Finnish intitle all user publications previous. Whose “stories” am I seeing? Hide your online status from annoying friends

It would seem that Facebook has already made it much easier to manage your privacy settings, but numerous questions and complaints still continue to come. On and in the comments we receive questions of the same content almost every day: “ How to hide a post from everyone?«, « I don't want to be found in searches«, « How to close your page?" and others.

We will not consider all the possibilities of privacy and write an online manual. You can easily find all this in help center Facebook. We’ll just try to highlight the most popular questions and give the most concise and understandable answers.

Post Visibility

The most popular question. But in fact, everything is elementary. We can do it visible publications for these options:

  • Visible to everyone
  • Visible to friends
  • Visible to friends except acquaintances
  • Visible only to me
  • Visible for people list
  • Visible to everyone except the People list

Settings: go to SettingsConfidentialityWho can see my content?

And choose the marker you need. If you want to set visibility for a separate list of users, then select User Settings.

Please note that these settings will only apply to new posts, but to apply them to old posts, click the button Limit access to previous publications. You can also set the visibility scope for each publication separately (directly in the timeline).

Chronicle visibility

The second most popular question is: “ How to make a chronicle invisible?". Unfortunately (or rather, to the article), you cannot be invisible on Facebook. You can hide/unhide posts, photos, personal information, but not hide the entire profile. The only option is to remove the chronicle from search results.

Settings: Confidentiality

Annoying users

Facebook is not VKontakte, there is much less spam and a higher culture of communication, but sooner or later you will still meet characters who will try to sell you some product, invite you to another business training, or are simply annoying stupid questions. Spam can be combated by strengthening filtering or even by a personal ban.

As you know, there are two folders in Facebook personal messages. First - Inbox, second - Other. It’s clear with inboxes, but others are something like a “spam” folder in postal services. Switching the filter to mode Enhanced filtration, you will receive messages in the folder Inbox only from your friends. Everything else will fall into Other without any notification.

Another one useful feature- this is a complete blocking of the user. Add his name to the input field (as in the screenshot below) and forget about his presence.


You cannot contact the Facebook administration directly (via email, phone, etc.). There is a feedback form for this.

Greetings, friends! Today I have sensational news for you! Tonight, Instagram officially announced that they are preparing to launch a special algorithm that will first show users only the most interesting things.

Simply put, Posts in the feed will very soon stop being shown in chronological order , i.e. according to the time of publication, as, for example, this happens on VKontakte.

What then will influence the distribution of publications in the news feed?

And now he will do this special algorithm, that is computer program, which will determine, based on specified criteria, where your publication will appear in the news feed.

According to Instagram itself, users do not see about 70% of publications , which are in their news feeds. Agree that this is quite an impressive amount!

Thus, you, as a brand, company, popular user or public, receive significantly less deserved attention, even if your content is really interesting!

By the way, according to the latest research from the Locowise agency, which has been monthly counting since April 2015 organic growth of followers on Instagram accounts, it (this very organic growth) decreased during this period by - ATTENTION92.86% !!! This suggests that users simply can’t keep up with the rapid growth of social media. networks and are less willing to subscribe to new accounts.

Also, despite the fact that on average users spend about 21 minutes a day on Instagram, they no longer have time to scroll even half of the news feed. Therefore, the news about the launch of the algorithm is taken for granted. You understand that the main goal of Instagram is to increase the time the user spends on social media. networks. And this can only be done by improving the quality of the content that Instagrammers see in their feed. After all, you must admit that even though Facebook is constantly being slandered for its algorithms and the like, the number of active users on social media. The network is not decreasing at all! Why? Yes, simply because there is less junk and spam on Facebook than on VK, which still uses a chronological order for issuing posts.

I think that you understand the meaning of the introduction of the Instagram algorithm. Let's now deal with the most important thing.

How will the Instagram algorithm work?

In principle, there will be nothing supernatural here yet. I emphasize the word for now, since Facebook’s complex algorithm was also “not built right away.”

Since Instagram belongs to Facebook, the algorithm here promises to be quite similar. So, guys, who took my course “How to beat the Facebook algorithm”, you will also crack the Instagram algorithm like nuts :)

The main idea is that Instagram will now show publications that, according to the algorithm, will be most interesting to the user. The algorithm will also take into account the user’s connection to the account being shown to him, as well as the “age” of the post.

Thus, those profiles that can boast high involvement(likes on photos and comments), as well as those Instagram accounts with which the user interacts most often, for example, friends, stars, favorite profiles, etc.

Please note that Instagram won't be doing anything super radical for now! Don't be alarmed by this news!

All publications that would have appeared in the user’s feed anyway if the algorithm did not exist will still remain there! For now, the algorithm will only be responsible for the order in which posts will appear in the feed!

How will this affect you?

I am sure that, starting today, a lot of angry articles and comments about the introduction of the algorithm will appear on the Internet. People will panic that now no one will see the publications, and Instagram radishes only want to push you to advertise.

Friends, don't give in to negativity! The devil is not as scary as he is painted :)

In fact, you will only benefit if, of course, you take promotion on Instagram seriously, and don’t just send there photos from a product catalog with 30 hashtags, without bringing any benefit to the Instagrammer. Such accounts, of course, will suffer from the algorithm, since no one is interested in them.

But if you really manage to engage your audience through interesting, inspiring publications, then engagement, thanks to the algorithm, should increase!

Why? Well, at least because the algorithm will erase time frames, giving priority to interesting content and those who missed your post because it went deep into the feed when the user connected will get an additional chance to see your news. Thus, your users from Vladivostok will not miss posts that were sent during the peak of activity in Moscow. Do you know what I mean?

Interesting posts will now be at the very top of the Instagram feed, regardless of the time of publication!

Once again in popular language 🙂 If your favorite musical group publishes a cool video from a night concert that you were not at, then you will not miss it, but will see it as soon as you go to Instagram. In the same spirit, you will no longer miss interesting news from your close friends, because the algorithm knows very well who is most interesting to you 😉

Well, that's all for today! Instagram says that they will begin a phased launch of the algorithm gradually over the next couple of months, but I, as always, will keep you updated on all the news!

I wish you successful promotion!

Has a terrible habit of reminding you of everything you've ever posted. Most likely, in the dark corners of your Chronicle there are many entries that you no longer remember. It's time to remove them once and for all.

Checking the Chronicle

First of all, make sure you know how your Timeline is being seen. regular users(those who are not your Facebook friends). To do this, go to your Timeline, click on the lock icon, in the “Who can see my materials?” select "View As" and you will see the following:

Look through everything well, and if you don’t like something, click on the date under your name, then on the globe icon, and change the “Shared to everyone” item to “Friends”, “Only me” or “User settings”. In addition, you can completely delete an entry by selecting the appropriate item after clicking on the arrow in the right top corner.

Hide old public posts

If you want to hide a lot at once public records, then you will be surprised that Facebook has a special tool for this.

Click the privacy settings lock in the top right corner of the page, select "See other settings" and click "Limit access to past posts." Read the message that appears and click “Apply these restrictions to past posts” if you want only your friends to see all your old posts.

Change Timeline settings

Next, let's make sure your Timeline settings match your preferences. Click the privacy settings lock in the top right corner again, select See other settings, and click the Timeline & Tags tab in the left panel.

Make sure that the first, fourth, fifth and seventh items are set to “Friends” or whatever you choose:

A more thorough Facebook cleanup

If these tips are not enough for you, you can use one of the extensions for Chrome browser eg Facebook Post Manager. However, such programs can be overly aggressive, so be careful when using them.

Ready! You have cleared your Timeline of old, forgotten publications. Now you can live in peace and not worry about someone coming across a compromising image or status you posted in 2009.

Surely you have heard more than once about such a wonderful search engine as Google. I'm guessing you've used it more than once when you wanted to know something. But did you find what you wanted? If you search for answers on Google as often as I do, I think you will find this article useful because it is designed to make your search faster and more efficient. So, first, a little history...

Google is a corruption of the English word "googol", coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kaiser, to denote the number consisting of one and one hundred zeros. Now Google name wears the leader of Internet search engines, developed by Google Inc.

Google occupies more than 70% of the global market, which means that seven out of ten people online turn to its page when searching for information on the Internet. Currently, about 50 million are registered daily. search queries and indexes more than 8 billion web pages. Google can find information in 101 languages. Google at the end of August 2004 consisted of 132 thousand machines located in different parts of the planet.

Google uses intelligent text analysis techniques to find important yet relevant pages for your query. For uh that Google analyzes not only the page itself that matches the query, but also the pages that link to it, to determine the value of that page for the purposes of your query. Additionally, Google prefers pages that keywords, you entered are located close to each other.

Google's interface contains a rather complex query language that allows you to limit the scope of your search separate domains, languages, file types, etc. Using some of the operators of this language allows you to make the search process necessary information more flexible and precise. Let's look at some of them.

Logical “AND”:
By default, when you write query words separated by spaces, Google searches for documents that contain all the query words. This corresponds to the AND operator. Those. a space is equivalent to the AND operator.

For example:
Cats dogs parrots zebras
Cats AND dogs AND parrots AND zebras
(both queries are the same)

Logical "OR" (OR):
Written using the OR operator. Please note that the OR operator must be written in capital letters. Relatively recently, it became possible to write a logical “OR” in the form of a vertical bar (|), similar to how it is done in Yandex. Used to search with several options for the required information.

For example:
Dachshunds long-haired OR smooth-haired
Long-haired dachshunds | smooth-haired
(both queries are the same)

Please remember that Google queries are not case sensitive! Those. the queries Greenland Island and Greenland Island will be exactly the same.

Operator "Plus" (+):
There are situations when you need to forcefully include in the text a word that may have different spellings. To do this, use the "+" operator before the required word. Suppose if we have a query at Home Alone I, as a result of the query we will have unnecessary information about “Home Alone II”, “Home Alone III” and quite a bit about “Home Alone I”. If we have a query of the form Home Alone +I, the result will be information only about the movie “Home Alone I”.

For example:
Newspaper +Zarya
Bernoulli equation + mathematics

Excluding words from the query. Logical NOT (-):
As you know, information garbage is often encountered when composing a request. To remove it, exclusion operators are used as standard - logical “NOT”. In Google, this operator is represented by a minus sign. Using this operator, you can exclude from search results those pages that contain certain words in the text. Used like the "+" operator before the excluded word.

For example:
Crane well-bird
Dead Souls - novel

Search for an exact phrase (""):
Search exact phrase in practice, it is required either to search for the text of a specific work, or to search for certain products or companies in which the title or part of the description is a consistently repeated phrase. To cope with this task using Google, you need to enclose the query in quotation marks (meaning double quotes, which are used, for example, to highlight direct speech).

For example:
The work "Quiet Don"
“It was cold outside, although this did not prevent Boris from carrying out his plans”

By the way, Google allows you to enter no more than 32 words into the query bar!

Word truncation (*):
Sometimes you need to look for information about a word combination in which one or more words are unknown. For these purposes, instead of unknown words, the “*” operator is used. Those. "*" - any word or group of words.

For example:
Master and *
Leonardo * Vinci

cache operator:
The search engine stores the version of the text that is indexed search spider, in special storage in a format called a cache. A cached version of a page can be retrieved if the original page is unavailable (for example, the server on which it is stored is down). A cached page is shown as it is stored in the search engine's database and is accompanied by a notice at the top of the page indicating that it is a cached page. It also contains information about the time the cached version was created. On the page from the cache, the query keywords are highlighted, and each word is highlighted in a different color for user convenience. You can create a request that will immediately return a cached version of a page with a specific address: cache: page_address, where instead of “page_address” is the address of the page saved in the cache. If you need to find any information in a cached page, you need to write a request for this information separated by a space after the page address.

For example: tournaments

We must remember that there should not be a space between ":" and the page address!

Filetype operator:
As you know, Google indexes not only html pages. If, for example, you needed to find some information in a file type other than html, you can use the filetype operator, which allows you to search for information in a specific file type (html, pdf, doc, rtf...).

For example:
Specification html filetype:pdf
Essays filetype:rtf

Operator info:
The info operator allows you to see the information that Google knows about this page.

For example:

Site operator:
This operator limits the search to a specific domain or site. That is, if you make a request: marketing intelligence, then the results will be obtained from pages containing the words “marketing” and “intelligence” on the site “” and not on others parts of the Internet.

For example:
Books site:ru

Link operator:
This operator allows you to see all the pages that link to the page for which the request was made. Thus, the request will return pages that contain links to

For example:

allintitle operator:
If you start a query with the allintitle operator, which translates as “everything is in the title,” then Google will return texts in which all the words of the query are contained in the headings (inside TITLE tag in HTML).

For example:
allintitle: Free software
allintitle: Download music albums

intitle operator:
Shows pages in which only the word immediately after the intitle operator is contained in the title, and all other query words can be anywhere in the text. Putting the intitle operator before each word of the query is equivalent to using the allintitle operator.

For example:
Programs intitle: Download
intitle: Free intitle: download software

allinurl operator:
If the query begins with the allinurl operator, then the search is limited to those documents in which all the query words are contained only in the page address, that is, in the url.

For example:
allinurl:rus games
allinurl:books fantasy

inurl operator:
The word that is located directly together with the inurl operator will be found only in the address of the Internet page, and the remaining words will be found anywhere in such a page.

For example:
inurl:books download
inurl:games crack

Operator related:
This operator describes pages that are "similar" to a specific page. Thus, the query will return pages with similar topics to Google.

For example:

The define statement:
This operator acts as a kind of explanatory dictionary, which allows you to quickly get the definition of the word that is entered after the operator.

For example:
define: Kangaroo
define: Motherboard

Synonym search operator (~):
If you want to find texts containing not only your keywords, but also their synonyms, then you can use the “~” operator before the word for which you want to find synonyms.

For example:
Types of ~metamorphoses
~Object orientation

Range operator (..):
For those who have to work with numbers, Google has made it possible to search for ranges between numbers. In order to find all pages containing numbers in a certain range “from - to”, you need to put two dots (..) between these extreme values, that is, the range operator.

For example:
Buy a book $100..$150
Population 1913..1935

Here are all the Google query language operators I know. I hope they will somehow make your search process easier. necessary information. In any case, I use them very often and I can say with confidence that when using them I spend significantly less time searching than without them.

Good luck! And may the Force be with you.

Tags: search, operators, Google

Over the past few years, many articles have appeared that warn that hackers (or crackers, if you prefer) are using the Google search engine to gain access to files that they are not supposed to have access to. What I I'll tell you, maybe someone has been using it for their own purposes for a long time, but I was always interested in finding out for myself how it works.In 2001, James Middleton wrote an article for, which discussed the use by hackers special words V search engine google to find important banking information:

"In a message in one of the security conferences it was said that by entering "Index of / +banques +filetype:xls" into the search bar, you could eventually get hold of important / secret Excel tables from French banks. The same technology can be used to search for password files."

Another article that appeared on describes how Adrian Lamo, hacker Often featured in computer crime reports, he used Google to gain access to the websites of large corporations.

"For example, by entering the phrase "Select a database to view" - a common phrase used in FileMaker Pro database interface" - Google returns approximately 200 links, most of which lead to a page with access to FileMaker for all users."

Similar articles continued to appear on the internet. United States Government and Military websites were also vulnerable because scripts used by admins could be easily found with using google. Medical records, personal notes - everything could unexpectedly end up in the hands of users of this search engine. But the articles never described how Google could be used for “such” purposes. Even an example of the line that I entered hacker was not made available to a wider audience. After I last time I read a similar article, I decided that it was time to figure it out myself - does Google really allow you to do everything that has been mentioned so many times in various reports. Next text is the result of my research.


In fact, the theory is very simple. To get the information you're interested in, you need to try to imagine what files that information might be in, and then just try to find them. (For example, try searching for *.xls files). Or you can take a more interesting approach - think about what software installed on the attacked machine, provides the ability to perform the tasks you need, then enter the critical/dangerous files of this software into the search bar. An example would be a content management system. You need to research this system, find out what files it includes, and then use Google. But let’s return to the database example discussed just above. You know that the "view database" line is on web pages that you shouldn't be able to access. Therefore, all you have to do is find the pages that contain given line or find out that, for example, the “view database” option refers to the page “viewdbase.htm”, that is, you will need to enter it into the search bar.

The most important thing is to clearly set a goal and know what you want to find. Only then can you use Google.

Google Search Options

Google allows you to search for special types of files, that is, as a search result, you do not get html pages (web sites), but, for example, a file Microsoft Excel. Here's what you need to enter in the search bar:

Filetype:xls (for excel files) or filetype:doc for Word files.

It will probably be more interesting to find *.db and *.mdb files. You can search for other file types as well. The first thing that comes to mind is *.cfg or *.pwd, *.dat files, etc. First, think about which files may contain valuable information.

Another one useful option when searching - inurl: an option that allows you to search for specified words in a url. This gives you the ability to search for the directories you need.

Example: inurl:admin The search result will be websites that have the word "admin" in the url.

Index of

The "index of" option is also not fully thought out Google developers, but it will be very useful to us. If you use the "index of" option, then as a result, Google will show you a directory listing on the server. Here's an example:

"index of" admin or index.of.admin

The result will be a listing of multiple "admin" directories.

The "site" option allows you to show search results only for a specific domain or site. For example, you can search on all .com or or .nl sites, or on just one site. It will be very interesting to search on military and government sites. Here's an example search string:

Site:mil or site:gov "board"

Intitle is another interesting option. She lets you search html files whose title contains the word or combination of words you need. The search string will look like this: intitle:word_here. You can find out what words are in the title of, say, the same content management system, and then search for these words in google using the Intitle option. As a result, you will have access to similar systems on other sites.

The Link option allows you to find out which web pages have a link to the site you specified. As described in the book "Hacking Exposed Third Edition", we can also use this option for our own purposes.

Combining options when searching

All of the above options may or may not be known to you. In any case, using them, we will get an interesting result. The fact remains that Google shows its magical power when we begin to combine these options with each other. For example, you can try searching for this: filetype:xls "restricted" or this: site:mil filetype:xls "password" or maybe this: site:mil "index of" admin

(These examples are just off the top of my head and I don't know if Google will turn up anything interesting. You need to find a combination of options to get the expected result).

Examples; Practical Material

Special file types: *.xls, *.doc, *.pdf *.ps *.ppt *.rtf

To begin with, try searching for those files in which you think the information you are interested in is located. For me, the obvious choices were the following:

Password, passwords, pwd, account, accounts, userid, uid, login, logins, secret, secrets. Of course, I searched for all these words with the extension *.doc, *.xls and *.db

So the first interesting results appeared, especially if you search for files with the *.db extension. Is it true, passwords I also found it in *.doc files.


Admin.cfg, in most cases, configuration file admin. Many software developers also use names like "config", "admin" or "setup". Often these files contain sensitive information and therefore should not be accessible to most people. I tried searching for the admin.cfg file using next line search:

inurl:admin.cfg "index of"

As a result, Google returned a lot of files, some of which were very interesting;). For example, I found a file:, which contained passwords One password was from the database, which was located at: The database contained confidential information from the company's clients. I decided to contact this company and tell them about the vulnerability. The people there turned out to be friendly and said that they would try to fill the gap in the near future.


Some time ago, while I was working on this article, I visited the website:

It was written there that “webadmin” allows you to remotely edit the contents of a website, upload files, etc. Control center main page ( control center) webadmin is called "webeditor.php". Obviously my next step was visit google and using the "inurl" option to find webeditor.php pages. Here's what I entered in the search bar:


and this is what I found:

Access to all these files was unrestricted, and all because the site owners did not bother to install (correctly) protection using .htaccess. An error like this allows absolutely any Internet user to replace web pages on the server, and, consequently, deface the site. The ability to upload your files makes it possible to get full access to the server.

After browsing these sites, I noticed that the file that allows you to upload files is called "file_upload.php". Then Google comes into play.

Here's a good example:

The script allows you to modify files as in the previous examples, including index.php. In theory, any interested person can change an existing one or upload his own script to the server and execute it. I don’t think it’s worth mentioning the consequences.

Information about customers, the ability to change prices for goods, etc. were available here.

Site Content Management Systems

Site content management systems are programs that allow web masters edit, change the content of a website. The same applies to panels web management sites. The bottom line is that you need to determine which files are key in this product. This file could be "cms.html", "panel.html" or "control.cfg".

Frontpage Server Extensions HTML Administration Forms

"You can remotely administer FrontPage Server Extensions from any computer connected to the internet using FrontPage Server Extension HTML Administration Forms."
Here's what Microsoft documentation says about it. This means that users who have access to these forms can perform some administrative functions remotely. This means that forms must be well protected from unauthorized users. Well, how about looking for such forms on the Internet? The first thing we need to do is figure out what files this one is using. software A quick visit to the Microsoft website or a glance at the FrontPage documentation will show that home page All admin forms are "fpadmin.htm". This is the file we will be looking for. But first, we must correctly select the options that will be used in the search bar in order to get the result we need. If the default installation is carried out, then all files are placed in the "admin" directory. Remembering everything we've learned about google options and search theory, a search string like:

inurl:fpadmin.htm "index of" admin or inurl:admin/fpadmin.htm

And here are the results obtained from the search:

Here's what else is written in the FrontPage documentation:

"For security reasons, HTML Administration Forms are not active immediately after installation, which will not allow you to remotely administer FrontPage from a web browser."

This means only one thing - some links that the search engine gave us google system, may turn out to be useless and there is only one way to check their functionality - try using some administrator functions and see the result. I decided not to go that far so as not to break the law. But I'm not here to teach you good manners, at least Today.

Freesco Router

Freesco router software for Linux installs by default small browser, which allows owners to control the operation of the router via http protocol. By default, login and password for the control panel - "admin". Many freesco users do not know about this. You can search for Freesco routers control panel using the following line:

intitle:"freesco control panel" or "check the connection" these words are either in the page titles or on the pages themselves. It all comes down to one thing - you must study software find those parts of it that are responsible for something important (the same admin page) and compose a line, using which you will gain access to these same parts.

Additional Tips

    • Remember, English is the most common language on the Internet, but it is not the only one. Try searching for words or lines from your native language or French or German etc. For example, "beeheer" means "administration" in German.
    • You can use strings from the list of vulnerabilities of any security scanner. For examples you can go here:
    • Try looking for the files "" or "mysql.cfg" - they may contain database login-password combinations MySQL Try using words in the search bar PHP SQL mySQL etc.
    • Try these combinations: inurl:admin "index of" "database" or inurl:phpmyadmin "index of" or inurl:mysql "index of" intitle:index.of or intitle:index.of.private (=intitle:"index of private")


The Internet is a network to which hundreds of thousands, or even millions, are connected. web servers and in theory, you can get access to any data, of course, if it is not properly protected. Both software developers and end users should pay more attention to the default security configuration and security policy. After all, there will always be people who make mistakes, install everything by default, use poorly protected software and they don’t worry about it at all or still believe that nothing will happen if they put it all in this form on the Internet. But there are still curious individuals who like to find interesting information not for prying eyes. Google can help you a lot in such matters, and it's not at all difficult.