Html carousel simple css for. Elastislide – adaptive slider – carousel

/* This is where our carousel begins. Block.carousel-wrapper is positioned relatively, wrapper.carousel-item is positioned absolutely. . */ .carousel-wrapper( position:relative; /* Absolutely positioned boxes get their height and width from their parent. We made them transparent by default, and then they will appear smoothly when clicking on links.arrow-prev and.arrow-next. * / .carousel-item( position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; padding:25px50px; opacity:0; transition:all0.5sease-in-out; /* Noticed the padding on the left and 50px on the right? This way we can position our links! Each will be 50px wide. Also, I use empty links with background image so that the links look like arrows. Check that you have changed the URL of the links with the original URL so that your links are not just transparent rectangles. */ .arrow( position:absolute; top:0; display:block; width:50px; height:100%; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0); background:url( "/carousel-arrow-dark.png")50%50%/20pxno-repeat; /* Let's return our arrow to the left. */ &.arrow-prev( left:0; ) /* And the second one to the right. Because I use same image for the arrow, I rotate it 180 degrees. */ &.arrow-next( right:0; -webkit-transform:rotate(180deg); transform:rotate(180deg); ) ) /* I really like love the way the carousel slides look against a dark background, and if block.carousel-item has a class of "light", we'll change its text to white and use white arrows instead of gray ones. Double-check that the path to the arrow image is correct */ &.light( color:white; .arrow( background:url("/carousel-arrow-light.png")50%50%/20pxno-repeat; ) ) /* Let's write a media query to change the size of the arrows on devices with smaller screen sizes.*/ @media(max-width:480px)( .arrow,&.light.arrow( background-size:10px; background-position:10px50% ; ) ) ) /* Set the link targets to display: none; This way, we get rid of the browser constantly jumping to the very top of the carousel every time we click on the arrows. This property is effective for any elements whose ID begins with "target-item". */ ( display:none; ) /* Above, we've made all of our carousel slides transparent, which means that when the carousel loads, we'll get a big empty box instead. Let's change the transparency value for the first slide to 1 for display. We also set the z-index to 2, positioning it higher than the other slides. */ .item-1( z-index:2; opacity:1; ) /* But we don't want the first slide to always have an opacity value of opacity: 1; otherwise we'll have to work our way through this slide while rotating the others. */ *:target~.item-1( opacity:0; ) /* ..but if #target-item-1 is in focus and we want to show the first slide, then select it using the ~ icon and set the transparency again to 1:-) */ #target-item-1:target~.item-1( opacity:1; ) /* If other target-item-# are in focus, select them using the ~ selector, smoothly show them, and place them on top using z-index: 3. Here you can add additional spans with the target-item identifier if you have more than three of them. He can add 10 pieces at once. . */ #target-item-2:target~.item-2,#target-item-3:target~.item-3( z-index:3; opacity:1; ) )

jQuery carousel plugins allow you to display website content in a more attractive way. With the help of such plugins, you can create beautiful presentations directly on website pages and attract the attention of visitors.

1. Bootstrap Ambilight Slider

Bootstrap Ambilight Slider is a plugin for creating sliders/carousels with an ambient glow effect and Bootstrap functionality.

2. jQuery TouchSwipe Carousel

The jQuery TouchSwipe Carousel plugin allows you to detect touches on the touch screen and simulate a mouse button press.


ItemSlide.js is a jquery plugin for creating a carousel that will work on both desktop and mobile touch devices.


– jquery plugin for creating adaptive carousels/sliders.


Fully responsive and mobile-optimized jquery carousel plugin. For animation, CSS3 transitions are used here, but there is also a fallback option in jQuery. The plugin supports an unlimited number of slides with any type of content. can interact with the keyboard, and at the same time works well in most browsers, including mobile ones.

6. SilverTrack

SilverTrack is an extensible jQuery plugin. It consists of a small core to which you can connect convenient plugins.

7. Owl Carousel 2

Owl Carousel 2 is a fully responsive jQuery/Zepto carousel with touch screen support.

8. UtilCarousel

UtilCarousel – jQuery carousel plugin with smooth transitions, realized through hardware acceleration. It is completely adaptive. The plugin supports touch screens, and it uses hardware-accelerated 3D CSS3 animation. Thanks to this, the plugin will look good on both desktop PCs and mobile devices. You can control UtilCarousel using touches, navigation, or the mouse wheel.

9. Slick

Slick is a responsive jQuery carousel that has everything you need.

10. CodingJack 3D Carousel

This carousel is supported by iOS and Android devices and is equipped with touch swipe functionality. Looks great on tablets and smartphones.

11. jQuery Slideshow

jQuery Slideshow is a carousel and slider with gesture support for touch devices. The plugin archive weighs only 2 kilobytes.

12. FlimRoll

FlimRoll is a miniature jQuery carousel that focuses the user's attention on a specific object, placing it in the center of the screen.

13. Tikslus

Tikslus is a fully responsive jQuery carousel with many features and properties. And the plugin’s high adaptability allows you not to specify image sizes. In addition, it is worth noting the support for custom animations based on CSS3 classes. Tikslus can be used with the Jquery Mobile plugin.


Scrollbox is a simple, miniature jQuery plugin that turns lists into a carousel or ticker.

15. Sky Touch Carousel

Sky Touch Carousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with a rich set of functions. The plugin is adaptive, supports touch screens, and at the same time works quickly and smoothly. Settings allow you to change appearance carousels using CSS.


– flexible jQuery plugin for creating slideshows or carousels. It has many settings, including transition types, image alignment, and frame switching speed.

One day my friends decided to give me a pleasant surprise. The surprise itself was very simple; it required a very ordinary T-shirt without any designs.

And then they ran into a problem - all the T-shirts in the stores had images on them. They couldn't find the simplest T-shirt without any pictures. I think you too have encountered similar problem when you can't find the simplest thing.

And it’s the same story with carousels; almost all carousels already have a design. And you almost always need a clean carousel, which you can then design as the designer intended.

Therefore, in order to immediately enjoy working with carousels, and to make them quickly, I suggest you use the following plugin.

jQuery plugin clean and powerful carousel

The cool thing about this plugin is that it has no design and is much easier to work with than other beautiful plugins.

It can be decorated in any way you like.

And so, here is this plugin: Owl Carousel.

Installing the plugin

1. Connect jQuery if it is not already connected, for example like this

2. Copy the plugin files to the site folder

  • Unpacking
  • Copy the owl-carousel folder to the site

3. Connect these files to the site:

4. Add code to the page

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5. Launch the plugin

$(document).ready(function())( // Find the carousel block var carousel = $("#carousel"); // Launch the carousel plugin carousel.owlCarousel(); ));

6. We arrange

/* Main block */ .owl-wrapper-outer ( border: 1px solid #777; border-radius: 5px; overflow: hidden; background: white; ) /* 1 carousel square */ .carousel-element ( padding: 30px ; text-align: center; font-size: 300%; border-right: 1px solid #777; )

Back and Forward buttons

In this example, I will show not the fastest, but the most universal method.

1. Add the buttons themselves

Back forward

2. Attaching buttons to the carousel plugin

After launching the plugin, add the code

// Back // When you click on "Back" $("#js-prev").click(function () ( // Start rewinding left carousel.trigger("owl.prev"); return false; )); // Forward // When you click on "Forward" $("#js-next").click(function () ( // Start rewinding to the right carousel.trigger(""); return false; ));

Now, when you click on “Back” and “Forward”, rewind will be triggered.


These are the points that show where we are now.

They can be enabled when running the plugin by adding next parameter

// Launch the carousel plugin carousel.owlCarousel(( // Points under the carousel pagination: true ));

/* Block with dots */ .owl-pagination ( text-align: center; /* Align the dots in the middle */ ) /* 1 Point */ .owl-page ( width: 10px; height: 10px; border: 1px solid #777; display: inline-block; background: white; margin: 10px; border-radius: 5px; ) /* Active point */ ( background: #777; )

To show only 1 block

This is quite often needed, for this we add the following parameter

// Launch the carousel plugin carousel.owlCarousel(( singleItem: true, // Show only 1 block at full width ));

Different number of blocks on different devices

A very useful feature that allows you to create an adaptive carousel for mobile devices.

// Launch the carousel plugin carousel.owlCarousel(( // Number of displayed blocks // depending on the device (screen width) // Number of blocks per big screens items: 10, // 5 blocks on computers (screen from 1400px to 901px) itemsDesktop: , // 3 blocks on small computers (screen from 900px to 601px) itemsDesktopSmall: , // 2 elements on tablets (screen from 600 to 480 pixels ) itemsTablet: , // Settings for the phone are disabled, in this case // the tablet settings will be used itemsMobile: false ));

What kind of surprise is that?

Friends come to my birthday party, they smile joyfully, the delight is overflowing. They solemnly present me with a gift.

I open it and look at the T-shirt. I'm unfolding it. Damn, what stupidity. I see 3 photos of myself on this T-shirt. I put on a T-shirt and everyone starts laughing, it turned out stupid and funny.