Guest blogging: what is it? guest posts for promotion. Pausing a virtual machine

About that how to write…guest post . It was prepared Tatiana Ivanko- the author of a very interesting project "Real Parents", in which she raises controversial issues related to children, and tirelessly improves her and our, readers, parenting skills. Tatyana is a permanent and active member of our community, for which many thanks to her! 🙂 Well, now the word to Tanya.

What is a guest post and why is it needed?

This is beneficial for the blog owner, because. allows you to take a break from writing articles and at the same time not get out of the rhythm of updating, as well as pour in a fresh stream of information and a vision of the issue by another author, which also helps to keep the interest of readers and subscribers.

But guest posts also have disadvantages.

First, you give yours and forever. 🙂 Submit an article with a unique interesting content another blog. Or they could publish it on their own, and it would also attract new readers, and also add popularity to the blog.

If you write guest posts in order to get links from other sites, then there should be many such posts, not just one. And here again the question arises - maybe it’s better to publish these articles at home?

Your blog traffic will increase, but this effect may be short-lived, just a couple of days, and your the target audience will increase slightly. In a few days, the transitions to you from the site will stop altogether, because. the article will be archived, and new articles will appear in the top.

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you decide that you still want to “light up” on another resource, then try to get the most out of publishing a guest post.

Where to post a guest post?

If your blog is only a couple of months old, don't try to publish on very "pot-bellied" sites right away. You will most likely be denied. Submit articles to sites that are higher in rank than you, but not very far away. Go to the goal gradually.

If you still want to try to publish an article on a promoted site, then first take part in the life of the site. Comment on articles. And not just “Interesting! Thank you! ”, But with meaning. Share ideas, make friends with the participants in the discussions, become familiar with the authors of the site. Then you will have more chances. When offering an article, talk about the benefits for the site owner: “It will be interesting for your readers,” for example.

What rules must be followed for a guest post to be successful?

1. Site theme

First of all, the site on which you will post your post should be the same subject as yours. If you have a "mom" blog, then posting a guest blog on or on the website of some "mom" magazine is one of the best options, because the target audience is almost 100% suitable, and the chances that you will be visited by a visitor are quite high. But a women's site with a general theme (which may include the topic of children) is already a less successful option and the return will be less.

2. Statistics and frequency of updates on the site

Before submitting your article, take a closer look at the site itself. Pay attention to attendance (counters are usually at the bottom of the page).

See how often the site is updated. If new articles are posted several times a day, then your article is unlikely to be particularly noticed by visitors to this site. It seems to me that if the site is updated 4 times a day, and its traffic is high, then it gets to it mainly from search engines. It is unlikely that these are regular subscribers, although there may be exceptions.

3. Designing guest posts

See, if possible, what other authors' guest posts on this site look like. How is the author represented? In addition to the name (or nickname) and site indication, there should also be a description in 2-3 sentences of the blog of the author of the guest post, so that readers can get an idea about him and understand what else can be read from him. There should be intrigue in these two sentences, they must be written in such a way that you definitely want to come to you. If you see that the author is not represented, then do it yourself in the introduction to your article.

4. Links and tags

What links to the guest post does the site provide? To do this, you need to open some guest post, press Ctrl + U (to see source page), and then using the search (Ctrl + F) to find the URL of the site presented in the guest post in the text of the code. If next to url not worth“nofollow” and “noindex” tags, then the links are open, and this is exactly what we need.

Even if the links are open, they should be discussed separately. How many links to your resource can be placed in the text? Usually it is 1-3. And will links specifically to your post be open, without "nofollow" and "noindex"? I suggest checking it out after posting.

Specify whether it will be possible at the end of the post to offer to subscribe to the RSS of your site? This is a very good marketing ploy, although not all site owners will agree to it. But, as they say, they don’t hit you in the nose for demand!

Now for the post itself.

5. Characteristics of the text

Guest post text must be unique. Those. it should not be published anywhere else - neither on your blog, nor on other sites. At home, you can make an announcement of the article and leave a link.

Also, the text should be interesting and exciting, so that readers want to follow the link to read you more.

6. Funny pictures

It is very good if the post will be accompanied by illustrations or photographs. On the photos for the post (if they are yours, of course), you can put your own signs, for example, the website address. Discuss this with the author of the site.

7. Literacy!

8. Communication with readers

Be sure to participate in the discussion after posting and respond to comments. This will have a very positive impact on your blogging reputation.

Good luck writing articles!

Visa by invitation (guest visa) - a permit that allows you to enter a foreign country and stay on its territory certain time. Visitor visa is issued for private visits to relatives (friends), business trips to conclude agreements with business partners, participate in conferences, discuss joint activities or receive education. The reason for issuing this type of visa is invitation, which is a kind of letter written, depending on the requirements of the country where the trip is made, either in free form or on a letterhead of the established form.

The invitation is issued by the inviting party (PS). In some states, it is enough for the inviter to write a letter by hand and fax it to his guest, in others, the procedure for issuing a document does not take place without visiting the authorities, and the invitation itself for a visa is accepted only in its original form.

Responsibility of the inviting party

Inviting party - a private or legal person who applies for an invitation to a foreigner to visit the country. In a number of states (for example, Germany, Austria), the PS is obliged to ensure that it can provide the guest with everything necessary for living, including housing and in cash to receive medical assistance. However, this does not mean that the guest is obliged to live only with the person who invited him. Such guarantees act as a kind of insurance in case a foreigner is left without a livelihood.

Usually the responsibility of the PS is limited only to the material side. And the host party does not bear administrative or even criminal responsibility for the actions of the guest. After all, the PS does not have the right to control the actions of the invitee, restrict his freedom of movement, forcibly detain him somewhere, monitor him, and so on. PS does not have any special powers to perform such actions, so we are not talking about any other than material responsibility for the actions of the guest.

An invitation for visa

Depending on the type of visa requested, there are several types of invitations. Let's name the most common.

Invitation from a private person

The document contains the personal data of the PS, including full name, passport details, residential address. In addition, the date of entry into the country and the purpose of the trip are indicated. And one more important point: the letter must confirm the connection with the guest. These can be documents indicating the degree of kinship, joint photographs, certificates from a common place of study or vacation.

In some cases, where the CP is also the sponsor of the trip, additional documents about solvency - a certificate from work or a bank statement.

business trip invitation

The invitation letter is prepared by a company officially registered in the country. The document contains full details of the company, starting from its name, actual, legal address and ending with banking data. Also, the invitation should confirm the type of business relationship with the guest: signing contracts, sharing experiences, participating in a conference, and so on. The address of residence of the applicant, the general purpose of his visit, and the route of travel are indicated. Additionally, information is written about the employee responsible for inviting the applicant.

Invitation from an educational institution

Issued educational institution where the applicant plans to receive education. These can be courses, short-term internships, advanced training, study at a university. The invitation is issued on an official letterhead. The document contains the terms of study, the name of the course, confirmation of enrollment. The amount of payment, the address where the applicant will live, and the contact details of the person who signed the invitation are also prescribed.

Invitation for a visa in various countries of the world

V different countries requirements for obtaining an invitation may vary significantly. Consider the most popular destinations.

USA and Canada

Visa to America by invitation belongs to category B2. Visas of this type are issued for up to 3 years and are considered multiple entries. The period of stay in the country is determined each time by the Border Guard Service for each foreigner individually. But the maximum period cannot exceed 180 days per visit.

The invitation contains basic information about the inviter and the guest, including full name, passport details, nationality, residential address, dates and purpose of the trip. All data in the document is entered by the inviting party. To apply for a visitor visa, you will need a copy of the PS passport or ID-card. The invitation is sent to the guest in any possible way.

For a business visit, the invitation is drawn up on the letterhead of the inviting organization. The document must indicate who bears the costs associated with the stay of a foreigner in the country. The invitation is accompanied by a certificate from the Chamber of Commerce (visura camerale), valid for no more than 6 months.



If a private visit is planned, then the original and a copy of the invitation letter are attached to the package of documents for issuing a visa instead of confirming the hotel reservation. The invitation must be registered with the Voivodship Office and certified by a notary. When applying for a visa, a copy of the first page of the passport or residence permit of the inviting person is attached to the invitation.

If a legal entity acts as a PS, then the invitation letter is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization and is not certified by the Voivodeship Office.


Persons residing legally have the right to invite foreign citizens to visit them. For this an application is made in the form that can be downloaded. The issued invitation must be certified by the Greek police. Copies of the passport or residence permit of the inviting person, a lease agreement or certificate of ownership of housing, confirmation of the financial ability to provide for the guest (tax declaration) are attached to the document. Prepared documents are sent to the applicant.

Latvia, Lithuania

A guest visa in and assumes that the applicant attaches an invitation received from a private or legal entity to the standard package of documents. The document is issued to businessmen, students or foreigners who wish to visit their relatives or friends.

To issue an invitation, the PS applies to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which registers the application and sends its number to the applicant. In this case, the inviting party may be:

  1. Citizens of these countries or foreigners with a residence permit;
  2. Companies inviting foreigners to participate in conferences, seminars, business negotiations, scientific events;
  3. Schools.

In addition to the invitation, the applicant will be required to provide proof of kinship, a copy of the passport or other document of the inviting person, as well as financial guarantees to provide for the guest.

Czech Republic, Estonia

Consulates and issue a visitor visa for a private trip if the applicant has an invitation from relatives or friends who are citizens of these countries. The document must be certified by a notary or the Aliens Police Department.

For a business visit, in addition to the invitation, you will need an extract from the register legal entities confirming that the company has the right to conduct commercial activities. In Estonia, they will additionally require a business trip plan.


In loyalty to foreigners, an invitation can be written by hand by any resident of this country. The document indicates the data of the PS and the guest, the date of travel and place of residence. If a guest stays with a foreigner who lives in another state, but has real estate in Spain, then Nota Simple is additionally provided - an extract from the register of private property. In addition, a copy of the document confirming the legality of residence in Spain (passport, residence permit, valid visa, DNI) is attached.

It is also necessary to confirm family ties if the applicant is a relative (certificate of marriage, birth, paternity, name change, and so on).

Visitor visa cost

The consular fee for obtaining a visa by invitation in most countries is no different from the fee for obtaining a tourist or business visa. So, in the USA this amount is $160. The same is the cost of a visa for tourist and business trips to this country. In the Schengen area, in order to obtain a visitor visa, a Russian must pay a fee in the amount of 35 euro. The same amount will be needed to pay for the classic Schengen.

However, in some states, foreigners may be exempt from paying this tax. For instance, in Germany, if the applicant proves blood relationship with the inviting party, he may not pay the fee. As evidence, a foreigner must provide relevant documents (birth certificate, name change, etc.).

In almost all countries, children under 6 years of age and the disabled are exempted from paying a visa fee.

If you have already installed operating system to virtual VirtualBox machine, and plan to continue working with this OS, you should think about expanding the capabilities virtual system. You can expand the possibilities by installing a special addition to the guest OS - VirtualBox Guest Additions.

Add-ons are special drivers and programs that will provide the best integration between real and virtual OS, and increase the speed of the latter.

In order to install add-ons, you do not need to download anything from the Internet, these files are already present on your computer. They are located in the folder where the program itself is installed. All add-on files are packed into a single disk image named VBoxGuestAdditions.iso. You can mount this disk image yourself in virtual drive, and in turn mount this drive into a virtual OS, but this is not the easiest way. We will take a different, easier path (more on that below).

This article will cover the two most commonly installed operating systems on VirtualBox, Windows and Linux. Since from Linux distributions Ubuntu is very popular, it is he who will be considered.

For this OS, add-ons are installed extremely easily, automatically.
You need to do the following:

1) While in the Windows guest OS, find the menu virtual machine, it can be either top or bottom, depending on the settings you made. Click on the “Devices” menu item, and select the “Install Guest Additions…” sub-item. Or use the keyboard shortcut Host + D (Host is right Ctrl by default).

2) The installer will start, in which you will need to click Next twice, and then Install.

3) During the installation, messages will most likely appear stating that the software not tested for compatibility with Windows.

Click the "Continue Anyway" button.

4) At the end of the installation, check the item (already checked by default) Reboot now, and click Finish.

Installing Guest Additions in Ubuntu

Here it will be a little more complicated, no matter how Linux is not Windows for you :).

1) If you don't have DKMS installed on your Ubuntu guest, install it by opening a terminal and running the following command:

sudo apt-get install dkms

After you enter given command and press Enter, you will be asked to enter your password. Enter the password and press Enter (P.S. when entering the password, the characters you enter will not be displayed in the terminal, this is normal, just enter the password and press Enter).

2) In the guest OS menu, click Devices/Install Guest Additions... If prompted to autorun, click Cancel.

3) Go to the directory of the cd-rom that appears, usually for this you need to run the following command:

cd /media/cdrom

But for example, my cdrom was named VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.8_75467, and the cd /media/cdrom command did not work. Changed to the directory by executing the command:

Cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.8_75467

4) View the contents of the directory, enter:

We need a file called, run it:

Sudo sh ./

After installing the add-ons, reboot the guest OS.

If something doesn’t work right away, it’s worth checking the correctness of your actions, since an error in just one letter means a lot.

We promised that there would be a separate detailed article about many points, today about point 6 (guest posting).

What is guest blogging?

When it comes to guest blogging, most people immediately ask about the meaning of the term. Many of us already know that promotion strategies own blog on forums is to leave comments and posts that include a link to the site, but what is guest blogging?

Guest blogging(or guest blogging) is the process of writing content for another blog in the hope of getting quality backlinks, traffic, and build relationships with the owner of this very blog.

Who would find guest blogging productive?

Guest blogging certainly has several benefits, which I'll tell you about in a moment. True, I want to make a reservation right away that many people ask why guest blogging is mainly used by people who receive income from online sites and similar projects. Since the essence of guest blogging is that you give away for free unique content in order to possibly get a backlink/traffic or recognition, and this niche is one of the most effective from this point of view.

The problem is that it's often very hard to find blogs that aren't focused on generating income online, but that's also the beauty of this strategy, as some blogs allow you to get much more value from your guest posts.

In general, anyone can use guest blogging, in any niche: as long as there are blogs that are similar to your site, you can write guest posts.

Benefits of guest blogging

There are several reasons why a webmaster may resort to guest blogging, and I firmly believe that the reason you write a guest post determines the type of post and the direction of the blog you write it for. I've previously written about the main benefits of guest blogging, but I think it's helpful if I highlight my personal reasons for creating these posts.

  1. Generating quality traffic
  2. Subscriber growth
  3. Building backlinks
  4. Opportunity to earn trust in a resource

I think I've highlighted the most important benefits of guest blogging and since that's not what I'd like to focus on today, I want to continue my story.

Getting Started with Guest Posting

When I first started guest blogging, I made a terrible mistake that many bloggers make. I've been posting a lot of guest posts on several blogs without thinking about the benefits or consequences. Many people think that this good method, but I would like to warn you that this is quite dangerous. You shouldn't take on guest blogging just because a lot of people are doing it or because you feel like you should, as in promotion it's rare to get lucky, all you need is effective planning from start to finish.

  • The first thing you should know before getting started with guest blogging is what you need it for.

Above, I have listed the most important benefits of guest blogging, which include traffic, links, subscribers, and increased credibility. With all these benefits, all you have to do is figure out why you need guest posts, and once you've figured out why, you can get to work.

  • Completion

Even though I've written a canvas on guest blogging here, you'll understand it much better from the inside when you try it for yourself, and maybe now is the time! You have read the article to the end, and now you can follow the tips above and start writing text for a guest post.

Imagine, we have been vacationing abroad for so many years, I always look at the reviews on, but I never knew about the bonuses that you can get. Thanks to the unknown person who mentioned this feature in their review and juliya_lambert for the tips and help!
As always, I share with you interesting things that I learned :)
Register on the site -
There are traveler ratings - I don’t know what they give, but we register to receive bonuses.

Different hotels offer different bonuses, the so-called compliments from the hotel.
It could be:

  • Compliment from the hotel for honeymooners

  • Birthday compliment from the hotel

  • Compliment from the hotel on the wedding anniversary

  • Compliment from the hotel for regular guests

  • Compliment from the hotel, if you mark "Going to the hotel"

  • Compliment from the hotel "Let's collect the library"- I saw such an action at one of the hotels, however, we did not choose it in the end. You bring 5 books to the hotel - you get a compliment.


Compliments can be different (each hotel prescribes this) - fruits, wine in the room, an invitation to a restaurant, etc.

I just bite my elbows and all parts of the body that I didn’t know about it before :))))

We went on a honeymoon trip abroad, and we celebrated so many birthdays in hotels (because my husband and all the children were born in the summer :)) And we went to one hotel 4 times (however, once they brought us fruit to the room - apparently, they saw it at their base).

This year we went to a 5 ***** hotel, but it was very budget. The hotel did not offer any compliments, even for the mark "GOING TO HOTEL" But still we got a bonus :)

On the site, when you look at the description of any hotel, there is RESERVATION CHECK.
Write your details there and wait for a response from the hotel. I don’t know, though, whether having a reservation will save you from the situation that happened last year, when many tours turned out to be unpaid and tourists were evicted due to the bankruptcy of tour operators?
In response from the hotel representative about the reservation, I wrote my WISHES TO THE ROOM (with a view of the sea, floor, etc.) Because there are many of us, we bought two standard rooms (however, we managed to change them to one family room on the spot), it was important for me that these two rooms were close. As I understand it, there are no guarantees that you will be given the number you ask for in the application, but there is a chance.
We arrived at the hotel at 8 am. Check-in at 14:00 is normal, you just need to wait for this time, do not be nervous, do not freak out that you are not given a room earlier (as tourists often write in negative reviews). We checked into the hotel, I said that I left a request through the site and we were ready to wait for dinner (we were used to). In response, they told me that our rooms were ready (although other tourists were sitting in the lobby waiting for their numbers).

And now briefly:

1. Look for your hotel on the site, where you bought tickets -
I always read reviews there before choosing a hotel.
2. Register on this site if you haven't done it before.
3. See hotel information, what compliments are offered. And act according to the description. If it is written, mark "GOING TO THE HOTEL" - get a compliment, so you do.
4. Check your HOTEL BOOKING, in response to confirmation send WISHES TO THE ROOM.
5. When checking in at the reception, say that the site