GIS housing and communal services login. GIS housing and communal services: latest changes in work and step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step instructions on how to register on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal. Do not forget that to enter your GIS Housing and Communal Services personal account, an electronic signature is required for GIS Housing and Communal Services.

The portals “GIS Housing and Public Utilities” and “Government Services” are closely connected. To register on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, first configure your computer to work on the State Services portal

There are two ways to enter the State Services portal:

  1. by SNILS and Password
  2. by electronic signature

Step 2. Open access to the GIS Housing and Communal Services system

On the “Government Services” portal, go to the “Organizations” tab.

In the “Organizations” section, go to the “Access to systems” subsection.

Set parameters on the page:

Click the “+Include in group” button opposite the “ Authorized specialist organizations in GIS Housing and Communal Services."

Add a user by indicating his full name in the window that opens. Permissions for the employee have been added.

After adding powers to the employee, exit the “Government Services” portal.

Order a consultation on working with GIS Housing and Communal Services

Step 3. Log in to the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal

Log in to the GIS Housing and Communal Services website at:

To register on the portal as a “Homeowners Association” or “Management Company”, click the “Login” button.

The service will automatically redirect you to the State Services portal.

The system will ask in what status you want to log in:

  • Private person
  • Organization

Log in as an organization.

After logging in, the system will return you to the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal to register the enterprise and assign status.

Purchase an electronic signature to work with the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal

Step 4. Fill in the registration data in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

The system will fill in some of the data automatically from the data on the State Services portal, but some will have to be filled in manually.

Have you filled out all the details? Click the "Add Feature" button.

Step 5: Add Organization Features

In the window that opens, select the function that the enterprise has and the area of ​​activity if necessary.

Accept the terms user agreement and click "Register".

At this point, registration on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal is completed.

All information that the management authority must place in the GIS Housing and Communal Services can be entered through your personal account. But it takes a long time. That's why we invented ways automatic download information in GIS Housing and Communal Services. They help save the time and effort of the management organization’s employees.

We will tell you what information can be downloaded using the API, and to enter what data you will have to study some of the intricacies of the GIS housing and communal services.

What is an API

API is a service for automating data exchange with GIS housing and communal services, created by the developers of RosKvartal. With its help, information into the system in automatic mode can be transferred from the program used by the management organization.

A prerequisite for integration is that the program must be based on 1C and not lower than version 8. Outdated versions 1C developers no longer maintain or develop it, so it is impossible to set up integration through them.

In order to spend less time placing information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS, we advise you to store as much information as possible about the activities of the management authority in a program that integrates the data into the system.

What information is convenient for the OU to post using the API?

The most voluminous section of the GIS Housing and Communal Services is “Management Objects”. It contains basic information about the activities of the management organization.

You need to start filling out the “Management Objects” section from the “Management Agreements” tab. Into it you upload electronic images of management agreements (charter - for HOAs), OSS protocols confirming the choice of management method, attach the management object to the downloaded documents and fill out general information on it. If there are many houses, downloading documents and entering information into the system will take a lot of time.

After the houses under management have appeared in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, fill out information about housing facilities, information about structural elements, intra-house networks, elevators, premises, personal accounts, metering devices, general meetings of owners, agreements for the use of common property, service agreements and performance of work and certificates of work performed under such contracts.

In each room there are from one to three personal accounts, from two to four metering devices. If you manage 25 apartment buildings, you need to place from 1,250 to 7,500 premises, from 1,250 to 22,500 personal accounts, from 2,500 to 30,000 metering devices. And this is only according to the most conservative estimates.

Meter readings must be entered into the Housing and Communal Services GIS on a monthly basis. Without them, it will not be possible to generate a payment document. If your program has all the readings in order, loading data via the API will be as easy as clicking a few buttons and waiting for all the readings to be transferred. You can also do this manually - go to the information about each control center and enter readings.

In the “Payment for Housing and Utilities” section, information about charges for housing and communal services is accumulated. public utilities, payment for services by consumers. Loading data into this section automatically is the most convenient way. The API will allow you to generate all receipts in the Housing and Communal Services GIS within a day. Information must also be posted in this section on a monthly basis.

Let's talk separately about major repairs. In this section, the management organization needs to place OSS protocols on the choice of the method of forming a major overhaul.

If the owners decide that major repairs are formed on a special account of the management authority, then such an organization must maintain and place it in the GIS Housing and Communal Services personal accounts for major repairs, contracts for the provision of major repair services. The system also needs to maintain up-to-date data on the size of the capital repair fund and on residents’ payments for capital repairs. All this information can be placed into the system using the API.

What can't be loaded via the API?

The “Administration” section cannot be filled out by transferring information via the API.

Data can only be entered into it manually. This will not take much time from the management organization. You will have to post:

Additional information about the organization: operating hours, information about the time and place of reception of citizens, Contact phone numbers, full name of the head of the organization, information about membership in a self-regulatory organization.

Payment details of the organization. Payment details are the information that is necessary for the transfer Money. In the fields that relate to information about the payee, enter the MA data, and in the lines intended for the payee's account details, place information about the bank through which payments of owners and tenants of premises are processed.

Employees. Here the head of the organization can provide access to employees who have been instructed to post information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Paying agents. If your organization uses the services of a payment center, attach an agreement for the provision of such services and fill in the details of the paying agent.

There is no need to fill out the “Functions” or “Information Systems” tabs; the settings are set there automatically. In the “Organization Settings” tab, you can only set the right way formation of a payment document, and in the event log see who and when came to work in the organization’s personal account in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

As we have already said, most of the tabs of the largest section of the GIS housing and communal services “Management Objects” can be filled out using the API. But there is a nuance here - “Object management” cannot be filled out using integration. Here, management organizations post information about the list of works and services for each apartment building under management:

  • lists of works and services,
  • planning of works and services,
  • recording of works and services,
  • assessment of the quality of work and services provided.


Remember that all information in the GIS housing and communal services can be placed manually. But we advise you to combine manual input with integration. This will help save time and effort for the organization's employees.

To make it easier to navigate what will have to be placed without the help of an adapter, and what can be loaded via the API, use the table.

Today some GIS housing and communal services users We couldn’t log into the system in our usual way. The fact is that the developers have canceled the ability to log in using email digital signature default. Today we will tell you what to do in case of such difficulties.

We go to your personal account on the ESIA

GIS Housing and Communal Services informs about the impossibility of logging in with the following message:

The innovation of the system is that the electronic digital signature function must be enabled in the settings personal account in GIS Housing and Communal Services. To do this, go to the website Enter your login (this is the number mobile phone or email) and password. You can enter SNILS as your login (after clicking the corresponding button below).

Attention! The login and password are received by the head of the management organization / chairman of the HOA (residential complex, housing cooperative), since only he can owner of the digital signature.

After entering your username and password, click the “Login” button.

Then go to the “Account Settings” tab.

In the “Account Settings” tab, in the left column, select “Login using electronic signature”.

In the window that opens, select “On.” and click the “Change” button. Ready!

How to recover your password

What to do if you don't know or don't remember your password? It is easy to restore. To do this, on the website click “Recover password”.

To recover your password, you will first need to enter your phone number or email and click the “Find” button.

Federal Law No. 209 obligated all organizations involved in the management of apartment buildings to register in the GIS housing and communal services system before May 1, 2015. The official website of GIS Housing and Communal Services is a single federal system, which provides all kinds of information about housing and communal services in Russia - in particular, about the amount of payment for residential premises and utilities, about debts for this payment, about the housing stock and the list of services provided by management organizations. The law itself states the purpose of creating such a resource rather vaguely, however, obviously, the site should help in the fight against corruption due to the fact that all expenses will be transparent and management organizations will no longer be able to divide money “behind the backs” of payers.

Responsibilities of management companies

All management organizations, housing cooperatives and homeowners associations are required to interact with the GIS housing and communal services resource in a number of areas:

  • Placing “payments” for utility services in electronic form.
  • Reception of water and electricity meter readings.
  • Conclusion of a management agreement in electronic format.
  • Posting information on planning work to repair common property.
  • Posting decisions of owners' meetings.
  • Working with citizens' complaints and claims.

By the way, a serious legal dispute has flared up about whether Law No. 209 applies to HOAs and housing cooperatives. Based on the results of a detailed analysis of the legislation, lawyers came to the conclusion that Law No. 209 is addressed directly to management companies, and HOAs are affected “to the extent”. All organizations involved in the housing sector, except for management companies, received the right to relaxation: they must publish information 4 months after the launch of the resource in test mode. Testing was not carried out in all regions, but full launch resource occurred only on July 1, 2016 - it follows that information about HOAs and housing cooperatives is already available in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

How to register a management company?

Those organizations that ignore the requirements of the law face a very severe punishment - a fine of 30 thousand rubles plus possible disqualification of the manager for up to 3 years. Therefore, no matter how complicated the procedure for registering management companies on the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services is, you need to go through it - albeit “reluctantly”. Step-by-step instructions on how to register in the GIS Housing and Communal Services include 3 major stages:

Stage 1. Preparation of an electronic signature. You can’t go anywhere without it: the requirement to use an electronic signature when working with government websites is enshrined in current legislation. It should be noted that electronic signature– a really valuable thing; she has the same legal force, as the signature of the head, sealed with the seal of the organization.

If the organization already has an electronic signature, the company can start the registration process from the second stage, but if there is no signature, you will have to contact one of the accredited centers - a full list of such centers is posted on the website After receiving the electronic signature, you need to install it on the manager’s computer and configure the necessary programs.

Stage 2. Registration on "State Services". Of course, “State Services” and GIS Housing and Communal Services are interconnected - both are state resources. Therefore, it is not surprising that for registration legal entity On the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, you must first create an account on the “Government Services”. First, the manager registers as an individual: he enters passport details, details of the “green card” SNILS, contact information - address and telephone number (how to register for public services for an individual?). To confirm the identity of the director, an electronic signature is required. Then in top panel you should select the “For legal entities” tab.

The registered manager must scroll down and click the “Create Organization” button.

The next step is to enter information about the organization. The data about the legal entity specified by the director will be sent for verification to the tax office, which will last from 1 hour to 1 day - the fewer errors in the data the director makes, the faster the verification will be completed. There is no need to keep the “Government Services” website tab open on your computer all this time - you can safely close the browser.

After successful completion of the check, the manager in the “Employees” section should indicate information about the responsible persons, who will also be able to act under the organization’s account in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, and in the GIS Housing and Communal Services column itself, add the manager and other employees.

Stage 3. Registration of the organization in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. This stage is the simplest. In order to log a legal entity onto the official website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, you can use the same registration data that was created on Gosuslugi. The portal will greet the user with a security message, which will request the user's consent to work through secure channels. Feel free to click “Continue”.

The user’s personal data is automatically downloaded from the State Services profile. Here you just need to check the box next to “I accept...” and click “Login”. Data about the company indicated on the State Services website (OGRN, INN) will also be downloaded automatically. You need to fill in the empty columns, including “Authorities of the organization” and “Data about the official of the organization.” The manager should expect that this work will take about half an hour - as previously mentioned, the procedure for registering a legal entity in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is very labor-intensive and time-consuming.

After registration is completed, an equally “painful” procedure begins - mastering the site. If the manager has any questions, he can ask them to the site support service through a special form or look for the answers himself here -!/faq. However, much more often managers act more cunningly - they simply appoint another official responsible for publishing information in the GIS housing and communal services and “throw off” all the work to him, since the portal provides such an opportunity.

Opinions about the new GIS housing and communal services portal are contradictory: many citizens believe that the launch of this site is another way to “rip off” ordinary people money, and management companies will learn how to carry out “gray” transactions, even under strict control. It is difficult to understand such people: on the contrary, it is commendable that the state is taking effective measures to combat corruption in the housing and communal services sector and does not demand anything in return. Heads of management companies - that's who has every right be dissatisfied. Now they have to control that data on housing and communal services appears on two portals at once: “Housing and communal services reform” and “GIS housing and communal services”.

GIS housing and communal servicesinformational portal, which allows citizens of the Russian Federation to control the accuracy of charges for utility services, make payments online and transmit meter readings.

Registering for an account

In order to create account in the system, you need to go to official resource: Next on the right top corner you need to click on the “Login” button, and on the next tab – “Register”.

At the first stage, you will have to indicate your: last name, first name, email and phone number. Immediately after this, at the indicated mobile number You will receive an SMS with a code that you must enter in the appropriate field and confirm the procedure.

The next step is to create a password, and after that you will be taken to a page where you need to specify personal information(address, personal account, etc.). The more data you fill in here, the more services you can open in your personal account.

Now, all you have to do is click on “Save and Continue” and you will immediately be taken to your account.

GIS Housing and Communal Services official website - login to your personal account

The official website of GIS Housing and Communal Services allows you to log into your personal account. Authorization on the portal is carried out through a confirmed State Services account.

Possibilities after authorization

The profile functionality on the GIS Housing and Communal Services website allows users to control the calculation of prices for utilities, major housing repairs and other services provided by management organizations.

In addition, you can pay receipts without leaving your home. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section of the personal account of the GIS Housing and Communal Services and make a transfer using payment card any Russian bank.

You can also use the service of remote transmission of meter readings, which will save you from personal visits to utility services and tedious stay in queues. And if you want to check the accuracy of the charges, you will have access to current tariffs and a detailed report for the current and previous periods.

Plus, if you have any additional questions, you can always ask for help from customer support specialists via online chat or hotline number.