Yesia personal data enter the activation code. Characteristics of individual entrepreneur registration in Yesia

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia has developed a new simplified procedure for registering users on the unified portal of public services (hereinafter - UPGU) and in the unified system of identification and authentication (hereinafter - USIA). Previously, during the registration process, it was necessary to use the insurance number of the citizen’s individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system (SNILS), and it was possible to start using the services only after a visit to the Rostelecom service center or receiving a registered letter through Russian Post. Now registration on the public services portal is carried out using mobile phone and online. An ESIA account is used on the EPGU.

The following categories of users can register with the ESIA:

Citizens Russian Federation;

Foreign citizens;

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The registration process for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens includes the following registration stages:

Stage 1. Registration simplified account.

Stage 2. Filling out the user profile, initiating the verification procedure

data. Successful data verification places the account in the


Stage 3. Identity confirmation by one of available ways, causing the user's account to become verified.

Account Types

Simplified Account- registration using mobile phone number or address Email. With it you can get the simplest services: find out reference or bibliographic services.

Standard account- an account with entering data that is subject to verification (passport, birthday, SNILS, etc.) After verification, the citizen gets access to services such as checking fines, making an appointment with a doctor and some others)

Confirmed account - an account that has been validated (confirmed) at customer service centers at personal address, upon receipt of the code by Russian Post, using a qualified electronic signature or UEC.

Create a simplified account

To go to the ESIA registration page, you must click on the “Registration” button in information system, integrated with the ESIA, or use the direct link: (Fig. 1)

Figure 1 - Registration in the information system

The ESIA registration page will be displayed (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Main page of ESIA registration

To register a new account, you must fill out the form fields



Mobile phone number or email address.

After this, click the “Register” button.

If you select the registration method by mobile phone, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent. It must be entered into a special field that is displayed on the screen (Fig. 3). This code can be administered within 5 minutes ( this information displayed as a countdown of seconds), if the time has elapsed, you can request new code confirmation (in this case, the “Get a new confirmation code” button will become active).

Figure 3 - Message about the need to activate a simplified account

If you select the registration method by email, the account activation confirmation page will be displayed (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Email address confirmation page

On specified address An email will be sent containing a link to activate your account (Fig. 5).

To activate your registered account, follow the link contained in the letter, or copy and paste the specified link into address bar browser and press the “Enter” button. This link is valid for 3 days.

The final step in registering an account is entering a password. The password must be entered twice (Fig. 6). The password must satisfy the following security criteria: 8 characters of the Latin alphabet, lowercase and capital letters, numbers.

Figure 6 - Account activation confirmation page

The simplified account is registered and activated (Figure 7). You can now log in and view the user's personal information.

Figure 7 - Registration is completed

To turn your account into a standard one, you must click on the “Log in and fill out personal information” button. However, you can use your account immediately after registration, in particular, order some services on the Public Services Portal. It should be remembered that a simplified account allows you to access only a small list of services.

Create a Standard Account

Having a standard account allows you to gain access to advanced capabilities in working with e-government portals.

To proceed to creating a standard account, you must use the incentive invitation banner located at the top of the user data page (Fig. 8).

Figure 8 - Incentive banner asking you to confirm your account

To create a standard account, you need to follow these steps:

Specify personal information;

Wait for completion automatic check personal data;

If personal data was specified previously, it will automatically be transferred to the page for launching the data verification procedure. This page includes:

Date of Birth;


Identity document details.

After the data is filled in, you can click on the “Continue” button. This will start the process of verifying personal data in government departments. IN Pension Fund The Russian Federation checks that the full name corresponds to the specified SNILS, that the correct data on gender and age are entered. The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation checks the details of the identity document. The progress of the check is displayed on special page(Fig. 9).

Figure 9 - Progress of data verification in government departments

A special banner will inform the user that his personal data is being verified, that the verification was completed successfully, or that errors have occurred (Fig. 10). While personal data is being verified by government agencies, it is not possible to change this data, but you can initiate a new application for personal data verification (in this case, the process of fulfilling the existing application will be terminated).

Figure 10 - Information on the progress of personal data verification to confirm identity

If personal data is successfully verified, the user account will become standard (Fig. 11). It allows you to receive an expanded list of government services. Please remember that for these changes to take effect, you must log out and re-entry. If you don't do this, other systems will still treat this account as a simplified account.

Figure 11 - Standard account created successfully

The user also has a standard account.

information banner displayed in personal profile and the inscription “Checked” (Fig. 12).

Figure 12 - Standard account successfully created (information in profile)

Creating a verified account

Having a verified account allows you to access all

electronic services of authorities for individuals. The creation of a verified account occurs as a result of the user's identity verification procedure.

Identity verification is required to ensure that the account owner is the user who actually has the specified identification information.

The user can proceed to confirmation immediately after successful verification of his data (by clicking on the “Proceed to Identity Confirmation” button), as well as later, using the link posted in the incentive banner (Fig. 13).

The user is offered three main ways to confirm his identity (Fig. 13):

1. Contact the service center.

2. Receive an identity verification code by mail.

3. Using an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a Universal Electronic Card (UEC).

Figure 13 - Selecting an identity verification method

When you select the “Apply in person” confirmation method, all available service centers will be displayed. You can contact any of these organizations. To complete the identity verification procedure, you must present the operator of this organization with a document

identification. It should be remembered that you need to present the same document that was specified in your personal data when starting the identity verification procedure.

If you received new document identification card, you will not be able to verify your identity. In this case, you should create a new simplified account, enter your data and the data of the new document, wait for them to be verified, and only then contact the service center.

When choosing the “Receive confirmation code by letter” method, you must indicate the address to which the activation code will be sent by registered mail. Average term Delivery time is about 2 weeks. You must make sure that the address is filled out correctly: in case of an incorrect address Resending activation code will be available no earlier than 30 days after the first shipment. However, the user can use another method to verify their identity.

After the activation code is sent, a banner with a field for entering the activation code will appear on the personal data page.

After receiving notification of a registered letter to a Russian Post office, you should contact this office and receive a letter containing an activation code. After entering the correct activation code on the personal data page, your account will be confirmed.

However, it should be remembered that users of the Unified Portal of State Services who received access details (identity confirmation code) by registered mail will not be able to connect to the “personal account” on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia using the account of the Unified Portal of State Services. This restriction was introduced in order to ensure the protection of the user’s “personal account” data from unauthorized access and is due to the fact that the “Taxpayer’s Personal Account for Individuals” service, unlike the EPGU, contains information classified as tax secret in accordance with Article 102 of the Tax Code Russian Federation: information about objects of taxation, current tax accruals, information about income, etc.

For users of the Unified Portal of Public Services who have received access details by registered mail, two options are available: existing methods connecting to a “personal account”: using a login and password received at any inspection, regardless of the place of residence of an individual, or using an enhanced qualified electronic signature/universal electronic card.

To confirm your identity using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, you will need:

1. Physical media(token or smart card) with electronic signature

user, issued by an accredited certification center.

Universal can also be used electronic card.

2. For some electronic signature media, you need to install

a special program - a crypto provider (for example, CryptoPro CSP).

For example, to use UEC you need to install a crypto provider

CryptoPro UEC CSP.

3. Install a special web browser plugin.

After this, you can click on the “Verify your identity using this method” button.

You will need to select an electronic signature verification key certificate (if the user has several certificates), enter a pin code to read the electronic signature, and also sign an application for confirmation of an account in the unified identification and authentication system. After this, the electronic signature will be verified and, if this procedure is successful, the account will be confirmed.

Figure 14 - Identity confirmation using an electronic signature

Once the account is confirmed, a banner will appear saying “Confirmed” (Fig. 15).

Figure 15 - Account verified

Figure 16 - Stages of registering an account on EPGU

How to restore access to the Unified Portal of Government Services?

To enter the Unified Portal of Public Services, you need to know your username and password. The login can be:

Cell phone number;

E-mail address;

If you have forgotten the password for the Portal, you can restore access to the Portal.

How to restore access to the Unified Government Services Portal:

Independently on the portal.

In Rostelecom

In the last two cases, you must personally appear at specialized service centers with an identity document and SNILS.

Let's consider the method self-recovery access on the government services portal.

To do this you need:

1. Open the Government Services Portal (

2. Click the “Login” button on the right top corner screen.

Figure 17

4. Next, you will be asked to choose a password recovery method: using email, using a mobile phone or using SNILS. In the window, indicate your phone number or email address. To recover your password using SNILS, follow the link “Recover using SNILS” (Fig. 2)

Figure 18

If you have chosen the password recovery method using email, a message will appear on the screen stating that the recovery code has been sent to the email address and a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link (Fig. 3), which you should follow and enter in the window New Password.

Figure 19

After this, you will be shown information about the successful password change (Fig. 20).

Figure 20

If you have chosen the method of recovering your password using a mobile phone, you will receive an SMS message with a code on your phone. After entering the code in the window that opens, you should set a new password and click the “Save data” button (Fig. 21).

Figure 21

After this, you will be shown information about the successful password change.

If you have chosen the method of recovering your password using SNILS, you will receive a message containing a link to your email address (specified in your profile). By clicking on the link, you will see a window in which you will need to set a new password and click the “Save data” button.

After this, you will be shown information about the successful password change.

If the contact information is not linked to the account, then you will not be able to recover the password on the portal yourself; in this case, you should contact specialized customer service centers (Rostelecom, MFC).

Where else is the ESIA account used?

Registration in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) allows you not only to receive state and municipal services V in electronic format on the federal and regional portals, but is also used by many online resources - in particular, the account allows citizens to order services on the portal of the Pension Fund of Russia (, on the portal of the Federal Tax Service (https:// take part in voting on the website of the Russian Social Initiative (, but provided that they have previously applied in person for identification to one of the identity verification centers.

Figure 22

Posted by: Unknown Changed: Never

The idea of ​​the ESIA State Services portal included the possibility of contacting government agencies through the information and telecommunications network Internet. Electronic form work eliminates the need to stand in queues and take time off from work, which significantly saves the time of interested parties. In addition, the number of “personal contacts” between citizens and departmental employees is limited, which leads to a decrease in the level of corruption. The costs of maintaining government officials are also being reduced, which makes it possible to improve the economic situation in the country.

As of 2018, the portal contains in its catalog 21 ministries, 62 departments and 11 third-party Internet resources. Not only individuals, but also business entities can take advantage of the opportunities of e-government.

ESIA State Services promotes the growth of information culture and literacy of the population. In this way, citizens begin to have a greater influence on government models, which leads to the democratization of society.

Procedure for registering a Simplified account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA)

In order to be able to use the entire list or any part electronic services you must go through the registration process on the portal, receive an account activation code and authorize it in the prescribed manner.

  1. First of all, you need to go to the E-Government website. Any web browser will work for this. IN search bar you need to set the name of the Internet page -

  2. Then you can begin the registration process itself. On home page The portal contains the words “Login” and “Register”. A citizen who does not have an account must select the second option.

  3. A registration form will appear in front of the user, in which it is necessary to enter information about last name and first name, mobile phone and email.

  4. After correct filling all fields the interested citizen will receive on his phone number SMS notification with registration confirmation code. It must be entered into the line that appears on the screen.

A simplified registration form will provide access to reference information. It is limited and does not allow you to fully use e-government services. Those who register will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with extracts from registers, obtain financial statements of a legal entity, check traffic police fines, etc.

Note! The registration form will differ for three categories of entities: individuals, business entities and foreign citizens. By default, the registration procedure for citizens of the Russian Federation operates. For foreigners, the site interface provides a choice of several languages, and to register entity It is not possible without an individual account.

Creating a Standard Account

This registration form will open up even more government services to citizens. To implement it, a detailed filling out of the user profile is required.

Reference! A number of personal information is entered into the user profile, so Electronic Government will ask everyone to agree to the unhindered processing of personal data. This includes working with your passport details, first name, last name, pension certificate number, and individual identification number. Civil servants and portal specialists are required to familiarize themselves with this information in order to be able to be registered in the Electronic Government system.

For a standard account, you will additionally need to fill in the following fields:

  1. Designation of the Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).
  2. Documentation data identifying the citizen.
  3. Individual identification number (INN). This field can be ignored if individual, is not a private entrepreneur.

The information you entered must be verified by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The insurance number will be subject to registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Upon completion of the check for email address A letter will be sent about the results of consideration of information about you. This may take from a couple of hours to several days.

If all specified data matches, the user will be assigned a standard account. It will somewhat expand the number of electronic services. It will be possible to make an appointment with a doctor at public medical institutions, register a trademark and other additional list powers.

Video – Registration in the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority

Creating a Verified Account

This type covers all government services available on the Portal. For example, in addition it will be possible to register a child in kindergarten, obtain a foreign passport, register a new place of residence, etc.

On this moment There are currently four known ways to confirm an account:

  1. On a personal basis. An interested citizen applies with an identification document and SNILS to the accessible Service Center. The government services portal has in its option special card, which indicates all service centers operating in a specific administrative-territorial entity.

  2. Electronically. This can be done through online banks: Sberbank Online, Post Bank Online and Tinkoff. A necessary condition for the applicant it is mandatory to have client status in one of the specified institutions.

  3. By postal method. This function is implemented by ordering a special digital code identity confirmation by Russian Post.
  4. With the help of enhanced qualified electronic signature or a universal electronic card.
Important information! The e-Government Portal contains a note that the issuance of universal electronic cards has been suspended since January 1, 2017. However, on State services using the UEC functions, authorization and account confirmation are still possible if the card has not expired.

Public service catalogs

Registration of pension provision, sending an application for the right to receive benefits and benefits to certain categories of citizens, entering into a marriage union, securing ownership of a summer cottage and other legally significant actions can be carried out in electronic form.

The e-government catalog is classified into three large subsections, which greatly simplify working with the site.

Subsection titleFeatures provided
In this subsection, an interested person can receive public services in any area he requires:

1. Family and children (registration of birth, marriage, etc.).
2. Taxes and finance (repayment of tax debts, acceptance of tax returns, etc.).
3. Apartment, construction and land (payment of housing and communal services, obtaining building permits, etc.).
4. Security and law and order (paying off court debts; obtaining permits to store and carry weapons, etc.).
5. Other areas

AuthoritiesIn this subsection, an interested person can directly send a statement of claim, request, demand or claim to a specific government entity. The following authorities are available for appeals:

1. Ministry of Internal Affairs.
2. Rospotrebnadzor.
3. Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
4. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
5. federal Service bailiffs and other institutions

Life situationsThis subsection was introduced into the site interface recently. In its list it contains the most popular services that every person often encounters:

1. Selling a car to a salon or private person.
2. Purchase of residential real estate.
3. Job search and employment.
4. Getting an education, etc.

Thus, after registering with Unified system identification and authentication, subjects of legal relations using the latest innovations electronic technologies will be able to receive most of the government services they are interested in in an accelerated and simplified manner.

Why is it needed on the State Services website? full registration? In order to simplify the receipt of many documents and mass useful information without long trips to the relevant government agencies, no queues.

For example, this could be obtaining a foreign passport with an electronic chip (for 10 years) or without a chip (for 5 years), replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, replacing a driver’s license due to its expiration, registration Vehicle, making an appointment with a doctor, kindergarten, school, as well as questions related to taxes, etc.


The registration procedure on the State Services portal is also called: register, register, register, create (open) a personal government services account, electronic office public services, create your account, create an account.

How to register on the State Services website? Step-by-step instruction, given below, includes 3 (three) stages:

  • simplified account,
  • standard and
  • verified account.

To have access to all the features, you need to go through all three stages and eventually get a verified account.

The login and password from a confirmed account on the State Services portal can be used to log into the PFR (Pension Fund of Russia) website.

In other words, having confirmed your account on the State Services website once, you can then use the same login and password to enter the Pension Fund website.

You will need email or mobile phone. If you use e-mail to register, then any mail that you have will do, that is, any e-mail.

  • When registering on the State Services portal, you need to enter your e-mail.
  • After this, a letter is automatically sent to the specified e-mail.
  • You need to go to your mail,
  • find this letter there,
  • click on the link in the letter and thereby confirm that you are the owner of this mail.

If you don't have your own email, you can create one. I wrote more about how to create an account (mail) in Yandex.

Instead of email, you can enter your mobile phone number. In this case, you must have your mobile phone at hand, because an SMS with a confirmation code will automatically be sent to your phone. This code will need to be entered on the State Services website to confirm that you are the owner of the phone.

Simplified Account

Rice. 1 Start of registration on the State Services ru website

1 and 2 in Fig. 1 - To register, enter YOUR real name and YOUR real name. My last name and first name as shown in Fig. 1, do NOT need to be entered.

It is not necessary to provide a mobile phone number. If you indicate your mobile phone number, this can be a big help in the long run, if... various reasons suddenly there will be problems logging into the State Services website. Using a mobile phone number is usually the easiest way to restore access.

3 in Fig. 1 - no errors, carefully type YOUR e-mail. If you enter your e-mail with an error, the letter to confirm your registration on the State Services portal will go to the wrong place.

Click blue button“Register” (Fig. 1), the message will appear:

Rice. 2 Message asking you to confirm your email address

You should never put off long box confirmation of your registration, as they say, the job is done, go for a walk. Therefore, we immediately go to our mail and look for a letter there to confirm registration on the government services website. The letter will look something like this:

Rice. 3 Letter to confirm registration on the State Services website

Open the email to confirm registration:

The letter reads, in part:

“An application has been submitted on your behalf for registration in the Unified System for Identification and Authentication of the Electronic Government Infrastructure.

To complete registration, you must confirm your email address and provide a password."

In this letter (Fig. 4) we click on the long link, and thereby confirm that the email is ours and that we have access to the mail.

Password for State Services, example

You shouldn’t come up with a simple password like your date of birth or something like 12345, it can be hacked instantly. Better to use

Rice. 5.0. We use a password generator on the State Services website. It is better to write down the password in a notebook.

  • in the above generator, check the boxes to use numbers, capital letters, lower case and special symbols (red number 1 in Fig. 5.0);
  • set the password length to 8 (number 2 in Fig. 5.0);
  • click on the “Create password” button (3 in Fig. 5.0);
  • We get not just one password for State Services, but password options to choose from. By the way, you can change the suggested passwords yourself minor changes. It is better to write down the password or save it, for example, in your browser.

The proposed options are reliable, but it is impossible to remember such a password unless you write it down.

Rice. 5. Create a password to enter the State Services website

The same password must be entered 2 times (Fig. 5) and click on the blue “Done” button. A message will appear: “Registration was successful. In 3 seconds you will be transferred back to the portal."

This password is sometimes called the ESIA code, which means the password for entering the State Services portal. You don't need to tell it to anyone.

Congratulations, The first step to register with State Services has been taken! You now have it on the State Services portal simplified account. And there was access to services that did NOT require mandatory identification confirmation. The number of such services is limited.

Access to information on taxes, pensions and most other necessary services will only appear after confirmation of identity, that is, full registration is required on the State Services website.

The State Services portal reports that:

Simplified The account allows you to receive reference and informational services.
To gain access to additional services, upgrade your account by filling out the following fields in your profile:
- floor;
– ;
– passport data.
The data will undergo online verification (this can take from a few seconds to 5 days), and your Additional services: checking traffic police fines, making an appointment with a doctor, registering a trademark and many others

Standard account

After entering the password, the system automatically redirects you to the “Filling out and checking personal data” window (Fig. 6).

If for some reason you were unable to immediately fill out your profile, you will then need to separately log into the State Services portal into your personal account, and then fill out your profile.

To fill out this data you will need:

  • SNILS (insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and
  • passport,

It is advisable to prepare them in advance.

By the way, if you still decide to indicate your mobile phone in your profile, you will need to confirm it first with the ESIA code - this is your password for entering the State Services website, and then an SMS code will be sent to your mobile phone for confirmation.

Rice. 6 (click to enlarge). Filling out and checking personal data on the State Services portal before applying for an identity card

  • 1, 2, 3 in Fig. 6 - print your last name without errors, your first name and patronymic, if any;
  • 4 in Fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 4. In the menu that appears, click on “Male” or “Female”;
  • 5 in Fig. 6 - click on the small calendar, select the month, date and year of birth. You can only enter your date of birth using a calendar. You cannot enter it manually “from the keyboard”;
  • 6 in Fig. 6 - place of birth is entered as indicated in the passport;
  • 7 in Fig. 6 - SNIL – abbreviation for “Individual Insurance Number” Personal Account", issued by the pension fund (PFR). Below in Fig. 7 shows where to look for your SNILS in the Insurance Certificate of the Pension Fund;

Rice. 7 Where to look for SNILS

  • 8 in Fig. 6 - citizenship can be entered by clicking on the small triangle in field 8. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the appropriate option;
  • 9 in Fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 9. Select an identification document from the menu that appears;
  • 10 in Fig. 6 - print the series and number of the passport or other identification document. Enter all the numbers (series and number) in a row, without spaces, for example, 4008123456;
  • 11 in Fig. 6 - the date of issue of the document must be selected using a small calendar in field 11;
  • 12, 13 in Fig. 6 - enter “Issued by” and the department code exactly as it is written in the passport or other identification document;
  • 14 in Fig. 6 - After entering the data, we check everything again, and then click on the blue “Continue” button.

A window will appear (click on Fig. 8 to enlarge):

Rice. 8. Message that personal data is being verified

Verification of personal data for the State Services portal takes place at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Migration Service). It may take several minutes, and in some cases – up to 5 days. If you don’t want to wait for the verification to finish, you can close the page. A notification will be sent by e-mail about the completion of the check, that is, by e-mail.

If you do not close the page and wait until the check is completed, then after that in the window in Fig. 8 the message “Verification of your personal data has been completed” and the “Login again” button will appear.

If you close the page, you can continue working with the State Services portal using the link in the letter that will be sent by e-mail after the check is completed.

Verified account for full registration

Public services full registration will only be possible after confirmation of identity. First, we decide which method of identity verification to choose from the three options offered on the site. Click on fig. 9 to enlarge it, second click on Fig. reduces it.

Rice. 9 Identity confirmation at State Services

Number 1 in Fig. 9 – “Apply in person. Confirmation at the time of visiting one of the service centers.” Read more about this method below; I chose this option.

Identity confirmation using a code from a letter from Russian Post

Number 2 in Fig. 9 – “Receive a confirmation code by email.”

The code will be sent to you by registered mail via Russian Post.

Before choosing this method, it is worth keeping in mind the following information from the official website of the State Services:

"Attention! To confirm, we recommend contacting us in person! Please note that by using the code to confirm your identity from the letter, you will NOT be able to access the taxpayer’s personal account on the portal. You will also need to receive the letter at the post office.

The service is provided free of charge.
The average delivery time is about two weeks.
Re-sending the identity verification code is possible no earlier than after 30 days.”

If you choose the option with a confirmation code by letter, then, as can be seen in Fig. 9, you should enter your mailing address with the index and click on the blue “Deliver” button. If you have forgotten the index, click on the link “Don’t remember the index?”.

The option with a confirmation code means that in Mailbox the postman will leave a notice that it has arrived ordered letter. Then, with this notice and your passport, you will need to go to the post office to receive a registered letter. And then enter the received confirmation code on the State Services website. If the notification is lost or the letter does not arrive, you will have to re-order a confirmation code no earlier than 30 days after the first application to the State Services to receive the code.

As you can see, you will still have to go to the post office with your passport, although the postman may drop the letter in your mailbox. I decided that it would be easier and faster to immediately go to the post office with my passport and prove my identity. True, not every post office can do this, more details below.

Identity confirmation in MFC, Rostelecom and using CEP

In cities where there is MFC (Multifunctional Centers) or Rostelecom offices, you can get a confirmation code by going there in person.

If you are NOT able to enter the confirmation code received at the MFC or Rostelecom on the State Services website, then

CEP- abbreviation for " Qualified Electronic Signature».

Number 3 in Fig. 9 - as you can see, identity verification at State Services can be done using an electronic signature on a flash drive or UEC (universal electronic card). The issue of the UEC card and its issuance are free for all citizens of the Russian Federation. It allows you to use state, municipal and commercial services online, in electronic form.

The advantage of the option with an electronic signature of the CEP is that it is an instant confirmation of identity in the State Services, and also that some services require the user to have an electronic signature. The downside is the need to register and obtain an electronic signature or a universal electronic card.

Confirmation by personal appearance at Russian Post

It may seem that it is enough to take your passport and come to your home post office. But that's not true. In July 2015, the agreement between the Russian Post and Rostelecom ended, and since then not all post offices have managed to conclude new agreement. Therefore, first you have to search for a branch of the Russian Post Office or a branch of Rostelecom, where they provide such a service as identity confirmation for the State Services portal.

When you register for State Services and select the confirmation option “Apply in person” (1 in Fig. 9), the State Services website automatically offers available options for your location: the closest option comes first, followed by more distant options.

Attention! It only makes sense to confirm your identity if your profile on the State Services website has been filled out, verified and you have a standard account. With a simplified account there is no point in confirming your identity, nothing will work.

To confirm your identity, you must take your passport with you.

At the post office (or at the Rostelecom office) you must say that you need to confirm your identity on the State Services portal. After that, they gave me a paper (Fig. 10, click on the picture to enlarge it), in which I must write in two copies:

  • last name
  • document type and number,
  • date,
  • signature.

Rice. 10 Identity confirmation form issued at the post office

The postal worker checks your passport, looks on the computer to see that you have a standard account on the State Services portal and clicks on something. Confirmation by e-mail and SMS is sent to your mobile phone immediately. For example, I didn’t have time to move away from the window in the Russian Post when I heard an SMS message, and I also thought that it’s amazing how quickly everything works.

Rice. 11 (click on the picture to enlarge). Public services full registration: Message by e-mail about account confirmation.

Public services full registration is now complete!

How to log in to State Services after registration

Registration on the State Services portal takes place once. After that, you will only need to log in to the site, but not register.

Rice. 12 (click on the picture to enlarge). Button “Login” to State Services

Click on the “Login” button and you will see:

Rice. 13 Enter your phone number or email, as well as a mandatory password to enter State Services

After you have entered your phone number or email address (e-mail), as well as your password, you are automatically taken to your personal account, which will be eloquently evidenced by the name in the upper right corner on the State Services website (Fig. 14).

How to exit the State Services website

Rice. 14 Button to exit the State Services website

You need to exit the State Services portal NOT using the red cross in your browser, but using special button Exit (Fig. 14). It is located in the upper right corner on the State Services website, next to your name.

If you move the mouse to the button (circled in a red frame in Fig. 14), the “Exit” pop-up message will appear. Click on this button and exit - this is the correct exit from the State Services website.

Where to contact?

When switching to a confirmed account on the State Services website, some users have problems, for example, that such a SNILS already exists, and there are plenty of other problems. Where to turn in such situations?

In such cases, you should contact support on the State Services website, because that is where the database with customer data is stored. Employees of the State Services website can look at their database to see what the problem of a particular client is. Most likely, a State Services employee can immediately solve the problem or, at least, offer some way out.

Support coordinates ( feedback) is on the State Services website, at the bottom, in the footer of the site. In order not to search for them, I provide these contacts below:

Feedback on the State Services website by e-mail: [email protected]

If you write email, describe your situation in as much detail as possible so that you are understood correctly and help solve the problem.

Can call State Services, select the option that suits you:

8 800 100-70-10 – free phone in the Russian Federation,

7 499 550-18-39 – for residents of Moscow or according to operator tariffs,

115 (for calls from mobile phones) – free in the Russian Federation.

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Just recently, in order to get the most ordinary certificate from a government organization, you had to spend half a day in numerous queues, wasting precious time, energy and nerves. With the advent of the government services portal, everything has changed dramatically; now any government service or consultation can be obtained in online mode. Yielding to the desire to simplify your life, you decided to register for the first time on the State Services website. Where can I get a password for government services to log into the site? What to do if your password is lost? How and where to get identity confirmation for the government services portal? And most importantly, why is this needed? We will try to answer these and other frequently asked questions in this article.

Where can I get a password for government services?

It is worth recalling that the services of the Unified State Portal are available only to registered users. Therefore, to log into the site, as a rule, a telephone number or email address and a password are used, which are set by users during registration.

If this was not done or the registration was not completed correctly, then it will not be possible to enter the site.

To solve this problem, you should register again:

  1. Log in to the website (it is now active in new version) and select the “Register” field.
  1. Carefully fill out the fields: last name, first name, mobile phone, email and click “Register”

  1. Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message into the appropriate field and click “Continue”

  1. Now, at your own discretion, you need to come up with and enter a password, confirming it re-entering. Then click "Done". In this case, the message “Registration completed successfully” must appear.

Important! It is this password that the system will request when entering the site. Therefore, you should remember it, or better yet write it down

Change the password or, if for the purposes of increased security, you would like to ask Secret Question, this can be done in Personal account→ “Account Settings” tab → “Security” window, then fill in the appropriate fields and make changes.

Where can I get a password for government services if it was lost or you simply forgot it? The password can, of course, be recovered. To do this you just need to do the following:

  1. Go to the government services website and click on the “Login” button.
  2. In the top field, enter the mobile phone number or email address specified during registration.
  3. Next, in the lower left corner of the window, select “Recover Password”.

  1. In the next window, re-enter your mobile phone number or email address and click “Find”.
  2. Finally, you will also need to indicate your SNILS number and click “Find”.
  3. On specified number Your phone should receive an SMS message with a confirmation code; it should be entered in the appropriate field.

Set a new password, confirm it by re-entering it and click “Create”. It is important not to forget to write it down.

It is possible to obtain and recover your password even with a simplified account. Although, the list of services that can be used when registering in this status is very limited. Basically, these are reference and information services.

Where can I get an activation code for government services?

The development of the website does not stand still, its interface and capabilities are constantly being improved (at the moment it is already presented in a new version), which means that the list of services provided will only expand.

Access to certain services, of course, determines the status of the account. And if only reference and information services are available with a simplified account, then the ability to use maximum amount Only a verified account status can provide meaningful services.

And that is why it is so important to receive an activation code, complete registration completely, transferring it to confirmed status, and start using all available servers. So, how and where to get an activation code for government services?

  1. In order to receive an activation code, you first need to register on the government services website.
  2. In addition, you must provide detailed personal information in the My Data / Basic Information section. There he also indicated:
  • SNILS details;
  • and passport details.
  1. Once the system verifies this data, your account will automatically receive standard status.
  2. Also prerequisite Receiving an activation code will confirm your identity.

Only after confirming your identity will you be able to receive an activation code and register it on the government services website.

Depending on the confirmation method you choose, you will be able to receive an activation code:

  • in the office of a specialized service center, after an employee has checked the documents you provided;
  • or at the Russian Post office, by registered mail.

In any case, after receiving the activation code, you must enter it in the appropriate field on the My Data / Basic Information tab. And only after that all site services will become available.

Where can I get proof of identity for the government services portal?

Another problem that everyone who decided to register on the government services website faced was the issue of identity verification. You can verify your identity if your account is already set to standard status.

So, you can get proof of identity:

  1. When contacting a specialized service center in person. It could be:
  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • Rostelecom office.