Keyboard engraving is beautiful and reliable. Laptop from USA

Laptops confidently occupy one of the first places in the list of goods purchased by our compatriots in US online stores.

There are plenty of reasons for this popularity:

  1. Much more low prices, which are sometimes 2 times lower than Russian ones.
  2. Better quality product. The fact is that the warranty policy in the USA sharply contrasts with the domestic one. No one will be there to wait for the arrival of spare parts, which could take months. A failed laptop is immediately replaced with a new one (and if the model is no longer produced, then with a new analogue), or the money is returned in full.
  3. Availability international guarantee, which is supported by most manufacturers. That is, for example, if you have problems with Lenovo laptop, purchased in the USA and under warranty, then just contact the nearest authorized service center.

By the way, almost one hundred percent of laptops and all kinds of accessories for them are purchased by residents of the countries of the former Union either at the auction or in the online store Why here? There are also several reasons. First of all huge selection, no taxes (sales taxes, analogous to VAT in the USA), large discounts and ongoing promotions. Plus, there are no problems with purchasing and delivery on these trading platforms.

Let's say you bought a laptop in the USA and received it. Congratulations! But before you start work, you will need to make some adaptation related to regional characteristics. We have arranged the points exactly in the order in which you should act.

And one more thing: since 100% of laptops cell phones and other small electronics equipped universal blocks power supplies designed for a voltage range of 110-220 volts (and this is usually indicated on the case), then there is no purchase additional devices, somehow step-down transformers, etc. need not.

2. Lack of Russian language in Windows OS. The question here is that almost all laptops sold come with an operating version Windows systems 7 Home Premium, which does not allow you to change the interface language. Those. You can easily add the necessary languages ​​to the keyboard layout, type texts, work, but the system interface language will remain English. For a more advanced version of the operating system - “Windows Ultimate”, which allows you to change languages, you need to pay extra, and quite a lot (about $100). You can do this online and immediately download the necessary update.

But everyone basically prefers the free way, namely using a program that has already been discussed on the forum of our website - “Vistalizer”. It allows you to set the desired language pack to the operating system. It couldn't be easier to do this.

  • Just go to the program website, select your version of the operating system, and if you don’t know, it is indicated on the sticker on the bottom of the laptop (or in “ Control Panel" can be viewed), and then download the file corresponding to the OS and containing the desired interface language (by the way, the files are not homemade, these are official language Microsoft packages, available on its website). But don’t rush to launch anything just yet.
  • Now you need to download the Vistalizer program itself, which will install the language pack. It is there on the website.

But it is advisable to install desired language before that, How operating system will be updated via the Internet and all the latest updates will be installed - otherwise the installation path may turn out to be a little more thorny.

And lastly, Microsoft is well aware of the existence of the Vistalizator, but turns a blind eye to it, because... The program website has been in existence for many years. On their forum they only warn that all actions are carried out “at your own peril and risk.”

3. Lack of Russian letters on the keyboard. This issue can be resolved by purchasing special stickers, which can be bought at an office equipment store or, for example, on eBay, where the selection is quite large. The main thing is to choose the color you like. Then it's a matter of technique and patience. Usually the process takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

Also, as an option, you can use laser engraving to apply symbols to the keys. This service is now offered by a large number of service centers and costs from $10-15 and more.

Helpful information

  1. Do not forget that new battery It is highly advisable for the laptop to go through several full charge/discharge cycles to achieve maximum capacity.
  2. If the question arises about what is better to buy: an adapter from an American standard plug to a European one or a new power cord, definitely choose an adapter. There are now many complaints about the quality of new power cords - mostly they break over time near the plug and begin to “short”. There is no need to skimp on an adapter; good ones cost around 3-5 dollars. If you don’t find anything worthwhile in the stores - big choice Available on
  3. If you come across some bad keyboard stickers, it’s no problem. Buy new ones. After the old ones are removed, the keyboard can be wiped with cotton wool slightly (!) moistened in ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. It’s quite rare, but it happens that there are stickers on the display of a new laptop. They must be carefully removed and if traces remain, wipe the display with a special damp cloth, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can use cotton wool slightly (!) moistened in ordinary window cleaning liquid and a soft cloth. The operation seems simple, but if excess moisture gets under the display film (flows around the edges), stains will remain that can only be removed at a repair shop. So this procedure should be taken responsibly.

As you use your computer or laptop, the keyboard, as it is commonly called, breaks down most quickly. The symbols on the keys are erased, the letters are practically invisible, and it becomes difficult to use the device. Laser engraving laptop keyboards – good way perform a number of actions:

  • apply new symbols to replace the erased ones,
  • change the style of the keys,
  • add a layout in another language,
  • replace letters with places,
  • diversify the design of symbols,
  • do appearance devices more presentable.

    Many of our customers choose to laser engrave letters on their keyboards to give the entire device a personal touch. Among the advantages of this technology are the following:

  • efficiency of execution,
  • the ability to select an original font,
  • application to buttons with minimal error,
  • the ability to select any layout for MAC or Windows (PC),
  • resistance of the resulting letters to external influences.

    In our workshop you can order engraving for a tablet, computer or notebook. We are also ready to apply an image or text to the device body.

    How much does it cost to engrave letters on a keyboard in Moscow?

    The specialists of our workshop offer such a service as laser engraving on the keyboard. We work with devices of any brands and models, offering competitive prices:

  • the cost of work with lighting is 900 rubles,
  • the cost of work without lighting is 1200 rubles.

    On average, it takes us from 10 to 20 minutes to complete an order. Services for color engraving, placing text on spaces and others are paid separately. additional work. We work quickly, so you can pick up your device the same day you call. Engraving can be done in your presence.

    What is Russification of a laptop keyboard?

    A tablet or notebook purchased in another country in most cases does not have the Russian alphabet. Initially, this problem was solved by gluing stickers with Russian letters to the keys, but they were constantly erased, torn off and caused a lot of inconvenience to users. Today there is an optimal, fast and effective method– Russification of the keyboard with laser. Most often it is required Apple models MacBooks with a non-standard layout.

    Our workshop specialists will Russify the keys so that the symbols are arranged as in the OS we are used to Microsoft Windows. Russification with a guarantee is carried out quickly by us, but you are required to check how Russians and letters on your device. After checking, decide which characters you need to engrave to make the symbol panel easy to use. We can Russify panels of any size on laptops, tablets or computers.

    How is the keyboard engraved on a laptop?

    The keyboard panel itself is an inexpensive and simple device, but it also needs to be handled carefully. Problems especially often arise with netbooks and laptops, since the keys are located above the electronic filling of the devices, which has high sensitivity. Thanks to technology such as laser engraving, the keyboard becomes presentable. Application occurs with a laser with a thin beam, which involves non-contact exposure to the surface. Accordingly, you don’t have to worry about scratches or chips appearing on the buttons.

    When engraving is applied to the keyboard, it does not become deformed, although the treated area is slightly heated. This happens because the laser removes only a thin top layer of plastic, while the main area of ​​the buttons remains unchanged.

    The process of applying symbols itself is simple, so the keys can be supplemented with special additional symbols, a corporate logo, and the company’s corporate motto, for example, on the space bar or the device body. Our craftsmen will help you choose a design layout and quickly transfer the sketch to the surface. Engraving on the keyboard of a laptop, tablet or computer allows you to get clear and neat patterns or marks on the surface. There will be no pronounced relief, so you don’t have to worry about the letters getting dirty.

    Fast engraving of letters in Moscow

    Laser engraving of a laptop, tablet or smartphone is the most effective and presentable way to put Russian letters on the keys. We work with device panels of any brand, doing our work quickly and efficiently. If they are backlit, then the processing is carried out so that it is not disturbed. In some cases it is possible color print on the panel, when letters and signs are applied using colored paint. This is an innovative method, but before using it you need to remove the panel itself.

    Engraving letters on a laptop keyboard is a fast technology that allows you to apply durable inscriptions and images to any surface. This does not require changing the structure of the plastic or disassembling the device itself. The specialists of our workshop will offer a large selection of fonts that will be used to write symbols on your gadget.

    Engraving a laptop keyboard is also a great opportunity to make your device unique and personalized. Working with us is profitable: we apply the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, help with the selection optimal font, we apply markings on the case or personalized inscriptions on the buttons, we work with full-size and any other types of keyboards. We help to Russify your laptop, computer and any other device.

Any laptop brand means everything from the list: Asus, HP, Lenovo, Sony Vaio, Acer, Dell, Samsung, Toshiba, Fujitsu-Siemens, Packard Bell, MSI, Beng, Gateway, etc.

Cost of laser engraving of USB keyboards and wired keyboards:

Work examples:

Examples of work: Applying gift inscriptions to the space and laptop body:

Laser engraving of laptop and netbook keyboards (Russification of keyboards)

Laptops for last years have become truly an integral part of our lives. For some they embody portable office, some use them solely to cheer themselves up, others surf the Internet. No matter what you need this for little helper, working on it should be comfortable and convenient. Laser engraving of a laptop keyboard can make it look like this.

The most popular laptop keyboards for engraving: Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air Pro 13.3", Microsoft Surface Book, Surface Pro 4.

The characters on the old keyboard are erased

This happens when you use the keyboard intensively for quite some time. long period time. Sooner or later, if you touch your fingers, the paint with which the letters are printed will wear off, and it becomes extremely inconvenient to work.

There is no Russian alphabet on the keyboard

This may be the case if you bought your laptop abroad. Some models are produced exclusively for a specific country, and it may turn out that our native language is not provided there.

In both cases, the best way out of this situation may be to engrave the laptop keyboard. It is absolutely safe and will not harm the “insides” of your device in any way.

Laser engraving on your laptop will make you feel more comfortable using it. You no longer have to waste your time trying to find the desired key, or use the virtual keyboard.

Due to frequent use of the laptop, the letters on the keyboard are erased and lose their original appearance. In order to restore symbols, you need to use an engraving service. Users of Apple laptops also resort to this procedure, since they require the application of Russian font. Engraving is one of the least expensive methods, which is distinguished by the accuracy and clarity of the symbol. But before using this procedure, you need to check the relationships latin characters with Russians, also make a printout of the keyboard image. It is necessary to put on it the location of the letters that should be engraved.

Russification of the keyboard price

What is the process of Russification?

In our company, laser engraving of keyboards is carried out purely using computerized technology, which allows us to avoid making mistakes. Moreover, a specially programmed laser machine automatically centers the engraving applied relative to the original value, so that the position of the engraved letters on each key is the same. Regarding the stages preceding engraving, it should be noted that in order to avoid inaccuracies, our experts clean the surface of the keys from external contaminants that could prevent the uniform penetration of the laser beam. In addition, the Russification of a laptop keyboard largely depends on the competent selection of the font that will be used later. Thus, the process of selecting the best compatible solution is no less important than subsequent engraving.

Which keyboards are suitable for engraving?

If you want to complement the appearance of your device with Cyrillic font engraving, you should first familiarize yourself with the list of services we offer in this area. The following are available to the client:

  • phone keypad engraving;
  • laptop keyboard engraving;
  • engraving letters on the keyboard of any other device, with a key block separate from the screen.

Regarding individual proposals, the client can order engraving work based on his own design. An example of this is engraving macbook keyboards, performed in capital letters on thin, backlit keys!

Most models worldwide famous brands digital technology do not have Russian language markings, so people often order keyboard engraving. This is logical - working on a device without the familiar Cyrillic alphabet is inconvenient. This is especially true for those who cannot touch type. Engraving becomes not a whim of the owner, but a necessity.

How is application done?

  • the beam of a laser engraver affects the material from which the keyboard is made;
  • the top layer of the material changes its properties and color;
  • the image you want appears on the surface.

Thus, you can engrave the keyboard of a laptop, tablet or phone.

It should be noted that the color of the symbols depends on the material from which the keys are made. And the best part is that if symbols are applied to a backlit keyboard, then the resulting symbols will be highlighted as if they were native!


Models: Keyboard type Time of completion Price
Any Apple laptop with/without backlight see Macbook
Any laptop with backlight 5 minutes 900 rub.
Any laptop without backlight 5 - 40 minutes 800-1100 rub.

We can engrave laptops of any brands:

  • Apple
  • Fujitsu
  • Lenovo
  • Packard Bell
  • Toshiba
  • Panasonic
  • Razer
  • Roverbook
  • Samsung

Engraving on keyboards of tablets and phones:

Advantages of engraving:

  • durability. Laser engraving will preserve the original appearance of the applied symbols for a long time, ensuring ease of use;
  • minimum time spent on all work. The method allows you to apply images quite quickly. You won’t have to wait long or return for the device you need for work a day or two later.

With an incredible abundance of different options and configurations for laptops, the choice is always ours. If the manufacturer of the selected gadget has not yet released products adapted for our country, Russifying the keyboard using the method described here will easily fix this. In addition, laser engraving apple keyboards- This great alternative short-lived stickers. This is why our services are so appreciated by fans of this brand.

How long can the process take?

Order fulfillment times depend not on the type of product, but on the complexity of the symbols. As a rule, the process takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Five reasons to entrust the work to our company’s specialists

  1. Professional level of order fulfillment.
  2. Extensive experience in applying various symbols.
  3. Speed ​​of the process without compromising the quality of application.
  4. The ability to improve the device you need.
  5. Saving working time and nerves while searching for another way to get an excellent result.