Flash drives with the ability to set a password. How to set a password on a flash drive: software and manual methods

Flash drive - convenient way information storage. The flash drive stores gigabytes of information: personal photos and videos, work data, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands and being used by criminals, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information using a password

Reliable protection is installed on a USB flash drive in two ways. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to users operating system Windows 7, 8. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical drive or flash drive. Bitlocker cannot set a password for separate folder.

Second method: use the program to protect personal files third party developers. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help limit access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a flash drive in Windows

If on personal Windows computer 7 editions Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 and higher, then the user has access to a built-in encryption application Bitlocker data. Having completed simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the “My Computer” folder and click right click by the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker from the context menu.
  4. In the new window, check the box “Use a password to unlock the flash drive.” We come up with strong password and enter it in the window provided. Click the “Next” button.
  5. In the next step, Bitlocker prompts you to create special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password he created. This key is printed on a printer or saved on local disk. The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We wait for the end of encryption of information and click the “Close” button.
  8. Checking the security installation. We take out and reinsert the flash drive. In the “My Computer” folder, a “lock” icon should appear next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is installed and access to data is only with a password.

This is what a local disk protected by bitlocker looks like

Free data protection programs

Available to users via the Internet software products. They will help protect personal data. Three popular programs, distributed free of charge, are described below.


The TrueCrypt program ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. To understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt, you will have to spend time. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a flash drive or logical drive entirely.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive sought to create functional application small size, and they succeeded. Free version The program does not require administrator rights, but is not capable of encrypting a flash drive with a capacity of more than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). To access the information posted there, a password is required. The program uses a robust algorithm AES encryption with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as an encryption standard.


The MyFolder program helps you protect a folder on your local drive or USB drive with a clear menu. To open such a folder, you must enter a password. MyFolder encrypts on high speed, but uses the unstable Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under a 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish is a cryptographic algorithm that implements block symmetric encryption with variable key length. Developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a flash drive. Easy and quick to protect personal information Special programs will help.

One of them Anvid Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

After downloading, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to use. The interface is simple and clear. In the program window, specify a folder on a flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter the password, and the folder is password-protected. It can be accessed through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected with an additional password.

Setting a password on a flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash drives offer the use of hardware information protection. To use data encryption from the manufacturer, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a key fob from Toshiba in an aluminum case with buttons for entering a password

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. It should not be forgotten. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases. Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format a flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What if you forgot your password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet that shout about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option: look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack your password. Remember: using special software is fraught with unpredictable consequences. On Personal Computer viruses can get in malware. So it's better to come up with good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Users often use a storage device in the form of a card MicroSD memory. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSD is often protected with a password. It is installed through the menu electronic gadget. When you reinsert the memory card into another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forget it, then it is impossible to restore access to the flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

The online store sells a device for resetting a password on a MicroSD memory card

Nowadays, online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $10–20. Using an unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. Unlocking services are offered by repair companies Cell phones and computers.

Hold personal files under lock and key. This also applies to data recorded on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Having memory problems? Then it’s better not to set a password. There will be considerable pain in restoring access; it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the password yourself without losing data, and the results of using cracking programs are not always positive.

USB flash drives are small, portable and universal devices storage Flash drives are very convenient for transferring data between computers. However, due to their portability and compact size, USB media can be easily lost. Therefore, you need to take care of reliable protection data on a flash drive.

Unfortunately, you can't simply set a password on the entire drive like you can with a smartphone or computer. For enhanced protection your files need to be encrypted. If you do not wish to purchase separately safe device flash memory with hardware encryption, you can use free software to get a similar level of security.

In this article we have presented several simple ways to protect files and folders on a USB flash drive.

If you need to protect only individual important documents, and you do not need to encrypt entire folders, then you can simply limit yourself to installing password protection for individual files.

Many programs, including Word and Excel, allow you to save files with a password.

For example, when required document open at text editor Microsoft Word, you can go to the menu File > Details, select item Document protection and option Encrypt with password.

All that remains is to ask secure password and confirm its installation. Be sure to save the document and be sure to remember or write down the password.

Download portable version VeraCrypt and extract it to a USB drive. When you launch the application, a list of available drive letters will be displayed. Select a letter and press Create Volume

To create a virtual encrypted disk inside a file, select the option Create an encrypted file container and click "Next".

In the next step, you can select the volume type: regular or hidden. Usage hidden volume reduces the risk of someone forcing you to reveal your password. In our example, we will create a regular volume. Next, select the location of the encrypted volume – removable USB-disk.

Configure encryption and specify the volume size (must not exceed the size of a USB drive). Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then set your volume password. In the next step, your random mouse movements will determine the cryptographic strength of the encryption.

Once encryption is complete, each time you connect the USB drive to any computer, you can run the VeraCrypt hosted on it and mount the encrypted file container to gain access to the data.

VeraCrypt supports encryption of entire partitions and storage devices.

Download VeraCrypt and install the program on your PC. When you launch the application, a list of available drive letters will be displayed. Select a letter and press Create Volume. The VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard will launch.

To encrypt the entire USB drive, select the option Encrypt a non-system partition/drive and click "Next".

In the next step, you can select the volume type: regular or hidden. Using a hidden volume reduces the risk of someone forcing you to reveal your password.

On the next screen of the wizard you need to select the device, i.e. our removable USB disk, and then click "OK" and "Next".

In our example, we will create a regular volume. On the next screen of the wizard you need to select the device, i.e. our removable USB drive, and then click “OK” and “Next”.

To encrypt the entire USB drive, select Encrypt the partition in place and click "Next". VeraCrypt will warn you that you should have a backup copy of your data so that if something goes wrong during encryption, you can restore access to your files. Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then set your volume password. In the next step, your random mouse movements will determine the cryptographic strength of the encryption.

Then select the cleaning mode. The more rewrite cycles, the more reliable the cleaning. In the final step, select Encryption to start the encryption process.

After encryption is complete, each time you connect the USB drive to your computer, you will need to mount it with using VeraCrypt to gain access to the data.

Many modern archivers, including the free 7-Zip, support AES-256 encryption and password protection of files.

Install 7-Zip, then right-click on the file or folder on your USB drive and select 7-Zip > Add to archive. In the "Add to Archive" window, select the archive format and set a password. Click "OK" to begin the archiving and encryption process.

Found a typo? Press Ctrl + Enter

I think that everyone has information on their computer or laptop that they don’t want to show to strangers. In addition, you want to protect some files from changes.

For this reason, many people ask: How to put a password on a file, folder or flash drive? As usual, we will consider free and accessible solutions . If you are interested in how to set a password to log into your computer

Password for Word or Excel file

IN Microsoft Office built-in function, which allows you to set a password for Word files, Excel... To protect a file with a password, select the menu "File", Further "Save as…". Then in the window select the button "Service".

A new window will appear where you can enter password to open the file, as well as, if necessary, a password for editing it. After entering the password, click OK. You should remember the password, as it will be impossible to recover it.

Archive with password

The most simple option protect folder password is creating a protected archive. Is it available on any version Windows.

First of all, you need to install the archiver. Since I promised to consider only free options , That WinRAR archiver I won't recommend it. But for the owners of this archiver procedure for password protection will be similar.

Download and install the famous free archiver 7Zip. Official website of the program: www.7-zip.org/download.html.

I recommend install this archiver. In addition to the ability to unpack numerous formats archive files (including rar), he has own format7z. On personal experience it was verified that in 7z format some files have improved their compression compared to WinRAR up to 30%!

So, after installing the archiver, right-click on the file or folder that requires protection (RMB) and select 7-zip, and then in the new window select “Add to archive.”

By the way, if you want Just pack the file to the archive without using a password, you can select the item "Add to" document name. 7z".

But we'll come back to file protection. After choosing to add to the archive, a window appears. In him note for several elements.

Archive format

If you want to provide maximum compression, then I recommend choosing the format 7z. In case maximum compatibility and the ability to open the archive on most computers, then choose zip-format.

Compression level

The higher the compression level, the less final file size. But this increases the time spent on packing the file into the archive. Therefore, if you have weak computer, and the file or folder is large enough, then select the normal compression level (or no compression).


Enter your password and confirm it. There is a function that allows you to show the password value. You can also check the box encryption file names so that the name of the file or folder inside the archive is unknown.

After all settings are set remember or write down the password that was entered and click OK.

How to put a password on a flash drive. Bitlocker

If you want to protect from unauthorized access your flash drive, then you can use the Bitlocker component. He built into Windows since Vista and allows you to restrict access using a password to any disk partition or external USB drive.

Click menu "Start" and then enter the phrase in the search bar "disk encryption" Then select from the list "Bitlocker Drive Encryption".

In the window that opens, select the partition or flash drive that you want to protect with a password, click next on the inscription "Enable Bitlocker". Then select the unlock option. There are two options: by entering a password or a smart card. Let's choose the first option as it is simpler. After entering your password (at least 8 characters) and confirming it, click “Next”.

A new window will open where the system will prompt you to select the save option. backup copy password: in printed form or in a file.

The final step remains. A warning about the possible length of the encryption process will appear in a new window. If you are satisfied with everything, click the button to start the encryption process.

In the future, access to the disk partition or flash drive will only be carried out after entering the password.


Remember the basic rules:

1) Before installation, the password must be remember or write down (forgotten password it is usually impossible to restore).

2) If you want to limit MS Office file access, then use the built-in capabilities of the program

3) A password for a folder or any file can be set using the archiver

4) If you want to restrict unauthorized access to a partition or flash drive (or other USB drive), use Bitlocker

Very often users store important information on your own media. The most convenient of all media is, of course, a flash drive, but it can be easily lost or stolen, and I suggest protecting yourself from such situations using encryption.

There are only 3 ways to protect your media:

  1. Built-in Bitlocker.
  2. Hardware level protection ( when there is a display on the flash drive with input of various characters).
  3. Third-party encryption program.

The most popular solutions to this problem:

  1. Myfolder— allows you to simply set a password for a separate folder, but uses an unreliable encryption algorithm.
  2. TrueCrypt- the most popular encryption program. Recently, the developers reported the vulnerability of its security algorithm. Therefore, it is better to find a safe analogue.
  3. Rohos mini drivesimple program no installation required. Perfect for protecting information on your storage device.

All of them are partially free. I believe that the last of these programs is the best on this moment and I will demonstrate exactly that.

Setting a Bitlocker Password

This utility is great for ensuring media security. Create a strong password and remember it. If you forget it, then you most likely will not be able to recover the data.

This method is only suitable for those with the following operating system:

  1. Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise
  2. Windows Vista Ultimate/Enterprise
  3. Windows 8

Find out which one you have and if it’s suitable, proceed to these instructions. In more earlier versions the utility is not present. If the system is not suitable, then proceed to the next method.

This utility does not encrypt individual folders.

It may be more convenient for you to watch a video of how this is done.

Go to My Computer and call context menu by clicking on the icon of your flash drive. Enable Bitlocker there. It is built into the Windows system and there is no need to download anything.

In the window that appears, select the blocking method. After entering your password, click next.

Save the recovery key. If you lose your password, the recovery key will give you access to your data. Save it to a file.

This is what it will look like.

Then start the process of encrypting the flash drive.

Wait for the encryption to finish. The process can be long. It all depends on the capacity of your device.

After successful completion, you can unlock your flash drive for your computer and check the encryption. You will be required to enter the password specified before encryption.

You have successfully installed protection. Now I will demonstrate how to remove it. The principle is almost the same.

How to remove encryption

Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Bitlocker Drive Encryption:

In the window that appears, select the line “Turn off Bitlocker” as in the image below.

And then click “Decrypt disk” and you will remove the password from the flash drive.

Now let's look at a third-party program.

Setting a password using Rohos Mini Drive

If you do not have a suitable operating system, then use third party solution. Download free program Rohos Mini Drive Portable and unpack the archive.

The free version of this program can only encrypt 2 Gb. I hope this is enough for you. It is lightweight and easy to use. It uses the most popular and reliable AES encryption method.

One very important feature of this program is that it does not require administrator rights for encryption.

Place the program on your flash drive.

I will show an example on my file with the name of my site, and you will have yours accordingly. Launch the program and close the window that appears. Then go to settings as in the image below.

Now you should choose which files you will protect and how. Let me explain what each line means:

  1. The first line means that you will make an encrypted disk with a maximum capacity of 2 gb ( in the free version).
  2. The second line means that you will create already hidden drive with music or video.
  3. The third line means you will create a hidden partition ( Administrator rights will be required).

I selected the first option and now I need to enter a password.

Then you need to add the data to the encrypted partition. Click on Import and select the required files.

Already added ones are displayed on the right.

Now check if the protection is working. Close the program and launch it again. You will see a window in which you will need to enter a password. By entering it you will gain access to the files.

After this procedure, all information stored on the flash drive will be accessible only with a password. The main thing is to come up with a strong password and don’t forget it. Otherwise, you will have to use hacking programs, and they most likely will not help you.

There are also flash drives with built-in protection already on them, but this is only suitable for their owners and therefore I will not consider them in this article.

Were you able to set a password?

A flash drive is a convenient way to store information. The flash drive stores gigabytes of information: personal photos and videos, work data, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands and being used by criminals, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information using a password

Reliable protection is installed on a USB flash drive in two ways. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to operating room users Windows systems 7, 8. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical drive or flash drive. You can't set a password for an individual folder using Bitlocker.

The second method: use third-party programs to protect personal files. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help limit access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a flash drive in Windows

If the personal computer has Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 editions and higher, then the user has access to the built-in Bitlocker data encryption application. By following simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the “My Computer” folder and right-click on the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker from the context menu.
  4. In the new window, check the box “Use a password to unlock the flash drive.” We come up with a strong password and enter it in the window provided. Click the “Next” button.
  5. In the next step, Bitlocker offers to create a special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password he created. This key is printed on a printer or saved on a local disk. The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We wait for the end of encryption of information and click the “Close” button.
  8. Checking the security installation. We take out and reinsert the flash drive. In the “My Computer” folder, a “lock” icon should appear next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is installed and access to data is only with a password.

This is what a local disk protected by bitlocker looks like

Free data protection programs

Software products are available to users via the Internet. They will help protect personal data. Three popular freeware programs are described below.


The TrueCrypt program ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. To understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt, you will have to spend time. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a flash drive or an entire logical drive.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive sought to create a functional application in a small size, and they succeeded. The free version of the program does not require administrator rights, but is not capable of encrypting a flash drive with a capacity larger than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). To access the information posted there, a password is required. The program uses a strong AES encryption algorithm with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as an encryption standard.


The MyFolder program helps you protect a folder on your local drive or USB drive with a clear menu. To open such a folder, you must enter a password. MyFolder encrypts at high speed, but uses the weak Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under a 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish is a cryptographic algorithm that implements block symmetric encryption with a variable key length. Developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a flash drive. Special programs will help you easily and quickly protect personal information.

One of them is Anvide Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

After downloading, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to use. The interface is simple and clear. In the program window, specify a folder on a flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter the password, and the folder is password-protected. It can be accessed through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected with an additional password.

Setting a password on a flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash drives offer the use of hardware information protection. To use data encryption from the manufacturer, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a key fob from Toshiba in an aluminum case with buttons for entering a password

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. It should not be forgotten. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases. Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format a flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What if you forgot your password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet that shout about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option: look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack the password. Remember: using special software is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Viruses and malware can get onto your personal computer. Therefore, it is better to come up with a good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Users often use a storage device in the form of a MicroSD memory card. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSD is often protected with a password. It is installed through the menu of the electronic gadget. When you reinsert the memory card into another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forget it, then it is impossible to restore access to the flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

The online store sells a device for resetting a password on a MicroSD memory card

Nowadays, online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $10–20. Using an unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. Unlocking services are offered by companies that repair mobile phones and computers.

Keep personal files locked. This also applies to data recorded on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Having memory problems? Then it’s better not to set a password. There will be considerable pain in restoring access; it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the password yourself without losing data, and the results of using cracking programs are not always positive.

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