Photoshop - How to remove numbers. Detailed instructions: how to change text in Photoshop How to replace a handwritten number in Photoshop

Once you learn how to fill the background, you can replace text on an image. Fortunately, the program will do most of the work for you. We'll tell you.

Part 1: Removing old text

  1. Isolate the layer you are editing so you don't remove anything significant. You can also duplicate the background layer to ensure you don't ruin the original image. Click on it in the layers palette and press Ctrl + J or Cmd + J to create a copy of the original:
  1. Before, how to edit text in photoshop in the picture, determine the type of background underneath it. Photoshop has many text removal tools, but you need to make sure you're using the right one:
  • Text without rendering: If in the layers palette opposite the text layer there is the letter “T”, then the text can still be edited. Click the "T" button to turn on the "Text" tool, and then click on the text to replace it:
  1. Single color background: Create a new layer and use the eyedropper tool to select the background color. Then use a brush to paint over the old text:
  • Complex background: You need to use complex tools to replicate the background. The rest of this article will focus on these complex tasks, as well as the tools needed to complete them:
  1. Before doing this, zoom in to trim the text as accurately as possible along the contours of the letters. In this case, we will have to replace less background. The more you zoom in, the better the final image will look:
  1. Select the text you want to remove using the " Quick selection" or " Lasso ". If the text in the background looks like letters on an uneven surface, use the appropriate selection tool to highlight the text more accurately. The contour line should fit tightly to the text:
  • Circle the text and then go to Select>Refine Edges to get the perfect highlight;
  • Alternatively, you can hold down Ctrl/Cmd and click on the text layer to select it.

If the text is already on a separate layer, hold Ctrl / Cmd and click on its thumbnail ( it usually looks like the letter "T") to select all the text at once:

  1. Extend the selection 5-10 pixels beyond the original text. To do this, click on the button Select > Modify > Expand. Before, how to edit text in photoshop, we need to create a small frame around it. This is the background that will be used to replace the text.

Part 2. Replacing the background

  1. Use the " Content Aware Fill" to automatically fill the text with a new background. This powerful feature analyzes the image underneath the text and then randomly repeats it in place of the words, allowing you to write new text later. To use it, make sure that:
  • Text is highlighted;
  • You have 5-10 pixels of dedicated space around the text;
  • The layer with the appropriate background is selected.
  1. Go to the top menu and select "Editing" and then " Fill" The fill menu will appear on the screen. It provides different ways to fill all the pixels of a selection. With their help you can simply replace text. The menu has two sections: “Content” and “Overlay”:
  1. Before continuing to edit the text in the Photoshop layer, select the "Contents" item in the "Contents" section. Content-aware" and then check the box for the " Color adaptation». « Content-aware" means that Photoshop will analyze the selected pixels and use them to create a new background:
  1. Click "OK" to create the fill. This fill is random, so if it doesn't quite fit, you can go back to Edit > Fill and try again to get better results. If you don't get it the way you want the first time, try:
  • Go to the "Refine Edges" section before selecting " Fill", and feather the edges of the selection. This will help blend the pixels better;
  • Change " Blend Mode" in the fill menu. Reduce the opacity to 50% and try creating 2-3 fills on top of each other to get a more random effect;
  • Use the “Brush” and “Gradient” tools together with the “Pipette” to paint over problem areas.

Part 3: Adding new text

  1. Find a suitable font before how to edit text in a photoshop layer. If you know the font the original text was written in or want to choose your own, you can select it with the Text tool active. But if you want to use the exact same font, you'll have to do a little digging. You can download fonts for free online and add them to Photoshop ( as a rule, these are files with the extension .ttf). You can also use the WhatTheFont site, which detects the font on a user-uploaded image:
  1. Enter and place text, then rasterize it. Select your desired font, color, and then enter your text. Place it where you want it to be, and then right-click on the text layer in the Layers palette and select " Rasterize text»:
  • Rasterizing text makes it easier to edit. But you will no longer be able to change the text after rasterization. So make sure everything is written correctly:
  1. Using the function " Arbitrary transformation"Set the desired angle and shape of the edited text in Photoshop, and place it in the desired location. To apply a custom transformation, make sure your new text is selected in the layers menu. Then press Ctrl + T or Cmd + T to convert the text. You can also go to Editing > Free Transformation. In the window that appears, change the size of the object.

You can also:

  • Click anywhere to resize the text from that point;
  • Hold down the Shift key and resize proportionally;
  • While holding down the Ctrl or Cmd key, click at any point to set the perspective from this point during transformation;
  • Hold down the Alt or Opt key to stretch, shrink, or flip the text.

I warn you right away that we will remove the numbers in the simplest and fastest way, so you will not get a perfect picture, since it is, of course, possible to remove the numbers “below zero,” but this is not an easy and painstaking process. Maybe we'll talk about it... but another time.

So, are you ready? - let's get started! We will work in Photoshop.

1. First of all, the simplest option: the numbers don’t fit on anything, they don’t bother anyone.

b) Select Crop Tool from the toolbar

C) Select the desired part (click with the left mouse button in the corner of the future picture and, without letting go, drag diagonally to the opposite corner, release the mouse button). If necessary, you can correct the resulting selection by dragging any “square” on the side of the selection rectangle in the desired direction.
d) Are you satisfied with everything? Double-click the left mouse button in the center of the selected part - the photo is cropped. With “clippings” we got rid of unnecessary numbers and at the same time an unnecessary character

2. Option: numbers next to the “needed” object, but they located on a single-color “object”.

A) Open the photo in Photoshop
b) Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool in the toolbar (rectangular selection)

C) Select a piece of asphalt of the required size next to (in this case under) a piece of asphalt of the required size (with the left mouse button, click in the corner of the future picture and, without letting go, drag diagonally to the opposite corner, release the mouse button).
d) Right-click inside the selection and select Layer via Copy (copy to new layer).

E) Now you need to “close” the numbers with the resulting fragment of asphalt. Take the Move tool in the toolbar and move the piece up.

If you don’t look too closely, everything is ready, but it’s worth, however, some “finishing”: correcting the transition of the “patch” into the real picture.

Glue the layers Layer - Merge Down (Layers - Glue to the bottom) - 1 layer will remain.

Now let’s draw a little and correct the fragment:
- you can do this using the Smudge Tool (smudge)

- use the Clone Stamp Tool (clone fragments): holding Alt on the keyboard, select a similar piece, release Alt and “draw” a new fragment with the resulting clone piece (this way you could paint over everything without selecting, copying, moving, but it would take longer ). From time to time you can and should take a “sample” again using Alt.

There you go!

3. We are dealing with a rather motley picture and numbers are “placed” on different objects, different colors and textures.

A) Open the photo in Photoshop
b) Select all orange numbers.
To do this, Select - Color Range.

A window and an eyedropper (like a mouse pointer) will appear. You need to use this eyedropper to “take a color sample” from the orange numbers. Then move the slider to adjust the “color selection contrast” - there are colors in the photo that are close to the color of the numbers and we need to filter them out. The main thing is that in the place where the numbers are, nothing stands out except for them; if there is one in another part of the photo, it’s not a big deal.

C) The resulting selection does not completely cover the numbers, it is necessary that the black rim of the numbers is also “captured”, so we will slightly expand the boundaries of the selection:
Select - Modify - Expand

A window will appear where you can specify how many pixels to expand the selection boundaries

Don't be greedy and grab enough

If we reduce the image (press Alt and Spacebar on the keyboard at the same time, click on the image to the desired scale), then we will see other places of selection, but this is not scary, “we will only work with numbers.

Let's enlarge the fragment of the photo we need (press Ctrl and spacebar on the keyboard at the same time, click on the image to the desired scale).

D) Let's start editing. Simplified defect resolution
- take the Eyedropper eyedropper tool, the arrow pointer has taken the form of a pipette, move it to, for example, a pot that has numbers on it and click with the left button - we “take” the color from it.

Now, if we take the Brush Tool in the toolbar, we will paint with the color selected using the eyedropper.

And, note that the brush will only paint in the selection area, without touching the rest of the photo.

I warn you right away that we will remove the numbers in the simplest and fastest way, so you will not get a perfect picture, since it is, of course, possible to remove the numbers “below zero,” but this is not an easy and painstaking process. Maybe we'll talk about it... but another time.

So, are you ready? - Let's get started! We will work in Photoshop!

1. First of all, the simplest option: the numbers don’t fit on anything, they don’t bother anyone.

b) Select Crop Tool from the toolbar

c) Select the desired part (click with the left mouse button in the corner of the future picture and, without letting go, drag diagonally to the opposite corner, release the mouse button). If necessary, you can correct the resulting selection by dragging any “square” on the side of the selection rectangle in the desired direction.

d) Are you satisfied with everything? Double-click the left mouse button in the center of the selected part - the photo is cropped. With the “cuts” we got rid of unnecessary numbers and at the same time an unnecessary character.

Option: numbers next to the “desired” object, but they are located on a single-color “object”.

a) Open the photo in Photoshop

b) Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool in the toolbar (rectangular selection)

c) Select a piece of asphalt of the required size next to (in this case under) a piece of asphalt of the required size (with the left mouse button, click in the corner of the future picture and, without letting go, drag diagonally to the opposite corner, release the mouse button).

d) Right-click inside the selection and select Layer via Copy (copy to new layer).

e) Now you need to “close” the numbers with the resulting fragment of asphalt. Take the Move tool in the toolbar and move the piece up.

If you don’t look too closely, everything is ready, but it’s worth, however, some “finishing”: correcting the transition of the “patch” into the real picture.

Glue the layers Layer – Merge Down (Layers – Glue to the bottom) – 1 layer will remain.

Now let’s draw a little and correct the fragment:

- you can do this using the Smudge Tool (smudge)

- use the Clone Stamp Tool (clone fragments): holding down Alt on the keyboard, select a similar piece, release Alt and “draw” a new fragment with the resulting clone piece (this way you could paint over everything without selecting, copying, moving, but it would take longer ). From time to time you can and should take a “sample” again using Alt.

There you go!

We are dealing with a rather colorful picture and the numbers are “placed” on different objects of different colors and textures.

a) Open the photo in Photoshop

b) Select all orange numbers.

To do this, Select – Color Range.

A window and an eyedropper (like a mouse pointer) will appear. You need to use this eyedropper to “take a color sample” from the orange numbers. Then move the slider to adjust the “color selection contrast” - there are colors in the photo that are close to the color of the numbers and we need to filter them out. The main thing is that in the place where the numbers are, nothing stands out except for them; if there is one in another part of the photo, it’s not a big deal.

c) The resulting selection does not completely cover the numbers, it is necessary that the black rim of the numbers is also “captured”, so we will slightly expand the boundaries of the selection:

Select – Modify – Expand

A window will appear where you can specify how many pixels to expand the selection boundaries

Don't be greedy and grab enough

If we reduce the image (press Alt and Spacebar on the keyboard at the same time, click on the image to the desired scale), then we will see other places of selection, but this is not scary, “we will only work with numbers.

Let's enlarge the fragment of the photo we need (press Ctrl and spacebar on the keyboard at the same time, click on the image to the desired scale).

d) Let's start editing. Simplified defect resolution

- take the Eyedropper eyedropper tool, the arrow pointer has taken the form of a pipette, move it to, for example, a pot that has numbers on it and left-click - we “take” the color from it.

Now, if we take the Brush Tool in the toolbar, we will paint with the color selected using the eyedropper.

And, note that the brush will only paint in the selection area, without touching the rest of the photo.

e) We continue editing: take the “dropper” and get a new desired (close) color for another piece of the selected numbers. Take the brush again and paint the desired piece with this color.

We continue in the same spirit until all the numbers are painted over with their “own” color.

f) It’s time to remove the selections and see what happened: Select – Deselect (Selection – Remove selections)

So what do you think?

Now let’s reduce the photo and get a general impression of the work done. Of course, it's not perfect, but it's fast and there are no more annoying orange numbers. We'll see how to bring it to perfection another time.

(source removed)

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

How to Change the Date of Birth in a Copy of a Passport Using Photoshop 4.0/5 3293reviews

Mom was mistakenly given a different date of birth. Timesheet Excel Ukraine. I'm receiving my passport. Date of birth. Your passport or ID card. Change for yourself.

First you need to understand why your or your child’s birth certificate is needed. The simplest option is the loss of the certificate or its unsuitability for use (torn, burnt, washed in a washing machine, etc.). In this case, you need to contact the registry office at your place of registration, take a receipt for payment, pay the fee and write an application for / birth certificate. After this, you will be given a new certificate, which will be completely identical to the previous one. If it is not possible to contact the registry office at your place of registration, you can do this at your place of residence.

But at the same time, you will spend more time, since the registry office at your place of residence will first send a request to the registry office at your place of registration, wait for a response, and only after that will issue you a new birth certificate. Replacing the certificate, if necessary, change the father's full name/. If the full name of the father or mother is indicated, you need to contact the registry office that issued you the birth certificate. The employees will check the civil registry book and if the information on the parents is correct there, then the certificate will be exchanged for you without any problems.

How to Change the Date of Birth in a Copy of a Passport Using Photoshop

If there is an error in the registration book, then there is only one way out - to act through the court.

You will need to make corrections to the civil registration records. Applications are processed at the applicant’s place of residence. What if I need to put a dash instead of my father's name? In this case, there is only one option - contact the authorities at your place of residence. Since in order to put a dash in the ‘father’ column, the father’s consent is required, or a decision to deprive him of parental rights, or a statement from the father that he disputes your entry in the birth certificate with words and is not the father. This is long and difficult, but if changes to the certificate are still necessary, then this is the only possible option in this case.

Many of us, especially women, sometimes want to reduce our age by several years. In this way, I would like to delay the approach of old age: after all, no matter how a person monitors his health and appearance, the document will still give him away. However, there are also objective reasons why you can change the date of birth in your passport.

According to the law, this cannot be done on a personal whim. There is a special article 70 of the Law “On Civil Status Acts”.

Change the date in your passport in 3 clicks using Adobe Photoshop

It clearly states that changing the date of birth is carried out only in special cases:

  • If the passport contains incorrect information.
  • If there are spelling errors in the passport.
  • The recording was not made according to the rules.

It turns out that you can change the age in your passport if, due to the negligence of passport officers, you were once “thumbed up” with 10 years in your document. But if necessary, you can change your first name, last name or patronymic. In such situations, your desire alone is enough.

Unauthorized change of date of birth

If you arbitrarily “edit” your year of birth, then you may be prosecuted under a rather serious article of the Criminal Code - “Forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents.” There are many other documents that clearly state your age: school certificate, birth certificate, house register, university diploma, work book, compulsory medical insurance policy. One request to the school or university where you studied is enough for law enforcement agencies to have questions for you. And if by some miracle you manage to change your date of birth through a loyal passport officer, then difficulties will also inevitably arise. You will have to change your age back, or even bear responsibility. It is unlikely that a cute whim is worth spending a long time in the courts and receiving serious punishment, including imprisonment.

Responsibility for forgery of documents

According to the criminal code, falsifying a document is punishable by “restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of four to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.” The use of a knowingly forged document is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by arrest for a period of up to two years. up to six months."

And don’t forget about the other side of the coin: as your date of birth changes, your retirement date also shifts. Now this may not seem important to you, but in 30 years you will obviously want to go on vacation.

Probably every citizen is concerned about the question of when to change a passport based on age in Russia and what documents are needed when going through such a procedure. This is not surprising, because a passport is the main identification document and confirms belonging to a certain state. It contains the most important information about the owner: passport data, as well as first and last name, place and date of birth, marital status and place of residence, etc. A person first receives a passport of the Russian Federation at the age of 14. Then the passport is changed twice when its owner reaches the age specified by law. Otherwise, the validity of the passport will expire and the owner may face a fine for an expired passport. We will talk about this in this article.

Reasons for replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

There are several reasons for replacing a Russian passport based on age. First of all, a passport is the main and most important document by which a person’s identity is established. Therefore, it is required everywhere and always: when applying for a job, obtaining a loan, processing or replacing other documents, and so on. Many citizens do not take their main document out of their pocket at all, since it may be needed at any time. Of course, over time, frequent use makes the passport unusable.

After a long time, the photograph of the owner, which is on the first pages of the document, is not able to identify the citizen - after all, over the years, all people change. This can lead to many troubles, for example, when obtaining a loan, purchasing train or plane tickets, obtaining a foreign passport, and so on.

When to change a passport based on age in Russia

The last page of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation contains accessible information about at what age it is necessary to change the passport.

How can I change my date of birth in my passport?

However, despite this, various problems and confusing situations often arise in connection with the exchange of a document.

As mentioned above, a citizen receives his first passport at the age of 14. Then the passport must be replaced twice - at 20 years old the first replacement due to age, and at 45 - the second. After reaching 45 years of age, a passport cannot be exchanged based on age; it becomes valid for life. However, it must be remembered that there are other situations when you need to change your passport.

A set of documents to replace a passport upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age

In order for you to receive a new passport, you must provide a complete set of documents:

The department may also require documents on the basis of which the necessary notes will be added to the passport:

  • Certificate issued by the housing office confirming registration at the address.
  • Marriage certificate or divorce document.
  • Birth certificates of children (under 14 years of age) to register the child.
  • Military ID.

The employee accepting documents for a replacement passport checks them thoroughly and, if there are any errors in filling out the application, returns them to the applicant for correction. Therefore, the application must be filled out correctly and accurately, in black or blue ink. You must write in legible handwriting, and corrections and blots are not allowed.

Passport photographs must be of a standard size and have good image clarity. At the discretion of the applicant, they can be either black and white or color. It is prohibited to be photographed wearing dark glasses or a hat.

Deadlines for submitting documents and obtaining a passport

It is important to consider that documents to replace your passport must be submitted on time. Delay in the time allotted for replacement can cause unnecessary problems and expenses, paperwork and going through the authorities. According to the law, an application for replacement must be submitted no later than 30 days from the date the applicant reaches 20 or 45 years of age. Otherwise, the citizen may be brought to administrative responsibility under Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation, a new passport must be issued within 10 days from the date of submission of all necessary documents. Moreover, this period does not depend on whether you submitted documents in person or used the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

If you submitted documents at your place of residence or even in another region of the country, you will have to wait two months for a new document. During the period of absence of the main document, you will receive a temporary identity card.

We hope that the article was useful and helped you find out when a passport is changed based on age in Russia and what procedures this replacement is accompanied by.

More articles on the topic

How to change the number in your passport

Modern technologies give people almost unlimited possibilities. This can especially be attributed to creativity: if earlier, in order to draw a simply beautiful (not brilliant in its content) picture, you had to study for years, as the geniuses of the Renaissance did in Italy and Rus', then today a good “canvas” (now it is only a figurative name) can be done in a few hours on a computer, having the skills to work in Photoshop.

In general, the Photoshop program from the developer company Adobe has long become a legend. With its help, you not only create impressive images, but also edit various photographs, drawings and other graphic files. For example, using Photoshop you can color correct an image, significantly improve it, etc. By the way, in this article you can learn how to change text in Photoshop.

What will you need?

To work you will need the program itself. And it’s not so important what version it will be. You can learn how to change text in Photoshop using any version of the program. Even fairly old releases can do this

How to change text in Photoshop?

In fact, editing text in Photoshop is not that difficult. To do this, simply follow the instructions described below sequentially:

  • You need to select the area containing the text that will be edited.
  • This part of the image needs to be copied (in some cases it can be cut out) to a new layer.
  • Using the “Patch” tool (in the English version it is called the Patch Tool), you need to carefully, touching as little extraneous space as possible, select the text that needs to be edited.
  • Selected pieces of text must be transferred to an empty area of ​​the image (they must be hidden in some way). In this case, it all depends on the ingenuity of the user.
  • In the resulting empty area you need to write your own text.

Now you know how to change text in Photoshop. True, this was only the basic part of editing letters and numbers in the image. The program's capabilities allow you to do much more. Thanks to this article, you can learn more about how to change the color of text in Photoshop, and much more.

Editing text

Anything that is entered in place of the old (original) one is carried out during its typing. To add text to a picture, you need to select the “Text” tool. Then you need to click with the cursor on the area of ​​the image where you want to add some text. Before entering it, it is better to take care of the font, color and size in advance. They can be selected in the top panel, which is located under the bar with the tabs “Files”, “Editing”, “Image”, “Layers” - and so on until the “Help” section.

It is worth noting that you can change the text that has been entered as long as it is in the editing state. This is easy to understand by the presence of a cursor next to it. Then it will be much more difficult to change it.

What to do with already written text?

It was not difficult to figure out how to change the text on a picture in Photoshop. But sometimes it happens differently: the original text is removed, a new one is written, and everything seems to be fine, but it turns out that edits need to be made to the new version, and the text is no longer in a state of editing. What to do then? How to change written text in Photoshop? If an error in the text was noticed immediately, you can cancel the action and type the text again, if this is not problematic. Undoing an action is done using the default key combination Ctrl + Z. In addition, this can be done by going to the “Editing” tab. But if, after the text was typed, the user performed some other actions that it is undesirable to cancel, then to edit words and phrases you can use the method that was described at the beginning of the article.


It should be noted that the easiest way to change text in Photoshop is if it is written on a single-color background. An example is the sheet of paper in the photo. There seems to be nothing easier than erasing information from it and writing your own.

If the text is written on a multi-colored background, or different amounts of light fall on the background: some areas are lighter and others are darker, then it will be much more difficult to correct it. You will need some fine work to highlight the text, distort it (this is important in order to give it a natural position), as well as color correction. As a result, it is easier to avoid such mistakes and check the written material in advance (before saving it in the picture). It's better to spend a little more time checking than a lot more time correcting.

Of course, it is much more convenient to select some uneven (from a geometric point of view) objects using a special graphics tablet and stylus. If there is an opportunity to use these tools, you need to implement it immediately. You can use the Eyedropper tool to select the text color you want. It will appear on the screen as soon as the user opens the text color picker. In addition, it is worth remembering that each color has its own unique name, consisting of six characters entered after the hash icon. And it can also make the task of choosing a color for the text easier.

The main advice, by the way, has already been described above: it is better to do all the work carefully and carefully think through each action, so that you don’t have to spend a long time and painstakingly correcting mistakes. Another proverb said that you must first measure seven times, then cut once. With this article, you learned how to change and edit text in Photoshop.