Branch of the federal state budgetary institution FKP Rosreestr. FGBU FKP Rosreestra

Full official name ─ Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography”; abbreviated as FSBI "FKP Rosreestr".

In the center and locally

Powers of the founder of the Cadastral Chamber on behalf of Russian Federation is carried out by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (in short ─ Rosreestr) ─ a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The Cadastral Chamber is a subordinate institution of Rosreestr, ensuring the implementation of its powers in the field of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, state cadastral registration of real estate, as well as state registration of buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction objects and state cadastral valuation.

The Federal Cadastral Chamber currently has 81 branches. This is slightly less than the number of subjects of the Russian Federation. This happened because some branches operate in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation at once. For example, in Magadan there is a Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" for the Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. And in Arkhangelsk - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Looking back

FSBI "FKP Rosreestr" was created in accordance with the order of the Federal Land Cadastre Service of Russia dated March 15, 2001 No. 48 and operates on the basis of the Charter approved by the order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography dated September 1, 2011 No. P/331. Its appearance was preceded by a long history.

The need to create a prototype of the modern Unified State Register of rights to real estate and transactions with it became obvious several centuries ago. By the 17th century in Russia, any transaction for the alienation of real estate was recorded in orders. If the object of the transaction was land, the entry was made in the Local Order created in the 16th century. In 1719, a “serf office” or Chamber of Serf Affairs was established at the College of Justice. Several decades later, the execution of serfdom acts was entrusted to the civil chambers and district courts. Since the second half of the 19th century, state registration has been carried out by notaries.

After the events of the beginning of the 20th century, issues of state registration of rights to real estate in Russia lose relevance. But at the end of the same century, against the backdrop of radical transformations in all spheres of life of Russian society, they find it again.

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 1993 No. 1767 “On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia” and dated December 11, 1993 No. 2130 “On the state land cadastre and registration of documents on real estate rights” set the vector for the efforts of the state on creation unified system registration and execution of documents on real estate rights. In July 1997, the Federal Law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It” was adopted.

By the beginning of 2000, a system of justice institutions for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it was being formed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In October 2004, the Federal Registration Service was created, and since the beginning of 2005 its central office and territorial bodies start working throughout the country.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2008 No. 724 “Issues of the system and structure of federal executive bodies,” the Federal Registration Service, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, is reassigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2008 No. 1847, the Federal Registration Service is renamed the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. It is entrusted with the functions of organizing a unified system of state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

Adopted on December 21, 2009, Federal Law No. 334-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” brings legislative framework to create conditions that ensure the effective functioning of a unified federal system in the field of state cadastral registration and state registration of real estate rights.

Cadastral Chamber: main types of activities and…

The list of main activities of the Cadastral Chamber is very wide. First of all, this is a set of works related to the maintenance of the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN). These, in particular, include: state cadastral registration of real estate, maintaining the State Real Estate Cadastre and providing information entered into it, implementing the cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation into cadastral districts and cadastral quarters.

Specialists of the Cadastral Chamber form, maintain and store an archive of documents of the State Real Estate Cadastre.

The Cadastral Chamber receives and issues documents based on the results of the service of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. It provides information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It. (The State Real Estate Cadastre and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It are parts of a unified federal information system).

The Cadastral Chamber carries out state registration of buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction projects, maintains the Unified State Register of Capital Construction Projects and provides information entered into it.

An important part of the tasks solved by the Cadastral Chamber is work support information systems ensuring its own activities, and information interaction with various government structures. And all this with full guarantees protection of state secrets and information constituting confidential information, including personal data.

The Cadastral Chamber provides departmental telephone service to interested individuals and legal entities.


In addition to performing basic work, the Cadastral Chamber can carry out a number of additional, including profit-generating, activities aimed at improving the quality of the services provided. Among them are copying and scanning of documents and provision of real estate under operational management for rent and (or) for free temporary use.

It can be information Services, including publication and distribution printing products in the field of registration of rights and cadastral registration. Or work aimed at increasing the professional level of specialists and awareness of the general public through lectures and consulting seminars. And even providing services to identify public opinion and conducting sociological surveys.

Cadastral Chamber: the quality of services is growing

The Cadastral Chamber provides services in the field of cadastral registration of land plots and capital construction projects to citizens, legal entities, state authorities and local governments. Special attention focuses on improving the quality of services to the population.

More and more citizens prefer to receive services for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services(MFC) in “one window” mode. Today, MFCs actively cooperate with federal executive authorities, local governments, state extra-budgetary funds, various federal services(migration, tax). One of the most important partners of the MFC is the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr.

The popularity of such a particularly convenient, and for some categories of the population ─ non-alternative form of service, as on-site acceptance of documents for state registration of rights and cadastral registration of real estate, is growing. (For veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of the first and second groups, this service is free). You can order it for anyone in a convenient way: by fax, e-mail or by dialing the telephone number of the Cadastral Chamber.

The work of the Cadastral Chamber is aimed not only at increasing the volume, but also at improving the quality of services provided

The most important components of this quality are a reduction in the number of refusals and delays in making decisions on cadastral registration, a careful approach to each specific situation, and a reduction in the time it takes to provide services. Thus, it is planned to gradually reduce the time for cadastral registration: in 2015 - to ten, and by 2018 - to five days.

Implementing a wide range of organizational and technical measures helps improve the quality of service. The use of the Internet helps to reduce the time required for issuing documents and reduce queues.

In addition, by visiting the website of the Cadastral Chamber of your region, you can find out the mode and schedule of work of the Cadastral Chamber, familiarize yourself with the lists and procedure for submitting documents necessary for registering rights, and get a lot of other useful information.

One of the collaterals successful work cadastral chambers in the regions is interaction with authorities at all levels. For example, the Cadastral Chamber Leningrad region carries out a campaign to sign agreements on interdepartmental information interaction with all administrations of municipalities located on the territory of the Leningrad region.

At the "government level"

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2012 No. 2236-r approved the action plan (“road map”) “Improving the quality of public services in the field of state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.”

The implementation of this plan will reduce the time required for cadastral registration, minimize paperwork, and help transfer a significant part of services primarily to electronic view without compromising the comfort of applicants, it will increase client awareness of the methods and forms of obtaining services. Anyone can obtain data from the Unified State Register. It will be possible to complete transactions at any office of Rosreestr, regardless of the address of the property.

In April 2014, a number of changes were made to this plan. In particular, it is planned to equip all offices for receiving and issuing documents of Rosreestr with “ electronic queue", audio recording systems, as well as video cameras with the ability to view live broadcasts on the Internet.

By 2018, a single state government will be created in the real estate sector. information resource. This will not only reduce the risks of operations in the real estate market, will help increase the capitalization of assets, improve the investment climate, but will also allow property owners to feel calmer and more confident.

After the merger Federal law state organizations for work with registration, cadastres and cartography, formed single service, which is abbreviated as Rosreestr. The Federal Cadastral Chamber is a special department that works with citizens on issues provided for by law. The responsibilities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FKP Rosreestr include drawing up road maps, as well as ensuring cadastral activities.

In addition to contacting the organization’s offices, citizens have access to an online resource that contains information and reference information, and also provides the opportunity to use online services.

Official portal of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FKP Rosreestr


This online resource is located at the Internet address: The following sections are available to users:

  • about the institution;
  • activity;
  • press center;
  • open data;
  • Feedback.

Once on the Cadastral Chamber website, users immediately see the available online services. They are located immediately under the header of the Rosreestr web portal. FSBI FKP provides citizens with the following services:

  • public cadastral map;
  • information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • checking the status of the request;
  • check restrictions on the land plot;
  • verification of an electronic document;
  • information about cadastral valuation.

To go to the full list of electronic services of the FKP Rosreestr, just click the “All services” button. It is located in the same block as the listed services, in the upper right corner.

You can also find out the latest information about the work schedule.


Electronic services of the Cadastral Chamber

By going to the “All services” section, users will see full list services provided online. In addition to the above government services, citizens are offered “Help and Support”. By clicking on this service, the client will see convenient sections where questions and answers to the most important questions are collected. popular topics. Just click on the block you are interested in to gain access to all the information contained in it.

In addition, citizens can use the electronic service on the Rosreestr website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FKP for pre-registration for an appointment with a specialist in the office. When activating the service, a special form will be offered in which, based on the entered parameters, you can find the most suitable office. Next, registration is carried out online. To be able to make an appointment online, you just need to check the desired box at the bottom of the form before clicking “Find offices.”