What is Go Get Links? Gogetlinks - Exchange of eternal links

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about one of my favorite exchanges for buying/selling links. About the service “ “Today I will tell you how an exchange is for webmasters who use this service to make money on blogs and websites. In the future, I want to talk about this exchange, as well as for optimizers, that is, for promoting their projects.

Features of GoGetLinks.net:

  • Strict requirements for sites. To get your blog onto this exchange, you need to be more than 6 months old, have more than 80 pages on the site, and, which eliminates a lot of blogs, it must be 10 or more (probably the most difficult point), and the site must be created for people (SDL).
  • Decent prices for selling links for webmasters. The prices for selling links here are very good. For example, with a blog that has a TCI = 10, I sell post notes (short notes, usually at the end of posts) for 89 rubles. There are a lot of offers for this price, you just need to have time to write. Using mathematical calculations, you can calculate how much you can earn on average with (Gogetlinks) on one blog with a TCI of 10, while publishing 5 articles per week: 5*89*4=1780 rubles. This point was a great motivation to start.
  • Possibility of selling links in old posts. I remember how happy I was after my first blog was accepted into: there were more than 90 posts on the blog, and I sold the guard posts in all the old posts and made very good money: 90 * 89 = 8010 rubles. This was my first relatively large income from my websites.
  • Lots of advertisers. Yes, indeed, I don’t experience a shortage of proposals here, I just don’t have time to write and complete all the tasks, so I have to refuse. And recently I started buying articles on one of the blogs. I buy for 45 rubles and sell a guard for 89 rubles. Good math, isn't it? 🙂
  • The first withdrawal of money is possible only 3 months after registration. This point “didn’t make me particularly happy” at the time of registering with GoGetLinks.net, although later you can withdraw money as often as you want. Therefore, you can wait the first 3 months, and then safely withdraw 10-15 thousand rubles - it’s damn nice :).
  • Your site should be well indexed by Yandex. In the Gogetlinks exchange, optimizers are given a guarantee for indexing. Therefore, if the article where the link is posted is not indexed, then you will not receive money for this selling link. Read. Personally, I have never had any problems with this point; I have 100% indexability of articles in which links are sold.

Registration at GoGetLinks.net

So, if I still intrigue you, and your blog has all the required characteristics (TCI>=10, the domain is more than 6 months old, more than 80 pages have been indexed), it’s time to register with GoGetLinks.net.

Adding a site to GoGetLinks.net

Types of tasks in GoGetLinks.net

There are 3 types of tasks possible in Gogetlinks:

  • Contextual link– inserting a regular link inside the article.
  • The note- these are ordinary sentences that are written specifically for the sake of links and, as a rule, they should contain keywords that optimizers usually give. As often happens, I post notes at the end of posts. Some people write the word “Guard” before the “sales offer,” but optimizers don’t really like this.
  • Picture– this is a link in the form of a picture. There are very few such offers and I don’t post picture links at all.

You can read more about the differences between GoGetLinks.net exchange tasks and the rules for completing them.

Site card

Now that you see your site in “My Sites”, click on its address with the left mouse button:

Next, you “drive in” daily attendance and give a description of the site. I got the following:

Then click on the “Save” button.

Setting prices in GoGetLinks.net

Already there you set the price (you can focus on the average):

As of June 22, 2011, I recommend that for blogs that have a TIC of 10, set the price of a note to 89 rubles. This is a good price, and offers from optimizers will constantly come. After setting prices, click on “Done!”.

Search for tasks in GoGetLinks.net

If you do not receive tasks at all, or receive them extremely rarely, you can submit applications to the optimizers yourself. True, there is a limit; you can submit applications no more than 200 times per month.

How to search for tasks for your site:

  1. In the Webmaster tab, go to “Company Search”:

  2. Next, select the site for which the search will be performed and click “Next”:

  3. Next, set your search conditions. Set the price:
    Next we set the parameters of our pages:

    On my site there are no more than 5 external links (the fewer of them, the better for the site, read more in detail), internal links on my blog are around 180 (), the nesting level on my blog is “No deeper than third” (due to ), and I will post it on pages that are already in the Yandex index or have not yet managed to get there.
    Next, I select all the topics and click once on the “Save search conditions” button (for convenience in the future, so as not to re-specify the search criteria):

    I give these criteria a name, save them, and in the future, in step 3, I go to the “Saved search conditions” tab and there I simply click on the “Search” button.
    And now I just click on the “Find” button:
  4. Next you will see a list of tasks. You can look at their conditions, just click on the “Details” button. If you are satisfied with the task, simply check the box:

    Thus, check off all the tasks that you like (but remember the monthly limit), and at the bottom click on the “Submit Application” button:
    As a result, you will see a notification that the applications have been successfully sent:

Then just wait, if the optimizer confirms the placement of its link on your site, you will see it. And you can proceed to the next step.

Completing tasks in GoGetLinks.net

When you receive offers from optimizers, you will see a notification like this on any page in GoGetLinks.net:

Click on the “raw proposals” link and you will see a list of all tasks for your projects there. Delete tasks that you do not like immediately.

When completing a task, first copy the text of the link, then paste the link itself into it, and only then compose a sentence, including at least 1-2 keywords given by the optimizer. The result should be 1-2 sentences “on the topic” of the link.

After you have completed the task, click on the “Completed!” button. Next, you will need to copy the link of your article where the link is located, and, sometimes, the full path to it. This is what it will all look like:

You may ask: where do you get the “Path to Review?” To do this, simply install and then copy the path directly from the article itself:

  • Try to complete tasks as quickly as possible. The speed of execution affects the number of offers from optimizers.
  • Keep the indexation rate of posts with links over 90%. The number of incoming tasks also greatly depends on this. If an article doesn’t want to be indexed, place the link in another post, etc.
  • If the optimizer requires too much, discard the job. Or try to negotiate with him.
  • Don't violaterules . GoGetLinks.net is strict about this. For example, place only one sales link on a page.


I’ll tell you honestly, the service is very good. The only thing you need to try is to score a TIC of 10, and fulfill the remaining conditions - this is not a problem. If your blog has scored the “coveted top ten”, I recommend adding your site to GoGetLinks as soon as possible and, believe me, you will earn a decent income.

Now (in the next month) I will be conducting a very interesting experiment to increase earnings on GoGetLinks.net by 2-3 times, if it works, I will definitely write another lesson.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk in detail about the eternal link exchange, which is very popular among webmasters and optimizers.

The very concept of “eternal” comes down to the fact that on this and similar services (GetGoodLinks or RotaPost) you pay for the purchased backlink only once, in contrast to the monthly payment in exchanges like Sapa (now, however, this process has been automated through) .

There are also article exchanges (Miralinks or WebArtekh), which also, one might say, sell eternal links, but they have certain differences, which we will discuss later in this publication.

Well, Gogetlinks (abbreviated as Ggl or Ggl) is the leader in this market, because in addition to a huge number of webmasters and optimizers, it also has a high reputation, which attracts a large number of advertisers.

Promoting websites in Gogetlinks and making money on links

At first, I worked with GGL only as a webmaster, posting reviews on the pages of my projects and receiving quite a good income from it (see article about). A little later, I also got into the shoes of an optimizer (advertiser) and quite actively buy permanent links in GoGetLinks (mainly for commercially viable projects).

The creators of this service offer to watch a short video on the topic - what is Ggl:

To comply with the concept laid down in the blog site, I will remind you of the three main aspects of site promotion, which can equally influence its success. Moreover, these factors are interconnected, and the absence or weak influence of one of them will negate all the work that you have done in the other two directions:

  1. The first (basic) factor is the expectations of search engines. In fact, the rules of internal optimization are quite simple (read about this in the publication about that), but what is difficult to understand is that every little thing has an impact and something should not be neglected. In general, this is a complex and dreary matter, but vital. It can be a good help here.
  2. Backlinks (leading to your project from other resources) are still the main external factor influencing the success of promotion. You can read about how it should be done (the texts of the backlinks included) in the article provided. The backlinks themselves can be purchased from the same or similar services (Miralinks, RotaPost).

    But increase link mass It must be done systematically, without fanaticism and harshness. As few direct occurrences of the query as possible (most often one will be enough, but from the most powerful and thematic site you can find) and as many dilutions as possible, without anchors, links in the form of a URL or domain, as well as in the form of the full name of the publication (at page you are promoting). This way you will not go “beyond the bounds of decency” and will not be considered a spammer.

  3. Well, the trend of recent years is promotion. Now no one can ignore them, because everything can collapse precisely because of user behavior on your website and in the search results of Yandex and Google that is unnatural for your topic.

And so as not to spread too much about everything advantages of working with GoGetLinks, I suggest you watch their short video about how wonderful and good everything is (warranties, insurance for a year, etc.):

Now let's look at this exchange from a webmaster's point of view, as one of the ways to make money on your website.

I already cited as an example an article about 17 main ways to make money on the Internet just above. Some webmasters create a number of sites designed specifically to make money by selling links from them. Moreover, such networks are not only in services like Sapa, but also in our today’s hero GGL (and others like him - Miralinks, Rotapost, etc.).

Some webmasters generally make money only this way. For example, this is a fairly well-known BigPiccha, and I also have one project that cannot be monetized in any other way except by posting eternal links and articles (and it feels great at this and ranks well).

Someone even assembles their own network by purchasing ready-made and partially promoted resources from other webmasters. Earning money on the exchange of eternal links becomes the main and prevailing one for them (Alex Pro from “money conquers evil” earned 100,000 rubles a month five years ago, before he sold out his network), because it allows them to do this without having high traffic, which is necessary for desire to earn money from displaying or the Yandex network).

I personally don’t think that you should focus on making money with Gogetlinks and others like it. But until your project’s traffic is high enough, you can forget about installing contextual advertising, but money from Miralinks.ru, RotaPost and GetGoodLinks will not seem superfluous to you during this period.

On one of my side projects, I tried everything (context, Vpodskazke and a number of lesser-known methods), and only when I started selling links from it in all the mentioned services (except Sape), I felt a real return - applications poured in like from a cornucopia, and even at the current highly inflated placement price, they are still not drying up.

Money earned in GGL You can, if you wish, partially use it to build the link mass of your own site, or completely display it in real life on WebMoney (now, however,) or Qiwi (I’ve been choosing them lately because of their ease of use).

If you are making a withdrawal for the first time, you will have to wait three months (there is a kind of hold so that you do not remove the links you put in and run away with the money ahead of time). And then the withdrawal will take place three times a week - on the evenings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday, if you order this very withdrawal in advance, as shown in the screenshot (click on the amount of money earned in the upper right corner, select “balance”, and then select “Withdraw funds”).

Registration in the exchange and principles of promotion in GoGetLinks

As a result, for example, I ended up with an Excel file with a table containing the queries for which my blog has some positions in the Yandex and Google results, as well as those pages that, according to search engines, have the highest rank. I carry out positions, as well as identifying relevant pages, with the help of (which died for a while, but has now risen again from the ashes).

Those. The main idea of ​​the last two paragraphs is that backlinks need purchase not only and not so much on the main page, but also on all landing pages that are capable of moving up in search engine results to the Top for more or less frequent queries. It's clear? It’s not stupid that all backlinks with different anchors go to the main page, namely to specific pages of your site, which, according to search engines, are most relevant to the query that will be used as an anchor. It’s a simple thing, but not fully understood by many.

Well, in addition, it is better to buy 10 links from different sites (donors) through Gogetlinks than the same 10 backlinks, but from only three. However, from a good donor if you have free funds, it would not be a bad idea to buy several backlinks, because they will all transfer dynamic and static weight (possibly the same). But if you have a limited budget it will be optimal purchasing from Gogetlinks from different donors for the same promoted site.

Well, it should probably be clear to you that when buying backlinks from resources relevant to your site, you contribute to the growth of the thematic citation index of your project and, what is more important, such backs will work much better than those purchased in the same place, but non-thematic (all other things being equal - the donor’s lack of spam, his trust, the quality of the page from which the link leads, etc. .).

Actually, for a large number of backings from donors on a different topic from yours, you can easily fall under or, and then you will have to add them to Disavow links (read more about this in the specified article) or in other ways or Minusinsk.

However, not for all topics in GGL you will be able to find a sufficient number of donors. In this case, you can purchase from sites in the areas of Media, Business and Portals, because to some extent they are suitable for almost everyone.

Setting up a campaign in GogetLinks for website promotion

Let's move from theory to practice. First you have to create and set up your advertising campaign in the link exchange. To do this, just go to the “Optimizer” tab, open the “My Campaigns” tab and click on the button "Create a new campaign":

An add window will open with many different fields, checkboxes and lists that need to be filled in or selected. Let me try to explain what exactly and how to write or choose there, well, and you will be free to do everything your own way.

Next to each item there is a question mark, by moving your mouse cursor over it you can read about its purpose. Now let's go through the points:

GGL - how to pay an optimizer less and get more

I already spoke about the importance of choosing donor topics a little higher. Here I will only draw your attention to the fact that Gogetlinks does not very well implement visualization of what subject headings have their own subheadings. It’s not easy to guess this, because there are no intuitive plus signs to the left of the heading names or anything like that.

However, by clicking on the name of a category in Gogetlinks, you will see all the subcategories nested within it and can make the choice of donor topics more accentuated. I usually only check the box next to the “Internet” topic. I leave both languages ​​selected. Well, I cut off sites that sell backs on Sapa and similar exchanges, because there is a high probability that search engines will not take them into account when ranking. Go ahead.

I usually limit the number of external links, but within reasonable limits. Next, you can check or uncheck the boxes in the “Nature of Pages” area. What do they mean? The first checkbox will mean that you allow webmasters to place your eternal link through the Gogetlinks exchange only in their new articles that have not yet been included in the Yandex index. In general, it's practically ideal option (similar to natural), because then the backlink will appear simultaneously with the text of the new article.

But I still check the second box, thereby allowing my backing to be added to those articles that were published a long time ago and have already been indexed by Yandex. They will look less natural than in the first case, but the webmaster will be able to place your backlink in the article the most suitable topic, up to its complete coincidence. However, their registration may take a long time, especially if the pages where they were posted have not been updated for a long time and, accordingly, the search robot of the RuNet mirror has not visited them for a long time. In the worst case, he may not access it at all or may not take into account this backlink, which is sad.

It also makes sense for webmasters to inform you about your wishes, this is precisely what the “Description and comments on the task” field is provided for, where I usually write what is shown in the screenshot just above

Further in the campaign settings on GGL we will only have set the desired link cost from donors with different SEO indicators. That. you tell webmasters working in this exchange that you are willing to pay exactly that much for a backlink from their sites. And it is these prices that webmasters will focus on when offering you their services (they can either wait for orders from the optimizer or carry out reverse searches themselves).

Many optimizers in GoGetLinks “without further ado” set average prices. In general, this is correct. But when you receive an application from a webmaster, you should look at their initial prices for eternal links.

Those. Situations are possible when a webmaster’s campaign sets a price of 100 rubles, and he makes an offer to you at a price of 200 rubles, because You have set this price threshold in your campaign settings.

How check the real price from the webmaster in Google? Just click on the “More details” button (located to the right of his website address) with the proposal (application) that came to you and look at the price in the pop-up window (there is no way to take such a screenshot now, so I would be grateful if you send yours).

In this regard, I have made it a habit to greatly reduce the prices at which I am willing to buy eternal links from webmasters (down to the minimum possible in the system). I do this for two reasons. Firstly, because I prefer to search for the donors I need myself, this allows me not to use the “Hidden” (for reverse search) setting in GoGetLinks for my campaign (tab “Optimizer” - “My Campaigns”):

By the way, in order to hide or open a campaign for reverse search by webmasters in the Ggl eternal link exchange, you just need to click on the inscription in the column "Visibility" and in the window that opens, select the most suitable option:

Well, and secondly, although occasionally, it bears fruit in the sense that I sometimes receive offers (applications - GoGetLinks will notify you about them by email) from webmasters at prices that are significantly lower those that they themselves assigned in their webmaster campaign. But these are nuances that you will set up for yourself as you work.

Yes, after setting and running the prices, in the future you will be able to check the box “Set these prices for all campaigns” to more quickly set up your other projects in GGL. Your optimal prices will be duplicated in them.

Search for optimal sites in GoGetLinks

I’ll immediately make a reservation about the fact that this exchange has black and white lists. It’s probably clear from the name that you should add to black those donors whom you don’t want to see in the site search and who shouldn’t submit applications to you.

I buy eternal links in several places at once - GetGoodLinks, Miralinks and RotaPost.

And just above I explained that with a limited budget, it would be the best option to purchase backlinks from different donors (without repetitions for the same project). Therefore, so that the donors I use in different link exchanges do not overlap, I add those who have already worked (having placed a backlink in any of these four services) to the blacklist of the remaining three (read about how to do this in, and).

To add sites to the blacklist in GGL, you need to go to the "Search for sites" tab and at the very bottom of the list of filters click on the link " My blacklist":

You can add already used donors in other exchanges, and also copy the existing emergency from GoGetLinks in Excel format.

I think this is all clear. Although, when selecting sites, you can add them to the emergency situation by simply clicking on the red cross in the “Add to the black list” column:

The white list is used by many optimizers who consistently promote several sites of similar topics through Gogetlinks. In this case, it makes sense to add good donors to the BS and for subsequent promoted resources not to select suitable sites, but simply check the box “Search only those sites that are on the white list” (I’ve already gotten a little ahead of myself, but a little I’ll show you everything in the screenshot below). Saves time and improves the quality of the link mass.

For example, while wandering around the Russian Internet, I sometimes come across resources from which I would like to receive a link. It would be possible to contact the admin and buy a backlink directly, but for me. Therefore, I add such desired donors to the white list of this exchange, after which, when searching for sites, I tick the same box "Only whitelisted sites"(see the third screenshot above this paragraph), and I expand all other search filters to the maximum.

As a result, in the future I will be able find and buy permanent links from domains that interest me with the condition that they were added to GoGetLinks at all.

Well, now let’s move directly to the search for sites: “Optimizer” tab - “Search for sites”. It used to look a little different, but recently it has been updated and made more usable in my opinion.

Buying permanent links from selected sites

That's all. Now click on the “Find” button and begin to view and select the most suitable donors for you in this exchange. To do this, click on the URL of the site and in a new window examine its site for quality. I usually do this with help - it’s very convenient, informative and visual.

Have you found a suitable donor? And the price for posting a permanent link suits you? Great, it's time to move on to the process of purchasing it through the Gogetlinks interface.

Because In the campaign settings in Google, I chose to manually assign anchors, then I will need to select the text closest in topic to the donor from the drop-down list in the “Anchor” column, check the column with the desired type of review, check the “Insure reviews” field (+ 12 percent to the price - alas, but the guarantee is not free) and click on the “Order” button:

In the same way, you continue to select donors that suit you in terms of price and SEO indicators and buy (order) backlinks for them with the anchors you need. But don't forget about smooth link building(which is especially important for young projects, for which the norm will be to purchase through one link per day or even less often). Next you will need to wait for a letter from GoGetLinks with a message that you need to check the tasks completed by webmasters.

To check placement go to the “Optimizer” - “Reviews” tab and look at the page of the donor’s website to see if all your requirements are met (to do this, just click on the Url address of the webmaster who completed the task).

If everything is in order, then select the “Approve” option. If the webmaster did something wrong, then you can click on the cross “For improvement” and describe the shortcomings you noticed. After eliminating everything you described, this review will again be sent to you for verification and the exchange will send a notification about this by email.

Well, to top it off, I recommend see excellent step-by-step instructions on how to properly purchase links in GoGetLinks:

Earning money on the GoGetLinks eternal link exchange

Actually, now it’s time to move on to the issue of making money on Google for webmasters. It will be like a look at the same thing, but from the other side. If the main thing for an optimizer is to get a high-quality eternal link as cheaply as possible, then the main thing for a webmaster is to sell his service for the highest price possible. Those. There is clearly a conflict of interest, but one that can be resolved within the framework of this exchange.

First, you need your site to be accepted into Gogetlinks. The fact is that admission conditions are quite strict and all candidates must undergo manual moderation, but this is precisely what makes this exchange so attractive to advertisers (optimizers).

In any case, you you will need to register first, and then go to the “Webmaster” - “My Sites” tab and click on the “Add site” button:

Enter the URL of the site, after which it will be automatically checked for TIC other than zero, for age (more than six months) and some other criteria described in detail. If everything is in order, then you will be offered determine the price for placement of all types of reviews, which optimizers will then see when searching for sites.

In this case, you can focus on the average prices given right there, but you can go to the catalog of sites as an optimizer and see how many tugriks sites similar to yours ask for.

Next you will be asked if you are ready place backlinks on new and old pages your resource. If you leave the first box ticked, you will have to accept orders through GGL, for which you will need to write a new publication.

This bothers many people and they leave only the second point in order to use publications already available on their resource, simply adding links suggested by optimizers. It's up to you, but If you check both boxes, your earnings will be higher, but also more hassle. That’s it, click on “Done”, after which you will see a line with the added platform and a message about its being under moderation.

You are waiting for the end of moderation, after which you can start earning money. This exchange has a number of conditions that must be followed to avoid sanctions:

Next, on the “Webmaster” - “My Sites” tab, by clicking on the URL of your site, you can, if necessary, change some of the settings that you made when adding this site to the exchange. By clicking in the “Visibility” column opposite the desired site, you can choose one of three options for working on the stock exchange (depending on your shyness):

When do you an application for placement will arrive, then you will have to go to Gogetlinks to the “Webmaster” tab - “Tasks and proposals” - “New” and click on the “More details” opposite one of the proposals.

As a result, a window with a task will open, which you will have to carefully read (if you do not want to complete it, then click on the “Reject” button).

Then you will need to place the review on a new or old page of your website (in the index or not in the Yandex index - depending on the conditions set by the advertiser and your preferences at the moment) and click on the “Completed” button in the task window, and in an additional window enter The URL of the page where you, in fact, placed the eternal link.

First, the GoGetLinks system itself will check whether the required conditions are met correctly (presence of a backlink, number of external links), and then the optimizer will have to check and approve your work.

If you placed a permanent link in a new article, then the money will be transferred to your account only after indexing this new page by Yandex, and if you posted a review in an old article, then immediately at the time the task is approved by the optimizer.

You can learn more about the optimal strategy for working as a webmaster with the Google exchange by watching a fairly detailed video:

What else do I want to say? They have a wonderful one (you can get a referral link and view statistics by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down list of your login in the upper right corner) - read what it is at the link.

In general, the affiliate program is very profitable and I definitely recommend its use to those sites for which it is suitable for the topic (where there is a target audience for this business). My successes in this field at the moment are as follows:

True, I have been working with her for a very long time (six or seven years). But I think it's never too late to start...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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GetGoodLinks - how to make money on the site and how to buy links in the GetGoodLinks exchange
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Kwork - a store of freelance services at a fixed price (500 rubles)
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This article will be devoted to the most popular link exchange - Gogetlinks. Let's consider the process of working in the service in order to get the maximum effect from the purchased links.

So, I believe no one will have any problems with registration, so we won’t stop at this stage.

At first glance, the instructions for purchasing links in gogetlinks are very simple and clear, but that’s not the case, there are many nuances and let’s deal with them.

When you are already logged into the system, you will be faced with the task of how to buy links to gogetlinks:

  1. Deposit money into the account;
  2. Create your first advertising company;
  3. Select the most suitable sites;
  4. Check reviews written by webmasters.

Gogetlinks - what is it?

Therefore, you should make a list of low-quality donors and blacklist them so as not to deal with them at all.

How to select high-quality sites in the Gogetlinks system?

Now I will give short points, but the article describes in great detail and in detail all the stages of dividing into high-quality and low-quality sites.

There are a few things to look at:

  • LinkPad;
  • SPAMM;
  • Rank;
  • Number of incoming;
  • Number of pages in the index;
  • Attendance;
  • Age.

So, you have a small part of sites left that managed to survive after all the filters described above, and you should buy links to them.

And lastly, when the review is written, all that remains is to check it, if it is unique, written competently and for people, the link is located in the right place, the page with the review is no further than the third level and in one of the main sections of the site, then confirm it and wait for indexing. Such a link is guaranteed to bring you a positive effect.

I hope you understand how to buy permanent links in Gogetlinks.

Gogetlinks: reviews from optimizers

No matter how good the service is, there will always be people who are completely satisfied or completely dissatisfied with it. The same applies to this exchange, the reviews on Gogetlinks are completely different and quite contrasting.

If you pay attention only to negative reviews, then you may not start working with the exchange at all, and if you see everything in a rosy light from the positive reviews on gogetlinks net, then you can be cruelly deceived. You always need to stick to the middle. Be that as it may, only in your own skin can you determine how useful cooperation with ggl will be.

Positive gogetlinks reviews

Negative gogetlinks reviews

) is an exchange of eternal links (read “GoGetLinks”). Those. pay once, use it as long as the donor page with your link exists. There are other cases. For example, an unscrupulous webmaster removed your link after some time. The GogetLinks exchange provides a 3-month guarantee. If your link is removed during this time, you will get your money back. This is how the service takes care of its users. Today we will take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the GogetLinks link exchange. I will also tell you about the basic principles of working with this resource.

GogetLinks: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

The GogetLinks exchange has a number of advantages. This is a large percentage of quality sites to choose from. Convenient and accessible interface. You can find answers to almost all your questions inside the service itself. The exchange commission is included immediately in the cost of services and is 10%. Those. the optimizer pays the amount indicated in the system, and the webmaster receives the same amount, but minus 10%.

One of the disadvantages for the optimizer is the high cost of links, but you have to pay for quality and convenience. The disadvantage of GogetLinks for a webmaster is that the delay in the first payment is 3 months. This is due to due diligence. According to reviews from GogetLinks users, there are frequent refusals to add sites to the exchange. But if you have improved your site, according to the system’s recommendations, you can try to participate in the sale of links again. Otherwise, the service is well thought out and useful to all stakeholders in the process. If you have additional questions about GogetLinks, you can look for answers on the service itself, or ask them in the comments to the article. On my own behalf, I will say that working with the GogetLinks link exchange is really pleasant, I recommend it.

To help the webmaster: making money on GogetLinks

The Gogetlinks exchange places fairly high demands on sites whose owners want to sell links. Here is a short list of them:

  • Site age from 6 months
  • TIC from 10
  • Number of indexed pages in Yandex – from 80
  • Websites on free third-level domains are not accepted
  • The site must have enough content to post reviews

All these conditions speak in favor of the GogetLinks exchange, since in this way satellites, GS and other low-quality sites are eliminated. If your site meets the requirements, try adding it to the exchange.

Register using the link and go to the tab " Webmaster» — « My sites» — « Add site" Enter the URL of your resource. In the next window, you will need to indicate the cost of the contextual link, note and image link (I will describe each link in more detail). You can leave the average prices offered by the system.

You will then be asked to provide access to statistics data. If you have nothing to hide, choose the counter available to you and provide the data for it. After these simple operations, the site is sent for moderation. The verification takes several days. You will receive a notification and a letter by email stating that only 20% of sites successfully pass moderation. But if your website is of high quality, then there is nothing to be afraid of. I will tell you about all the intricacies of working as a webmaster in the following posts. I note that reviews of GogetLinks from webmasters are often positive. It is convenient and easy to use and you can make good money on it. Take the introductory course that the exchange offers in video lessons. Use the service tips, it’s convenient. The main thing you want to pay attention to is to be a conscientious webmaster. He's the kind of guy who's a pleasure to work with, and someone who turns to him again and again. Next we will talk about the work of the optimizer in the GogetLinks system.

GogetLinks: buying eternal links

On the GogetLinks exchange (official website) you can find really high-quality donors. The price often depends on the TIC. The example given above, with average prices for the site, is indicated for a very trust resource with a TIC of 12,000. That is these costs can be considered among the highest in the system. Accordingly, depending on your budget and goals, you can choose for your promotion campaign some of the authoritative resources with a high cost, and the second part - cheaper sites in the middle price range.

Before purchasing links from GogetLinks, you should set the parameters for your promotion campaign. After registering on the exchange, go to the “ Optimizer» — « My campaigns» — « Create a new campaign».

And now let's return to the question of link types:

  • A contextual link is a link that is placed in the text of an article with the anchor you specify. Apart from the anchor, you cannot specify anything else here.
  • Short notes are several sentences on a topic you have specified with a set of key phrases, which will contain a link to your resource. These notes are most often placed at the end of the article.
  • Link-picture – in this case, the link will be a picture on the donor’s page, where the anchor is the alt tag, the keyword is the title of the picture.

Let's start adding a campaign. We enter the name for our convenience, the types of links that we need. For clarity, I have ticked all types. Next, enter the link text and the url of your page. If one anchor is not enough, click “ I want to add more anchors».

In the window that opens, add the required number of anchors and page addresses. In the column " Plan» indicate how many times this anchor can be used. You can choose manual or automatic distribution of anchors at your discretion.

After you have filled out these fields, the page will look like the one shown below. The page url and examples of anchors have been entered: a key phrase and the word “here” for non-anchor promotion. It is better to dilute anchors so that your link mass looks more natural. To do this, you should also leave a tick in the “ Allow link text to skew».

Scrolling through the page, we move on to choosing the topics of sites that are suitable for your promotion. Below is an example of topics for my blog. We also filter out sites that participate in auto exchanges.

We will set the number of external links to 4, without taking into account “nofollow” links. The nesting level is no further than third. It is better to take new pages, i.e. which are not yet in the Yandex index. They will appear there immediately along with your link. Add comments, such as those described in the example below. Many comments that would need to be added on other exchanges are taken into account in the posting rules in GogetLinks. For example, a webmaster should choose an article to post that is closest to the topic of your link. This does not need to be further specified in the comments, like many other things (see the service rules).

Next you enter prices. It's easiest to leave medium. But you can experiment, as shown in the example. But the system immediately warns us that if prices drop, the quality and quantity of sites may suffer.

Once you have entered all the required information, your campaign is ready. In my case, the system says that it would not hurt to top up the balance. In the upper right corner click " Top up balance» and make a payment through a payment system convenient for you (Webmoney, Qiwi, etc.).

After this, you can start purchasing everlasting links on GogetLinks. Wait for applications from webmasters, according to the requirements you set, or look for sites yourself.

Search for sites: how to buy links in GogetLinks ()

Go to the “Search for Sites” tab. Set the main search criteria. For example, depending on what kind of sites you need, you can set the range of TICs, PR, availability in Yandex.Catalog and Dmoz. The topic has already been set by you when creating the campaign. You can set restrictions according to the indicators of the exchange itself. Indexation percentage indicates how many pages with reviews posted in GogetLinks were indexed by Yandex. And the average speed of job placement.

After you have entered your search terms and click " Find", you will have a list of sites, sometimes quite large. You can initially set strict restrictions, such as presence in the Yandex.Catalogue, a certain domain zone, only one topic. This will ultimately make your search easier. When you receive a list of sites, you can export them to excel and continue the selection there, using sorting and filters.

After selection based on GogetLinks system indicators, it is worth checking the selected sites visually and using the RDS Bar.

Then you click " Order» and wait for webmasters to post your links.

This was a review of the Gogetlinks.net service, leave your feedback about the exchange in the comments. Read my articles about other link exchanges, for example. I wish you successful promotion!

If you are a complete novice in buying links for SEO benefits and despite this you do not want to overpay, wanting to do everything yourself, then this article is for you. Let's start in order:

1. SEO buying links - what does it give?

If you purchase links correctly, you can raise your site in search engine results. That is, all other things being equal, your page will be higher than your competitor’s page. Also, from such links you can get additional visitors and sometimes even targeted ones!

2. How to buy SEO links?

You need to buy them a little at a time. You shouldn’t spend all the money you have at once, waiting for your site to rise to the top as soon as possible! If you want to promote your site using the request “SEO shmeo”, then do not buy links with only this word. Also buy links like this:

  • cool SEO shmeo, SEO shmeo in search engines (phrase diluted with 1-3 words)
  • SEO (incomplete phrase)
  • shmeo (incomplete phrase)
  • SEO shmeo on the site http://site/ (a phrase containing the site address)
  • http://site/ (phrase with only the site address)

An approximate proportion of 20% of each type of link will never harm you.

3. Where to buy?

I have been using GoGetLinks.net for a long time and am quite pleased with the results! A special feature of this site is the placement of links forever. That is, you paid once and no longer pay for the link. If you decide to use this site, I will show you in screenshots how to work with GoGetLinks and how you can quickly purchase links.

4. How to use GoGetLinks?

Register. And replenish the balance with the amount you would like to allocate for the purchase. Well, to try it, you can top up your balance by $100.

Go to the "Optimizer" tab and create a campaign. Add words to it (taking into account what I described in paragraph 2). The system will automatically set the average settings so you don’t have to worry about them.

Next, go to the “Search for sites” menu item and look for sites for placement. All you have to do is check the box next to the desired site and click the “Order” button.

I may write a little later on how to buy economically and properly set up your campaign, but if you are impatient, then you can and I will help you.

Just recently I learned how workplace certification is carried out at the enterprise. Quite fascinating stuff.

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