And Mr. Semakin. Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies

Computer Science and ICT. A basic level of. Textbook for grades 10-11. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K.

8th ed. - M.: 2012. - 246With. 5th ed. - M.: 2009. - 246With.

The textbook is intended for studying a specialized course in computer science and ICT in grades 10–11 of general education institutions at a basic level. The content of the textbook is based on the computer science course studied in grades 8–9. Basic concepts: information processes, information systems, information models, information technologies. Are being considered Computer techologies implementation of information processes, work with information systems and models. Attention is paid to current problems of social informatics.

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Format: pdf (2009 , 246 pp.)

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Table of contents
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Information 9
§ 1. Concept of information 9
§ 2. Information representation, languages, coding 13
§ 3. Measuring information. Volume approach 17
§ 4. Measuring information. Content approach 21
Chapter 2. Information processes in systems 25
§ 5. What is system 25
§ 6. Information processes in natural and artificial systems 32
§ 7. Information storage 38
§ 8. Transfer of information 42
§ 9. Information processing and algorithms 46
§ 10. Automatic information processing 50
§eleven. Data Search 54
§ 12. Information protection 60
Chapter 3. Information models 67
§ 13. Computer information modeling 67
§ 14. Data structures: trees, networks, graphs, tables 70
§ 15. Example of a data structure - model subject area 80
§ 16. Algorithm as a model of activity 84
Chapter 4. Software and hardware systems for implementing information processes 91
§ 17. Computer - universal technical system information processing.91
§ 18. Computer software 97
§ 19. Discrete data models in a computer. Number representation 104
§ 20. Discrete data models in a computer. Presentation of text, graphics and sound 112
§ 21. Development of computer systems architecture 119
§ 22.0 organization of local networks 123
§ 23. Organization of global networks 129
Chapter 5. Technologies for using and developing information systems... 137
§ 24. Concept information system(IS), classification of IS. 137
§ 25. Computer text document as a data structure 142
§ 26. Internet as a global information system 149
§ 27. World Wide Web- The World Wide Web 154
§ 28. Internet data search tools 157
§ 29. Website-data hyperstructure 160
§ 30. Geographic information systems 163
§ 31. Database - the basis of the information system 169
§ 32. Designing a multi-table database 173
§ 33. Creation of a database 178
§ 34.3 queries as applications of the information system 184
§ 35. Logical conditions for selecting data 187
Chapter 6. Information modeling technologies 192
§ 36. Modeling dependencies between magnitudes 192
§ 37. Statistical forecasting models 196
§ 38. Modeling of correlation dependencies 203
§ 39. Optimal planning models 207
Chapter 7. Fundamentals of social informatics 213
§ 40. Informational resources 213
§ 41. Information society 218
§ 42. Legal regulation in information sphere 229
§ 43. Problem of information security. 231
Brief biographical information 234
Subject index 243

Computer science. 9th grade. Textbook. Semakin I.G. and etc.

3rd ed. - M.: 2015 - 200 p. 5th ed. - M.: 2012 - 341 p.

The textbook is intended for studying a computer science course in the 9th grade of a secondary school. The textbook contains theoretical course material, questions and assignments to consolidate knowledge; at the end of each chapter, the system of basic concepts of this chapter is presented in schematic form. Some chapters of the textbook contain an additional section that allows you to study this topic at an in-depth level. The textbook is included in the educational and methodological set in computer science, along with textbooks for grades 7 and 8, a workbook, a methodological manual for teachers and digital educational resources from the Unified Collection of the Central Educational Center. Corresponds to the federal state educational standard of basic general education (2010).

Format: pdf(2015, 200 pp.)

Size: 3 6 MB


Format: pdf(2012, 341 p.)

Size: 9.1 MB

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Table of contents (2015, 200 pp.)
Introduction 6
Chapter I. Control and algorithms 9
§ 1. Management and cybernetics 10
§ 2. Feedback control 13
§ 3. Definition and properties of algorithm 17
§ 4. Graphic educational executor 23
§ 5. Auxiliary algorithms and subroutines 28
§ 6. Cyclic algorithms 33
§ 7. Branching and sequential refinement of the algorithm 39
Addendum to Chapter I. 46
1.1. Automated and automatic control systems 46
1.2. Using Recursive Procedures 50
System of basic concepts of Chapter I 58
Chapter II. Introduction to Programming 61
§ 8. What is programming 62
§ 9. Algorithms for working with quantities 64
§ 10. Linear computational algorithms 69
§ 11. Introduction to Pascal 74
§ 12. Algorithms with branching structure 80
§ 13. Programming branches in Pascal.86
§ 14. Programming dialogue with a computer 91
§ 15. Programming cycles 94
§ 16. Euclid's algorithm 101
§ 17. Tables and arrays 105
§ 18. Arrays in Pascal 110
§ 19. One task of processing an array 115
§ 20. Search for the largest and smallest elements array 119
§ 21. Sorting an array 125
Addendum to Chapter II 132
2.1. Programming the conversion of numbers from one number system to another 132
2.2. Algorithm complexity 136
2.3. About programming languages ​​and translators 141
2.4. History of programming languages ​​147
System of basic concepts of Chapter II 154
Chapter III. Information technology and society 157
§ 22. Prehistory of computer science 158
§ 23. History of computers 166
§ 24. History software and ICT 175
§ 25. Information resources of modern society 185
§ 26. Problems of formation information society 188
§ 27. Information Security 190
System of basic concepts of Chapter III 196
Conclusion. Journey completed 199

Table of contents (2012, 341 pp.)
Introduction 6
Chapter 1. Transfer of information to computer networks... 9
§ 1. How a computer network works 10
§ 2. Email and other network services 13
§ 3. Network hardware and software 18
§ 4. Internet and World Wide Web 23
§ 5. Methods of searching the Internet 28
System of basic concepts of chapter 1 32
Chapter 2. Information Modeling 35
§ 6. What is modeling 36
§ 7. Graphic information models 40
§ 8. Tabular models 44
§ 9. Information modeling on a computer 49
System of basic concepts of chapter 2 56
Chapter 3. Storage and processing of information in databases 59
§ 10. Basic concepts 60
§ 11. What is a database management system 66
§ 12. Creation and filling of databases 70
§ 13. Selection conditions and simple logical expressions 74
§ 14. Selection conditions and complex logical expressions 80
§ 15. Sorting, remotely adding records 86
System of basic concepts of chapter 3 92
Chapter 4. Table calculations on a computer 95
§ 16. Binary system number 96
§ 17. Numbers in computer memory 100
§ 18. What is a spreadsheet 105
§ 19. Rules for filling out table 110
§ 20. Working with ranges. Relative addressing 114
§ 21. Business graphics. Conditional function 118
§ 22. Logic functions And absolute addresses 122
§ 23. Spreadsheets and mathematical modeling 125
§ 24. Simulation models in spreadsheets 131
System of basic concepts of chapter 4 136
Chapter 5. Control and algorithms 139
§ 25. Management and cybernetics 140
§ 26. Feedback control 143
§ 27. Definition and properties of the algorithm 147
§ 28. Graphic educational performer 153
§ 29. Auxiliary algorithms and subroutines 159
§ 30. Cyclic algorithms 164
§ 31. Branching and sequential detailing of the algorithm 170
System of basic concepts of chapter 5 174
Chapter 6. Software control of computer operation 177
§ 32. What is programming 178
§ 33. Algorithms for working with quantities 180
§ 34. Linear computational algorithms 186
§ 35. Introduction to the Pascal language 191
§ 36. Algorithms with branching structure 197
§ 37. Programming branches in Pascal. 203
§ 38. Programming dialogue with a computer 208
§ 39. Programming cycles 211
§ 40. Euclid's algorithm 218
§ 41. Tables and arrays 222
§ 42. Arrays in Pascal 227
§ 43. One task of processing an array 232
System of basic concepts of chapter 6 236
Chapter 7. Information technology and society 239
§ 44. Prehistory of computer science 240
§ 45. History of numbers and number systems 248
§ 46. History of computers 254
§ 47. History of software and ICT 264
§ 48. Information resources of modern society 275
§ 49. Problems of formation of the information society 278
System of basic concepts of chapter 7 284
Conclusion 287
Material for in-depth study of course 289
Addendum to Chapter 1 290
1.1. Transfer of information via technical communication channels 290
1.2. Archiving and unarchiving files 293
Addendum to Chapter 2 297
2.1. Systems, models, graphs 297
2.2. Object information models 303
Addendum to Chapter 5 312
5.1. Automated and automatic control systems 312
Addendum to Chapter 6 317
6.1. Finding the largest and smallest elements of an array 317
6.2. Sort array 323
6.3. About programming languages ​​and translators 329
Addendum to Chapter 7 336
7.1. History of programming languages ​​336


1 I.G. Semakin M.S. Tsvetkova COMPUTER SCIENCE 7 9 classes Methodical manual Moscow BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory 2016

2 UDC:57 BBK 28.0ya72 I21 Semakin I. G. I21 Computer Science: Toolkit for grades 7-9 / I. G. Semakin, M. S. Tsvetkova. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, p. ISBN The methodological manual contains recommendations for conducting computer science lessons for teachers teaching using the computer science textbook by I. G. Semakin, as well as an approximate work program. The methodological manual has been prepared in accordance with the specifics of the subject, the age characteristics of students and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The methodological manual is included in the educational and methodological kit (UMK) for the computer science course for grades 7-9. The educational complex for each class also includes a textbook (in printed and electronic forms) and workbooks. For computer science teachers and methodologists. UDC:57 BBK 28.0ya72 ISBN BINOM LLC. Knowledge Laboratory", 2016

3 INTRODUCTION This collection includes necessary materials to prepare an educational program educational organization, implementing the basic educational program of basic general education in computer science in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). The materials are intended to form a substantive section of the educational program, including the program for the development of universal learning activities (ULA) at the level of basic general education and the program of individual academic subjects; developed based on the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program. The proposed approximate work program in computer science contains: 1) personal, meta-subject and subject mastery of the academic subject; 2) content of the academic subject; 3) thematic planning, main types educational activities and planned study of the academic subject. In support of this program, the author’s workshop of I.G. Semakina on the website of the methodological service of the publishing house “BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, the content of training should be aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject results and subject results in computer science by students. The author has identified personal and a group of meta-subject

4 4 Introduction of results and subject areas in computer science, the development of which is ensured by the use of textbooks and other components of the educational complex. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the basic educational program of basic general education is implemented by an educational organization through classroom and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are organized in areas of personal development within the framework of the part (30%) formed by the participants educational process. The forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education are determined by the educational organization. To develop the potential of gifted and talented children, with the participation of the students themselves and their families, individual educational plans can be developed, within the framework of which an individual trajectory of student development is formed (content of disciplines, courses, modules, pace and forms of education). The implementation of individual curricula can be organized, including through distance education. The proposed work program can be supplemented by project and research activities of students at the expense of time for extracurricular activities. To prepare individual curricula, programs for the development of universal educational activities at the level of basic general education, including the formation of students’ competencies in the field of using information and communication technologies, educational, research and project activities (both classroom and extracurricular), it is necessary to pay attention to the potential of the computer science course. Currently, the role of computer science in the formation of the modern scientific picture of the world, the fundamental nature of its basic concepts, laws, and the universality of its methodology have become more clearly visible. Computer science has a very large and growing number of interdisciplinary connections, both at the level of the conceptual apparatus and at the level of tools, i.e. methods and means of cognition of reality. Modern computer science is a “metadis-

5 Introduction 5 discipline”, in which a language was formed that is common to many scientific fields. Studying the subject provides the key to understanding numerous phenomena and processes in the surrounding world (in the natural sciences, sociology, economics, language, literature, etc.). Many provisions developed by computer science are considered as the basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT), one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization. In computer science, many types of activities are formed that have a meta-subject nature; the ability to do them forms ICT competence. Integrated use in work of all components of the educational complex of the BINOM publishing house. Knowledge Laboratory" promotes the formation of a holistic natural science worldview in students, aimed at developing the need for cognition and the formation of a systematic experience of cognitive activity based on mathematical culture and the methodological apparatus of computer science, as well as practical use knowledge and skills, active use ICT in educational activities. During the period of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the series of collections “Programs and Planning” is designed to provide the administration of educational organizations and subject teachers with the necessary content material for the preparation of the basic educational program of basic general education of an educational organization that has state accreditation, taking into account the type and type of this educational organization, as well as educational needs and requests of participants in the educational process. When preparing the collections, all current provisions of regulatory legal acts of the education system of the Russian Federation were taken into account. Since the Federal State Educational Standard was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897, it is normative document federal level, which should guide workers in the education system at all levels. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the development and approval by an educational organization of the basic educational program of basic general education is carried out independently on the basis of an approximate basic educational

6 6 Introduction of the new program of basic general education. In turn, the approximate basic educational program of basic general education is only a guideline for educational organizations. Since it is not approved by order of the federal executive body, then, accordingly, it is not a normative document. Likewise, the subject course programs offered by various authors do not require separate approval by bodies that manage the education system at various levels, since they are included in the author’s educational system, undergo federal examination and are published by accredited publishing houses. When choosing educational and methodological publications, educational organizations should be guided primarily by Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which includes among the powers of an educational organization “the determination of a list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education, as well as teaching aids approved for use in the educational process in such educational institutions.” Federal lists of textbooks are formed on the basis of the results of examination carried out by the most authoritative organizations in the field of science and education in the country: the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Book Union and others. According to GOST “Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions”, “a textbook is an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline (its section, part), corresponding to the curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication.” Thus, according to the definition, a textbook has two formal but very important features: it fully complies with the curriculum and it has an official ministry approval or recommendation. The textbook in the modern information educational environment should not be considered separately, but as a component

7 Introduction 7 of the proposed educational and methodological set (UMK), ensuring the development of educational learning at the level of basic general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. In general, teaching materials are understood as an open system of educational and methodological aids on a printed and (or) electronic basis, which are sources of educational and methodological information, intended for participants in the educational process and focused on ensuring effective educational activities of schoolchildren, developing their abilities, inclinations, satisfying their cognitive needs and interests. Each component of the educational complex (curriculum, textbook, books for teachers, books for students, problem books, collections of test tasks, laboratory journal, didactic materials on the subject, CDs, ICT tools, etc.) provides its priority functions. The composition of the educational complex is determined by a combination of the principle of functional completeness, reflecting the requirements for ensuring all types of educational activities of the student provided for methodological system teaching the subject, and the principle of minimizing (optimizing) the set of teaching materials components. At the same time, it is important to understand the possibility of further improvement and development of the composition of the educational complex, which is inherent in its definition as an “open system”. It should be noted that the main, coordinating role among all educational and methodological materials included in the teaching materials, as well as other sources educational information Non-formal education is given to the school textbook. It is necessary to fully comply with the entire system of educational and methodological materials included in the teaching materials with the content and structure of the textbook, at the same time the presentation educational material the textbook should be focused on full use all components of the educational complex. This determines the requirement for a textbook to be compact (optimized in terms of the volume of educational information). Hence, an important conclusion that allows teachers and the administration of an educational organization to correctly navigate the choice of educational publications is that by choosing a textbook from the Federal List, you can educational process use all the rest of his “environment” included in the educational complex. It can be considered that the official stamp of the ministry

8 8 The introduction to admission or recommendation applies not only to the textbook, but to the entire educational complex. It is even easier to justify your choice of teaching aids for their use in educational activities. It is enough for them to be published by an organization that is on the list approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Publishing house "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" is included in this list. Methodological service of the publishing house "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory"

9 SAMPLE WORKING PROGRAM IN INFORMATICS FOR A BASIC SCHOOL The completed subject line of textbooks was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES), taking into account the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program, as well as the age and psychological characteristics of children studying at the level basic general education. The educational and methodological set (hereinafter referred to as the EMS), which provides training in the computer science course, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, includes: 1. Textbook “Informatics” for grade 7. Authors: Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Shestakova L.V.M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Textbook “Informatics” for 8th grade. Authors: Semakin I. G., Zalogova L. A., Rusakov S. V., Shestakova L. V. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Textbook “Informatics” for 9th grade. Authors: Semakin I. G., Zalogova L. A., Rusakov S. V., Shestakova L. V. M.: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, Problem book-workshop (in 2 volumes). Edited by I. G. Semakin, E. K. Henner. M.: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, Methodological manual for teachers. Authors: Semakin I. G., Sheina T. Yu. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011.

10 10 Approximate work program in computer science 6. Set of digital educational resources (hereinafter referred to as DER), located in the Unified Collection of DER (7. Set of didactic materials for ongoing monitoring of learning outcomes in computer science in primary school, edited by I. G. Semakin (access through the author's workshop of I. G. Semakin on the website of the methodological service of the publishing house: Study of the subject in the curriculum is specified depending on depending on the type and type educational institution. It is recommended to study for 1 hour per week in grades 7, 8 and 9. APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS AND MEASURES The following personal characteristics are formed when studying the course “Informatics” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 1. Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding modern level development of science and social practice. Each academic discipline forms a certain component of the scientific worldview. Informatics forms students’ ideas about the sciences that develop the information picture of the world, introduces them to the field of information

11 Approximate work program for computer science 11 ational activities of people. In this sense great importance has a historical line in the course content. Students become familiar with the history of the development of ICT tools, with the most important scientific discoveries and inventions that influenced progress in this area, with the names of the largest scientists and inventors. Students get an idea of ​​the current level and prospects for the development of the ICT industry, in the implementation of which they may be able to take part in the future. The historical line is reflected in the following sections of textbooks: grade 7, 2 “Perception and presentation of information”: the topic of the historical development of writing, classification and development of languages ​​of human communication is revealed. Grade 9, 22 “Prehistory of computer science”: reveals the history of discoveries and inventions of means and methods of storing, transmitting and processing information before the creation of computers. Grade 9, 23 “History of Computers”, 24 “History of Software and ICT”, section 2.4 “History of Programming Languages” are devoted to the current stage of development of computer science and its prospects. 2. Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching, research, and creative activities. At the end of each paragraph there are questions and tasks, many of which are aimed at collective discussion, debate, and the development of a collective opinion. In the workbook, which is part of the educational complex, in addition to tasks for individual completion in a number of sections (primarily related to the development of information technology), there are tasks of a project nature (under the heading “Creative tasks and projects”). The teacher's manual provides recommendations on organizing collective work on projects. Work on a project requires interaction between students who are executing the project, as well as between students and the teacher who formulates the task for design and controls the progress of its implementation.

12 12 Approximate work program in computer science for those accepting work. At the end of the work, a procedure is provided for presenting the project to the class team, which is also aimed at developing the communication skills of students. 3. Formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle. Modern children spend more and more time working on the computer (not only on schoolwork). Therefore, to maintain health, it is very important to familiarize students with the rules safe work at the computer, with computer ergonomics. The textbook for grade 7 begins with the section “Safety and sanitary standards PC work." This topic is supported by the interactive center “Safety and Sanitary Standards” (file 8_024.pps). In some educational programs included in the TsOR collection, the time students continuously work at the computer is automatically controlled. When the time reaches the limit value determined by SanPiN, the program is interrupted and students are asked to perform a set of exercises to train their vision. After the end of the “physical education break”, work with the program continues. Federal State Educational Standard requirements PERSONAL What is achieved in this course RESULTS 1. Formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice Grade 7, 2, “Perception and presentation of information”: the topic of the historical development of writing, classification and development of languages ​​of human communication is revealed. Grade 9, 22 “Prehistory of Computer Science” reveals the history of discoveries and inventions of means and methods of storing, transmitting and processing information before the creation of computers.

13 Approximate work program in computer science 13 Federal State Educational Standards requirements PERSONAL What is achieved in this course RESULTS 9th grade, 23 “History of COMPUTER”, 24 “History of software and ICT”. Grade 9, section 2.4 “History of programming languages”: dedicated to the current stage of development of computer science and its prospects 2. Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching, research, creative activities 3. Formation of value healthy and safe lifestyle Practical task, “Creative tasks and projects”: completing project-based tasks requires students to interact with peers and adults (teachers, parents). At the end of the project work, a procedure is provided for presenting the project to the class team, which also develops children’s communication skills. Textbook for 7th grade, section “Safety and sanitary standards for working at a PC.” Interactive CER “Safety and Sanitary Standards” (file 8_024.pps) 1. In some educational programs included in the CER collection, the time students continuously work at the computer is automatically controlled 1 See archive " Local version EER 7 9 grades" on the methodological website of the publishing house

14 14 Approximate work program in computer science When studying the subject “Informatics” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following meta-subjects are formed. 1. The ability to independently plan ways to achieve a goal, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems. In the computer science course, this competence is provided by the algorithmic line, which is implemented in the 9th grade textbook in Chapter 1 “Control and Algorithms” and Chapter 2 “Introduction to Programming.” The algorithm can be called a plan to achieve a goal based on limited resources(source data) and disabilities executor (system of executor commands). From the very first algorithmization problems, the possibility of constructing different algorithms to solve the same problem (achieving the same goal) was emphasized. To compare algorithms in programming, there are complexity criteria: data complexity and time complexity. This issue is discussed in the 9th grade textbook, 2.2. "Complexity of Algorithms" in additional section to the chapter The ability to evaluate the correctness of the execution of a learning task, one’s own capabilities for solving it The methodology for creating any information object: a text document, a database, a spreadsheet, a program in a programming language includes training in the rules of verification, i.e., checking the correct functioning of the created object. Mastering Creation dynamic objects: databases and their applications, spreadsheets, programs (8th grade, chapters 3, 4; 9th grade, chapters 1, 2), students are taught testing. The ability to evaluate the correctness of a completed task in these cases lies in the ability to build a test system that proves the functionality of the created product. This issue is specifically addressed in the 9th grade textbook, section 29, “What is debugging and testing a program.”

15 Sample work program in computer science Ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions. The formation of this competence in a computer science course is facilitated by the study of the system line. In computer science, the system line is associated with information modeling (grade 8, chapter “Information Modeling”). In this case, the basic concepts of systemology are used: system, system element, subsystem, connections (relationships, dependencies), structure, system effect. These questions are discussed in the addition to Chapter 2 of the 8th grade textbook, paragraphs 2.1. “Systems, models, graphs”, 2.2. "Object-information models". Logical inferences in computer science are formalized by means of logical algebra, which is used in sections devoted to the study of databases (8th grade, Chapter 3), spreadsheets (8th grade, Chapter 4), and programming (9th grade, Chapter 2). 4. The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems. The formation of this competence is facilitated by the study of the content lines “Presentation of information” and “Formalization and modeling”. Information of any type (text, numeric, graphic, sound) in computer memory is represented in binary form, a symbolic form of computer coding. Therefore, in all topics related to the presentation various information, students are introduced to the rules for converting to signed binary form: Grade 7, Chapter 3 " Text information and computer"; Chapter 4 " Graphic information and computer"; Chapter 5 “Multimedia and Computer Presentations”, topic “Presenting Sound”; 8th grade, chapter 4, topic “Number systems”.

16 16 Approximate work program in computer science In computer science, obtaining a description of the system (object) under study in symbolic form (including schematic) is called formalization. Through formalization, an information model is created, and when it is implemented on a computer using some kind of tool, it turns out computer model. These issues are devoted to: Grade 8, Chapter 2 “Information Modeling”, as well as Chapters 3 and 4, which discuss information models of databases and dynamic information models in spreadsheets. 5. Formation and development of competence in the field of ICT use (ICT competence). This competence is formed by the content lines of the course “Information Technologies” (grade 7, chapters 3, 4, 5; grade 8, chapters 3, 4) and “Computer Telecommunications” (grade 8, chapter 1). Federal State Educational Standard Requirements What is achieved in this course METAPUBJECT RESULTS 1. The ability to independently plan ways to achieve a goal, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems 2. The ability to evaluate the correctness of completing an educational task, one’s own capabilities for solving it Grade 9, chapter 1 “Control and algorithms.” Grade 9, Chapter 2 “Introduction to Programming.” Grade 9, Addition to Chapter 2, 2.2. “Complexity of Algorithms” 8th grade, chapters 3, 4. 9th grade, chapters 1, 2. 9th grade, 29, section “What is debugging and testing a program”

17 Approximate work program in computer science 17 Federal State Educational Standards requirements What is achieved in this course METASUBJECT RESULTS 3. Ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions 8th grade, chapter “Information Modeling”. Grade 8, Supplement to Chapter 2, 2.1. “Systems, models, graphs”, 2.2. "Object-information models". 8th grade, chapter 3 (study of databases). Grade 8, Chapter 4 (exploring spreadsheets). Grade 9, Chapter 2 (study of programming) 4. The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems 5. Formation and development of competence in the field of using ICT (ICT competence) Grade 7, Chapter 3 "Text information and the computer." Grade 7, Chapter 4 “Graphical Information and the Computer.” Grade 7, Chapter 5 “Multimedia and Computer Presentations”, topic “Sound Presentation”. 8th grade, chapter 4, topic “Number systems”. 8th grade, chapter 2 “Information Modeling” Content line of the course “Information Technologies” (7th grade, chapters 3, 4, 5; 8th grade, chapters 3, 4). Content line of the course “Computer telecommunications” (8th grade, chapter 1)

18 18 Exemplary work program in computer science SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the study of computer science in primary school should ensure: the formation of an information and algorithmic culture; developing an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices; formation of an idea of ​​the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model and their properties; development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and the basic algorithmic structures of linear, conditional and cyclic; formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task at hand; tables, charts, graphs, charts, using appropriate software data processing; formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with information ethics and law.

19 Sample work program in computer science 19 All competencies defined in this section of the Federal State Educational Standard are provided by the content of textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9, as well as other components included in the educational complex. The table reflects the correspondence between the subject results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard and the content of textbooks. The table also reflects the correspondence between subject results and KIM State Academy of Sciences, as well as the provision of practical work for students with digital educational resources (DER). File names are used to identify the DOC. The correspondence of file names to the contents of the DOR is reflected in the thematic catalog presented in the local version of the DOR set, stored on the website of the publishing house “BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" in the archive "Local version of EER 7-9 grades":

20 20 Subject mastering of computer science Subject Federal State Educational Standards Relevant content of teaching materials KIM GIA Basic practical work (from the collection of the Center for Education) Homework, problem book, tests, tests, crossword puzzles Laboratory work, simulators 1. Formation of information and algorithmic culture; developing an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices 1.1. Formation of information and algorithmic culture The entire content of textbooks and teaching materials 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 is devoted to the formation of this competence The entire set of TsOR 1.2. Forming an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device. This competency is implemented in the “Computer” content line, which runs through the entire course. Grade 7: Chapter 2 “Computer: device and software”; chapter 4 “Graphical information and computer”, 19. “Technical means of computer graphics”; chapter 5 “Multimedia and computer presentations”, 25 “Technical multimedia tools”. 1.4 Homework: 8_052.rtf 8_058.rtf 8_061.ttf 8_073.rtf 8_082.rtf Tests: 8_013 8_014 Crosswords: 8_007.xls

21 Subject mastering of computer science Development of basic skills and abilities in the use of computer devices Grade 8: chapter 1 “Transfer of information in computer networks”, 3 “Network hardware and software”. Grade 9: 23 “History of Computers”: the evolution of computer architecture with the change of generations is considered, the development of computer capabilities for processing different types of information. This competence is realized in the process computer workshop. To ensure this, the following elements of the teaching materials are used: Workbook, vol. 1: section 4 “Algorithmization and programming”. Laboratory workshop on computer programming. Problem book-workshop, vol. 2: section 5 “Information technologies”. Laboratory workshop on working on a computer with various ICT tools. Continuation of Table 2.6 Homework: 8_117.rtf 8_131.rtf 8_137.rtf 8_140.rtf 8_159.rtf 9_054.rtf 9_058.rtf 9_074.rtf 9_100.rtf 9_115.rtf 9_121.rtf 9_125.rtf 9_ 131.rtf Laboratory work: 8_057. rtf 8_072.rtf 8_108.pdf 8_109.pdf 8_110.pdf 8_118.pdf 8_119.pdf 8_132.rtf 8_136.rtf 8_154.rtf 8_155.rtf 8_170.rtf

22 22 Subject mastery of computer science Set of TsOR: Practical work: “Working with keyboard trainer", "Connection external devices to a personal computer”, “File system”, “Working with the scanner”. 25 practical works on a computer with various ICT tools 9_162.rtf 9_169.rtf 9_178.rtf 9_186.rtf Tests: 8_015.swf 8_016.swf 8_017.swf 8_018.swf 9_015.swf 9_016.swf 9_019.swf 9_020.swf 9_171.swf 9_021.swf 9_022.swf Crosswords: 8_008.xls 8_009.xls 8_010.xls 9_008.xls 9_010.xls 9_011.xls Table continuation 8_171.rtf 9_053.rtf 9_063.rtf 9_073.rtf 9_07 8.rtf 9_080.rtf 9_107.rtf 9_114 .rtf 9_122.rtf 9_126.rtf 9_130.rtf 9_132.rtf 9_153.rtf 9_170.rtf 9_179.rtf Simulators: 8_048.rtf 8_177.exe 8_051.swf 8_056.swf 8_103.swf

23 Subject mastering of computer science 23 Continuation of Table 2. Formation of an idea of ​​the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model and their properties 2.1. Forming an idea of ​​the concept of information and its properties. This competency is implemented in the content line “Information and information processes.” Grade 7: Chapter 1 “Man and Information”, all paragraphs; Addition to Chapter 1, 1.1 “Uncertainty of knowledge and quantity of information” 1.1, 1.2, 2.3 Interactive problem book: 8_042.swf 8_089.swf 8_135.swf 9_140.swf 9_144.swf Homework: 8_032.rtf 8_037.rtf 8_043.rtf 8_090. rtf 9_141.rtf 9_145.rtf 8_716.rtf Crosswords: 8_006.xls Tests 8_011.swf 8_012.swf 9_146.swf

24 24 Subject mastery of computer science 2.2. Forming an idea of ​​the concept of an algorithm and its properties 2.3. Forming an idea of ​​the concept of a model and its properties. This competency is implemented in the content line “Algorithmization and programming”. Grade 9: Chapter 1 “Control and Algorithms”, 3 “Definition and Properties of an Algorithm” This competency is implemented in the content line “Formalization and Modeling”. Grade 8: Chapter 2 “Information Modeling”, all paragraphs; chapter 4 “Tabular calculations on a computer”, 23 “Spreadsheets and mathematical modeling”, 24 “Example of a simulation model”; addition to chapter 2, 2.1 “Systems, models, graphs”, 2.2 “Object information models” 1.3, 2.1 Homework: 9_192.rtf 9_196.rtf Tests 9_023.swf 9_024.swf Crosswords 9_012.xls Continuation of table 3.1, 3.2 Interactive problem book: 9_085.swf 9_088.swf Homework: 9_086.rtf 9_089.rtf 9_093.rtf Tests: 9_017.swf 9_018.swf Crosswords: 9_009.xls Laboratory work: 9_094.rtf 9_183.rtf 9_185.rt f 9_335.rtf 9_336. rtf

25 Subject mastery of computer science 25 Continuation of Table 3. Development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and the basic algorithmic structures of linear, conditional and cyclic 3.1. Development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer. This competency is implemented in the content line “Algorithmization and Programming.” 9th grade: chapter 1 “Control and algorithms”, 3 “Definition and properties of an algorithm”, 4 “Graphical educational executor”; chapter 2 “Introduction to programming”, 9 “Algorithms for working with quantities”: the language of flowcharts and educational algorithmic language(with Russian notation); addition to chapter 2, 2.2 “Complexity of algorithms” 2.1 Tests: 9_023.swf 9_024.swf Crosswords: 9_012.xls Homework: 9_240.rtf 9_259.rtf 9_277.rtf Laboratory work: 9_200.exe 9_201.exe 9_202.exe 9_ 203. exe 9_204.exe 9_209.exe 9_210.exe 9_211.exe 9_212.exe 9_216.exe 9_220.exe 9_221.exe 9_222.exe 9_223.exe 9_224.exe 9_229.exe 9_231.exe

26 26 Subject development of computer science 3.2. Formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures; familiarity with the basic algorithmic structures of linear, conditional and cyclic. This competency is implemented in the content line “Algorithmization and Programming”. Grade 9: Chapter 1 “Control and Algorithms”, 5 “Auxiliary Algorithms and Subroutines”, 6 “Cyclic Algorithms”, 7 “Branching and Sequential Detailing of the Algorithm”; Chapter 2 “Control and Algorithms”, 10 “Linear Computational Algorithms”, 12 “Algorithms with Branching Structure” Table continuation 9_232.exe 9_233.exe 9_234.exe 9_244.rtf 1.3, 2.1 Tests: 9_023.swf 9_024.swf Crosswords: 9_012 .xls Homework: 9_240.rtf 9_259.rtf 9_277.rtf Laboratory work: 9_200.exe 9_201.exe 9_202.exe 9_203.exe 9_204.exe 9_209.exe 9_210.exe 9_211.exe 9_212.exe 9_216.exe 9 _220.exe 9_221.exe 9_222.exe 9_223.exe 9_224.exe 9_229.exe 9_231.exe 9_232.exe

27 Subject mastering of computer science Formation of knowledge about logical values ​​and operations The logical line of the course is aimed at the formation of this competence. Grade 8: Chapter 3 “Storing and processing information in databases”, 10 “Basic concepts”: the concept of a logical value, logical values, logical data type is introduced; 13 “Search conditions and simple logical expressions”: the concept of a logical expression is introduced; 14 “Search conditions and complex logical expressions”: the concept of logical operations conjunction, disjunction, negation is introduced; about the truth table, about the priorities of logical operations; Chapter 4 “Tabular calculations on a computer”, 21 “Business graphics. Conditional function", Continued table 9_233.exe 9_234.exe 9_258rtf 9_270.rtf 9_284.rtf 2.5 Homework: 9_121.rtf 9_125,rtf 9_178.rtf Interactive problem book: 9_124.swf 9_177.swf 9_122.rtf 9_126.rtf

28 28 Subject mastery of computer science 3.4. Introduction to one of the programming languages ​​22 “Logical functions and absolute addresses”: about the use of logical quantities and functions in spreadsheets. Grade 9: Chapter 2 “Introduction to Programming”, 13 “Programming Branches in Pascal”: the concept of using logical values, logical operations, logical expressions in the Pascal programming language is introduced. This competency is implemented in the content line “Algorithmization and Programming”. Grade 9: Chapter 2 “Introduction to Programming”, (Pascal programming language); addition to Chapter 2 Continuation of the table Homework: 9_249.rtf 9_266.rtf 9_277.rtf 9_290.rtf Tests: 9_025.swf 9_026.swf Crosswords: 9_013.xls Laboratory work: 9_250.rtf 9_265.rtf 9_276.rtf 9_2 80.rtf 9_289 .rtf 9_295.rtf 9_340.rtf 9_344.rtf

29 Subject mastering of computer science Formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task at hand: tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, using appropriate data processing software. This competency is implemented in the content line “Formalization and Modeling”. Grade 8: Chapter 2 “Information Modeling”, 7 “Graphical Information Models”, 8 “Tabular Models”; Chapter 4, 21 “Business Graphics”; addition to Chapter 2, 2.1 “Systems, models, graphs”, 2.2 “Object information models”. Grade 9: Chapter 2 “Introduction to Programming”, 17 “Tables and Arrays” 2.1, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, Interactive problem book: 9_085.swf 9_088.swf 9_099.swf 9_156.swf Homework: 9_086.swf 9_089.swf 9_093.swf 9_100.rtf 9_115.rtf 9_162.rtf 9_290.rtf Tests: 9_017.swf 9_018.swf 9_019.swf 9_020.swf 9_021.swf 9_022.swf Crosswords: 9_010.xls 9_011 .xls Continuation of the table Laboratory work: 9_183.rtf 9_185.rtf 9_335.rtf 9_336.rtf 9_114.rtf 9_152.rtf 9_170.rtf 9_284.rtf 9_289.rtf

30 30 Subject mastering of computer science 5. Formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law This competence is implemented in the historical and social line of the course. Grade 7: Introduction, section “Safety precautions and sanitary standards for working on a PC.” 9th grade: chapter 3 “Information technology and society”, 27 “Information security”: the concept of information crimes, legal protection information (legislation), software and hardware methods of protection, computer viruses, antivirus tools, dangers of working on the Internet and security measures 3.4 Homework: 8_025.rtf 9_321.swf 9_322.swf Tests: 9_028.swf Crosswords: 9_014.xls End of the table Technical teaching aids: computer; scanner (if possible); laser printer (if possible); inkjet color printer (if possible); Digital photo and video camera (if possible); multimedia projector (if possible); Internet access; electronic materials for teachers and students:

31 Exemplary work program in computer science 31 SUMMARY OF RESEARCH Since the computer science course for primary school (grades 7–9) is of a general education nature, its content should ensure successful learning at the next stage of general education. In accordance with the author’s concept, the content of the subject should reflect in a balanced way three components of the subject (and educational) field of computer science: theoretical computer science, applied informatics (information tools and information technologies) and social informatics. Therefore, the author's computer science course of basic general education includes the following content lines: Information and information processes. Presentation of information. Computer: device and software. Formalization and modeling. System line. Logical line. Algorithmization and programming. Information Technology. Computer telecommunications. Historical and social line. The fundamental nature of the proposed course is given by the reliance on basic scientific concepts of the subject area, such as information, information processes, information models. At the same time, a large place in the course is occupied by the technological component, which solves the meta-subject problem of computer science, defined in the Federal State Educational Standard: the formation of ICT competence of students. The authors retained the principle of invariance to specific models computers and software versions. The emphasis is on understanding the ideas and principles inherent in information technology, rather than on the sequence of manipulations in specific software product environments. The Federal State Educational Standard is based on a system-activity approach that ensures active educational and cognitive activity of students. Textbooks contain theoretical ma-

32 32 Sample work program in computer science course material. All material for organizing practical classes (including in the computer class) is concentrated in the workbook, as well as in in electronic format included in the TsOR kit. The content of the workbook is quite extensive for the multi-variant organization of practical work for students. Textbooks provide the opportunity to study the theoretical content of the most important and dynamically developing sections of the course at different levels. In each book, in addition to the main part containing material for mandatory study (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard), there are additions to individual chapters under the heading “Addition to the chapter.” Much attention in the content of textbooks is paid to ensuring the most important didactic principle - the principle of consistency. Its implementation is ensured in the design of the textbook as a whole, where a systematic video sequence is used, illustrating the process of studying the subject as a journey through the “Ocean of Informatics” with a visit to the “continents” and “islands” located in it (thematic sections of the subject). In the methodological structure of the textbook, great importance is attached to highlighting the basic knowledge and skills that students must acquire. At the end of each chapter there is logic circuit the basic concepts of the topic studied, at the end of each paragraph there is a section “Briefly about the main things”. The questions and tasks present at the end of each paragraph are aimed at consolidating the material studied. Many questions (tasks) initiate collective discussions of the material, discussions, and the manifestation of students’ independent thinking. An important component of the educational complex is a set of digital educational resources (DER), posted on the portal of the Unified Collection of DER. The kit includes: demonstration materials on theoretical content, handouts for homework and practical work, test materials (tests, interactive problem book); interactive reference book on ICT; performers of algorithms, models, simulators, etc. Much attention in the course is paid to solving the problem of forming an algorithmic culture of students, developing algorithmic thinking, which is included in the list of subject results of the Federal State Educational Standard. More is devoted to this topic.

33 Sample work program in computer science 33 part of the content and curriculum planning in 9th grade. For practical work, two types of educational algorithm executors are used, developed by the authors and included in the TsOR kit. Pascal language is used to learn the basics of programming. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the course is aimed at ensuring the implementation of three groups of educational results: personal, meta-subject and subject. The most important task of studying computer science at school is the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society. In particular, one of these qualities is the acquisition by students of information and communication competence (ICT competence). Many components of ICT competence are included in the complex of universal learning activities (ULA). Thus, part of the meta-subject results of education are included in the structure of subject results in a computer science course, i.e., they become the immediate goal of learning and are reflected in the content of the material being studied. Therefore, the course contains significant interdisciplinary, integrative content in the system of basic general education. In this case, in this case, in Russia, in Russia, in Russia, in Russia, in Russia Thematic planning is structured in accordance with the content of textbooks and includes 6 sections in 7th grade, 4 sections in 8th grade, 3 sections in 9th grade class. Planning is designed mainly for students’ class activities, however, certain types of activities can be project-based in nature and carried out outside of class hours. For each section, the total number of teaching hours is indicated, as well as the recommended division of this time into theoretical classes and practical work on the computer (in parentheses after the total number of hours; the division is indicated by a “+”). The teacher can vary syllabus using the provided reserve of teaching time. Grade 7 Total number of hours 32 hours Reserved teaching time 3 hours

34 34 Sample work program in computer science 1. Introduction to the subject 1 hour Subject of computer science. The role of information in people's lives. Contents of the basic school computer science course. 2. Man and information 4 hours (3 + 1) Information and its types. Human perception of information. Information processes. Measuring information. Units of information measurement. Practice on a computer: mastering the keyboard, working with a keyboard simulator; basic editing techniques. Students should know: the connection between information and human knowledge; what are information processes; what types of storage media exist; functions of language as a way of presenting information; what are natural and formal languages; how is the unit of measurement of information bits determined (alphabetic approach); What is a byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte. Students should be able to: give examples of information and information processes from the field of human activity, wildlife and technology; determine the source, receiver, channel in a specific process of information transmission; give examples of informative and non-informative messages; measure the information volume of text in bytes (when using a computer alphabet); recalculate the amount of information in various units (bits, bytes, KB, MB, GB); use a computer keyboard to enter symbolic data. 3. Computer: device and software 6 hours (3 + 3) Basic information about computer architecture. Principles of organizing internal and external computer memory. Binary representation of data in computer memory

35 Approximate work program for computer science 35 computer. Organizing information on external media, files. Personal Computer. Basic devices and characteristics. Safety and ergonomic rules when working at a computer. Types of software (software). System software. OS. Basic OS functions. File structure of external memory. Object-oriented user interface. Practice on a computer: familiarization with device configurations personal computer, with methods of their connections; acquaintance with user interface operating system; work with file system OS (transferring, copying and deleting files, creating and deleting folders, renaming files and folders, working with file manager, search for files on disk); working with the OS help system; use of antivirus programs. Students should know: safety rules when working on a computer; composition of the main computer devices, their purpose and information interaction; the main characteristics of the computer as a whole and its components (various storage devices, input and output devices); structure internal memory computer (bits, bytes); concept of memory address; types and properties of external memory devices; types and purpose of input/output devices; the essence of software control of computer operation; principles of organizing information on external media: what is a file, directory (folder), file structure; purpose of the software and its composition. Students should be able to:

36 36 Approximate work program in computer science: turn on and off the computer; use the keyboard; navigate the standard interface: use the menu, seek help, work with windows; initialize execution of programs from program files; view the disk directory on the screen; perform basic operations with files and directories (folders): copying, moving, deleting, renaming, searching; use antivirus programs. 4. Text information and computer 9 hours (3 + 6). Texts in computer memory: character encoding, text files. Work with external media and printers when saving and printing text documents. Text editors and word processors, purpose, capabilities, principles of working with them. Intelligent systems working with text (text recognition, computer dictionaries and translation systems). Practice on the computer: basic techniques for entering and editing text; positioning of the hand when entering from the keyboard; working with fonts; text formatting techniques; working with selected blocks via the clipboard; working with tables; working with numbered and bulleted lists; inserting objects into text (drawings, formulas); familiarization with built-in templates and styles, inclusion of hyperlinks in the text. If you have the appropriate hardware and software: practice in scanning and text recognition, machine translation. Students should know: methods of presentation symbolic information in computer memory (encoding tables, text files); purpose of text editors (word processors); basic operating modes of text editors (input-editing, printing, spelling control, search and replace, working with files). Students should be able to:

37 Sample work program in computer science 37 type and edit text in one of the text editors; perform basic operations on text allowed by this editor; save text on disk, load it from disk, print it. 5. Graphic information and computer 6 hours (2 + 4) Computer graphics: areas of application, technical means. Principles of image coding; concept of image sampling. Raster and Vector graphics. Graphic editors and methods of working with them. Practice on a computer: creating an image in a raster-type graphic editor using basic tools and techniques for manipulating a picture (copying, reflecting, rotating, drawing); familiarity with working in a vector-type editor environment (you can use built-in graphics in a word processor). If technical and software tools are available: scanning images and processing them in a graphics editor environment. Students should know: ways to represent images in computer memory; concepts of pixel, raster, color encoding, video memory; what are the areas of application of computer graphics; appointment graphic editors; the purpose of the main components of the raster-type graphic editor environment: working field, tool menu, graphic primitives, palette, scissors, eraser, etc. Students should be able to: construct simple images using one of the graphic editors; save drawings on disk and load from disk; print.

INTRODUCTION This collection includes the necessary materials for preparing the educational program of an educational institution implementing the basic educational program of basic general education

Explanatory note The work program for computer science in grade 7 is compiled in accordance with regulatory requirements based on: A sample program for academic subjects. Computer science. 7-9 grades. (Moscow,

WORK PROGRAM Computer Science 7th grade The work program is based on the program of the authors I.G. Semakin, M.S. Tsvetkova "Informatics" grades 7-9 "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2012 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE

1 2 Contents of topics training course computer science. Introduction to the subject Subject of computer science. The role of information in people's lives. Content basic course computer science. 1. Person and information. Information and its types.

1. PLANNED RESULTS OF STUDYING THE INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ICT COURSE The basic school computer science course is aimed at developing the ability to record information about the world around us; search, analyze, critically evaluate,

I.G. Semakin M.S. Tsvetkova COMPUTER SCIENCE 7 9 classes Methodical manual Moscow BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge 2016 UDC 373.167.1:57 BBK 28.0ya72 I21 Semakin I. G. I21 Computer science: methodological manual for 7

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School 46" of the Samara urban district CONSIDERED at a meeting of the methodological association Minutes of 2016 Chairman of the Moscow Region / VERIFIED Deputy

Yarenskaya municipal secondary school “Agreed” Head of the Moscow Region /. Minutes of 20 “Agreed” Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of the Yarensky MSO School / Suleymanova S.V. 20 "Approved"

EXPLANATORY NOTE Targeting of the program The work program was developed on the basis of the original program of the course “Informatics and ICT” Authors: Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Shestakova L.V., published

Explanatory note The work program of the academic subject “Informatics”, grade 7, is compiled on the basis of: 1. An approximate program of basic general education in computer science and ICT (approved by order of the Ministry of Education

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Khozesanovskaya secondary school of the Kaybitsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan" "Considered" Head of the Moscow Region / Maksimova

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Secondary school with in-depth study of a foreign language at the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York, USA Reviewed by:

Working MBOU program“Secondary school 69” Lira Mirzanurovna Magdeeva of the highest qualification in computer science, grade 8 Reviewed at a meeting of the pedagogical council, protocol dated 26

Municipal autonomous educational institution Domodedovo secondary school 8 APPROVED by Director of MAOU Domodedovo secondary school 8 O.M. Komarnitskaya Order 13 of December 30, 2016 WORKING

The work program for the subject “Informatics and ICT” was developed for students in grades 8-9 based on the author’s program “Informatics and ICT” for grade 8 and grade 9 Authors: Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A.,

K.Yu. Polyakov E.A. Eremin COMPUTER SCIENCE 7 9 grades Approximate work program Moscow BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory 2016 SAMPLE WORK PROGRAM PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING COMPUTER SCIENCE The Federal State Educational Standard establishes

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is compiled on the basis of: Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (273-FZ dated December 29, 2012) Federal component of the state

Explanatory note Work program of the academic subject “Informatics and ICT. 8-9 grade" is compiled on the basis of: 1. Model program of basic general education in computer science and ICT (approved by order

Municipal budgetary educational institution Novogorodkovskaya secondary school “I approve” School director T.B. Naumova 2013 “Agreed” Deputy Director for Water Resources V.A.

Municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar secondary school 52 WORK PROGRAM In computer science

COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ICT grades 8-9 grade 8. Teachers: Yurtseva S.S., Amelchenko A.V., Bondareva G.V. 9th grade. Teachers: Brynin G.E., Lashko E.N. Head of the Moscow Region 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE Work program on the subject

Municipal educational institution Dunaevskaya basic secondary school Agreed at a meeting of the Moscow Region of subject teachers Minutes 1 of 30.08. 2017 Head of MO: (Koroleva T.M.) “I approve”

Explanatory note. This program is compiled on the basis of the “Approximate program of basic general education in computer science and ICT (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/09/04. 1312), program

Explanatory note The work program in computer science and ICT for grade 8 was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education and sample program main

Budgetary educational institution of Omsk “Gymnasium 9” ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Oksana Pavlovna Grinevich “Using the capabilities of MS Word in teaching” 7th grade Omsk

Work program in computer science for grades 8-9 for the 2017 2018 school year. year Author-compiler: Gileva E.V., computer science teacher in Bolshoy Istok village 2017 Explanatory note This program is designed to study

“AGREED” “APPROVED” Deputy Director for Water Resources Management: School Director / Bessudnova E.V./ /Kuznetsova T.V./ August 30, 2016 Order 00-02/93 dated 08/30/2016 Calendar and thematic planning computer science lessons

Municipal budgetary educational institution boarding school of basic general education in the city of Belebey, municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Belarus Considered at a meeting of the ShMO protocol 2014

Regulatory framework 1. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 1089 “On approval of the Federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and

I.G. Semakin M.S. Tsvetkova COMPUTER SCIENCE 7 9 grades Approximate work program Moscow BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory 2016 SAMPLE WORK PROGRAM IN INFORMATICS FOR BASIC SCHOOL Completed subject

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution "Perovskaya school-gymnasium" REVIEWED AGREED APPROVED at a meeting of the methodological deputy director for water management Director of the MBOU association of teachers "Perovskaya"

Work program in computer science (8th grade) EXPLANATORY NOTE This program has been compiled a n a o s n o v e p r o g r a m s Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A., Rusakov

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 28 Kolomna, Moscow region Reviewed Agreed Approved Head of ShMO Deputy Director for

Work program in computer science and ICT 7th grade (total 35 hours, 1 hour per week) Explanatory note Computer science is the science of the patterns of information processes in systems of various

MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “TECHNICAL LYCEUM OF VLADIVOSTOK” WORK PROGRAM in the academic subject “Informatics” for grade 8 for the 206,207 academic year. COMPILED BY: Plotitsyn

Working curriculum in COMPUTER SCIENCE for 7th grade students for the 206/207 academic year Compiled by: Olga Yuryevna Monakhova, computer science teacher of the first qualification category Explanatory note

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school 13” “I approve” Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 13 E.E. Dadonova Order 261 of 09/01/2016 Work program in computer science and ICT grade 9

Municipal autonomous educational institution Lyceum 8 named after N.N. Rukavishnikova, Tomsk “Agreed” at a meeting of the methodological council, minutes 10 “28” August_ 2015 “Approved” Director / Burkaeva

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Secondary school 141 with in-depth study of mathematics” ADOPTED by the pedagogical council, protocol 1 of August 29

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "DREZNEN GYMNASIUM" Work program in computer science ( a basic level of) 7th grade Compiled by first category teacher: Kuznetsova N.Yu. 2017 COMPUTER SCIENCE

Approved by the Director of Municipal Educational Institution “Shumilovskaya Secondary School” E.A. Toropova 206. Reviewed by Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management O.Yu. Skripnichenko 206 Considered at the school methodological association of mathematics teachers Head

ANNOTATION to work programs on ICT The work program is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents: 1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Articles 9, 14, 29, 32); 2. Federal state

N N O U "TROITSKAYA P R A V O S L A V N A Y SCHOOL" APPROVED by the Director 2014 CONSIDERED at a meeting of the methodological association minutes of 2014 Chairman of the ShMO (surname , first name, patronymic) AGREED

Explanatory note This work program “Informatics” has been developed on the basis of: - Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On Education in the Russian Federation”; - based

Content. Explanatory note 3 2. Contents of the academic subject 4 3. Organization of control 5 4. Requirements for the level of training of students 6 5. Educational and methodological support 7 6. Logistics

Abstract to the work program in computer science and ICT at the level of basic general education (grades 6-9) at MBOU Secondary School 56 for the 2014-2015 academic year. Work program of the academic subject "Informatics and ICT" for

| Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies | Teaching materials, work programs and thematic planning | Educational and training complex in computer science Semakina I.G.

Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies

Educational and methodological set (UMK) in computer science Semakina I.G. and etc.

Lesson plan for the academic year

Semakin Igor Gennadievich

He has been associated with Perm University since 1961, when in Perm school No. 102, on the initiative of Yu.V. Devingtal, on the basis of the PSU Computing Center, the city’s first class of mathematicians-programmers was created. He was a student in this class until he graduated from school with a gold medal in 1964.

In the same year he entered the Faculty of Physics of PSU, from which he graduated with honors in 1969, receiving the specialty “Physicist”, specialization “Theoretical Physics”.

From 1969 to 1979 – engineer-mathematician of the Computing Center of PSU. At this time, he was engaged in research work in the field of the theory of convective stability under the guidance of Professor G.Z. Gershuni. At the Perm scientific hydrodynamic school, he was the first to begin studying the problems of free convection in anomalously viscous liquids. On this topic in 1980 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Since 1979, he worked at the Department of Applied Mathematics of PSU as a senior teacher and associate professor.

Since 2002 – professor of this department. Along with research in the field of theoretical hydrodynamics, he participated in the development of the PGU ASNI system as Deputy Chief Designer.

In 1985, a computer science course was introduced into the general education school curriculum.

Since that time, I.G. Semakin has been actively involved in providing school computer science with teaching staff, developing curricula, educational and methodological literature, and is also engaged in research work in the field of content and methods of teaching computer science. He has more than 100 publications on this topic.

In 2002 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Since 1998, under his leadership, a team of authors has been formed that has been successfully developing school textbooks on computer science that have received federal status. Among them are textbooks on the course “Informatics and ICT” for grades 8, 9, 10, 11, which are among the most popular in Russian schools. Participates in the development of textbooks for pedagogical universities on the course “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science”, textbooks on programming for the system of secondary specialized education.

He was awarded the K.D. Ushinsky medal for merits in the field of pedagogical sciences, the L. Euler medal “For merit” of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of PSU, and the badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.”