Home Google. Google (search engine)

In this lesson we will look at searching by photo using the Google Images service. Let's learn how to search by keywords, by a photo from a computer or phone, or an image on a website.

By keywords

1 . Open the website images.google.ru. In the search bar we type what we want to find and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

2. Photos and drawings found by request will appear. We go lower using the wheel on the mouse or the slider on the right side.

3. To see the image in normal (large) size, left-click on it. As a result, it increases.

4 . To download it, right-click inside and select “Save picture as...” or a similar item from the list. A small window will appear in which we select a suitable location on the computer for this photo and click the “Save” button.

From a picture from your computer

How it works. You add a photo or drawing from your computer to the service, and Google finds copies of it, as well as similar images, on the Internet.

When needed. For example, to find out who exactly is shown in the picture or to find similar photographs. And also to find the same photo, but in a larger size.

This method also helps to recognize a fraudster. For example, when meeting someone on a social network, you can check whether the photo really belongs to this person.

Method 1

  1. Go to images.google.ru
  2. Open the folder on your computer where the photo is. For convenience, we make the window smaller (not full screen).
  3. Left-click on the file and, without releasing it, drag it into the search window.

The image is added and the results are shown immediately. There will be duplicates of the photo (if they are on the Internet), as well as pages where it appears, and similar images. In general, different information about this file.

Method 2

If you can’t drag the photo into the window, you can add it there in another way:

1 . Open the website images.google.ru

2. Click on the camera icon at the end of the search line.

3. In the window, select the “Upload file” tab and click on the “Select file” button.

4 . A small window will open, through which we find and open the desired image from our computer (to do this, simply double-click on it with the left mouse button).

From a photo from a website or social network

It happens that you need to find an image not from your computer, but from some site. For example, from news on the Internet or from a page on a social network. Of course, you can first save it to your computer and then add it to Google. But there is an easier option.

1 . Expanding the image. To do this, move the cursor over it and, if its appearance has changed to a hand with an outstretched finger, click once with the left mouse button.

2. Right-click on it (inside) and select “Copy image URL” or “Copy image address” from the list.

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In the era of digital technology and high-speed Internet, you can find out any information. In a few minutes we find recipes for a delicious pie or get acquainted with the theory of wave-particle duality.

But often the necessary information has to be sifted out bit by bit and spend more than one hour on it. website I have collected for you the most effective methods that will help you find precious materials in a couple of clicks.

1. Either one or the other

Sometimes we are not exactly sure that we remembered or heard the right information correctly. No problem! Just enter several suitable options using the “|” icon. or English "or", and then select the appropriate result.

2. Search by synonym

As you know, the great and mighty Russian language is rich in synonyms. And sometimes this is not at all beneficial. If you need to quickly find sites on a given topic, and not just a specific phrase, use the "~" symbol.

For example, the results of the query “healthy food” will help you learn the principles of healthy eating, introduce you to healthy recipes and products, and also suggest visiting healthy restaurants.

3. Search within the site

4. Star power

When an insidious memory fails us and hopelessly loses words or numbers from a phrase, the “*” icon comes to the rescue. Just put it in place of the forgotten fragment and get the desired results.

5. Lots of missing words

But if not just one word, but half a phrase has been lost from memory, try writing the first and last word, and between them - AROUND (the approximate number of missing words). For example, like this: “I didn’t really love you AROUND(7).”

6. Time frame

Sometimes we desperately need to get acquainted with the events that occurred in a certain period of time. To do this, we add a time frame to the main phrase, written through an ellipsis. For example, we want to know what scientific discoveries were made between 1900 and 2000.

Hello, friends! Today we will try to cover the topic of effective search in Google. Today, almost everyone starts their activity on the Internet by entering a search query into the browser line. Many people also know that you can enter a bunch of different operators into the search bar to bring up this very . Many people know, but not many use it. So I was too lazy to deal with the nuances. But searching the Internet is something we use every day. It is almost impossible to replace. This is what you need to know and what you need to be able to use. That's why I'm writing a post - how to search on google.

Before diving into the search, you need to talk a little about search engines. The latter consist of robots that walk around websites and index them. All indexed information goes into the database (index). There it is sorted by various parameters, which you can specify in a search query or set in an advanced search.

The moment you click on the Search button, the search engine scans its database and selects options that match your request. That is, Google, like Yandex, does not search the entire Internet, but makes a selection from its database.

It follows that if we cannot find something, then: either we enter the wrong search query, or the search engine has not yet indexed the page we need, or it does not exist at all. In any case, if we cannot find information in one search engine, we try another. Perhaps the page you need is indexed there.

This probably happens when adding a directory to the index of the Windows operating system, also for .

Working with Google search results

Let's start understanding search from the end. That is, from search results. After we asked our question to Google and clicked Search, we will see approximately the following picture

The first page displays 10 results by default. Each contains a header that most likely contains our request. There is also a link to the site where we will find ourselves if we click on the title and short description, announcement or snippet of the page. Based on this description, we can estimate what awaits us without going to the page.

Saved copy - opens a copy of the site page saved on Google servers (in the database). This function will come in handy if this site is temporarily unavailable for some reason.

Similar - Google will find the content that is as close as possible to this page. The function helps when you are almost satisfied with the result and need similar pages or documents.

At the bottom of the search results there is a section Together with (your search query) often searched for. These are links to search results close to your query. It’s also worth paying attention to. Perhaps there will be a more precisely formulated request there


In the Google search engine, as in Yandex, the search is carried out in several sections at once. The main ones are Search through text documents (articles like this), pictures, videos, etc.

To view the results for a specific section, you need to go to the corresponding tab. They are located below the search query entry line. By default we are on the Search tab. We also have access to Pictures, Maps and the More button by clicking on which we get access to additional tabs for sorting information

That is, if we need, for example, forums where cucumber salads are discussed, then it makes sense to select the Discussions tab.

Google Search Tools

Next to the More button, there is a Search Tools button that opens a panel below with additional sorting options. Moreover, for different search queries there will be various additional menus. For the request “cucumber salad” there are only three of them, and for the request “” there are many more of them

They are easy to use. Expand the desired menu and check the box to filter the results by a specific parameter. For example, you need reviews with the H87 chipset indexed no later than a month in advance. Select this filter in the search tools.

If you need information for a certain period of time, then select For the period... and in the window that opens, select the required time interval

Another useful function or sort is Exact Match. Useful when it is important to keep exactly this word form in the found documents

Thus, using Search Tools you can significantly reduce the amount of time required to find the necessary information on the Internet.


These are those scary symbols that can greatly improve the efficiency of Google searches. In this section we will look at some of them.

Excluding words from search results. To do this, use the minus sign “-” without a space on the right. For example. If we need to find reviews excluding Biostar models, then the request can be formulated as follows

motherboard review -Biostar

Search by exact phrase. To do this, use the quote operator "". Helps if you need to find a quote, a specific song or book.

"I love the storm in early May"

If the citation is not exact, the search will be the same.

Search with forgotten words. If you don’t remember the entire quote, the asterisk “*” operator can help.

“I love the thunderstorm at the beginning *”

Search a single site or domain. An excellent option when the desired site does not have a search or it does not work properly.

Finding similar pages or documents. The "related:" operator is used. You can use it to find sites similar to Intel.com. They will also be related to electronics or technology.


Search by part of an address. It helps if you remember part of the site address.


Search for any of the listed words. The "OR" operator is used for this purpose.

choosing a case OR video card

The above query will find pages where either or will be considered. I tried to write this operator in small letters, the result seems to be the same.

Search for links. This query is probably used most by optimizers. The link operator is used: with which all links to a specific site are found


Search by range of numeric values. Somehow it’s not very easy to search by range.

computer price 5000..7000 UAH

You can also search with a range limit on one side

computer price 7000.. UAH

Finding the meaning of a word. To do this, use the define: operator. In most cases, Google will show the definition of the requested word right at the top of the search results. For example

Search by file type. If you need to find documents in specific formats, the filetype: operator will help you. For example in or

Here are the most common operators that you can and should use. You can also read about them at https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?hl=ru&rd=1

Google Advanced Search

In this article, we have not covered all of the Google search functions. We missed voice search and image search. Anyone interested in this will have to do a little googling.

The default search for Google Chrome is, naturally, the Google search engine. Everything is obvious: the developers decided to add their “brainchild” to Google Chrome. How to change this search engine in the browser, change its geolocation, as well as how to take advantage of its unique capabilities and install additional search engines, read in detail in this article.

So, how to set up a search bar: from simple to complex.

After installation, launch Chrome and see...

Nothing more than a field for entering a query in the legendary Google. Under its logo is the name of the country corresponding to the geographical area of ​​​​the computer's IP address. If you use a proxy server, the country in which it is physically located (for example, Turkey) will appear in the picture, and in its native language. And if the IP is “open”, your country will be displayed. That is, when the browser starts, the user’s geolocation is determined automatically.

Look at the panel. Everything suits me? Search engine, its location? No problem - feel free to enter any query in Russian in the field above the visual bookmarks or in the address bar (the browser will quickly realize that you are not typing a URL, but are looking for something). By the way, the service is provided free of charge.

Changing the geolocation of the search engine

For example, you are somewhere abroad or using a proxy, and Chrome regularly gives you the geographical zone to which the IP belongs, for example, England. And you are fundamentally interested in extradition in Russia or Ukraine. What should I do? Let's create the appropriate settings:

1. Click the "Menu" button in the top right panel.

2. Select “Settings” from the list.

3. In the “Open at startup” block, enable the “Specified pages” button.

4. On the same page, click “Add”.

  • google.ru - Russia;
  • google.com.ua - Ukraine;
  • google.kz - Kazakhstan.

6. Click OK.

7. Restart Chrome and you will see the search engine in the desired location.

I don't want Google, I want something else

If you like Google Chrome in all its “guises”, but want a different search engine, you need to change certain options:

1. In the settings, in the “Search” block, click “Configure search engines”.

2. In the “Other search engines...” block, enter the details of the search engine you are interested in (for example, Yandex). Click "Done".

3. Restart.

4. Return to this panel. At the top of the window, hover over the search engine link. Click the “Set as Default” button that appears.

Now, when you enter a request, it will be automatically sent to the specified system - yandex.ru, mail.ru, etc.

Note. You can quickly switch search engines using the Search drop-down menu.

I want to use several search engines at the same time

Well, this is also possible in Chrome. Follow the instructions:

1. Log in to your browser settings.

2. Click the mouse to make the “Specified pages...” setting active. Follow the "Add" link.

3. Add all the necessary systems (Mail, Yahoo!, etc.). Click OK.

4. They will open automatically.

Another option for running multiple search services is to fix tabs:

open the necessary resources;

Click on each tab and select the “Pin…” command in the context menu;

They will also open immediately upon startup.

Advice! You can also use universal search engines if you require alternative results for a query of interest.

How to remove an unnecessary search engine?

This procedure is similar in principle to closing a window in Windows:
1. To remove a link, open Pages on Startup.

2. Hover over the URL and click the cross icon.

Similarly, deletion occurs in the “Search Engines” panel.

How can I change my search settings?

Google has many additional settings that speed up searches and increase their accuracy. Let's look at the basic solutions:

1. When you type a query, variants with additional words and phrases automatically appear at the bottom of the field. They clarify the query and free the user from having to type it in full.

Hints are selected by clicking the mouse. In Chrome, you can set a picture or photo in the search as a query. Right-click on it on the page and select “Find picture...” from the list of commands.

4. Use search add-ons. The entire list of commands is displayed on the page - http://www.googleguide.com/advanced_operators_reference.html.

They perform specialized data searches based on specified conditions. For example, they find a request only in links, anchors, text, tab title, etc.

We wish you to quickly find all the necessary information using Chrome.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world, so if you don't know how to use it, you may feel overwhelmed. If you want to learn how to use a simple Google search or want to improve your Google skills, this article is for you. Follow the instructions below and you will learn how to search for anything on Google.


Simple Google Search

    Open your browser.

    Type www.google.com in the address bar at the top of the page and you will be taken to the Google home page. You'll see a white screen with a search box and a colored Google logo above it.

    Type the word or phrase you want to find in the search field. For example, you can search for “how to find a job” or “the best restaurant in Moscow.”

    Press enter on your keyboard. You can also click on the blue magnifying glass, the effect will be the same. You will then be provided with a list of results that match your search query.

    Review your results and scroll down the page to see all the options. If you don't find anything suitable on the first page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next to view the next page of results.

    Click on the result that suits you. If you find an article that answers the question, you can open it. A new website page will open. If, after reading this article, you want to read something else on the same topic, click on the left-facing arrow (located in the upper left corner of your browser) to return to the search page.

    • You can continue searching as long as you like.
  1. If you haven't found anything that matches your request, please clarify it. To do this, you need to go back to the Google search page. Make your request more specific. For example, instead of searching for “Best restaurant in Moscow” and getting a bunch of links in response, you can type into the search “Best Chinese restaurant in Moscow in 2013”, this will significantly narrow the search.

    • You may also need to clarify your request in cases where it is too specific. If your keyword phrase is too long or specific, you may not get relevant results, in which case you'll have to go back and look for something more general.
  2. Use these tips to refine your search. In addition, you can refine your query not only by changing the words used, but also by using the tips below:

    • Common words appear more frequently in Google searches, so if you're looking to find queries with the words "how" or "where", prefix them with +
    • If a set of words is combined into a phrase, you can put it in quotation marks or parentheses. This is quite useful if, for example, you know a few words from a song and want to know its name:
      • Steps-on-glass or “Steps on glass.”
    • You can put a minus sign next to the words you want to avoid in the results. For example, if you search for "nano" and don't want the search to return an iPod Nano, you could phrase the query as "nano - iPod."
    • If you are looking for the price of an item, enter the lower limit after the currency icon, followed by "...", then the currency icon again and the upper price limit. For example: “Mattress $250...$400”
  3. Move your search to other areas of Google. Instead of searching through the regular search bar from Google's home page, you can make your search more specific - depending on what you need to find. These could be the news, images, or Google maps sections. Links to them are located in the upper left above the search bar. Here's what you can do:

    • Select the "Pictures" section. He's third from the right on the panel. With it, you can search solely by images. For example, if you want to find a photograph of a celebrity or footage from a fashion show, Google's images section can be a useful source of information.
    • Go to the "News" section. This section is the fifth from the right edge of the panel. This is a very useful thing if you want to find something related to the news, and not just some general concept.
    • Once you have entered the "News" section, you can select your country by selecting the arrow under the current news version and changing it to the desired one. This feature is located directly below the search bar.
    • Select "cards". With the help of Google maps you can find your way from one place to another.

    Advanced Search

    1. Open your browser

    2. Visit Google's advanced search page. You can get there in two ways:

      • Go to: http://www.google.ca/advanced_search
      • If you're already searching for something on Google, you can click the button on the right side of the search page. Select Advanced Search.
    3. Find pages with the words you need. To do this, you will have to fill out as many fields as possible on the new page, you won't have to fill them all in, just focus on the categories that you need to narrow down your search query. Here is the information you must provide.

      • In the "using these words" line, enter the keywords for your search
      • In the “exact word or phrase” line, write the word or phrase you are looking for.
      • In the “any of these words” line, write any words that you want to see in the results.
      • In the line “does not include words” enter unwanted words
      • Under "numeric range" enter numbers in any desired range.
      • It should be noted that Google provides you with tips on how to search using different methods, you can find these tips to the right of the search tools.
    4. Narrow down your findings. You can add more information about what you're searching for to further narrow down your results. You don't need to enter information in all categories, focus only on those that can help you find more specific information about what you are looking for. Here are some options on how you can do this:

      • Language. Select the language in which you want to receive search results.
      • Region. Shows results published in a specific region. For example, searching sites in Eastern Europe.
      • Update date. Find pages that have been updated since that date.
      • Website or domain. If you want to narrow your search to a specific site, enter its name and you'll only get results from that site.
      • Keywords. Decide where exactly they should appear: in the headlines or in the body of the articles.
      • Safe search. Select "show closest results". If you want to exclude potentially inappropriate articles from your search results, select "filter to exact results."
      • Reading level. Modify your search criteria to suit your reading level.
      • File type. Find pages with files in the desired format, this can be PDF or Word Doc (.doc).
      • Rights of use. Select the pages that contain material for free use.
    5. The same search query may return different results after several days.
    6. You can set your preferences for Google search using the Settings link located next to the search bar.
    7. If you want to perform Google voice search, you need to download the Google application on your iPhone, Android phone, as well as other mobile devices that support the installation of the Google application. After downloading the app, you can select "voice search" and say any words that interest you. The search will begin after you start speaking.

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