This user is among the administrators of Skype - Skype How to Appoint a Moderator in Skype Chat. How to view and change participant information in Skype Manager™

...Skype is a devilishly clever program written by undeniably talented people... Chris Kaspersky

Good day!

Now I see Skype more often on computers than other IM clients, for me it has practically replaced icq, all work correspondence is conducted on Skype, but we will not talk about what is better or more popular. It often happens that you participate in several chats at once where the number of participants exceeds 10, which actually leads to the fact that the number of new messages is constantly updated on the desktop and in the tray, as well as notifications in the form of pop-up messages, and now imagine that you have 3 chat windows with friends, 1 with your boss, another with a girl - all this adds up to become confusing, distracting and sometimes annoying. I would like to set my priorities...

Previously, I most often configured the notification “policy” only through the global program settings
What happened is that I found out that in every skype chat window it is possible to use commands like /alertsoff will disable notifications for a specific chat window accordingly /alertson will turn them back on.
After searching a little, I came across a certain how-to, it turns out that skype chat Quite a few text commands, similar to IRC commands. Next, I tried to try all possible of them on the two platforms I have, but as it turned out, not everything works everywhere... Please under the cat.

Two platforms - Windows and Linux; in this review we used Windows 7 build 7600 + skype and Ubuntu 10.04 + skype If anyone finds out how these commands behave in Skype in other versions, for other platforms, or gives some more details on these commands (unfortunately, I couldn’t figure everything out) - I will be glad if you let me know and add it to the topic.

Please note that you do not need to use square quotes around the text after writing the command.

Display a list of commands with some description.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

Adds user Skype_Name to the chat.
Win7- works if the chat was initially with 1 interlocutor, group chat is created in a new window, otherwise the contact is added to the same window.
Ubuntu- group chat works, it is created in the window in which the command was entered.

Disable chat notifications.
Works as in Win7(V win version via GUI settings) and in Ubuntu.

Allows you to specify specific words or text for which notifications will be enabled, for example your name.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

Judging by the description this command must make a call.
Win7- does not work, it shows a list of commands just like the /help command and all other commands or words in the format "/^\/()+$/" that is, if the command is not known to Skype, then it will display a list of “known” ones, but as it turned out that not everyone works.
Ubuntu- almost doesn’t work, the call starts to be made and immediately the status becomes Cancelled. As for other arbitrary spellings, “/^\/()+$/” does not call the help list - it simply displays the text entered by the user.

Deletes chat history. Cannot be cancelled.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- works, but it seems to just clear the chat window, the history is saved.

Case-insensitive search for the first occurrence of text in chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works. Also works /fa team.

/get banlist
View the list of users who are prohibited from joining the chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get allowlist
View the list of users who are allowed to join the chat.
I believe that this is the inverse form of a ban list, that is, everything that is not allowed is prohibited.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get creator
View information about the creator of the current chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get guidelines
View guidelines or rather rules for of this chat, here you can write something like: “not allowed in this chat, etc.”
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu. I managed to set the parameter, but I still didn’t fully understand how to view this guideline.

/get xguidelines
I didn’t find a specific description, the situation in use is the same as with the previous command.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get options
View installed options. During the review I found only one, which is described at the end of the article.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get password_hint
Viewing the password hint, it was not possible to install or view it.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get role
View your role in chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

Places tags next to the chat creators and the author's name. Didn't understand and couldn't use it.
original - Puts a Creator tag next to the chat creator's name.
leonard: Places a "Creator" tag next to the creator's name in chat.

Loads full story chat in the active window.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- loads the entire history.

HTML history file that should appear in the browser window.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- does not work.

Displays the number of people present and the maximum number of people possible for this chat.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find out how to change the quantity, I couldn’t find the option.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

Removes a user from a chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Removes the user from the chat and prevents them from returning there. Regular users They cannot return the user to the chat, nor can they edit the banlist.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Leave chat. Not possible if you are the chat creator.
Win7- works. Even if I'm the creator, I managed to leave the chat.
Ubuntu- similar.

Displays your name in the text of the message, can be used, for example, in this case: “/me believes that it should be this way and not otherwise.”
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set allowlist [[+|-]mask]

Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set banlist [[+|-]mask]
Sets the corresponding list of users
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set guidelines
Sets the chat “rules” line, which I still haven’t seen how to view without using the /get -/- command.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set xguidelines- I simply didn’t find it, although it’s strange that the reverse command /get exists for it.

/set options
Sets chat options.
USERS_ARE_LISTENERS This is the only one I know, but most likely there are more.
This option prohibits all users from writing messages to this chat, but this option does not apply to all users; below is the hierarchy of roles with a description. I have already made fun of my friends using this function.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set password
Sets the chat password (spaces are not allowed).
Win7- it works, but it’s not clear where this password needs to be entered and to whom.
Ubuntu- similar.

/set password_hint
Sets a password hint.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Sets the password and hint with one command.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Allows you to set a role for the user in the chat; a description of the roles is given below.

Changes the text of the chat topic.

Shows all kinds of information about the user Skype_Name.

Description of chat user roles
The participant who created the chat. There can only be one created per chat. Only the creator can assign the MASTER role.

In the description it sounds like “chat hosts”, I believe that this is some kind of the main role, something like moderators in the chat, I only know the restrictions. Master cannot designate other users as masters.

Semi-privileged chat member. These users will not be affected by the USERS_ARE_LISTENERS option. Helpers do not have the right to change user roles.

A regular chat user (the default role if you are not the creator) allows you to do everything you normally do in chat. They also do not have the right to change user roles (not yet verified).

A user who can read messages from a chat, but does not have the right to write messages to this chat.

A user who is waiting for approval to get into the chat. A user cannot be demoted to this role if he has been accepted into the chat. (the question has not yet been resolved; rather, this role is given to the user who was invited by the user with a low-level role).

In conclusion, I can say that I will not use all these commands, but it was interesting to get to know each other and I will definitely take some of them into service. Judging by the differences in reactions to commands in different versions, I can assume that as Skype evolves it gains more GUI and loses the ability to perform some text commands. Again, my guess is that earlier versions Skype support for chat commands was more kosher. One way or another, there is still time to take advantage of this not-all-known functionality. I was glad if this opened something new for someone, thanks for your attention!

UPD There will be updates on the topic below.

alice2k said:
/get uri
Returns a link to the chat in the form skype:?chat&blob=smth , when you click on it you can immediately join the chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Thanks, almalexa, for the tip. Below are other possible options to use:

JOINING_ENABLED- When disabled, new users cannot be added to the chat.

JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS- If enabled, new users will wait for confirmation of their addition from the MASTERS or CREATOR group.

JOINERS_BECOME_LISTENERS- If enabled, new users will only be able to read messages, but not send them.

HISTORY_DISCLOSED- If disabled, new users can see messages added before these users joined the chat. 400 message limit or 2 week period (whichever comes first)

TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS- If enabled, users cannot change the chat theme and picture

It has not yet been possible to test the Mac platform on 06/30/2010. (I think either someone from the community will help, or I will have the time and opportunity)

Tags: Add tags

I have written about Skype more than once on the pages of my blog. Today I want to touch on one of the interesting topics: How appoint a Moderator on Skype


This question arose for me due to the fact that my version of Skype does not support the ability to delete messages written in Skype chat from other partners.

I can remove people from my chat. But it is not possible to delete their messages. In this regard, I decided to appoint another person as the chat moderator.

This moderator, having a different version of Skype, will be able to correct, if necessary, the messages that come into the chat. Of course, I could reinstall Skype myself and install the version I need. But today I think that this is not so important to me. I'll do this later. It turns out that you can install 2 versions of Skype on one computer at once. But we'll talk about this next time.

The second reason why you may want to appoint someone Skype chat moderator, this is what makes it difficult for one person to keep track of all the messages. You can't be at the computer all day long. This is why there is a desire to find an assistant.

So how? Appoint a Moderator on Skype?

This is very easy to do. There is this command:

/setrole (nickname) MASTER

You enter it in your chat and send it as a message. This smart link will do all the work for you and inform you that such and such a person has been appointed as a chat moderator.

Instead of “(nickname)” enter your login Skype of that the person you appoint as moderator. Remove the quotation marks. For example, my Skype username: svetlanaavrora5

So the command will be like this:

/setrole svetlanaavrora5 MASTER

So you will make your command, copy and paste it into your chat. Where you usually write messages. Click "Submit". That's all. You will see that a message has appeared in the chat that such and such a person has been “appointed as moderator of the conversation.” In my case, it was written: “Svetlana Avrora 1 has been appointed as the moderator of the conversation.”

Now your new moderator has equal rights with you to delete users of this chat, correct their messages, or even not delete necessary messages from chat.

Now watch this short video and do everything with me:

That's how easy and simple you can appoint a Moderator V yours Skype Chat.

In the previous article, I told you how you can change the font in Skype. If you are tired of making out small letters and straining your eyes when reading messages on Skype, you can use this article and make a font that suits you.

I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you on the pages of my blog.

Many people have probably heard (and some have experienced it themselves) about failures in Skype work?

Personally, because of this, I was not able to conduct a lesson with a person.

But, as they say, that’s not so bad! The trouble is that warnings with the following content began to pour in from all sides:

“Administrator: Hello, dear Skype users, due to the extremely large number With 800 million Skype subscribers today, our server is experiencing serious difficulties.

Now we have started a campaign to remove unused Accounts Skype. Send this letter to at least 15 of your callers who are on the line to show us that you are an active Skype user.

If you do this within 2 days you will be assigned an inactive Skype user and your account will be frozen for an indefinite period of time."

Well, everything seems to be correct. Warn your friends and clear your conscience :)

But what if we look at this situation from the other side?

Spam on Skype

Let me give you an example first:

About a year ago the famous social network"My World" faced serious trouble. Due to excessive user activity, unpredictable crashes began and sometimes the message simply could not be sent. Thousands of people complained to the support service in righteous anger!

Everything turned out to be very banal!

Netizens received the following message:

“If Andrey Fedotov, Tambov, 27 years old, asks to be a friend, don’t agree and don’t look at his page!!! - This is a VIRUS, it destroys the computer.

Tell all of your friends this too, all those who are your friends. If one of your friends grabs it, it will automatically go to you.

And also - “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” - ALSO A VIRUS. Urgent!!! Odnoklassniki launched a virus. ! He destroys everything HDD. If someone on your list grabs him, then so will you. Tell all your friends NOT to ADD contact bernar, [email protected].because it's a VIRUS! Windows crashes the first time you turn off your computer. And if one of your contacts catches it, then you will have it automatically too.

Ask! Copy this and forward it to all your contacts. To make it easier, go to MY MESSAGES, click WRITE A MESSAGE and select ALL friends."

For an experienced person, this is bullshit! And for the inexperienced, this is a serious reason to take care :)

Here we go...

Then, when we figured it out, support clarified what had happened.

Moreover, it was said directly that such spam attacks are organized by competitors, i.e. any other social networks.

By the way, if you use a mobile phone, then information about Windows Mobile should be useful for both you and your friends!

Now attention! Question! Who needed to do this with Skype? Does this service actually have a competing program?

I can only say that at the beginning of summer I received an offer from one of my contacts to promote such a program. He wisely refused, because I don’t really trust the company that offered to do this on his behalf...

It's up to you to draw conclusions.

On this moment Skype remains the most popular and convenient messenger! The program supports how text messages chat, voice and video calls. In addition, an excellent MP3 Skype Recorder has been released for Skype!

In order not to miss new video lessons and interesting events, be sure to subscribe to blog updates !

P.S. Now relax and see what beauty can be made from simple... sand!

...Skype is a devilishly clever program written by undeniably talented people... Chris Kaspersky

Good day!

Now I see Skype more often on computers than other IM clients, it has practically replaced icq for me, all work correspondence is conducted in Skype, but this is not about what is better or more popular. It often happens that you participate in several chats at once where the number of participants exceeds 10, which actually leads to the fact that the number of new messages is constantly updated on the desktop and in the tray, as well as notifications in the form of pop-up messages, and now imagine that you have 3 chat windows with friends, 1 with your boss, another with a girl - all this adds up to become confusing, distracting and sometimes annoying. I would like to set my priorities...

Previously, I most often configured the notification “policy” only through the global program settings
What happened is that I found out that in every skype chat window it is possible to use commands like /alertsoff will disable notifications for a specific chat window accordingly /alertson will turn them back on.
After searching a little, I came across a certain how-to, it turns out that Skype chat has quite a lot of text commands, similar to IRC commands. Next, I tried to try all possible of them on the two platforms I have, but as it turned out, not everything works everywhere... Please under the cat.

Two platforms - Windows and Linux; in this review we used Windows 7 build 7600 + skype and Ubuntu 10.04 + skype If anyone finds out how these commands behave in Skype in other versions, for other platforms, or gives some more details on these commands (unfortunately, I couldn’t figure everything out) - I will be glad if you let me know and add it to the topic.

Please note that you do not need to use square quotes around the text after writing the command.

Display a list of commands with some description.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

Adds user Skype_Name to the chat.
Win7- works, but if the chat was initially with 1 interlocutor, the group chat is created in a new window, otherwise the contact is added to the same window.
Ubuntu- group chat works, it is created in the window in which the command was entered.

Disable chat notifications.
Works as in Win7(in the win version via GUI settings) and in Ubuntu.

Allows you to specify specific words or text for which notifications will be enabled, for example your name.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

Judging by the description, this command should make a call.
Win7- does not work, it shows a list of commands just like the /help command and all other commands or words in the format "/^\/()+$/" that is, if the command is not known to Skype, then it will display a list of “known” ones, but as it turned out that not everyone works.
Ubuntu- almost doesn’t work, the call starts to be made and immediately the status becomes Cancelled. As for other arbitrary spellings, “/^\/()+$/” does not call the help list - it simply displays the text entered by the user.

Deletes chat history. Cannot be cancelled.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- works, but it seems to just clear the chat window, the history is saved.

Case-insensitive search for the first occurrence of text in chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works. Also works /fa team.

/get banlist
View the list of users who are prohibited from joining the chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get allowlist
View the list of users who are allowed to join the chat.
I believe that this is the inverse form of a ban list, that is, everything that is not allowed is prohibited.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get creator
View information about the creator of the current chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu.

/get guidelines
Viewing instructions or rather rules for a given chat, here you can write something like: “not allowed in this chat, etc.”
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu. I managed to set the parameter, but I still didn’t fully understand how to view this guideline.

/get xguidelines
I didn’t find a specific description, the situation in use is the same as with the previous command.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get options
View installed options. During the review I found only one, which is described at the end of the article.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get password_hint
Viewing the password hint, it was not possible to install or view it.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

/get role
View your role in chat.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

Places tags next to the chat creators and the author's name. Didn't understand and couldn't use it.
original - Puts a Creator tag next to the chat creator's name.
: Places a "Creator" tag next to the creator's name in chat.

Loads the full chat history into the active window.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- loads the entire history.

HTML history file that should appear in the browser window.
Win7- does not work.
Ubuntu- does not work.

Displays the number of people present and the maximum number of people possible for this chat.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find out how to change the quantity, I couldn’t find the option.
Works as in Win7 so in Ubuntu

Removes a user from a chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Removes the user from the chat and prevents them from returning there. Regular users cannot return the user to the chat, nor can they edit the banlist.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Leave chat. Not possible if you are the chat creator.
Win7- works. Even if I'm the creator, I managed to leave the chat.
Ubuntu- similar.

Displays your name in the text of the message, can be used, for example, in this case: “/me believes that it should be this way and not otherwise.”
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set allowlist [[+|-]mask]

Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set banlist [[+|-]mask]
Sets the corresponding list of users
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set guidelines
Sets the chat “rules” line, which I still haven’t seen how to view without using the /get -/- command.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set xguidelines- I simply didn’t find it, although it’s strange that the reverse command /get exists for it.

/set options
Sets chat options.
USERS_ARE_LISTENERS This is the only one I know, but most likely there are more.
This option prohibits all users from writing messages to this chat, but this option does not apply to all users; below is the hierarchy of roles with a description. I have already made fun of my friends using this function.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

/set password
Sets the chat password (spaces are not allowed).
Win7- it works, but it’s not clear where this password needs to be entered and to whom.
Ubuntu- similar.

/set password_hint
Sets a password hint.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Sets the password and hint with one command.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Allows you to set a role for the user in the chat; a description of the roles is given below.

Changes the text of the chat topic.

Shows all kinds of information about the user Skype_Name.

Description of chat user roles
The participant who created the chat. There can only be one created per chat. Only the creator can assign the MASTER role.

In the description it sounds like “chat hosts”, I believe that this is some kind of main role, something like moderators in a chat, I only know the limitations. Master cannot designate other users as masters.

Semi-privileged chat member. These users will not be affected by the USERS_ARE_LISTENERS option. Helpers do not have the right to change user roles.

A regular chat user (the default role if you are not the creator) allows you to do everything you normally do in chat. They also do not have the right to change user roles (not yet verified).

A user who can read messages from a chat, but does not have the right to write messages to this chat.

A user who is waiting for approval to get into the chat. A user cannot be demoted to this role if he has been accepted into the chat. (the question has not yet been resolved; rather, this role is given to the user who was invited by the user with a low-level role).

In conclusion, I can say that I will not use all these commands, but it was interesting to get to know each other and I will definitely take some of them into service. Judging by the differences in the response to commands in different versions, I can assume that as Skype evolves it gains more of a graphical interface and loses the ability to execute some text commands. Again, my assumption is that in the early skype versions chat command support was more kosher. One way or another, there is still time to take advantage of this not-all-known functionality. I was glad if this opened something new for someone, thanks for your attention!

UPD There will be updates on the topic below.

/get uri
Returns a link to the chat in the form skype:?chat&blob=smth , when you click on it you can immediately join the chat.
Win7- works.
Ubuntu- works.

Thanks for the hint. Below are other possible options to use:

JOINING_ENABLED- When disabled, new users cannot be added to the chat.

JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS- If enabled, new users will wait for confirmation of their addition from the MASTERS or CREATOR group.

JOINERS_BECOME_LISTENERS- If enabled, new users will only be able to read messages, but not send them.

HISTORY_DISCLOSED- If disabled, new users can see messages added before these users joined the chat. 400 message limit or 2 week period (whichever comes first)

TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS- If enabled, users cannot change the chat theme and picture

It has not yet been possible to test the Mac platform on 06/30/2010. (I think either someone from the community will help, or I will have the time and opportunity)


  • skype
  • help
  • alertsoff
  • chat
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Moderation (moderation) in chat

By learning how to give a moderator in Skype, you can significantly expand your capabilities. This question often worries those users who, due to their busy lives, cannot pay proper attention to the chat. Appointing a moderator in Skype chat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Simple steps

By creating large conferences in the program, you may not notice an increase in activity, which does not always have a positive effect on the group atmosphere. Removing a person from a chat is a radical step, and therefore it is better to give a warning. The administrator can edit messages while maintaining the existing order. Understanding how to give an admin account on Skype in a conference, questions about control over other messages will no longer appear. The admin panel allows you to find an assistant who will receive part of the responsibilities.

Creation Rules

Only an admin can add another user to a conversation. This is very easy to do; just drag the required contact into the appropriate field.

Transfer rules

If you don’t know how to become an admin on Skype, it will be useful to read the following recommendations:

  • enter simple command/setrole (nickname) MASTER to the current chat;
  • the command will be sent to the current conf as a simple message;
  • a smart link will allow you to grant administration rights.

Despite its simplicity, you can become a moderator only after entering the correct login. The mod may not be given right away, since the login is written without quotes and only in English.

Small tips

If the group sees a login (for example, m.v.g.aqua), then it is written in compliance with all characters. As a result, you can appoint a moderator like this: /setrole m.v.g.aqua MASTER

Thus, it is easy to give the user moderator status by issuing a simple command. In the field in which messages are written, you must insert: /setrole (nickname) MASTER and assign the group to moderate. You can immediately see the message: “nick” has been appointed as the moderator of the conversation. Now the user can become a full-fledged assistant and relieve some of the obligations. The main thing is not just to give the tool, but also not to forget about periodic monitoring.