Gdz workbook computer science 9.

Computer science. 9th grade. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu.

M.: 2017. - 208 p. M.: 2013. - 184 p.

The educational publication is part of the computer science educational complex for grades 5-9, which includes the author's program, educational publications, workbooks, electronic applications and teaching aids. The principle of invariance to specific computer models and software versions is maintained. The theoretical material of the textbook is supported by a comprehensive apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the studied material, ensuring the preparation of schoolchildren for the state final certification in computer science in the form of the main state exam (OGE). Learning the basics of information modeling, modern technologies processing large amounts of information and communication technologies is aimed at developing personal, meta-subject and subject educational results in schoolchildren, and shaping their scientific worldview.

Format: pdf(2017, 208 pp.)

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Format: pdf(2013, 184 pp.)

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Table of contents
Introduction 3
§ 1.1. Modeling as a method of cognition 5
1.1.1. Models and Simulation 5
1.1.2. Stages of building an information model 8
1.1.3. Classification of information models 10
§ 1.2. Iconic models 13
1.2.1. Verbal models 13
1.2.2. Mathematical models 14
1.2.3. Computer mathematical models 16
§ 1.3. Graphic information models 21
1.3.1. Variety of graphic information models 21
1.3.2. Counts 23
1.3.3. Using graphs to solve problems 25
§ 1.4. Tabular information models 32
1.4.1. Presentation of data in tabular form 32
1.4.2. Using tables to solve problems 35
§ 1.5. Database as a model subject area 43
1.5.1. Information Systems and databases 43
1.5.2. Relational databases data 45
§ 1.6. Database management system 49
1.6.1. What is DBMS 49
1.6.2. DBMS 50 interface
1.6.3. Creating a Database 51
1.6.4. Data retrieval queries 53
Test tasks for self-control 59
§ 2.1. Solving problems on a computer 65
2.1.1. Stages of solving a problem on a computer 65
2.1.2. Car braking distance problem 68
§ 2.2. One-dimensional arrays of integers 72
2.2.1. Description of the array 73
2.2.2. Filling an array 73
2.2.3. Array output 74
2.2.4. Calculating the sum of array elements 75
2.2.5. Sequential search in an array 77
2.2.6. Sort array 80
2.2.7. Other data structures 82
§ 2.3. Algorithm Design 87
2.3.1. Sequential construction of algorithm 87
2.3.2. Development of an algorithm using the method of sequential refinement for the performer Robot 88
2.3.3. Auxiliary algorithms 92
§ 2.4. Writing auxiliary algorithms in Pascal 101
2.4.1. Procedures 101
2.4.2. Functions 103
§ 2.5. Control algorithms 108
2.5.1. Management 108
2.5.2. Feedback 109
2.5.3. Systems with program controlled. Robotics 110
Test tasks for self-control 113
§ 3.1. Spreadsheets 116
3.1.1. Spreadsheet Interface 117
3.1.2. Data in table cells 119
3.1.3. Basic modes of working with spreadsheets 121
§ 3.2. Organization of calculations in spreadsheets 126
3.2.1. Relative, absolute and mixed references 126
3.2.2. Built-in functions 131
3.2.3. Logic functions 132
§ 3.3. Data analysis and visualization tools 138
3.3.1. Sorting and searching data 138
3.3.2. Charting 140
Tasks for practical work 149
Test tasks for self-control 154
§ 4.1. Local and global computer networks 160
4.1.1. Transfer of information 160
4.1.2. What is local computer network 162
4.1.3. What is a global computer network 163
§ 4.2. World Wide Web 167
4.2.1. How the Internet works 167
4.2.2. Computer IP address 168
4.2.3. Domain system names 170
4.2.4. Data transfer protocols 172
§ 4.3. Informational resources and Internet services 176
4.3.1. The World Wide Web 177
4.3.2. File archives 179
4.3.3. Email 180
4.3.4. Networked collective interaction 183
4.3.5. Other Internet services 184
4.3.6. Netiquette 185
4.3.7. Internet Safety 185
§ 4.4. Website creation 191
4.4.1. Website creation technologies 191
4.4.2. Contents and structure of the site 192
4.4.3. Website design 193
4.4.4. Website placement on the Internet 195
Test tasks for self-control 197
Answers to questions and tasks for self-study 203
Keys to test tasks for self-control 204

Dear ninth graders!
You have a whole academic year of work ahead of you, after which you will graduate from basic school. You will:
systematize your ideas about information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge;
expand knowledge and strengthen skills in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to collect, store, transform and transmit various types of information;
master such universal information skills as setting and formulating a problem; search and selection of necessary information, structuring and visualization of information; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature.

Computer Science and ICT. Textbook for 9th grade. At 2 o'clock Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu.

M.: 20 1 2. Part 1 - 244 p., Part 2 - 79 p.

The textbook is intended for continuing the study of the course "Informatics and ICT" in the 9th grade of a secondary school. The content of the textbook corresponds to the State educational standard for basic general education in computer science and ICT. The principle of invariance to specific computer models and software versions is maintained.

By developing in students algorithmic, logical and systematic thinking, skills and abilities to use information technologies conditions are created for them to achieve meta-subject educational results, preparation is provided for passing the exam for a basic school course in the GIA format. It is expected that federal resources will be widely used educational portals, including the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Mathematical foundations of computer science 5
§1.1. Number systems 5
1.1.1. General information about number systems 5
1.1.2. Binary system number 8
1.1.3. Octal system number 9
1.1.4. Hexadecimal system number 10
1.1.5. Integer translation rule decimal numbers to the number system with base q 10
1.1.6. Binary arithmetic 12
1.1.7. "Computer" number systems 13
§ 1.2. Presenting information on a computer 17
1.2.1. Integer representation 17
1.2.2. Performance real numbers 19
§ 1.3. Elements of algebra logic 22
1.3.1. Statement 22
1.3.2. Logical operations 24
1.3.3. Construction of truth tables for logical expressions 29
1.3.4. Properties logical operations 30
1.3.5. Solving logic problems 32
1.3.6. Logic elements 34
Test tasks for self-control 42
Chapter 2. Modeling and formalization 47
§ 2.1. Modeling as a method of cognition 47
2.1.1. Models and Simulation 47
2.1.2. Stages of building an information model 50
2.1.3. Classification of information models 51
§ 2.2. Iconic models 54
2.2.1. Verbal models 54
2.2.2. Mathematical models 55
2.2.3. Computer mathematical models 57
§ 2.3. Graphical information models 61
2.3.1. Variety of graphic information models 61
2.3.2. Counts 63
2.3.4. Using graphs to solve problems 64
§ 2.4. Tabular Information Models 69
2.4.1. Presentation of data in tabular form 69
2.4.2. Using tables to solve problems 72
§ 2.5. Database as a domain model 79
2.5.1. Information systems and databases 79
2.5.2. Relational Databases 81
§ 2.6. Database Management System 84
2.6.1. What is DBMS 84
2.6.2. DBMS 85 interface
2.6.3. Creating a Database 86
2.6.4. Data retrieval queries 88
Test tasks for self-control 93
Chapter 3. Fundamentals of Algorithmization 100
§ 3.1. Algorithms and executors 100
3.1.1. Concept of algorithm 100
3.1.2. Executor of algorithm 102
3.1.3. Properties of Algorithm 105
3.1.4. Possibility of automation of human activities 107
§ 3.2. Ways to write algorithms 110
3.2.1. Verbal ways to write algorithm 110
3.2.2. Block diagrams 112
3.2.3. Algorithmic languages 113
§ 3.3. Algorithm objects 116
3.3.1. Quantities 116
3.3.2. Expressions 118
3.3.3. Assignment instruction 119
3.3.4.Tabular values ​​121
§ 3.4. Basic algorithmic constructions 126
3.4.1. Follow 126
3.4.2. Branch 129
3.4.3. Repetition 133
§ 3.5. Design of algorithms 149
3.5.1. Sequential construction of the algorithm 149
3.5.2. Development of an algorithm using the method of sequential refinement for the performer Robot 150
3.5.3. Auxiliary algorithms 153
§ 3.6. Control algorithms 159
3.6.1. Management 159
3.6.2. Feedback 160
Test tasks for self-control 162
Chapter 4. Getting Started with Programming 171
§ 4.1. General information about the Pascal programming language... 171
4.1.1. Alphabet and dictionary of the language 172
4.1.2. Data types used in the Pascal language. . . 173
4.1.3. Program structure in Pascal 174
4.1.4. Assignment operator 175
§ 4.2. Organization of data input and output 178
4.2.1. Data output 178
4.2.2. The first program in Pascal 180
4.2.3. Keyboard input 181
§ 4.3. Programming as a stage of solving a problem on a computer 184
4.3.1. Stages of solving a problem on a computer 184
4.3.2. Problem about the braking distance of a car 186
§ 4.4. Programming Linear Algorithms 190
4.4.1. Numeric data types 190
4.4.2. Integer data type 191
4.4.3. Character and string data types 192
4.4.4. Boolean data type 193
§ 4.5. Programming branching algorithms 198
4.5.1. Conditional operator 198
4.5.2. Compound operator 199
4.5.3. Variety of ways to write branches 200
§ 4.6. Programming cyclic algorithms 206
4.6.1. Programming cycles with a given condition for continuing operation 206
4.6.2. Programming cycles with a specified end condition 207
4.6.3. Programming cycles with a specified number of repetitions 208
4.6.4. Various options programming cyclic algorithm 208
§ 4.7. One-dimensional arrays of integers 214
4.7.1. Array description 215
4.7.2. Filling array 215
4.7.3. Array output 216
4.7.4. Calculating the sum of array elements 216
4.7.5. Sequential search in an array 217
4.7.6. Sort array 219
§ 4.8. Writing auxiliary algorithms in Pascal 224
4.8.1. Procedures 224
4.8.2. Functions 226
Test tasks for self-control 230
Answers and solutions to questions and assignments
for self-study 236
Keys to test tasks for self-control 239

Chapter 5. Processing Numerical Information in Spreadsheets 3
§ 5.1. Spreadsheets 3
5.1.1. Spreadsheet Interface 4
5.1.2. Data in table cells 6
5.1.3. Basic modes of operation of spreadsheets 8
§ 5.2. Organizing calculations in spreadsheets 12
5.2.1. Relative, absolute and mixed references. . 12
5.2.2. Built-in functions 16
5.2.3. Logical functions 18
§ 5.3. Data analysis and visualization tools 23
5.3.1. Sorting and searching data 23
5.3.2. Diagramming 25
Test tasks for self-control 36
Chapter 6. Communication technologies 41
§ 6.1. Local and global computer networks 41
6.1.1. Transfer of information 41
6.1.2. What is a local computer network 42
6.1.3. What is a global computer network 44
§ 6.2. World Wide Web 47
6.2.1. How the Internet works 47
6.2.2. Computer IP address 48
6.2.3. Domain name system 50
6.2.4. Data transfer protocols 52
§ 6.3. Information resources and services of the Internet 55
6.3.1. World Wide Web 56
6.3.2. File archives 58
6.3.3. Email 59
6.3.4. Networked Collaborative Collaboration 61
6.3.5. Netiquette 62
§ 6.4. Website creation 66
6.4.1. Website creation technologies 66
6.4.2. Content and structure of the site 67
6.4.3. Website design 68
6.4.4. Website placement on the Internet 69
Test tasks for self-control 71
Answers and solutions to questions and tasks for self-study 76
Keys to test tasks for self-control 77

Computer science. Workbook for 9th grade. Bosova L.L.

M.: Part 1-20 1 6 - 96s.; Part 2-2017 - 96 p. M.: 20 1 5. - 1 76s. M.: 20 1 3. - 1 44s.

Workbook for grade 9 along with a textbook in printed and electronic forms, an electronic supplement to the textbook and methodological manual is part of the computer science teaching and learning complex for primary schools (grades 5-6, 7-9). Contains a system of tasks for basic, advanced and high levels difficulty in in the form of texts, drawings, diagrams, tables, flowcharts for the reproduction and practical application of the material being studied, including research tasks.
The system of tasks presented in the workbook is focused on individualization educational process and preparation for passing the state final certification in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.

Part 1.

Format: pdf (2016 , 96s.)

Size: 11.6 MB

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Part 2.

Format: pdf (2017 , 96s.)

Size: 11.4 MB

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Format: pdf (2015 , 176 pp.)

Size: 23.5 MB

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Format: pdf (2013 , 144 pp.)

Size: 4.9 MB


Part 1.
Repetition of what was learned in grades 7-8 5
Chapter 1. Modeling and formalization 15
Assignments for § 1.1. Modeling as a method of cognition 16
Assignments for § 1.2. Iconic models 25
Assignments for § 1.3. Graphical information models 33
Assignments for § 1.4. Tabular information models 47
Assignments for § 1.5. Database as a domain model 55
Tasks for § 1.6. Database Management System 60
Chapter 2. Algorithmization and programming 65
Assignments for § 2.1. Solving problems on the computer 66
Assignments for § 2.2. One-dimensional arrays of integers 77

Part 2.
Chapter 2. Algorithmization and programming 5
Tasks for § 2.3. Algorithm Design 6
Tasks for § 2.4. Writing auxiliary algorithms in Pascal 16
Tasks for § 2.5. Control algorithms 19
Chapter 3. Processing Information in Spreadsheets 23
Tasks for § 3.1. Spreadsheets 24
Assignments for § 3.2. Organizing calculations in spreadsheets 34
Tasks for § 3.3. Data analysis and visualization tools 46
Chapter 4. Communication technologies 55
Tasks for § 4.1. Local and global computer networks 56
Tasks for § 4.2. World Wide Web 60
Tasks for § 4.3. Information resources and services of the Internet 65
Repetition - preparation for OGE 77

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Complete collection of GDZ computer science 9th grade Bosova for the course workbook

It is worth noting that in last years, a subject like computer science has changed and transformed significantly. Previously, everything was a little simpler - schoolchildren sat at computers, studied Windows or DOS (depending on the time and period), did not write down anything, basically just data on the theory and history of the subject. Today this is a different subject - these are problems, diagrams, examples, and so on, which puts this subject on par with other mathematical subjects at school. Solving such tasks quickly and correctly is a rather difficult goal; not all schoolchildren can easily prepare their homework on it.

The workbook based on the author Bosova’s workbook on computer science is designed for 9th grade students. Here you will find fresh ready-made solutions for all problems and examples in the problem book. Today, GDZ in computer science will be needed by all those who do not understand the subject well and cannot solve examples and problems. This can be understood, since the tasks in grade 9 according to this subject very different from what we are used to seeing in other mathematical subjects. Today this is a special subject, with its own subtleties.

The computer science workbook is a new collection that has frankly presented problems to modern schoolchildren. The author Bosova released a really serious problem book, thereby raising the level and status of the subject at school, so we tried and posted an up-to-date solution book so that you can always prepare computer science at the proper level. A written collection on the subject will help any high school student solve any task that was assigned at school. Also, the notebook will be an excellent assistant for parents for whom checking homework in computer science is not the easiest thing to do. The collection of the day contains answers to almost all written exercises, so you can always turn to our website for help.