Where are the folder options? Configuring folder settings and sharing options

Folder properties allow you to change the basic parameters of both the current directory and all folders in the system. The basic settings are no different in Windows 7 and 10. But launching the settings themselves has some features in each version of the system.

IN Windows 7 you need to open any directory and select the button in the upper left corner Arrange. IN context menu search and click on “ folder and search options" You can make it simpler and just press the Alt key.

After this, a panel will appear at the top of the window, where you need to click on Folder Options.

In version 10 systems everything happens a little simpler. Here the menu is not hidden and just go to “ View" and find the button Options.

After clicking on this button, the menu of interest to us will open with folder settings.

How to change properties and basic settings

Let's look at the basic folder options and what they mean. After we have completed the above steps in front of us, a settings window will open.

General section There is no need to describe it specifically. Everything is clear here. It is possible to open each directory in a new window, as well as change the click action. As a standard, you can select an object with one click and launch it with a double click. By changing these settings, you can launch files with a single click.

Next tab " View» allows you to make more detailed settings.

How simple everything was in Windows XP. This function was called “Folder Options” and was located in three clicks. Those who are used to this name on Windows XP do not immediately find these properties in Windows 7 at first. Why ask, did you have to rename everything and hide it so deeply? But if you look from the other side, what would I write about now?

And so, you bought a computer, installed it, created it just in case, taken *from the site *taken from the site Now let's get down to improvement and comfort (is there such a word?).

Now let’s quickly set up the folder view. There are three options to access Folder Options.

First way

Open any folder, at the top left click on “Organize” => “Folder and Search Options”

Second way

A special method for fans of Windows XP (I’m a fan too) – again, “Arrange” => “View” => “Menu Bar”.

Here it is our convenient XP menu bar. And here we already have “Help” and “Service” with “Folder Options”.

Third way

Let's go: “Start” => “Control Panel”, some people out of habit look for the toolbar in windows 7, sorry, now it’s “Control Panel” by the way :) taken from lady-*win.ru_taken *from website, ... and here again is confusion or “Wealth of choice”?
There are two options to get to our parameter on this tab.



This was all the third method, branched into two options. Are you confused?

Well, here it is our treasured window. I set the following parameters for myself: “Open with one click” - it’s hard for me extra clicks are given. I see some people are banging on the mouse with all their might - “... two clicks or five, even it doesn’t open.” Well, let them knock, and we will open folders and files with one click.

I only have “Underline signatures” when hovering, otherwise this underlining looks clumsy on the screen, it seems to me.

View tab

Here taken from lady-w*in.ru_taken from website This “Apply to Folders” button transforms the appearance of folders in one fell swoop. You can choose how all folders will be displayed in one viewing window from the following list: “Content”, “Tile”, “Table”, “List”... “Large icons”...

Before clicking on the “Apply to Folders” button, close this “Folder Options” window altogether. Login to your working folder and configure.

My choice is “List”, this view fits a lot of files in one overview window. With "Large Icons" I look at pictures. Well, yes, I have to constantly switch manually because the “List” is more important to me.

We have chosen to display files, go back to “Folder Options” and press our treasured button taken from lady-win_.ru * taken * from the site"Apply to folders." Now all your folders will be displayed as you wish.

So, what else is important to us on the “View” tab. Most likely, there is one tick that prevents normal operation, which needs to be removed. “Hide extensions for registered file types” - uncheck the box. Who came up with the idea of ​​hiding anything from us?

But let the checkboxes in the lines “Hide system-protected files” and “Do not show hidden files and folders” be ticked for now. We will sometimes remove them for a while for business. Some people ask “How to see hidden files and folders?”, but now you know.

These were the main, almost vital “Folder Options”, the remaining parameters taken *from *site_taken from site you can set it at your discretion. If anything is not clear, ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. Next time I'll tell you about and

In previous Russian-language Windows versions The folder settings interface was called “Folder Properties”. In the Russian localization of Windows 7, this interface received an unusual, but more accurate name - Folder Options, which is why users who installed Windows 7 for the first time are a little confused at first.

Where are Folder Options in Windows 7

There are several ways to open Folder Options in Windows 7:

1) Open Control Panel (Large Icons view), then click Folder Options;

2) Open any folder, click Arrange and select Folder and Search Options in the menu that appears;

3) Open the Start menu and type the phrase folder options in the search bar, then press Enter.

Setting folder options

Tab Are common

1. In section Browse folders the user can choose how subfolders will be opened on the computer - each new folder in the same window as the previous one (by default in all versions of Windows) or each in a new window.

2. In section Mouse clicks you can configure the opening of all files and folders with one click instead of the standard two. If you choose to open in one click, the folders will be highlighted when you hover the mouse pointer, and will open when you click on left button mice.

3. In the section Navigation area configures the display of the folder tree in Windows Explorer. If you check the Show all folders checkbox, all desktop folders will be displayed in the Navigation Pane, including the Recycle Bin, Control Panel, and your folder. account. If you check the Automatically expand to current folder checkbox, the Navigation Pane will display all the folders that contain the folder you are viewing. Navigation area- this is a special panel that is located on the left in each folder. The Navigation Pane acts as a command shell, providing quick access to folders fast execution various operations - such as copying, deleting, archiving files and folders, etc.

Tab View

Z Here you can adjust the display parameters of all folders on your computer.

1. In section Folder View you can apply an icon display style specific folder to all folders of the same type. For example, if you open a folder with mp3 files that the system has identified as a folder with music, and configure the display of shortcuts in it in the form of a table, then thanks to the View tab you can apply the style of its presentation to all folders with music. To do this, click the Apply to Folders button. In the future, you can always cancel this operation by clicking the Reset folder view button.

2. In section Extra options Several options are available. To enable a setting, check the box or select desired value from the proposed options.

2.1. Always show icons rather than thumbnails. If you enable this setting, Windows Explorer will only display icons and never display thumbnails (for example, in photo and video folders).

2.2. Always show menu. If this setting is enabled, the following will appear at the top of all folders on your computer. standard menu(File, Edit, View, Tools). If this option is disabled, the standard menu in folders will not be displayed, but you can always call it up if you press the Alt key.

2.3.Display full path in title bar. This option only works in the Classic theme and replaces the display of the path to open folder V address bar to classic: C:/Program Files/Common Files/

2.4. Run windows with folders in a separate process. If you enable this option, each folder opened in a new window will be launched in a separate process.

2.5. Use wizard public access . This option allows you to securely share files and folders over a network. If you have never shared files and folders and do not have a clear idea of ​​how to do this without compromising security, we strongly recommend that you leave this parameter included.

2.6. Use checkboxes to select items V. If you enable this option, then when you select files and folders, check marks will appear on their icons. Checkboxes are included to make it easier to select multiple files using just the mouse.

2.7. Display drive letters. If the option is enabled, drive letters and labels are displayed in the Computer folder. If the option is disabled, only disc labels (names) are displayed.

2.8. Show file icons on thumbnail X. If this option is enabled, then if 2.1 is disabled, each image and video file will display an icon in the right corner of the thumbnail.

2.9. Display view handlers in view panel. When enabled, the viewing area displays more than just thumbnails graphic files, but also the contents of other files - for example, text documents. The Preview Pane in Windows 7 is disabled by default, and if you want to enable it, then open any folder and click the Show Preview Pane button.

2.10. Show descriptions for folders and desktop items. If this option is enabled, then when you hover the mouse over a file or folder, a tooltip appears with information about that file or folder.

2.11. Show file size information in folder suggestions. If this option is enabled, then when you hover the mouse over a folder, information about the size of the files attached to it will be displayed. If you disable this option, then only the folder creation date will be displayed in tooltips, which reduces the load on HDD. This parameter becomes meaningless if parameter 2.10 is enabled.

2.12. Show compressed or encrypted NTFS files in a different color. If this option is enabled, the names of compressed and encrypted files will be displayed in blue.

2.13. When entering text in List mode. If this parameter is set to . Highlight the entered item in the list (default), then when you open a folder, you can simply type the name of the element on the keyboard, and if an element with that name is in the folder, it will be highlighted. Very convenient function, when you need to find a file in a folder where several dozen or hundreds of items are stored. The function works not only in the “List” mode, but in all modes of displaying elements. You can also configure this function so that when you type the name of an element, the text is immediately entered into search bar Windows Explorer - to do this, select Automatically enter text in the search field.

2.14. Hide protected system files (recommended). If this option is enabled, then service files and folders necessary for the operation of Windows 7 will not be displayed even if you enable the display of hidden files and folders on the computer (option 2.16).

2.15. Hide extensions for registered file types. If this option is disabled, its extension will be displayed at the end of each file name. The extension indicates whether the file belongs to a particular file type (for example, MP3 files have the extension .mp3). Most file types are automatically detected by the operating system as appropriate certain programs. These types of files are called registered and their extensions are hidden by default for ease of display.

2.16. Hidden files and folders. If you select the value Do not show hidden files, folders and drives, then all elements in whose properties the “Hidden” attribute is activated will not be displayed.

2.17. Hide empty drives in the Computer folder. If this option is enabled, then empty (new) drives will not appear in the Computer folder.

Tab Search

Here you can configure search parameters for all folders on your computer.

1. Section What to look for need to be configured based on how search indexing is configured on your computer. You can choose one of two values:

1.1. Indexed Locations. If this value is selected, then in non-indexed locations the search will be carried out only by file names, in indexed locations - by names and contents. Searching by file content is important when you need to find a word or fragment of text, and the title text document you don't remember or don't know. Do not select this value if you always want to perform full-text searches.

1.2. Always search by file names and content. We recommend that you select this option if you have disabled search indexing. However, when large quantities files on your computer, full-text searches of non-indexed locations and files can take several hours.

2. In section How to search There are four options you can turn on or off.

2.1. Include subfolders in search results when searching within folders. If this option is enabled, the search will be carried out not only in the folder that is in this moment open, but also in all the folders it contains.

2.2. Search for partial matches. If this option is disabled, the search will be carried out only for complete matches of the query. For example, if there is a file on your computer called “Windows 7 - Impressions and facts.txt”, then with the Search for partial matches option turned off, you can find it using the queries “Windows”, “7″, “impressions”, “facts” and even for queries such as " Windows facts 7″. If partial matches are enabled, you will be able to find this file even with queries such as “Win”.

2.3. Use language search. If this option is enabled, then when you enter a search term Windows request 7 will attempt to exploit the morphological features of the language. Judging by our small tests, Windows 7 still has problems with the Russian language. For example, it is not possible to find a file called “Dubovy.txt” if you enter the query “oak”. Therefore, language search can be disabled for now in order to save system resources.

2.4. Don't use index when searching system files in folders. If this option is enabled, then the search for system files will be carried out every time as if it were the first time, which slows down the search process. If indexing of system files is disabled, it is better to enable the option.

3. Section When searching in non-indexed locations- two parameters are available:

3.1. Include system files. If this option is disabled, system files will not be searched.

3.2. Include compressed files . If this option is enabled, the search will be carried out not only through regular files and folders, but also through the contents of those archives that Windows 7 can open using its own means.

Windows 10, like many other operating systems, has many customizable settings, including adjusting and managing folders and displaying properties for their contents. Managing and configuring directories in Windows 10 contains more extensive functions than in other operating systems. There are several ways to enter these settings.

Directory settings in Windows 10 and where they are located

First of all, you should understand and distinguish between general parameters and personal ones. General settings are applicable to any folders on the computer, and personalized ones are used only for a specific directory. For selective folders, the adjustment of viewing modes is the same as in similar operating systems.

To do this you need to click right click mouse to the required directory in the integrated explorer. If global configuration or changing key settings for a directory is necessary, other methods are used.

Opening manage all folders mode in Windows 10

IN operating system directory parameters are accessed in two similar ways, similar to each other. The easiest way to manage directories in Windows 10 opens in the installed Explorer by selecting the “File” item and selecting the “Options” section. The same menu can be opened using the “View” section (in the same explorer), after pressing the “Options” key.

The next method involves using, which can be easily accessed by entering the “control” command in the search menu or in the command line by pressing the “Win ​​+ R” keys. Having gained access to the snap-in, you need to select the “Explorer” settings section

where you can adjust and change folder properties in Windows 10 at your discretion. If you need to display hidden or system files by section, select the “Appearance and Personalization” category and go to the “Explorer” options.

Control options

Changing and managing basic settings is very extensive and opens up many possibilities for the user. In the general settings menu, you can configure the type of directory launch (with one or two mouse clicks, opening in one or other windows), enable the display of regularly used folders in the “panel” quick access"or in the file manager panel.

The most extensive range of options is on the “View” tab. Here, in addition to the already known parameters for hiding and showing an object, there are a couple of little-known user settings.

For example, to expand the scanning field antivirus system or search, turn on the display of system and protected files. Additionally, you can enable the “Explorer” call independently of other processes, and also use the “Shared Use Wizard”.

All changes made to parameters are applied only to the current location, unless you use the “For all folders” button.

In addition, in the search control in the corresponding section, you can select your preferred default settings using directory and directory analysis. In general, personalizing all folders and directories as desired is not difficult and convenient.

Many users strive to improve the functioning of Explorer, see hidden files, folders and much more. This can be done through the folder settings settings. In this material we will consider, how to open folder properties in Windows 7, 8, as well as enabling these options, and what parameters are worth paying attention to.

Where to find folder properties in Windows 7, 8

There are several ways to open folder properties. Consider them and choose the best one:

1. For Windows 7, 8, open the control panel, click the “design and personalization” link. In the list, find and click on “Folder Options”.

2. The method is to use search. Click the Start button, enter “folder options” in the search form and select the first item found.

In figure eight on the desktop, you can press the combination Win (key with Logo) + W to open the curtain with search. Select "options" to trim off any unnecessary stuff, type "folder options" and press Enter.

3. B Windows Explorer 7 Click “organize”, then select “folder and search options” (on the left). Eat alternative way open folder properties, click Alt to display hidden menu, click "tools" and select "folder options" (right).

4. In Windows 8 Explorer, visit the “View” tab. Then click the "options" button.

After using one of the methods, you will see the properties window Windows folders 7, 8, containing tabs: “general”, “view” and “search”. IN different versions The OS window looks almost identical, but there are 8 more options.

Description of useful parameters

The “general” tab (picture above) displays a limited set of configurations. Here you can set the folder to open in the same or separate window. You can choose to open files and folders in one or double click.

The View tab contains many options. The user decides which options to use individually. I recommend paying Special attention to the following folder properties settings:

  • Always show icons rather than thumbnails– this option is useful when you work with large volumes files and folders. If your computer loads thumbnails slowly, enable this option.
  • Hide empty drives in a folder– if you insert an empty flash drive or other removable drive, it won't show up in File Explorer, which can cause confusion. It is strongly recommended that you uncheck this option.
  • Hide extensions for registered file types– disabling this property shows file extensions. It will help to distinguish regular files from viral ones. There is malware that specifies two extensions, for example filename.doc.exe. If the parameter is enabled, you will only see file_name.doc and treat it as normal text file. Uncheck this option.
  • Use checkboxes to select items– allows you to mark elements with the mouse. The setting is equivalent to holding Ctrl and then clicking the mouse button on the selected elements. This property is useful when you need to select a group of files and folders for subsequent actions.
  • Hidden Files and Folders – Contains two options that show or hide items with matching attributes.

The “search” tab contains options for searching for files and folders. The default configuration works very well. If you are not satisfied, then experiment with available options to improve the result.

Don't forget after making any changes to the folder properties, click OK to save.

How to enable folder properties

Sometimes there is a situation that folder parameters on Windows 7, 8 cannot be opened using the methods listed above. This is due to the fact that the virus blocked the ability to open, or the administrator limited your access to this component.

To fix the problem, check your computer antivirus program. Get administrative access and follow the following activation methods:

1. Press Win + R, copy gpedit.msc into the “Run” window and click Enter (does not work in all editions of Windows). In the editor window group policy successively go to “User Configuration”, then to “Administrative Templates”, then to the section “ Windows components", and in the subsection " Windows Explorer».

On the right side, find the item responsible for folder parameters (shown in the image), double-click on it with the left button. In the new window, select “disable” or “not configured” and click OK. Folder properties in Windows 7, 8 will again become available in Explorer.

2. Open Registry Editor. Follow the link shown in the screenshot. Select the NoFolderOptions parameter, right-click on it and select “delete”. Click "yes" and restart your computer.

Those who do not want to change the registry can download ready-made reg files here. The archive contains 2 files Vkluch.reg (enables) and Otkl.reg (disables). Extract and run Vkluch.reg to enable folder properties in Windows 7, 8, click “yes” everywhere. Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Now you know what they are folder properties in Windows 7, 8 how to open them and turn them on in case of attack virus programs. Experiment with configuration options and find the one that works best.

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