Google in space. Online satellite map of the world from Google

GOOGLE SKY MAP 1.4 is new app, which was created and developed for Android. This application can help anyone see the entire sky from a completely different perspective. Based on the operating principles of all navigation systems and navigation devices, this project in the same way will find the location of this or that object, but only in celestial space. All you need to do to do this is point your device at the sky. Thus star map will be the same as the real-life constellation in a certain direction. GOOGLE SKY MAP makes it possible not only to look at all the beauty of our vast Galaxy, but also to find any object in the sky that interests the user. This very object can be either a star or a planet.

Price: Free

This application works using special sensor, which reacts to movement. Using network data, the program will determine the user's location. If you need to establish a more precise location, you will need to use a GPS signal system. The menu of this amazing application is very simple and easy to use. The red circle shows the user's location, and the arrow on the screen will show the direction in which the equipment should be pointed in order to see the object entered in the search. If the user uses the program out of habit Google Maps in order to establish his location, he will gain the extraordinary opportunity to swipe his finger throughout the Galaxy and end up at his location.

It is worth noting that since release, this application for the Android system, has gained unprecedented popularity among users. In addition, critics also note that the program is very convenient and simple, and what you can learn and see with it is simply surprising. Most users have already installed it. Installation of the application is possible from the official website of the manufacturer.

It must be said that the popularity of this program is accelerating its growth every day. What's interesting is that for simple programs For Android, this application is very original, because this has never existed before. It is amazing that anywhere in the world, in any place, absolutely anyone can see all the beauty and all the charm of our vast Galaxy.

I remember I once wrote about a program - such a thing virtual planetarium. And there he called this program “ Google Earth-oh, on the contrary.”

Probably hearing this :) Google team Earth rolled up its sleeves and recently, with the release of a new version of the program ( Google Earth 4.2) it also became available starry sky viewing function. This is where Google tried its best.

After clicking on the button “Switch between viewing the Earth and sky” on top panel control, a view of the starry sky above opens current point Land viewed in the program. Another click and you return to the previous view.

After switching to the sky viewing mode, you can rotate its image in different sides, zoom in and out, turn information layers on and off - everything is the same as in normal mode Google Earth.

By turning on and off information layers of the Google Earth starry sky you can see constellation outlines, receive information about stars available for observation, view photos from the Hubble telescope, to know Moon position and phases And position of the planets of the solar system for the next two months and much more. The only pity is that all the information is in English :(

More ideas about new Google capabilities Earth will help give a video:

It should also be noted that, unlike Stellarium, this is not a simulation of the appearance of stars, but real photographs taken using telescopes. On the one hand, this is good (after all, this is how we see real stars), but on the other hand, it’s not very good - the sense of space disappears. And when you reach the maximum magnification, you remember the myth about the crystal sphere with stars nailed to it - no matter how much you turn the mouse wheel, you won’t see anything new. This is the notorious edge of the Universe!

Click on any object to receive expanded information and photos of its surroundings up to 1x1°.

Map starry sky online- will help with observations through a telescope and simply with orientation in the sky.
Online star map - interactive map sky shows the position of stars and nebulous objects that are accessible to amateur telescopes in given time over this place.

To use the star map online, you need to set geographical coordinates observation locations and observation time.
Only stars and planets with a brightness of up to approximately 6.5-7 m are visible to the naked eye in the sky. To monitor other objects you need telescope. The larger the diameter (aperture) of the telescope and the less illumination from the lights, the more objects will be available to you.

This online star map contains:

  • the SKY2000 star catalog, supplemented with data from the SAO and XHIP catalogs. Total - 298457 stars.
  • proper names of the main stars and their designations according to the HD, SAO, HIP, HR catalogs;
  • information about stars contains (if possible): J2000 coordinates, proper motions, brightness V, Johnson B magnitude, Johnson B-V color index, spectral type, luminosity (Suns), distance from the Sun in parsecs, number of exoplanets as of April 2012 , Fe/H, age, data on variability and fold;
  • the position of the main planets of the solar system, the brightest comets and asteroids;
  • galaxies, star clusters and nebulae from the Messier, Caldwell, Herschel 400 and NGC/IC catalogs with the ability to filter by type.
There are no objects from Messier in the Caldwell catalog, and Herschel 400 partially overlaps with the first two catalogs.

It is possible to search for nebulous objects on the map by their numbers in the NGC/IC and Messier catalogs. As you enter the number, the map is centered on the coordinates of the desired object.
Enter only the object number as it is indicated in these catalogs: without the prefixes "NGC", "IC" and "M". For example: 1, 33, 7000, 4145A-1, 646-1, 4898-1, 235A, etc.
Enter three objects from other catalogs: C_41, C_99 from Caldwell and the light nebula Sh2_155 in the NGC field as written here - with underlining and letters.

Its refined and somewhat expanded version RNGC/IC dated January 2, 2013 was used as NGC/IC. A total of 13958 objects.

About maximum stellar magnitude:
The faintest star in the SKY2000 catalog, which is used in the online sky map, has a brightness of 12.9 m. If you are interested specifically in stars, keep in mind that after about 9-9.5 m, gaps begin in the catalogue, and the further you go, the stronger they are (such a decline after a certain magnitude is a common occurrence for star catalogues). But, if stars are needed only to search for foggy objects in a telescope, then by introducing a limit of 12 m you will get noticeably more stars for better orientation.

If you set the maximum 12 m in the “stars are brighter” field and click “Update data”, then bootstrap directory (17MB) may take up to 20 seconds or more - depending on the speed of your Internet.
By default, only stars up to V=6 m (2.4 MB) are loaded. You need to know the downloaded volume to select the map auto-update interval if you have limited Internet traffic.

To speed up the work, at low map magnifications (in the first 4 steps), NGC/IC objects fainter than 11.5 m and faint stars are not shown. Zoom in on the desired part of the sky and they will appear.

When "turning off Hubble telescope images and others." Only black and white photographs are shown, which more honestly show the image available in an amateur telescope.

Help, suggestions and comments are accepted by mail: [email protected].
Materials used from sites:,,,, Dr. website Wolfgang Steinicke
The photographs used were declared free for distribution by their authors and transferred to public use (based on data received by me in the places of their original placement, including according to Wikipedia, unless otherwise indicated). If this is not the case, write me an e-mail.

Andrey Oleshko from Kubinka for the original coordinates of the Milky Way.
Eduard Vazhorov from Novocheboksarsk for the original coordinates of the outlines of the Foggy Objects.

Nikolay K., Russia

Astronomy as a science can be loved or disliked, but there is probably no such person who would not be attracted by the beauty of the starry sky. Each of us at least once in our lives has peered into the stars and constellations, trying to understand whether there is anyone there and whether we are alone in the Universe...

Stargazing is one of the popular hobbies. IN lately On sale you can find just a huge variety of models of telescopes with which you can observe the stars and planets.

Today I want to tell you about an amazing service with which you can make a virtual visit and see it from the most unusual angles!

This review was written as part of a series of publications dedicated to online services Google, which as we know is famous for the quality of its products. The first publication with a description search services Google, you can read on, and there you can download my mini-book with a story about how to effectively search for information on the Internet. However, let's move closer to the stars.

Google Sky - atlas of the starry sky. This service is unique Google add-on Earth, which allows you to look at the sky from Earth. You can observe stars, constellations, planets, galaxies without leaving your home!

This is how far progress has come: sitting in a chair in front of a monitor, in just a minute you can find yourself in a neighboring galaxy)

Fortunately for many online users star atlas in Russian! However, for some reason they forgot a number of textual explanations or did not have time yet).

Once on the main page of Google Sky, you will immediately see a photo of the starry sky in front of you. To navigate through it, you can use the tools on the left side of the screen, but it is much more convenient and faster to use the mouse. By holding the left key you can move, and the wheel is responsible for scaling.

There are three buttons on the right side of the screen that serve to switch viewing modes starry sky online:

  • Infrared – shows objects in the infrared range
  • Microwave – turns on display in the microwave range
  • Historical - historical maps of the sky (created in the 17th century by Giovanni Maria Cassini)

When you turn on a particular mode, you can use the sliders to adjust the degree of its overlay on the photo of the starry sky.

At the bottom of the screen of the online starry atlas you will find:

  • enable display of constellations
  • stunning highly detailed photographs of the Hubble, Galex, Spitzer telescope
  • X-ray images from the Chandra telescope
  • podcasts about planets, stars, etc. (in English)

By the way, there is an online star atlas convenient feature search. Knowing the name of an object, you can quickly be transported directly to it, so as not to have to surf the expanses of the Universe manually for a long time and persistently)).

Finally, watch a short presentation video describing how to work and what opportunities it offers Google users Sky:

Friends, did you like it? this service? Do you know better analogues? Share your impressions in the comments.

You can guess what this application is by its name. Sky Map is a detailed interactive map of the starry sky, created by Google developers exclusively for the operating room. Android systems. The program has a fully scalable map and constantly updates in automatic mode. With each new update it is supplemented and refined, gradually becoming one of best apps in its own way. In addition, the program includes a convenient search system that allows you to find the right star, star cluster or planet. The most "known" to mankind celestial bodies, contain a description from Wikipedia. Sky Map has open source code, and therefore can be finalized and improved third party developers. And lastly, the program is completely free and has a nice user interface.

Key Features and Functions

  • is one of the most “advanced” star maps for mobile operating systems;
  • includes a convenient search system;
  • provides information about some celestial bodies;
  • is completely free;
  • has a nice graphical interface.

What's new in this version?

1.9.2 (29.09.2016)

  • We are working on bugs that lead to crashes when launching the application on Samsung S4 and Note 3;
  • We are working on an issue where the map would not move on some devices without a built-in gyroscope.