The flash drive is closed for writing, how to open it. How to remove write protection from a flash drive (USB-flash drive, MicroSD, etc.)

Having a problem with a write-protected flash drive? Don't know how to unlock a flash drive and make it readable? You are trying to write some file to a USB drive or SD card, and in response you receive a message: “The flash drive is write-protected.” If you urgently need to copy files to a disk or flash drive, I will show you how to remove protection and format (or clean) the storage medium - for further work, familiar and correct.

We use programs to format memory cards and USB flash drives

Some flash drives come with proprietary software. It works better than standard tools Windows formatting. These programs - not always, but nevertheless - will help remove protection. The downside of this approach is that you lose all the data on the media. So if this is unacceptable to you, move on to the next chapter.

2. More universal method Forcibly format a USB flash drive / SD card - use formatting utilities like the Hp Disk Format Tool. You can select the file system and formatting type.

Restoring access to a flash drive through the Registry

The method of removing write protection is quite simple, but requires minimal skill and careful handling of the registry editor. If you are not 100% sure of your actions, do it using the RegOrganizer program.

1. Open the Registry Editor as an administrator (Start – regedit).

2. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ directory. If there is no StorageDevicePolicies folder inside this directory, create it. For this:

3. Right-click on the current directory Control

4. From the menu, select New - Partition and name it StorageDevicePolicies.

5. Right-click on StorageDevicePolicies and select a new value for the DWORD(32-bit) parameter for a 32-bit OS or DWORD(64-bit) for a 64-bit OS, respectively.

6. Rename the dword parameter to WriteProtect, double-click on the line, specify the value 0 (HEX).

7. Safely remove the flash drive and restart your computer.

8. Connect the USB flash drive. If necessary, format it.

Video version of the instructions:

Another solution to remove protection from a disk: use the diskpart utility

diskpart is a console utility included in Windows composition XP and higher, allowing flexible management hard drives, file volumes and partitions at an advanced access level.

We will try to access the problematic flash drive via the console, and then format the write-protected flash drive.

1. Open command line(cmd.exe). Type "diskpart" to open the utility.

2. Type "list disk" to display a list of available disks on the system.

3. Determine where your USB drive is in the list. Enter "SELECT DISK n", where n is your USB flash drive with a write-protected disk.

Be very careful! Incorrect choice media will cause you to lose all data on the selected drive.

4. Type "clean" (you may have to repeat this command twice or three times). If nothing works, try other ways to unlock the flash drive.

5. Enter "create partition primary" to create a new partition on the USB flash drive.

6. Enter "select partition" to select a partition on the disk

7. Type "active" to make the drive active

8. Enter "format fs=ntfs" to format to NTFS (before formatting the flash drive, make sure you have selected the correct storage medium!).

By the way, the option with diskpart is one of best methods format a write-protected flash drive without resorting to third-party tools.

Another way to remove protection from a memory card/flash drive. Diskmgmt.msc utility

The protection removal method is suitable for both SD memory cards and USB flash drives. To implement it, we will need a standard Windows component for disk management – ​​diskmgmt.msc.

  1. Start – Run. IN text string type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter
  2. Right button on the partition you want to format (the letter and partition will help you determine)
  3. Select "Delete volume..." and confirm the operation
  4. IN context menu select the "Create Volume" command
  5. Select primary partition
  6. Leave all parameters as default
  7. Click ok

Removing protection from a flash drive through the Windows Group Policy Editor

In some cases, access to a flash drive is limited by local Windows Group Policy rights. We tell you how to remove protection in such a situation:

  1. Start – Run – gpedit.msc.
  2. In the panel that opens, go to the following section: “Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Access to Removable Storage Devices.”
  3. Next you need to deactivate the option “ Removable drives: Deny reading”, switching to the “Disable” state.

Other working methods for removing file write protection

If none of the above recipes helped, well, other methods on how to remove protection from a flash drive will probably work (the list will grow over time).

  1. Check your flash drive for viruses. Some malicious applications establish their own control over files; as a result, the flash drive is protected from writing data belonging to viruses. How to remove protection in this case? For scanning we recommend using .
  2. Check if the flash drive has a hardware button that allows you to physically unlock it (there is a switch on the side that needs to be moved towards the open lock). However, today similar usb flash drives and SD cards are very rare - these are mostly old device models.
  3. Update the firmware of the flash drive, you can find the exact model on Google by chip vendor and chip vendor model, see Device Manager.

Conclusion. Although it is not always possible to determine why a flash drive is write-protected, of the many methods described, at least one works. If none of the methods for removing protection from a flash drive helped you, all you have to do is replace it usb drive- in other words, buy a new one.

However, ask questions on the topic - you can do this through sidebar on our website. We'll try to help.

The media is write protected: what to do? Questions and Answers

32 GB flash drive WANSENDA when formatted. When you try to delete a file, it asks you to remove write protection from the disk or use another one. What to do, how to remove write protection? I can’t delete or transfer files to a flash drive.

Answer. Try removing protection from your flash drive through the Registry, using the diskpart or diskmgmt.msc utilities (included in Windows). Format the flash drive special programs- Low level format or Disk format tool(see the beginning of the guide).

All my formatting attempts produce the same result: remove the protection, the card is write-protected. I removed the protection in every possible way, but it comes back, I can’t do anything. The phone displays information about a card malfunction and cannot format it in any way. The computer and laptop accept it, but formatting fails.

Can you tell me what to do, how to remove protection from the SD card? Other phones and digital camera didn't help.

Answer. Try resetting the protection using the methods described in the article and immediately format the memory card to FAT32. Check if there is a switch on the SD card (it may be set in the wrong position, so the memory card is write protected).

I can’t format a SONY 64GB flash drive, copy or delete files to it. The system says that the disk is write protected. What to do? I tried everything you have. Does not help. I bought Flash from Mvideo about 3 months ago, it worked fine before.

Answer. Some users can remove protection using the proprietary JetFlash Recovery utility. It allows you to format a flash drive at a low access level. If that doesn't help, try removing write protection from the disk through the registry or command line. After this, restart your computer.

I have samsung phone S3600, stopped writing files to the card. The most interesting thing is that there are two photos and one video left on the card - there is NO way to delete them at all. They are deleted from the computer, but then they appear again on the map. I can’t write anything on the card - at first it’s as if everything is there, but on the phone there’s nothing... like nothing. I didn’t drop the phone, I didn’t drown it, the card just suddenly stopped working, and in such a weird way. He sees the card, but does not write anything to it and does not delete anything from it... How to remove write protection on a flash drive?

Answer. You can remove write protection on a flash drive through forced formatting. This can be done through the console utility diskpart for Windows or various graphical utilities like SDFormatter or Hp disk format tool.

It is possible that files are not deleted due to errors in reading the sectors on which the files that cannot be deleted are written. You can check the flash drive for errors via Properties - Tools - Check in Explorer.

After navigating with ADRplayer, I can’t delete files (including write-protected ones) from the SD card. In Windows it is recognized as a 118 MB disk with the ADRplayer program on it. The files are all played by this program. Formatting is not possible in Windows.

Answer. Since the SD card's disk is write-protected, you need to format it to NTFS via the command line (using the diskpart utility) or using system utility diskmgmt.msc. In addition, there is a wonderful program for SD cards called SDFormatter - it removes write protection.

It’s not clear what happened to the flash card, when you connect the card to the computer it says “To use the disk in drive J, first format it.” You start formatting in fat32 format without quick cleaning and tried with quick cleaning, it says the disk is write protected. I tried the described ones the options didn't help.

The method via diskmgmt.msc after right-clicking on the flash drive does not allow “delete volume” and other actions are simply not active. The file system of the flash card is Raw, and the system says that it is working. What to do, how to remove write protection from a flash drive and revive it?

Answer. In addition to diskmgmt.msc, try removing write protection on the flash drive through the Registry or using the console utility diskpart. For formatting, use not standard Windows tools, but, for example, Low level format. If after these manipulations the disk is still write-protected, try opening the flash drive in another operating system, use to manage disks on a flash drive third party software- let's say Acronis Disk Director.

I bought a mini sd for a 128gig SanDisk phone. I put it in my phone Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016), it works for a while and then it blocks recording to it. No matter what I did: I formatted it via a PC, and via a phone - it was all to no avail, it would work for a while and then it would block the recording again. How to format a protected flash drive?

Answer. The file table on the memory card may be damaged, making it impossible to write new data. In such cases, it is recommended to check the disk for errors using the standard chkdsk tool (Start - Run - chkdsk). If that doesn't help, format the SD card using the sd formatter desktop application. Judging by the reviews, the utility has helped many users when formatting a flash drive. You can also format the SD card via Recovery menu by rebooting the phone in the appropriate mode and selecting the option Wipe cache partition.

I ordered USB flash memory from the Internet. I initially formatted it, but I didn’t like that she didn’t read or see all the formats. I decided to format it completely, without a check mark, just (table of contents). Now a laptop with Windows 10 OS sees it, but requires formatting it. I format it, but the flash drive is not formatted - the disk is write-protected. I have already tried to do something (download programs), but I don’t understand, I’m still far from it.

Answer. In your case, it is advisable not to format the USB flash drive standard means Windows, I'm through specialized software– fortunately there is a wide choice. First of all, look for programs specifically for your flash drive on the manufacturer’s website. If not found, use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool or any disk manager like Acronis Disk Director. As file system specify NTFS or exFAT.

1) Sandisk ultra USB 3.0 flash drive 16 GB. I tried everything, from renaming the letter to cleaning the registry. As soon as you start formatting (including through partition management), a message pops up that Windows cannot do this and the flash drive disappears from view. I also tried HDD Low Level Format Tool v4.40 Final - the same thing happens as described above. How to format a write-protected flash drive?

2) I can't format the micro SD card. Writes: “Windows was unable to complete the formatting.” I’ve already tried with different programs and the command line. It still doesn’t format. I can’t even delete the files. I click “delete,” removed the flash drive and put it back. The file that was deleted is there again I can neither delete nor format.

Answer. Try other formatting programs: SDFormatter or software available on the developer’s website (sometimes you can use them to format a flash drive bypassing system errors). In addition to Disk Management, you can use any disk manager like Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director.

You can also assume that the problem is related to Windows or the computer configuration. Try formatting the flash drive on another computer or in a different OS environment (Windows/Mac OS/Linux).

It is very frustrating when habitual manipulations performed many times suddenly, at one unfortunate moment, fail. It would seem that writing files to a flash drive is a routine operation that is already performed “automatically”. And so, when trying once again to transfer several files to this portable media, a message pops up that this flash drive is write-protected and the operation cannot be performed.

Is this a death sentence, or can the problem be dealt with? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for blocking a flash drive

There can be many versions of why it is not possible to write to the media - from mechanical damage flash drives to the stupid joke of someone you know. What led to the blocking in this case– it doesn’t matter. It is much more important to use the portable media correctly. Common recommendations include:

  • Avoid mechanical influences.
  • Protect from dust and water.
  • After finishing work, use the mode safe removal devices.
  • Check for viruses.
  • It is not recommended to use a flash drive in devices with different OS, or, according to at least, do not record or format them in such devices.

It is much more interesting and useful to find out a way to get rid of the error and write to a flash drive.

How to remove write protection

Let's start everything simple. Having made sure that the flash drive is intact externally, nothing is broken and it has not been dipped into liquid, we will step by step find out why it turned out that this disk is write-protected.

Hardware lock

Inspect the storage media carefully. SD memory cards (microsd via adapter) and some flash drive models have mechanical switch, blocking the ability to write and format. Check what position it is set to; if it is in “Lock” mode, then all you have to do is move it and remove the write protection.

It is useful to connect the flash drive to a different USB port, or try recording on another computer. This will eliminate the possibility that this computer having problems with USB.

If the flash drive does not open on any computer, then most likely the drive is damaged and will have to be replaced.

Checking the file system type

Please note what kind of file you are trying to write to. As a rule, new flash drives are initially formatted in the FAT32 file system. If the file being written is 4 GB or more in size, you will first have to change the file system to NTFS. Only then will it be possible to record files of any size.

Virus check

Before you continue trying to unlock your flash drive, it is extremely useful to check it for viruses. The reason may be hidden in some kind of blocking malware ability to write information to disk.

Use the installed antivirus program, or download verification utility from the website of the developer of such software.

Using the Registry

You can enable disk writing by entering (or checking) the value of the parameter in the registry. To call it, you need to click the “Start” button, enter “regedit” in the search bar, then right-click on the found utility and select the menu item that runs it as administrator.


and find the “Start” parameter.

The value “3” of this parameter means that the entry is allowed, but if a different value is set, then most likely the cause of the error has been found.

Unblocking an entry in the Local Group Policy Editor

It is possible that the ability of some users to write to removable media is blocked on the computer. To remove the ban, you need to make changes to local group policy. You should click the “Start” button, enter “gpedit.msc” in the search bar, click right button mouse and run the snap-in as administrator.

“Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->Access to Removable Storage Devices.”

The value of the “Removable drives: Deny writing” parameter should be “Not configured” or “Disabled”. Otherwise, entry to external media prohibited.

You need to reboot the system and then try again to write to the flash drive.

Removing recording protection using Diskpart

If there is still no result, then you can use the command line and Diskpart program included in the OS. You need to click the “Start” button, enter “Diskpart” in the search bar, and on the line that appears with the name of the program, right-click to run it as administrator. In the window that appears, enter following commands.

  1. “list disk” – a list of all disks connected to the system will be displayed. You need to choose the right one. You can determine which one corresponds to the flash drive if you go by the size of the disk.
  2. “select disk X” – selection the desired disk, where “X” is the disk number from the list displayed by the previous command.
  3. “detail disk” – output detailed information on the selected disk. You should make sure that the correct drive is selected.
  4. “attributes disk clear readonly” – resetting the “read only” attribute.
  5. “clean” – deletes all partitions on the disk.
  6. “create partition primary” – creating a partition.
  7. “format fs=fat32” – formats the partition with the creation of the FAT32 file system (if you use the fs=ntfs command, the formatting will be performed with the creation of the NTFS file system);
  8. exit – exit the program.

If no recording was made because the “read-only” attribute was set, then steps 5-7 can be skipped. Otherwise, it is advisable to format the flash drive, first saving all important data.

Using third party utilities

It is possible that the flash drive is not formatted, giving one or another error. In this case, to solve problems, it is advisable to use proprietary utilities produced by many flash drive manufacturers. Some of them can be listed:

  • JetFlash Recovery Tool– for Transcend drives.
  • Apacer Repair – for Apacer drives.
  • Apacer 8 Repair Utility is a set of utilities for drives not only from Apacer, but also from a number of others.
  • UFD Recover Tool – for Silicon Power flash drives.
  • USB Flash Drive Online Recovery – for AData drives.
  • Kingston Format Utility - respectively, for Kingston flash drives.
  • AlcorMP is a utility that can work with drives Transcend JetFlash and others that use the AlcorMP controller.
  • Phison Format & Restore – formats (low-level and high-level) flash drives with a Phison controller.
  • HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool is a universal utility for formatting flash drives.

All utilities must be run as administrator.

You can clarify the type of controller used in the flash drive by using, for example, the utility " Flash Drive Information Extractor".


If none of the recommendations help solve the problem, then the drive will probably need to be replaced. You can use specialized utilities oriented to work with a specific type of controller. There is a possibility that the flash drive can be revived. The question is how much you can trust this drive after a serious failure.

Sometimes there are cases when it is impossible to format a USB flash drive or SD card, transfer or write data and information to them. Windows system will give an error, the flash drive will give an error message: " The disc is write protected. Remove protection or use another drive" (The disk is write-protected). Many devices come with a locking lever on the flash drive itself. Make sure that the lever on the drive itself is set to the "unlocked" position. Unfortunately, in some cases, devices can be physically damaged, which will lead to the purchase of a new one If you are sure that everything is in order: the lever is unlocked, the device has not been subjected to physical shock, then we will consider ways to revive drives and try to remove write protection from flash drives and memory cards.

Remove write protection from a flash drive using Registry Editor

  • Press a combination of buttons Win+R and enter regedit to enter the Registry Editor.

Follow the path:


  • If you don't have a parameter StorageDevicePolicies, then create a partition named StorageDevicePolicies by right-clicking on the folder Contorl. If there is a value, then see below what parameters should be.

  • Go to the created StorageDevicePolicies folder, select it, and right-click on the empty field with the right mouse button and Create > DWORD value (32 bits). Give it a name WriteProtect and meaning 0 . To assign a value, simply click on the key WriteProtect twice and write 0 in the field. If this method did not help, then see below.

The flash drive is write-protected How to remove protection using CMD

Insert the flash drive into USB port computer and launch the command prompt. To do this, click “search” in the line write “CMD” and right-click on the results “Command Prompt” “Run as administrator”.

Enter the following commands into the command line, you can look at the picture.

  • Dial diskpart, after each set, press enter.
  • list disk, shows which drives are connected to the computer. The flash drive in my case is located Disc 1 size 7640 MB.
  • select disk 1, where 1 is the disk number which is shown above. Disc 1 in my case this flash drive.
  • attributes disk clear readonly- clear the attributes of the flash drive.
  • clean- clear the flash drive.
  • create partition primary- create a section.
  • format fs=fat32-format to FAT32. (You can change fat32 on ntfs, if you use a flash drive only on Windows systems.)

Remove write protection using Group Policy

Click win+r and type in the line gpedit.msc.

Navigate to the following paths: Computer configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Access to removable storage devices. On the right, find the items "Removable drives" and turn off by pressing twice the required line- write, read, execute, if enabled.

If the user’s attempts to erase, format, write, edit, save the file, transfer or other similar actions with a flash drive are unsuccessful, then he is probably dealing with a protected flash drive and needs to decide how to remove the protection. The following guide contains everything necessary instructions on the question posed.

Causes of the “disk is write-protected” error. Why is the flash drive write protected?

When the PC complains that the disk is write-protected, it is necessary to first clarify the cause of the problem.

  • Hardware;
  • Software.

The disc can be write-protected at the request of its owner, simply by using a mechanical switch on the device or by using software tools. Also, the media is often programmatically blocked by the system itself, malicious applications and so on.

Main types of write protection

The first type is mechanical write protection: Manufacturers of flash drives take care to protect the integrity of information stored on their media. To the very simple type This includes equipping the device with buttons on the body or toggle switches with a “lock” icon.

Second type - software protection from entry: Software refers to a more reliable type of protection that uses special utilities blocking access to information.

The easiest way to remove write protection from a flash drive (USB or SD card) in case of mechanical protection

If a USB flash drive or SD is mechanically write-protected, then how to remove the protection in this case?

You should inspect the media itself for the presence of a switch. On some USB flash drives, usually a small toggle switch is located at the end.

Almost all SD cards are equipped with a switch, so before using them, you need to install the switch, as shown in the photo below.

Owners of computers with installed utility « Total Commander", in any unclear case, they turn to the capabilities of this file harvester, stuffed with many features.
In order to eliminate the problem in question, it is enough to follow several steps:

  1. Click “Configuration”;
  2. After that, click “Settings”;
  3. In the menu that appears, go to the “File Operations” tab and check the box: “Auto select method”;
  4. Click “Apply”;
  5. Click “Ok”;
  6. Ready.

You will need to complete the following steps:

Note: Sometimes the section described in paragraph 11 is missing. In this case, you need to create it. This is done simply: by right-clicking on the mouse in the “Control” subfolder, hovering the cursor over the “Create” line and clicking “Section”.

How to remove protection from a USB flash drive using Diskpart?

If disk is protected from the entry, the “Command Line” (CS) will help you quickly unlock it, but the information on the USB drive will be erased.


  1. Through “Start”, launch “KS” with extended powers;
  2. Then in “KS” type “Diskpart”;
  3. Click “Enter”;
  4. Type "list disk";
  5. Click "Enter";
  6. Enter “select disk (here indicate the letter that the removable media is designated in the system, no need to insert parentheses)”;
  7. Input;
  8. Then execute “attributes disk clear readonly”;
  9. Enter "clean";
  10. "create partition primary";
  11. "formatfs=fat32";
  12. Input;
  13. "exit";
  14. Input;
  15. Ready.

How to remove protection from a disk using local group policy?

If there are no positive results in deciding how to remove protection from a flash drive using the above methods, you will have to use complex method and fix the problem via group policies(GP).

Action steps:

If you decide how to remove protection from a USB flash drive, it is more convenient for the user to use “KS”, then you will need to run this tool with extended rights.

Action steps:

  1. In the search line type “cmd” or “KS”;
  2. Right-click on the search result;
  3. Open "KS" with extended rights.
  • Diskpart;
  • list disk;
  • select disk (here indicate the letter that the removable media is designated in the system; no need to insert parentheses);
  • attributes disk clear readonly;
  • exit.
  • Ready.

Programs to resolve the “disk is write-protected” error

All companies that produce USB drives develop software to work with them. However, all these programs can lead to positive result only when the user is logged in with administrator rights. The second important condition is that the software matches the drive model. In order to obtain accurate information about the media, it is convenient to use the “ChipGenius” utility. It is free and always available on the resource: “”.

The application displays details about the flash drive, guided by which you can accurately determine which software to use.

Having found out necessary information, it is recommended to visit the page, where you can select an application for your flash drive. The last paragraph of this guide provides examples of common software that can effectively solve problems that arise.

How to remove write protection from individual folders or files?

To remove the protection of an individual directory, you need to go to its “Properties” and check the corresponding boxes in the “Security” section.

If there is a ban on adjustments, for example, text document, then you can simply copy its contents to another file and save it with normal settings, that is, without protection. Or use the file menu “Save as...”.

To remove system protection from a file, call up the context menu for it and click “properties”. Uncheck the “read only” box.

Often one file or folder is used by several applications at once and as a result the problem we are considering occurs. You need to close all utilities that use the file or directory. After this, access will be immediately provided.

Sometimes a folder or file is protected with passwords. To hack them, specialists have developed applications, for example, “Office Password Recovery». This is one of the most effective utilities for cracking access codes. You only need to perform a few sequential steps:

  1. Click “open”;
  2. Go to the “attack” tab;
  3. Click “start”;
  4. Wait until the process completes;
  5. Ready.

You can also access individual directories and files by starting the PC in Safe Mode.
When the described methods do not help, it is recommended to install the “Unlocker” application, which, after installation, will appear in the context menu, so use it to work with separate files especially convenient.

To do this, you will need to install a paid or free modification of the “HDD Low Level Format Tool” (mainly they differ only in the speed of formatting and the lack of automatic updating).
In addition to flash drives, the program can work with USB hard drives. The installation wizard will help you quickly install the utility on your PC.

If it is not important for the user to receive regular updates and is ready for formatting speed limitations, then it is better to choose the free option.

After installing the program to format a protected flash drive, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Select the flash drive.
  2. Click “Continue”.
  3. Read the information in the first tab of the program menu and go to “Low-level format”.
  4. Confirm your commitment and then click “FORMAT THIS DEVICE”.

After waiting for the process to complete, the mission will be completed, that is, all bytes of information have already been erased. To use the device in the future normal mode, you will need to format it using the tools built into the OS.

Programs for formatting protected flash drives

Significant amount positive feedback The following programs have earned users:

AlcorMP— This utility, in addition to removing protection, does an excellent job of restoring the functionality of a USB drive.
You can select the “Russian” language in the menu, so even for beginners it does not cause difficulties.

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool— The application is suitable for many flash drives, and it is also available for installation for free on the official resource.
In addition to unlocking and formatting functions, the utility can create bootable flash drives.

JetFlash Recovery Tool— Transcend owners appreciated the speed and simplicity of this program, which is capable of correcting errors in reading write blocks and unlocking protection.
Using this software will not complicate the user, since the built-in wizard will help you perform basic operations with a USB flash drive.

Apacer Repair— Owners of flash drives from Apacer easily cope with blocking, thanks to the proprietary utility.
If you cannot format the media standard tools OS, the program will effortlessly complete the task within a few minutes.

Check Disk— A fully functional modification of the program is distributed freely on the Internet.
In addition to the main formatting function, the utility is used to monitor and correct errors on hard drives and USB drives (including flash drives).

Yesterday I helped a friend delete unnecessary information from her computer, it came to a point removable media, in particular memory cards and flash drives. And I encountered a situation where, when I tried to erase files from a microSD for a smartphone, it was not formatted microSD card, the error appears: “The disk is write-protected.” In the article I will describe the methods I used to fix the problem, maybe they will help some of you.

How I unlocked the memory card

Disk management

Using the hot keys Win + R, open “Run” and enter the command diskmgmt.msc. In the list of volumes, find the connected external storage medium and right-click on it. And then, as shown in the screenshot below, and in the context menu that pops up, select “Format”.

Using diskpart to format an SD card

In the search for “Start” we write cmd.exe, this command will open the command line. Enter “diskpart” (without quotes). Using the keyboard, type list disk.

We find our SD in the table and recognize it by size.

Now we use clean.

The data will be deleted within a short amount of time.

Next, be sure to create a partition, enter create partition primary, then select partition to select it and active, when performing activation. In conclusion, use format fs=ntfs, -full or format fs=NTFS QUICK, - quick formatting microSD.

In turn, I want to note that the reception is the best!

Command line

In my case, the work was carried out in Windows 10 safe mode, but I think that the option described below will be relevant in later versions.

Open the command line, it can be found by opening “Start”, where we enter – format e:

Where “E”, respectively, is the volume letter.

What to do if MicroSD is write protected

Changing disk properties

Go to “My Computer”, right-click on the icon of the microSD card that cannot be formatted, go to “Properties”. We are interested in the “Access” tab, where we need to go to the “Advanced Settings” section.

In the window that opens, check the box “Open general access" and save the changes. Then in a standard way format.

You can remove protection in the Windows Registry Editor

Using the hot buttons Win + R, by the way, you yourself can create for yourself exactly those that will be more convenient for you to work with, and enter regedit. In the thread

In WriteProtect we change the value from 1 to 0.

If it is not there, then you need to create a DWORD(32-bit) parameter if the operating system is 32-bit or DWORD(64-bit) by clicking on free space on the right side of the screen.

Changing the file system

If you cannot copy files from a MicroSD over 4 GB, then the issue may be due to the file system limit - replace FAT 32 with NTFS.

After such manipulations everything should work out.

Diskmgmt.msc utility

This action also applies to flash drives.

Let's launch the application.

In the window we look, for example, for our flash drive

Using the mouse we perform actions.

How to remove write protection using the policy editor

  1. In “Run” we use gpedit.msc
  2. Computer Configuration - “Administrative Templates” - “System” - “Access to Removable Storage Devices”.
  3. And disable “Removable drives: Deny reading”.

What to do when none of the options suits you

  • Apparently there is a problem in the memory itself.
  • Scan your PC for viruses.
  • The problem often occurs due to installed programs for creating virtual drives, type Alcohol 120%, DAEMON Tools, Virtual CD, Virtual CloneDrive and their analogues.
  • The point is in the firmware of the flash drive or SD (use proprietary software, such as Hp disk format tool or HDD low level format, which is often available on media or can be downloaded from the official website).

To the entry "The microSD card cannot be formatted. The disk is write protected" 8 comments

    Thanks for the advice, but I have the following similar problem. I have a 64 GB flash drive formatted in NTFS. I transfer information (movies, music, photos, etc.) from one computer (with Win XP Pro OS) to another computer (with Win 7 OS) - and almost always the flash drive becomes unreadable, uncopiable - with the message - remove the write protection. This can only be corrected by formatting the flash drive, but then all the information on the flash drive is lost. One computer is located more than 50 km from another; it is not possible to send information over the Internet. Afterwards, the newly formatted flash drive works fine. By the way, I noticed that it behaves this way only when I transfer information from Win XP Pro to Win 7, but not the other way around.

    Good evening! How similar everything is! In Linux, format a flash drive with the command: sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 -I -v /dev/sdb, and in FREEBSD there is a similar command: sudo newfs_msdos -F32 /dev/da0.

    I've been fiddling with this problem for half a day and all these tips haven't worked. I started looking for a proprietary utility for the memory controller and the memory itself and still found it and is now formatting it with its help. To determine the data on the flash drive I used the ChipGenius v4.00.0807 utility (it was only able to see, others similar utilities they don’t see the flash drive). The recovery took 1 hour and 15 minutes, you can wait, the flash drive is completely alive.

    What I like about flash drives from Transcend is their reasonable prices and the program for “repairing” flash drives, which is downloaded into each media. ChipGenius good program, has also helped out more than once, but she doesn’t communicate with all manufacturers.
    I often use: JetFlash Recovery Tool, MPTool, USB Flash Drive Recovery.
    And it’s best to try searching, as you do correctly, on the official websites of the product.

    ChipGenius is a program for determining the controller and memory type, and then you need to look for a proprietary utility for flashing the controller and formatting the memory. There may also be nuances, you need to try old and new versions of programs, for example, this helped me old version program, the new one did not want to work with the flash drive, although everything was determined and the required memory was set, but the START button was not available. You can change some things in the programs, you can even hardcode your name, change the operating mode LED indicator. Available languages came across: Chinese and English. The job description in PDF is in Chinese, but can be found in English and with Russian tips on what to do.

    Today I tried ChipGenius. Live and learn! Great program. Thank you, Vladimir!

    Please Sergey! It never hurts to try something new.

    In this regard, I am only “FOR”. Something interesting comes up, let me know. ;)

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