Photos of the day in the Yandex collection. Another unpleasant surprise from Yandex

On March 7th of this year, all Yandex.Photo users were “delighted” with the news that this service closes, and all photos move to Yandex.Disk. At the same time, it was promised that they would move to the cloud safe and sound along with the albums, and the links to the photos would remain valid. In this case, free space will be allocated for the photo archive on Disk.

The fact that the photos will not disappear, and the links to them will remain working, is good: you don’t need to make corrections on your blog. Another sad thing is that there is nothing stable in the world. Yandex did not stop there in 2014, but went further, getting rid of services that were unprofitable for it. Previously, Google transferred photos from its photo hosting site Picasa to Google Photos.

Yandex.Photo users now face the question: where to post photos?

I’ll make a reservation right away. Neither Yandex.Disk nor any other cloud is suitable for these purposes: clouds do not provide a link to the image accessible to everyone. So we have to look for another storage for photos.

Photo hosting sites for professionals

Probably, real professionals do not limit themselves to Yandex.Photos, which is, in principle, a so-so resource for aces, and already have accounts on the Canadian or the Russian a very harsh resource. Only photos of artistic value are accepted here, and you will not be able to post photos here until your portfolio of ten photos is approved by the editorial board. For others, there is a light version of the site, and even then, if the photo does not get five likes or more, it will be removed from the service. Good idea, but no. I am not a professional, and I am timid in front of the terrible editorial board, which will meticulously evaluate my work. I'd rather do without it. very democratic, although it is considered hosting for professionals. In the three years of existence on this photo hosting site, I have never encountered moderators who appear on the horizon only if you suddenly decide that your photos are worthy of commercial use, and, apparently, if someone complains about inappropriate content. The hosting developers are of Russian origin, so there is a Russian language, although not everything has been translated into Russian. You can go to 500px from mobile application. IN free version The number of photos uploaded per week is limited. It is not suitable for a photo storage with periodic posting of photos on blogs, since the service does not provide links to photos. When you press right button a funny warning appears.

American photo hosting, owned by Yahoo, is quite similar to Yandex.Photos. The photos here are mostly amateur, although from time to time there are also professionals among the photographers. You can find photos of collections of vintage cars, badges, coins, and even custom-made cakes. Flickr provides links to images just like Yandex.Photos, with previews various sizes, in the form of HTML and BB codes. You can join groups and add photos to them - for communication and to be appreciated. Other significant differences from YaF are the presence of a mobile application and the provided API, thanks to which uploaded photos using the service can be broadcast to a number of social networks, blogs and even 500px.

Russian photo hosting, which appeared in 2006, is attractive due to its lack of advertising. This service is designed for uploading photos for the purpose of later posting them on LiveJournal blogs (WordPress and forms are also possible). By default, the size of the uploaded photo is 1024x768, but you can choose 1280x1024, or 1024x768 plus the original. For originals, each user is provided with 4GB of memory. For reduced photos, the number and volume are not limited. The rules here allow only photographs, no pictures, memes, advertising, etc.

Photo storage

When Yandex.Photos did not exist and people communicated not only on blogs, but also on forums, the image service was popular Radical photo( It is inconvenient because the picture is deleted from it if no one has looked at it for a year. Indeed, my old account is alive, but some of the images have already disappeared. I would prefer a more reliable resource. There are a lot of other similar services, which are a collection of photographs, pictures, memes, loaded with intrusive advertising banners, but I won’t dwell on them.

In fact, why do you need a separate photo storage if there are social media , and almost every one has the ability to create photo albums? VKontakte posts the image on original size, Facebook compresses it to a length of 960px. There is no need to post the photo in this post in its original size. It will take a long time to load, but it has no artistic value, so a width of 640px is quite enough for it. Reduce it to the right size possible in graphic editor, and then post it on the social network you like best. You can upload pictures to your account, or you can open a separate public page specifically for this, and create several photo albums on topics in it, or upload them directly to the wall, if your inner perfectionist doesn’t torment you.

And finally, Yandex.Collections. The same service where competitions and photos of the day moved. True, this is just an echo of past Photos and a semblance of the foreign bookmarking and picture service Pinterest. The photo is compressed to a size of 1200px. There is no way to upload multiple images at once, again there is no mobile application and API provided. A lot of purely commercial pins, just like on Pinterest, of no value or interest. There is no guarantee that there will be a profit from this service and that its materials will not move to Disk after Yandex.Photos.

Club Rules

1. Club for publishing ONLY OWN AUTHOR'S artistic photographs of different genres.

2. Only HIGH QUALITY photographs can be published. Creative works are welcome. Photoshop and processing in other photo editors is allowed and desirable IF IT IMPROVES your work. Before publishing a photo, look and think: “Does it match this photo according to the quality and content of the meaning of PHOTO ART." Photo Bad quality are deleted without warning.

3. excluded

4. Only ONE photo is allowed to be published per day. Photo publication time is from 20-00 to 19-30 the next day, Moscow time. When you upload two photos per day to the NFD club feed, the robot deletes both works! You can only publish photos from ONE author account!

5. The first round of voting begins at 20-00 Moscow time for all works uploaded to the club during the day. The second round starts at 00-00, 100 people take part in it best works. The third round of voting begins at 12-00, 40 people participate in it best photos. The works that took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place according to the voting results are published in the club header. The first 30 photos are saved in the “Hall of Fame”.

6. In each round you need to vote for at least 10 (more than 10 are possible) photos. You can vote for your photo, but if you vote with the highest score ONLY for own photo, Your vote will be canceled automatically. If you vote for less than 10 photos, the vote will also be canceled. It is prohibited to vote from the same IP address using two accounts.

7. Comments containing at least 3 words are accepted under the photo in the club feed. Ratings in the feed do not affect voting.

8. When moving from the last day of the month to the 1st day of the next month, your photos may not be loaded on the first page, but on the 10th – 12th and beyond. Therefore, there is no need to download again. Check the last pages.

9. You can see your page in NFD if in the right top corner click on your login, or this is what the link looks like http://site/?user=YOUR LOGIN. There, in the lines, click on “show all” and the photos will open. And to find out whether you uploaded a photo to NFD, under your photo on Yandex Photos you need to click on the left icon for the number of views and in the “Sources” section find the words site. The presence of this line means that the photo was previously published in the NFD club.

10. The following is PROHIBITED in the NFD club:

Publish low-quality works;

Publish collages;

Publish photos of works of art by other authors;

Publish family photos (you have albums for them on Yandex Photos);

Repeatedly publish the same photo;

Political, nationalist and chauvinistic statements.

12. When publishing photos from the Internet, in case of any plagiarism, the author is blocked forever without warning.

Hello friends. I wanted to write a new post, but I discovered a very unpleasant moment: Yandex photos were closed, and quite officially. The service will be closed on April 27, despite the fact that probably the majority of LiveJournalists have been using Yandex photos and the framer for a long time. . They just presented it with a fact. Is it okay that a lot of photo posts are hosted on Yandex Photo?

Actually, why I love the Yandex photo hosting site is because they don’t overcrowd, unlike VK (VKontakte improves photo quality (C) Pasha Shevel). In addition, Yandex photos are a very convenient system for managing, downloading, cataloging and the ability to communicate with any sites, blogs, forums and post formats. I think I’m not the only one who thinks that Yandex photos are the best.

It seems that they promised to keep working links to old photos, but is it worth believing their promises? Will all my posts, into which so much effort and energy have been invested, come to nothing? This is just a disaster! There is no desire to rewrite OVER9000 posts. Do you really have to quit LiveJournal without even leaving a memory journal? And, strangely enough, they read my LiveJournal, and what’s more, there are a lot of reviews and questions. In general, guys, I hope for the best, but for future posts the photo hosting will need to be changed, that’s for sure.

Guys, can you recommend an adequate photo hosting site where I could upload a photo without the fear that it won’t be available in six months? And so that it is compatible with the frame?

In general, SOS, HELP! November Charlie!

I propose to discuss the current situation in the comments, dear fellow bloggers.

PS. Sign the petition.’t-close-Yandex-photos It won’t be WORSE, that’s for sure. We need to do something about this.

UPD. What to do? (C) N. G. Chernyshevsky.

So far from relatively suitable options.
1. Good service I’ll try it today and report back.
2. Asya! Who remembers Asya - like. But nevertheless, hosting is still alive!
3. Scrap the post on some shitty platform like Pikabu or Drive2, etc. Then stupidly copy-paste it into LiveJournal. But your audience can expand! If they read you there.
4. Here it is described how to deceive Google)))
5. Pay for hosting. But if there are no options left, I think that there will simply be a general departure from LiveJournal. Only a few will remain. I personally don’t make money from LiveJournal, but I don’t want to pay for content somehow. As a result, there will be 4 cripples left there and the LiveJournal will be closed as unnecessary.
6. Have your own server? IMHO, if you have the brains and money to earn money for your own server, it’s better to keep your own website in order to prove to everyone that you are smart than to pay for a dubious crap resource with advertising.

Well, as a sad result... The fall of Yandex Photo, I would say, is a blow below the belt to LiveJournal. I think that soon there will be a wave of those who will leave, since this was the “last straw” and not everyone will want to strain their brains and look for a solution, much less pay for hosting. As a result, there will be several categories of people left in LiveJournal, these are, first of all, serious top bloggers who don’t mind paying for hosting, as well as those who don’t particularly write photo posts. It's a pity that only old people remain in LiveJournal... There are no new people anymore.

Our beloved Yandex originally congratulated both women and all its users exactly on March 8th of this year.
The freebie ended there too - the resource administration decided to destroy the wonderful photo hosting site Yandex-Photos.

The administration assures that the photo goods acquired by the people will not perish, but will be delivered in a civilized manner by sober loaders and programmers to their new place of residence - to the Yandex-Disk resource, where they will be automatically distributed, supposedly in the same order.

Officially, the reasons and consequences of the decision are explained as follows (there are many letters, you don’t have to delve into it):

If you visited the service today, you know that we are preparing to move. On April 27, we will begin transferring the service content to Yandex.Disk, where your photos will be completely safe. You can edit them, create albums from them, and share them with other people. Links to pictures posted on Yandex.Photos will continue to work.

Yandex.Photos was launched in 2007, more than ten years ago. Since then, new services and technologies have appeared. Nowadays people share pictures mainly on social networks and prefer to store them in the cloud - it’s more convenient and simpler. For example, you can automatically upload pictures from a smartphone to Disk, but not to Photos. People gradually began to use the service less and less. Over the past six months, only five percent of those who have an account have visited Photos. One hundred times more pictures are now uploaded to Disk than to Photos. Therefore, we decided to transfer the entire photo archive to the cloud.

You can move your photos to Drive now, without waiting for April 27th. To do this, just click the “Move to Yandex.Disk” button. From this moment on, it will no longer be possible to add new pictures to Photos or edit old ones. The move will take some time. As soon as it is completed, we will notify you about it on Yandex.Photos.

Your pictures (as well as comments and views on them) will be stored on Yandex.Disk in a special folder that will not take up space in your cloud. Photos in this folder can be viewed and edited, but some Drive features are not available in it. Therefore, we gave you for free the same amount of space in the cloud as you had occupied in Photos. You can move your pictures from a special folder there or use this space for something else.

As for albums, they will immediately move to the albums folder, and all settings will be saved. For example, if the album was private, it will remain so on Yandex.Disk.

Surely some of you have participated in competitions or watched them as a spectator. From today they will be held in . There you can also find an archive of competitions, including those from past years. Your own photos that won competitions will also be waiting for you in Yandex.Collections.

For more information about what will happen to photos and albums after moving to Yandex.Disk, read the help

The situation, of course, is much simpler and for me personally - it would be worth explaining the position four times shorter and more cynically. This is business, and nothing personal.
Yandex Photos - now it’s almost there free photo hosting with unlimited image storage capacity allocated to the user.
Frankly, this alarmed me from the very beginning of using the resource. I couldn’t believe that this could happen forever and for everyone. I pour pictures and pour them in, the volume swells and swells, and I don’t owe anyone anything.
Well, the moment came when they decided to shut down the shop. Yandex Disk is a good thing, but it’s shareware.
According to the standard, 10 GB of space is yours for free, do what you want with it, and for space beyond that, pay money and enjoy life further.
It is promised that all content from Yandex Photos will be moved there free extension The volume of disk transported with Photos + bonus is still the same as the total amount accumulated on Photos by weight. For me specifically, the total is 16 GB of disk space without payment. Further, if necessary - 30 rubles for another 10 GB on top (or 80 rubles for 100 GB, or 200 rubles for 1 TB). Moreover, I suspect that this is monthly subscription fee, and not a one-time purchase of a volume of information.
For people who are engaged in posting professional or simply significant digital photographs there, this, of course, is not a fountain. With the size of one photo being 4-8 MB, this volume will be used quickly. You will have to choose what to post and what to throw away.

I was only interested in Yandex Photos as hosting images for LiveJournal, so under such conditions it seems like everything should go relatively painlessly.
The main worrying expectation is the correct display in LJ of images that were uploaded to Yandex Photos. The administration swears that due to the transfer, the connection between the photographs and their place in LiveJournal posts will not be disrupted. I really want to believe that this is so, because otherwise millions of images from tens of thousands of people in millions of posts will appear at once.
We'll see how it goes, the expectations are alarming.

I didn’t really like the functionality of Yandex Disk; posting photos from there to the Blog was less convenient than with Photos, plus - no statistics on views and resources where your photos are viewed. This is very sad. Now some changes are being made in terms of functionality - what they will result in in relation to photographs is unknown.

In a word, the monetization of the former freebie is obvious. The groans of the people can be appreciated in the comments at the link above.

Personally, I hope for a correct move without losses and an adequate interface for the converted Yandex Disk. I still have a lot of space before paid use, but we’ll see. If there was a one-time payment to the same stolnik for an increase of 10 gigs on top - and to hell with it, you can fork out for it. But I sense that this will not be the case at all.

P.S. Now YouTube is annoying... It’s just how many TB of videos are uploaded there every day and no one pays for it....

The search method by image in Yandex is effective tool to find information. Last but not least, this is ensured by the fact that users themselves upload the corresponding images to the pages of their sites or open access to own images on file storage services, after which they are indexed by a search engine. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is impossible to add an image directly to the Yandex.Images service; for these purposes, the domestic search giant has a separate web service, but not everything is so simple with it.

Until April 2018, you could upload your own photographs to the Yandex.Photos hosting. In it, users could find images, watch, rate, add to favorites and share them. However, there is currently no option to add files to the service. The reason is the shutdown of Photos and the gradual transfer of its basic capabilities, such as photo storage, to . In the near future, all files previously added to the hosting will be placed in special folder on Disk. The good news is that the space allocated for them in the cloud is provided free of charge.

You can find out more about the fate of the Yandex.Photos service on the Photo Club blog page.

Note: Transferring Photos to Disk will take some time, after which a link will appear on the first web service with its new location on the second. Photography competitions that were held earlier are already taking place in the Yandex.Collections section.

Despite the fact that Yandex.Photos still offers the ability to upload images, as indicated by the corresponding button on home page site,

pressing it does not give any result, you will just see another reminder about the protracted move and the upcoming closure.


The Yandex.Photos service was launched in 2007 and existed for more than 10 years. As already mentioned, the company no longer allows it to be used as hosting. Old images will be presented as links to a proprietary cloud storage. To solve similar problems, you will now have to resort to Yandex.Disk, fortunately, the functionality allows you to use it both for storing files and for exchanging them.