The evolution of the school curriculum in computer science. Computer Science Educational Materials

One of the most effective and useful, from my point of view, is the “[email protected]” Portal. “Information and educational portal for computer science and ICT teachers.” The portal for computer science teachers in secondary schools provides a number of recommendations on teaching materials, programs, instructions, and reference books available for free copying.

The “Piggy Bank” section contains plans, notes, presentations, methodological findings, and didactic material for the lesson.

For students in the section “School Notes” - brief theoretical material that can be used in class, approximate exam papers and answers (see Appendix 4).

There are computer science tests (see Appendix 5), operating in real time, giving an assessment of the testing results and error analysis (see Appendix 6), useful programs, teachers' forum. - "Informatics at school." Initially, this site was intended exclusively for computer science teachers, but currently it contains information useful to both students and anyone who wants to improve their knowledge in the field. computer technology. On it you can find everything about computer science, information technology, Internet technologies, web design, the basics of database theory, programming, algorithmization, office technologies, website creation, preparation for computer science Olympiads, FrontPage lessons, Word lessons 2003, lectures by Xi. (see Appendix 6) - site "Notebook of a computer science teacher." The site contains textbooks, manuals, reference books, regulations, encyclopedias, dictionaries. (see Appendix 7) Methodological materials for teachers, lesson development, and various planning are offered. The site has a rich collection of thematic links on all issues of the Computer Science topic, for example on personal pages, and in particular, to O. Trushin’s personal website (see Appendix 8), where you can find textbooks and articles by various authors on computer science.

Website "Methodological piggy bank of a computer science teacher." (see Appendix 9) The site provides many recommendations on teaching materials, programs, instructions, reference books, plans, notes, presentations, methodological findings, and didactic material for lessons.

w.w.w. - section "Informatics" - materials to help the teacher, on the personal website of S.V. Syrtsova. Methodological materials are offered on the following topics: information, Windows, Word, Power Point, Front Page (laboratory, assessment, tests, etc.). This site contains a lot of materials for computer science teachers at school: lesson plans, thematic plans, calendar plans for computer science; planning lessons, developing open lessons; exam papers; practical, laboratory, test papers for use in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 of secondary school. In addition, on this site, you will find collections of lectures, computer science course syllabuses, instructions for the computer science classroom, as well as lecture notes, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the computer science classroom, exam tickets and answers to tickets for the computer science course at school. (see Appendix 10) the website "Network Association of Methodists" operates within the framework of the agreement ELSP/B1/Gr004/013-06 "Internet support for the professional development of teachers" between the National Personnel Training Fund (NFPT) and the Foundation for the Promotion of Informatization of Education within the framework of the Project "Informatization of the education system" (ISO). “Network Association of Methodists” is a website designed to provide methodological support to subject teachers. It contains various materials on secondary school courses: English language, astronomy, biology, geography, computer science, history, literature, mathematics, social science, Russian language, physics, chemistry and primary school subjects.

The number of materials in the rubric is indicated on the pages of each subject.

In addition to the navigation structure within each subject, there is a thematic catalog. If you click on the appropriate button on the page, you can find the resources you are interested in in accordance with the topics of the curriculum.

Materials posted over the last week are marked with a special icon. In addition, all the latest arrivals are posted on title page each item on the right. On the title page of the “Network Association of Methodists”, you can see the 20 most recently posted materials, regardless of their subject area.

On pages dedicated to any academic subject, you will find:

Minimums or standards of education;

Sample lesson plans;

Annotations of CD-ROM for educational purposes and methods of working with them;

Interesting scientific facts and discoveries;

Options for control, test and laboratory work;

Educational and methodological literature on subjects, interesting second-hand books, as well as annotations of new publications (both electronic and traditional printed materials);

Biographies of scientists;

Interesting research papers students;

Information posted at conferences, forums, network news.

The work of online communities is coordinated by Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, Candidates of Sciences, Soros teachers and university teachers. A site user can ask them any questions of interest in the Forums or by writing to them personally at email address, indicated on the title page of the item. (see Appendix 11)

Website of the Oryol regional computer center "Help to Education".

The website contains teaching materials for conducting computer science classes, textbooks and tests for self-education. All materials can be ordered on disk. Some textbooks and tests are posted on the website for free access. « Personal Computer"or "ABC PC" for beginners. Dm. Belousov. The information posted on the site is addressed to:

For secondary school students (for computer science and ICT lessons);

For university students (assistance in self-study);

People of any age (taking their first steps in mastering a PC);

Computer science teachers.

w.w.w. - « Toolkit in computer science for students in grades 9-11" (in the form of 30 lessons). The following sections are covered:

IBM PC device,

Norton Commander

Windows Commander

Microsoft Word,

Internet technologies,

Programming in QBasic,

HTML language. - "Informatics at school." The site contains:

Computer science and information technology course program for school;

Lesson materials;

Textbook "Informatics and information Technology". - "Informatics and information" site manual for teachers and students of 10 - 11 grades. ( Last update site 11.2002). - "Informatics problems" The site contains exercises and problems designed to help in mastering the basics of a programming language: problems for working with variables basic types, for use conditional operator, loops, arrays, procedures and functions. Problems that require the use of standard algorithms and data structures, as well as our own, are presented. Most problems are given along with solutions. - The site contains information on computer design and programming basics. Textbook for high school with in-depth study of computer science. - the subject "Informatics" on the website of physics and mathematics secondary school No. 444. In "Lesson Materials" (grades 8 - 11) you can get acquainted with laboratory work, tasks, test tickets, lectures, etc. In the "Olympiads" section - presented Olympiad problems from 1998 to 2005. On the pages of the section “Virtual Museum of the History of Computer Science” there is quite interesting and informative information, for example “Graphics for Web pages using Photoshop.” (= "Information for computer scientists" Website of O.V. Trushina (Ufa). Author's programs, methodological developments. Computer science test problems (with answers) and computer science exam problems (with solutions) are provided. - Potential magazine (for high school students and teachers). - the "Informatics" project is all about programming. - "Didactic materials on computer science and mathematics." The site is addressed to teachers of computer science and mathematics, as well as curious students. The sections of the site provide information in the following areas:

Programming Olympiads for schoolchildren;

Preparation for programming competitions;

Didactic materials on algebra and geometry (6-9 grades) in LaTeX format. - website of the Murmansk City Information Technology Center. Contains methodological and educational materials for secondary school teachers. The site materials are presented in accessible language, designed not only for teachers, but also for students, the main topics are described in great detail, for example, " Basic course". Of particular interest to the teacher is the information in the sections on problem solving, exams, competitions, and lesson scenarios.

w.w.w. - "How the Internet works." The website provides information in an accessible form:

Computer networks;

Internet, interaction between clients and servers;

Web and email;

Operating principle and program settings. - « Photoshop Lessons- how to learn to draw." Here are the topics of some lessons: “Tanning”, “Eliminating the red eye effect”, “Improving the shape of the breast”, “Repainting hair”, “Removing wrinkles”, “Photomontage”, “Photo caricature”, “Changing eye color”, “Logo”, “Disc cover” and many others. etc.

And now, for the umpteenth time, September has come again, and thousands of students with conflicting feelings went to school - some to the first grade, and some to the eleventh. Once upon a time we were among them; That’s why the sight of white bows and bouquets in the hands of first-graders makes us nostalgic for a carefree childhood, favorite teachers and subjects - I’m sure that for many on Habré this was definitely computer science. Let’s take a moment and remember what we studied on it – ten, twenty, and for some even more years ago.

First experiments

This will probably seem unexpected to some, but the first experiences of teaching computer science in Soviet schools began almost thirty years before the educational reform that brought this subject to the masses. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that already in 1959, in a number of schools in Moscow and Novosibirsk, high school students were taught programming, information theory and mathematics. parts of the computers of that time. Meanwhile, there is nothing surprising either in the emergence of such a subject as computer science, or in the geographical location of the first experimental zones. Literally from the very beginning, the experience of operating Soviet electronic computers revealed an urgent need for qualified service personnel who understood the principles of computer operation and were able to interact with it. It is for this reason that in the two “cybernetic capitals” of the Union, which had the largest fleet of computer equipment, under the leadership of famous scientists Andrei Petrovich Ershov (in Novosibirsk) and Semyon Isaakovich Shvartsburd (in Moscow), school curricula were quickly developed to solve current problems. By the way, it was Ershov who would later become the author of the first general computer science course.

Demidovich’s “pre-reform” textbook for electives (left) and Ershov’s canonical textbook - the first experimental manual for the new program

Over time, the coverage of computer science among the school population expanded, primarily due to specialized mathematics classes and schools, as well as training and production plants (TPI). The course methodology was continuously improved, but one thing remained unchanged: the “machine-free” way of teaching. In other words, future computer operators themselves rarely saw computers, unless some factory or institute computer center would let them in as humanitarian aid for an hour. It was impossible to get a lot of computer time; the computer center itself was chronically short of it.
What did schoolchildren study in those years? Here is a computer science course plan from the late 50s.

  • Electronic digital VM - 4 hours;
  • Arithmetic fundamentals of programming - 10 hours;
  • Programming Basics - 36 hours;
  • Translation of programs into machine language - 26 hours;
  • Organization of the programming process - 12 hours;
  • Standard programs. Automation of programming - 26 hours;
  • Control methods - 26 hours;
  • General characteristics of mathematical machines - 24 hours.

School computer center - students of the 60s never even dreamed of this

As we can see, children of that time studied a lot of things that even adult programmers have no idea about now. Nothing can be done, because the process of programming and debugging at that time was very low-level and labor-intensive.

The process has started

Since September 1, 1985, computer science (more precisely, “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science”, JIVT) has become a compulsory subject in all secondary schools of the Soviet Union. Surprisingly, the problem is with personnel, according to at least in big cities, it was decided quite quickly: the teaching corps was formed not only from teachers of natural science subjects, but also from mathematical engineers and programmers from specialized research institutes who felt they had pedagogical abilities.
Computer science how academic discipline had gone a long way in development by that time, so new program became a logical continuation of the previous ones. The course covered:
  • Information theory;
  • Elements of mathematical logic;
  • Basic capabilities of computers and options for their application;
  • Computer architecture and components;
  • Basics of algorithmization, construction of block diagrams;
  • Basics of programming and writing programs.

Three textbooks recommended for schools by the USSR Ministry of Education for computer science courses. From left to right: Hein/Zhitomirsky, Kushnirenko, Kaimin

As for programming itself, the initial version of the course was not tied to any specific language. Instead, it was proposed to use an abstract Russian-language algorithmic language (RAYA), which was essentially a symbolic development of flowcharts - school jokers called it “if not this, then everything.”

An example of a program in a school algorithmic language

As a next step, the founder of Soviet computer science A.P. Ershov in his textbook recommended using the Rapier language - a machine-executable adaptation algorithmic language. There were other proposals - for example, the “Moscow school” of teachers actively promoted the Algol language, which was popular at that time. However, after 2-3 years, BASIC became the de facto main school programming language - simple enough for children, but at the same time having the necessary functionality and, most importantly, adapted to the entire zoo of computer technology that appeared in computer science classrooms. By the way, Basic has not given up its position at school to this day.

Algorithm for finding the point of intersection of the graph of a function with the line y=x using the iteration method, Rapier language

The previous “machine-free” method of teaching computer science gradually gave way to the “machine” method; children now have access to technology and the opportunity to write their own own programs. History of school equipment computer equipment I, now I just want to note that it was acquaintance with computers, and not the subject as such, that became for many of us a turning point in our lives. The best teachers understood this perfectly well, and actively fueled interest in creativity, overcoming methodological barriers - textbooks “for the wrong language,” differences in dialects, and so on.

The 1985 computer science course remained virtually unchanged for almost 15 years. Meanwhile, the world around us has become completely different during this time - and school computer science also needed changes.

Recent history

Around the 2000s, computer science began to expand its presence in the school curriculum; people began to study it in the 7th grade, starting with one hour a week, and in the ninth grade, two hours a week. Thus, the total number of hours increased significantly, while the program did not change significantly. Teachers now have the opportunity to delve deeper into the material being taught and pay more attention to practice.

One of the main innovations in the subject (which by that time began to be called differently - “Information and Communication Technologies”, ICT) was precisely these very communications, that is, local and global means of data transmission. Unfortunately, this is a very important, in my opinion, section, which, in principle, can include the basics of web programming and theoretical aspects construction computer networks, to this day has difficulty finding a place in the program, mainly due to the lack of proper knowledge among the teachers themselves.

Modern textbooks on ICT

As before, at least a quarter of class time was devoted to the study of programming languages. By that time the transition to modern platform x86 in schools has already generally ended (although, as we found out last time, in rural schools it lasted for many more years), which made it possible to unify learning environment. Teachers for the most part, in order to ensure compatibility with existing code, gravitated towards ancient, mammoth-dung versions of BASIC - as long as they worked under the current ones operating systems. Advanced educational establishments were able to fit into the course additional programming languages, such as C or Java, which were previously taught separately. However, mandatory basic languages, as already mentioned, BASIC and Pascal remained.

Microsoft Quick Basic - the eternal “our everything” for schoolchildren

Study of applied software, which was included in the computer science course initially, at some point it became dangerous to tilt towards standard and office Microsoft tools Windows. The trend, however, was disrupted by the inconsistency of educational authorities in the matter of choosing a school software platform. I have also already talked about the vicissitudes of this process and, in particular, about the long-suffering First Aid program. Now, in principle, everything has returned to normal - functionality is being studied, not the product (for example, text, tabular, graphics editor etc.), although the list of approved specific implementations of the functionality is still limited.

Attempts to introduce elementary school students to computer science were made back in the Soviet Union, but there they were rather exemplary in nature

The trend today is the further rejuvenation of the computer science course. Two years ago, a pilot program was approved that included teaching the subject starting in second grade. I can’t say how widely it has spread during this time, but I know for sure that a number of schools in Nizhny Novgorod are definitely working on it.

Throughout this post, I tried to refrain from making any judgments, since I do not consider myself a great expert in this subject, but I want to end it with a purely personal opinion. It is this: mastery computer knowledge in our time, it is one of the foundations for the success of a student’s future professional life, no matter what he decides to do. School computer science should be given the task of raising a comprehensively developed person in terms of IT. A person who will not get lost in our high-speed digital world.

I thank my computer science teacher Nadezhda Valentinovna Solicheva for everything she said for this post.

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Voronezh Institute high technology

Russian New University (Voronezh branch)

AND I. Lvovich, Yu.P. Preobrazhensky,

V.V. Ermolova



Voronezh 2014

Fundamentals of computer science: Textbook. allowance /I.Ya. Lvovich, Yu.P. Preobrazhensky, V.V. Ermolova. VIVT, Voronezh, 2014, 253 p.

The textbook, within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards, examines the concepts of computer science, information processes, systems and technologies. The mathematical foundations of digital automata and coding are considered in detail; algorithmic foundations of programming and control. Much attention is paid to applied issues of computer science and network information technologies.

Intended for students studying in the areas of training “Information systems and technologies” and “Informatics and Computer Engineering", as well as for masters and graduate students.

Table 19, Il. 87., Bibliography. 20 titles

Published by decision of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies.

Scientific editor:

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Ya.E. Lvovich


Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. department SAPRIS VSTU Yurochkin A.G. Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof., head of department. TASEM VSTU Choporov O.N.

© Lvovich I.Ya., Preobrazhensky Yu.P., Ermolova V.V., 2014

© Voronezh Institute of High Technologies, 2014




Concept and types of information

Structural measure of information

Statistical measure of information

Semantic measure of information

Converting information

Forms of information submission

Transfer of information

General characteristics of information transformation phases

Control questions


Properties of algorithms

Types of algorithms and their implementation

Methods for presenting algorithms

The procedure for developing a hierarchical implementation scheme


Normal Markov algorithm

Programming languages

Software life cycle

Fundamentals of software development technology

Control questions


The concept of a discrete automaton

Turing machine

Encoding information

Number systems

Presentation of data on a computer

Control questions


Automation of activities based on algorithmization

Business process automation methods

Basic concepts and technologies of data management

Basic information about computer graphics and geometry

Introduction to Information Security

Control questions




File systems

Principles of computer organization

Network data processing technologies

IPv4 addressing

Internet network

IPv6 protocol. Problems and prospects for the development of the Internet


Control questions





IN curriculum training bachelors in the areas of “Informatics and Computer Science” and “Information Systems and Technologies”, the discipline “Informatics” is part of the basic part of the mathematical and natural science cycle of disciplines. She creates theoretical basis for the presentation and understanding of such courses as “Theory of information processes and systems”, “Information technologies”, “Architecture information systems", "Data Management", "Programming Technologies" and other fundamental technical disciplines.

The purposes of this teaching aid are:

1) carry out a clear presentation of the basic concepts and modern approaches to computer science as an independent science of the natural sciences;

2) based on an analysis of the object and subject area of ​​computer science, outline the fundamental categories and axioms that serve as the core of computer science as a science;

3) give the mathematical foundations of computer science as a basis, a tool for solving applied problems;

4) show the student the possibility of constructing a “tree” of computer science, based on the triads “information – information technology – information resource" and "model - algorithm - program";

5) to lay the initial foundations of knowledge for first-year students on the structure and functions of computer blocks, algorithmization and programming.


1.1 Concept and types of information

The term "information" comes from Latin word"Informatio" – explanation, presentation, awareness. We can assume that this term in the initial representation is general concept, meaning some information, a set of data, knowledge, etc. The concept of information must be associated with a specific object, the properties of which it reflects. In addition, there is a relative independence of information from its carrier, since it is possible to transform and transmit it across various physical media using a variety of physical signals regardless of its content, i.e. to semantics, which has been the central issue of many studies, including in philosophical science. Information about any material object can be obtained by observation, natural or computational experiment, as well as on the basis of logical inference. Therefore, they talk about pre-experimental (or a priori) information and post-experimental (i.e. a posteriori) information obtained as a result of the experiment.

For a person, any perception of real objects in the surrounding reality occurs through sensations. Human senses and the higher nervous system allow him to perceive objects. When exchanging information, there is a source in the form of an object of the material world and a receiver - a person or some kind of material object. Information arises due to reflection, which is a property of all matter, any material system. The property of reflection improves as matter develops from elementary reflection to its highest form - consciousness. The process of reflection means the interaction of objects in the material world. This process is most simple in inorganic nature. Mechanical, chemical and physical interactions predominate here. With such reflection, objects are passive. New forms of reflection (physiological and psychological) arise in organic nature. In a living organism, on the basis of reflection, the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions is formed. A person develops more complex forms of reflection: cognitive and creative. These forms are conscious in nature and allow a person to actively influence the world around him.

Let's consider some classification of information. In order for it to be useful, it must be based on some system. Usually, when classifying objects of the same nature, one or another property (or a set of them) of objects is used as a basis for classification.

As a rule, the properties of objects can be divided into two large classes: external and internal properties.

Internal Properties- these are properties organically inherent in an object.

They are usually “hidden” from the student of the object and manifest themselves indirectly during interaction of this object with others.

External properties- these are properties that characterize the behavior of an object when interacting with other objects.

Let us explain this with an example. Mass is an internal property of substance (matter). It manifests itself in interaction or during some process. This is where physics concepts such as gravitational mass and inertial mass emerge, which could be called external properties of matter.

A similar division of properties can be given for information. For any information, three objects of interaction can be specified: the source of information, the receiver of information (its consumer) and the object or phenomenon that this information reflects. Therefore, we can distinguish three groups of external properties, the most important of which are the properties of information from the consumer’s point of view.

Quality of information- a generalized positive characteristic of information, reflecting the degree of its usefulness for the user.

Level of quality- one of the important positive properties of information (from the consumer’s perspective). Any negative property can be replaced by its opposite, positive.

Most often, quality indicators that can be expressed in numbers are considered, and such indicators are quantitative characteristics of the positive properties of information.

A review of the above situations allows us to formulate the following definitions of information properties.

Relevance is the ability of information to meet the needs (requests) of the consumer.

Completeness - the property of information to exhaustively (for a given consumer) characterize the displayed object and/or process.

Timeliness (relevance) - the ability of information to meet consumer needs right moment time.

Reliability is the property of information not to have hidden errors. Availability is the property of information that characterizes the possibility

its receipt by the given consumer.

Security is a property that characterizes the impossibility of unauthorized use or modification.

Ergonomics is a property that characterizes the convenience of the form or volume of information from the point of view of a given consumer.

Adequacy is the property of information to uniquely correspond to the displayed object or phenomenon. Adequacy turns out to be an internal property of information for the consumer, manifesting itself through relevance and reliability.

The following aspects of information are distinguished:




Pragmatic aspect associated with the ability to achieve a goal using the information received. This aspect of information influences consumer behavior. If the information was effective, then consumer behavior changes in the desired direction, i.e. the information has pragmatic content. Thus, this aspect characterizes the behavioral side of the problem.

Semantic aspect allows you to evaluate the meaning transmitted information, correlating it with information stored before the appearance of this one. Semantic connections between words or other semantic elements of language are reflected in a dictionary - thesaurus. It consists of two parts: a list of words and stable phrases, which are grouped by meaning, and a certain key, i.e. an alphabetical dictionary that allows you to arrange words and phrases in a certain order. The thesaurus is of particular importance in information storage systems into which semantic relationships, mainly subordination, can be introduced, which allows organizing information at a logical level in the form of individual records, arrays and their complexes. There are developed thesauri that include complex statements and semantic connections between them. This allows you to store more complex information and evaluate in detail the semantic content of newly received information. The presence of a thesaurus allows you to translate incoming semantic information into some standardized semantic language in accordance with the selected thesaurus. Thus, as information arises, the original thesaurus can be modified. The degree of change in the thesaurus can be taken as a characteristic of the amount of information.

Thesaurus example

Let us give an example of a Russian-English thesaurus of the subject area “Automatic optical testing printed circuit boards" The peculiarity of this subject area is that it is at the intersection of two disciplines: printed circuit board production technology and computer vision, respectively - the terms “come” from different terminology systems. The main method of compiling the dictionary was introspection; articles, domestic standards, dictionaries on computer vision and computer graphics, and a dictionary on printed circuit board manufacturing technology were used as supporting material.

The thesaurus includes about 200 concepts, 800 English and Russian terms and 700 unidirectional connections between concepts. The thesaurus uses the following types of connections: genus - species, part - whole, follows – precedes,is used for–uses, property carrier – property(asymmetric connections), as well as association, correlate

(symmetrical connections). The “hubs” of the thesaurus network are

defect concepts (26 related concepts), printed circuit board (23 related concepts), automatic optical control(17 related concepts). Figure 1.1 shows a fragment of the thesaurus network (in order not to overload the figure, only one connection is shown for each pair).

plated through hole


contact pad




non-conductive pattern


non-conductive pattern

conductor layout


conductor pattern

conductive pattern

Figure 1.1 – Fragment of thesaurus network

Syntactic aspect information is related to the way it is presented. Depending on the actual process in which the information is involved, i.e. it is collected, transmitted, converted, displayed, presented, input or output, it is presented in the form of special characters, symbols. A characteristic carrier of information is a message, which is usually understood as everything that is to be transmitted. Messages are represented as an electrical signal transmitted over a selected physical medium. To do this, the message is subjected to transformation, that is, it is given an electrical character, then encoding, in which the message is converted into a certain sequence of symbols that uniquely display it, and modulation, in which each element of the code (or the code as a whole) is translated into an electrical signal , capable of being transmitted over a given distance over a selected communication channel. The processes of transformation, encoding and modulation are extremely diverse, and the syntactic aspect of information during its transmission is currently well developed. The syntactic aspect has a different character, for example, when storing information. In this case, such forms can be proposed in which it is possible to implement quick search, introduction of new information, output of the required information from information base and generally updating the database. Required presentation of information when it is

storage corresponds to the standard structures of databases and data banks developed to date, which allow the best way implement information services for users in the management system. Thus, the development of society has led to the need to store, process, transmit, and transform huge amounts of data.

Types of information

All types of human activities to transform nature and society were accompanied by the receipt of new information. Logical, adequately reflecting the objective laws of nature, society and thinking, is called scientific information. It is divided according to areas of receipt or use into the following types: political,

technical, biological, chemical, physical etc.; by appointment

– for a mass special. Part of the information that is recorded on paper is called documentary information. Any production operation requires the movement of documents, i.e. arises document flow. For automated systems management information in documents is external Information Support . At the same time, most of the information is stored in computer memory on magnetic and optical disks etc. It is defined as in-machine information support.

Along with scientific information in the field of technology, when solving production problems, it is used Technical information. It accompanies the development of new products, materials, unit designs, technological processes. Scientific and technical information combined by the term scientific and technical information ; in the sphere of material production can circulate technological information, enshrined in the design and technological documentation. In planned calculations there is economic planning information that contains integral information about the progress of production, the values ​​of various economic indicators.

Information from the point of view of its occurrence and improvement goes the following way: a person observes a certain fact of the surrounding reality, this fact is reflected in the form of a set of data, with subsequent structuring in accordance with a specific subject area data turns into knowledge. Thus, top level information as a result of reflection of the surrounding reality (the result of thinking) is knowledge. Knowledge arises as a result of theoretical and practical activity. Information in the form of knowledge is highly structured. This allows you to highlight useful information when analyzing the physical, chemical and other processes and phenomena around us. Based on the structuring of information, a information model object. As society develops 10 BUSTARD Fioshin M.E., Ressin A.A., Yunusov S.M./Ed. Kuznetsova A.A. Computer science. Advanced level 11 BUSTARD

2.1. Primary general education

Serial number of the textbook Author/team of authors Textbook name Class Name of textbook publisher(s) Address of the page about the textbook on the official website of the publisher (publishing house) Computer science: textbook for grade 2: at 2 o'clock. 2 BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory Part 1:
Part 2: Matveeva N.V., Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K., Pankratova L.P., Nurova N.A. 3 BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory Part 1:
Part 2: Matveeva N.V., Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K., Pankratova L.P., Nurova N.A. 4 BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory Part 1:
Part 2: Computer Science: textbook for 3rd grade: at 2 hours. 3 BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory Part 1:
Part 2: Mogilev A.V., Mogileva V.N., Tsvetkova M.S. Computer Science: textbook for 4th grade: at 2 hours. 4 BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory 1 part: