Game layouts. From work experience “Using game layouts in kindergarten and at home Game layout

Accepted: Approved:

Pedagogical Council Head__________ Nikitina R.N.

Protocol No.______ dated _________

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Keskil" village of Tuora-Kyuel MR "Tattinsky ulus" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)"


“Layout, as one of the elements of the subject-spatial environment

in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard "DO"

Educator: Gulyaeva O. N.



In accordance with the scientific concept of preschool education as a stage of the general education system, ed. IN AND. Slobodchikova before preschool educational institutions teachers have identified guidelines for methodological search in two directions: improving the technologies of the educational process, on the one hand, and implementing partnership interaction with the child in a comprehensive thematic model of organizing the educational process, on the other hand.

In the practice of mastering a complex thematic model, in our opinion, the technology of prototyping in the play and cognitive activities of preschool children deserves attention. From N. Korotkova’s point of view, the layout is not only a central element that organizes the subject environment for playing with small toys, but also a connecting link between different forms of adult-children’s and free children’s activity (reading literary texts, productive activities, story-based games). Thus, layout should take its rightful place among the technologies for implementing the content of the thematic complex and in its subject-game environment.

In the works of various researchers, model games with small toys are given the role of one of the forms of story play.

J. Piaget draws attention to the fact that “...through small material, imaginary worlds are created, captured by the single gaze of the creator – the child.”

According to the theory of N.Ya. Mikhailenko, what unites all forms of play is the focus of older preschoolers on modeling the world through sequences of plot events that recreate holistic life-semantic contexts. The developmental environment for the play of older preschoolers includes two main factors: this is, first of all, an adult playing with children - a partner who sets examples of plot combination (plot formation), as a more complex way of building a game, and the subject environment itself, which activates and promotes children's play outside the adult actually involved in it.

By the age of 5, having mastered conventional action with objects and role-playing behavior, the child moves to the next stage of play - he can build many game “worlds”, embodying them in object form (in the form of original layouts), inventing and combining various plot events. This stage of game development can be called the stage of plot development.

Games on a model basis already in middle preschool age contribute to the fact that creative director's play, as one of the forms of plot-based play, takes its rightful place in the lives of older preschoolers.

Playing with models is a higher level of development of role-playing games; it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. By organizing an object-based play environment using layouts in the senior group, the teacher has the opportunity to solve problems related to the development of plotting in children.

In order for a game on a model basis to develop in the educational process of a preschool institution, as an element of a subject-environmental model, it is necessary to improve the methodology for its implementation in the content of any thematic complex.


An important goal of using a model in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is to ensure that creative director’s play, as one of the forms of plot-based play, takes its rightful place in the lives of older preschoolers.

Goals of methodological development:

    Creating conditions for children to play on a model basis, as one of the universal means of enriching the subculture of a preschooler.

    Formation in games - models of the symbolic function of the child’s consciousness, development of his cognitive and communicative activity.

Project objectives:

1. To study new approaches in organizing a developing subject-spatial environment that ensures the full development of preschool children

2. Organize a developmental environment that promotes full development

children, taking into account their needs and interests;

3. Create conditions for providing different types of activities for preschoolers

(game, motor, intellectual, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical)

4. Promote cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable developmental subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions.

5. Provide a variety of layout bases for the child’s free choice in a subject-development environment; objects-markers of space and objects thematically defined, indefinite and polysemantic.

6 Ensure variable playing out of the layout together with an adult in the style of partnership interaction and for free children’s activity.

Expected Result:

1. Equipment has been selected to create a variety of mock-up bases.

2.100% of children are involved in the process of playing out the models.

3. 50% of children in the middle group have developed plotting skills.

Classification of layouts (brief description).

According to N.A. Korotkova, layouts are conventionally divided into two types of models and maps:

Layout models are smaller, integral objects that direct the child’s imagination mainly to events occurring “inside” these objects; ("Dollhouse").

Layout maps display a certain territory, direct the child to unfold plot events “outside”, around the objects that make up this territory (“City streets”, landscape layout - a generalized “natural” space). “Universal” layouts serve as the basis for organizing story-based play for preschoolers with small toys.

At the same time, game objects in the layout can set the theme of the plot to varying degrees. In this regard, they can be divided into thematically definednew(for example, a fireman figurine and a fire truck), themed polysemantic(for example, a figurine of a man and a platform on wheels that can become any vehicle) and thematically uncertain items (usually referred to as polyfunctional material, for example, a carved wooden block, which in a child’s imagination can become an animal, a building, or a fountain).

Layout models They represent a small plane with a stable structure-building attached to it, which has a façade part and the interior of this building given in a vertical section. A “doll house” is a room with pieces of furniture (a table, a pair of chairs, a bed, a sofa).

Layout cards- these are planes (at least 50x60 cm) with a plan - diagram and objects - Marspace kerami. On the “City Streets” layout, roads and building sites are highlighted in color. The territory is supplemented with objects (houses, garage, gas station, bridge, overpass).
Landscape layout map- this is a plane with the color and relief of a natural area (forest, river bed, hills, ravines) indicated. The territory is supplemented by small markersspace(trees, fence, hut, mill).

"Universal" layout- this is just a sign that “guides” children to a possible imaginary situation, uniting participants in a joint game, outlining the boundaries of the play space within which the “assembly” of game plans is carried out in a common plot movement.

Universal techniques for working with a layout:

    Enriching children's ideas in the process preliminary work on a given topic: looking at illustrations, visiting a local history museum, conducting excursions, using ICT.

    Making new items for a model in joint productive activities with an adult (from any material)

    Examination with children of the model base and material for the model game (familiar and updated).

    Playing together with children (demonstration of playing techniques; involving the child in actions with the model; giving the child initiative).

Universal techniques for working with a layout.

We build the educational process with children according to a comprehensive thematic principle. It is easy to introduce regional and cultural components into the content of work with the layout. When organizing the educational process, we try to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives. The educational process is based on the integration of content.

In my work, I use layouts to “immerse” children in a lexical topic. I use layouts to familiarize children with the world around them.

Children become familiar with the object gradually. We read works of fiction to children on the topic being studied, look at illustrations, visit a local history museum, and conduct excursions. The period of making a model has intrinsic value and is a learning process in itself. When making models, children describe an object or phenomenon, compare, reason, ask a lot of questions, and expand their vocabulary.

Layout– the result of constructive and creative activity and a very attractive playing space. Based on ready-made models, we conduct conversations, compose stories for children, and directing games. At all stages of work, children consolidate their impressions in productive activities. In our group I have created desktop layouts on the topic:

    "World of Insects"

    "Undersea world",


    "Dinosaur World"

    "Wild animals in the taiga"



    "Fire Corner"



It should be noted that all objects are not attached to the layouts; children can move them freely across the entire surface of the layout. All presented models are used by children in independent activities.

The layout is not only the central element that organizes the object environment for playing with small toys, but also the connecting link of various types of joint activities between adults and children and free children's activities.

Providing activities that are attractive to the child, the layout also makes life easier for parents: on the one hand, the child is captivated by the game and does not experience boredom, on the other hand, the layout is a good hint for an adult to join the children’s game as a partner, a reason to enrich the child’s plans, for meaningful communication with him. It is the game layout that can captivate an adult, return him to some point in childhood, and make him a sincere, emotional partner of the child.

Layouts - models, are reduced integral objects that direct the child’s imagination to the events occurring inside these objects.

Layouts are maps that display a certain territory and guide the development of plot events taking place outside, around this territory.

The advantage of the play layout is that, being the core of the play corner, it collects a variety of scattered toys, allows you to get by with a small number of them, directing the child to adapt the materials to suit his plans. The game layout develops the child, relieves him of boredom and provides support for adults to collaborate with children.

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions, realizing the child’s right to accessible, quality education. A skillfully created subject-based developmental environment promotes the development of independence in children.

Proper equipment of various zones and centers of activity (play, cognitive-research, productive, motor) promotes intellectual creativity, physical and mental development of preschool children.

The created aesthetic environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and promotes the intellectual development of preschool children


1.N.Ya.Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova. How to play with a child. M.: Academic project, 2001.

2.N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova. Organization of a story game in kindergarten. M.: “Gnome and D”, 1997

3.N.A. Korotkova. Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2007.

Create a new document (Ctrl+N) with a size of 1200x1340px and a black (#000000) background. Download the background for the site and copy it into a document. Position it so that the solar flare is in the upper right corner. Add a layer mask to the background, and fill the layer with a linear gradient from bottom to top, you should get something similar to the image below.

Step 2: Create a logo

Take the Rounded Rectangle Tool with a radius of 10px (this will be the default radius) and create a 360x105px rectangle.

Add the following styles to the rectangle: Blending Options(overlay mode), Drop Shadow(Shadow), Stroke(Stroke).

You should end up with something like this:

Inside the rectangle, add the site name and slogan using the tool Text(Type Tool). (Write the site name in Virgo 01 font)

Styles for the first word in the site title: Drop Shadow(Shadow), Gradient Overlay(Gradient overlay).

Styles for the second word: Drop Shadow(Shadow), Gradient Overlay(Gradient overlay).

You'll end up with something like this:

Step 3: Create navigation.

Select a tool Rectangle with rounded corners(Rounded Rectangle Tool) and draw a rectangle under the logo.

Add the following styles to the layer: Blending Options(overlay mode), Drop Shadow(Shadow), Inner Shadow(Inner shadow), Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay), Stroke(Stroke).

You should end up with something like this:

Now, you will need to create a pattern. Create a new document (Ctrl+N) 9x9px, select the tool Magnifier(Zoom Tool) and zoom in on the document as much as possible. Take the tool Pencil(Pencil Tool) and draw the same as in the picture below.

After that go to Editing > Define Pattern(Edit > Define Pattern), save your pattern and return to the template. Load a selection for the navigation layer.

To load a selection, hold down the Ctrl button and left-click on the layer icon in the Layers panel. Now take the tool Fill(Fill Tool) and select your pattern from the list of patterns.

On a new layer, fill the selection and set Opacity(Opacity) by approximately 7%.

Take the tool Text(Type Tool) and add your menu items.

Create an orange (#d88503) rectangle using the Rectangle with rounded corners(Rounded Rectangle Tool), and place it under the text navigation layer.

Select a tool Oval selection area(Elliptical Marquee Tool) and create a small oval on the right side of the navigation. Fill the oval with white (#FFFFFF) color and add a Gaussian blur. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur), Radius - 5px.

Add style External glow(Outer Glow) using the settings below: Outer Glow (External shadow).

It should look something like this:

Step 4: Create a content area.

Select a tool Rectangle with rounded corners(Rounded Rectangle Tool) and create 3 rectangles.

For each rectangle, add the following layer styles: Blending Options(overlay mode), Drop Shadow(Shadow), Inner Shadow(Inner shadow), Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay), Stroke(Stroke).

You'll end up with something similar to this:

Select the layer with the glowing oval and duplicate it (Ctrl+J). Move it to the top right corner of the first rectangle.

After the large image, add 3 small ones. The first image should be a smaller version of the larger image.

Now add a description for each picture. And add separators between slides using hyphens (--).

Now let's add a description for the large image. To do this, take a tool Rectangular marquee(Rectangular Marquee Tool) and create a rectangular selection. Fill the selection with black (#000000) and set it to Opacity(Opacity) by 75%.

Inside the resulting rectangle, add your description.

Step 6. Block with random news.

Inside the second block I decided to add a slider with random content. The slider consists of 3 large images.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 411", Perm

Best Gaming Layout

Prepared by teacher E. S. Perevalova.

Explanatory note

Along with traditional methods for the intellectual development of children, various innovative pedagogical technologies are used in the preschool institution. In our preschool institution, a feature of the implementation of the variable part of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the socio-cultural, demographic, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out, one of the directions is Social and personal development. Educational area Socialization. One of the tasks in the implementation of social and personal development is the organization of a subject-development environment that stimulates the play activity of children. One of the promising ways of development is prototyping. Its use opens up a number of additional opportunities for working with children. In the life of preschoolers, a new form of story play - director's play - with small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or several roles, occupies a large place.

Game layout: “Winter in the countryside”

Working to enrich a child’s life experience- conversations about animals using illustrations about the zoo,
- viewing the album “Wild Animals”,
- making and guessing riddles about animals,
- reading fiction about animals,
- depiction of animals with stencils, in art. activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué), - watching an educational video “For kids about animals” :

Purpose: training in game modeling. The game layout can be used to develop fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, and spatial orientation. Allows you to change it depending on the time of year, on educational situations, on the interests of children and their capabilities due to the presence of removable elements. All elements meet the requirements to ensure reliability and safety of their use. The benefit is permanently and openly available to children.

Target: consolidation of ideas about domestic animals.


Educational: consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and birds, continue to acquaint children with their habits, activate children’s speech;

Educational: develop imagination; the ability to use layouts, a playing field, and sets of animals and birds in the game;

Educational: instill skills in caring for and caring for animals and birds.

The layout includes: Items - figurines: sets of animal figurines.

Game space markers: pens, fences, trees, a dog house, a feeding trough, drinking bowls, figurines of domestic animals, Napalchikov theater figurines: grandparents, additionally a “Room” model, a “Building a house” construction set.

Game library: Examples of game situations using the game guide “House in the Village”: “We will plant a vegetable garden”; “Who lives in the house?”; "Let's feed the pets"; “What grows in the garden?”; “Where is the cockerel hiding?”; “Who loves what”; “Building a fence for pets”; “We are building a house, a big house...”; “Petya, Petya, cockerel...” Memorizing poems, nursery rhymes: “How vegetables grow!” and “Gathering the harvest.”

Game layout: "Zoo"

Purpose: Using the layout, you can train, develop, educate, and individualize work in a group. All elements meet the requirements to ensure reliability and safety of their use. The benefit is permanently and openly available to children.

Target: Expand children's understanding of the professions of adults working at the zoo.

Working with the dictionary: guide, veterinarian, cashier, controller, workers - zoo employees, photographer, driver.


Enrich and concretize children's knowledge and ideas about animals and their habits, the conditions in which they live (bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, etc., and conditions of captivity, about ways to interact with animals: observe animals without disturbing them and without harming them; feed animals only with the permission of adults.

Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game based on acquired knowledge;

To cultivate friendly, good relationships between children during the game in accordance with the norms of etiquette (friendly tone, restraint of gestures);

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary;

Develop the ability to independently resolve conflicts that arise during the game, to correlate one’s desires with the interests of other people;

Reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, treat others with respect; to the results of their work.

Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, love for them and care for them.

The layout includes: items - figurines, sets of animal figurines.

Game library:

“Make a guess, and I’ll guess” Game task: learn to write riddles, describing the characteristic features of the animal, without naming it, cultivate self-control. "Who's the odd one out" Game task: To consolidate ideas about wild and domestic animals, predators and herbivores. “Who needs what for work” Game task: to expand children's understanding of the professions of adults working in the zoo: guide, veterinarian, cashier, controller, workers - zoo employees, photographer, driver. "Who lives where" Game task: Expand ideas about the diversity of animals: appearance, mimicry, habits, habitat, food production, about animals of hot countries and the North.

Game layout: “Grandma’s Compound”

Purpose: Looking at pictures and toys, children fix the names of domestic animals and their cubs, their appearance; discuss why these animals are called "pets". Children name pets and give them characteristics. Then the environment of the animals is recreated, gradually inhabiting each object. After the animals familiar to the children have been settled, the yard can be populated with other representatives of domestic animals. In the course of such work, the layout changes all the time along with the development of children.

Target: consolidate ideas about domestic animals (middle zone).


To instill in children a love for their native land;

To instill in children a kind attitude towards animals, their importance in human life.


To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals, note their characteristic features;

Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences;

To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young;

Develop the skill of writing a short story about animals.


Develop children's memory, thinking, imagination;

To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.

The layout includes: items - figurines, sets of figurines of domestic animals and birds.

Game library:

"Who lives where?"Game task: The use of nouns in the singular nominative case, distinguishing the group domestic animals. (Word formation, case management). Pigs live in a pigsty. Cows live in a barn. The horses live in a stable. Rabbits live in a rabbitry. The dog lives in a kennel. The cat lives in the house. Sheep live in a sheepfold.

“Name the professions” Game task: Make up sentences with the names of professions.

The calf shed waters the calves. The shepherd looks after the cows. Milkmaid milks cows. The groom washes the horses.

"Find the Tails"

Game task: Formation of possessive adjectives.

A bull's tail is a bull's tail, a cow's tail is a cow's tail, a cat's tail is a cat's tail, a rabbit's tail is a rabbit's tail, a horse's tail is a horse's tail, a pig's tail is a pig's tail.

“Who defends themselves with what?” Game task: Ability to use verbs in the third person.
(Case control, formation of the plural form of a noun in the instrumental case)

A ram - with horns, a dog - with teeth, a horse - with hooves, a cat - with claws, a bull - with horns, hooves.

"Finish the sentence"Game task: Formation, genitive plural of nouns.

There is a lot in the herd.... There is a lot in the herd.... There is a lot in the house.... There is a lot in the pigsty... The milkmaid milks... The groom gives water...

“Who brings what benefit?”

Game task: Develop logical thinking.

Pig - meat, dog - guards the house, horse - transports goods, sheep - wool, meat, rabbit - fur, meat, cow - milk, meat, cat - catches mice, goat - milk, meat.

Game layout: “Mushroom clearing”

Purpose: The layout provides playful, educational, research, and creative activity for children, including motor activity (development of fine and gross motor skills) and provides an opportunity for children’s self-expression and their emotional well-being. All elements meet the requirements to ensure reliability and safety of their use. The benefit is permanently and openly available to children.

Target: formation of knowledge of the fundamentals of ecological culture.


consolidate children's knowledge about trees, flowers, mushrooms, insects;

develop independence and initiative, encourage active use of the game.

The layout includes: Hedgehog figurine; figurines: leaves: birch, aspen, oak; mushrooms: fly agaric, boletus, boletus; flowers: cornflower, chamomile, bell; insects: dragonfly, grasshopper, caterpillar, butterfly, snail, scarab beetle, ladybug. A set of pictures for fairy tales: “Why does the earth have a green dress”, “The story of one drop”

Game library:

"The hedgehog collects leaves"

Target: To form children’s ideas about different types of trees, their characteristics, and benefits to humans. To develop children’s cognitive interest, attention, observation, ability to describe; activate children's vocabulary; cultivate curiosity and good feelings for nature.

Game task: The child takes a leaf, names which tree the leaf comes from and places it on the hedgehog. For example: “This tree is called birch, and the leaf is birch.”

« Hedgehog collects mushrooms"

Target: improve the ability to determine the name of a mushroom by appearance, learn to use words in speech: edible, inedible, develop attention, memory, oral speech.

Game task: A hedgehog collects mushrooms. The child names the mushroom, explains whether it is edible or not, and places it on the hedgehog.

For example: “This mushroom is called boletus, it grows under the birch tree. Edible mushroom"

« Hedgehog collects flowers"

Target: expand the idea of ​​summer flowers and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Game task: The child takes a flower, names it, says where it grows and places it on the hedgehog.

For example: “This flower is called chamomile, it grows in fields and forests.”

"Insects on fungus"

Target: the formation in children of general ideas about the structure and diversity of insects and their habitats.

Game task: The child takes the insect, names it and places it on the mushroom.

For example: “This insect is called a dragonfly, it lives near bodies of water.”

"Ecological fairy tale" Target: Develop memory, attention, speech, helps enrich vocabulary, children begin to use new words in speech that the teacher tells them .

Game task: Children come up with the plot of a fairy tale based on the proposed pictures: “Why is the earth’s dress green”, “The story of one drop”.

Board games provide fun and colorful entertainment for every family. Don’t rush to buy games in stores, but try to make them yourself, this will help you create a special gaming style. In this article we will look at: how to make board games with your own hands.

Everyone knows this game from school. However, you thought that it needed a pen and a leaf, but it can be made from wood, fabric, magnets, stones, buttons and other figures. Just get creative and create a playing field, for example, on the refrigerator or pieces of fabric in the shape of a heart.

Travel around the world walking game

This game can be played by 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a die and chips. Each player rolls a digital die in turn, gets a number and takes the required number of steps along the map. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first, and the catch is that there are numbers on the map that return the player a few steps back, or move him forward.

The main process is to create a map. Lay out 8 A4 sheets in 2 rows, leaving half a centimeter gaps so that you can fold the card later. Place a weight on each sheet to prevent it from moving, then tape the sheets along each row. Draw a route of moves with a pencil and arrange stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), between each stop, make a distance of 2-3 cm. Mark bonus and penalty steps, indicate the direction with arrows. Fill in the empty spaces on the map with pictures. A digital cube can be purchased at an office supply store or made from cardboard. For chips, use small Kinder Surprise toys, buttons, small cookies...

You can create a geographic puzzle to explore the country. Buy or print an outline map, color each area with a different color (in addition, you can indicate clues - sea, mountains, attractions...), then glue the map onto a thick sheet of cardboard, cut it into squares or other shapes.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Collect 7-10 popsicle sticks and cut out a suitable picture from a magazine or draw it yourself. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, stick the picture, wait until the glue dries and cut the sticks. Attach Velcro to the back of each stick so you can later attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name for the game is “say otherwise.” The idea is simple: from 4 to 16 people play. Participants are divided into teams. A team can have 2,3,4 people. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words are written, each word must be explained in other words, you can use sounds (for example: woof-woof, meow...) you cannot show and use words of the same root. You have 1 minute for 1 card, you need to quickly guess as many words as possible. You can make add-on cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person must be happy, or vice versa, sad, and the team must additionally guess the emotion and action that the explainer is doing. The team with the most guessed words wins. This game perfectly develops logical thinking and increases vocabulary.

Cut out cards from cardboard and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, monkey, enemy, sweet, photograph... There should be at least 30 cards with 10 words written on them. Words should not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for aliases. Mark the steps on it and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game around the world. However, you can play without a field, just appoint a judge who will count the points and record the time.

This is a very fun game played by 2 people. I press the edge of the bean with a coin and it jumps like a flea. The main task is to hit the enemy's goal with the flea, then you get a point and the flea is removed from the field. If a flea lands on your field, you can pick it up and use it next time; if a flea lands on your opponent’s field, the point is not counted and it simply remains lying there until the next turn. If the flea hits its own goal, the point is awarded to the opponent. The game continues until someone runs out of fleas.

To make a playing field, take a candy box, colored paper and thick fabric. Cover the inside of the box with colored paper and make fabric sides to prevent fleas from flying away. Use beans as fleas and don’t forget about large coins.

This game involves from 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are produced. Every two cards contain the same images. One person lays out the cards in a square in a chaotic order with the pattern facing up, while at the same time the person who will play stands with his back turned. He turns for exactly 5 seconds and tries to remember the images. It is turned away and the cards are turned over to the other side. Now he must turn over the cards and find pairs within a minute. The person who guesses the largest number of pairs with the same pictures wins. Cards can be made from cardboard and any drawings can be drawn.

To create this game you will need a cardboard candy box, cocktail straws and a small ball, you can use a bead. Think over and draw a labyrinth. Glue the cocktail tubes. Place the ball and start the game.

You can use lids, buttons, sewn circles of fabric, various figures and even plasticine as checkers. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chess that will not walk, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the titles. A detailed master class on how to make a jumping frog out of paper is described

For dominoes, create 28 pieces, they can be made by coloring pebbles, ice cream sticks, sewn from felt...

When creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think about the colors of the districts, print out almost “real” money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: paying utility bills. Create your own exciting original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. It is perfect for a large company. Make cards by drawing them yourself, or simply print them from the Internet, then cut them up.

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