Electrical engineering with basics of industrial electronics. Power supply of communication devices - Kitaev V.E., Bokunyaev A.A., Kolkanov M.F.

The book includes material on the theory of electrical engineering. The author examines devices and principles of operation, transformers, electrical machines of alternating and direct current.

The reader is provided with basic material on electronics, designs of electric, ion and semiconductor lamps. The book can be used as a teaching aid for students and students of specialized schools and technical schools. The manual corresponds to the curriculum of vocational and technical educational institutions. The issues of direct current, transformers, synchronous machines and direct current machines were also not overlooked.


Chapter I. Electrostatics
The concept of the electronic theory of the structure of matter
Interaction of charges. Coulomb's law
Electrification of bodies
Electric field
Field strength
The concept of electric current
Conductors and dielectrics
Electrical capacity. Capacitors
Charging and discharging a capacitor
Capacitor connections
The concept of the electric spark method of metal processing
Chapter II. D.C
DC electrical circuit
Electromotive force
Electrical resistance
Ohm's law
Series connection of resistances
Kirchhoff's first law
Parallel connection of resistances
Mixed resistance connection
Kirchhoff's second law
Work and power of electric current
Efficiency or return
Lenz-Joule law
Heating of conductors by electric current
Electric arc
Chemical action of electric current
Galvanic cells
Atomic elements
Solar panels
Chapter III. Electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
General information
Magnetic field of electric current
The concept of the nature of magnetism
Magnetic induction
Magnetic field strength
Magnetic flux
Magnetization of steel. Magnetic permeability
Magnetization reversal of steel. Coercive force
Energy losses due to magnetization reversal
Electromagnets and their applications
Electromagnetic induction
Self-induction. Inductance
Magnitude and direction of self-induction
Mutual induction
Eddy currents
Chapter IV. Single phase AC
Obtaining variable electromotive force
Basic quantities characterizing alternating current
The concept of addition alternating voltages and currents
Concept of vectors and vector diagrams
Active resistance in the circuit alternating current
Inductance in AC circuit
Capacitance in AC circuit
AC circuit with active and inductive resistance
AC circuit with active, inductive and capacitive reactances
AC circuit with resistances connected in parallel
The concept of voltage resonance
The concept of current resonance
Single phase AC power
Chapter V Three phase system alternating current
Three-phase generators
Generator winding connections
Connecting the load to a three-phase current network
Three-phase current power
Rotating magnetic field
Chapter VI. Electrical instruments and measurements
General information
Electromagnetic devices
Magnetoelectric devices
Thermoelectric devices
Electrodynamic devices
Induction devices
Current measurement. Extending the ammeter's measurement limits
Voltage measurement. Extending the measurement limits of the voltmeter
Resistance measurement
Universal electrical measuring instrument
Resistance bridge
Electrical power and energy measurement
The concept of measuring non-electrical quantities
Chapter VII. Transformers
General information about transformers
Operating principle and design of the transformer
Transformer working process
Three-phase transformers
Experience of open circuit and short circuit
Determination of the operating properties of transformers based on no-load and short-circuit experiments
Instrument transformers
Chapter VIII. Asynchronous motors
General provisions
Operating principle asynchronous motor
AC machine windings
Asynchronous motor device
Operation of an asynchronous motor under load
Torque of asynchronous motor
Performance characteristics of asynchronous motor
Starting up asynchronous motors
Engines with improved starting properties
Rotation speed regulation of three-phase asynchronous motors
Single-phase asynchronous motors
Chapter IX. Synchronous machines
General remarks
Operating principle of a synchronous generator
Synchronous generator device
Operation of a synchronous generator under load
Synchronous motors
Chapter X. DC machines
Operating principle of a DC generator
DC generator device
Armature windings of DC machines
E.m.f. DC machines
Magnetic field of a DC machine under load
Current switching
Operation of a DC machine in generator mode
Methods for exciting DC generators
Characteristics of DC generators
Operation of a DC machine in motor mode
Starting DC motors
Characteristics of DC motors
DC Motor Speed ​​Control
Losses and efficiency DC machines
Brushed AC Motors
Chapter XI. Electrical control and protection equipment
Switches and switches
Slot machines
Circuit breakers
Contactor. Magnetic switch
Thermal relay
Chapter XII. Production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy
Production and transmission of electrical energy
Transformer substations
Equipment for transformer substations
Electrical equipment protection
Chapter XIII. Electrovacuum devices
Electronic emission
Two-electrode lamp (diode)
Characteristics and parameters of the diode
AC Rectification
Three-electrode lamp (triode)
Characteristics and parameters of the triode
The principle of amplification of electrical vibrations
Tube generator
Triode in an electronic relay
Four-electrode lamp (tetrode)
Five-electrode lamp (pentode)
Cathode-ray tube. Oscilloscope
Chapter XIV. Gas discharge devices
Ionic devices
Neon lamp
Gas light lamp
Zener diode
Mercury rectifier
Gas-discharge radioactive radiation counter
Chapter XV. Semiconductor devices
Structure and electrical conductivity of semiconductors
The concept of electron and hole conductivity
Impurity conductivity of a semiconductor
Formation of an electron-hole transition
Semiconductor diodes
Semiconductor rectifiers
Photocells and photo relays

Name: Power supply for communication devices.

The book discusses the main components of power supply equipment for communication devices - transformers, electrical machines, rectifiers, filters, voltage and current stabilizers, voltage converters. The textbook is intended for students of electrical engineering institutes of communications, and can also be useful to engineering and technical workers involved in power supply issues.

With the introduction of microcircuits into communication technology, power consumption, weight and dimensions of equipment have sharply decreased. At the same time, secondary power supplies made on semiconductor devices, began to occupy from 30-40% of the equipment volume at a supply frequency of 400 Hz and up to 40-50% at a supply frequency of 50 Hz. This is explained by the following: although the equivalent power consumed by the equipment has decreased, at the same time the levels of voltages supplying the equipment have decreased, which leads to a decrease in efficiency and an increase in the size and weight of power supplies.
Therefore, reducing the size and weight of secondary power supplies while simultaneously increasing reliability and ensuring high energy and quality indicators, automation of control and protection of both sources and equipment, as well as electromagnetic compatibility of power supplies and equipment are the most significant problems in the development and design of power supplies.

Chapter first. TRANSFORMERS
1.1. Basic definitions
1.2. Idle mode
1.3. Work mode
1.4. Single-phase transformers
1.5. Three-phase transformers
1.6. Autotransformers
1.7. Experiments on open circuit and short circuit of a transformer
1.8. Change in voltage at the terminals of the secondary winding of a loaded transformer
1.9. Transformer efficiency
2.1. General information
2.2. Single stroke throttle MU
2.3. Compensation of NS control winding and Feedback at MU
2.4. MU with internal feedback
2.5. MU device
3.1. General information about electrical machines
3.2. AC machine windings
3.3. EMF of AC machine
3.4. Magnetizing force of AC machine winding
3.5. Three-phase asynchronous motor device
3.6. Operating principle of a three-phase asynchronous motor
3.7. Operation of a loaded three-phase asynchronous motor
3.8. Torque of asynchronous motor
3.9. Performance characteristics of three-phase asynchronous motor
3.10. Single-phase asynchronous motors
4.1. Operating principle and design of a synchronous generator
4.2. Operation of a loaded synchronous generator
4.3. Parallel operation of a synchronous generator
4.4. Design and principle of operation of a synchronous motor
4.5. Operation of a loaded synchronous motor
5.1. Design of a DC machine
5.2. Armature windings of DC machines
5.3. EMF of DC machine
5.4. Magnetic field of a loaded machine
5.5. Current switching
5.6. DC generator
5.7. DC Generator Excitation
5.8. Characteristics of DC generator
5.9. DC motor
5.10. DC Motor Characteristics
Chapter six. RECTIFIERS
6.1. Purpose and device
6.2. Valves and their parameters
6.3. Operating modes and parameters
6.4. Working with active load
6.5. Working with a capacitive load
6.6. Working with an inductive load
6.7. Rectification circuits powered by single-phase network alternating current
6.8. Multiphase rectification circuits
6.9. Rectifier voltage regulation.

7.1. General information.
7.2. Anti-aliasing filters made from a single inductance or capacitance
7.3. LC filters
7.4. LC filters
7.5. Resonant filters and filters with variable component compensation
8.1. Types of stabilizers and their main parameters
8.2. Parametric stabilizers DC voltage and current
8.3. Compensating DC voltage stabilizers with continuous regulation
8.4. Switching DC voltage stabilizers
8.5. Constant voltage stabilizers with continuous pulse regulation
8.6. DC voltage stabilizers with a regulator in the AC circuit.
8.7 DC voltage stabilizers with two control elements
8.8. Parametric AC voltage stabilizers
9.1. General information
9.2. Transistor voltage converters
9.3. Thyristor converters
10.1. Galvanic cells and batteries
10.2. Acid batteries
10.3. Alkaline batteries
11.1 General information.
11.2. Transformer substations.
11.3. Automated diesel generator power plants of communications enterprises
11.4. Automatic backup of power supply for communication enterprises
12.1. Purpose of guaranteed power supply devices (UGP)
12.2. UGP with automatically started (backup) converters
12.3. UGP with reversible converter
12.4. UGP with double energy conversion
12.5. UGP with three-machine units driven by direct and alternating current
12.6. UGP with inertial flywheel
13.1. Requirements for electrical installations
13.2. Classification of electrical installations of communication enterprises
13.3. Principles of constructing power supply installations
13.4. Stabilization and regulation of voltage in the electronic control unit
13 5. Equipment for electrical installations of wireline communications enterprises
13 6. Typical EPU diagrams for wireline communications enterprises
13 7. Power supply to telephone exchanges
13.8. Power supply for telegraph stations
13.9. Power supply for long-distance communication enterprises
14.1. General daily activities
14.2. Remote power supply of lamp equipment for sealing symmetrical cables
14.3. Remote power supply of transistor equipment for sealing symmetrical cables
14.4. OUP and NUP equipment for remote power supply of symmetrical cable sealing equipment
14.5 Remote power supply of transistor equipment for coaxial cable sealing
14 6. Remote power supply of compaction equipment K-1920 (K-1920U)
15.1. General information
15.2. RRL electrical installation
16.1. Power supply to radio centers
16.2. Voltage regulation of powerful rectifiers and their protection
16.3. Power supply for filament circuits and lamp grids in transmitters
16.4. Power supply to receiving radio centers and broadcasting nodes
16.5. Power supply of radio broadcasting nodes

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Edited by prof. V. E. Kitaeva


Approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondaryspecial education USSR as a studyof a new manual for students of electromechanicalspecialties of technical schools

BBK 31.261
K45 UDC 621.313(075)


G. K, Salgus (MPEI);Novocherkasskelectromechanical technical school

Kitaev V. E., Korkhov Yu. M., Svirin V. K.

Electric cars. Part 1. DC machines. Transformers: Tutorial for technical schools/ Ed. V. E. Kitaeva. Moscow: Higher School, 1978. - 184 pp.

40 k.

The book outlines the theories of direct and alternating current machines: asynchronousbrushlessmachines, synchronous machines, AC commutator machinesand converters; contains information on the theory of alternating current machines, theirprinciple of operation, structure and modern designs; are considered physicallyelectrical processes occurring during the operation of alternating current electrical machines;quantitative relationships are established between quantities that characterize we are these processes.

Intended for students of electromechanical specialties at technical schools. May be useful to specialists working in the field of production and operation tation of electrical machines and transformers.

§ IN 1. Brief historical information about electrical machines and transformers
§ AT 2. General information about electrical machines and transformers
§ V.Z. Materials used for electrical machines and transformers
§ AT 4. Heating and cooling of electrical machines and transformers

Section I. DC machines

Chapter 1. Principle of operation and design of DC electrical machines
§ 1.1. Operating principle of DC machines
§ 1.2. Design and main design elements of a DC machine
§ 1.3. Electrical machine ventilation systems

Chapter 2. Armature windings of DC machines
§ 2.1. Winding arrangement
§ 2.2. Loop winding
§ 2.3. Wave winding
§ 2.4. Winding symmetry conditions
§ 2.5. Equalization connections
§ 2.6. Mixed winding
§ 2.7. Electromotive force of armature winding
§ 2.8. Comparative characteristics windings of various types

Chapter 3. Magnetic circuit of a DC machine
§ 3.1. The procedure for calculating the magnetic circuit of an electric machine
§ 3.2. Magnetization Characteristics of the Machine

Chapter 4. Armature reaction of a DC machine
§ 4.1. Concept of anchor reaction
§ 4.2. Transverse and longitudinal magnetizing forces of the armature
§ 4.3. Anchor reaction

Chapter 5. Switching
§ 5.1. The essence of the switching process
§ 5.2. Slow and fast switching
§ 5.3. Reasons for sparking brushes
§ 5.4. Basic means of improving switching
§ 5.5. Armature commutation reaction
§ 5.6. Experimental testing and adjustment of switching
§ 5.7. Radio Interference Reduction Tools

Chapter 6. DC Generators
§ 6.1. General information about DC generators
§ 6.2. Independent excitation generator
§ 6.3. Parallel excitation generator
§ 6.4. Series excitation generator
§ 6.5. Mixed excitation generator
§ 6.6. Parallel operation of DC generators

Chapter 7. DC Motors
§ 7.1. General information about DC motors
§ 7.2. Classification and characteristics of DC motors
§ 7.3. Parallel motor
§ 7.4. Series motor
§ 7.5. Mixed excitation motor

Chapter 8. Losses in DC electrical machines and efficiency
§ 8.1. Types of losses
§ 8.2. Efficiency

Chapter 9. Special DC machines
§ 9.1. Electric machine amplifiers
§ 9.2. DC machines with slotless armature
§ 9.3. Unipolar machines
§ 9.4. Executive motors
§ 9.5. Tachogenerators
§ 9.6. Traction motors

Section II. Transformers

Chapter 10. Operating principle and design of transformers
§ 10.1. Purpose and principle of operation of transformers
§ 10.2. Design of magnetic cores of single-phase transformers
§ 10.3. Transformer winding arrangement
§ 10.4. Magnetic fluxes and EMF of transformer windings

Chapter 11. Transformer no-load
§ 11.1. Transformer no-load experience
§ 11.2. No-load current
§ 11.3. Vector diagram and equivalent circuit of transformer at no-load

Chapter 12. Transformer Working Process
§ 12.1. Equilibrium of magnetizing forces of transformer windings
§ 12.2. Phasor diagram and equivalent circuit of transformer under load
§ 12.3. Transformer short circuit experience
§ 12.4. Percentage reduction in transformer secondary voltage at load
§ 12.5. Transformer efficiency
§ 12.6. Dissipation in transformers
§ 12.7. Transformer voltage regulation
§ 12.8. Heating and cooling of transformers

Chapter 13. Three-phase transformers
§ 13.1. Magnetic cores of three-phase transformers
§ 13.2. Connection of windings of three-phase transformers
§ 13.3. Groups of three-phase transformers
§ 13.4. Third harmonics in the curves of no-load currents, magnetic flux and electromotive forces
§ 13.5. Transformer operation under unbalanced load

Chapter 14. Parallel operation of transformers
§ 14.1. Purpose of parallel operation of transformers
§ 14.2. Conditions for turning on transformers for parallel operation

Chapter 15. Transient processes in transformers
§ 15.1. Processes when turning on transformers
§ 15.2. Processes during sudden short circuits transformers
§ 15.3. Overvoltages in transformers

Chapter 16. Special types of transformers
§ 16.1. Autotransformers
§ 16.2. Three-winding transformers
§ 16.3. Welding transformers
§ 16.4. Instrument transformers
§ 16.5. Variable Voltage Transformers
§ 16.6. Pictransformers



Currently, electrical engineering has undergone significant development as one of the leading branches of the electrical industry.laziness. The main directions of development of the national economy VA USSR for 1976-1980, approved XXV Congress of the CPSU, it is envisaged to rapidly develop the production of electricalric machines and transformers, both small and largecapacity, it is planned to master the production of such giantstires, as turbogenerators with a capacity of 1000-1200 thousand kW fornuclear and thermal power plants, generators with capacity 640 thousand kW for hydroelectric power plants.

The contents of the manual correspond to the course program "Electric machines", approved by the Ministry of Higher and Environmentof special education of the USSR for technical school studentselectromechanical specialties. They look at cars in itDC power transformers, general issues AC machines, asynchronous machines, synchronous machines, AC commutator machines and converters. In the introductionset out general information about electric cars and transformersmotors, areas of their application, information about conductors, magicthread and insulating materials; given short description trulydevelopment of electrical engineering and the challenges facing it. Contains information on the theory of electrical machines and transshapers; principles of operation and design are considered; machines and transformers of special types are described; atquantitative relationships are found that characterize the physicalelectrical processes occurring during the operation of electrical machinesand transformers.

The authors are grateful to Assoc. G. K. Salgus and team NovocherkasskElectromechanical College for valuable advice, yousaid during the review process of this textbook.

Please send all comments and suggestions regarding the book to:address: Moscow, K-51, Neglinnaya st., 29/14, publishing house "Vysshaya school".

Valentin Evgenievich Kitaev,Yuri Mikhailovich Korkhov,Vladimir Konstantinovich Svirin


Part I


Editor V. I. Petukhova. Artist V. 3. Kazakevich. Art editor N.K. GU.torov. Technical editor N. A. Bityukova. Proofreader S. K. Marchenko

IB No. 1074

Ed. No. STD-269 Delivered as set 03/10/78. Sub. to print 07.17.78.T-10168.
Format 60 X 90 Vie .Boom . type. L 2. Literary typeface. Letterpress. Volume H, V
conv. p. l. 12,23 academic ed. l. Circulation 40,000 copies. Zak. No. 300. Price 40 kopecks.
Publishing house "Higher School",
Moscow, K-51, Neglinnaya st., 29/14

Moscow printing house No. 8 Soyuzpolygrafpromaunder the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing, printing and book trade. Khokhlovsky lane, 7.

Download the book Kitaev V. E., Korkhov Yu. M., Svirin V. K. Electrical machines. Part 1. DC machines. Transformers: Textbook for technical schools. Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1978

The book is a textbook for students of vocational schools and energy profiles and is compiled in accordance with curriculum in electrical engineering with fundamentals of industrial electronics. In the third edition of the book, the chapters on direct current, transformers, asynchronous and synchronous machines, as well as direct current machines have been revised.

Chapter I. Electrostatics
The concept of the electronic theory of the structure of matter
Interaction of charges. Coulomb's law
Electrification of bodies
Electric field
Field strength
The concept of electric current
Conductors and dielectrics
Electrical capacity. Capacitors
Charging and discharging a capacitor
Capacitor connections
The concept of the electric spark method of metal processing
Chapter II. D.C
DC electrical circuit
Electromotive force
Electrical resistance
Ohm's law
Series connection of resistances
Kirchhoff's first law
Parallel connection of resistances
Mixed resistance connection
Kirchhoff's second law
Work and power of electric current
Efficiency or return
Lenz-Joule law
Heating of conductors by electric current
Electric arc
Chemical action of electric current
Galvanic cells
Atomic elements
Solar panels
Chapter III. Electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
General information
Magnetic field of electric current
The concept of the nature of magnetism
Magnetic induction
Magnetic field strength
Magnetic flux
Magnetization of steel. Magnetic permeability
Magnetization reversal of steel. Coercive force
Energy losses due to magnetization reversal
Electromagnets and their applications
Electromagnetic induction
Self-induction. Inductance
Magnitude and direction of self-induction
Mutual induction
Eddy currents
Chapter IV. Single phase AC
Obtaining variable electromotive force
Basic quantities characterizing alternating current
The concept of adding alternating voltages and currents
Concept of vectors and vector diagrams
Active resistance in the AC circuit
Inductance in AC circuit
Capacitance in AC circuit
AC circuit with active and inductive resistance
AC circuit with active, inductive and capacitive reactances
AC circuit with resistances connected in parallel
The concept of voltage resonance
The concept of current resonance
Single phase AC power
Chapter V. Three-phase AC system
Three-phase generators
Generator winding connections
Connecting the load to a three-phase current network
Three-phase current power
Rotating magnetic field
Chapter VI. Electrical instruments and measurements
General information
Electromagnetic devices
Magnetoelectric devices
Thermoelectric devices
Electrodynamic devices
Induction devices
Current measurement. Extending the ammeter's measurement limits
Voltage measurement. Extending the measurement limits of the voltmeter
Resistance measurement
Universal electrical measuring instrument
Resistance bridge
Electrical power and energy measurement
The concept of measuring non-electrical quantities
Chapter VII. Transformers
General information about transformers
Operating principle and design of the transformer
Transformer working process
Three-phase transformers
Experience of open circuit and short circuit
Determination of the operating properties of transformers based on no-load and short-circuit experiments
Instrument transformers
Chapter VIII. Asynchronous motors
General provisions
Operating principle of an asynchronous motor
AC machine windings
Asynchronous motor device
Operation of an asynchronous motor under load
Torque of asynchronous motor
Performance characteristics of asynchronous motor
Starting up asynchronous motors
Engines with improved starting properties
Rotation speed regulation of three-phase asynchronous motors
Single-phase asynchronous motors
Chapter IX. Synchronous machines
General remarks
Operating principle of a synchronous generator
Synchronous generator device
Operation of a synchronous generator under load
Synchronous motors
Chapter X. DC machines
Operating principle of a DC generator
DC generator device
Armature windings of DC machines
E.m.f. DC machines
Magnetic field of a DC machine under load
Current switching
Operation of a DC machine in generator mode
Methods for exciting DC generators
Characteristics of DC generators
Operation of a DC machine in motor mode
Starting DC motors
Characteristics of DC motors
DC Motor Speed ​​Control
Losses and efficiency DC machines
Brushed AC Motors
Chapter XI. Electrical control and protection equipment
Switches and switches
Slot machines
Circuit breakers
Contactor. Magnetic switch
Thermal relay
Chapter XII. Production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy
Production and transmission of electrical energy
Transformer substations
Equipment for transformer substations
Electrical equipment protection
Chapter XIII. Electrovacuum devices
Electronic emission
Two-electrode lamp (diode)
Characteristics and parameters of the diode
AC Rectification
Three-electrode lamp (triode)
Characteristics and parameters of the triode
The principle of amplification of electrical vibrations
Tube generator
Triode in an electronic relay
Four-electrode lamp (tetrode)
Five-electrode lamp (pentode)
Cathode-ray tube. Oscilloscope
Chapter XIV. Gas discharge devices
Ionic devices
Neon lamp
Gas light lamp
Zener diode
Mercury rectifier
Gas-discharge radioactive radiation counter
Chapter XV. Semiconductor devices
Structure and electrical conductivity of semiconductors
The concept of electron and hole conductivity
Impurity conductivity of a semiconductor
Formation of an electron-hole transition
Semiconductor diodes
Semiconductor rectifiers
Photocells and photo relays

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