecessary for management. A typical mistake is to use accounting systems as management systems. Accounting systems do not have the necessary level of efficiency in collecting and analyzing data; in addition, they do not provide the collection of data on the technology of the enterprise;

3) IS developers, in order to reduce their own costs, strive to increase the “size” of information objects. For example, it is not individual wagons that are registered, but trains, not individual freight operations, but as a whole. The construction of an IS on such large and unstable objects leads to its repeated rework;

4) orientation of the information system to perform exclusively accounting tasks. For example, tasks of accounting for the downtime of cars, etc. It is necessary to initially focus the information system on finding and eliminating “bottlenecks” in the technological system.

Conclusion: taking into account the considered errors, it is necessary:

a) form a working group for the creation of IP, which should include IP developers, specialists - enterprise technologists, and third-party experts. The task of experts is to monitor the correct work of developers and technologists;

b) it is necessary to supervise the development of several versions of the IP concept by the working group;

c) it is necessary to control identified deficiencies in the existing document flow system. In any case, it is necessary to rebuild the document flow system before automating it;

d) it is necessary to control the justification of the costs of creating IP.

Development of technical specifications.

A technical specification is a list of requirements for the components of a future IP.

The goal of the stage is the maximum specification of the IS concept in the form of requirements for its parts.

1) formulation of requirements for IP. The components of the IP as a whole are called the “collateral part”, each part individually is called a “type of collateral”. IP consists of the following types of collateral:

a) information support (database, structure of information flows);

b) technical support (computers, etc.);

c) software;

d) software (algorithms and methods of data processing);

e) organizational support (the procedure for organizing the work of the IS);

f) cryptographic support (methods for protecting data from theft, damage, etc.);

g) ergonomic support (ensuring comfortable and safe operation of the IS);

h) documentary support (rules for documenting the results of IS work).

2) assessment of the costs of creating an IP and calculation of the specified economic effect.

Work stage:

a) creation of a working group consisting of representatives of the customer and the IP developer;

b) distribution of work among members of the working group to formulate requirements for different types of support;

c) coordination of requirements for different types of security;

d) coordination of all requirements for the supporting part with the concept of building an IS;

e) calculation of the economic effect;

f) coordination and approval of technical specifications in the form of a document.

Typical errors:

1. Drawing up technical specifications by the IS developer. As a result, the technical specifications describe the general requirements for the main types of support (information, software, hardware). Refinement of other types of collateral occurs during the creation of the IS or at the stage of its operation, which leads to additional, and usually large, costs.

2. Weak control of the content of the technical specifications. As a result, the developer may unreasonably request large volume financing for the creation of IP that will work at a minimum. To prevent this, it is recommended to conduct an examination of the technical specifications.

3. Absence in the technical specifications of a preliminary assessment of the costs and effect of the IP.

Development of a technical project.

The goal of the stage is to maximize detailed description IS in the form of design documentation (diagrams, drawings, graphs, program texts, explanatory texts).

1) distribution of design work between specialists for different types of software (performed by the developer);

2) implementation of design work, development and debugging of software;

3) drawing up cost estimates;

4) documentation of the project.

Stage work: all work of this stage is divided into:

Design work;

Estimate work;

Project design work.

Typical errors:

1. Lack of analysis of IS construction options. There are several options for implementing the requirements of the technical specifications. These options are determined by the choice of technology and software. It is necessary to control that the project includes an analysis and justification for the choice of design option.

2. Ignoring project expertise. Work on the creation of IP is not subject to licensing, therefore, an examination of the project is not required by law. However, the customer has the right to submit the project for examination to a third party. This is necessary to guarantee the quality of the project.

3. Lack of assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the system in the project. The project must include an estimate of the costs of creating the IP. However, often these costs are not compared with the result that the IP will bring.

4. Poor quality documentation of the project. Since there are no standard requirements for the content and design of IP, the developer is limited to simple diagrams, program texts without explanation, etc.

Detailed design of an information system.

A working project is the implementation of a technical project, i.e. the direct creation of an IP.

The goal of the stage is the implementation of design solutions as close as possible to the technical design.

1) determining the priority of work for the implementation of a technical project in the form of network plans - schedules.

Network plan - schedule– description of the sequence of execution of design work in order to reduce the total time for completing this work. Reducing time by changing the order of work and redistributing the resources necessary to complete them.

To develop a network plan - work schedule, you can use the Ms Project program, which is part of Ms Office.

2) control of project work, i.e. writing or purchasing software programs, installation and acquisition of equipment, hiring and training of IS personnel and other work on all types of software.

3) identifying and eliminating discrepancies compared to the technical design.

Discrepancies can have 2 reasons:

a) non-compliance with the requirements of the technical design - must be completely eliminated;

b) inaccuracy or error in the technical design - it is necessary to make a decision to adjust the technical design.

Unlike expert projects of buildings or structures, an IP project may contain errors or inaccuracies. The main reason is the complexity of the control object. It is possible to eliminate minor errors at the stage of pre-design inspection of an enterprise by recording all possible situations with the control object, i.e., the transportation process. However, this is irrational because it requires a lot of time. Small errors can be effectively identified and eliminated at the stage of detailed design and operation of the IS.

4) organization of work on the future operation of the created IS. To achieve this, changes are made to the job descriptions of the company’s personnel, as well as their training.

Work stage:

1. Creation of a working group to implement the technical project.

2. Drawing up a network plan - graphics.

3. Distribution of work between performers.

4. Purchasing equipment, software, writing and debugging your own programs, purchasing data protection tools, etc.

5. Correction of the technical design based on errors identified during its implementation.

Typical errors:

1. Start of work on creating an IP from the detailed design stage.

2. Violation of the order of work or incorrect order of work for the implementation of a technical project.

3. Ignoring the requirements of the technical project, or overly strict implementation of the technical project without taking into account its possible errors.

4. Incorrect organization of work on the creation and future operation of the information system, in particular, personnel are not trained, and their job descriptions are not changed.

Experimental and industrial operation of the information system.

The goal of this stage is to identify and eliminate errors in the developed software and other types of software as completely as possible.

1) creation of a working group to identify and eliminate errors4

2) organization of work to eliminate errors;

Work stage:

1) development of forms for recording errors;

2) determining the procedure for eliminating errors;

3) bringing the skills of IS operators to the level of skill;

4) making a decision on putting the IS into operation.

Typical errors:

1. Managers’ assumption that after completing the previous stage, the enterprise will receive a fully operational IS.

2. Consideration of errors in IS as a random phenomenon.

3. Punishment of IS developers and operators for identified errors. It is recommended to develop a system of rewarding the operator for identified errors.

4. Ignoring the stage of pilot industrial operation.

5. Failure to bring the operators' skills to the level of skill.

Operation of information systems.

The goal of this stage is the most effective use of the collected information by the information system.

1) monitoring the effectiveness of the IS;

2) development and improvement of the IS in accordance with the stages or sequence of IS implementation provided for in the technical project.

IS, as a rule, is created in several stages; after the first stage is put into operation, detailed design of the second and subsequent stages begins.

3) monitoring of errors in software;

4) continuous improvement of the database and software to solve problems not foreseen in the technical design or promising tasks. The gradual “accumulation” of new IS tasks leads to the need for the next stage, i.e., the reorganization of the IS.

Work stage:

1) monthly or quarterly review of tasks to be performed to assess management effectiveness. In practice, this means that it is necessary either to stop the formation of documents that are useless for making management decisions, or to create new documents necessary to solve emerging new management problems. Low labor costs for the implementation of this action are ensured by the implementation of stages from the first to the third, in which a universal database is developed. Such a database allows you to generate a variety of documents without changing the structure of the database itself.

2) creation of a working group (department) that deals with both the implementation previous action, as well as eliminating errors that arise during the operation of the IS.

1) operation of the IS as a finished product (product) that does not require adjustments and modifications, i.e. the operation of the IS is carried out by operators who enter data and generate various documents, as well as electronics engineers who perform computer maintenance.

2) lack of work on the development of the existing IS, i.e. the forms of documents and the composition of the tasks being solved do not change.

Reorganization of the information system.

The purpose of the stage is to bring the information system into compliance with the changed requirements for the quality of information flows and the emerging opportunities to ensure higher quality. That is, new tasks accumulated at the previous stage, as well as new hardware and software tools that have appeared, make it possible to completely change the IS in order to increase its efficiency.

1) monitoring the development process computer technology, information technology and software.

2) assessment of the amount of IP obsolescence.

Obsolescence– a decrease in the efficiency of operating an IS as a result of the emergence of cheaper and more advanced devices and software, i.e., costs or losses as a result of operating an existing IS may be greater than the costs of its reorganization.

3) determining the time of transition to a new IS.

Work stage:

1) organizational – the creation of a position or department whose responsibilities include monitoring new hardware, software and information technologies.

2) regular assessment of the costs of operating the IS and comparison of these costs with the expected investments in the creation of a new IS.

3) formation of a list of promising tasks, the solution of which is possible only as a result of the reorganization of the information system. These tasks are the basis for repeating the first stage of creating an IP.

4) Repeat all actions starting from the first stage.

1) delay in making a decision on the reorganization of the IP.

2) a radical redesign of the IS without taking into account the experience accumulated during the operation of the existing system.

An example of information system development

(IS of the railway transport management of OJSC MMK).

The IS developed in several stages, at each of which all the work considered was completed.

The development of IP occurred in the following chronological stages:

1) 1979 - 1983

The technical means of the stage are a teletype (two electric typewriters connected by a wire. The text entered on one machine was transmitted to the other).

The main task being solved: transfer of full-scale sheets from the junction station (Magnitogorsk station - Gruzovoy, Peredacha station) to the MMK railway transport department. Telegram full-scale sheet – list of cars included in the train indicating the cargo code, etc.

Before the use of the teletype, full-scale sheets were delivered to the railway transport department by locomotive drivers. The use of a teletype made it possible to speed up data transfer by an average of 4 hours. Freight, train and carriage dispatchers now have the opportunity to plan the scope of work in advance.

2) 1983 - 1988

Technical devices – teletype + mainframe (SM - 4).

The mainframe is large in size and powerful computer, to which several monitors (terminals) are connected.

Tasks to be solved: entering data on cars arriving at the plant and separately on cars departing from the enterprise (entry is carried out by reading data from a teletype punched tape). Data on the composition of arriving and departing trains was received by teletype from the junction station. The use of a computer made it possible to accumulate and process this data. As a result of processing, the downtime of cars, the volumes of loading and unloading, and the search for “lost” cars using documents were calculated.

3) 1988 - 1994

Technical devices – the first personal computers and computer networks.

Objectives: the emergence of compact computers connected by a network made it possible to install these computers at railway stations of the enterprise to keep track of cars arriving at the station.

4) 1994 - 2002

Technical devices – powerful personal computers and new database processing technology. New technology has made it possible to accumulate a large amount of data on the performance of cargo operations on almost every cargo front.

5) 2002 - present

The technical devices are the same. Software is being developed that allows tracking in real time the movement of trains across the enterprise territory. The main achievement of this stage is monitoring the situation in real time with maximum efficiency.

6) Promising

The technical devices are the same. The emergence of the ability to quickly monitor the situation with accuracy down to each car. It is planned to create a unified dispatch center for transportation management. In this center, all shunting dispatchers will remotely monitor the situation at their station. Signals from SMS devices regarding track occupancy and traffic light readings will be supplemented with data on what a particular track is occupied and what operations are being carried out with cars. To ensure transportation safety, this data can be duplicated with a video image of the situation at the station. Placing shunting dispatchers in one center will increase the degree of coordination of their actions. For example: currently, due to low consistency, cars can make irrational routes or loops when moving around the enterprise.

Conclusion: during the stages considered, there was an increase in efficiency and an increase in the volume of collected data. These quantitative changes made necessary qualitative reorganizations of the IS. The development of information systems followed the path of increasing the volume of the database and the depth of data processing.

Supporting part of the IS.

Supporting part – a set of types of software or parts of an information system, the purpose of which is to ensure the effective operation of the information system.

The security part includes the following types of security:

1) informational;

2) technical;

3) software;

4) mathematical;

5) cryptographic;

6) ergonomic;

7) legal and documentary.

All these supporting parts are combined into functional support.

1. Information support.

Information support is a set of methods and methods for organizing data into structures called databases. For efficient storage and processing of them using a computer, as well as methods and methods for organizing and promoting information flows.

The bottom line: for the effective organization of data in the database, as well as information flows, it is necessary to resolve two issues: 1) the choice of the concept of building an IS; 2) choice of database type.

IS construction concepts.

Currently, two main concepts of IS construction are used: various combinations:

1) functional concept (approach);

2) object-oriented concept.

Functional approach based on serial information individual functions or tasks solved by the IS. For example: first, a program is developed to record the downtime of wagons, then cargo operations, trains, wagon repairs, etc. To solve each problem, the collection of relevant data is organized, and either a new additional database is developed, or an existing database is adjusted.

Advantages of the approach: low costs of time, labor and financial resources to obtain the first results of the IS.

Disadvantage of the approach: a gradual increase in the number of tasks or functions leads to an increase in labor and time costs associated with adjusting the existing database and programs. The moment quickly comes when you have to completely redo the entire database in order to be able to solve the next problem.

Currently, most IS continue to be built on a functional approach, especially for medium-sized enterprises that require the development of their own IS.

Object-oriented approach is based on the identification of stable information objects and connections between them.

Stable information objects and connections include those whose composition does not change when the technology and organization of the enterprise changes. Using such objects and connections, a conceptual database diagram is developed, containing all possible recorded data (general plan for the future database).

In the process of IS development, the designed database expands in accordance with the plan.

Advantages of the approach: obtaining an effective database, the operation of which is possible over a long period of time.

Disadvantages of the approach: large labor costs, financial and time, to develop the structure of such a database.

Flow dynamics graph Money during the creation and operation of IP.

"+" profit I

"-" expenses

I – functional approach;

II – object-oriented approach.

Conclusion: now, when the decision to remake an IP is not strongly influenced by the development of technical devices (computers), it is rational to choose an object-oriented approach that provides a long period effective operation of the IS.


DB is a form of data representation in computer memory. The form of data presentation affects the speed or efficiency of data processing in a PC. Currently, there are dozens of database types, however, the most common is relational type.

IN Lately object-oriented databases began to be used.

Relational databases are a collection of interconnected rectangular (flat) tables. The table columns correspond to the characteristics of the information object, the table rows are a specific instance of the information object. For example: the information object is “student”, its characteristics: full name, attendance, grades, etc. Each line of the list of students is an instance of the “student” information object.

Relationships or relationships in a database are established to identify different data related to the same information object, but stored in different tables. Separating data about one object into different tables is necessary to speed up data search (the computer searches sequentially through the columns of each row, therefore, the shorter the row in the table, the faster the table search occurs).

In relational databases, for each information object, a key file, consisting of two columns:

For example: each student has a unique code in the database: data on academic performance by semester is located in separate files or tables, each row of these tables is marked with a student code, which shows which student the information relates to.

Relational databases are not the most speed efficient. More efficient types of databases provide for the creation of various lists containing already sorted data, which allows you to greatly speed up the search for data. For example: Binary lists are often used to sort data, i.e.

3. Sidorov 2. Petrov

7. Gusev 5. Mikhailov 4. Ilyin

6. Trotsky

If you want to find Gusev, then you will need to look at 7 lines in a regular list, and 3 lines in a binary list. In general, the search time is reduced by up to 10 times.

Organization of information flows to IS.

Information flow is a set of sequentially transmitted messages about events that have occurred, as a result of which the characteristics of information objects change. In the IS, as a result of the transmission of a message, the contents of the database rows related to the information object that has changed its state change.

In the vast majority of information systems, messages are organized as rows or tables in a relational database.

An example of building a promising transport IS.

The bottom line: transport IS is more focused on satisfying the flow of requests for transport work. This idea was used to build the IS of JSC Yuzhuralavtoban.

1) description of static information objects (lists of workers, drivers, cars, road construction equipment, building materials, types of spare parts, etc.);

2) dynamic information objects in the form of requests for work and resources, as well as in the form of data on the implementation of these requests.

An application is a message containing the following data: type of resource, quantity and quality of the resource, delivery location and time.

After the request is completed, actual information about the resource provided is entered into the database. To complete each application, as a rule, the execution of many other requests is required. As a result, a system (tree) of related requests is formed that describes the technological process. For example: for the construction of a section of a road, the availability of materials, construction equipment, etc. is required. To fulfill the request for working equipment, it is necessary to carry out repair work. These works, in turn, require labor resources, spare parts, etc. Thus, the database accumulates information about submitted and completed applications. By comparing the required data with the actual data, it is easy to identify the “bottlenecks” of the technological process, i.e. those departments where there is a systematic failure to fulfill requests.

The main advantage of such an IS is its versatility. Using the flow of requests and the counter flow of data about their implementation, it is possible to describe a technological process of any content and any complexity.

Reorganization of such an information system will be required in case of changes in the content of static information objects. For example: when you need to adjust the list of resources used, the list of workers, etc.

2. Technical support.

IS technical support is a set of technical devices designed to perform operations for collecting, processing, transferring, accumulating and issuing data in IS

To perform each of the listed operations, a certain set of technical devices is used:

1) a data recording and input device designed to convert various physical phenomena into electrical signals for storing them in computer memory;

2) a data transmission device designed to exchange data between computers;

3) an accumulation device designed to accumulate and store data in computer memory;

4) the processing device is used to perform calculations and convert data;

5) a display device is used to convert data stored in computer memory into a form convenient for human perception.

Data input and recording device.

Since the data input and recording device is designed to convert physical phenomena into electrical signals, these devices are classified according to the type of physical phenomenon being recorded:

1) devices for recording mechanical vibrations or actions (keyboard, mouse, touch panels, touch screen);

2) devices for recording sound vibrations - sound recognition devices (microphone);

3) devices for recording optical radiation (digital photo and video cameras, scanner);

4) devices for recording infrared radiation (thermal sensors);

5) radio emission recording devices (RFID – radio frequency identification devices, GPS – global positioning system);

6) devices for recording chemical composition (chemical sensors).

Mechanical vibration input devices are used to register data in the IS. It is necessary to strive to minimize the amount of data entered using the keyboard to reduce the number of errors and improve the quality of information. Information entered manually using the keyboard contains errors up to 15% of the total data. In transport, in limited cases, weight sensors are used for automatic weighing of cars or cars, as well as speed sensors.

Audio input devices are practically not used due to the low efficiency of sound and voice recognition programs (large volume of errors, low speed).

Optical data input devices used for reading strokes and for automated entry of information from forms. In passenger transport, the vehicle can be encoded with barcodes that are recognized by scanners.

Infrared radiation recording devices used to record temperatures (thermal sensors).

RFID devices– a set of radio tags installed on the PS, per unit of cargo, as well as reading devices (transponders).

RFID tag is a microcircuit that contains in its memory data about a vehicle, cargo, etc. When entering the radiation zone of an RFID transponder, the tag transmits the contents of its memory via radio communication.

Advantages of the technology:

Low cost of tags and transponders;

Their compactness;

Work at a distance and while the tag is moving.

This technology is used to read data from goods and cargo, from moving vehicles. Equipping railway cars with RFID tags will completely eliminate the manual entry of car numbers into the IS. This, in turn, will record all shunting operations with cars and will increase the efficiency of the IS.

Currently, individual railway companies use this technology to track their own wagons.

GPS– global positioning system.

Operating principle: the GPS system is a collection of many navigation satellites that transmit signals about their position to the ground. Receivers of these signals located on Earth, using mathematical methods based on data from several satellites, calculate the geographic coordinates of the signal receiver. The GPS system quickly monitors changes in receiver coordinates, remembers and controls the route of vehicles, and determines their speed


1) possibility of use in any geographical location;

2) relatively low cost of GPS signal.


1) the influence of various interferences on the quality and reliability of the signal. Interference may include tall buildings, metal structures, mountains, etc.;

2) the need to organize additional communication between the GPS receiver and the IS; for these purposes, in practice, either cellular communications or specialized radio modems are used;

3) the cost is higher than that of RFID tags. An RFID tag costs from 20 - 40 rubles to 2000 - 3000 rubles, the cost of a GPS receiver starts from 5000 - 6000 rubles.

For example: the GPS navigation system is currently available in motor transport enterprises, but in railway transport it has not become widespread due to interference.

The Russian analogue of the GPS system is the GLONASS system - global navigation system. Given the intensive support from the government, it is possible that this system will be operational from 2008 (complex software).

Devices for recording chemical composition. Chemical composition sensors are used to a limited extent to monitor the chemical composition of transported cargo. Since they are used for dangerous goods (category), their scope of application is quite narrow.

The disadvantage of chemical composition sensors is the need to use expensive equipment for transmitting data from the sensor to the IC.

Conclusion: currently, a larger amount of data is entered manually or using a scanner (optical, as a rule). The process of transition to the use of radio signal registration systems (RFID and GPS) is gradually accelerating.

Data transmission devices are a set of technical devices designed to organize communication between computers. These devices are classified by communication range:

1 group – data transmission up to a maximum of 100 m (average 10 - 50 m);

2nd group – up to several kilometers (on average 500 m, 1 - 2 km);

Group 3 – communication over an unlimited distance.

Devices of 1 group are used to organize mobile communications between computers, as well as to create wireless computer networks within the boundaries of one building. Devices based on the transmission of infrared signals (in a telephone have an IR port) are falling out of use. Such devices have low signal reliability and low control speed (control panel).

Currently, wireless data transmission mainly uses radio communications, differing in frequency, etc. (for example, bluetooth technology– transfer of individual files or WI-FI allows you to create wireless computer networks and data exchange is quite reliable and at high speed).

Cellular communication systems. The network of cellular operators is used in industrial information systems for data exchange between various departments of the enterprise, as well as for communication GPS receivers and navigation devices with IC.

Devices of group 2– form devices for organizing local computer networks. It is currently rational to transmit signals over such a medium-range distance using wired technologies. A twisted pair cable is used as a communication channel or cable. To control signals local network The following devices are used.

Compared to water transport, which dates back millennia, rail transport is relatively young. George Stephenson created the first railway in 1825-1830.

Traffic on the railways during the first time after construction occurred at low speed. When the locomotive started moving, it did not give a signal. However, already at the opening of the Liverpool-Manchester line, an accident occurred. One of the members of parliament, a supporter of the construction of the railway, approached the train and decided to shake hands with the Duke of Wellington, who was already sitting in the carriage. But the train started moving, and the man fell under the wheel. This incident made George Stephenson think about the need to use any signals to ensure railway safety. At Stephenson's direction, signals were introduced that were given by watchmen: during the day - with flags, at night - with hand-held lanterns. Engine drivers were given horns, which were replaced by a steam whistle in 1835. From 1834, signaling was introduced on the Liverpool-Manchester line using rotating wooden posts. In 1841, the Englishman Gregory invented the semaphore - a mast with a movable wing. The signal in it is the position of the wing relative to the mast. The use of a semaphore made it possible to move from the movement of trains with a distinction in time to a distinction in space. The means of communication during train movements were the telegraph and later the telephone.

Then, to ensure the safety of train traffic, interlocking was introduced, with the help of which track semaphores were locked while a train was on the corresponding section of the track. The first practically satisfactory locking system was the Thayer system, which appeared in 1852 in England and was used in 1868 in Russia.

Remote switch control (i.e. centralization of switches) first appeared in England and then in Germany (1860-1867). The introduction of centralization systems for switches and signals on Russian railways dates back to 1900-1905. First the hydraulic system appeared, and in 1909 the first electrical centralization of the system of the General Electricity Company in Russia was built.

The first attempt at an automatic blocking device was made in France in 1859 on the Paris-Saint-Germain railway.

Then a more advanced and at the same time simpler method of connecting the train to the track appeared - the track chain. In 1867, William Robinson proposed using running rails as conductors electric current and created a special design for the track receiver. In 1869, he developed a model of the first automatic lock, which was demonstrated at an exhibition in New York. When a train hits, the rail circuit is closed by its ramps. Such a rail circuit, called normally open, had a number of disadvantages, the main one of which was the lack of monitoring of the integrity and serviceability of the circuit. After further development, Robinson in 1872 proposed a more advanced normally closed rail circuit. It immediately received recognition, since the shortcomings of the previous chain were eliminated.

One of the most dangerous elements that were part of the general railway signaling system was the person maintaining or using the signaling system, with the disadvantages inherent in his nature.

This circumstance led to the need in the 80s of the last century to introduce hitchhikers - devices that stop a train as it passes by or when approaching a closed semaphore. For this purpose, a branch was made from the pneumatic brake air duct to the roof of the locomotive.

At the end of the outlet there was a sealed glass tube or rotary valve. A lever was connected to the semaphore wing or drive, which, when the semaphore was open, was located along the mast; when closed, it stood in the way of the tube, which broke and connected the air duct to the atmosphere. Braking occurred.

At high train speeds, such a primitive solution turned out to be impractical, because an abrupt stop of a passenger train could cause anxiety among passengers, and could lead to derailment among freight trains. Auto-regulating systems were created, in which the speed of the train was automatically reduced in certain places. The train stopped, as a rule, only after a preliminary reduction in speed.

Modern railway transport is a complex dynamic system, which includes tracks, stations, a fleet of freight and passenger cars, locomotives and service personnel.

To ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of this entire large facility, alarm, communication and control systems are used.

As the railway network developed and train speeds increased, more advanced means of communication and control were required, such as automatic interlocking and automatic locomotive signaling. Then radiotelephone communications began to be used, and at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries in railway management. Television, computers and fiber optic communication lines are widely used in transport.

The main cause of most accidents and disasters in transport is human factor: first of all, mistakes of drivers and dispatchers. But a person can make a mistake on different types of transport in different ways. For example, on the railway rail transport There is no control device such as a steering wheel, therefore, the driver physically cannot make a mistake when turning it, and such a mistake is very often made by car drivers.

The greatest opportunities in process automation decision making Naturally, they provide various types of rail transport.

The first in the USSR autonomous system Automatic train driving (the so-called "driver") was created back in 1957. But full automation of train control was first introduced at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s in France, in the Lille metro. After all, a metro train is completely isolated from the influence of the weather, from the driver’s possible desire to change direction, from the risk of colliding with an oncoming vehicle or one wishing to overtake, etc. The Lille metro trains' automatic guidance system controls the entire movement process - from start to stop.

There are autonomous and centralized train control systems, with the former controlling only one train, and the latter controlling all trains on a metro line or railway line. Centralized train control systems are used primarily on suburban and urban railways. An example is the VART system used in the USA.

The Beijing Metro has become the first Chinese subway to use an "autopilot" to replace the driver on trains. For the first time, such a system will be implemented on the metro line that will connect Beijing airport with areas in the east of the Chinese capital. The total length of the line with four stations will be more than 27 kilometers. The journey takes only 16 minutes. It was put into operation on the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The use of the latest technologies will allow express trains on this line to become quiet and at the same time reach speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour, which is 30 km/h more than conventional metro trains. The Beijing Metro carries more than 5 million passengers every day.

Automobile transport

The first car with an internal combustion engine was created by G. Daimler and K. Benz in 1885-1886. It was an open stroller with a control handle and a brake. He drove at a very low speed - no more than 10-12 km/h. Didn't have any instruments. K. Benz released the first model of his car (“Model III”) for sale in 1886. Total from 1886 to 1894 25 copies were sold. They were mainly of interest to amateur athletes. In the early years, the car did not affect traffic on the roads. The development of the automobile industry began only in the 20th century. The engine power has increased - from 2-3 kW at the beginning of the century, it increased at the end of the century to 200 kW. The speed increased significantly - it quickly reached 100 km/h or more. This speed required the creation of more convenient and comfortable cars with a closed body, equipped with a number of instruments - speed meters, amount of gasoline, oil, etc. They were placed on the dashboard in front of the driver. The cars were equipped with headlights, position, turn and brake lights, and rear-view mirrors.

The strongest impetus to the development of the automotive industry was given by the method of flow (conveyor) technology for assembling cars, first used in the world in 1913 by Henry Ford at his plant. This made it possible to increase in just one year performance labor by 40-60% and at the same time achieve standardization and interchangeability of parts.

From 1910 to 2000 1.3 billion cars were produced worldwide. During this time, the car became the main individual means of transport. Another 1.3 billion cars were produced in 2010.

The advent of automobile transport required the construction of paved roads. In Europe and America, wide asphalt roads began to be built. As traffic increased, life demanded the construction of expressways.

Currently, there are 15 million km of improved roads in the world, including in Russian Federation- up to 1 million km. As a result of the advent of automobiles, the territory of industrialized countries was covered with a dense network of highways - the main transport arteries of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

The ever-increasing intensity and speed of traffic has forced the development of the necessary information support for road transport. Road, transport, people are the three main components of road traffic. Traffic rules (TRAF) and signaling necessary to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians were developed.

These rules regulate the responsibilities of vehicle drivers and pedestrians, as well as technical requirements requirements for vehicles to ensure road safety.

At first, traffic rules in different countries were different from each other.

In 1909, at an international conference in Paris, uniform rules were adopted, common to all European countries. In 1940, the first standard traffic rules were approved in the USSR, on the basis of which uniform local rules began to be created. The traffic rules of the Russian Federation were adopted in 1993.

The first three-color (red, yellow, green) automatic traffic light was installed in New York in 1918, and such traffic lights appeared in Moscow and Leningrad in 1930.

With the increase in vehicle speeds, it became necessary to inform the driver about the condition of the road ahead and how safe it is for driving. This is how the requirements arose to place road signs at a certain distance from the obstacle. There are signs to indicate the direction of movement, prohibitory signs (for example, railroad crossing signs), horn signs, and pedestrian signs. The road sign system includes road markings- horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal markings (lines, arrows, inscriptions and other markings on the roadway) establish certain modes and the order of movement. Vertical markings in the form of a combination of black and white stripes on road structures and elements of road equipment show their dimensions and serve as a means of visual orientation.

The invention of the computer and the development of digital information technologies made it possible to radically improve the information support of cars.

In modern cars, all systems and units - engine and transmission, brakes, steering system, suspension, security system, system for maintaining a certain temperature and humidity in the cabin - are controlled and controlled by on-board computers. Many modern cars have a CD player, an automatic CD changer, a stereo cassette deck, one or more built-in cell phones, and a navigation computer containing a receiver. satellite system navigation (GPS). It uses electronic terrain maps to determine the exact location of the vehicle on the ground and plot a route. Such a radio navigator reduces fatigue while driving and allows you to save time and money on detours and searches.

The appearance of the dashboard has changed. Instead of a set of pointer instruments, a single liquid crystal monitor is used, on which information about speed, fuel consumption and mileage is either given to the driver in digital form or simulated in the form of pointer instruments. Touch-sensitive displays and an electronic speedometer display with a speed projector on the windshield are used.

Video/audio centers and navigation systems have been developed for cars. It includes a 5-inch LCD monitor, radio (FM and CB), CD and DVD player, video, TV tuner, navigation system and sound system.

An experienced digital television and radio broadcasting. The mobile package will be received on mobile television receivers equipped with a liquid crystal display.

Once upon a time, travelers used the stars to navigate. Today, navigation is carried out using signals from artificial satellites. When connected to a navigation system, 3D maps on the monitor and an audio guide help the driver reach their destination safely. As soon as the driver enters the point he needs to get to into the navigation system, the system immediately searches for the best route (for example, the shortest route). If desired, you can specify up to 4 points through which you want to travel to your final destination. The system then indicates the route using an arrow on the map and a voice. The 3D map allows you to see objects ahead and 3D magnified views of intersections. The navigation system's voice guide warns you when you are approaching an intersection, for example: “In 600 meters, make a left turn.”

You can easily place a variety of mobile devices in the car interior - a laptop or palmtop, printer, scanner, fax. The world's leading manufacturers (BMW, DaimlerCrysler, Ford, Fiat, General Motors, Honda, Renaut, Volkswagen) are striving to unite all electronic devices and vehicle devices into a single network - a kind of mobile office.

The electronic equipment of a modern car also includes hands-free devices. Their use becomes especially relevant after a rule was introduced in Russia in April 2001 prohibiting drivers from talking while driving.

However, after the introduction of hands-free devices, accidents on the roads have not decreased: drivers, chatting on the phone while driving, lose control of the car and react late to a sudden danger. The reaction of a driver talking on the phone is twice as slow. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended for drivers to use hands-free devices while the car is moving.

Blue Eyes technology records the driver's eye movements and blink rate. An infrared camera monitors the position of the eyes, and if the system does not find the eyeball, it is assumed that the driver has fallen asleep while the car is moving. Then an alarm sounds, which will wake up the driver and thereby prevent one of the most dangerous emergency situations.

radar Its operating principle is based on modern technology measuring the distance to an obstacle using an ultrasonic signal. Sensors installed near the rear bumper and an obstacle distance indication system will make parking and maneuvering in confined spaces, as well as at night, easier. In addition to sensors, the system is equipped with a sound and/or light distance indicator. They are installed on the dashboard and give the driver instant information about the distance to an approaching obstacle.

When a car is moving in reverse, the driver does not see everything. When parking a car in the yard or near a playground, you may not notice a 2-4 year old child next to the rear bumper of the car. This is especially dangerous.

Columns, high curbs, large objects lying on the ground - all this is out of the driver’s field of vision. The result is damage to the bumper, random scratches, dents and repair costs. The parking radar is able to promptly warn the driver of approaching not only large obstacles, but also small objects and objects of low height, which is especially useful at night.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) can not only maintain a set speed, but can also automatically maintain a set distance to the vehicle in front. Radar mounted on the radiator grille is capable of recognizing vehicles moving ahead (in the same course). If the lane is clear, the system maintains the speed you set. If the radar detects a car moving in front of you at a lower speed, the system automatically reduces the fuel supply to the engine cylinders, and, if necessary, even slows down the car using the service brake system.

Federal Agency for Education State educational institution of higher professional education Vladimir State University Department of Automobile Transport


Work program, lecture notes and test assignments

Compiled by M.Yu. BAZHENOV

Vladimir 2008

Reviewer Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Metrology and Standardization, Vladimir State University

M.V. Latyshev

Published by decision of the editorial board of Vladimir State University

Computer technology in road transport: work-95 tea program, lecture notes and test assignments / Vladim. state University; comp. M. Yu. Bazhenov. – Vladimir: Publishing house Vla-

dim. state Univ., 2008. – 84 p.

The work program for the course is outlined, lecture notes are provided, covering issues of the development of computer technology and the scope of its application in road transport, the concepts of new information technologies and automated control systems. Computer information systems in road transport and their technical, software, information, organizational and legal support, as well as the basic principles of network information technologies, are considered.

Intended for students of specialty 190601 - cars and automotive industry, part-time courses.

Il. 30. Bibliography: 5 titles.

UDC 004:629.113 BBK 32.97:39.33


Issues of development of computer technology (CT) and the scope of its application in road transport (AT). The concept of new information technologies. Requirements for modern information systems. History of development.

2. Basic provisions of automated control systems (ACS)

Definitions and concepts of automated control systems. Trends in the development of information technology (IT) management. Classification of automated control systems. Options for using data as information.

3. Criteria for the quality of information, assessment of their influence on management decisions. Features of information systems (IS)

Timeliness of receipt necessary information, its completeness and accuracy as signs of information that significantly influence the effectiveness of management decisions. Management functions: planning, control and regulation. Specific features of the IP.

4. Structure information model control object. Typical structure of an automated control system

Model of the transportation process. Construction of a control system model based on a diagnostic analysis of the functioning of enterprise services and a detailed study of the existing data processing system. Typical structure of an automated control system: functional and supporting part. Methodological principles for creating automated control systems: the principle of new tasks, the principle of an integrated approach, the principle of the first leader, the principle of continuous development, the principle of automation, the principle of modularity and typification, the principle of consistency.

5. Information systems of motor transport enterprises (ATP)

General structure of the system. Basic automated work

What places (AWS), their structure and main functions.

6. IS information support

Database as the basis of information support. Distributed databases. IS architectures: file-server, client-server. Decision support systems.

7. Technical support

Modern technical means of automobile transport information systems and recommendations for the selection of software and hardware for processing AT information.

8. IS software

Classification of information systems software. System and network software. Tools: database management systems and programming languages. Application software. Recommendations for selection.

9. Organizational and legal support for IP

Production and consumption of information products and services. Information law, ensuring information security.

10. Paperless technologies and means of automatic object identification

Means of ensuring the reliability of primary information. Automatic identification methods: magnetic, radio frequency, barcode. Bus traffic control system (SCAD). Satellite navigation systems.

11. Using the Internet when organizing transportation

Websites that provide the ability to search for both available rolling stock for transportation and a potential shipper. Interaction with global information networks.

12. Prospects for the development of new information technologies and automated control systems on AT

Competition in the information technology market. Qualitative consequences of the development of telecommunications. Prospects for the development of technical means of automated control systems.



The purpose of teaching the discipline is to study the field of application of computer technology in road transport and obtain practical skills in the use of computer technology in engineering activities in the field of operation of road transport.

Objectives of the discipline:

study trends in the development of VT and its role in AT;

study computer information systems on AT and their software and hardware;

gain practical skills in creating, editing and displaying various types of information (text, graphic, tabular, etc.) using VT tools;

study and gain practical skills in solving managerial and accounting and statistical tasks AT;

study the basic principles of network information technologies. Studying the discipline is complicated by the fact that practically

There is no single textbook for higher educational institutions, therefore the bibliography lists several sources, brief summaries of which are included in this teaching aid.

familiarize yourself with the work program and guidelines;

study the material of the discipline according to the proposed literature and this lecture notes;

answer the self-test questions at the end of each section;

To consolidate the material being studied, the student is required to complete a test, including answers to two questions in sections (options of tasks are given on p. 80). Upon completion of studying the discipline, distance learning students take an exam, and accelerated correspondence students take a test.


3.1. Concept of new information technologies

The stimulating influence on the use of computer technology on vehicles is provided by state standards for vehicle safety, fuel economy and environmental protection, as well as the need to find internal reserves in a difficult economic situation.

With the increasing complexity and dynamism of systems, information flows increase many times over; there is a need to streamline them and consider them as one of the components of the technological process, which led to the emergence of the concept of “information technology” (IT). IT is a method of information production, a set of methodological provisions, organizational settings, instrumental and technological means, etc. - everything that regulates and supports the activities of people involved in information production based on the use of computers. In the eighties, due to the acceleration of the IT development process, the concept of “new information technologies” (NIT) appeared.

NIT are a set of fundamentally new data processing tools and methods built into organized management systems, representing integral technological systems that ensure targeted creation, transmission, storage and display information product(data, ideas, knowledge) with the laws of a particular environment where NIT develops.

Being predominantly paperless in nature, NIT reduces the role of the subjective factor in receiving, transmitting and processing information, which radically differs from traditional IT, significantly surpassing it in efficiency, productivity, and accuracy.

A distributed data processing network is used as a technological model of modern IT, and the main function is “decision support” for the manager (operator).

The technical base is fifth generation computing systems equipped with peripheral devices and communication networks. The components of NIT and the main areas of its activity are presented in the diagram (Fig. 1).

New technology

New technology

New technology

communications based


management processing

local and

management decisions,

information based

distributed networks

using funds

Computers and workstations

artificial intelligence

New information technologies





Creation and provision


planning and

functioning of new








Rice. 1. Components and main activities of NIT

Thus, NIT combines new communication technologies based on local and distributed computer networks, methods for processing management information using PCs and automated workstations, as well as developing management decisions based on artificial intelligence tools (databases, expert systems, various types of modeling) providing various (graphic, audio, text) forms of displaying simulated situations, thus implementing a “friendly interface”.

Requirements for modern information systems:

functionality (embeddedness), i.e. how easily and naturally information can be entered, changed, organized and stored using an automated system;

operability (reliability) of the information system (its information component and equipment);

interactivity - the degree that characterizes the convenience of communication between workstations and the operator with the machine;

– office interior, including placement of equipment, availability of free space, etc.

When considering the concept of NIT, it is necessary to note their socio-psychological significance. Personnel remains one of the main elements of an automated human-machine system, therefore, the effectiveness of the production system as a whole largely depends on its interaction with elements of scientific and technical information. From the point of view of the human factor, production automation must be considered from two sides. The use of modern technology makes it possible to increase the productivity of a manager (operator), reduce fatigue and the likelihood of errors, and increase the prestige of his activities. At the same time, NIT places increased demands on the qualifications of personnel and their preparedness in the field of modern management methods, making it necessary to change professional knowledge.

History of the development of information systems on AT

Since the advent of computing technology on AT, there have been three circuit diagrams its uses:

centralized processing of all ATP information in the region based on comprehensive information and computing centers (CICC);

two-level automated control system with processing of part of the information in the CICC, and part in the ATP;

processing of information flows by automated control systems directly at the enterprise.

The choice of one scheme or another was determined by the level of development of computer technology, programming tools and their cost.

Transition to information processing on computers had a number of advantages:

From the general information flow, normative reference information (RNI) was separated, which in volume is about

ka 60 – 70%;

primary documents were unified and typed;

on the basis of the CICC, a single array of reference data was formed on magnetic media, which was used to solve ATP problems throughout the region;

A system for classifying and encoding information was developed, which made it possible to compare the results of the work of various enterprises, reduce the volume of information stored on magnetic media and increase the speed of its processing.

enterprise personnel were relieved of routine, settlement work, the volume of which, for example, when processing waybills, was about 90%, the efficiency of document processing increased

And counting errors were eliminated.

However, more than 20 years of experience in the operation of such automated control systems, as a result of which many indicators of the planned efficiency of the created systems were not achieved, allows us to draw conclusions about the shortcomings of centralized data processing systems. To those

V the first priority should be:

duplication of information on paper, punched and magnetic media;

the presence of errors when transferring information from paper to punched media;

a significant delay in the receipt of processed information to management personnel, which does not make it possible to solve operational problems;

significant complexity of error control when entering (punching) information;

duplication of both input and output information;

difficulties in the phased implementation of the system associated with covering new divisions of the enterprise;

long periods of development and commissioning of the system;

The system does not generate optimal management decisions (only output forms are issued).

Under these conditions, the automated control system, as a rule, performed separate functions, mechanizing elements of private calculations.

In the mid-80s, personal computers (PCs) began to spread in our country, which in their characteristics first approached large computers and then surpassed them. The PC software had a user-friendly interface and did not require special knowledge from personnel. Fundamentally new ARs began to be created on the basis of these software and hardware tools.

We. They were installed directly at workplaces and the enterprise personnel worked with them. Due to the fact that two intermediate links were eliminated in the information processing system (punched information carriers and computer operators), the range of production problems solved with the help of computers expanded, and the efficiency of the solution increased significantly.

Most of the functions of the equipment (traditional workstations) can be performed by a personal computer (PC), equipped with appropriate peripheral devices and connected to the enterprise’s communication systems. Research data show that a significant part (80%) of work operations do not require access to the general information base of the enterprise. This is another argument in favor of using a PC as the technical basis of an automated workplace that works autonomously most of the time.

The next stage in the development of PC-based workstations are automated workstations, which are multi-seat instrumental complexes with distributed information processing. Unlike an automated workplace, a station is a system for the collective use of data and software products for performing production functions of the same type.

The analysis of the production tasks of the automated workplace shows that for effective functioning, this element of scientific information technology must be included in the enterprise information system, i.e., in the local network. A local network is a set of computers united by communication channels into a single information system. The presence of a local network makes it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of using PCs due to their collective use in a time-shared mode, as well as the most expensive resources, such as disk memory large capacity and printing devices.

Challenges and opportunities of new information technologies

And their use in road transport enterprises

accounting and statistical;

analytical and management: planning and control of vehicles for maintenance and repair, inventory accounting and control, formation of a set of technical influences, etc.;