FMC for the poor or how to cross FreePBX and Cloud PBX from Beeline. Beeline home digital phone on an Android smartphone

Recently for subscribers home internet Beeline appeared new service— Home digital phone. All users are offered a local landline telephone number, favorable rates and no monthly subscription fee.

You can make and receive calls on your computer using special program(X-Lite), on a VoIP phone, as well as on android device(since version 4.0). In this article we will figure out how to set up the service on smartphones with more earlier versions android (including the popular 2.3).

For this we need free application CSipSimple. Download the application to your smartphone and then launch it. A page for creating an account will immediately open. Click on the button " Add account«.

You will be asked to select one of the presets. Since there is no Beeline digital phone in the list, we select extended ( Expert) list of parameters in the section " Settings Wizard«.

  • Account name- any
  • Account ID- enter , Where user— subscriber’s nickname (your login)
  • URI registration- enter
  • Realm (authentication domain)- enter * (star)
  • Username- enter phone [email protected](country code, city code, telephone number). For example, 78121234567
  • Password- enter your password
  • Transport- choose UDP
  • Default uri scheme- choose sip
  • Allow overwriting- uncheck the box
  • Proxy URI- enter:— for residents of St. Petersburg— for residents of Moscow— for residents of Krasnoyarsk— for residents of Ufa— for residents of Yekaterinburg

There is no need to change any other settings! When the required fields are filled in, we save the account.

If everything is filled out correctly, the account will be registered online without errors. And you can make and receive calls.

Please note that you cannot be online from multiple devices! For example, if you are logged in via an account on your computer, an error will appear on your smartphone.

Virtual PBXs are gradually gaining popularity. They are cheap, require no maintenance, and provide decent functionality to corporate clients. Similar services are offered by many telecom operators, including mobile operator Beeline. What does " Virtual PBX"from Beeline and what can she do? Let's try to look at its functionality in our detailed review.

Features of the “Virtual PBX” service

The “Virtual PBX” service from Beeline is aimed at corporate clients. It provides modern digital telephony capabilities without requiring the purchase of expensive equipment. Previously, telephone installation of offices was carried out using institutional telephone exchanges, to which external telephone lines– this created difficulties with the move. Today, to create telephony in the office, you only need the Internet.

“Virtual PBX” works on the operator’s side, where all the equipment is located. On the client side, VOIP phones are installed or softphones– no other equipment is needed here. After connecting and activating the service, you only need to configure the phones installed in the office. Office employees will be able to communicate with each other, receive external calls, and make long-distance and international calls.

Equipment for connecting the office to the Internet is purchased by the client independently. Also, he is responsible for choosing a provider - Beeline provides only SIP telephony.

For organizing call centers and customer support services it is possible to connect numbers with the prefix 8-800. Clients will call such numbers absolutely free of charge. In addition, SIP from Beeline provides the following features and functions:

  • Manual transfer of calls between employees;
  • Automatic distribution of incoming calls;
  • Providing short numbers for internal dialing;
  • Integration of mobile phones into a unified corporate telephone network;
  • Preferential tariffs for calls within the network;
  • Inexpensive tariffs for domestic and international communications;
  • Lack of geographical reference;
  • Call forwarding;
  • Call holding and waiting;
  • Connecting external numbers;
  • Setting up an automatic voice greeting.

SIP telephony from Beeline and the “Virtual PBX” service are the whole world modern communication capabilities. By using the services of Beeline, each client receives a reliable and stable connection via the Internet. Virtual PBX allows you to quickly install office telephones and distribute phone numbers between employees. Also, call centers are organized on its basis to support customers and provide assistance to them. The service is managed via the Internet using a special web interface.

When you move your office, all phone numbers are saved - just connect your phones and computers to the Internet. In the case of landline telephony, moving without losing numbers would be extremely difficult.

How to activate the “Virtual PBX” service

Are you interested in the “Virtual PBX” service from Beeline, and do you want to take advantage of this offer? In this case, you need to submit an application for connection - this is done by the manager responsible for working with telephony. Sending an application from the Beeline website is free. It is also possible to order the service at the operator’s offices. There you can also check communication tariffs.

The “Virtual PBX” service is available for large clients with more than 50 employees and workplaces. Otherwise, connection to the service will be denied.

As the English say: " If you can't beat em, join em". Which translates into Russian as: “If you can’t fight, then lead.” It was this English proverb that Beeline and Megafon probably had in mind when they stopped fighting Skype and offered their own SIP-based VoIP telephony solutions. Today I’ll tell you about them.

As you can see, everything is very simple. It is also easy to access the Multifon service. You just need to activate this service using one of 3 options: possible ways(read more here: “How to activate the MultiFon service?”). Yes, I completely forgot! To do this you need to be a Megafon subscriber. Sorry, I completely forgot to mention this! Money for calls made will be debited from your phone account. Exist specialized programs for PC (for Windows and Linux), as well as applications for Android and iOS. In addition, you can send SMS from desktop PC programs. This service is not available for smartphones from the Multifon application. But there is a way out - an application for the UMS service, which allows you to receive and send SMS from any device on Android and iOS. Read the settings for any SIP program or application here: “How to configure the “MultiFon” profile in alternative software clients or hardware SIP phones? ". As is customary in SIP, calls (including video) between Multifon users are absolutely free.

For me, it turned out to be a very nice service for Megafon. It's strange that others Russian Operators Cellular Communications They don’t offer anything like that (of the analogues I know only “baZa” from Centel, but there the offer is more likely for organizations than for individuals). I would also like to note a fairly convenient and well-filled “Help” section on the service’s website.

Home phone from Beeline
But with Beeline it’s not like that. First, use a VoIP solution for SIP protocol only home Internet or television users can use Beeline. Secondly, not in all of them, but only (as I understand) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Ufa. Thirdly, you can use the service only and exclusively from the Beeline network. Moreover, from the Beeline home Internet network.

But it’s not all bad, there are also advantages. The biggest thing: you get a “direct” Moscow (St. Petersburg, etc.) number absolutely free. Now about tariffs. As I understand, tariffs are different for different cities. Therefore, please forgive me for citing Moscow tariffs here.

There are already 2 tariffs: “Pay only per minute” and “Unlimited + Beeline RF”.

Tariff "Pay only per minute"
- Cost of outgoing calls to landlines Moscow: 0.44 rub. in a minute;
- Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers: 0.8 rub. in a minute;
- Cost of outgoing calls to numbers of other Moscow operators: 1.5 rubles. in a minute;
- Cost of outgoing calls to landlines in the Moscow region: 1.7 rubles. in a minute.
There is no subscription fee. To use the service, you just need to have more than 50 rubles in your “home Internet” or “home television” account.

Tariff "Unlimited + Beeline RF"
This tariff includes subscription fee: 300 rubles per month (and if anyone doesn’t remember, a month on Beeline is 30 days). For this money you are offered the following:
- Cost of outgoing calls to Moscow landlines: 0 rub. in a minute;
- Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Moscow: 0 rub. in a minute;
- Cost of outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Russia: 0 rub. per minute (except for subscribers of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol);
- The cost of calls to other directions is the same as in the previous tariff.

Thus, for 300 rubles per month you get unlimited calls to Moscow landline numbers and to everything mobile numbers"Beeline" of Russia (except for Crimean ones for now). Very profitable, especially compared to MGTS tariffs. But the real “cherry on the cake” is the ability to enable free inbox forwarding to mobile phone Beeline.

Almost any SIP equipment or program/application can be used for use. The main thing is to configure it correctly. How exactly what to configure can be done with some difficulty, but can be found on the Beeline website: Help and support - Home phone. If you have any questions on this topic, ask them in the comments. It seems like I’ve almost learned how to configure some Android applications to work with a Beeline home phone.

That's actually all I wanted to tell you today. As I see, the topic of SIP telephony is not in great demand among my readers. But you'll have to be patient for a little while. Soon everything I wanted to say on this topic will end.

1.Open your personal account for the Beeline Business cloud PBX. Go to section Numbers:

2. In section Subscribers select the number that will be used by the Telephone Operator and click on it:

3. In the section Services find and enable the option SIP account. Click the button Tune:

4. In the field Number of SIP lines set the value to 10. Thus, you can transfer 10 simultaneous incoming calls to the Telephone Operator. Click on the link Generate password. Copy the password from the field New Password , he will be needed soon. Click the button Save.

5. If you opened this instruction during Line and script settings, then copy to personal account in form fields PBX connections(SIP) these values:

  • Copied in point #4 password in field Password
  • SIP User ID in field User
  • Domain in field SIP server
  • Authorization User ID copy No need
  • SIP proxy in field SIP proxy

If you are not studying now Setting up the line and script, then save above specified parameters: You will need them when setting up a new line

Connecting the "Secretary" line

Attention! Before connecting the line, create a new user

There are several ways to connect the line Secretary to your PBX:

  1. Secretary, if in voice menu the caller did not dial extension number or dialed the secretary's internal number
  2. Incoming call is transferred to Secretary, only if the caller dialed the secretary’s internal number in the voice menu
  3. All incoming calls are immediately sent to Secretary.
We recommend using the first line connection method Secretary. This is exactly what is described in the instructions below. But by analogy with the described method, it is easy to configure other connection options.

1. Go to the section Numbers:

3. Press the button Add a button and select 0 . Mark the added button with a star. Select Transfer via ATS. Enter the extension number that you have configured for the Secretary line. Click the button Save:

Connecting the “Missed Missed Protection” line

Attention! Before connecting the line, create a new user. You cannot use the same user to connect different lines Telephone operators.

The "Protection against Missed Persons" line is needed so that a certain group of employees (for example, the sales department) does not miss a single person incoming call. In Beeline PBX, groups of employees (departments) are included in the Calling Group. The main scenario for using the "Missed Missed Protection" line is as follows:

  • an incoming call arrives to the dialing group
  • no one from the group answers the call
  • a call from the group is transferred after a certain timeout to the internal number to which the Telephone Operator is connected

1. Go to the section Numbers:

2. In section Services Click on the required ringing group:

3. In the field If the agent does not respond, move on to the next one in... set the value 3 :

4. Enable the option If the waiting time exceeds.... Specify the time in seconds after which the call will be transferred to the Telephone Operator. We recommend setting a value equal to the number of agents in List of agents multiplied by 10. For example, if you have 3 numbers in List of agents, then enter 30 seconds.

5. Enter the extension number that you configured for the Missed Missed Protection line. Click the button Save: