Working hours of the Russian Post during the New Year holidays. Working hours of the Russian Post during the New Year holidays How the post office works for the New Year

New Year's holidays are the most favorite time of the year for most Russians: the very atmosphere of the New Year, winter fun, meetings with relatives and friends. And, as a nice bonus, a mini-vacation that can be spent in accordance with your tastes and preferences. But, unfortunately, such luxury as winter holidays is not available to everyone. Some services will operate in full in 2019, others with certain restrictions, such as Russian Post branches.

Work schedule in January 2019

The work schedule of the Russian Post during the January holidays of 2019 will be of interest to many, because the New Year holidays are not cancelled:

  • receiving important correspondence and parcels;
  • issuance of pensions, which many receive through postal branches at the beginning of the month;
  • the need to pay utility bills, repay loans, transfers and other monetary transactions that are in the list of services.

But Russians should not worry: the work of the Russian Post in January 2019 will be carried out according to a special schedule. Information about the schedule for the winter holidays will help those who require post office services during this period.

Special work schedule

The opportunity to celebrate New Year and Christmas is given to all postmen, so they will have a rest on January 1, 2 and 7, 2019. That is, work on Tuesday and Wednesday of the first New Year's week and on Monday of the second is canceled - postal workers also have the right to holidays.

There will be shortened days too. Traditionally, on the eve of holidays, the working day is shortened by an hour. Since different post offices have their own operating hours, this factor should be taken into account. For example, if a particular branch receives visitors until 18-00, then on the day before the holiday it will close at 17-00. Shortened days will be December 31 (New Year's Eve) and January 6 (Christmas Eve).

Working days during winter holidays. During the winter holidays, all Russian Post branches without exception will work as usual on January 3, 4, 5 and 8. Please note: if the 5th (which is a Saturday) is a day off or a shortened day at any branch, then this schedule will be relevant.

Schedule of 24-hour and on-duty departments

Russian Post employees in on-duty and 24-hour branches during the New Year holidays in 2019 will work in the following mode:

  • 24-hour services will be closed at night on January 1, and more specifically, from 21-00 on December 31 until 10-00 on the first;
  • On the 3rd and 8th, some Moscow branches (for example, No. 107241 on Uralskaya St., 1 and No. 121099 on Smolenskaya Square, 13/21) will open from 8-00.

Work of the main post offices

Main branches (main post offices) in different cities of the Russian Federation will work around the clock except for New Year's Eve. This applies to the main post offices:

  • in Moscow (branch 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 26);
  • in St. Petersburg (branch 190000, St. Petersburg, Pochtamtskaya str., 9).

The main post offices of other cities of the Russian Federation will also determine what schedule will be in effect during the winter holidays.

How to get up-to-date information

Russian Post operates in all regions; every major city has postal branches, including main, duty, and 24-hour branches. There are no winter holidays in any of them. That is, while everyone who works in a 5-day week will have a rest from December 30 to January 9 in January 2019, postmen will go to work on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th.

Please note: It is expected that Monday 31st December will be moved to Saturday 29th and 8th January will be the last day of the New Year holidays. The issue of transferring from Monday to Saturday and rest on the 8th will be finally approved in the fall by a special Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Up-to-date information on the schedule for receiving citizens in a specific department of each city can be obtained:

  • directly at the branch of interest;
  • by contact phone number;
  • on the official website of Russian Post;
  • through an installed application on your mobile phone.

Attention: you can install a special Russian Post application on a smartphone with different operating systems. It is free and downloads quickly to mobile devices. After this, information access will be open at any time.

How does the post office work for the New Year holidays 2017?

    The work schedule of post offices does not change much from year to year, and for the New Year holidays 2017 it will be as follows:

    January 1, 2, 7 are usually weekends (except for the branches of the capital and the city of St. Petersburg, they are open from 10-18)

    In terms of the work of the Russian Post, nothing has changed for many years.

    And from January 8, two days earlier than the rest of the country, Russian Post will operate as usual.

    Opening hours of Russian Post offices during the New Year holidays 2017.

    How will Russian Post work in the New Year?

    I was interested in this question myself. I was looking for the work schedule of the Post Office and post offices specifically on the New Year (New Year holidays), since it was on December 31, 2015 that I was waiting for the parcel.

    And for a long time now Russian Post on New Year's holidays work on the same schedule/mode.

    On December 31, 2016, all Russian Post Offices must work with a reduction in working hours of only one hour.

    Starting from January 8, 2017, all post offices will have to work according to the established regime/schedule.

    Russian Post will operate as planned for the New Year holidays 2017:

    already on December 31st there will be a shortened, but still working day, then from January 1st to 2nd postal workers will be able to take a break from us, and already on January 3rd they will start working full time until January 6th inclusive. January 7th is a day off, January 8th is a working day, despite the fact that it is a day off for other organizations.

    Opening hours of Russian Post offices during the New Year holidays in 2017.

    Russian Post is trying to shorten the New Year holidays for its employees as much as possible so that correspondence gets into the hands of recipients as quickly as possible.

    So the postal work schedule will presumably be like this:

    Starting from January 8, all Russian post offices will begin to work according to their usual schedule.

    The operating hours of each branch can be viewed on this resource.

    Russian postal services during the 2017 holidays will not be too different from previous years.

    No major changes are expected in the Russian Postal schedule for 2017. The post office will not be open on 01/01/2017, 01/02/17 and 01/07/17. If we talk about the last day of the year, then it simply won’t be a full day of work. On the remaining days, work will be in full swing.

    For several years now, the postal work schedule on New Year's holidays has been practically the same. And in 2017 it will be something like this:

    December 31, 2016 and January 6, 2017 are working days, but since they are pre-holiday days, all post offices in Russia will have shortened days.

    Some branches may operate on special schedules. It is best to check the hours of your local post office in advance. This link may help you with this.

    On the eve of the New Year holidays - on the 31st, the working day of Russian Post employees is shortened by an hour, then the schedule is similar to that for January 2016 (link), namely: the first, second and seventh of January are non-working days. This schedule is established for post offices of cities and regional centers.

    Russian Post can be classified as a strategic facility for which not all holidays may be days off. The work of the Russian Post on New Year's holidays is more intense and busy. Many Russians are waiting for (and sending) parcels and letters for the New Year. As the experience of past years suggests, post office workers

    On New Year's Day 2017, the post office will operate according to the following schedule:

    On the 31st of December the post office will have a shortened day, on the first and second of December, as well as on the 7th of January, the post office will have a rest. On steel days, the post office will operate as usual.

On December 31 and January 6, the working day of post offices will be shortened by one hour. Branches with round-the-clock operation Moscow 107241 (Uralskaya St., 1) and Moscow 121099 (Smolenskaya Sq., 13/21) on December 31 and January 6 will be open until 21:00.

January 1, 2 and 7, 2018 are days off for post offices throughout the country; on these days, exchange and delivery of mail, periodicals and removal of written correspondence from mailboxes are not carried out.

On January 3, 4, 5, 8, 2018, post offices will operate as usual. For uninterrupted and timely delivery of pensions and benefits, postal items and periodicals, a different operating mode may be established for a number of rural post offices. Delivery of pensions and benefits on holidays is carried out in agreement with the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of organizing their delivery in the region.

Russian Post work schedule during the New Year holidays 2018

Users of the Russian Post mobile application can quickly clarify the work schedule or find the nearest open post office on the map. The Russian Post mobile application is available for mobile devices based on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms.

Russian Post is a federal postal operator and is included in the list of strategic enterprises of the Russian Federation. It includes 42 thousand branches throughout the country and unites one of the largest workforces - about 350 thousand postal workers.

Russian Post, official website

Every year, Russian Post receives about 2.5 billion letters and invoices (of which 1 billion are from government agencies) and processes about 297 million parcels. Russian Post serves about 20 million subscribers in Russia, to whom 1 billion copies of printed publications are delivered per year. The annual volume of transactions that go through Russian Post is more than 3.3 trillion rubles (pensions, payments and transfers).

How does Russian Post work during the New Year holidays 2018 in Moscow?

During the New Year holidays 2018, the capital has a special work schedule for city services. According to the management of the Pension Fund for Moscow and the Moscow Region, due to the New Year holidays, pensions and social benefits in the capital for January 2018 will be paid through post offices according to the following schedule:

How does Russian Post work during the New Year holidays 2018 in “old” Moscow?

In "old" Moscow

How does Russian Post work during the New Year holidays 2018 in the “new” Moscow?

In the “new” Moscow in areas served by Domodedovo, Naro-Fominsk and Podolsk post offices:

On New Year's holidays, the Russian capital's post offices will work as follows:

Around the clock, except for the period from 21.00 on December 31 to 10.00 on January 1 - Moscow Main Post Office (branch 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 26);

According to the temporary schedule, the remaining post offices, that is, on December 31 and January 6, the working day for them is reduced by one hour. Branches with round-the-clock operation Moscow 107241 (Uralskaya St., 1) and Moscow 121099 (Smolenskaya Sq., 13/21) on December 31 and January 6 will be open until 21.00.

January 1, 2 and 7 are days off. These days there is no exchange and delivery of postal items, printed publications and removal of written correspondence from mailboxes;

On January 3 and 8, 24-hour branches Moscow 107241 (Uralskaya St., 1) and Moscow 121099 (Smolenskaya Sq., 13/21) will be open from 8.00.

1. Russian Post: tracking postal items on the official website by track number

You receive a tracking number when sending a parcel, registered letter, registered parcel or registered postcard - it is indicated on the receipt. The tracking number of shipments within Russia consists of 14 digits. It is entered without spaces or brackets.

If a parcel, letter or parcel was sent to you, you need to find out the tracking number from the sender (online stores usually indicate it on the order page). When placing orders, whenever possible, ask the seller to issue a registered shipment.

2. Russian Post: personal account of the official website

Why do you need a personal account? Register in your personal account on the site, it will help you:

Save a list of shipments so you don’t have to re-enter track numbers each time
Receive notifications about the movement of shipments by email
View shipment history
Order delivery by postman within Moscow and St. Petersburg

The long-awaited holidays are coming. Many people want to have time to congratulate their loved ones, relatives, friends and loved ones who are away or live very far away. The best option would be a phone call or a colorful postcard sent by email or social network. But often, it is not possible to contact via mobile phone or the Internet, so you can use the most reliable old-fashioned method - a paper letter, gift package or parcel sent by mail. And for such people, before the upcoming celebration, it is very important to know how the post office works during the New Year holidays 2017 in Moscow and throughout Russia.

Since this is far from a high-speed service, most try to resolve “paper” issues before December 30, because the post office is a state-owned enterprise and employs real people, so it will not work during this period. But what should those who for some reason did not have time or forgot to congratulate their loved ones on time? Don’t worry, the Russian Post is one of the few government agencies that works for 4 whole days during the New Year holidays (10 days), and in Moscow, the central office has the usual schedule (except for January 1, 2, 7). Let's find out the answer to the most important search query among Internet users: “Russian Post work on January holidays.” But first, we suggest looking at the table of delivery prices for letters, parcels, money transfers and parcels, as well as several historical facts.

Start of postal business in Russia: XX century
First postal line: Moscow – Riga, 1665
Formation of the USSR Post: October 26, 1917
Formation of Russian Post: November 16, 1992
Russian Post Day: second Sunday in July
Letter delivery time: 3 – 5 days
Delivery time for parcels up to 1 kg: 1 – 10 days
Delivery time for parcels up to 2 kg: 1 – 10 days
Money transfer delivery time: 1 hour
Shipping cost for a regular envelope: from 19 rub.
Delivery price for parcels up to 1 kg: from 150 rub.
Delivery cost for parcels up to 2 kg: From 170 rub.
Cost of delivery of a money transfer 1 – 1000 rubles: 99 RUR

How does the post office work during the New Year holidays 2017 in Moscow and other regions of Russia?

First of all, the post office tries to organize its work during the holidays as productively as possible so that correspondence gets into the hands of recipients as quickly as possible. Moreover, almost all banks are closed during the period January 1-10, so the company’s main priority is money transfers.

Unchanged working hours of the Post Office

  • 31th of December– all departments work in reduced hours for 1 hour (pre-holiday);
  • January 1st and 2nd– legal holidays of all state-owned enterprises;
  • January 3, 4 and 5– working days as usual;
  • 6th January– a working day, but a pre-holiday day shortened by 1 hour;
  • Jan. 7– all branches are not working;
  • The usual schedule will begin from January 8.

Important! It should be taken into account that delivery for the New Year holidays will also work according to the above schedule, so the arrival time of correspondence, parcels and parcels stated on the official website will most likely take 2-4 days longer.

At the beginning of the year, most institutions usually have many days off, but this does not apply to Russian Post; it will work with a special schedule.

On holidays, many Russian residents send gifts and congratulations to their family, friends and relatives. There are also people who are simply waiting for important messages or pensions, so the mail will work. It will provide a standard set of services at the usual cost, only in a modified mode of operation.

Russian Post in January 2018 will work with additional days off and shortened days

In honor of the New Year holidays for many state-owned enterprises, the government made the New Year holidays lasting 10 days, starting December 30, 2017. However, there are organizations that cannot be closed for such a long period. Russian Post is also included in this list.

January 1, 2 and 7 are mandatory holidays, so the post office will not work on these days. After all, postmen are also people who want to relax a little. Accordingly, from January 3 to January 5, and January 8 are working days during which Russian Post will receive visitors in the standard mode of the region or district. Also, January 6 will be a working day, but working hours have been reduced by an hour so that workers can go home and prepare for the Christmas holiday.

Those working around the clock, as well as on-duty departments in Moscow and St. Petersburg, also did not significantly change their operating hours. Throughout the winter holidays, the main post office will release visitors 24 hours a day, with the exception of one period of time. From 21:00 to 10:00, from December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018, respectively. On January 3 and 8, duty departments will begin their work from 8:00.

Cost and list of services provided by Russian Post on holidays in January 2018

On business days in January 2018, Russian Post will provide a standard set of services, which includes:

— receiving and sending money transfers and postal correspondence;

— accepting various types of payments;

— issuance of material benefits and pensions;

— subscription to newspapers and magazines;

— service of legal representatives.

The cost of services provided by Russian Post will be standard. You will have to pay 19 rubles for sending a letter, 150 rubles for a parcel post, and a money transfer in the amount of one thousand rubles will cost 99 rubles.

Delivery times on holidays:

— from 3 to 5 days for sending a written message;

— from 1 to 10 days – parcel post;

— the money will be transferred within an hour.

The operating hours of the Russian Post in January 2018 can be found out using modern technologies

Many people, despite the New Year holidays, are really looking forward to delivering urgent letters or receiving pensions home, and Russian Post determines different operating hours in certain regions, so it is very important for Russians to know the exact schedule for the provision of services.

Today, it is quite easy to look at the work schedule of Russian Post during the January holidays. To do this, you need to visit the corresponding post office website, where you select the region and specify the branch.

You can also use a mobile application called Russian Post. It is free and can be installed on smartphones of different brands and operating systems.