Eric Schmidt how google works summary. When did Google appear and who founded it?

Sep 26, 2017

How Google works Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt

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Title: How Google works
Author: Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt
Year: 2014
Genre: Popular about business, Foreign business literature

About the book "How Google Works" Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt

Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt, current employees Google, shared with the world the secrets and basic principles of doing business on the pages “How Google Works”.
It has long been no secret that many large corporations issue tons of orders and forms for their employees regarding corporate culture, thereby driving employees into strict limits regarding not only behavior, but also appearance, down to the length of nails and the color of a handkerchief. Comprehensive pressure on employees to tirelessly follow the imposed rules leads to stress, increased fatigue and a logical decrease in the efficiency of the entire company as a whole.

The journalistic work “How Google Works” will tell about the basic principles of the corporate culture and ethics of the famous company, the chairman of the board of directors of which is one of the authors, Eric Schmidt. Using his own examples, Alan Eagle, in collaboration with two of his colleagues, shares ideas for doing things right. The main principle of Google's ideology is freedom of imagination and following the most fantastic ideas.

Jonathan Rosenberg and Eric Schmidt believe that companies should hire dreamers—people who dream of flying to the moon—rather than down-to-earth pragmatists. Thanks to a team of dreamers, Google was able to accomplish many projects that were considered impossible. The company's visionaries come up with creative concepts for the development of the corporation, and their best education, received at prestigious universities around the world, and remarkable mental abilities allow them to calculate ways to actually bring their ideas to life.

The book “How Google Works” will teach you to think outside the box and achieve your global goals. An ambitious approach to seemingly unrealistic projects will ultimately lead to long-awaited success. For example, one of the company’s projects - GoogleMaps - involved creating photographs of streets of any settlements globe and seemed absolutely impossible. However, millions of people today successfully use Google's mapping services.

Looking more often at the sky, rather than at your feet, is the main idea of ​​the journalistic work of the trio of authors. This work is recommended for people who already have an operating business and for beginners who are just planning to open their own business.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “How Google Works” by Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt in epub formats, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is separate section With useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from How Google Works by Alan Eagle, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt

A few years ago, former YouTube executive Salar Kamangar had a situation that demonstrated his own “yes” attitude. It happened during a weekly corporate meeting where testing was discussed. new feature– video playback in high resolution. Testing was successful. And Salar asked if there was at least one good reason don't run this function right now. “Well,” someone answered. – Judging by the schedule, this should happen only in a few weeks. Therefore, we can continue to test it to make sure everything works.” “That’s right,” replied Salar. “But is there another good reason, other than schedule, why we can’t launch it right now?” No one could come up with one, and YouTube launched in high definition the very next day. Nothing exploded or failed, but millions of happy YouTube users benefited from one person's commitment to saying "yes" a few weeks early.

Developing companies create chaos, which managers try to control by creating even more business processes. While some of these processes are necessary to scale a company, they should be delayed until as late as possible. Set the bar or “negotiation milestones” high for them. Make sure you have a compelling business case for creating these processes. We like this quote from American scientist and former President of the University of Connecticut Michael Hogan: “The first thing I want to advise is to say yes.” In fact, say yes as often as possible. The word “yes” gives rise to something new. The word “yes” is synonymous with development. The word “yes” will lead you to new experiences, which in turn will add knowledge and wisdom to you. The attitude of saying yes determines whether you can move forward in these changing times.”

We both have children, and we know firsthand about the frustrating parental habit of reflexively saying “no” to a child’s requests. “Can I have a soda?” - "No". - “Can I have two scoops of ice cream instead of one?” - "No". - “Can I play video games even though I haven’t done my homework?” - "No". - “Can I put the cat in the dryer?” - "NO!"
The “just say no” syndrome can creep into the workplace. Many companies come up with meticulous and often passive-aggressive ways to refuse: instructions to follow; permits that need to be obtained; meetings to attend. “No” is a small death for a smart creative. “No” is a signal that the company has lost its startup spirit and has become too “corporate.” Say “no” enough times and smart creatives will stop asking you questions and head for the exit.

A company's reputation is the sum total of the reputations of all its employees, so if you want to create an organization with an impeccable reputation so that the above becomes the norm for your employees, there is no place for cheaters in your company. And in general, in our experience, someone who once showed himself to be a rogue will always be one. Tom Peters said: “There is no such thing as a minor deviation from principles.”
Fortunately, employee behavior is determined by society's norms. In a culture where "knightly" values ​​thrive, knights will reprimand rogues for their base behavior until they reform or leave. (Here's another argument in favor of crowded offices: people are at their best when they're under social control. And in crowded offices of social control, there's more!) This is pretty powerful when we're talking about about offenses committed by rogues. Because rogues, as a rule, are more interested in personal success than knights. And if they feel that their behavior will not lead to success, they are likely to leave. If you, as a manager, discover a rogue among your employees, the best solution would be to narrow his area of ​​responsibility by shifting it to the knight. In case of more serious offenses, you need to get rid of the rogue. Urgently. Imagine a baby elephant seal (rogue) trying to steal milk from the mothers of other babies. For this, he is bitten not only by his nursing mother, but also by other female elephant seals (knights). You should always act harshly towards people who violate the main interests of the company. Don't bite them (you shouldn't bite them, of course), but act quickly and decisively. Nip this in the bud immediately.

“I don’t have any special talents. I’m just passionately curious.”

You can deal with this by giving people responsibility and freedom. Don't force them to work late at the office or go home early to spend time with family. Better yet, tell them to acknowledge their area of ​​responsibility and they will do whatever is required to fulfill their obligations. Marissa Mayer, who became one of the most famous working moms in Silicon Valley shortly after taking over as CEO of Yahoo! said that burnout is not caused by hard work, but by the irritation of having to give up the things that really matter to you (Mayer, April 12, 2012). Give control of the situation to your smart creatives, and they will most likely take control of the situation themselves. The best decision how they can bring their lives into balance.

Work-life balance. This is another criterion by which smart and dedicated employees classify so-called best management practices as offensive. This phrase is problematic in itself, because many people consider their work so important that they do not separate it from their personal lives. Companies with the best corporate cultures embrace overtime and empower people to work overtime for their own well-being. They provide employees with a large number of interesting projects that they can work on both in the office and at home. Therefore, if you are a manager, it is your responsibility to make the work process lively and intense. Guaranteeing your employees a strict forty-hour work week is not your key responsibility.

One final organizing principle: Identify which employees have the most influence and build teams around them. Choose those who run companies not because of their position or experience, but because of their performance and inner passion. And if efficiency, as a rule, is relatively easy to measure, then the dimensions of inner passion are more difficult to determine. The best leaders have it naturally. This is the type of person who is chosen as the captain of the team, even if they did not nominate themselves. Their inner passion attracts others like a magnet - iron filings.

We believe that a company can remain functionally organized (with separate departments such as engineering, product management, accounting, sales reporting directly to the CEO) for as long as possible because organizing around business units or product lines can lead to " repository”, which often interferes with the free exchange of information and employees.

Lorraine Twohill, who helped us show Google's cleverly creative approach to creativity as truly amazing art masquerading as marketing.

In eb-browser Google Chrome(Google Chrome) is becoming more popular every day. Its main advantage is the ability to surf the net really quickly. In addition, many users note that the main advantages of the browser are its surprisingly simple intuitive interface. However, it still takes some time to master it. This material presents short excursion That's why, how to use Google Chrome.

How to download and install Google Chrome?

Of course, before answering the question of how to use Google Chrome, you need to figure out where you can download this browser and how to install it. It is worth saying that this is very simple to do - you just need to go to official web browser page, click on the “Download Chrome” button, and then install the program automatically.

However, if you have any problems with the installation, you can read our detailed article on this topic - “”.

Google Chrome interface

So, you have downloaded and installed the browser, now it’s time to figure out how to use Google Chrome.

The first thing you must do is double-click on the browser icon with the left mouse button to launch it and, as they say, the program interface will open in front of you in all its glory. You can immediately notice that it is made in the now fashionable minimalist design, which is pleasing to the eye and accessible to the modern user.

Conventionally, the interface can be divided into several areas:

1 - Field for creating new tabs - you can create as many tabs as you like and work with them simultaneously, switching by clicking on the tab of interest with the left mouse button once.

2 — Field for entering URLs - here you can enter a URL or directly a search query. If you enter a site URL, the site you are looking for will immediately open in front of you; if you enter a search query, a search results window for this request will appear in front of you.

3 — Work area – the contents of the sites you work with or will appear in it search results. However, when you launch the browser here, the main page of the search engine will always open by default. Google systems(unless you configure the browser differently, but more on that a little later) - this is understandable, because it was Google that developed the Google Chrome browser.

Getting started with Google Chrome

Having become a little familiar with the browser interface, you can start working with it. How? Just enter required address or a search query in the field for entering URLs and click Enter - if you have access to the Internet, the page or result you are interested in will immediately appear in front of you search query– please note that the browser will prompt you with the most popular queries.

If you want to add a new tab, left-click once on special button.

If you want to download a link from the page you are working on, left-click on it - it will open in a new tab and you will be automatically redirected to it. You can also click on the link right click mouse and select the desired action.

In order to go back a step, you can click the special button located to the left of the URL input line, in the form of a back arrow. If you want to “go back” one step forward, click the forward arrow, and to refresh the page, click on the curled arrow.

To close a tab, you just need to click on the cross.

If you accidentally close a tab, press the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+T” and it will return.

If you want to add a tab to your bookmarks, click on the “star” (see screenshot above), after you click on it, the bookmark will appear in the bookmarks bar.

By default, the bookmarks bar is only displayed on home page, but if you set the "Show taskbar" setting (to do this, right-click on the bookmarks bar and select the appropriate action), it will be displayed in all windows.

Other tab actions are available by right-clicking on a tab.

Setting up Google Chrome

While talking about the Google Chrome interface, we did not mention one very important browser button - it looks like three horizontal stripes and is very important point in answer to the question how to use Google Chrome. This is the browser settings button.

The entire web browser settings menu is divided into several parts. A number of options presented in the menu are standard, that is, similar options can be found in any other program - find, exit, help, etc. However, some points are worth talking about in more detail.

Firstly, this is the “History”, “Downloads” and “Bookmarks” group. If you click on “History”, you can see a list of previously visited sites.

The “Downloads” item will show previously saved downloaded files.

The “Bookmarks” item allows you to manage your bookmarks - you can create a new bookmark, go to one of the sites already saved in bookmarks, and also configure bookmarks using the bookmark manager.

In particular, all bookmarks can be sorted into folders if you have a lot of them.

It is also very important to dwell in detail on the “Settings” and “Additional tools” items.

Settings item Google Chrome

Using Google Chrome's "Settings" you can completely optimize the browser to suit your needs. There are a number of sections here:

“Login” - in this section you need to log in Google account, in this case, all your data will be synchronized, all account settings will be automatically remembered, that is, if you log into Google Chrome from any other PC through your account, you will automatically receive a browser optimally configured for your needs.

“Open on startup” - here you can set what page you want to see on startup, the default is “ New inset", but you can set the option "Previously open tabs", then the browser will open and load those tabs that were open at the time of the last session. And finally, using the item “ Specified Pages", you can set a very specific desired page, and when you start the web browser, it will open exactly that page.

Chapter " Appearance» allows you to make the browser visually optimal for the user by selecting the desired theme. Also in this section you can activate the button " Home page"("Home page" is the page specified in the "Open at startup" section) and set the "Always show bookmarks bar" setting.

The Search section allows you to select the default search engine.

Using the Users menu, you can configure different user profiles and set extended or limited rights for each of them.

To the left of the settings sections you can see a small submenu consisting of the items “History”, “Extensions” and “About the program”. Using the first, you can view recently visited sites, using the latter, you can find out basic information about the browser, and “Extensions” will help supplement the browser’s options. This section displays installed extensions, and to download more, you can click on the “More extensions” link.

Extensions are special programs, performing certain functions that cannot be implemented through standard settings web browser. For example, you can download the extension "".

And all your favorite pages will be displayed not on a standard narrow panel, but on a special convenient page.

If you don't like the extension, you can always disable or remove it.

Item "Additional tools"

This item is generally intended more for advanced users, because with it you can activate the browser’s “Task Manager” and developer tools.

Using the Task Manager, the user has the opportunity to evaluate, for example, which of the pages he is working with takes up more memory from the PC.

Also, using the “Additional tools” section, you can quickly go to the menu for clearing browser history and view extensions.


Of course, the topic of how to use Google Chrome is perhaps worthy a whole book and it is simply impossible to convey all the capabilities of the browser in one article. However, we tried to set out the basics of managing this web browser in this material. And if you are interested in the Google Chrome browser in more depth, you can study other articles about it on our IT blog. We hope you find the information you need!

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


Google is a search engine with additional tools and services.

We can say that is Sherlock Holmes with his card index, in which data on all the figures of the criminal world is laid out by first and last name, and he easily knows where and how to find any information. In addition, the detective will play the violin for you or entertain you with an interesting conversation. Naturally, the search engine finds not only information about criminals. Everything and about everything is available to him exclusively.

When did Google appear and who founded it?

The history of Google begins in 1998, when the search engine began to be used at Stanford University, where its founders, Larry Page (USA) and Sergey Brin (emigrant, born in the USSR), studied.

Both students were working on solving the problem of searching large data warehouses. At that time, search engines were already working, but the results of their work were unsatisfactory. The search was carried out by keywords, and spam was included in the results. New system took into account backlinks. If there were a lot of them on the resource, this meant that the portal was relevant to the request and authoritative.

As an example, the developers took references in scientific circles. The more scientists refer to the person in question, the higher their status, the more authoritative the person himself becomes. This is how PR (PageRank) appeared - one of the indicators of ranking and weight of a page and the site as a whole, which raised the quality of search and generally made a fundamental turn in its algorithm.

Mathematicians asked the first users of Stanford to express their impressions and comments, according to which they modified the search engine.

What does the name mean

The initial word was the concept of Googol - 1 and 100 zeros after it. Initially, the new search engine was supposed to be called GooglePlex (10 to the power of googol), but the creators found it unmemorable and awkward to write. Therefore, we settled on the shortened version.

In 1998, the developers registered the company Google-Inc., which received a significant amount for development from one sponsor. With this money, they purchased servers that began to process the growing number of requests to

How Google works and how it works

Google uses two important principles: analyze document text and count incoming links.

Based on the text, link weight and all PS keys determine the position of the resource in the results. The search is carried out using a previously indexed database of reverse indexes. It also contains saved copies of pages, on the basis of which snippets are generated.

The PS will add the site to its index if the webmaster sends a link to it to the addurilka, or finds your web project via an incoming link from another resource. Backlinks collected when each page is indexed.

Related Google services

  • AdSense, AdWords – contextual advertising systems.
  • YouTube is the most popular video hosting site.
  • Chrome is a popular web browser.
  • Analytics – a counter for analyzing web resource traffic.
  • Google+ is a social network.
  • Play – applications for mobile gadgets.
  • Disk – data storage in the cloud.
  • Mail – exchange of electronic letters.
  • Photo – storage of photo albums, exchange of photos.
  • Docs – work with documents, text editors, viewing and editing documents from anywhere in the world.
  • Maps is a cartography system around the world with point objects.
  • Calendar – event planner.
  • Hangouts – online chat.
  • Talk – messenger, messaging.

This is not a complete list. There is also a Translator, News, Notes, Website Hosting, Virtual printer, Questions and Answers and much more.

Features of promotion on Google

Promotion in this search engine is different from Yandex. In general, both PS have their own characteristics and their sites are ranked differently.

  • Google works a little faster (indexing, issuing, crawling by robot).
  • Google takes into account the anchors of all links from the same text leading to the receiving page.
  • Structured unique texts necessary for any search engine.
  • In Google, regions are countries, and in Yandex - cities and regions.
  • Google highlights the weight of each page, while the Russian PS gives importance to the weight of the site as a whole.
  • Google prefers exact match key query in the incoming link.
  • Google stores all pages in its database. And Yandex filters out duplicate content and other low-quality documents.
  • The Google database consists of a main and supplemental index. Documents included in supplemental are almost not included in the search.

Reasons for getting into supplemental

  • Non-unique content.
  • A small amount of text on the page.
  • Meta tags are not specified, or they are not unique, or they consist of only one word.

Google's share in Russia is constantly growing. IN last years an upward trend has emerged due to the release of mobile gadgets with a built-in OS, which by default links the user’s Google account to correct functioning mobile device. Therefore, every optimizer should know about this system and the features of promotion in it.

In an era where everything is changing faster than you can notice, the best way is to attract smart, creative people and create an environment for them to come up with new ideas and develop. How Google Works will show you how to achieve this. Page by page, Chairman Eric Schmidt and Vice President Jonathan Rosenberg reveal how they built a great company. You'll learn how Google develops corporate culture, attracts top talent, innovates, solves impossible problems, and all with rich stories from Google life, which are published for the first time.

When I was younger and first started thinking about my future, I decided to become either a professor or a businessman. I believed that in this way I would in any case be more independent and gain the freedom to think, guided primarily by my principles and laws of physics, and not by the opinion of the majority, which I would have to put up with. We try to apply independent thinking to almost everything we do at Google, as Eric and Jonathan talk about in their book How Google Works. This principle is the driving force behind our greatest successes and some of our greatest failures.

Google truly is a principles-first company. One night I had a dream that was more like a dream, and I woke up thinking: “What if it was possible to download World Wide Web entirely and simply save the links?” I grabbed a pen and quickly wrote down the details to see if this was actually possible. At that moment, my “radar” was not even close to picking up the idea of ​​​​creating a search engine. It was only later that Sergey and I realized that link ranking of web pages could give much better search results. When we started building Gmail, it also seemed like a pipe dream. And when Andy Rubin created Android ten years ago, most people thought that combining the mobile industry with the open operating system- this is complete nonsense.

To my surprise, over the years I realized how difficult it is to make employees super-ambitious. It turns out that most people were not taught to think in terms of going to the Moon. They usually think things are impossible instead of using the laws of physics to figure out what is actually possible. That's why we've put so much energy into setting big goals and attracting Google people with independent thinking. Because if you have the right people and big enough dreams, you will usually succeed.

It is also true that many companies are comfortable going about their business as usual, making only a few changes over time. Thanks to this approach, all their gradual changes over time turn out to be useless. This is especially true for technology, because change implies revolution, not evolution. Therefore, you need to force yourself to bet big on the future. For the same reason, we invest in projects that may seem too hypothetical (for example, self-driving cars or Internet access using balloons). It’s hard to believe now, but when we started working on the maps Google Maps, people thought that our goal (to map the entire world with photographs of every street) would be impossible. So if the past is any indicator of our future, then in a few years, today's big bets won't seem so outlandish.

Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle

How Google works

Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, with Alan Eagle


Copyright © 2014 by Google, Inc.

All illustrations with Nishant Choksi 2014

This edition published by arrangement with Grand Central Publishing, New York, New York, USA. All rights reserved

© Translation. Daria Barrett, 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

To our favorite smart creatives - Wendy and Beryl


When I was younger and first started thinking about my future, I decided to become either a professor or a businessman. I believed that in this way I would in any case be more independent and gain the freedom to think, guided primarily by my principles and laws of physics, and not by the opinion of the majority, which I would have to put up with. We try to apply independent thinking to almost everything we do at Google, as Eric and Jonathan talk about in their book "How Google works". This principle is the driving force behind our greatest successes and some of our greatest failures.

Google truly is a principles-first company. One night I had a dream that was more like a dream, and I woke up thinking, “What if you could download the entire World Wide Web and just save the links?” I grabbed a pen and quickly wrote down the details to see if this was actually possible. At that moment, my “radar” was not even close to picking up the idea of ​​​​creating a search engine. It was only later that Sergey and I realized that link ranking of web pages could give much better search results. When we started building Gmail, it also seemed like a pipe dream. And when Andy Rubin created Android ten years ago, most people thought that combining the mobile industry with an open operating system was complete nonsense.

To my surprise, over the years I realized how difficult it is to make employees super-ambitious. It turns out that most people were not taught to think in terms of going to the Moon. They usually think things are impossible instead of using the laws of physics to figure out what is actually possible. That's why we've invested so much energy into setting big goals and bringing independent thinkers to Google. Because if you have the right people and big enough dreams, you will usually succeed.

It is also true that many companies are comfortable going about their business as usual, making only a few changes over time. Thanks to this approach, all their gradual changes over time turn out to be useless. This is especially true for technology, because change implies revolution, not evolution. Therefore, you need to force yourself to bet big on the future. For the same reason, we invest in projects that may seem too hypothetical (for example, self-driving cars or Internet access using balloons). It's hard to believe now, but when we started working on Google maps Maps, people thought that our goal (to map the entire world with photos of every street) would be impossible. So if the past is any indicator of our future, then in a few years, today's big bets won't seem so outlandish.

Here are just some of the principles that are important, in my opinion. You will read about the rest in this book. I hope you can use our ideas to create something incredible yourself.

Larry Pageco-founder and CEO of Google

Introduction: Lessons Learned from the Front Rows

Eric Schmidt had been CEO of Google for two years when he received an email in July 2003. e-mail from one of the investors and board members of the company, Mike Moritz, partner at Sequoia Capital. It contained advice:

I suggest you consider setting aside three hours in your schedule in mid-August when management will present our campaign against Finland to the board of directors. (I don't think we should wait for the September meeting. This is too important a topic and we all know that The best way to understand how short a year can be is to start competing with Finland.)

Uninitiated this letter can be confusing. Why would Google, a five-year-old Internet startup based in Mountain View, California, with just a few hundred employees, want to compete with Finland, a friendly and peace-loving country of five million people located five thousand miles away?

Eric received this “Finnish” message just as he was finally starting to get used to Google. Prior to that, he worked at Novell as CEO, as well as at Sun Microsystems and Bell Labs. He grew up in northern Virginia, graduated from Princeton with a degree in electrical engineering, and received a master's degree and doctorate in computer science from the University of Berkeley (California). And he was no stranger to working with engineers and computer scientists. Moreover, Eric myself was one of them. However, when he arrived at Google, he found himself in a place that was very different from any other company he had ever worked for.

His arrival at Google from the very first days became a revelation for him, which can be characterized by the phrase: “I have a feeling that we are no longer in Kansas.” When Eric entered the office assigned to him, he seemed rather modest by the standards of such an important person as a CEO. In addition, several programmers have already been housed there. Instead of kicking them out, he settled in the next room, which looked more like a closet with a window than a real office.

A few weeks later the situation worsened. One morning, Eric was walking through the lobby toward his office when he noticed his assistant, Pam Shore, was worried about something. The reason soon became clear: a new neighbor appeared in his office. It turned out to be one of the engineers specializing in search engines, – Amit Patel. He explained to Eric that his There are already five employees working in the office and another one should soon join them. Then Amit decided to saw one of the tables in half to create an additional workplace, but nothing came of it. Compared to what he has now, Eric's office seemed quite spacious to this engineer, so he moved. (The team that organized the company's workspace refused to move Amit's things into Eric's room, so he did everything himself.) As a result, Amit and Eric worked in the same office side by side for several months. It was clear that in this company the importance of employees was not measured in square footage.

Aside from the unusual working conditions, Eric's overall transition to Google went fairly smoothly. His relationship with the two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, grew stronger every day. The company's advertising platform (AdWords) was beginning to generate significant revenue (when Google issued its first shares in 2004, its financial statements astounded most observers... in in a good way), and, despite the fact that the verb “ google"(trans. "search with using Google", "google" - Note trans.) three more years were not added to Oxford Dictionary, for millions of users, Google search has already become important part Everyday life. The company was growing. It added dozens of new employees every month, including new development team leader Jonathan Rosenberg, who joined the company in February 2002. Jonathan, like Eric, was the son of an economics professor. Having previously worked at companies and Apple, he joined Google to create a product management team and improve the work of the company's employees.

However, as Mike's letter noted, there was a major competitor on the horizon, and it wasn't our Scandinavian friend across the pond. “Finland” was our internal code for Microsoft, which at the time was the most powerful technology company on the planet. Eric knew that a huge portion of Google's traffic came from people who used Internet browser Explorer from Microsoft. Like everyone at Google, he believed that the Internet was the technology platform of the future and that search was one of its most useful applications. So all that remained was to wait until our friends from Redmond became seriously interested in what we were doing. And when Microsoft company showed serious interest in what startups were doing, things began to take on a very interesting character.