How to wind up views on youtube ultrasound scanner. How to wind up views on Youtube for free

Greetings, dear readers. In today's article I will tell you about how to wind up views on Youtube for free and, at the same time, not get banned. I have already come across those who commit various stupid things and, then, suffer from various sanctions from YouTube and Google - I want to save you from this.

Here's a quick outline of what you'll find in this article:

What do YouTube views give?

You have already noticed that the volume of video content on the Internet has grown many times over in recent years. Previously, its distribution was limited to low speeds and expensive traffic, now in every village people watch clips and films via the Internet. By the way, if you still do not know how to add your clips to the Internet, then read my article, there I described everything in detail.

The largest video hosting Youtube, today, is on the 3rd place in the world among the most visited sites (according to Its audience is huge and it is an attractive idea for every internet entrepreneur to take a bite of it.

I can't say that video has replaced or will replace text in the near future, since text materials are much more practical, but the popularity of video is growing and we can use this to promote our business. Videos allow us to get both direct customers and transitions to the pages of the sites we need. If the video is done correctly, then each material posted on the site will be a kind of advertising page. The traffic statistics of my blog at the moment show that the share of traffic from video hosting is 16.6% - this is a considerable figure.

Again, according to my observations, the traffic from this site is very targeted, those people who have watched my videos already understand what awaits them on my blog, what topics I touch on and go only if they are interested. This reduces the number of bounces, visitors look at many pages and read articles for a long time, thereby improving the behavioral factors that have been so diligently analyzed recently.

How is the rating of video clips on Youtube determined?

As you can imagine, the high popularity of the site also attracts a large number of people who want to advance at its expense. Every day, a huge number of videos are uploaded to this video hosting, among which yours can simply get lost.

Youtube is a kind of search engine. A system operates inside the site, in simple terms, this means that the service is looking for the most suitable videos for the request entered by the user. Just like Yandex searches for information on the pages, YouTube searches for information in the database of its videos. There can be many suitable videos, but there is a limited number of places on the first page and it is not always easy to get there.

Among those parameters that affect the video rating are such as the correspondence of the video description to the request, the age of the owner's channel and the video itself, the average viewing duration, and many others. I have plans for the future to make a detailed guide to popularize videos. Fortunately, there is already a positive experience (now more than 600 people view my channel every day), all that remains is to systematize all the information.

So, back to the topic of the article. One of the factors that is used to determine the place of a video clip in the SERP is its past popularity, i.e. the number of people who have already watched the video before. And videos that have already received views on youtube in the past take precedence. Not that this is decisive, but if two clips have the same other metrics, the one that gets the most views earlier will be higher.

This is exactly what the promotion is done for - in order to outplay the competitors. Of course, such a promotion is not needed for all topics, but since you are reading an article, it means that it is relevant for your videos.

Why is the promotion of views dangerous?

You probably guess that cheating is not a natural process, that is, you are artificially trying to present your video as more authoritative than it really is. As is the case with conventional search engines, YouTube does not welcome such manipulations - you are deceiving the service. Therefore, if a video is caught for cheating, then you can receive various sanctions, up to the ban of your account.

The likelihood of getting caught depends on the way you wind up video views and your actions in general.

By the way, with this article I in no way urge anyone to engage in cheating, this is a voluntary matter, to apply or not - decide for yourself. Many of my videos have become quite popular in their niche - the quality and relevance of content is the key to success.

What needs to be done at the very beginning - BEFORE

In my opinion, the process of boosting views is needed only at the initial stage, in order to move the video you created from scratch, then your video should become popular by itself. This means that the video must be of good quality, both in terms of content and design - see how competitors in the TOP are doing it and do better.

So it is necessary to start boosting views on Youtube with natural methods. It sounds a little paradoxical, since natural methods are just not cheating. Naturalness in the beginning is the key to success in the future. The service follows the first steps of your videos more actively, then you can relax a little.

Do the following:

1. Watch the video yourself

2. Ask him to see all your friends, acquaintances and relatives - from different computers.

3. Add videos to all your social media accounts, if you have a lot of friends there, you can get a lot of views. If the video is good, then your friends will also share it with their friends - it can get a viral effect.

4. Add the video to all thematic communities to which you have access (groups in social networks, thematic forums, etc.)

You can repeat these procedures 2-3 times. It is advisable that your video gains at least several hundred views in a natural way. The more he gains, the less the risk of getting all sorts of fines.

How to boost video views on Youtube?

And only now we turn directly to the wrapping. Basically, the methods of boosting impressions are divided into 2 categories.

The first - you wind up yourself, using the means available from home.

The second is using various services, exchanges, firms.

Self-promotion is easy to implement and 100% free. How to do it? - very simple - open your browser and periodically, every 3-5 seconds, refresh the page - impressions will be counted. You can automate this using the Opera browser - there you can set up automatic page refresh every X seconds.

I see no point in giving any instructions on this method, if you want to take a chance, type in the search “How to wind up views on youtube” and you will find at once a bunch of video clips that show everything in detail.

For true kamikazes, I will even give a suitable instruction. If you want to take risks, watch the video and repeat. But I would advise you to skip this option and move on to the next paragraphs of the article - there I will talk about safe ways to cheat.

For more adequate people, I recommend winding up views in clever ways that mimic people's real interest in videos. It is unrealistic to do this at home, you need to use special services. The principle of their work is similar - many people watch each other's videos. Those who feel sorry for money, but do not feel sorry for the time watching videos on barter, for whom time is expensive, they pay for others to watch their videos.

Studying the topic, I found 2 cheat services.

Service for boosting views PumpYT

One in Russian with a Russian-speaking audience, called PumpYT. When registering, a certain amount of local currency is charged, which can be spent on promotion, and then this currency can also be earned by watching other people's videos. Moreover, the service has a gadget built into google chrome, which allows automatic surfing.

I was embarrassed by the lack of an opportunity in PumpYT to simply buy local currency for money, for such a service it is not serious. Apparently he gathers only an audience of schoolchildren who have nothing else to do. On the main page inside the account there is a video on setting up the system, but when I tried to start it, a message appeared stating that the video was deleted.

I was able to set up and run everything without it, but for PumpYT to work, I needed to register a separate account on youtube, I couldn't register it right away, google constantly apologized and refused to register the left account (it was somehow strict). Spent a lot of time and realized that the game was not worth the candle, I had to give up and move on to the next service. I thought that too many disadvantages were gathered at one time in one place.

Service for boosting views Addmefast

Website -

The service is bourgeois, so everything is in English, however, there is a built-in translator. As usual, register an account. I, apparently, am not happy, again I could not do everything without problems. When I tried to create an account, they wrote to me that someone was already registered from my IP, so I was refused to create an account - this is such a protection against double registration. I had to write the following text for those support:

God bless. The answer came a few hours later, my IP was removed from the database and I registered without any problems. Surely, nothing like this will happen to you, but if suddenly, then I told you what needs to be done. After registration, a letter will come with a request to confirm by clicking on the link. After confirmation, enter the service, accept the rules of the system.

Now I will show you how to use addmefast. You get into your account. At the top right, 50 points are displayed that have been awarded to you in the form of a registration bonus. As I wrote above, these points can be additionally obtained in two ways - buy or receive for your actions with other projects, for example, for watching videos of other users.

How to get points in addmefast

You can pay for addmefast points with a bank card, paypal, I have not yet seen the common payment systems in our country. I will not dwell on the payment section for a long time. Go to the section for getting free points, it opens when you log into your account by default.

As you have already noticed, addmefast works not only with boosting views on Youtube, it allows you to receive likes and even collect subscribers to your channel. In addition, he knows how to interact in a similar way with Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and even Vkontakte (here I wrote about that). Each function has a corresponding icon. In the picture, I have highlighted the icons for cheating indicators in youtube, more precisely, for getting free points.

The very first icon - points for video impressions - Youtube Views. The same icons are on the left side of the site, you can go directly to them. Click on Youtube Views, a page opens offering you to start watching. You don't have to watch all the videos - you can skip those you don't want to watch.

The video for viewing opens in a new window. The window closes automatically after 30 seconds. Then an anti-bot will appear - you will need to correctly position the pictures.

A message appears stating that everything is fine and you have been awarded points, the amount of points in the upper right part of the site also increases - everything seems to be simple. You can go straight to the next video.

They also have bonuses for active users, once a day you can get 150 points as a gift, you need to complete at least 20 tasks for this.

We figured out how to get points, you will need to spend your time or money.

How to wind up views of videos on Youtube in Addmefast?

Now let's go directly to the cheat of views of our video. To do this, press the big green button on the left side of the site "Add Site / Page" and, in order, fill in the fields for the project we are winding up.

Type - select the type of parameter that we will wind up (boost impressions on youtube - Youtube Views)

Countries are the countries from which to receive cheats. By default, there is a checkmark from any country, you can uncheck it and select the desired country / countries, for example Russian Federation, in this case, the transitions will only be from Russia.

Title - the title of your page (title). It is not necessary that it coincides completely with the real name - write in Latin in general terms.

Total Clicks, Daily Clicks - limit on the number of clicks (total and per day). If you do not fill in anything, then there will be no restrictions, the entire budget will go away quickly. For new videos, I recommend setting a limit on views per day at the level of a couple of hundred, when you wind up the first couple of thousand, you can remove it.

CPC is the cost of one action in points. Set more expensive - views will go faster, set a lower price, slower. If the budget is small and there is nowhere to rush - put something in between.

Press the confirmation button and your ad campaign will start spinning. I had some kind of glitch when launching an advertisement - it did not start until I set the maximum price for a video - 10 points. But then I could not slow down :), views flooded very quickly, while the price was lowering the balance had already gone into negative territory. Then the situation stabilized. It was experimentally revealed that views practically do not go cheaper than 9 points, so you won't be able to wind up a freebie for 2 points.

The My Sytes section shows statistics, and also, there you can pause your pages and edit the settings - everything is quite convenient and understandable. You can add as many projects for promotion as you like.

Of all the options I have considered, it turned out to be the easiest way to wind up views on youtube using addmefast. Likewise, you can set up campaigns to boost followers or pump your accounts on other social services, such as facebook or twitter.

Soclike service

For those who are too lazy to independently understand various cheat services and delve into their settings, you can just buy everything you need. Views, likes, subscribers - all this is for sale and there are many companies that provide such services. True, their choice should be taken seriously, since "careless" actions can lead to a ban.

From serious companies, I would pay attention to I did not find any negative reviews. Of the videos promoted by them (which I had a chance to check), 100% are still working and have collected a considerable number of natural views since the promotion. The promotion of videos in Youtube is carried out by embedding your video in social networks, file sharing and other visited resources. Subscribers to the channel come from Russia and Ukraine, they are attracted by a similar method from online games.

Unlike services, on Soclike you don't have to set up something yourself - choose what you need to wind up, press the order button, pay for the selected amount and wait for the result. That is, the process itself is simpler, but you have to pay, although, in my opinion, prices do not bite.

I wish you success in your promotion, Dmitry Zhilin

Other helpful blog articles:

Recently, very often I receive questions from readers of the site and guests of my channel. Clear TV ... Here are some of them:

At the moment there is (a friend has been using it for 5 months), which gives the result:

I got myself 48 views in 5 minutes approximately on the test channel. A friend plays 500-1000 a day. He even says there are commercial views and the channel's income has grown significantly. On the Internet, only positive reviews are written about this site (people who are not able to register and perform a couple of simple actions do not count).

How to wind up views on YouTube?

1) (the site is in English, but in Google Chrome and some other browsers it can be translated into Russian or another convenient language).

2) Registration, as is often the case, must be confirmed by e-mail.

3) Log in with your username and password to the site. Click on Dashboard.

4) Then click on the red Link Account icon (click allow). This will connect the channel to the site (you can even use a new one, just created).

5) Then, in the upper right corner, click Client (

6) Click Open, after which a pop-up window will appear, in which you need to click Start.

7) So we will start earning points, which can then be spent on boosting YouTube views.

8) You don't need to do anything else. Don't cover anything! The program will start watching the video itself.

In the meantime, you can go about your business or in another browser do what you always do.

Bonuses from the site

If you watch 50 videos a day, you can get a bonus - 500 points (approximately 100-200 views). This bonus can be received every day! Due to this site, the promotion of views on youtube will be performed automatically.

I never said that boosting views on youtube or anywhere else is something worth doing, but if you can't do without it, then you can try. At the moment, everything is working and views are not deducted as on other sites.

Nobody knows how long this site will live. While there is an opportunity, many are playing safely, but to the maximum, otherwise times are changing, especially on YouTube.

You learned how to wind up views on YouTube and you will no longer ask me such questions. What to do next is up to each of you to decide.

Despite the changes in YouTube Analytics, the promotion of views is now as relevant as it was before. At the same time, everyone is winding up: subscribers, views, comments, likes, dislikes, and even video reposts in social networks. But what can be safely wrapped up and will there be any sense from it - let's figure it out!

As the saying goes: "There is a demand - there will be offers!" and on the Internet, you can find many similar services. At the same time, only the cheat of comments, reposts and the number of video additions to favorites can be considered safe. Only cheating live views on YouTube and writing comments by people will be safe for the channel. Now let's look at what types of markups are available.

Cheat subscribers on YouTube: Types of cheats

Mutual subscription: When people exchange subscriptions to their channels: "I am you, you are me!", This is called mutual subscription. As a result, you will receive organic subscriptions that will not work in the future.

Program to boost YouTube views... This method consists in connecting a special program or online application that "go" through the sites, search and view videos. This method is well known to YouTube, so it is constantly harassed and regularly exposed.

Cheat bots: A bot for boosting views on YouTube is the most dangerous method that is guaranteed to lead to a channel ban, because it is now quite easy and fast to track.

Axle boxes- a way to boost views on special sites for making money. Here people make money doing simple tasks for a penny fee. Such work is mainly done by students and schoolchildren, whose task is to watch videos, put likes, register on sites and do other little things. These are also results that do not work in the future.

"Seeding video": Among the other types, I decided to insert this wrapping method, or rather promotion channel. It consists in the fact that you "plant" your videos on various platforms, and you get a good harvest in the form of views and subscribers.

These are also paid services, but unlike the previous ones, you will get live views on your channel. The advantage of this method is that you "seed" the video for a certain budget. And if after the end of the contract your video is not deleted or during the views the viewers did a repost, then you will continue to receive live views further, but for free.

"Black box": This is a way to get views and subscribers using the above methods, but only in a beautiful package, that is, as a service from "experts in this business." And, as you understood, it is not safe to use these "unique" methods and no one can guarantee you anything.

And, as I promised, I specially collected statistics on such markups, and found out that not a single blogger with whom I talked used markups. And the surveyed subscribers who used various services did not succeed with the help of markups. Well, that's understandable! If the video did not interest anyone in the PR process, then they will not pay attention to it in the future. But what will happen next, that is the question!

If you are caught cheating data, you can run into YouTube sanctions, ranging from the most harmless to the most sad ones:

  • Cheating views and subscribers.
  • Freeze views.
  • Disable monetization.
  • Downgrade of the channel in the rating.
  • Sanctions on other channels.
  • Video blocking.
  • Adsense account blocking.
  • Channel blocking.

As you understand, before you wind up something, you should think a hundred times. It is better to shoot a video, promote your channel honestly and enjoy the result than to wind up a couple of hundred subscribers and expect a ban every day.

I recommend reading "How to save money on filming YouTube videos" and subscribing to my channel to get even more useful information for working with video hosting. Good luck!

VTope is a free and convenient service for boosting views on youtube

A video platform with over a billion audience - youtube - allows people from all over the world to share different videos. Initially, this video hosting was planned as an entertainment service. But in the modern world, youtube very quickly became an effective way to promote various goods or services on the market. All you need is to create your own channel and get as many subscribers as possible. In a dynamic business environment, time is of the essence. The ideal service for boosting views on youtube is VTope. It works online, fast and free.

Who needs services for boosting views on youtube?

Services for the promotion of a video or account will be of interest to absolutely everyone. Ordinary users can use cheat to find friends with the same interests. Lovers of banjo jumping or spearfishing will find an audience for their video blog, or maybe even their love.
The service for boosting views on youtube will be very useful in business. Video content has long been a convenient marketing tool for attracting customers. The more views a video has, the more users will be interested in it, because people tend to trust the opinion of the majority.

Download cheat views on youtube or work online?

Now a lot of services offer services for boosting subscribers, likes and views on many social projects. How to choose the fastest and most efficient one? Download and install various programs for cheating? Leave it to the lazy and inexperienced.

VTope works online. In order for the promotion to start, you need to do just a few simple steps:
1. Register VTope.
2. Set the wrapping task.
3. Specify how many views, subscribers or likes you want to receive.
4. Pay for them with VTope internal currency - points.

It is completely safe. Our service does not need to send passwords or logins from your account. The promotion will start almost immediately. The number of views and subscribers is not limited, you can get as much as you want.

There are many ways to get points. You can just buy them. Do you want to spend money? Then invite your friends and get 20% of their earned points. Do you like to do everything yourself? Then there is the handy and simple VTope-bot utility. You need to download it, but not for boosting views on youtube, but for earning points.

You are only a couple of mouse clicks away from popularity on world video hosting. It's very easy to be in the top with VTope.

) is the largest video hosting service with huge traffic. According to Alexa, YouTube ranks third. This speaks directly to the huge audience and potential profit. Let's figure out in order what and how.

How YouTube videos are ranked

Youtube, like a search engine, has its own search engine. To talk about all the nuances of how and what we will not. We will only point out the most basic points. What exactly affects the position of the video clip:

  • Video title and description. Tags and keywords for the video also affect. All this should be written clearly, without elements of spam.
  • The percentage of video views is more than 50%. From this, by the way, we can conclude: do not make the video very long. The longer the video, the lower the percentage who will view at least 50%.
  • Total views

Pay attention to the last point. Therefore, answering the question: "Is it necessary to boost views on YouTube at all?", You can safely answer that yes.

What are the options for cheating?

  • Wind up yourself
  • Use services (paid / free)

But before I start, I want to make an important point:

I also want to note that there is no point in promoting a video that is obviously of poor quality. You will only waste your time and money. If you promote a video, then only good and valuable for users.

1. Services for boosting views on YouTube

Let's look at a couple of services for boosting views on Youtube.

  • PROSPERO - there are many options for assignments for YouTube

2. Self-promotion of views

In principle, you can try to wind up views on YouTube yourself. For example, the easiest way is to enable browser auto-update after a certain period of time in the Opera browser. You open your video on Youtube, turn on auto-update and that's it. Views are slowly accumulating. However, you can't wind up that much. Plus it's risky. Videos can be banned for "manipulation".

You can also try from computers with different IP-addresses to do the same in terms of "auto-update" of the browser.

We have considered all the cheap gray ways to increase views. I am sure that one of the proposed options will suit you as well.