Where to sell your information product. How to sell an information product on the Internet? How to learn and my result

The business is promising and profitable. But how to do this legally without violating the right? intellectual property? Let's find out in this article.

Where to begin?

Are you an honest person, and do plagiarism and online piracy cause you sincere indignation? Do you want yours to be legal and generate a stable income? This is possible if you take the following steps:

1. Choose a niche in which you want to earn money

It is optimal if it is a niche with which you are at least a little familiar: you work in a related field, your hobby is related to this niche directly or indirectly, etc.

Do you have an online store for handicrafts? Some of your clients will probably be interested in knitting courses and scrapbooking master classes. You don't need to spend extra money on advertising - you already have a “warm” audience.

However, another option is also possible: you “fell in love” with the course or expert at first sight.

A friend dragged you to a webinar by a meditation master, and you were so inspired by the expert’s ideas that you want to sell his online course and engage in Eastern practices.

In any case, it’s worth selling something that not only brings money, but also captivates and inspires. Only then will buyers trust you.

2. Find a promising expert

You have decided on a niche, but where to find an expert who has a decent information product? Search your memory. Perhaps among your acquaintances there are such people: colleagues, relatives, neighbors... Remember those who helped you and surprised you with their professional achievements.

That same expert could be a miracle massage therapist who gave you the opportunity to return to normal life after an injury or a university teacher whose lectures were always sold out.

If in your environment there is no the right person, use the good old word of mouth. Just call all contacts from your phone and write to your friends on social networks:

"Hello, Vasya! I am planning to open an online school (promote an online course) in mental arithmetic. Do you have any friends in this area?

You can search for experts on thematic forums and in groups on social networks, on Google and YouTube. Watch expert presentations. Does he have charisma and do his ideas appeal to you? This is enough to think about cooperation.

3. Meet an expert and agree on cooperation

Do you live in the same city? It's better to meet in person. Are you separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers? Skype or another messenger will help you. Don't be afraid that the expert will refuse you. If he has a little common sense he won't mind passive income several hundred rubles a month. If there is no common sense, why do you need such a business partner?

Types of earnings from selling information products

Earning money from selling information products can be passive - through affiliate programs or active - through a common business with an expert. The first option is simpler, the second is more profitable.

1. Affiliate programs

This type of income is quite simple: you tell people about an existing information product, they buy it, and you receive a percentage of the sale (from 1 to 50%). As a rule, the more expensive the information product, the lower the partner’s percentage.

You can simply send interested users to the landing page of an online course, but how can you then prove that the client came from you? So that it doesn't happen similar problems, an information businessman creates an affiliate program, within which he generates referral links for his partners, which contain a personal identifier. You can post them on your website, blog, or social network page. When you click on a link, the system remembers that for the first time potential client X came to the landing page using your link. He can make a purchase immediately, in two days or in a month. In any case, you will receive your percentage from the sale of the course to Mr. X.

For example, you are advertising a course from Free Publicity School. Potential client sees only the name of the course, and not a lot of Latin letters mixed with numbers - this is how your link looks clear, aesthetically pleasing and does not make a person think that you are trying to make money from it.

2. Expert producing

Strong experts often lack entrepreneurial talent. They have knowledge, practical experience and sometimes even a ready-made video course. But they have no idea how to monetize this invaluable capital. In this case, the expert has the only way out- join forces with an information producer. Earning money from selling information products- a chance to receive from 150,000 rubles a month without starting capital, working from anywhere in the world several hours a day. A well-organized information business is easy to scale and automate.

Co-founder of the accelerator of online schools Accel, Sergey Kapustin, was far from Vedic astrology until he met Dmitry Lakshmi and felt the power of astrology. Dmitry helped clients find their purpose and succeed in business and personal life. And in partnership with Sergei, he was able to build a large-scale information business at the intersection of palmistry, numerology and Vedic astrology. Several thousand people have already been trained at the Lakshmi school.

The online school is a synergy of the entrepreneurial and organizational talents of a producer and the knowledge and charisma of an expert. At the beginning of a business relationship with an expert, it is important to sincerely answer the question: do I like this person enough to create a joint business with him? If the answer is “yes,” it is necessary to discuss all the details of cooperation, from financial nuances to the terms of separation.

Attention! All terms of cooperation must be recorded in the contract. This way you will protect yourself from unnecessary disputes, problems and omissions and will be able to direct your energy to making money selling information products.

Instead of a conclusion

You can sell other people’s information products absolutely legally, with mutual benefit for the “owner” and the seller. Choose a niche, find a charismatic and competent expert and establish contact with him. But if to sell through an affiliate program there is no need to closely communicate with an expert, then in the case of creating a joint business, at least mutual sympathy is required. Not confident in your producing abilities? Take part in a meeting from the founders of the online school accelerator Accel, where they will tell you in detail how to organize making money selling information products.

Do you want to create your own online school, produce yourself or your expert? Register now for the free webinar and receive a PDF plan step-by-step creation your online school according to this

Question: Hello.

I have my information products on disk, but I don’t know how to sell (sell) them. Can you recommend to me the most reliable (so as not to be scammed) online stores selling CDs with information products?

Thanks in advance. Valery.

Answer: Valery, thanks for the question. It is very good that you have your own information products recorded on disk media. But it’s not very good that you can’t sell them yourself.

More and more often I am faced with a situation where a person creates his own information product and is experiencing difficulties with sales. There is simply no one to sell it to. The author has not gathered a target audience interested in him and does not have a plan for promoting the product to the market.

I don't think the solution is to find online stores and invite them to sell their information products. This may only be part of the plan. No more... Besides this, I personally have not yet met such online stores that specialize in selling information products on disk media. There are a lot of ordinary online stores on the Internet that sell programs, music and movies on disk media, and I cannot guarantee their reliability.

Solving the problem of selling information products must be approached comprehensively. It should be remembered that almost all Internet entrepreneurs sell their own information products on disk media through their sales channels (website, mailing list, affiliate program, etc.).

You need to take the following steps:

Learn more about opening and maintaining mailing list can be found in e-books:

- “How to quickly and efficiently create and promote your own mailing list on the Internet. Step by step guide on creating your own money machine" (book website);

- “The art of generating fresh and original content for mailing lists” (book website)

In order to learn how to create effective advertising texts for your own information product, I recommend taking the free electronic course“7-step process for creating sales text with complete zero! which you can subscribe to completely free on the website

3. Register in Runet payment systems.

You need to register in the following RuNet payment systems: , .

4. Invent Domain name and purchase paid hosting for your Internet project.

How to come up with a domain name for own project on the Internet, you can find out by reading the article “How to come up with a domain name for your own Internet project!” located on this page

5. Create a mini-site for your information product.

If you are having problems creating your own website for your information product, I recommend taking the video course “All technical aspects online business in video format", which is located on the page

6. Install the script on the mini-site affiliate program.

Installing affiliate program scripts will allow you to solve two problems: You will be able to ensure that you receive money for your information product different ways and get your hands on a mechanism with which you can attract partners to your project who will promote your information products to the market and receive a certain percentage of their sales.

You can use the following scripts and services:

Script “BookBiz Master 2.0” (script description is on this page);

Script “LastoShopGold 4.01” (script description is on this page);

Service " Effective tools for profitable online trading!” (description of the service is on this page).

7. Write down on paper a plan for promoting your information product.

To do this, you need to take a sheet of clean white paper and at the top of the sheet write “Plan for promoting my information product!” On this sheet you should write down all the ways to promote your information product, even the crazy ones at first glance! Your task is to carry out brainstorm and write down everything that comes to your mind!

8. Put into practice the plan for promoting your information product on the Internet.

To do this you need:

1. highlight the main directions and methods of promoting your information product, previously written down on a sheet of white paper;

2. start doing them, step by step, step by step...

Remember that only action leads to success and sales!

That's basically the whole plan you should stick to. I'm sure everything will be fine with you!

Today I want to write an article on the topic, namely where to get buyers for infoproducts. These methods have been tested by me personally and they work!

Where to find buyers for information products

Let's consider ways to attract buyers to sell an information product. Here I will not touch on the topic of selling to my own subscriber base.

Way to attract buyers of information products No. 1

Buying advertising in other people's mailing lists. Price 100-600 rubles per 1000 subscribers. We look for thematic mailings in email mailing directories, fortunately we have at least 5 of them in RuNet. If you do everything correctly, then from 100 thematic transitions you will have 2-7 sales.

Example: Buying a newsletter issue for 2,000 rubles, based on a base of 10,000 people, can bring 1,000 clicks and 20-70 sales, a lot depends on the subject of the newsletter. In any case, by purchasing one good newsletter, you will recoup the investment costs and earn money.

Moreover, if you attract people not immediately to the sales page, but to the subscription page, and sell a reseller kit in your auto mailing list, you will gather your subscription base of at least 500-800 subscribers from 1 purchase in someone else’s mailing list per 10,000 people .

The second way to attract buyers of an information product

The effectiveness of advertising depends on the image and how you invite people; here it is better to show the result, it motivates people more to follow the link. Using this method, you can literally get up to 1000 clicks and about 300 subscribers in just 1 hour, to whom you will sell in your auto mailing list.

When drawing up an announcement, it is better to seek help from specialists, otherwise you will waste your entire budget.

Way to attract customers number 3

Promotion of highly visited thematic forums. We put a link to the subscription page in the signature of our messages. We become a regular visitor to the forum and the more messages we leave, the more links we click on.

The advantage of this method is that it is free, minus a lot of time spent. The result is from 5 to 50 transitions per day from one forum.

This type of product is the most liquid, and if the price is not too high, then you can raise a lot of money through large quantity sales

What information product should I create?

All beginners think about what exactly they should create. There are quite a few options and it is not always profitable to use the most common types. Here are some examples:

  • eBook;
  • video course;
  • audio course;
  • presentation;
  • different selections.

The last point is worth mentioning separately. What kind of collections? It can be different programs, sources, licenses, instructions and much more. For example, you can sell a database of texts, styles and PSD files for Photoshop.

It is better to create several formats at once. You can distribute some of them for free to collect subscribers to Email newsletter, and offer the second part (as a continuation) for money.

Which topic should I choose?

Most often, information business people use popular topics. On the one hand, their choice is based on competent calculation, on the other hand, the niches are overcrowded and it is difficult to compete in them. What are these niches?

  • making money on the Internet;
  • weight loss;
  • motivation and psychology;
  • business;
  • marketing;
  • Photoshop training;
  • website development.

There are several other popular destinations, but it’s better to choose according to your interests and knowledge.

Once you've identified a general theme, look for common problems. target audience. The best information products are created to resolve all kinds of difficulties for clients.

If you do not have a sufficient level of knowledge, then you will definitely not be able to create a good and high-quality information product. Therefore, when choosing a topic, you need to build on your preferences.

Information product- a training course, a method of earning money, in other words, any information that is useful and one of a kind. In order to create an information product, you must have truly unique knowledge, in addition, you must present it in an accessible and understandable form. If you want to try yourself in the information business, you must learn the basics of selling information. In this article we have prepared short instructions for you.

How to sell an information product - resources.

First of all, you should find as many opportunities as possible in order to make your product accessible and known. There are three most relevant methods.

  • Website- today, even a beginner can create a personal website without any problems. Then you need to fill it with content and start unwinding. To do this, you need to optimize existing content for search engines and promote selling pages. You can use paid methods, such as contextual advertising. This way you will quickly attract your target audience.
  • Social media, have recently received a huge spreading. For example, VKontakte allows any user to create a community of people through which information products will be sold. There is a direct correlation here: the more users your group has, the higher your sales will be. Therefore, all methods of promoting a VKontakte public page should be aimed at attracting subscribers.
  • Forums allow you to quickly find potential buyers for your product. However, it is worth noting that you will have to earn trust on such sites. In addition, you must be prepared to sell through a “guarantor” and provide trial versions to trusted forum officials.

When pricing an information product, it is important to take into account all the costs that you incurred (payment paid services, promotion, purchasing links, etc.). It is best to use several resources at once to distribute products.

How to sell an information product - techniques.

Once Internet users learn about your product, your task will be to stimulate sales. When a person is looking for certain information, and also paid information, he has many questions, and if all the answers are received, the person will happily purchase the product. Here, as in war, any means are good, we will introduce you to the main methods of sales.

  • The easiest option to provide users with answers to all questions is sales text. Creating sales letters is a real art that takes into account many psychological characteristics of a person. For example: the presence of a quality guarantee, the possibility of a refund, catchy headlines, a clear understanding of what your product will give him, etc. To create a sales page, you need to seek help from a copywriter (if you don’t know how to write) or learn this craft yourself. We recommend that you read the book - 77 Copywriting Secrets. On average, specialists charge from $10 per 1000 characters.
  • Set deadlines for selling the product and limit the number of copies. This is necessary in order to potential buyer Having seen the information product he liked, he admitted that he might not have time to purchase it.
  • Carrying out promotions, all people will always look for an opportunity to save money. If you do not provide such opportunities, then most likely the client will go to competitors. It is best to set up promotions for the purchase of the first copies of an information product. For example, the first 3 customers receive a 50% discount.
  • If you use a VKontakte group for sales, we recommend that you hold various competitions for reposts, for example: for every 10,000 reposts, a free copy product. This is the most effective method viral marketing.

To finish the article, I would like to most important advice. Exists Golden Rule- a lot of money is earned by someone else’s hands, so we recommend that you organize an affiliate program to sell your products. In the end you will get the most effective method distribution of information products.

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