Where to order advertising for a youtube channel. How much does it cost and where to order YouTube channel advertising - prices, services and description

In this issue we will tell you which services are best to use to promote your channel and videos on YouTube. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high-quality and interesting content, it needs to be pushed. We especially advise young YouTube channels to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without this, many people may never find out about your channel. But also for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but things are not going any further - run advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is best for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it’s worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - increase subscribers and likes

  • Website: https://vktarget.ru/

Despite the fact that VK is present in the name of the site, you can also buy promotion on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike – wind up and earn money

  • Website: http://bosslike.ru/

On the Bosslike service you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a large promotion exchange

  • Website: https://cashbox.ru

A large and professional exchange for promotion on social networks. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube costs just 10 kopecks.

LikesRock – a new generation of promotion tools

  • Website: https://likesrock.com/

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. They often hold competitions and promotions.

Epicstars – an epically cool promotion service

  • Website: https://ru.epicstars.com/

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article - https://ru.epicstars.com/raskrutka-youtube/

How to effectively launch an advertising campaign on YouTube?

Watch the video to find out which advertising format is most effective - pre-rolls, post-rolls, mid-rolls, individual videos or embedded advertising in videos.

We wish you a successful marketing campaign and gain new subscribers to your channel!

Write in the comments, would you like to see detailed reviews for each service on our website?

The generation of the 90s simply grew up with advertising on TV. At the same time, almost all the videos were distinguished by their non-triviality, which was caused by global changes in life at that time. However, as crazy as these short films were, it actually worked and attracted customers. Nowadays, advertising has become something terribly commonplace and intrusive. In addition, television has somewhat lost its popularity, giving way to the Internet. Therefore, advertising began to appear here too. And YouTube became the main TV for users. This social network, like nothing else, is perfect for creating and posting advertising.

As on other sites, you can get promotion here, both paid and free methods. However, it is the investment of the budget in the development of one’s projects that is considered to be the most effective and fastest method. In this regard, let's find out what methods are suitable for buying advertising for a YouTube channel and getting the most out of it:

  1. Affiliate. The most common way to purchase advertising on YouTube. In addition, it is quite safe, since all monetary transactions are monitored here, and compliance with the terms of the affiliate program is carefully checked. But there are several assumptions about the effectiveness. The fact is that such advertising will be embedded in the videos of those users who have enabled monetization, but will still be something separate. Therefore, your target audience who gets rid of intrusive ads by installing various ad-blocking applications will simply not see these inserts. Therefore, it is important to understand that you will lose quite a large part of the audience.
  2. Advertising with bloggers. This method is similar to the previous one, but the main and positive difference is that advertising is no longer embedded, but is a directly planned part of the video of this or that blogger. Accordingly, no matter what add-ons and extensions users have installed, they will still see advertisements for your channel (unless, of course, they skip the video). Thus, it turns out that this option is much more effective and has greater coverage. You will have to negotiate such a service directly with the bloggers themselves, on whose channels you plan to promote. Therefore, you should understand that everyone sets the cost of their work for themselves; accordingly, such advertising on YouTube will have considerable prices. In addition, the popularity of a particular blogger and his audience play an important role, because it is with this contingent that you have to work;
  3. Viral advertising. This option is the most difficult to implement. In this case, it is necessary to create a video that, even if it doesn’t become a trend, will definitely be heard and seen by many, and users will want to share it with all their friends. To upload such a video, you need to contact only professionals with extensive experience in this area. Otherwise, you will simply waste money, and the cost of such services is far from the lowest. In addition, the video itself should appeal to the public, which is currently extremely selective and fed up with such approaches;
  4. Purchasing resources for a YouTube channel, such as views or likes, etc. The same method is a combination of low cost and fairly good results. In order to implement it, you need to choose a service that increases counters on social networks and order the missing resources from it. Usually these are subscribers, views and likes. Some sites may also offer an increase in comments. In fact, in this case, you can already acquire your audience without creating an advertisement. However, you should understand that this will not be your target group and most users subscribe to the channel only for personal gain - they are paid for it. Accordingly, there is absolutely no point in dreaming about global popularity or instant sales. But, as a tool to help achieve the necessary goals, the ability to buy advertising for a YouTube channel in this way is an excellent and effective option.

These are the methods you can use to declare your existence on the popular video hosting site YouTube and get some of the fame and popularity. Choose any option for yourself in accordance with your goals, wishes and capabilities.

How much does it cost to advertise a YouTube channel on services and bloggers?

Since we are talking about the possibilities of purchasing advertising for the YouTube channel, it is also necessary to talk about the most intriguing issue for many: the price. Surely, it is this nuance that can both encourage most users to make a purchase decision and, conversely, stop them. Of course, all prices will differ depending on the method you choose for PR, as well as on some points within each process. This is exactly what we want to provide brief information about. So, let's find out how much it costs to advertise a YouTube channel on various platforms:

  • According to the affiliate program. Here prices will depend on which program you choose, as well as on the ad format. Actually, these two factors will influence the final amount. The ad is created using special designers and looks mainly as static images and short videos inserted into the video. The increase in the cost of such advertising will correspond to the complexity of its execution and addition. So, on average, you will pay from 1 to 20 $ per thousand impressions of such ads. Some platforms may even offer channel sponsorship, which means that the price tag here will start from $1000 and above;
  • From bloggers. Since this option is the most unpredictable, it will be difficult to give a specific figure. In this case, everything will depend on the degree of popularity of the blogger and his self-esteem. At the same time, you are absolutely not insured against any force majeure events. For example, a user may simply forget to include your ad in a video or delay the release of a new video. Therefore, prepare for the fact that everything will be built on mutual trust. Or, if you have a good lawyer, you can draw up an agreement where all the points that concern you will be spelled out. The cost, for example, of one mention of you and a link to a channel from a blogger whose audience is less than 1 million subscribers will vary from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Accordingly, for such YouTube channel advertising, prices will depend on the degree of popularity of the chosen platform: the less famous the user, the lower his requirements, but also the smaller coverage;
  • Creating a viral video. As we said earlier, you cannot do this without the help of specialists, since it is necessary to develop an accurate strategy and a detailed plan for the process so that it brings benefits and does not scare away your audience. Black PR for your channel or any other project is especially popular. So be prepared that at first they will talk about you clearly not from a positive point of view. However, this bears fruit and brings, perhaps, an even larger audience than standard methods. One such video will cost from 50,000 rubles. Accordingly, the price tag will vary depending on the complexity of creating and distributing such a video;
  • On services to increase resources. Here everything is much more democratic. Yes, the owners of such sites and their employees do not promise you mountains of gold, instant popularity, like Nikolai Sobolev, but at the same time they clearly do their job, allowing you to independently manage the resources received. By using incoming traffic wisely, you can rise well, even if you start from almost zero. Prices in this case differ significantly everywhere, and averages vary from 550 to 4,500 rubles per 1,000 subscribers per channel. The cost depends on many factors, the main of which is the quality of the supplied material and the degree of activity of the received accounts.

Now you already have a more accurate idea of ​​the situation in the YouTube advertising market. With this knowledge, you can choose the most optimal option for yourself, knowing how much it costs to advertise a YouTube channel on various platforms. All you have to do is do some math and figure out how much budget you need to allocate for a specific project.

How to talk about your channel on YouTube for free

However, there are probably many readers of this material who are not ready to manage any budget at all and give their money to something that does not guarantee a 100% result. Accordingly, you have to find alternative PR options that do not require any investments. This is quite difficult to do, so we decided to provide such information. Yes, buying advertising on YouTube may be easier and faster, but developing your channel yourself will bring you more experience. And here are some free options you can use to advertise yourself and your channel:

  1. Seek help from more experienced comrades. This method is both the most effective and difficult to implement process. The fact is that you need to try to contact other more popular bloggers and ask them to talk about you on their channel for free, or at least in a quid pro quo format. If you don't have good friends in the industry, be prepared for multiple rejections and billing;
  2. Try to bring the video to trends. Also quite a difficult task. To do this, you need to create a viral video that will instantly begin to gain views and be discussed by a large number of users. In this case, we can only advise one thing - constantly monitor all significant events and try to link them with the theme of your channel. In other words, “Let’s hype a little!”;
  3. Use other platforms for advertising, for example: VK, Instagram, Telegram, etc. In addition to YouTube video hosting, there are many other social networks that you can use for advertising. If, say, you already have a large audience on VKontakte, then it will be much easier for you to tell your subscribers about the new project than to try to attract the attention of YouTube users. You can leave various messages and comments on other social networks with a link to your channel. But do not overdo it with this method, otherwise you will simply be blocked for spam;
  4. Promote the channel through comments. This method is somewhat similar to the one we described above, but you will have to work with YouTube itself. To do this, watch the most popular videos with a lot of comments and leave your message also with a link to the channel. The main thing is that these are relevant comments, that is, they answer exactly the topic. Otherwise, the same fate awaits you - a ban for spam;
  5. Attend offline events. The main thing in the YouTube blogosphere is the presence of a large number of acquaintances. It is on mutual PR that most channels rely, sometimes even with a large audience. Where can you find the necessary contacts? Of course, at various events for bloggers. These include festivals, exhibitions of some kind, and maybe fan meetings. Meet bloggers and try to maintain this friendship in the future. This way, you will receive not only new emotions and impressions, but also possible collaborations with united audiences.

Here are a few free ways that you can use to advertise your project on the famous video hosting site. However, it is not necessary to use only these options. Perhaps you decide to buy advertising on YouTube and will be able to combine methods for even greater impact and effect.

Where to buy YouTube channel advertising to gain an audience

In one of the previous sections, we described this way of receiving advertising on YouTube as purchasing resources for your channel, in particular subscribers. Many users choose this option because it is very fast and, most importantly, quite cheap. However, there are also pitfalls here. The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to select sites that provide these services not only at low prices, but also reliably. Accordingly, it is important to know how to choose such a site. To do this, we decided to tell you where to order YouTube channel advertising so that you receive a truly profitable and safe offer. To do this, you will need to analyze commercial sites according to the following parameters:

  • Popularity. The chosen site should be known and recognizable. This criterion indicates that this service or site is chosen by a large number of users. That is why he occupies a leading position in the top;
  • Reviews. This is simply a necessary step. This is the only way you can understand whether the chosen service is really worth trusting. However, as you understand, not all opinions will be sincere, so try to find sites where reviews will be as honest as possible;
  • Registration on the service. If, upon entering the site, you understand that you are required to log in through an account on a social network, we advise you to think several times before starting to work with this option. The fact is that there are often cases of using client accounts for not the best intentions. After collaborating with such sites, you may discover many actions on behalf of your profile that you yourself did not perform. And this often leads to a ban;
  • Description of services. Of course, you should know what you will get in the end. Therefore, carefully study what this or that service offers you. Here you can find out the prices that interest you for YouTube channel advertising;
  • Rules of cooperation. Don't be lazy to read such documentation. The fact is that this is where the answers to many popular questions that arise in the process of ordering and receiving the selected service often lie;
  • Guarantees. Some sites provide them to their clients, for example, to ensure high-quality work or to protect monetary transactions within the service. This will be a good bonus when choosing a platform for purchasing advertising;
  • Adequate technical support. This method of receiving advertising contains a lot of nuances. Therefore, you will probably have some questions related to one or another point when ordering. Accordingly, you need to receive answers to them. Only real qualified technical support staff of the site can provide the necessary information;
  • Payment method options. There should be several of them. In addition, pay attention to the presence of large payment systems with which the site cooperates. This will allow you to make sure that the selected site has been checked by specialists from these organizations.

Using these criteria, you can identify a truly honest and safe service where you can order YouTube channel advertising without any difficulty. In this case, you will receive an offer that will suit you.

How to impress the audience who came to your YouTube channel through advertising

Let's say that you have already made your choice and created an impeccable advertising campaign that will definitely bring you a large number of subscribers and viewers. Indeed, quite often there are extremely successful projects for little money with a creative, working approach. However, even more often, users encounter the following problem: users come to the channel, watch a couple of videos and leave without even subscribing, or even close the page immediately after switching. What could cause this? The most common and correct answer is that the channel is unprepared for the arrival of a new audience. If you are sure that you have set up your advertising correctly in accordance with the theme of the channel and its target audience, then the problem lies precisely in this. Accordingly, you need to know, before ordering advertising on YouTube, what needs to be done with the channel so that users want to stay on it:

  1. Let's start with the basics. Even if your channel is more than one year old, it’s still worth double-checking these details. So, the name of the channel should be bright, reflecting the activities on it, or be a personal brand. If you want to specifically identify yourself, you should use your pseudonym or real name in the name. Here are examples of such channels: “Ruslan Usachev”, “BrainMaps”, “Sobolev”, etc. If attracting attention only to your person is not your main task, then it is better to use keywords related to your topic. For example, “Kitchen Inside Out”, “InDesign”, “Independent Travel”, etc.;
  2. Don't forget about the channel description as well. Many people mistakenly believe that this point is of no interest to anyone, because a complete picture can only be obtained from the video on the channel, rather than from a text description. Yes, perhaps users rarely go to this section, but it is precisely this section that will help the YouTube system identify you and promote you in searches. Thus, this will be an additional tool in promotion and PR. At the same time, it is important to compose the text so that it includes not only a description of the channel’s activities, but also enough key phrases by which you can be easily found;
  3. Be sure to link the channel to Google Analytics. This will help you track all the successes and failures of your advertising campaign. You will also be able to understand what exactly new users like in the content and what simply doesn’t appeal to them;
  4. Add the necessary links to websites and other social networks to the channel banner or header. Perhaps users will want to switch to another platform that is more comfortable for them;
  5. Post a welcome trailer and open it to everyone. At the same time, try to make it minimal in time, but at the same time meaningful and interesting. Also suitable is the top video from your channel, which users appreciated and which can show what you want to offer with this project;
  6. Of course, don't forget about appearance. Be sure to create an interesting design for your channel icon and banner. Believe me, this is the first thing that will catch the eye of the visiting audience. People on the Internet perceive information more often visually. Therefore, come up with something original and non-standard. It is hand-drawn hats that go well with viewers rather than high-quality photoshopped photographs. Therefore, attract either your strength (if you have a gift for drawing), or your friends who can help you;
  7. Don't forget to turn on the "Show my channel in other channel recommendations" feature. This way, even more viewers will learn about you.
  8. And of course, the main thing that should attract the audience is content. Therefore, try to publish the most popular videos on the main page of the channel.

This is the kind of preparation you need to do for your own channel before ordering advertising on YouTube. This way, you will already be confident that you did everything correctly and users will definitely have something to look at when they click on the ad.

Why buy advertising on YouTube and not free spam?

Throughout the entire article, we persistently say that users need to buy advertising, and not try to achieve success on their own. And so far these conclusions are not supported by solid facts. In this section, we decided to set the record straight and determine what exactly is good about paid PR, and why you shouldn’t actively use advertising through comments, both on YouTube and on other social networks. This method should only be a tool in your hands, but not the main strategy. So, let's first look at what exactly is attractive about buying advertising on YouTube, what are its advantages:

  • Of course, this is speed and comfort. You can achieve all your goals quickly enough, since you simply don’t have to languish waiting for your methods to work;
  • When ordering advertising on exchanges or through an affiliate program, you don’t have to worry about any technical aspects, since in this case specialists with good experience and experience in this direction will work;
  • In some cases, you can receive a guarantee for the successful completion of the campaign. So, for example, if you advertise your channel by increasing the counter, you will be sure that you will receive exactly the amount of audience that you ordered;
  • You can control the entire course of the campaign from start to finish. At the same time, you will know which additional tool is worth using, when to push it with advertising, and when it’s time to stop;
  • By purchasing advertising, you will not worry that any of your actions may lead not only to strikes and warnings from the YouTube system, but also to a ban of the entire project, that is, the channel;
  • With the right campaign and its setup, you will notice the effect at the very beginning of your journey. That is, it turns out that purchasing advertising gives one hundred percent results.

Of course, when buying advertising, you may also face many risks. For example, cases of fraud in this area are not uncommon. For example, some bloggers, as we said earlier, are capable of not fulfilling their obligations, while accepting advance payment from advertisers. Also, exchanges may often turn out to be dishonest. And yet, you will get greater effect and results when purchasing advertising on YouTube using the methods we previously described.

But what's wrong with spamming? The answer lies in its name. No matter how users justify spam, because it is indeed an effective method of advertising, it still remains prohibited and too much emphasis on such actions only irritates users. Therefore, as soon as you go too far, you can instantly roll back a few steps, if not leave this game altogether, since spam is usually followed by blocking on social networks and other platforms.

About the difficult relationship between bloggers and advertising on YouTube

Despite the variety of different options for creating and implementing advertising on YouTube, the main one remains ordering ads and reviews from bloggers. And this is understandable, since now the future belongs to representatives of this media sphere. A huge number of people from different backgrounds look up to them, and they understand this very well, so they try to make their content even more accessible and in demand. At the same time, however, popular bloggers can perfectly assess their importance, and accordingly, the advertising services that they can provide can cost a pretty penny, quite a lot, and more than one. Therefore, if you decide to entrust PR and promotion to bloggers, you should be interested not only in the question of how much advertising on YouTube on such a platform costs, but also in how you should select the necessary channels. This is necessary to ensure that the campaign is not only expensive, but also brings real results. And here's what you need to pay attention to:

  1. Determine for yourself the most appropriate ad format: native or direct. We can immediately note that everyone is afraid of direct advertising, both bloggers and advertisers. The first - due to the fact that their reputation can be “tarnished” by outright “steaming”; the second - due to the fact that users simply do not want to waste their time and follow links, open pages, etc. However, this is not entirely true. Sometimes, correctly presented and designed direct advertising can only contribute to the interest of users than a hidden mention, which only a select few will guess about. Therefore, try to select those channels that will not worry about the fact that they will have to advertise something openly;
  2. You shouldn’t get too excited about cool bloggers, hoping for a famous person to advertise your project if you have a fairly narrow focus. The percentage of interested users among the audience of this particular character may turn out to be extremely insignificant. Therefore, since the determining factor for advertising on YouTube is the price and benefit of the campaign, it is better to spend the allocated budget not on one popular blogger, but on several with very similar topics. So, for example, if you tell how to create websites, how to grow garden crops, etc., advertising, even from Katya Klap herself, is clearly not suitable for you;
  3. Despite the fact that you pay a lot of money, the blogger should also like your content. After all, his reputation will depend on what he recommends to the audience. Thus, before transferring funds to the account, talk to the person, show him your videos, your product, etc. Explain what your advantages are over your competitors, prove that what you offer may suit him too. In this case, the blogger himself will begin to talk about you with interest, and not just read the written text on a piece of paper;
  4. We recommend that you always try to draw up an agreement before starting to work with one or another blogger, no matter how delighted he may be to you personally. Remember that, first of all, these are creative people with the appropriate “zest” in their character and attitude to work. Therefore, when ordering, try to establish a specific technical task, without, of course, forcing the person into strict limits (leave a field for creativity), also indicate all the deadlines and indicate the allocated budget. Only after this you can calmly pay for the order and accept the work;
  5. Carefully study the content of the blogger you want to collaborate with. It often happens that a character can significantly damage his reputation with just one video, and at the same time yours. Therefore, you should not get involved in adventurous deals with a shocking but popular character, no matter how large an audience he has. Therefore, take your time choosing a channel and resolving all issues. Check your decision several times, carefully monitoring all the actions of the selected blogger.

It is worth paying attention to such nuances first of all. If you are ready to allocate a significant budget for PR, after you have found out how much YouTube advertising costs from bloggers, be prepared to make a fairly serious and informed decision so as not to harm either yourself or the character with whom you will collaborate.

How to safely cooperate with YouTube advertising sales exchanges

We have mentioned several times that users, when purchasing advertising, may face certain risks in one way or another, regardless of how reliable the chosen promotion method is. So, for example, when choosing to purchase advertising on services to increase resources on social networks, there are several nuances that you need to know about. Therefore, we decided to provide you with some tips so that you can cooperate with YouTube advertising selling sites, knowing how to safely place orders and continue to run your project:

  • First, you need to prepare the channel to receive a new audience. We have already talked about this in detail a little earlier. Everything should indicate that you have an active live account that you maintain and strive for development and popularity;
  • The previous point also includes the presence of content on the channel, no matter how strange it may sound to many readers. If you are a beginner and strive to become a famous blogger from scratch, start filming your videos first and only then acquire subscribers and other resources;
  • Try to get your first subscribers yourself first. As we have already said, the channel must be live. Accordingly, your audience should be active by watching videos, commenting on them and rating them. And this can only be achieved with the help of a live audience that you attracted yourself;
  • Next, proceed to choosing an advertising method and the platform with which you will cooperate. In our case, this is a service for increasing resources on social networks. Accordingly, he must be reliable and honest. We understand that it is difficult to find such a performer, which is why we also talked about how to make your choice in the article earlier;
  • Be sure to test the selected site. To do this, order a small amount of resources at a minimum price and evaluate the condition in which it arrives on your channel. Then take a break for a couple of days and find out whether all the subscribers who came have stayed with you. Only after this you can proceed to the full volume of the order;
  • Still, try not to make large purchases, and if you do make bulk purchases, ask to break them up into parts. This is done to ensure that the process of replenishing the counter occurs as naturally as possible. Otherwise, all your work and investments will be in vain, since your channel will be banned by YouTube filters;
  • You should not take additional actions when ordering an increase in resources, and more specifically, you should not participate too actively in spam. The fact is that in this case you will be under the close attention of filters, and if they suspect a minimal violation, sanctions against your channel will not be long in coming.

Here are some recommendations on how to work with YouTube advertising selling services. This way you can ensure not only a good increase in your audience, but also a safe advertising campaign. Be sure to test our “site” service, you may not need to buy advertising.

Do you want to promote your YouTube channel, but the number of subscribers is stagnant?

In this article I will tell you about the main methods of attracting subscribers to your YouTube channel.

You can also watch a video on this topic:

7 basic principles (methods) on how to promote a YouTube channel

The first principle of promoting a YouTube channel. Make useful and high-quality content.

You should only publish useful videos that will be of interest to your target audience. It is advisable that each video solves some problem that the user faces.

Give us all the information you know about the topic of the video. Don't hide anything. Otherwise, sooner or later the viewer will find what you hid from another author and go to him.

The more useful the video, the more subscribers will come from it to your YouTube channel. That's why quality content is always the key to success.

The second method is how to promote a channel on YouTube. Call on your followers to take action.

There should be a call to action in every video you publish on YouTube. Have you ever had a situation where, after watching one video, you want to go to the next one in the “similar” tab, then to the next one, and so on for several hours in a row?

I think this happens to everyone. This is a very smart marketing ploy by YouTube that allows you to retain the user. But for YouTubers, the problem is that after watching the first video, you will move to another channel and forget about the previous videos and their authors.

With a call to action, and specifically to subscribe to the channel, you must keep the viewer and prevent him from moving on to the next video. You need to motivate him to subscribe to your channel. Attracting subscribers to a YouTube channel helps promote videos in search.

The call to action should consist of two parts:

  • What should be done? — subscribe to the channel.
  • Why do you need to do this? — there can be a lot of options.

For example:

  • Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next videos
  • Subscribe to the channel and get a discount on all products in our store (if this channel belongs to an online store)
  • Subscribe to the channel so as not to be a radish.

Choose a call in accordance with the audience your videos are intended for. But remember: there should be a call to action in every video you make. The number of subscribers largely depends on this.

The third principle of promoting a YouTube channel. Start designing your channel.

Channel design is very important. The channel icon and its banner are the first thing the viewer sees when they meet you.

Let’s say you are an information businessman, selling personal growth training, consulting, and so on, and you have some ladybugs on your channel banner. Naturally, the image is formed that this channel will not bring much benefit. And users will simply pass by without paying attention to your channel.

Therefore, do not skimp, order a banner from the same freelancers. It will cost you only 100-200 rubles for a simple but neat design. It's worth it.

If you are a blogger or information businessman, and you want people to remember your face, place your photo on the banner.

And remember, the banner should reflect the theme of your YouTube channel

Fourth principle. Use music in your videos.

Videos with quiet music in the background are much more enjoyable to watch than videos without it. Especially if you make podcasts, shoot videos from the screen, or explain something. Be sure to use sound. The YouTube audio library will help you with this.

Firstly, music relaxes you a little and helps you perceive content better. Secondly, on a psychological level, it makes the viewer more loyal to you.

But don't make the music too loud. In this case, users simply will not hear you. =)

The fifth principle of effective promotion of a YouTube channel is the regular release of videos.

It is necessary to release content regularly. This is due to several factors.

Everyone already knows that YouTube loves when videos are regularly uploaded to the channel. He sees that some action is taking place on the channel, the channel is being watched, and videos are being released. This has to do with its (YouTube’s) algorithms, I won’t go into depth.

The second factor has to do with your subscribers. If you upload videos regularly, your subscribers will start watching them regularly. They develop a systematic approach, which increases views.

It is very important to tell your subscribers what days of the week you release your videos. For example, I upload videos every Tuesday and Thursday. As practice shows, The best effect comes from publishing 1-3 videos per week.

At least one video per week must be uploaded to YouTube.

Sixth principle. Use annotations.

Take the time to make a subscribe button out of the annotations in each video. This button works well:

  • Firstly, it attracts attention and is a hidden call to action.
  • Secondly, it helps those users who watch videos not on YouTube itself, but on other resources, to subscribe to your channel. Since on other resources there is no “subscribe” button for the video.

Also use annotations on your other videos and playlists. The more of your videos a user views, the greater the likelihood that he will subscribe to your YouTube channel.

The seventh principle of how to promote a YouTube channel. Optimize your video.

Video optimization is one of the most important principles and methods for growing a YouTube channel.

Now on YouTube you can reach the top for low-frequency queries without any investment by properly optimizing your video,

Of course, there is not very much traffic for low-frequency queries. But if you shoot not one, but 10-20 videos, then the increase in users will be quite noticeable. Therefore, video optimization needs to be taken seriously.

And in the end I want to remind you. There is no single correct channel development strategy. Everything depends on you.

In this article, I described only those methods that I use myself, and which helped develop my channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/1videoseo

I wish you success in developing your channel! If you have questions about promoting on YouTube, be sure to ask them in the comments under this post or under the videos on my channel at the link above.

The first thousand views on YouTube or the first thousand subscribers is always difficult, exciting, and for many it seems like a long time. Therefore, you should first figure out how to promote a channel on YouTube for free, and then add videos. At a minimum, this approach will prevent you from making serious mistakes.

Method One - Create Viral Content

A site can end up in the top search results thanks to a smart SEO, even if the content is, to put it mildly, rather weak. This won’t work with a video: if you artificially “increase” the required number of views, you can still be lowered in the search results by putting downvotes. In addition, employers have long learned to identify such channels. And deception is very harshly punished by YouTube - right up to until the account is completely blocked.

Therefore, the content must be of high quality, causing a natural (!) desire to watch it. A viral video often does not need any additional promotion. On the contrary, it helps draw attention to other projects. But how to shoot such a video is another question. Here you already need to study the niche, the target audience, what is in demand now and why.

Method two - Carefully consider the title, tags and description

Largely because of this point, the advice given above was to first deal with free channel promotion. If you add a video without a description, the chance that almost no one will see it will increase. It is also very important to correctly select appropriate tags and categories for the topic. And don’t forget to create a unique description with keys. The name should describe what is happening as accurately as possible, but not be too complex or long.

Method three - Make the channel unique

Think about the logo, splash screens, annotations... What will it look like? The result should be memorable - in a good way.

By the way, in the annotation you can carefully play with the subscription offer. It is usually much more convenient for the viewer to simply click on the link in the video itself than to search for where they can subscribe to you.

And then he can get distracted, change his mind, forget. And a competent annotation catches you right while watching. Which is very smart: after all, high-quality work evokes vivid emotions, on the wave of which you can subscribe.

Method four - Upload videos as often as possible

If you're going to add one video every month and you're not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you... In general, for active promotion you need at least one video every two days. More is better. Users need to be reminded of themselves, because they can easily be taken away by someone more active. It's incredibly easy to get distracted on YouTube.

Method five - Use third-party resources

For some reason, promoting a YouTube channel is often associated with the video hosting site itself. Meanwhile, a huge number of views can be obtained through social networks or a blog.

Let's say you have a page with several thousand subscribers. Do you want a lot of views? Just add a video and write something interesting about it. Often the numbers begin to grow literally before our eyes. The same tactics work with public pages, forums, in general, with any places where you can attract attention and where people frequent.

Method six - Just ask

Surprisingly, this method has become a real discovery for many. Meanwhile, it really gives results: in the video itself, for example, at the end (not so annoying) you can ask them to like you. And if you really liked the video, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, most people don’t mind making one click.

Method seven - Comment on top video bloggers

A significant proportion of subscribers love to exchange opinions on popular videos no less than watch the videos themselves. And the most attention is usually paid to the first comments. Feel free to leave comments - people will read and respond to them, and some will visit your channel.

By the way, you definitely need to respond to comments on your videos. Users like to be noticed. With active communication, you can get several hundred subscribers, which is not bad at the start.

Method eight - Mutual PR

On YouTube you can find a very large number of channels that are similar in topic to yours and agree with webmasters on friendly recommendations and mutual promotion.

On his own channel, the webmaster must go to the “friends” or “interesting” section. This section may have different names. The webmaster must decide on it himself. Links must be provided to these channels.

It is better to negotiate an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method nine - Annotations, tips

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, so in order to increase the share of people who will take targeted actions, use two tools inside the video editor - Hints and Annotations.

Annotations are often used to direct visitors who watch a video to relevant links—for example, links to the main site or links to cost-per-action (CPA) affiliate offers. To add annotations to your videos, you need to go to video editing mode and select the “Annotations” menu item there.

annotation is a typically clickable message that appears within the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can encourage you to watch a new video on a channel or download additional information on a website.

Hints are convenient to use for unobtrusive recommendations to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on the topic.

Video bloggers often abuse annotations and cover the entire video with them; naturally, this causes nothing but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from $10,000 on it

Method ten - Closing screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to invite the user to do a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.
At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, then you need to click on like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. This will be a good method to promote your YouTube channel.

And, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one method. Experiment, combine different methods, come up with your own... Youtube loves creative people!

Watch this free master class, the video quality leaves much to be desired, but the sensei knows a lot about content marketing on Youtube:

2024 gtavrl.ru.