Classmates hotline phone number. Odnoklassniki: support service and its phone number

In the process of using social networks, questions and problems may arise that the resource user himself is unable to solve. For example, recovering the password to your profile, complaining about another participant, appealing the blocking of a page, difficulties in registering, and much more. For such cases, there is a user support service whose task is to provide practical help and consultation on various issues.

In such a popular social network Like Odnoklassniki, its own support service naturally functions. Please note that this structure does not have an official phone number and therefore you need to seek help in solving your problems on the full version of the site or in mobile applications for Android and iOS, or, in extreme cases, via e-mail.

Method 1: Full version of the site

On the Odnoklassniki website, you can contact support either from your profile or without entering your username and password. However, in the second case the functionality of the message will be somewhat limited.

  1. We go to the website, enter your username and password on your page in the right top corner we observe small photo, the so-called avatar. Click on it.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the item "Help".
  3. If you don’t have access to your account, click the button at the bottom of the page "Help".
  4. In chapter "Help" You can find the answer to your question yourself by searching the reference information database.
  5. If you still decide to contact the support service in writing, then look for the section « Helpful information» at the bottom of the page.
  6. Here we are interested in the point “Contacting Customer Service”.
  7. IN right column we study the necessary background information and click on the line “Contact Support”.
  8. A form opens for filling out a letter to the Support Service. Select the purpose of the appeal, enter your address Email to answer, describe your problem, if necessary, attach a file (usually a screenshot showing the problem more clearly), and click "Send a message".
  9. Now all that remains is to wait for a response from the specialists. Be patient and wait from one hour to several days.

Method 2: Contact through the OK group

You can contact Odnoklassniki support through their official group Online. But this method will only be possible if you have access to your account.

Method 3: Mobile application

You can write a letter to the Odnoklassniki support service from mobile applications for Android and iOS. And here you will not experience any difficulties.

Method 4: Email

Finally, the very last method to send your complaint or question to Odnoklassniki moderators is to write them an email. OK Help Desk Address:

Specialists will answer you within three workers days.

As we have seen, if a user of the Odnoklassniki social network has any problem, there are several ways to ask for help from the support service specialists of this resource. But before bombarding the moderators with angry messages, read carefully help desk site, there may already be a solution described there that is suitable for your situation.

Unique situations when working with the website are difficult to solve using ready-made instructions. For these purposes, you can contact the support service, where a moderator will help you find a way out of the current situation.

From computer

You will see categories with the most common problems and their solutions. Choose the right one. For example: Communication, Security, Groups:

If the answer you are looking for is not found there or there is no suitable category, write to the administration at following instructions. Select any category and a list of questions will appear. Click on any and scroll down. Look for the inscription “Didn’t find the answer you were looking for?” – under it there will be a link “Contact support”:

Describe the problem in detail - this will speed up the moderator's response. The email address must be valid - a letter from the administration will be sent to the address. The “Help” button is also located at the very bottom of each Odnoklassniki page:

From phone

To contact the administration via mobile app OK, log in to your profile. Then click on the menu button in the Ribbon:

In the menu that opens on the left, scroll down to the “Profile” section and click on the “Write to developers” button:

A help menu will open, where under the search bar there is a “Write to developers” button:

In the form that opens, select the purpose and subject of the message from the drop-down menu. After the subject and purpose, fields for entering your email address and text will appear, just like in the desktop version.

Contact by phone

The official policy of the Odnoklassniki company does not provide support for communicating with private users by telephone. If the question is not a custom one, you can use the following phone numbers:

  • +7-495-649-3099;
  • Fax: +7-495-725-6359.

These numbers are used by partners and corporate clients Odnoklassniki company. It is possible that the caller will be denied an audience or redirected to the Help section, as described above, since, according to official documentation, a regular user cannot call. An office is also open for service, where you can contact for non-standard questions: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, building 47, second entrance, floor 5.

The Odnoklassniki support service does not have a toll-free number - not even paid numbers not intended for ordinary users social network. Contacting the administration may take 7-14 days if the problem of interest is described in the instructions, but you have not found it.

To solve the problem quickly, review the summary of answers in the Help section. If a solution is not found, write to the Support Service. Problems that have a solution in the instructions of the website remain without a response from the moderator.

If you have problems accessing the Odnoklassniki website, many try to find a support phone number. If there is a need to contact the site administration, this cannot be done by phone. The Odnoklassniki website does not have phone numbers that you can call and solve problems that have arisen.

Other ways to get help on Odnoklassniki

The lack of a support phone number is due to the fact that you can solve the bulk of the questions that users of this social network have on your own. Everything is provided for this possible options answers with solutions to emerging problems. Each user can independently use the available instructions to restore access to their page, password or login.

Since technical support does not have a phone number, hotline there is also neither paid nor free, the only way communication with technical support is the “Help” section on this site. You can find it through the list of settings next to the user’s profile photo. Clicking on the “Help” button allows you to find the answer to your question directly on the site. To do this, you need to enter your question in the search bar. If there is an answer to it in Odnoklassniki, it will instantly appear on the page. If there is no answer, you can contact support, active button which is located at the bottom of the search page. Clicking this button displays a form that needs to be filled out. Here you need to enter information about the purpose of the appeal, indicate your email address so that the site administration can send an answer to the question posed. Below you will need to enter your request and send it to the support service.

What you can find out in the Odnoklassniki support service

The most frequently asked questions from users seeking support are:

  • problems with registration on the site;
  • it is impossible to log into your page due to the loss of your login or password;
  • blocking a page as a result of violations of the rules for using this resource;
  • desire to complain about users who violate the rules of use of this social network (spamming, using other people's data, insults, etc.).

In what case will Odnoklassniki website support not be able to help?

The support service will not be able to help if the user violated the rules for using the site, distributed spam in his own name, etc., or did this deliberately. In any case, support service specialists will send a response to the address specified by the user, in which they will describe the reason for the refusal to provide assistance.

Reasons for blocking Odnoklassniki - how to restore access

Most often, a user's page is blocked for several reasons:

  • as a result of hacking and spamming through it - you can restore the page using your login and password or through - this is fast and convenient way sign in with instructions to help resolve your sign in problem. Typically, recovery in this way is carried out by calling the user’s phone number and entering a code that will be sent to him. You may be asked to undergo verification using photographs of friends who will need to be named;
  • for violations when using the site - you can unblock the page through the support service, in this case you will need to provide your data, provide a link to your profile, and other information. If the violations were serious, the page may not be restored at all;
  • blocking the site by the employer if, when entering the site, a page with the inscription “access to the site is denied” is displayed. If this information is displayed only on the work computer, it means that the employer has limited access to this site. You can log in to it at home without any problems. If such a window appears at home, it means it is the work of a virus or malware.

Support group for the Odnoklassniki website on VK

VKontakte has a group called Odnoklassniki OK.RU, where you can ask your questions and get answers regarding the use of this social network.

Operator competence and response time

Typically, a response to a user's request sent through the site does not come very quickly. The waiting time can range from one hour to a day. The site administration knows how to help the user, so most often her answers are useful.

Today there is stable growth popularity of social networks. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of new users join projects every day. One of the most popular, but at the same time scandalous social networks is Odnoklassniki. A large number of participants in the project gave rise to good prospects for the emergence of scammers.

There are often situations when a user’s page is cloned, spam messages are sent, and all kinds of photo and video files that are obscene in nature. What to do in this case and is it possible to deal with violators?

For elimination similar problem there is one effective method– filing a complaint with the resource administrator. Asking for help is the right and opportunity of an authorized project participant. In order for a claim to be considered and appropriate measures taken, it must be drawn up competently and reasonably. As practice shows, to achieve best efficiency allows the assistance of a qualified lawyer, whose advice can be obtained remotely.

If one of the users violates the rights of another by cloning personal page, sending spam or performing other actions, this can be regarded as fraud and seek help from the administration of this resource. There is nothing complicated about this, however, you should not panic or be overly emotional.

The first step in solving the problem is to visit the page of the user who is the offender. Directly below the main photo of the participant there is a list of services, including the “more” column, which you should click. In the tab that opens there is a “complain” item. After the appropriate mark, the visitor will be asked to choose one of four reasons complaints, including:

  • Create an account under a different name;
  • Sending files containing obscene language or obscene video;
  • Sending advertising or spam messages;
  • Insulting and rude treatment of other participants in a social project.

Among the proposed options, you must choose the one that the best way reflects the identified problem. The time during which the Odnoklassniki administration will process the request can be up to 7 days. After this period has expired, the user who filed the complaint receives a message from the administration indicating the measures taken against the violator.

If a user whose rights have been violated seeks to block the scammer’s account, a single complaint is not enough to do this. For help, you will have to turn to friends, acquaintances and relatives who have pages on this social network.

After submitting similar complaints to the resource administration, the appeal will become collective, due to which the effectiveness of the complaint will automatically increase. But, it should be noted that this approach does not always lead to the desired result. If the resource administrator thinks that the violation is not too significant, or not enough complaints have been filed, the scammer’s page will continue to exist.

When this situation does occur, it is recommended that you contact a lawyer. To save time and avoid high financial costs, you can get specialist help online.

In most cases, the administrator of an Internet resource responds fairly quickly to complaints coming from project participants. Unfortunately, in practice there are many situations when an application remains unattended, or, to put it in simple language, ignored.

In this case, the user should not despair. There is another way to solve the problem - contact the technical support of the social network. The functioning of this service is aimed at considering and resolving issues related to violation of the rules of the resource. When a user notices non-compliance with the rules, or becomes a victim of illegal actions of a fraudster, it is necessary to report this to an expert.

To submit a corresponding complaint, in the main menu of the site you should find the column “Contact support”. After clicking, a window will open in which the user will be asked to describe the problem that has arisen. The text of the complaint should be drawn up competently and reasonably, avoiding emotional and incorrect expressions.

The application form includes the following items:

  • Purpose and subject of the appeal;
  • Links to the accounts of the applicant and the fraudster;
  • The essence of the problem;
  • Requirements or suggestions to resolve the problem;
  • Documents, links or other evidence confirming the attacker’s actions.

When contacting support, the user does not need to contact friends and relatives to make a similar request. As a rule, a letter from each user is accepted for consideration.

Having received the application, technical support specialists contact the author of the application and clarify any unclear points. After that, they will block the attacker’s page and eliminate the harm that he caused to other users, thereby violating the rules of the resource. Service in solving the problem technical support can refuse only if the issue is not within their competence, but, as practice shows, this happens quite rarely.

If a refusal is received, the social network user has only one way to “deal” with the attacker. He can send a letter with detailed description problems, and the available evidence to the office of the social network Odnoklassniki, located in Moscow.

For users who have been banned, they have the right to refute the allegations, reinstate their account, and file a counter-complaint against the accuser using the options described above.

Sometimes the page of an authorized user is blocked by the resource administrator due to the sending of spam messages that were actually sent by scammers. If this occurs, it means the page has been hacked and urgent action needs to be taken.

Three ways to contact Odnoklassniki support service