Firefox cache to another drive. Transferring the Yandex browser cache to another drive

We learned how to create it using free SoftPerfect programs RAM Disk. And today we’ll talk about how to use a RAM disk to speed up your computer, in particular, working with .

How to use RAM disk?

In fact, ways to use this virtual disk a bunch of. I will highlight just a few of the most popular:

  • Transfer of operating system TEMP folders;
  • Transferring program or game caches;
  • Installing portable versions of programs entirely on a RAM disk.

I do not pretend that all actions taken are correct. This is not the only correct solution in this matter. This is just my experience gained from researching this issue from different angles.

Well, let's get started!

Transferring the Google Chrome browser cache to a RAM disk

Before proceeding with the steps described above, let's understand a little theory.

Browser cache– this is a folder with files. It stores data that the browser saves from the Internet in order to speed up the subsequent loading of a previously opened site. In other words - much faster than the speed of the Internet. Then, when you visit our site again, it is no longer loaded from the Internet, but from the browser cache.

The explanation is completely simplified, but it reflects the essence. The browser has its own algorithms for working with the cache, which we will not delve into. All we need to understand is that to speed up the work with the browser cache, we can place it on a RAM disk.

In order to transfer Google cache Chrome we will use the most effective method– using symbolic links.

Symbolic link (symbolic link)– a file that contains a pointer to navigate to a specific file or folder. A kind of shortcut that itself does not contain any data, but is a pointer. You can find out more about symbolic links in .

Browser cache and browser user profile files Google Chrome are on the way:


This means that to speed up work, we need to transfer this folder to a RAM disk. We will do this step by step. The Google Chrome browser must be closed. Taking this into account, I have prepared these instructions in , which you can open in parallel on your computer or phone. But before work, read the entire article carefully, install the desired program and create a RAM disk.

  1. We createRAM disk, to which we will transfer the browser cache. It would be good to make it at least 1 GB and be sure to NTFS format. Considering that browser user profiles will be stored there, you need to link it to an image file to save this data after turning off the computer. You can read how to do this in this series of articles.
  2. on the RAM disk a folder named Chrome.
  3. Open the folder c:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\ in Explorer or Total Commander. Don't forget to turn on the display first hidden files on Windows.
  4. Cut and paste the contents of this folder anywhere, for example on drive D. This is temporary.
  5. We check that the folder c:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\ was empty.
  6. Go to the previously created RAM disk and create a folder Chrome .
  7. Next, we will use a program for creating and editing symbolic links - Junction Link Magic. Download it from the official website and install it. In the main window, click on the button Create to create a new symbolic link. You will have to wait a bit for the creation window to open, this is normal.

    The creation window consists of two panels. The left side displays the source of the file or folder, the right side displays the location to which we want to make a symbolic link.

    Window for creating links

    Note! To create a symbolic link you need to fulfill 2 requirements:
    1. The disk must be in NTFS format. This can also be set when creating RAM disk.
    2. The source folder and the folder to which the link will lead must be empty.

    Open the folder in the left window c:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\

    In the right window (yourRAM disk):\Chrome\
    After this, press the button Create. We agree with the warning.

  8. Copying the contents of the folder Chrome, which we saved in a temporary folder on drive D in the folder Chrome on a RAM disk.

    Moving the folder back

  9. Launch the Google Chrome browser and enjoy its work.


I've been using this method for about a month now and I can say that it really gives a good increase in work speed. Another bonus is that it saves SSD life. After all, a bunch of small files that make up the browser cache no longer terrorize the SSD every 2 seconds, thereby reducing its resource.

The cache size in my case does not exceed 700 MB, despite the fact that I have 4 users created in the browser. I clean it regularly using the program.

If you are interested, I will write material about what other ways to use it RAM disk in home practice.

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To speed up the work of any browser, I advise you to use a RAM disk.

RAM disk is virtual image hard drive, created in random access memory computer.

I will briefly outline the essence of the idea:

In the computer's RAM (RAM disk). Then we delete the browser and install a new one, but on the created RAM disk. Transfer the folder with the browser cache (temporary Internet files) to the RAM disk.

This method is very effective and allows you to significantly speed up your browser.

It is necessary to take into account that the number of megabytes you allocate for the RAM disk will reduce the computer's RAM. Therefore, using a RAM disk is only possible if you have sufficient RAM. If your computer has less than 4GB of RAM, then this speedup method is ineffective.

There are two transfer options

The most optimal is a complete transfer; this is when an accelerated browser is installed on a RAM disk and the browser cache folder is fixed there. But this option requires a RAM disk with a capacity of at least 300 MB. If your computer does not have enough RAM to use the first option, you can use the second option. Pin only the cache folder to the RAM disk.

You can choose the size of the RAM disk arbitrarily, depending on how many megabytes you can afford to “bite off” from the RAM. But in any case, the larger the cache folder, the better.

Below I give instructions for transferring such browsers to a RAM disk:

Transferring Mozilla browser to RAM disk

1. If you do not have the Mozilla browser installation file or it outdated version download it from the official website

2. Remove the installed one Mozilla browser from a computer.

3. Reboot the computer.

4. Launch installation file Mozilla browser.

6. Reboot the computer.

7. Launch the Mozilla browser.

8. B address bar browser enter the command: about:config and press the Enter key ( Enter). A page appears with a warning like “Don’t go where you don’t know.” We ignore this warning and move on.

9. Now in the browser window we see a bunch of various settings. We need to add one more to all these records. To do this, click anywhere on the page right click mouse and in the menu that appears, select the “Create” item, then “Line”, a window will appear with the “Enter the name of the setting” field where we enter: browser.cache.disk.parent_directory Next, click “OK” and in the window that appears, enter the storage path for the Cache folder. For example, the RAM disk is named “Z”, so we write accordingly Z:\\ and click “OK”.

10.Reboot the computer. The Cache storage folder will be created automatically during reboot.

Transferring the Opera browser to a RAM disk

1. If you do not have the Opera browser installation file or it is an outdated version, download it from the official website

2. Delete installed browser Opera from your computer.

3. Reboot the computer.

4. Launch the Opera browser installation file.

5. During the installation process, as the installation location, we indicate the address of the folder located on the RAM disk created for this purpose (the folder must be created first).

6. Reboot the computer.

7. Launch the Opera browser.

8. Open Opera and enter the address " about:config"(without quotes).

9. In the page that opens, find the “User Prefs” section and click on it so that it opens.

10. Find the parameter "Cache Directory4" and enter the value (without quotes!) " X:Opera" in this value, instead of “X” you must put the letter under which your RAM disk was created. For example, the RAM disk is named “Z”, accordingly we write (Without quotes) " Z:Opera» Go to the bottom of the page and click the “Save” button.

11. Reboot the computer.

Transferring the Google Chrome browser to a RAM disk

Unfortunately, during Google installations Chrome from the official website During the installation process, the browser is automatically installed on the “C” drive. The ability to change the installation location is not yet available. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to transferring the cache folder to a RAM disk.

1. Create a folder on a previously created RAM disk and give it the name User Data

2. Find a shortcut on the desktop Google browser Chrome and right-click on it.

3. In the drop-down menu that appears, find the line “Properties” and click on it with the left mouse button.

4. In the “Properties: Google Chrome” window that opens, open the “Shortcut” tab.

5. In the line “Object:” there is an entry like C:\Users\1\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

This entry may differ slightly from the example one, but it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to add a key to this entry

Disk-cache-dir="X:\Chrome Cache"

In the text of this key, you must replace the letter X with the letter of your RAM disk.

For example, the letter of your RAM disk is “Z”, so the key should look like this

Disk-cache-dir="Z:\Chrome Cache"

Attention! There must be a space between the entry and the key.

Therefore, we add another key separated by a space: --disk-cache-size=

Where after the equation sign you need to write required volume cache folders in bytes.

For example, after creating a 500 MB frame disk, its free space (you need to take into account the free space, not the total space on the disk) is 483 MB. In this case, 482 MB can be allocated for cache. Please note: it is 482, not 483! That is, you must always allocate 1 MB less than stated free space, otherwise there will be glitches.

As a result, our key will look like: --disk-cache-size=505600000

In general, the entire entry looks something like this: C:\Users\1\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disk-cache-dir="Z:\Chrome Cache" --disk-cache-size=505600000

6. Paste it into the Chrome shortcut, click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

7. Reboot the computer.

How can I transfer my browser data to another location on my computer? Even if the browser is initially installed on another drive, for example, D or E, it will still hidden folder user profile on drive C “AppData” (in modern versions Windows) will contain web browser profile data - cache, history, cookies, settings, extensions, etc. Many browsers provide the ability to move their cache from system disk From to another disk - another partition or another device. True, this feature cannot be found as a convenient, eye-catching option in the browser menu. The function for changing the cache storage path is usually located in hidden settings web browsers. In this article we will not delve into the specifics of changing the cache path for each browser. Let's do it simpler - consider universal method moving web browser cache to another location. But we will transfer not only the cache, but entire browser profiles. And a small program called Junction Link Magic will help us with this.

1. Why move your browser profile to another location on your computer?

The need to transfer cache and other frequently overwritten browser data in rare cases may be caused by the approaching SSD MTBF. More often transfer certain files systems and third party software is carried out either on the HDD due to the fact that the 64 GB SSD runs out of space, or on a RAM disk - a productive disk created due to excess RAM and implemented in the system Windows special type of programs. Transferring the cache and other browser data to a RAM disk can significantly speed up your work with the Internet, since the speed of reading and writing small files from RAM is several thousand times faster than from a HDD.

But RAM disk can only solve the problem of slow speed HDD operation. A RAM disk does not solve either the problem with a weak processor or the problem with a slow Internet connection. To understand whether the browser has an effect in conjunction with a RAM disk, it is not necessary to immediately begin transferring the profile. Their interaction can be tested by placing a portable version of any of the browsers on a RAM disk. If the effect is obvious, you can then begin transferring the browser profiles installed on the Windows system to the RAM disk.

2. About Junction Link Magic

Next, we create connection points one by one and transfer the contents of each of the “Mozilla” folders as part of “AppData” to the destination disk, as this process is described in the previous paragraph of the article for Google profile Chrome.

We do the same with Opera browser. The latter creates two of its own “Opera Software” folders inside the “AppData” folder – inside “Local” and inside “Roaming”.

6. Removing connection points

If the expected result is Windows optimization due to the operation of the RAM disk was not justified in practice, you can return back all the settings made in the system, in particular, transferred browser profiles, you can roll back to a restore point or backup copy. This method will solve several previously performed settings transfer operations in one action. If the system is stable and you only need to return the transferred browser profile, the Junction Link Magic program provides the ability to delete connection points. The required connection point may not be displayed in the program window; in this case, you need to scan the system. Click “Scan now!”

As soon as desired point connections will be displayed in the Junction Link Magic window, we can cancel further scanning and delete this point.

Confirm deleting the connection point.

After deleting the dot, the browser folder containing “AppData” will turn into regular folder, where you need to place its contents, cutting it out from the corresponding folder on the destination disk.

Firefox continues to gain popularity - every year it is slowly but surely winning over Internet Explorer territory in the browser market. However, nothing is perfect, and even Firefox has its flaws.

One of the most annoying is the slowdown over time. After Firefox installations just “flies”, but, when active use, in 2-3 months he will look like a clumsy hippopotamus. Try, for example, after booting your computer and launching the browser, typing some character in the address bar, and you will see Firefox freeze for a few moments. This happens because the browser must look through a huge list of visited sites and find the character you entered on them.

The Firefox log is stored in a database located on your hard drive in your profile directory. Over time, it grows to enormous sizes and fragments, and a slow hard drive also does not help speed up its work - all this leads to the fact that your favorite browser begins to slow down unpleasantly and freeze at the most inopportune moments.

You can optimize the database, memory consumption, or log, but the effect will be short-lived and, over time, you will have to repeat these operations more and more often. In this article we will look at a more radical way to increase performance: transferring profile data and Firefox cache to ramdisk ( virtual device created in the computer's RAM). Firefox will work faster due to the fact that reading and writing data to memory is several times faster than the same operations with a hard drive.

To create a ramdisk we will use the Dataram RAMDisk program - it is free and supports everything Windows versions. So that you don't get confused, I will describe the whole process step by step:

Well, the virtual disk has been created - now all that remains is to transfer your profile and cache to it and get Firefox to work with the ramdisk.

Now you can use your favorite browser again. Saving and loading your profile is automated, you don't need to take any action. additional actions— just enjoy supersonic Firefox.


Active Internet users know that some sites periodically arrange pleasant surprises for their visitors - they give bonuses, gifts and discounts as part of various promotions. Do you want to receive bonuses to your account or be able to use the service for free?

You can delete the browser and install it again - this is one way of this action not an experienced user.

In this case, the user of the Google browser will lose most of the data that was not associated with the account and was located in the disk memory cache.

But in this article we will describe a sequence of actions that will allow even an inexperienced computer user to transfer browser data to the desired disk.

Reasons for installing (transferring) a browser from Google

Basically, such actions are resorted to if problems begin with the operation and stability of the computer, but there are also the following less significant reasons, in which it is also worth installing the browser on a different drive:

  • The memory of the disk on which Google Chrome is installed is full, and the second disk has predominantly a larger amount of free space;
  • In order to optimize operation and save disk memory for other processes and programs;

This transfer of the Chrome browser will extend the life of your RAM and SSD in general and free up space for correct operation programs individually and as a whole of the entire computer. So you can start transferring the Chrome browser from Google to another drive according to the points below.

Find out the size and location of the browser cache from Google

First, let's find out where exactly to store Chrome cache and its size in order to make sure that the “root of all evil” lies in the browser, and not in another program that can also slow down the speed of the computer and freeze its processes. To do this, find a folder called “Google Chrome” in the root of the disk. This can be done through a program search engine or simply by following the browser location bar from the desktop.

In Windows 7, Google Chrome is located by default at the following address: C:\Users\your_profile_name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Cache. But it may differ from yours and should not be used as a guide.

Changing the shortcut - the first step

If, after all, the Google browser occupies big size and you need to transfer it to another drive, first change the browser shortcut:

We also recommend limiting the new cache space to the cache size. This can be done by adding a space this parameter– “—disk-cache-size=314572810” (this is a 300 megabyte limit). Or, if you don’t want to have cache memory at all, set the value to “1”.

But when you open the browser and check the folder, it does not turn out to be the folder for saving the cache and the native folder for Google Chrome. This is because we haven't fixed the path registry yet.

Editing the registry to transfer the browser

Of course, in order for our new folder Under the Google Chrome browser, it began to use that space as the main thing, it is necessary to change its registry. This move is made using the following algorithm:

If you do not understand what the final command will be that needs to be written in the registry, then here is an example: “C:\Users\your_profile_name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” —disk-cache-dir=” D:\program\Google Chrome" -disk-cache-size=314572810 - "%1".

"--disk-cache-size=314572800" is added if you wish to limit the amount of cache space. If this is not needed, then it will look like this: “C:\Users\your_profile_name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” —disk-cache-dir=”D:\programm\Google Chrome” - "%1".

These steps are only suitable for Windows systems 7, 8, 10. For others operating systems use other methods to install Google Chrome on another drive. But other operating systems are used extremely rarely and there is no need to talk about all platforms in one article.