Where to change the wifi password. Video: searching and viewing saved passwords in the Google Chrome browser

Most subscribers of provider companies use to access the Internet and work interactive television special equipment called a wi-fi router. It is suitable for creating a wireless network, to connect to which you need to enter a randomly generated code word. Users often have a question about how to password-protect a Wi-Fi router so that the key is easily remembered.

First of all, let’s figure out whether protection is needed for a wireless network. The answer is yes. Password protection helps prevent strangers or intruders from connecting to your wireless network. Access to personal and private data will be securely closed.

Password rules

To set a password on the router, you must follow some rules:

  1. The length of the code word is at least eight characters.
  2. The password must contain at least one capital letter (A, B, C), one number (1, 2, 3) and one special character (*,#,!).
  3. It is strictly not recommended to use the following keywords in your password: last name, first name, date of birth, etc. known facts from the user's life.
  4. Do not create a code word from several consecutive characters or letters. For example, “qwerty” (keyboard layout) or “123456789”.
  5. You should also not use standard templates: “password”, “passw0rd” and other common ones. They should be avoided when composing a code word.

Using the rules, the user can easily set complex password on regular wi-fi router

Which security certificate to use: WEP, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK

A security certificate is, in essence, electronic document, confirming the reliability and security of the connection. There are three types:

  1. WPE is a legacy standard, one of the first. The protection provided is zero. Not recommended for use.
  2. WPA-PSK is the next security certificate to replace WPE. It used the TKIP protocol to ensure data integrity. Unfortunately, during its operation, some vulnerabilities were discovered through which an attacker could gain access to a secure connection.
  3. WPA2-PSK is an improved version of the previous certificate, where known vulnerabilities are closed. The AES protocol is used to encrypt data. On this moment This is the most secure option used on all wireless networks. Accordingly, it is recommended to choose it to ensure reliable protection local network user.

WPA2-PSK is divided into two types: Personal and Enterprise. WPA2 Personal is used in everyday conditions, and Enterprise is used in the corporate sector. Further, when answering the question: “How to password protect a router?”, the conversation will only be about the Personal version.

What type of encryption to use: TKIP or AES

Data encryption is carried out using the TKIP or AES protocols. TKIP is an obsolete option. It has certain limitations on data transfer speed: up to 54 Mbit/s. In addition, it is much easier to crack than AES.

AES is a modern encryption protocol. Supports the latest 802.11n wireless network standard and 256-bit encryption, which makes the hacking process extremely difficult for an attacker.

Reliable method: use the protocol AES encryption in conjunction with a WPA2-PSK certificate.

How to make a password from random characters

If you have some difficulties creating a password according to the rules specified above, you should use special programs. They generate random set characters according to a user-specified algorithm.

As an example, here is an example of an online generator for creating code keys:

Set the necessary requirements:

Click the “Create” button and select the option you like:

Another way is to use an ordinary book. Open it to the first page you come across, write down random words. Next, in the resulting set, select, for example, every second letter and change it to Latin. Every fifth is a number, and every seventh is a symbol. Apply method random numbers and make five capital letters from among those remaining in capitals. The last step is to simply change the location of the words among themselves.

Using the above methods, it is easy to replace the "factory" or forgotten password on a wi-fi router more complex.

Step-by-step instructions on how to change a simple password on a Wi-Fi router

To set a complex password on a Wi-Fi device, you need to go to the router itself and make some changes to the configuration. Here is a reminder on how to password protect a Wi-Fi router.

Open the router configuration page

First, go to the router settings using a browser from any mobile device or workstation. The screenshots below are used as an example only. Each router model will have its own interface, but the names of options and menus remain almost unchanged.

In order to enter the router menu, you need to specify its IP address. It is located on the reverse side:

Type the found address in your browser and go to the page where you can change the password on the router.

Entering your username and password

Enter the specified credentials:

IN different models they may differ. In some places the options 1234 or admin are used, and in older models an empty line is sometimes found.

Open the wireless network settings section

Move to the “Wireless Mode” section, to English language it is usually called "Wireless Settings".

This section lists the main wifi settings networks, as well as ways to change the password for a wi-fi router.

In the "Protection" option wireless mode"is the answer to the question: How to set a Wi-Fi password?

Change the password in the router settings

Go to the mode for selecting custom wireless network options:

In order to change the wi-fi password, you need to use the parameters in the window below:

In the field where you need to enter the security key for the wireless network, enter the code word compiled according to the instructions given above.

After the user has changed the code word, it is necessary to save the changes made to the network device configuration.

Check and change security type

Since changing the default password on Wi-Fi equipment is not just about coming up with a new code word, but also setting correct settings, you need to immediately check the encryption protocol - AES. If there is a different value, then change it to AES:

Changing the name of your wireless network

In the router settings, it is possible not only to change the wi-fi password, but also to give a different network name. To use this feature, select “Wireless Settings”:

In the “Network name” field, enter the most suitable name and accept the changes made.

Changing the password to access the router

In the “Previous username” field, enter the login specified on back side router, and in the field below - the code word. Next compose new login to log in, new password and repeat it. After completing all actions, saving the parameters is required.


The article provides instructions that answer frequently asked questions: “How to set a password on network device", "How to correctly change a simple password on a Wi-Fi router." It’s easy to understand the steps from the screenshots attached to the text quick replacement password on the router. And also, which security key is best to use and how to change set password on a wi-fi router. Instructions on how to correctly password-protect Wi-Fi on home computer, fits everything Windows versions: 7, 8.1,10. We hope that now the user will not have questions about how to change Old Password from wi-fi.

Many users wireless internet wondering how to install own password on a wifi router. Select the router model you need in the content and go to settings.

Several factors influence the occurrence of this problem:

  1. The installer did not provide the key;
  2. No security password;
  3. Hacking the secret combination.

All this is fraught with serious consequences. Protection should always be present on the router, since it provides:

  • Your safety personal computer and network-connected gadgets;
  • Improves router performance;
  • Strangers do not use your traffic without permission;
  • No one will get it personal information, stored on computer equipment.

Changing a key combination is a fairly easy process that includes five main steps:

  1. Opening home page device on your computer;
  2. In the settings, find the Wireless/WLAN tab;
  3. In this tab, find the lines SSID (name) and PSK (key);
  4. You need to change them to your data;
  5. Save.

To make it easier to change your password, we suggest step by step instructions to the very popular models routers.

In order for the data change to bring maximum benefit, you must:

  1. Come up with a key combination of at least eight characters;
  2. Use Latin alphabet;
  3. Use numbers, capital and small letters;
  4. First write down secret code on paper, and then enter it into the system.

Change the code at least once a month and be calm about the security of your wifi network.


Devices from this company are considered one of the most popular. On all models, the access password changes the same way. To do this you need:

1. Launch any browser.
2. In the search, enter “” or “” and click on “Enter”.
3. In the window that appears, enter your username and password. By default this is the word “admin”.

4. After identification is completed, access to advanced device settings will be available.

6. Now you see a window where you can change the key to your wifi. Next to “authentication”, select “WP2A-PSK” - the most safe way coding. In the “PSK” line enter secret combination, then in order to change the data, click “Change” and “Save”.

7. After this, reboot the router and then connect to the wifi network using a new password.

Changing the password for others D-Link firmware almost identical, the same tabs, the same names, only the appearance changes, you can see the instructions for more details.


Asus produces a large the lineup routers that are very simple and easy to use. To change the cipher, do the following:

1. Launch your browser.
2. In the search field, enter the router address “” and click “Enter”.
3. In the authorization field, enter “Admin” as login and password. If the master has already set a limit on your wifi network, then enter this data.

4. Go to “Wireless Network”.
5. Now you need to fill in the “Authentication Method” lines. Here you need to set WPA2-Personal, and in the “WPA Encryption” line select “AES”. Now enter the new secret combination into the “Preliminary WPA key».

To change the access password for more new firmware from Asus, you need:

  • After a standard login to the router settings panel, on the left side menu you need to select “Wireless network”.
  • In this tab you fill in the SSID - enter any word here with Latin letters, select WPA2-Personal in the “Authentication Methods”, and in the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” enter new key and click on “Accept”.

Be sure to reboot the router and work under the new wifi password.


The devices of this company are distinguished by high reliability, long-term operation and simplicity. Every user can change the password on it very easily and quickly. To do this you need:

1. Launch any convenient browser.
2. Enter or into the browser address bar and press ENTER.
3. In the authorization field that appears, enter the standard word “admin”. If, when installing the router, the wizard did not change standard password, then enter his details.

4. After correct input login and password, the main device settings window should appear.
5. Here find the “Wireless” tab.
6. Then go to “Wireless Security”.

7. Enter a new secret combination.
8. Click on “Save”.
9. A red inscription with an active link “click here” will appear.

10. After clicking on it, you will see the Reboot button. Clicking here will reboot your modem.

11. After turning it on, enter new access data on your gadgets and use a secure wifi network.


A very popular router in our country. All users note it as a high-quality modem, pleasant appearance and easy operation. Today there are two types of devices from this manufacturer, and changing the key for them has slight differences.

1. Open your browser.
2. In the search field, enter and click Enter.
3. To authorize, enter “admin” in the “login” field and “1234” in the “password” field, then “Login”.

4. To change the password, go to “Wi-Fi Network” and click on “Connection”. In the “SSID” field that appears, enter the name of your network and click “Accept.”

5. In the same window, select “Security”. In “Authentication” set “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”.
6. Correct format The password for the wifi network must be “ASCII”. In this field, carefully enter the new combination.
7. To save, click “Accept”.

For another firmware version, the input remains the same, but the further steps are slightly different:

1. To go to the router settings, click on wifi icon on the bottom panel.
2. Open the “Access Point” section.
3. Type “Network name (SSID)”.
4. In “Network Security” select WPA2-PSK.
5. In the “Network Key” enter the new code.
6. Click Apply.

7. Now reboot your device.


These instructions are suitable for all models of this manufacturer.

1. Check the connections between the router and the computer.
2. Open your browser.
3. Enter in the address bar and press ENTER.
4. The system will require authorization. To do this, enter the word “admin” in the Usename and Password line.
5. After entering, click Login.

6. Go to the “WLAN” section, where you need to select “Multi-SSID Settings”.
7. Find the line “SSID Name” and enter any word there in Latin letters.
8. Save with the “Submit” button.

9. In this window, find “Security”.
10. Next to the “Authentication Typr” field, select the encryption type WPA2-Personal.
11. In the “WPA Passphrase” line, enter a new password.
12. Click “Submit” to save the changes.


Changing the key on this router is just as easy as on the others:

1. Launch the browser.
2. B address bar enter
3. The authorization window will ask you to enter data. Most often these are the following combinations:

  • telecomadmin\admintelecom (the most common).
  • root\admin.
  • Login - telecomadmin with different keys - NWTF5x%RaK8mVbD, nE7jA%5m, NWTF5x%.

5. In the “SSID Name” line, enter your own name for Wi-Fi.
6. In the “Authentication Mode” line, put WPA2Pre-SharedKey and immediately enter a new password.
7. Click “Apply”.


Changing the key on this device is a standard procedure:

1. In the address bar open browser enter
2. To identify, enter “admin” as Login and Password, click “Login”.

3. A new window will appear. In these settings, find “WLAN Settings”.
4. Select the “Main” item, and next to “SSID”, enter a new name for WiFi, if necessary. Save.

5. Immediately go to “Security”.
6. “Select SSID” should contain the name you entered a few seconds ago.
7. In “Authentication” select “Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK”.
8. In “WPA/WPAI password”, enter new data and save.

Reboot your device, update the secret combination on your laptop and gadgets, and use a secure wifi network.

Altel 4G

Changing the key on this router is as easy as on other devices.

1. Enter or http://m.home in the browser address bar.
2. The system will require a password. There will be a standard word here: password.
3. Click on “Log in”.

4. Go to “Settings”.
5. Here select “Wi-Fi Settings”.
6. In the line “Name Wi-Fi networks(SSID)" write any word in Latin letters.
7. Save your actions with the “Apply” button.

8. In this window, select “Security Settings”. Set the mode shown in the image below. In the empty “Password” line, enter the new security key.

9. Click “Apply”, reboot the device and then you can continue working.


Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

A router is a device that allows you to combine into one network a whole variety of devices, usually equipped with Wi-Fi modules. It will help you create a connection via local network channels, as well as access the Internet from anywhere in the office or your home where there is a good signal level. With all this, one should not forget about necessary security communications.

Modern technology allows you to forget about burdening users wired connections, you need to thoroughly understand some issues. At least know how to change the password on the WiFi router from the device and the network. It is logical to ask, why is all this necessary? The answer is simple.

The radio signal on a Wi-Fi router is distributed over a considerable distance. What can we say if relatively low-power devices can be detected from half of the apartments at the entrance. Sometimes the modem may have such a good transmitter that it is possible to receive the network even on the street, being close to home. The radiation penetrates reinforced concrete walls and many other obstacles, so anyone can truly connect directly to your network and surf the Internet.

Moreover, there are many videos in which craftsmen assemble antennas that allow them to detect a distributed signal from kilometers away. If, for example, in a city you point such an antenna towards a residential area, the register available connections it will simply overflow. It is, however, quite easy to stop all these initiatives. Simply changing the Wi-Fi password makes the network inaccessible, and you won’t be able to connect to it without knowing the code. Only you and those people to whom you tell the security key will be able to connect. Setting the security settings is not difficult, but you still need to take this seriously so that everything will be fine later.

How to choose a password?

Please pay close attention to the points being considered, because everything said below is not just empty words and is supported by practice. Considering the situation from the perspective of good security, we can definitely come to the conclusion that good keys start with eight characters and contain a combination of not only numbers, but also symbols and letters of various registers. For a router, the Wi-Fi password should not be chosen based on common names, any round dates, or number sequences. The code must be such that it cannot be guessed, guessed, or chosen logically.

It's not difficult to come up with a key, but if you still have trouble, use some program that generates passwords. We remind you that a responsible approach to this issue includes secure storage of your chosen password. Write it down on a page in your diary, or in a notepad, but not on a piece of paper, which will most likely be lost, after which you will have to reset all modem configurations. This issue has been addressed, let's move on.

How to change the password on a WiFi router, and what should you know?

When the device is connected to a PC, you can enter its settings from the browser by going to a special address. Enter or in the search bar and press “Enter”. By the way, on the bottom side of absolutely every router there is a small sticker where the web address we need is indicated. Nearby there is usually information with a login and the corresponding password. If there is no sticker, everything that interests us will be written in the router manual. Data is also available on the Internet for absolutely every model.

If you have previously changed the initial configuration, incl. login information, and then decided to forget them, then the WiFi router can reset the password if you press the button on it called “Reset” and hold it for about 10-20 seconds. All settings, incl. login, password, as well as local network and Internet access parameters will be returned to their initial state. As you can see, everything is really simple, so let's move directly to the most common devices.

D Link

Routers of this brand are quite popular, you can find them everywhere. There are also quite a lot of models, but a number of manipulations are almost the same and are equally similar for all of them. It all starts, of course, with the user writing the numbers in the address bar and pressing the enter button. Will be displayed immediately start menu D-Link interface, where you will need to specify the data directly to enter the modem settings themselves. The basic password and login are identical and consist of one word “admin”.

But if you changed the data specifically to enter the router configuration management menu, then you need to indicate them accordingly. It will depend on the firmware version appearance window. In general, we are only interested in Wi-Fi menu, where we look for security settings. In the “Network Authentication” line, immediately select the “WPA2-PSK” type. The password itself is entered into the “PSK encryption key” form. Now all that remains is to mark the AES section in the settings WPA encryption. After all this, click on “Change”.

How to change the WiFi password of a TPLink router?

The range of these devices is no less extensive. But TP-Link modem will also not create any problems for the user during operation. Resort to the list simple steps and change the security key in a couple of minutes. Again, you need to start with a web browser, but enter in the address bar - the login data here is also “admin” / “admin”, so feel free to enter them (provided that you have not changed them once) and get into main section interface.

Router models may differ slightly in their menus, so sometimes you need to search a little to see the settings wireless communication. Open the configuration named “Wireless Network Security”. We set it in the WPA/WPA2 settings (this parameter is even recommended). Write the Wi-Fi password in the PSK Password line. Naturally, the changes must be saved, after which a notification will appear that the modem requires a reboot. We confirm the request. Ready!


As with any other routers, we enter the direct address in the search bar of our browser. For Asus this is - after entering the sequence you will see the same form for specifying authorization data (they are the same). As you can see, everything is similar to the other options, so the technique for one modem can be considered universal for all other devices. We perform a sequence of quick manipulations to change our password.

Let's look at the available tabs. Now we are interested in one of them called “General”. You can find it in the upper horizontal part. Click on the menu “ Additional settings", where we go to the "Wireless Network" section. The verification method should be specified as WPA2-Personal. The “WPA Pre-Shared Key” line is a field for a password that you have already chosen in advance, either by inventing it or generating it. Don't forget to save your settings!

Changing WiFi password on ZyXEL

Taiwanese-made devices are no different from all their other “colleagues”. By the way, a fairly common model has become ZyXEL router Keenetic. Setting it up and all other modems is also incredibly easy. We enter in the web browser to go to the initial section, where we indicate the user login and password account. These data are noted in the instructions for the general case, and if the user previously changed them, but could not remember now, then all that remains is to turn to “Reset” and return everything initial settings in its place.

After directly entering the settings, you need to find a tab called “Wireless LAN”, which is available in the “Network” menu. By selecting WPA-PSK from the list in the Security Mode line, the user can set a password for the local wireless network in the Pre-Shared Key, limiting unauthorized access to it.

Changing the encryption key on a Huawei modem

Changing the password for a wireless network created by a Huawei router is, oddly enough, carried out using the same methods. Open your favorite browser, place the cursor in the address bar and write there - what now? Right! We write the word “admin” in both lines and go to the main menu of the device. We will be interested here in the “Basic” tab, which contains the “Wireless LAN” item. Here in the SSID field you can specify the name of the distributed Wi-Fi network. After determining the authentication and encryption method, do not forget to put good password(minimum 8 characters). Don't forget to scroll down the page and click on the save button.

As you can understand from all the information, setting up the router and preliminary actions even for models different manufacturers practically no different. The only difference is one number in the address and slightly different menus, which present the functionality of the devices to users in slightly different ways. If you have a modem at home from a provider, for example, Rostelecom, then the algorithm of actions will not differ at all from those described above. All local operators, who offer you their modems, take the same devices from the store and put their own label on them. All!

Wi-fi has long and firmly become a part of the lives of many city residents. Many people can no longer imagine visiting public place, for example, a cafe, without the ability to connect to the Internet. Naturally, there is a desire to have wireless access online and at home. This is very convenient, but there is a possibility of encountering typical situation, which, one way or another, probably everyone encounters - you need to connect to the Internet new device, and the password for the router is forgotten. Fortunately, this problem can be solved.


How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi router if you have forgotten it?

To go through the recovery process Wi-fi password, you will need one computer previously connected to it.

  • Right-click on the icon with the connected Wi-Fi in the right, next to the clock, bottom corner of the monitor and select “Network and Sharing Center” from the items that appear.
  • In the window that appears, you need to select “Wireless Network Management”.
  • When you see another window appear, on the required connection you need to click again right click your mouse and select “Properties” there.
  • Inside the "Security" tab, in the column called "Network Security Key" you will find hidden password. To see it, you need to check the box “Display entered characters”, and it will immediately become visible to you.

If there is not a single computer already connected to the network, then you need to find out the password using the router itself.

  • Connect the router to your computer using the included power cord.
  • In the address bar of any browser you need to type the following address - . Next, you will need to fill in the fields with your login and password, which will allow you to access the settings. With a high degree of probability, this is admin/admin.
  • Next, you need to go to the following tabs - Wireless and Wireless Security. In the column called PSK Password: (PSK Password:) you will see your password. Perhaps it will be indicated in some other column in the same section. If you have a router from Asus, then you will see the password immediately on the first page.

Standard router and router passwords

By default, in most cases, the login “admin” and a similar password “admin” will be set on your router. But in some models the situation is different. For example, in the D-Link DI-804 model the password field will need to be left blank with the same login, and in the Zyxel Prestige 650 model the login and password will be the set of numbers “1234”.

By the way, if the above passwords do not work, it means they have already changed them before you, the very popular passwords, try them.

How to reset the password from the router to the standard/factory one?

If you don't remember your router login and password, try entering the factory ones. If they don't fit, you'll have to reset. It's very easy to do. On each router you will find a small button, usually next to the power button, which you need to press with something sharp (since it is very small) and hold for about 10 seconds.
After this, all logins/passwords/settings will be reset to factory settings and you can use your router. But keep in mind that you will have to re-enter all the settings that were made earlier.

We found out the password from Wi-Fi router? Don't forget to take a look and enjoy it for free!

How to change the password of a wifi router?

For this procedure, you need to connect the router to your computer using the cable that comes with it.

  • Launch your favorite browser and type ;
  • Type your username and password in the appropriate boxes to begin setting up the router in the appropriate section;
  • Go to the Wireless section and then - Wireless Security;
  • Check the WPA/WPA2 box;
  • Install following settings: Version must be set to WPA2-PSK and Encryption must be set to Automatic;
  • In the column called PSK Password, enter your new (changed) wifi password and click Save;
  • After the router asks to reboot, click OK;
  • In the red inscription that appears, click on the blue phrase “click here”, and the process of changing the password will be completed.

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Even in the last decade, the question of how to change the password on a Wi-Fi router was asked mainly when a strange unplanned traffic consumption was discovered.

Why set a password for your Wi-Fi

Indeed, when traffic was limited, connect to someone else's Wi-Fi was a tempting idea. But today, in an era unlimited Internet and high-speed lines, the security of your router is more critical than ever for a number of reasons:

  • Security of personal data. You can also access your computer through the router if you have not blocked the data on it from other devices on your network. And data can be much more valuable than the computer itself. This is especially true for private documents or photos that may fall into the hands of your ill-wishers.
  • Cybercrime. Knowing the password for your router, attackers can access the network from your address, for example, by simply stopping the car at your entrance. This way they will confuse the investigation and create a bunch of problems for you out of the blue. Then you will have to prove that it was not you who distributed, for example, child porn, threatening letters or an encryption virus.
  • Data security. Even if uninvited guests don't mean anything bad, they may inadvertently delete or shuffle files on your computer or server.

Therefore, even if traffic overuse does not bother you, it is necessary to know how to change the password on a WiFi router.

How to change your password

Almost any modern router is controlled via a web interface. To enter its settings, you need to launch a browser on your computer and type the IP address of the router in its address bar. As a rule, this is, but there are exceptions. For example, Xiaomi routers may have a default address of, and TrendNet or Upwell -

On the page that opens, you need to enter your username and password (if you have not saved them in your browser settings) and enter the router control panel. Typically, the initial login is admin, the password is 1111, 1234, admin. If the data is different, it can be found on the bottom of the router or in its instructions.

As a rule, the section we need is called “Wi-Fi” or “ Wireless connections" If the router firmware is not Russified, the section may also be called Wireless or Wireless Security (like TP-Link). This section may not have many settings that include the required set:

  • Network name. Under this name, your network is recognized by all devices trying to connect within its range. You can enter the name you like. The main thing is that it is unique and not mixed with other names available networks. To check the uniqueness, you can simply turn on the Wi-Fi network search mode on your smartphone or laptop and check if your neighbors have the same name as you.
  • Type of encryption (network protection). Available options depend on the router settings. We recommend choosing the strongest encryption: as a rule, it is hybrid. Thus, intercepting your traffic (if someone needs it) will not give anything: without a password, decrypting it is not impossible, but it will take an irrationally long time and a huge machine resource.
  • Password. If you have any reason to doubt the security of your network, then this is where you need to change something. This tab is usually called Network Key, Password, or Pre-Shared Key.

This general scheme How to change the password on a WiFi router. Rostelecom or other providers may provide equipment along with more precise instructions; then you can find clarifications on their website. However, the principle is the same in any case.

Some routers have other settings - for example, signal strength. If you suspect that someone from outside may be connecting to your network, you should select the minimum strength. This reduces the likelihood that devices outside your apartment will be able to detect your network at all.

How to choose the right password

What should you do before setting a password on your Wi-Fi router? That's right, you need to come up with a password.

Many web services that require a password today set requirements for its complexity: at least one digit, at least one capital letter, at least one lowercase, and sometimes service characters... C Wi-Fi is easier, the only mandatory requirement is at least eight characters. So you can, of course, enter the unforgettable "12345678" (or in reverse) or the equally infamous QWERTYUI. However, we would recommend a different approach:

  1. The password should not be obvious. Having come up with an option, first compare it with the list of the most common passwords of the current year. Such a list is available, for example, at the following address (be careful, some of the passwords include obscene ones). If you don't find it there, great.
  2. The password must be logical. Coming up with a complex combination that you yourself cannot remember is not a trick. But to compose something that cannot be picked up, but cannot be forgotten, is art. You can base your password on the number and series of your documents (just never use them in their original form!), on memorable dates for you (but also not in the forehead!), on your school nickname, and other personal data that is important to you and useless to others.
  3. There should not be one password. It should be changed periodically: what if someone is already puzzled by its purposeful selection? New Password must meet all these criteria.

It’s good if your router has “guest mode”. By logging in as a guest, users have access to the Internet, but not to the router settings or other devices on the network. If your device has such a function, then it is worth installing easy password For guest access and extremely complex - for access with administrator rights.

It is also important to consider that...

  • In some routers, the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are configured separately. If you have such a model, you will have to repeat the above procedure twice - for each range.
  • If for some reason you lost your password (you came up with it and couldn’t remember it, or it was stolen from you by evil hackers, roommates or aliens from Krypton), you can set it again. But before you set a password on the Wi-Fi router again, you will have to do hard reset devices. To do this, most routers have a hidden button Reset, which resets the settings to factory settings.
  • If you do not find how to apply the instructions given here on your router, then search the Internet for instructions specifically for your model.
  • Don't forget to update your router firmware. Sometimes “holes” are discovered in devices, which are promptly corrected. But if you don't update the firmware, the security problem will remain. In addition, many updates gradually add languages ​​(including Russian).
  • Although the name of the procedure may sound incomprehensible and mysterious to you, there is nothing scary about it. To change the password on a Wi-Fi router, you do not need any special knowledge. You can do it.

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