"x-scan" is a stationary scanning unit for examining passengers. Our opinion on VueScan

Absolutely any application can be downloaded to the Google Play store - regardless of how it looks, works, and whether it contains malicious code. Virus checks are done post-download, and although Google recently made an attempt to protect users' devices with Play Protect, you shouldn't rely on it entirely.
Android has several security tools in its arsenal to protect devices from most malicious applications. The same methods are effective for protection against other unwanted software. Unfortunately, they do not exclude the possibility of downloading a destructive application, however, they significantly reduce this probability.

Method 1: Don't rely on Google Play Protect

After numerous instances of malicious apps infiltrating the Google Play Store, Google has enabled the Google Bouncer service, which automatically scans apps for viruses and other unwanted code. After rebranding at the beginning of this year, Google Bouncer, along with the Find My Device application, was combined into a package of services called Google Play Protect.

Aimed at solving a number of tasks that were previously performed by separate applications, Play Protect was intended to demonstrate to developers and users that Google is serious about security issues. However, the Play Protect issue could not be fixed.

According to AV-Test lab data from November 2018, Play Protect's real-time malware detection rate was only 66.9%. At the same time, the average indicator of similar software was 98%.

Android antivirus test results by AV Test (September 2017)

When tested for the ability to detect the latest viruses that have emerged in the past four weeks, Play Protect scored 79.6% with an average of 98.6%. Thus, Play Protect cannot be called an effective antivirus application.

We do not urge you to disable this service, especially since it is already built into Android devices, and the Find My Device function may come in handy for you. However, we recommend that you complement Play Protect with another antivirus application with a much higher level of protection and minimal energy consumption - Antiy AVL.

Antiy AVL's ability to detect viruses in real time, as well as to detect the latest threats, is above average and is 100% in both cases. Also, according to AV-Test.org, the antivirus has a minimal impact on battery consumption and device speed, and produces 0% false positives.

(1) AVL performs initial scan
(2) AVL settings menu

Method 2: Check App Permissions

Android has an App Permissions system. Starting with version 6.0 of Marshmallow, apps must request access to certain smartphone features. For example, camera apps need to request access to the device's camera, and navigation apps need to request access to GPS coordinates or other information about your location.

Since these permissions are not granted by default, when you open a new app or decide to use a new feature, you will see a series of permission requests. If you click on "Allow", the application will have permanent access to the corresponding function of your smartphone.

The Snapseed photo editing app asks for permission to access files stored on your smartphone.

Although, in theory, all applications should obey the rules of App Permissions, in reality this is not always the case. Instead, permissions may be requested "en masse" when installing the application. It turns out that you can allow either everything or nothing, and if you do not want to give the application access to certain smartphone functions, you will not be able to install it at all.

In addition, it is very easy to confuse the “encumbered” request with a request to confirm that you really want to install this application. Without noticing the catch and clicking "Allow", you will automatically grant the application access to all the functions it requests.

An example application that does not use the new permission system. All permissions are requested at the same time when installing the application.

Even if apps act according to the new system, they often ask for permissions that are not required for their operation, which reduces the security of your device.

Therefore, it will be quite useful to periodically check the permissions of applications. Luckily, this is very easy to do on Android - apps are grouped by permissions so you don't have to look at the permissions of each app separately.

To view permissions, open "Settings" by clicking on the gear icon in the quick settings panel or by selecting "Settings" in the application panel. In the search bar at the top, type "App Configuration" or "App Permissions".

If the search did not find anything (for example, on devices with LG UX firmware), select the “Applications” item in the settings and click on the three vertical dots. In the submenu that opens, select "App Configuration" and then "App Permissions" or simply "Permissions" (depending on the firmware).

In the case of LG UX firmware, additional steps are required to access application permissions.

You will see a list of all application permissions, opposite each of which will indicate the number of applications that have access to this smartphone function.

Let's say Foot Locker, an app for sportswear and footwear store, requests access to your calendar in order to add events there. If you don't need this feature, turn off the permission so that the app can't collect your personal data.

Revoking calendar access permission for the Foot Locker app.

By minimizing the permissions of applications, you protect yourself from companies that collect unnecessary information about you, as well as from intruders who can hack the application and use it to attack your device. Hackers can use more sophisticated tactics, in which the application will work as usual, but at the same time, thanks to its permissions, they will gain access to your personal data.

You don't have to worry about breaking the app by removing permissions you don't need - that's only possible with older apps that don't use the new permission system. After disabling the permission, open the app. If an app needs permission to perform its basic functions, it will ask for it again.

Method 3: Prevent installation of apps from unknown sources

Despite the presence of problematic applications, Google Play is the most reliable source for downloading Android applications. However, Android makes it possible to download third-party applications from alternative sources. This, of course, is less secure, so it's best to only use apps from Google Play whenever possible.

To control the installation of third-party applications in Android, the option "Unknown sources" is provided. The ability to install third-party applications only exists when this option is enabled. By default, this feature is disabled. If you previously enabled Unknown Sources (for example, to install Pixel's Dialer or a third-party launcher), disabling the option will not affect the operation of already installed third-party applications, but it will prevent unauthorized installation of malicious applications from unknown sources.

To disable "Unknown sources", go to the smartphone settings menu and select "Security" ("Security and screen lock", "Protection and security"). Now scroll down the menu, find the option "Unknown sources" and disable it.

In some Android firmware, the menu item "Security" may be combined with another item, for example, "Security and screen lock" (Lock screen and security).

In new versions of Android (8.0+), the "Unknown sources" item has been replaced with the "Install unknown applications" option. With it, you can prevent a particular application from installing other applications. To use the option, go to the menu Settings –> Apps and notifications –> Special access and select “Install unknown applications”.

Method 4: Install updates in a timely manner

Another way to increase the protection of your device from malware or the accidental installation of a hacker application is to update your smartphone firmware in a timely manner. To install all available updates, go to Settings –> System –> System Updates.

Unfortunately, this method is not always effective, since few Android device manufacturers release monthly updates. With the exception of the Pixel line and a few others, software updates are released with at least a two-month delay. In any case, you need to install updates as soon as they appear.

As a rule, firmware updates include not only the latest security patches, but also bug fixes. So, in the latest update, Google eliminated the KRACK vulnerability that endangered millions of Android devices. If you have not installed this update, your smartphone can still be hacked when you connect to Wi-Fi.

And a few more recommendations "after".
Before you install anything from Google Play, do a little research. Read app reviews. If it doesn't work the way it should, they'll probably write about it. Also, pay attention to the author of the application.

It is better if it is a company, not an individual. If you see an app called Amazon that says "Hacker Joe" as the author, refrain from installing it.

Avoid apps that are overly functional. It's not for nothing that the expression "too good to be true" exists. If the application is really outstanding, many publications will probably write about it.

And finally, whenever possible, always use a VPN connection. In this case, your connection to the server will be secure, and some VPN services (for example, NordVPN) will also check the traffic for viruses and prevent them from entering your device.

NordVPN and similar VPN services protect the data sent between your device and the app's VPN servers.

We hope that these tips will save your smartphone from downloading malicious applications. Of course, no amount of precautions can guarantee that this won't happen, so be on the lookout for any changes to your Android device. If your device has already suffered from virus software, tell us about it in the comments.

Denial of responsibility: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, then the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.

After all, the safety of working on a smartphone and tablet is very important. In this article, we will talk about whether an antivirus is needed for Android. We will show you how to check your phone for viruses and what antiviruses will help protect your mobile device from Internet threats.

To check your android smartphone for viruses, download mobile antivirus

Although mobile operating systems are more resistant to infection than computers, installing additional protection and regularly checking for viruses will not harm your smartphone.

For Android, Doctor Web is considered the most effective antivirus. The healing utility is available for Android phones, tablets and smartphones. There are both free and paid versions of protection. Antivirus Doctor Web offers basic functions that will secure your phone. Among them:

  • malware (virus) protection
  • "Anti-theft" function (protection against theft)
  • check sd card and android for viruses
  • scan the phone's internal memory

How to check your phone for viruses through a computer

You can install Doctor Web not only on a mobile phone, but also on a computer. Both options are good separately, but for a comprehensive check, we would recommend downloading the curing utility Cureit.

The Dr Web Cureit program will check your phone for viruses through a computer. The desktop version of the antivirus includes up-to-date virus database updates. The utility is free, registration is not required, installation of keys is not required. This is a huge advantage of Cureit in comparison with other antiviruses.

Video instruction:

To check for viruses on your phone through a computer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect your phone's memory card to your computer
  • Run Dr Web Cureit Antivirus on PC
  • Specify the phone's memory card in the list of disks to scan
  • Start your search
  • Remove found threats and viruses

Unfortunately, with such a scan, you will not be able to specify the internal memory of the phone for verification. Only a mobile antivirus installed on a mobile device can cope with this task.

Download one of the three best mobile antiviruses:

Do I need an antivirus on Android: pros and cons

The popularity of Android devices continues to grow. This mobile operating system has gained a lot of fans due to its openness. The flexibility of Android is a clear plus of the operating system.

But not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. The freedom of action given to users of Android devices leads to bad consequences. If you do not monitor the security of the phone, you can bring a lot of trouble. By the way, in 2017, more than 50 viruses on Android have already been detected. More and more Trojans for phones and smartphones are appearing. At the same time, the demand for tablets and smartphones is growing rapidly, arousing the interest of virus writers - malware developers.

There are news about problems with viruses on the Google Play Market. For example, the DroidDream virus, created specifically for Android, has raised concerns about the security of mobile users around the world. The virus was published on the Google Play page, and users were sure that the downloaded file was “clean”. As a result, the virus has penetrated thousands of mobile devices.

Although Google has removed apps infected with the DroidDream virus, it begs the question: why not check files for malware before they are released to the public?

However, some developers claim that all antiviruses are terrible and if you have an antivirus installed on your phone, you need to urgently remove it. This is argued by the fact that antivirus software greatly slows down the smartphone, especially if there is little RAM. In addition, an antivirus running in the background can cause conflicts with other applications.

It is also claimed that mobile antiviruses are very intrusive. They try to prevent malware before it enters the system, so they analyze the work in other applications, monitor user actions and penetrate into the depths of the Android kernel.

There is some truth in the fact that hackers can exploit not only vulnerabilities in programs and operating systems, but also in antiviruses themselves.

However, this does not mean that you cannot install an antivirus on your smartphone. In most cases, you improve the phone's security at the expense of some performance penalty. With the help of antiviruses, you can check Android for viruses. However, installing an antivirus will not completely protect against a virus attack.

If you've installed a security app on your device and notice that your phone is behaving strangely or you don't like the drop in speed, you have the right to uninstall your antivirus.

To protect yourself from viruses, follow the rules of safe behavior on the Internet. This chapter covers the basics of Internet security and illustrates the most common user mistakes. So, a small educational program on protection against viruses of the android device.

Download apps only from trusted sources

Avoid suspicious applications downloaded from the Internet. The DroidDream incident tells us that even official websites can catch malware. In this case, users suspected a catch: the malicious apps, as it turned out, had an Android logo that was different from the official one.

Be careful even when going to a "verified site" like w3bsit3-dns.com or Trashbox. Before downloading anything to your device, check the rating of the file, read the comments and see who the author of the application is. Many sites, forums and trackers have built-in anti-virus checks - a relative guarantee that an infected apk file will not leak onto the phone. However, not all sites should be trusted in this regard: the antivirus still "complains" after downloading them.

This item is mandatory not only for smartphones with Android, but also for iOS and Windows Phone.

Install security updates on your mobile phone regularly

In its updates, Google every time improves the Android OS, patches security holes. After the aforementioned DroidDream virus bug that targeted Android vulnerabilities, Google fixed some weaknesses in the mobile OS and offered a security update. Therefore, do not postpone the update of the phone until better times.

Stop using outdated apps and phones - they are not safe. Always install the latest OS updates and mobile apps. It's the best way to keep your phone secure, and it's more efficient and easier than any antivirus protection.

Do not view important information on your phone over public Wi-Fi

Wireless Internet access can be obtained in any cafe. But it is precisely this availability that makes Wi-Fi very dangerous: it increases the risk of downloading viruses on Android if there is no good protection on the mobile phone. As a rule, in public places, the Internet connection is not password protected.

Think carefully before using public Wi-Fi for serious purposes, as easy access makes it easy to hack.

Don't keep your most valuable data on your phone

Confidential information can easily fall into the hands of hackers and other intruders as a result of a phishing attack or phone theft. Delete information that compromises you from the memory of your mobile device, store passwords and other important data in more secure places.

Take Passwords Seriously

The password is direct access to all your information, so don't underestimate its importance. For example, recently the 2+2 poker forum fell victim to hackers who stole passwords, emails and all personal information of users. The forum promptly announced the incident and advised everyone to change their current passwords immediately.

Ideally, each of your accounts should have its own unique and complex password. It should not consist of a username, date of birth. Use a combination of letters (small and capital), numbers and signs. We recommend changing your password periodically.

It would be nice to keep all your passwords in your head, but if nature did not reward you with a good memory, store them in specialized applications. Good example - .

The last point is important for everyone. But Android OS owners should heed the advice carefully, as they may stumble upon some problems due to malware that targets the weaknesses of the Android OS.

As already mentioned, a complete and regular check of the phone for viruses will be very appropriate.

You can find the best antiviruses for Android in our catalog.

Conclusion. The Internet is full of viruses, and each of them wants to get your data. We recommend that you install an antivirus for your phone and immediately check for viruses. If you have not yet picked up a virus on Android, your safety is on your own conscience.

Checking your phone for viruses - like personal hygiene - is a must. Of course, this will not protect the Android OS from viruses 100%, but if you follow our advice, you will reduce the risk of infection to a minimum.

The X-Scan personal screening device (stationary scanning device for examining passengers) allows you to identify prohibited and dangerous items that are hidden in shoes, clothes, hats, on the human body, as well as in the internal cavities of the human body. During the scan, the passenger does not need to remove outerwear, shoes, belts and take items out of pockets.

The "X-Scan" installation determines: narcotic and explosive substances, firearms and edged weapons, weapons made of ceramic and composite materials, products made of precious metals. The X-Scan installation can be used during the inspection of people with medical prostheses, implants, plaster casts to identify possible hidden placement of dangerous and prohibited items in them.

The X-Scan personal screening device allows you to shorten and simplify the screening procedure for both the passenger and the operator.

The equivalent radiation dose rate at a distance of 50 mm from the surface of the system does not exceed 1.0 μ3v/h.


  • The installation provides the possibility of "through" passage.
  • The "X-Scan" installation does not create interference that causes failures and failures in the operation of the equipment of the accommodation facility.
  • The device does not pose a threat to the safety and health of passengers and personnel during installation, adjustment, operation, maintenance and repair, subject to compliance with safety regulations.


Steel penetration

not less than 22 mm

Wire resolution

no worse than 0.15 mm

Scan time

The dose received by a person at
single scan

not more than 0.35 μSv

Number of human scans per year without compromising health

at least 1000 times

Work cycle

24 hours a day

Ready time from the moment the supply voltage is applied

no more than 2 minutes

Working temperature range

from + 5 to + 50 ̊ С;
Relative humidity at +25 ̊ С 25 to 95%

The description is current as of: 03/11/2015.

To clarify the technical characteristics of "X-Scan - a stationary scanning device for examining passengers", as well as to obtain information on the availability and terms of delivery, you can fill out the request form below.

VueScan is an application designed to replace the standard scanning utility to enhance the capabilities and improve the quality of scanned materials. A distinctive feature of this program is that it acts not only as a tool that helps to perform scanning, but also as a full-fledged driver with which you can connect and configure almost any scanner. As of 2017, VueScan supports over 2,700 different scanner models. Using this tool, you can connect even the oldest scanners whose native drivers are not supported by modern operating systems. Also, with the help of VueScan, you can use the hidden features of scanners that are not available when using regular software. This tool can save scanned materials in almost all known formats, including high-quality raw files (raw file). Another feature of this application is the ability to automatically remove defects on the scanned material. Below you can download Vuescan x64 without watermark for free, and also download the program from the official website.

How to install Vuescan?

Installing Vuescan is done in just a few clicks, and the process itself takes no more than one minute. After installation, the program will automatically start and be ready to work.

How to perform a scan?

After starting, you will need to specify the folder in which the scanned documents will be saved. To do this, open the "Output" tab, and specify the path to the required folder in the "Default Folder" parameter. Then select the format for saving the file and click on the "Scan" button.

Now minimize the program and open the folder specified in the settings, the scanned document will already be there.

Our opinion on VueScan

A fairly good application with which you can perform a quick scan. The only negative is the presence of copyright watermarks in the free version. This drawback can be circumvented by downloading the application from a torrent tracker.

If you can't download VueScan or you have questions while using this program, be sure to write about it in the comments, we will definitely help you!

VueScan Video Review

VueScan is software that is designed to work with different scanner models. The program was created in 1998. VueScan supports many flatbed as well as film scanners.

If you are looking for advanced scanning features or your scanner is no longer compatible with your model, then this program is perfect for you. This utility is compatible with a large number of scanners. The latest version of the program supports more than 1,500 models.

Password for all archives: 1progs

Video instruction for activation

Documents that have been scanned can be saved in various formats. The program also allows you to create multi-page PDF. In order for users to be able to use the utility without restrictions, activation of VueScan is required.

The main features of the program:

  • Scanning documents, photos and film.
  • Creation of various files - TIFF, PDF, TXT, JPEG.
  • Support import function.
  • Recognition of graphics and characters in a document.
  • Step by step control of scanning files.
  • Automatic removal of various defects.
  • Batch scanning of documents.

Thanks to the program, you can conveniently scan any files - images, documents, and more. The application also has the ability to remove defects in the image, work with color depth, and also suppress scanner noise. To use the program without restrictions, you need to download the VueScan key.

Advantages of the program:

  1. Support for over 1500 scanner models.
  2. Support for different operating systems.
  3. Simplified interface for scanning documents.
  4. There is a standard set of formats for scanning scans.
  5. Scanned text recognition.
  6. Russian language support.

Program disadvantages:

  1. To use the application without restrictions, a paid activation is required.
  2. It happens that your scanner cannot be connected through this application.

The program interface is quite simple. Most importantly, VueScan supports Russian. Everything is clear in the program, so even novice users can figure it out.

Despite some shortcomings, we can say that VueScan is the right program for a computer. It is much easier to work if there are several scanners. Also, each time you do not have to look for suitable drivers.

Program analogues

See similar programs in our selections of programs

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