ICT in kindergarten work with children. "Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Ogonyok" of the municipal district of the city of Nerekhta and the Nerekhtsky district of the Kostroma region

Methodological development for educators:

"The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions."

Developed by:

Zhitkova Olga Nikolaevna,


Teaching experience: 7 years.


Content :

1. Explanatory note……………………………………………………………. 3


3.Chapter1.What is ICT? .............................................. ................................................. ..7

4. Chapter 2. Application of ICT in work with preschool children………..14

5. Chapter 3. ICT in the work of a modern teacher…………………………………….20

6.Chapter4. Rules for creating a presentation for children…………………………….23

7. Literature used……………………………………………………………28


Explanatory note

The presented methodological development is recommended to help preschool teachers, students of pedagogical educational institutions.

This paper highlights the issues of informatization of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the age of the pupils, gives recommendations on the organization of the educational process using information technology, offers recommendations for the creation and design of illustrative graphic material using ICT, describes the practical experience of using ICT in the pedagogical activity of the educator.This development will help in improving pedagogical skills that can be used in practice when working with children.

Target: ensure the quality of the educational process based on the study and implementation of information technologies.

Implementation conditions: children's educational institutions.


Apply methodological development for educators in the conditions of children's educational institutions.

Ways of interaction between specialists:

A full-fledged work is impossible without the participation of educators, narrow specialists (specialists in working with ICT), and parents.

Ways of interaction:

1. conducting nodes using ICT

2. conducting a methodological association, a seminar on the topic “The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, consultations of educators.

3. Introduction of the use of ICT in the activities of educators.

Brief description of the content:

Application and relevance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

The effectiveness of using this methodological development: The use of information technologies will make the process of learning and development of the child sufficiently effective, will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

It will help the teacher to correctly prepare a presentation for working with children.

The principle of constructing methodological development:


    Stimulation of cognitive processes.

    Consistency and consistency

Expected Result:

Improving ICT - the competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions;
Implementation of ICT in the educational space.


If we want to go forward, then one foot must remain in place while the other takes the next step. This is the first law of all progress, equally applicable to whole nations as to individuals.

J. Eötvös

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. Gradually,Computer techologiesare also included in the system of preschool education as one of the effective ways of transferring knowledge. This modern method develops interest in learning, fosters independence, develops intellectual activity, allows you to develop in the spirit of modernity, makes it possible to qualitatively update the educational process in a preschool educational institution and increase its efficiency.

Relevance The use of information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of the information society, the widespread use of multimedia technologies, electronic information resources, network technologies as a means of education and upbringing.

Target : to ensure the quality of the educational process based on the study and implementation of information technology.

It is safe to say that ICTs are an integral part of the learning process for preschoolers. This is not only accessible and familiar to children of the new generation, but also convenient for the modern teacher.

In accordance with the document "FSES to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational preschool education programs " , approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 No. 2151, one of the requirements for pedagogical activity is the possession of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in educational process.

The teacher must be able:

2. actively use information technology in educational process

3. get acquainted with information sites for teachers and master the skills of searching for information on the Internet

4. Own various programs for creating multimedia presentations

1. create graphic and text documents (i.e. independently draw up group documentation, diagnostics, etc.)

This means being able to use the Microsoft Office program,

Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Excel

2. Actively use information technology in educational process

Familiarize yourself with information sites for teachers and master the skills of searching for information on the Internet

Thus, the use of information technology in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Chapter 1

What is ICT?

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology - a set of methods, methods and means that ensure the storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor. At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects.

When using ICT in work, the experience of teachers and education is not important, but the desire and desire to master ICT is important.

The use of computer technology helps the teacher in the work:

    attract passive listeners to active activities;

    make educational activities more visual and intensive;

    to form an information culture in children;

    activate cognitive interest;

    to implement personality-oriented and differentiated approaches to learning;

    to discipline the educator himself, to form his interest in work;

    activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);

    ICT will enable any teacher to directly access the information space both with applying for methodological assistance to various service departments and with broadcasting their work experience.

    ICT will allow the educator to communicate more widely at various methodological events, for example, video - master - classes, webinars, etc.

    work with paper media is significantly reduced, since almost all textual information is compiled and stored in electronic form;

    less time and effort is spent in preparing visual and didactic support for GCD.

    with the help of ICT, conditions for professional self-development are created: electronic textbooks, articles are used; on the Internet, you can get acquainted with periodicals, exchange information with colleagues via e-mail.

    Communication with parents of pupils with the help of ICT is another reality.

ICT is primarily:

    transformation of the subject-developing environment,

    creation of new means for the development of children,

    use of new visibility,

    additional information, which for some reason is not in the printed edition,

    a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, videos),

    in the information society, network electronic resources are the most democratic way to disseminate new pedagogical ideas and new didactic aids, available to teachers regardless of their place of residence and income level,

    Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning, and any photographs and illustrations.

Application of ICT:

    Selection of illustrative material for the joint organized activities of the teacher with children and for the design of stands, groups.

    Selection of additional educational material.

    Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

    Preparation of group documentation, reports.

    Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of joint organized activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings.

    When creating a single database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. That contributes to the widest disclosure of their abilities, the activation of mental activity.

Today ICT allows:

Show information on the screen in a playful way, which is of great interest to children, as it corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - the game.

In an accessible form, vividly, figuratively, present material to preschoolers that corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them.

To promote the development of research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents in preschoolers.

Encourage children to solve problems and overcome difficulties.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education allows you to expand the creative possibilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects of the mental development of preschoolers. Developing classes with its use become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make GCD attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visualization.

In the course of the game activity of a preschooler, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children. Compared to traditional forms of preschool educationThe computer has a number of advantages:

    Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

    Provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

    Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of the planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it is raining;

    It is also possible to simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.);

    Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children.

    It carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers.

    Problem tasks, encouragement of the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.

    The child himself regulates the pace and number of solved game learning tasks.

    In the course of his activity at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot.

    Allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);

    The computer is very "patient", never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

    The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents.

The range of ICT use in the educational process is quite wide. One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for joint organized activities in kindergarten is the creation of multimedia presentations. It facilitates the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images, tk. combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) can achieve a much greater effect. And the English proverb says:“I heard and forgot; I saw and remembered.”

Use of a computer for record keeping.

A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in compiling all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of the child, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, and generally monitoring the dynamics of the child's development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are not comparable.

From this it follows that in modern education, the computer does not solve all the problems, it remains only a multifunctional technical learning tool. The use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective. By means of multimedia, it will allow the most accessible and attractive game form to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develop the logical thinking of children, enhance the creative component of educational work, maximizing the quality of education among preschoolers, free from routine manual work, open up new opportunities.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and expedient to use ICT in various types of educational activities. The joint organized activity of a teacher with children has its own specifics, it should be emotional, bright, with the involvement of a large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of the child sufficiently effective, will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

However, no matter how positive, huge potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace the live communication between the teacher and the child.

Chapter 2

Application of ICT in work with preschool children.

One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technology in a preschool educational institution is that specialists who know the technical capabilities of a computer, have the skills to work with them, clearly follow the rules for using computers, and know how to introduce preschoolers to new information technologies should work with children. Considering this,priority At present, teachers are being promoted, they are mastering work with software educational complexes, resources of the global computer network Internet so that in the future each of them can use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct classes with children at a qualitatively new level.

The use of information technology in the classroom in the preschool educational institution makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in the classroom, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the preschool teacher.

There are 2 types of classes using ICT.

1. Activity with multimedia support.

In such a lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the preparation stage, information resources are also analyzed, the necessary material for the lesson is selected.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of the lesson, so presentation materials are created using Power Point or other multimedia programs.

To conduct such classes, you need one personal computer (laptop), multimedia, speakers, screen.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally colored, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.

With the help of multimedia presentations, visual gymnastics complexes, exercises to relieve visual fatigue are learned with children.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

Implementation of polysensory perception of the material;

· Ability to demonstrate various objects with the help of a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiply enlarged form;

Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps to compensate for the amount of information received by children from;

· Possibility of demonstration of objects more for perception of a safe sensory system;

Activation of visual functions, visual abilities of the child;

· Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations makes it possible to make the lessons emotionally colored, attractive, arouse a keen interest in the child, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop the ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, develop versatile skills, which contribute to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers and increase the child's readiness for.

Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communication games, problem situations, and creative tasks in educational activities in a new way. The use of an interactive whiteboard using multimedia technologies (graphics, color, sound, video materials) allows you to simulate various situations and environments in the classroom. The game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of children and enhance the efficiency of mastering the material. The technology of the board, based on the principle of a resistive matrix, is the most common in the world and the safest for health.

Another advantage of using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten is the ability to make virtual trips and conduct integrated classes.

The use of ID in the joint and independent activities of the child is one of the effective ways to motivate and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

Thus, classes with multimedia support increase the speed of information transfer to children, improve the level of its understanding, which contributes to the development of all forms of thinking.

2 . Work with computer support.

Most often, such classes are conducted using gaming training programs. In such a lesson, several computers, tablets are used, for which several pupils work at the same time.

Working with an electronic textbook, a tablet, the child independently studies the material, performs the necessary tasks, and then passes a competence test on this topic.

The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of material offered for review. A bright luminous screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, as a result, tension is relieved.

But today, unfortunately, there is an insufficient number of good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

Experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

exploratory nature,

Ease for self-study of the child,

development of a wide range of skills and ideas,

a high technical level,

age match,


Educational programs for this age group on the market can be classified as follows:

1. Games for the development of memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Talking" dictionaries with good animation.

3. ART studios, the simplest graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

4. Games-travelling, "rpg".

5. The simplest programs for , etc.

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are outside the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and directing games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary or mobile computer class that meets the standards of SANPiN, licensed.

Today, many kindergartens are equipped with computer classes. But still missing:

Methods of using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

· systematization of computer developing programs;

· unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

To date, this is the only one not regulated by a special one. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

It is important to observe the conditions for preserving the health of the child:

1. Children five - seven years of age can "communicate" with the computer no more than 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.

2. It is desirable that the monitor be LCD or plasma.

3. It is necessary to include games in the lessons aimed at preventing violations and working out visual-spatial relations.

4. Regularly carry out gymnastics for the eyes: during work, it is necessary to periodically transfer the child's gaze from the monitor every 1.5-2 minutes. for a few seconds, just as important is the change of activity during the lesson.

5 For frontal lessons, we use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to which the children sit is 2 - 2.5 meters.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: ​​airing before and after classes and wet cleaning - wiping tables and display screens before and after classes, wiping floors after classes.

Thus, we recognize that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

Chapter 3

ICT in the work of a modern teacher.

The effectiveness of computerization of education in preschool educational institutions depends both on the quality of the means used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process.

Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice, aimed at implementing innovative ideas of the educational process.

At present, the use of ICT in the practice of preschool educational institutions is mainly as follows:

    selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentations);

    selection of additional material from various sources for classes, acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other events;

    exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers;

    creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children;

    the use of digital cameras and photo editing programs that make managing pictures as easy as taking pictures, easily finding the ones you want, editing and displaying them;

    use and related programs (a fundamentally new way to view, store and share all video material, you can quickly create simple movies by adding titles, scene transitions, background or voiceovers to videos);

    the use of the Internet in teaching activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific and methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution, as a search for additional information for classes, expanding the horizons of children.

    design, business cards of institutions, materials in various areas of activity.

    creation of media libraries that are of interest not only for teachers, but also for parents.

    the use of a computer in the office work of a preschool educational institution, the creation of various.

    creation of e-mail, maintenance of the DOW website.

Viewing allows you to carry out a modern, high-quality, comprehensive analysis of events, which contributes to improving the quality of the pedagogical process. This form of work is most acceptable when accompanied by young novice teachers. The methodical library is transformed into a media library, information is accumulated and exchanged on various modern media.

The use of modern technologies, in particular the Internet site, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of communication between teachers and parents by an order of magnitude. Operational information in the news column, detailed information about the life of a preschool institution, the ability to communicate via e-mail and a guest book - all this helps to make relationships more trusting, involve parents in the life of a kindergarten, and make them full participants in the educational process. When holding parent-teacher meetings, the use of multimedia equipment allows parents to present videos and a film about the life of children in kindergarten, presentations on proper nutrition, on preparing children for school.

It is safe to say that ICT is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

Chapter 4

Rules for creating a presentation for children

The golden rule for any presentation, proposed by former Apple marketer and now managing director of Garage Technology Ventures Guy Kawasaki - 10-20-30: 10 slides in 20 minutes, font size at least 30. These parameters are ideal for presentations in Power Point. More slides are not remembered, more than 20 minutes distracts attention, a small font is annoying.

Does this rule apply when creating a presentation for children?Applicable, especially for children. Keeping a child's attention is quite a challenge, and a boring long presentation will turn even an adult off.

In addition to the "golden" there are a number of other rules that are also suitable for creating a presentation for children.So how do you create a presentation for kids?

Preparation, selection of materials for the presentation

The content of the presentation for children should not be a reprint from the textbook. Ideally, presentation material is selected from several sources.Even in the case of a presentation for children, the information should be fresh and up to date.For example, when talking about modern agriculture, there is no need to insert pictures of plowmen with scythes or Soviet Stakhanovites if we are talking about today.Illustrations should match the story, to complement it, but at the same time not to distract attention. It is necessary to take into account the age group of children and their hobbies at the moment. Heroes of popular cartoons will be perceived more positively than characters from your childhood.

As for the text. It is worth re-reading a lot of material on the upcoming topic, making a brief summary, but during the presentation, everything that can be said in words must be said in words.Text on slides should be kept to a minimum, especially in presentations for children.

And finallyThe presentation should have a clearly defined purpose.Of course, in the case of a presentation for children, it is not at all necessary to put it on a slide. This point is important, first of all, for the presenter, so that, having carried away the accompanying topic, he does not go far to the side.

So, the material is selected, the goal is defined, the next point is the preparation of the presentation and its design.

Presentation design for kids

1. Background. Now on the network you can find many ready-made templates for any occasion. But, we must not forget that a bright background full of elements for a presentation will distract from the information presented. In general, the background is for that and the background, so as not to distract, but to emphasize the material. So it’s worth staying on a plain background without drawings or any other elements.When it comes to presentations for kids, one common mistake is to overdo it with bright colors and pictures.No need to get carried away with bright contrasting colors that can cause an epileptic attack.

2. Illustrations. The teacher should attract children primarily with his story, and not with pictures. Of course, this does not mean that illustrations cannot be used.Pictures in the presentation for children are necessary.You need to consider the age group and their hobbies at the moment. Heroes of popular cartoons will be perceived more positively than characters from your childhood.

Illustrations should be of high resolution, there is no need to stretch a small picture for the entire slide - it will “pixelate” and thus only cause negative emotions.

It is not necessary to use drawings and photographs on the same slide at the same time, if this is not provided for by the node. The presentation should be made in the same style, photographs and drawings should be well done in the same size.

And finally, do not forget that all images on the Internet have an owner. At the end of the presentation, it is worth giving a list of illustrations and links to sources, this is not only a tribute to copyright, but also a good practice for children.

3. Font . It is necessary to avoid using different fonts - this scatters attention and tires. The font size should be large enough to read from the last desks. The test must be readable. Do not use illegible, too narrow fonts and serif fonts. And finally, a simple rule - light text is placed on a dark background and vice versa.

4. Animation. It's very simple here, if the animation can be avoided, it should be done. Of course, in a presentation for children, you want to use as many effects as possible. Also, animation takes time. It will take a few extra seconds to wait until the text appears, which pops up letter by letter.

Actually, the presentation

The purpose of the presenter is not just to give out the material, but to interest. This is perhaps the most important point in a presentation for children.. A boring lecture, even illustrated with beautiful pictures and animation, remains a boring lecture. The presentation of the material should be in the form of a story, a story. Ideally, if the children are also participants in this story. The presentation for children should be interactive, children should take an active part. It makes sense to diversify the presentation with riddles, questions.

Even 20 minutes of an interesting story can tire you out. Viewing a presentation is a strain on the eyes. It is better to give a presentation in parts, alternate with practical tasks, games or a little physical activity.

After the end of the presentation, it is necessary to sum up and draw a conclusion. As you know, the last phrase is always remembered better. So let the last phrase be good advice or parting words.

"Hygienic requirements for personal electronic

computers and organization of work"

San Pin 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03

In preschool educational institutions (DOE) the recommended

continuous duration of work with a PC on developing

game lessons for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, for children

6 years - 15 min.

Game lessons using a PC in a preschool educational institution are recommended

spend no more than one during the day and no more than three times a week on days

the highest working capacity of children: on Tuesday, Wednesday and

Thursday. After classes with children, gymnastics for the eyes is carried out.

It is not allowed to conduct classes with a PC in a preschool educational institution due to the time,

reserved for sleep, daytime walks and other wellness


When conducting classes for children using a computer

techniques, organization and mode of training must comply with

requirements for personal electronic computers and

organization of work. "Hygienic requirements for personal

electronic computers and organization of work"

Thus, the following can be distinguished slide design principles

    The principle of signal-to-noise ratio. Reduction of redundant elements.

    The principle of readability. Choice of fonts and colors.

    The principle of empty space. Selection of the main element.

    The principle of alignment. The presence of a visual relationship of all elements on the slide.

    The principle of contrast. Demonstration of the hierarchy between slide elements (by changing the color, line size, shape, location in space).

    The principle of repetition. Keeping the same style across all slides.

    proximity principle. Arrangement of related elements on a slide.

As a result, we can come to the conclusion that the use of information technology makes it possible to make the process of learning and development of the child quite effective, opens up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

However, no matter how positive, huge potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace the live communication between the teacher and the child. And also teachers must clearly possess ICT skills and comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements,physiological and hygienic, psychological and pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms andrecommendations, so as not to harm the health of children. ( "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work.")

7. http://nsportal.ru/ -

8 . http://doshkolnik.ru/ -

nine . http://igrateshka.ru/

Attachment 1

A standard set of exercises for the eyes when working at a computer

    Close your eyes and tense your eye muscles strongly. Wait about 4 seconds. Open your eyes and relax. Look out the window into the distance for about 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

    Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your eyes on it for about 4 seconds. Then shift your gaze to the landscape outside the window and look there for about 6 seconds. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

    Look to the left without turning your head. Fix your eyes in this position for about 4 seconds. Repeat this exercise, only looking to the left, down and up. It is necessary to perform this circle 3-4 times.

    Make turns with your eyes in the following directions: left, down, right, up, then straight into the distance into the window. Then right, down, left, up, and then straight into the distance through the window. Do all the steps 3-4 more times.

    Blink as quickly as possible, counting up to 10, then close your eyes for a couple of seconds. Now blink again for a minute. Close your eyes again for 2-3 seconds. Open them and look out the window. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

    Examine carefully any clearly visible object (branch, bird, leaf, etc.) for 30 seconds. Then move your eyes to the most distant object. It can be a building, a car, a tree. Look at it for 30 seconds. Then return your gaze to the first object. Repeat this exercise 6 times.

At the end of charging, let your eyes relax. You can just close them for five minutes and think about something pleasant. Do not lower your head forward while doing this. Performing such exercises for the eyes while working at the computer helps to relax and train them.


Slide color scheme

Color Theory:

Red–positive and cheerful, but after the 18th slide causes

aggression and non-learning state;

yellow- it is better to mute closer to beige, a good color for

junior and middle level students;

green(soft, muffled) - up to 29-30 slide is perceived


blue(soft) - positive color up to 30 slides;

purple- does not contribute to the memorization of information;

White- contributes to the reproduction of information from 50 to 70%;

the black- the color of aggression and stress;

Brown(bright) - after 23 slides causes an increase in blood pressure;

Gray- causes anxiety.

Annex 3

Using ic in my activity

During my work as an educator, I used ICT:

1. Design of stands, groups

2. Selection of material for GCD

3. Registration of documentation, reports

4. Creation of presentations, videos, posters, booklets, business cards for children, parents, kindergarten workers

5. Exchange of work experience, participation in competitions via the Internet

6. Participated in the creation of the kindergarten website

7. Remotely improved my skills

8. Picked up dances and songs for matinees

9. Edited text, photos, songs.


Diagnosis of the impact of ICT on the development of children.

MBDOU compensating type No. 16 "Golden Key"

Use of ICT in Kindergarten

Completed by: teacher-defectologist Savilova E.G.

Uray 2015

At present, the Information Society Development Strategy is being implemented in our country, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. Therefore, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education

ICT is information and communication technology.

In our kindergarten there is an interactive whiteboard, touch tables, a screen, a projector, laptops, computers

  • The introduction of ICT in the educational process of the kindergarten has many advantages, which should be highlighted:
  • allow to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;
  • the use of multimedia presentations provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
  • graphic, textual, audiovisual information is simultaneously used;
  • using a computer, you can simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show in class or see in everyday life (for example, reproduction of animal sounds; nature, transport, etc.)
  • high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, creativity of children;
  • provides an opportunity for individualized learning.
  • It is important to observe the conditions for preserving the health of the child:
  • Children under 5 are not recommended to use a computer. Children five - seven years of age can "communicate" with the computer no more than 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.
  • Include games in classes aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relationships.
  • Regularly carry out gymnastics for the eyes, take into account the change of activity during the lesson.
  • For group lessons, we use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to the chairs on whichchildren sit 2 - 2.5 meters.

What opportunities does the use of ICT in our preschool educational institution open up?

  • The use of a computer in order to familiarize children with modern technical means of transmitting and storing information, which is carried out in various gaming technologies.
  • Teachers use mainly educational games:
  • development of mathematical concepts: “Luntik. Mathematics for kids";
  • games for the development of phonemic hearing and speech development; "Learning to speak correctly";
  • educational games: "Shape", "Color", "Learning to count"
  • games for the development of higher mental functions: a series of "Little Genius"
  • Using a computer and a large monitor or laptop. In this case, it is possible to demonstrate a thematic presentation or a game tool on the monitor screen.
  • presentations help the teacher to motivate children to activities.
  • demonstration of presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally colored, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.
  • with the help of multimedia presentations, complexes of visual, articulatory, finger, respiratory gymnastics are learned with children.
  • multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner.
  • Using the interactive whiteboard
  • a universal tool that allows any teacher to organize the educational process in such a way that children's interest in classes, attention stability, and speed of mental operations increase.
  • Uses touch interactive table
  • specially designed software offers various levels of developmental learning.
  • tables for children in a playful way help to replenish vocabulary,

learn to recognize colors and shapes.

  • during classes, the child develops motor skills, memory, auditory and visual perception.
  • the child enjoys learning.
  • Using the main site of MBDOU
  • can receive information in the form of pedagogical advice, consultations;
  • can get acquainted with legal documents, participate in surveys on the forum
  • the site allows you to get to know educators better (their hobbies, interests, pedagogical views, achievements)
  • parents have the opportunity to follow the life of children in kindergarten groups;

This is very relevant at the present time: it is not always possible for parents to bring their child to kindergarten, often parents are in a hurry and do not have time to read the information in the group. And at home, together with the child, it is always interesting to look at the group's website, look at new photos together, listen to the child's message about past events.

In this way , the use of ICT contributes to improving the quality of the educational process.

If we describe the process of informatization of a preschool educational institution formally, then it can be represented as a sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or a whole program of work.

Informatization of preschool education is a process of its development. To evaluate it, it is necessary to determine to what extent the new state of the preschool educational institution differs from its previous state.

Based on the above provisions, we can propose a model based on several assumptions:

1. The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is discrete: educational institutions are, as it were, dragged from one state to another.

2. Informatization of preschool educational institutions is developing unevenly along with educational institutions where this process is just beginning, there is a preschool educational institution where informatization has led to a cherished transformation in the educational process and in the management of preschool educational institutions. It can be assumed that in reality there are all stable (available in today's conditions) states of DOE informatization from the set of possible ones.

3. In the informatization state space, there are groups of states that are close to each other. Preschool educational institutions that are in these states solve the same (or similar) tasks, face similar problems, use similar methods to solve them.

4. The degradation of educational institutions is socially prohibited. In the process of informatization, the DOE may remain in the same state or move to a new one. In the new state, the results of its work should be no worse than in the previous one.

5. When developing an informatization program, the employees of the preschool educational institution strive to change the resources, conditions and rules of behavior of the participants in the process in such a way as to improve their "pedagogical quality" and thereby transfer the preschool educational institution to a new state

The task of informatization of preschool educational institutions is still defined too one-sidedly: the problems of equipping computer equipment and connecting to the Internet remain in the foreground, and the content side of using these tools is not given due attention.

Technical support, of course, is a necessary but not sufficient basis for the informatization process. Informatization of a preschool educational institution can fully form a single information educational space only on the basis of the development of a clear concept that defines priority goals, determines the priority goals of informatization and the means to achieve them, taking into account the specifics of a particular preschool educational institution.

In publications on the informatization of preschool educational institutions, there are at least three main tasks of informatization of preschool educational institutions:

1. increasing the effectiveness of upbringing, education;

2. development of information culture;

3. development of the management of preschool educational institutions using information technology.

At the same time, the first goal suggests that the informatization of the preschool educational institution should lead to more efficient fulfillment of the social educational and educational order.

The second goal involves the development of general skills in the use of information technology, both educators and pupils to improve the efficiency of their activities.

The third goal involves the development of the management of preschool educational institutions in modern conditions; development of information technologies in the professional activities of educators.

The most important goals of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

1. Improving the quality of education;

2. Improvement of scientific and methodological literature;

3. Improving the management of the educational process;

4. Information integration with higher authorities of the external environment

The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is of a phased (multi-level) nature, its goals and objectives are to a large extent determined by the characteristics of a particular stage of implementation. So, at the first stage, the main goal should be to involve all participants in the educational process in the informatization process.

It is advisable to rely on approaches to informatization of educational institutions that have already become widespread, take into account the current situation in the field of informatization of this preschool educational institution, information needs and the degree of psychological readiness for informatization of participants in the educational process.

To date, two main approaches to the informatization of preschool educational institutions have become widespread. The first is the informatization of the preschool educational institution as an enterprise: the preschool educational institution is considered as a multifunctional institution, a significant part of the work of which is built according to the laws of the activities of an ordinary enterprise. In this case, first of all, financial and economic activities are automated: accounting, material and technical accounting, personnel accounting.

This approach does not contribute to the creation of a full-fledged information educational space, and it is applicable only in those institutions where there is a basis for informatization of administrative and economic work (for example, they have their own accounting department).

The basis of another approach is the informatization of the educational process, where the formation of a single information space of preschool educational institutions is carried out through the informatization of pedagogical activity.

The creation of a full-fledged unified information space of a preschool educational institution requires a combination of different approaches to informatization with the obligatory consideration of the specifics of a particular preschool educational institution

The informatization process in the preschool educational institution includes a number of indicators:

1. Willingness and ability of teachers to work effectively in the new information environment and changing organizational conditions (pedagogical ICT - the competence of educators);

2. Changes in the classroom for the co-organization of participants in the educational process (changes in regulations, procedures, work of the preschool educational institution);

3. Changes in the methods and organizational forms of work of children, individual teachers and the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution as a whole (dissemination of ICT methods and organizational forms of educational work)

Directions of informatization of preschool educational institutions

Currently, the following main areas of informatization of preschool educational institutions are being considered:

1. informatization as technical equipment for preschool educational institutions;

2. informatization of preschool educational institutions as the introduction of new information technologies in education and upbringing;

3. informatization of the management activities of the preschool educational institution.

One of the areas of informatization of preschool educational institutions is informatization as the technical equipment of preschool educational institutions.

A few years ago, when the process of informatization was just beginning, it was considered as a process of equipping a preschool educational institution with new information technologies (number of computers, Internet connection, etc.) The presence of technology looks like evidence of the well-being of the preschool educational institution, its administration, teaching staff, pupils .

On the one hand, this is true: without the appearance of a technological infrastructure in an educational institution, it is not necessary to talk about its informatization. However, by themselves, the indicators of technical equipment only indirectly indicate the development of informatization processes. Practice has shown that not always a strong technical base was used in the educational process, but was focused on solving organizational issues, maintaining automated document management.

A significant factor in computerization is the understanding by the heads of institutions, teachers, parents that the computer and the Internet are tools that give an effect only if they fit into the interior of the preschool educational institution as tools. Then the content and organization of the educational process, as well as its results, change.

Modern means of information technology over the past decades have made it possible, real and convenient to collect various types of information about the world. The formation of skills in the use of collection tools and digital collection and digital input of information is already feasible for preschool children and is becoming an important element of primary education.

A preschool child collects digital images of the world around him with the help of a digital camera. Gradually, he acquires ICT skills in obtaining high-quality images in parallel with ICT competence, which is expressed in the exact choice of the subject for shooting, the selection of images in accordance with the given purpose, the choice of names for images and folders where images are stored. The child receives subject competence in the field of literacy and speech development, expressed in the correct spelling of folder names, the ability to build his story from a photograph

Digital microscope - a microscope equipped with a device for converting an image into a digital signal for input to a computer. At the same time, changes in the image can also be recorded in the computer, for example, the movement of microorganisms, the resulting images and video clips can be mounted in a presentation, etc.

The scanner is a necessary digital tool for the educational process. It allows the free use of existing non-digital information sources, including the pictorial works of the children themselves, the pictures they found, etc.

The digital projector is a powerful tool for direct, personal communication in virtually any activity. Even preschoolers can successfully apply it, assemble a sequence of photos or video clips they have created into a presentation, and then tell the audience in a group about what they see on the screen. Of course, the teacher also needs a projector, because. it significantly increases the comfort of the performance for him and enhances the visibility, the emotional component for preschoolers. Interactive whiteboards allow the educator to include on-screen presentation of handwritten notes, notes, etc. right in the course of the performance, highlight the bypass on the screen of individual objects and much more.

The possibility of using printers and copiers in conjunction with a computer is beyond doubt. However, in DOE it has its own specifics. One aspect of this specificity is that many preschools cannot afford unsupervised printing due to the cost of materials. Another aspect is that DOEs need not only the most common, but also less standard printers. Color also turns out to be not a luxury, but a means of learning and self-expression.

A necessary condition for the implementation of all of these areas is to provide an appropriate material and technical base:

1. Installation and maintenance of computer equipment and software in classrooms and groups;

2. Providing technical conditions for Internet access

The next direction, which is envisaged by the informatization of the preschool educational institution, is the use of ICT in management activities. It is known that if the leader is interested in the application of modern educational technologies, then they will be used in preschool educational institutions.

The areas of informatization of the management of preschool educational institutions are quite diverse:

1. Passport of the educational institution (general information about the educational institution, material, technical and methodological support, the formation of a report of the preschool educational institution, etc.);

2. Personnel (management of personal files, accounting for the movement of employees, the introduction of a book of orders for personnel, billing);

3. Pupils and their parents (management of personal files, attendance records, control of upbringing and training, psychological and pedagogical support, etc.);

4. Schedule of classes (automated compilation of options for the schedule of classes with the possibility of choosing the optimal one);

5. Library (accounting for the library fund and its relevance, maintaining electronic catalogs for the library);

6. Medical office (introduction of children's medical records, medical support);

7. Accounting (accounting for financial documents, introduction of financial, economic and statistical reporting)

One of the most basic areas of informatization of the preschool educational institution is the change in the forms and methods of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

The use of modern information as teaching tools and management of the educational process shows the deficiencies of traditional school practices. The computer takes over the functions of accepting information, copying it, storing playback, as well as solving problems according to the once described algorithm, leaving the choice of goals, analytics, design, and the tasks of organizing social conditions for obtaining and using the results obtained to a person.

Information management and management based on its qualified use becomes relevant for the administration of preschool educational institutions, teachers and children. Understanding the meaning of activity, conscious search for information, setting goals and objectives, organizing contacts, business process, calculating opportunities and risks - these are the conditions for the development of a preschool educational institution and, at the same time, an expression of the quality of modern education.

The use of microelectronics for automatic collection, transformation, storage, search and transmission of information of any kind over a distance becomes a necessary part of people's culture, a condition for socialization and quality of life. Information and communication tools provide new opportunities for the accumulation and transmission of relevant methodological information.

The conditions for the creation, maintenance and development of integrated virtual educational facilities, each segment of which is provided with resources, the combined interests of teachers, methodologists, scientists, authors of project ideas and external students working in different teams, appear in the educational authorities and in the preschool educational institution.

Therefore, already now there is a need to organize the learning process based on modern information and communication technologies, where electronic means are increasingly used as sources of information.

An effective mechanism for increasing the availability of quality education is the introduction of modern information educational technologies, including the use of the latest electronic educational resources.

Information educational technologies are all technologies in the field of education that use special technical information tools (computer, audio, film, video) to achieve pedagogical goals.

Increasing the availability of quality education can help, not least new pedagogical and, also, information technologies. It is impossible to separate one from the other, since only the widespread introduction of new pedagogical technologies will make it possible to change the very paradigm of education, and only new information technologies will make it possible to most effectively realize the opportunities inherent in new pedagogical technologies.

In recent years, joint work has been carried out on informatization and computerization of preschool educational institutions. Federal educational portals have been created, most preschool educational institutions are equipped with computers. Many educational institutions have access to the Internet. More and more teachers are mastering the skills of a computer and Internet user, taking courses on the use of new information technologies in the educational process and educational activities

Informatization of education is the process of providing the education sector with methodology and practice for the development and optimal use of modern information technologies focused on the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education. An even higher level of human information culture is represented by information competence - computer literacy and the ability to search for information, use and evaluate information, mastery of computer communications technologies, the ability to master and use the capabilities of information technologies to solve problems.

The change in the requirements for the quality of education and upbringing, due to ongoing socio-economic processes, and the globalization of the informatization process predetermines the need not only to revise and update the content of education, but to develop new pedagogical technologies that ensure the formation and increase of the level of competence, key competencies, declared by the education development strategy as a new type of educational result.

The main directions of the use of new information technologies in the educational process are:

1. The direction that is used to present new material. In this direction, demo-encyclopedic programs, computer presentations can be used;

3. Direction when fixing the material presented. This is the use of a variety of training programs and laboratory work;

4. The direction used for control and verification. These include assessment testing and monitoring programs.

The use of ICT to improve the efficiency of preschool educational institutions

Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. It is focused on creating optimal conditions for the use of information resources and technologies in the course of interaction between the subjects of pedagogical activity.

Informatization of the management of a preschool educational institution leads to the intensification of management, providing better interaction between the environment, the control and managed subsystems based on ICT, and, as a result, contributes to the optimization of the functioning of the pedagogical system, the development of its potential and the possibility of implementing a social order.

Informatization of preschool educational institutions is carried out in several directions: pedagogical and organizational, the first of which contributes to improving the efficiency of the educational process, and the second - the modernization of management through the use of ICT.

The essence of the informatization of the management of the preschool educational institution is the process of information support for management activities based on the use of modern computer technology and communications in order to optimize the functioning of the pedagogical system, develop its potential and expand the possibilities for implementing the social order. The activities of the preschool educational institution directly depend on the extent to which the head, his deputies, specialists and teachers have information, how quickly they can process the information and bring it to the attention of the participants in the educational process

The use of information and communication technologies makes it possible to raise the quality and culture of management activities by an order of magnitude, to create reserves for working in the development mode.

The introduction of ICT in the management of preschool educational institutions allows you to increase such indicators as:

1. saving labor cost and time;

2. awareness of the state of the managed system;

3. efficiency in making managerial decisions;

5. optimization and automation of information processes;

6. intellectual potential of the team.

A distinctive feature of the modern education system is a sharp increase in direct and reverse flows of information along the entire vertical of control. The traditional forms of working with information are being replaced by computer technologies for managerial purposes. Storing, processing, receiving, transmitting, analyzing information, reducing paper flow through computer networks provides an opportunity to speed up the process of management activities and, in general, increase its efficiency. The experience of MBOU "Kindergarten-School No. informatization in management activities.

The administration of the preschool educational institution, specialists own a computer and have it for personal use. Office work is organized on the basis of the use of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. The Excel spreadsheet processor makes it easy to process data, quickly perform complex calculations and visualize them in the form of tables.

For more efficient interaction in the institution, a local network has been partially created, which makes it possible to speed up the work with information.

DOW has access to the Internet, its own website and e-mail box. Using e-mail allows you to quickly receive information from various institutions and organizations and promptly send it to them, which saves time. Placing important information on the website of the preschool educational institution allows you to bring it to the attention of the parents of pupils in a timely manner.

The creation of a website in the preschool educational institution brought the organization of interaction between the administration of the institution, teachers and parents of the preschool educational institution to a higher quality level. We have an open space for the dialogue of teachers and parents with the public and society, and information characterizing the activities of preschool educational institutions has become available to a wide range of users.

Thus, the introduction of information technology into the management process of preschool educational institutions, including the educational process, undoubtedly leads to an increase in the quality and efficiency of managerial decisions and the transition to more efficient forms of work.

Preventive and educational activities of specialists of preschool educational institutions in work with parents

Accompanying a child in a preschool educational institution is a multilateral process that includes the interaction and work of all specialists in different areas. The most important activities of specialists are the prevention of various disorders in the health and development of children, as well as the education of adults on the issues of accompanying a child in the process of upbringing and development.

The main purpose of education is to acquaint parents with the basic patterns and conditions for the favorable mental development of the child, to popularize and explain the results of research, to form the need for knowledge and the desire to use it in the upbringing of the child or in the interests of developing one's own personality.

Prevention is a type of activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the health of children at all stages of preschool childhood.

New modern opportunities help specialists in working with parents and teachers (Table 1).

Table 1

The use of ICT in the interaction of specialists of preschool educational institutions and parents in the framework of preventive and educational areas


Main tasks

Used ICT

Educational psychologist

Informing parents about the standards of age development and individual characteristics of the child;

Making visual consultations, booklets, business cards;

Preparation of questionnaires and other diagnostic forms for parents

Design of "parental corners" and information stands;

Placing information on the DOE website

The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic in nature

Communication with parents via email

Use of books, manuals, magazines in electronic form

Using multimedia presentations in group events

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with the periodicals of other teachers of Russia

Acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays, leisure and other


Selection of musical material for classes, matinees, entertainment, recording phonograms

Informing parents about the features of age crises;

Prevention of violations of parent-child relationships;

Prevention of maladjustment of children when entering kindergarten or when moving from one age group to another;

Informing parents about the content and components of psychological readiness for school;

Prevention of school maladaptation;

Informing parents about ways to correct emotional and personality disorders in children;

Informing parents about ways to improve communication skills in children;

Improving the communicative competence of parents

Teacher speech therapist

Informing parents about age standards for speech development;

Informing parents about the types of speech disorders;

Teaching game techniques for speech development

Convincing parents of the need to consolidate the result obtained from the work of a speech therapist with a child at home

Defectologist teacher

Prevention of violations of the intellectual development of children

Informing parents about the standards of age development of preschool children

Teaching parents to play techniques for the development of the child (basic mental processes; general and fine motor skills)

Development of auditory perception

Development of sensory abilities

Physical education instructor

Informing parents about physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions, its results and ways to improve

Informing parents about the features of the physical development of children, their motor preferences, the results of their motor activity

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Conducting parent-child sports events

Musical director

Involving parents in the process of musical education of children

Informing parents about the development of musical abilities in children

Informing parents about the directions of musical education

Assistance in identifying gifted children (who have dancing, singing and (or) theatrical abilities)

Informing about the organization of children's leisure

Based on the results of the interaction of specialists with parents, the most pressing issues about the development and upbringing of children are identified (Table 2). The development of consultations by specialists on the website of the kindergarten is focused primarily on the request of parents.

Regular informing consumers and the public about the activities of organizing additional educational services through their own website contributed to an increase in parental demand, thereby expanding the scope of additional educational services, as well as the number of children attending circles and sections (Table 2).

table 2

A quantitative analysis of the dynamics of parents' requests to preschool specialists for 3 academic years (from 2010 to 2013) allows us to draw the following conclusions: the number of parents' requests has increased, which is associated, in particular, with the regular use of ICT in work, in particular with the creation of a kindergarten website (table 3).

Table 3

The use of ICT in sports and health work

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", human health is attributed to the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. An important condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of children is the comprehensive attention to it by teachers, parents, instructors in physical education, and medical personnel.

Activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children:

1. Life safety of children in preschool

1.1 Creation of a health-saving infrastructure of a preschool educational institution that meets

SanPiN requirements, including:

– rational organization of the educational process;

– optimal organization of physical culture and health-improving work;

- organization of high-quality food and medical support.

1.2 Fulfillment of instructions for protecting the life and health of children

1.3 Classes on life safety and healthy lifestyle

2. Improving and preventive measures:

2.1 Morning, breathing, visual, corrective gymnastics, invigorating, gymnastics after sleep;

2.2 Self-massage, acupressure;

2.3 Physical education;

2.4 Physical minutes;

2.5 Outdoor games and exercises for a walk;

2.6 Health running;

2.7 Hardening;

2.8 Use of phytoncides (onion, garlic);

2.9 Air humidification;

2.10 Use of bactericidal lamps, Chizhevsky's lamp;

2.11 Rational nutrition.

3. Additional activities:

3.1 General physical training section "Fortress"

3.2 Choreographic circle "Swans"

3.3 Sports dance circle "Fitness dance".

4. Working with family:

4.1 Education of parents on healthy lifestyles and

use of elements of physical culture at home;

4.2 Joint holidays, entertainment, hiking, excursions.

Advantages of using information and communication technologies in the process of physical culture and health work:

1. ICT make the process of physical education more modern, diverse, rich;

2. have a complex effect on different channels of perception, on different types of memory, provide handling of large amounts of information;

3. provide visibility, beauty, aesthetics of the design of sports and recreational activities;

4. make the process of physical education more attractive to children, increase interest in sports activities;

5. contribute to the adaptation of the child in the modern information

space and the formation of information culture;

6. are used in various forms of sports and recreational activities and are combined with various information sources and pedagogical technologies;

7. allow to carry out the system of diagnostics and monitoring of physical culture and health-improving work more qualitatively;

8. improve the quality of pedagogical work.

Mastering office programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint opens up the possibility of preparing didactic materials, presentations, portfolios, questionnaires and consultations for parents, maintaining databases, automating work on the analysis of physical education.

The main directions of using ICT in sports and health work are shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Directions of physical culture and health improvement work

Use of ICT

Work with children

The use of Internet resources for the selection of video, audio and text information

Working with teachers

Pedagogical advice, seminars, consultations using videos, presentations, multimedia equipment

Working with parents

Counseling and education on the DOW website.

Parent meetings, conferences, consultations, conversations using presentations, videos, photos

Organizational and methodological activities

Electronic planning:

Educational process in physical culture;

Physical-improving and sports-mass events;

Individual work with children;

Events with preschool teachers and parents;

Diagnosis of physical fitness of preschoolers: drawing up tables, diagrams, graphs and diagrams


Results of diagnostics of children's physical readiness;

The results of the physical culture and mass work of the preschool educational institution;

Methodological materials that contribute to the education of preschoolers in the field of physical culture;

In professional activities, a physical education instructor can use: office programs, the Internet, electronic publications of an educational direction.

Modern computer equipment acts as a means of organizing and equipping sports and recreation work in preschool educational institutions:

1. as a means for creating information and methodological materials and documents (plans, abstracts, methodological developments);

2. as a means of providing visibility (presentations, videos, videos and other demonstration forms);

3. as a means of information retrieval (text, video and audio);

4. as a means of processing information (photos and video images, textual, statistical information for portfolios, processing questionnaires, building diagrams, graphs in the study of the dynamics of certain processes in physical activity);

5. as a means of storing information (databases, methodological developments and collections, photo and video archives, electronic storages);

6. as a means of communication (website, e-mail, forums, chats).

The use of Internet resources allows not only to find the necessary information, but also to be an active member of the network community, to organize work with parents.

Conclusion by chapter

ICT in preschool educational institutions can be used in the following activities:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation);

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes;

3. Acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other events;

4. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments and ideas of other teachers in Russia and other countries;

5. Maintenance of the DOW website;

6. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer allows you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and then only make the necessary changes;

7. Creation of presentations in the PowerPoint program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children;

8. Using presentations created in the PowerPoint program to improve the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings;

9. The use of digital cameras and photo editing programs that allow you to manage pictures as easy as taking pictures, easily find the ones you need, edit and show them;

10. Using a video camera and related programs (a fundamentally new way to view, store and share all video material, you can quickly create simple movies by adding titles, scene transitions, background music or voiceovers to videos);

11. Design of booklets, visiting cards of the institution, materials on various activities;

12. Use of email


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22. Kolodinskaya, V.I. Informatics and information technologies for preschool children / V.I. Kolodinskaya - M., 2008.

23. Kravtsov, S.S. Computer game programs as a means of stabilizing the emotional state of preschool children / S. S. Kravtsov, L. A. Yagodina // Informatics. - 2006. - No. 12.

24. Krapivenko, A.V. Multimedia technologies and perception of sensations / A.V. Krapivenko - M., 2009.

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28. Henner, E.K. Formation of ICT-competence of students and teachers in the system of continuous education / E.K. Henner - M., 2008.

29. Osadchuk, E.V. Competitiveness on the Internet: how to make your project successful / E.V. Osadchuk - M., 2008.

Scientific and technological progress at the present stage of development of society has reached incredible heights. Technologies that a few decades ago were perceived as science fiction have become everyday reality. If at the beginning of the 21st century computerization concerned enterprises, government agencies, etc., now it is hardly possible to find a family in which there is no computer, laptop or tablet, and a mobile phone has simply become a necessity.

Modern information technologies that surround a child from birth organically fit into everyday life. Children learn to use gadgets very quickly, and this makes it possible to use new technologies in teaching children, starting from kindergarten.

Educational programs of preschool educational institutions (DOE) widely use the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies (ICT).

The use of ICT in preschool educational institutions according to GEF makes high demands on the modern teacher in preschool institutions. Now it is no longer enough just to love children in order to successfully work in a kindergarten. Preschool education is a full-fledged link in the educational process, where training takes place using modern information technologies, and imposes new requirements on the professional training of teachers.

To work in kindergartens, it is necessary to train preschool teachers who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies. To do this, they themselves must know the computer well, be able to use multimedia equipment, and create their own educational programs.

We invite you to take distance learning at the School of Education Manager (school.menobr.ru) under the program "ICT in the work of an educator". The course will teach teachers to build an educational process using modern information technologies (electronic boards, Internet resources, etc.). You can see what is taught in the course.

ICT in kindergarten gives the teacher the opportunity to diversify classes with children, increase their effectiveness, make them attractive to children, combining gaming and learning moments.

The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions opens wide opportunities for teachers of preschool institutions to introduce new methods of work into practice, introduces innovative ideas of the educational process.

Directions for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of preschool educational institutions

Information and communication technologies have firmly entered into various areas of activity of preschool institutions, these are:

  1. organization of the educational process
  2. interaction between teacher and parents
  3. organization of methodical work with teaching staff.

Organization of educational and educational process in dow using ICT

Usage ICT in the educational process makes it possible to make classes in kindergarten the most attractive for the child. Classes with children of preschool age have their own characteristics. Children aged 5-7 are inquisitive, so the use of ICT causes them interest and a storm of positive emotions. Children willingly learn to use PCs, interactive whiteboards, tablets. While playing, they gradually move on to familiarity with tutorials.

Properly selected video materials help preschool teachers to arouse interest in learning in children, develop the attention and perseverance of preschoolers. The process of learning in preschool is very important for the subsequent adaptation of children in school. Kindergarten graduates come to the first grade prepared for self-study. The so-called domestic children, i.e. those children who for some reason did not attend preschool educational institutions, experience difficulties with socialization.

The use of information technology when working with children dictates its own rules:

  • teachers in preschool educational institutions must be able to work with office equipment
  • comply with sanitary standards and rules for the use of computers by preschoolers

Summarizing all of the above, it must be emphasized that at present one of the most important tasks facing preschool institutions is to improve the computer literacy of the members of the teaching staff.

The use of information and communication technologies for the interaction of a teacher of preschool education and parents

Information and communication technologies are a new, but already well-established tool in establishing productive cooperation between a teacher of a children's institution and parents.

Modern parents use social services a lot and willingly. networks, various mobile applications in smartphones, e-mail, etc.

It is often easier and faster to resolve any issue with the child's parents via the Internet than to wait for a personal meeting with him. The reality is that the busyness of parents leads to the fact that the child is taken from the kindergarten by a nanny, grandmother or older children, depending on the capabilities and status of the family.

Pre-school institutions that actively use information technologies for dialogue with the children's parents become the winners.

These can be the following tools:

  • E-mail, which allows online exchange of large amounts of information, it can be legislative materials on preschool education. From the side of the parents, private information may come that is not intended for wide publicity, for example, information about the state of the child's health or the situation at home, etc.
  • creating groups in social networks. Parents actively use such groups to exchange photo and video materials from matinees, share links to relevant articles, etc. It is important for the educator to study the information presented there in order to understand the general mood of the parent community, their wishes and opinions on the development of the educational process.
  • Viber or Whatsapp mobile applications are a great opportunity to quickly contact the child's parents in any emergency.

Get a standard diploma

To learn more about the legal regulation of the educational activities of a preschool educational institution, the development of the main educational program for preschool education and receive methodological recommendations from experts, the curriculum "Organization and quality control of educational activities in a preschool educational institution" will help

This is not a complete list of the possibilities of information and communication technologies when working with parents of preschoolers, but even a study of the presented list speaks of the importance of developing ICT in the preschool system.

Organization of methodical work with the help of information and communication technologies

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool institutions opens up new prospects for the development and implementation of methodological developments and the implementation of innovative ideas, allows you to take into account the experience of your colleagues in the shop.

In their work, preschool teachers use information portals on the Internet dedicated to the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Based on the information obtained from these sources, dow teachers create their own presentations of classes, share experiences and study the achievements of other teachers.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use ICT in the work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. Distribution of methodological materials via the Internet, collection of statistical data, their storage and processing in electronic form, allows the head teacher of the children's institution to control and timely correct the work of the entire teaching staff.

Acquaintance through the Internet with scenarios of holidays and other events in preschool organizations in other cities can significantly expand the scope of the materials studied.

Modern technologies for creating presentations in the Power Point program improve the quality of educational classes, the use of digital photographic equipment and Photoshop programs allow you to create original pictures, easily edit and demonstrate them.

The use of a video camera allows for a qualitative and comprehensive analysis of activities carried out in preschool institutions. This form of work is very important for the transfer of experience to young teachers who have just entered the profession.

A modern library of methodological literature is turning into a media library, and information on electronic media is much more convenient to store and use.

Preschool education today is unthinkable without the use of information and communication technologies. Federal state educational standards (fgos) directly pointing to the succession of all types of education in modern Russia, they name the main requirements for the implementation educational programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical conditions.

In other words, teachers of preschool educational institutions should be trained in accordance with the requirements of the modern educational process, know and be able to put into practice the knowledge of information and communication technologies. Federal and regional authorities must, in accordance with the law, fully finance programs for providing preschool educational institutions with material and technical means for the development of information and communication technologies.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now an integral part of modern preschool education.

The use of ICT is one of the priorities of education. According to the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the introduction of innovative technologies is intended, first of all, to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, and accelerate the process of mastering knowledge. One of the innovative areas is computer and multimedia technologies. The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education is becoming more and more relevant, as it allows using multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, game form, to develop the logical thinking of children, to strengthen the creative component of the educational process.

In this regard, we are faced with the problem of insufficient knowledge of information and communication technologies by teachers and the ability to apply these technologies in the educational process. This condition is one of the main requirements for staffing, which is regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Where can ICT help a modern educator in their work?

The main forms of using ICT in my practice are:

  • preparation of group documentation (lists of children, developmental diagnostics, planning, program monitoring, reporting).
  • selection of cognitive and illustrative material for classes, for joint educational activities, design of stands, groups
  • creating presentations in the Microsoft Power Point program in various educational areas. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, pedagogical councils, parent meetings. She was the prize-winner and winner of the correspondence municipal competition "My best presentation" in the nomination "Preschool education". In addition to presentations, I use training programs.

There are a lot of online communities that allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share pedagogical experience in preparing and holding events, using various methods and technologies.

Modern life requires the teacher to regularly improve their skills. Distance advanced training courses allow you to choose the direction of interest to the teacher and study without interrupting the main educational activity.

An important aspect of the teacher's work is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem, both of the teacher and pupils. Face-to-face participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. Remote participation is open to everyone. Some teachers of our preschool educational institution not only took part in such competitions, but were also winners. Last academic year, she participated in two such competitions: the republican environmental competition "Hamster-2016" and the festival of folk culture "Red Dress". Where the Batuev family became diploma winners of the 1st degree in the nomination "Our Friendly Family"

Diplomas and certificates of such competitions replenish the teacher's portfolio.

Various competitions are often held in kindergarten. using the Photoshop program for the award, she issued diplomas and certificates. Also on the first floor, I designed a stand "Additional Education"

One of the criteria for evaluating the professional activity of a teacher, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, is a high degree of activity and involvement of parents in the educational process and the life of a kindergarten.

An important role in this direction is also played by the use of interactive technologies.

How can ICT optimize the work of preschool educational institutions with the parents of pupils?

Each preschool institution has an official website, which gives parents the opportunity to quickly obtain information about the life of the preschool educational institution. This is very important, since now parents are in a hurry and do not always have time to read the information posted in the corner for parents. And at home, together with the child, it is interesting to look at the website of the kindergarten, see new photos, learn about past events, keep abreast of the events of the group and the kindergarten as a whole.

Also on our website you can read the newspaper for parents "We are together" (For the past 4 years I have been the editor of this newspaper. The newspaper is published in Microsoft Office Publisher format.) As a result, parents listen more carefully to the advice of teachers, participate more actively in group projects and activities.

I also created a closed community in contact for the parents of my group "Vasilek". Where parents can see photos, videos from the life of the group. Read advice

Parents and educators use digital photo and video equipment and their editing programs And at graduation balls, viewing a prepared multimedia presentation from old photographs resonates in the hearts of both children and adults.

When there is a video of our children's performances at competitions, at various events, simple moments of everyday life, then watching them is of great interest to children and parents.

The main directions of ICT in work with children

These are various computer games - "toys" : entertaining, educational, developing, diagnostic, network games

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules. A typical session lasts 20 to 30 minutes. In this case, the use of the screen should be no more than 7-10 minutes. After finishing work at the computer, in order to prevent visual impairment and relieve eye strain, it is necessary to perform simple exercises for the eyes.

In conclusion, I want to note that the use of ICT leads to a number of positive effects:

  1. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material. Even hyperactive children, whose attention is quite difficult to keep for a long time, receive the information presented on the screen with great interest.
  2. Provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor;
  3. Slideshow and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of the planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it is raining;
  4. You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life. (for example, reproduction of sounds of nature; operation of transport, etc.);
  5. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents;
  6. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

The use of information technology in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

I want to wish that the computer becomes the best assistant for you when working with children and parents.

2022 gtavrl.ru.