Electronic budget - presence of problems and their absence. Login failed

The transition to “Electronic budget” is a requirement of the time and international standards. According to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Siluanova A. G. the creation of an “Electronic Budget” will provide “an opportunity to strengthen the accountability of public authorities to society, and therefore increase transparency and efficiency in the use of budget funds.”

Modern Russia is experiencing one of the most active stages in the development of the information society, the construction of an electronic state, and an electronic government.

Issues of informatization have already affected the sphere of public finance management. Until 2015, the electronic budget system will unite all ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and all organizations included in their structure. The President of the Russian Federation, in the Budget Address for 2012 - 2014, set the task for the Government of the Russian Federation on the need to approve the creation and development of an integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”, the electronic document of which can be seen on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - http//www. minfin.ru.

Speaking about the relevance of the topic, it should be noted that the concept of creating and developing a state integrated information system for managing public finances “Electronic Budget” was approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 1275-r. The concept was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Russian Government Program for increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures for the period until 2012, approved by Order of the Russian Government dated June 30, 2010 No. 1101-r. The concept for the creation and development of the “Electronic Budget” system provides for a five-year implementation period - until 2015.

According to Pertsova L.V.“Electronic budget” is intended to ensure openness, transparency and accountability of the activities of state authorities and local governments, improve the quality of financial management of organizations in the public administration sector and create conditions for the most effective use of budget funds and assets of public legal entities through the formation of a single information space , the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the field of public finance management - which is the main goal of the creation and development of the “Electronic Budget”.

The implementation of an electronic budget system should achieve three interrelated goals.

Firstly, make open not only the result of financial and economic activities, but also the decision-making process itself. Not only open documents - reporting data, projects, forecasts, but also let citizens understand the logic of decision-making.

Second goal– link financial information with the final results of government activities and make it accessible to a specific user.

Third goal– transition from local information systems of each institution to the use of so-called cloud technologies, which create a unified system for all participants in the budget process according to uniform rules. “We now have a personal computer on every desk in a budget institution, which, in fact, closes the entire network and does not allow users to participate in a single space that can be created using cloud technologies. More than 20,000 federal agencies spend billions of dollars to purchase, develop, and annually maintain accounting software.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of creating an “Electronic Budget”? The advantages include the following:

  • the creation of an “Electronic Budget” will help to unify and simplify the preparation and presentation of regulated reporting, thereby eliminating the need for repeated manual entry of information;
  • the creation of an “Electronic Budget” will facilitate the transition to legally significant document flow in the field of public finance management;
  • The procedure for processing documents and monitoring the execution of orders will be automated, thereby creating a centralized, modern repository of normative and other legal acts in the field of budget legal relations.
  • saving money on the purchase and support of software for design and budget execution;
  • speeding up the passage of documents by organizing paperless document flow using digital signatures between the institution and its main manager or financial authority;
  • the ability to work on the design and execution of the budget together with its subordinate institutions in a single database;
  • the ability to analyze the progress of design and budget execution with any degree of detail online;
  • control over the activities of the main managers of budget funds and state (municipal) institutions online;
  • the ability to control the planning processes of budget execution by the population;

The disadvantage of the system, or more precisely, the problem of implementing the “Electronic Budget” system, is that:

  • lack of necessary technical equipment. It is difficult to imagine the full integration of various organizations within the framework of building an electronic budget if some of them operate on modern equipment and modern software products, while the other part uses outdated equipment and programs of the last century.
  • The second problem, referring to an interview with Dmitry Vakhrushev, a member of the expert group under the Commission for public discussion of issues of the creation and development of information technologies in the field of public finance management of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, can be said to be the lack of software. As Dmitry Vakhrushev himself states: “The transition to new software is always difficult for specialists in institutions. I very often encountered, when replacing one software product with another, a simple problem when an accountant cannot find the button that he pressed before... it is necessary to competently organize staff training at the implementation stage and create a high-quality support system.”
  • The third problem is the following - each subject of the Russian Federation lives and develops in its own way, different from all others, and has its own specifics. If we apply the same methodology to each region, it is unlikely to yield results. It is very important that the implemented system is truly in demand locally, and most importantly, that it works. In order for the regions to be interested in the “Electronic Budget”, it must solve the management problems of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also take into account the specifics of each region. The system needs to be adapted to the needs of end users, in this case, to the needs of public legal entities (subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities). Such adaptation can be carried out much more effectively if the regional segment of the “Electronic Budget” is created by regional developers.
  • The fourth problem is the unwillingness of Russian software developers to get involved in the creation of components of the “Electronic Budget” system due to their narrow specialization, i.e., when one company deals only with government procurement, another - only with budget accounting or reporting, and a third - only with treasury accounting. In this regard, in order to solve problems within the framework of the “Electronic Budget” concept, the developer must be competent in all matters, including linking all systems (public procurement, budget accounting and control) into one.

Thus, the creation of an “Electronic Budget” will create both favorable conditions for the development of a unified methodology for designing and executing the budget, as well as some “costs”.


When trying to log into the personal account of the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, an error message appears:

This page cannot be displayed

Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols in the “Advanced settings” section and try connecting to the web page https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru again. If you cannot resolve the error, contact your website administrator.


It is necessary to check the workplace settings according to the document.

The instructions do not mention several nuances:

  1. You need to install CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and check its operation on the demo page.
  2. It is necessary to disable filtering of the SSL/TLS protocol in the antivirus settings; in other words, for the site you are looking for, you should make an exception for checking a secure connection. It may be called differently in different antiviruses. For example, you need to go to Kaspersky Free “Settings>Advanced>Network>Do not check secure connections” .

Common mistakes when connecting to GIIS

« Electronic budget»

If you encounter problems connecting to the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, you need to check the settings:

1. Login to your personal account using the link http://lk. budget. gov. ru/ udu- webcenter;

2. check the “Continent TLSVPNClient” settings.

Open the Settings Configurator (Start > All Programs > Security Code > Client > Settings Continent TLS Client), “Port” value must be specified 8080 , "Address" -lk. The “Use external proxy server” checkbox should not be there, if the organization does not use an external proxy, “Require RFC 5746 support” can be removed.

After adding the TLS Continent certificate, the "Certificate" field should indicate "<»;

Figure 1. Service setup

3. check your browser settings.

Using the MozillaFireFox browser as an example, launch the browser, open the connection parameters (Main menu of the browser “Tools”> “Settings”> “Advanced” tab> “Network” tab> “Configure” button). Select “Manual configuration of proxy service” in the “HTTP” field proxy" specify the value, "Port" - 8080. Check the box "Use this proxy server for all protocols."

The "Do not use proxy for" field should not be set to

Figure 2. Connection parameters

Typical errors when connecting to GIIS

« Electronic budget»

Solution options: 1) Disable the antivirus. If the problem is solved, change the antivirus settings 2) Check the TLS and browser settings.

2. 403 Access denied. The server certificate differs from the one specified in the settings. The length of the certificates varies.

Solution: Check the certificate specified in the TLS settings by the name in the line. Should be "<».

3. The certificate selection window does not appear.

Solution: Uncheck “Require RFC 5746 support” if checked. Otherwise, check the other settings.

4. 403 Access denied. The root certificate was not found.

Solution: Reinstall the Federal Treasury CA certificate (if it has already been installed).

For WindowsXP:

Start>Run>mmc>console>add or remove snap-in>add “certificates” (Fig. 3)>my account>Done>OK>expand the list>open the line “trusted root authorities” - “certificates”>in an empty area of ​​the window with certificates, right-click and select (Fig. 4)>all tasks>import>

Figure 3

Figure 4

For Windows 7:

Start>Run>mmc>file>add or remove snap-in>add snap-in “certificates” (Fig. 5)>add>my account>Finish>OK>expand the contents and go to the line “trusted root authorities” - “certificates” ( Fig. 6)>in an empty area of ​​the window with certificates, right-click and select>all tasks>import>select the desired certificate and install.

Figure 5

lk.budget.gov.ru/udu-webcenter- if you came to this page, it means you tried to log into your Electronic Budget account, but were unable to do so.

Why? Let's try to answer the question.

1. First of all, we check whether you also have the Jinn and Continent TLS programs installed (at the time of writing, version 1.0.920.0 was installed). I advise you to immediately switch to

2. - The main reason why you could not enter the Electronic Budget when all the programs necessary for operation were installed was that the browser was not configured (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera). Let's look at the example of popular browsers for working in the Internet.

Browser settings are not required to work in Electronic Budget after switching to Continent TLS 2.0!!!

I advise you to set everything to Internet Explorer!!!

a) Internet Explorer
1. Open web browser properties.
2. Go to the “Connections” tab.
3. Click the “Network Settings” button.
4. In the “Proxy server” section, set the Address:, Port: 8080 fields.
5. Click the “OK” button.
6. Go to the “Security” tab.
7. Select the zone for the “Trusted Sites” setting.
8. Click the “Sites” button.
9. In the “Trusted Sites” window, uncheck the “Server verification (https:) is required for all sites in this zone.”
10. In the “Add the following node to the zone” field, set the value “http://lk.budget.gov.ru” and click the “Add” button.
11. In the “Trusted Sites” window, click the “Close” button.
12. In the “Browser Properties” window, click the “OK” button.

b) Google Chrome
1. Open your web browser settings.
2. Go to the bottom of the settings window and activate the “Show additional settings” link.
3. Click the “Change proxy server settings” button.
4. Repeat paragraph 4-12 of section “a) Internet Explorer”.

c) Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Settings".
2. Go to the “Advanced” section and go to the “Network” tab.
3. In the “Connection” settings section, click the “Configure…” button.
4. In the connection parameters window that opens, set the value to “Manual configuration of proxy service”.
5. Set the values ​​of the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Click the “OK” button.
7. In the “Settings” window, click the “Ok” button.

d) Opera
1. Open the “Settings\General Settings” menu.
2. Go to the “Advanced” tab, select the “Network” settings section.
3. Click the “Proxy servers...” button.
4. In the connection settings window that opens, set the value to “Configure the proxy server manually.”
5. For the HTTP protocol, set the values ​​of the proxy server fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Set the value to “Use a proxy server for all protocols.”

Setting up an automated workplace of the Electronic Budget occurs in several stages; they are not complicated, but require care. We do everything according to the instructions for setting up an electronic budget. Short and to the point...

Electronic budget setting up a workplace

Root certificate electronic budget

Create a key folder in My Documents to store downloaded certificates in this folder:

On the website http://roskazna.ru/gis/udostoveryayushhij-centr/kornevye-sertifikaty/ in the GIS menu -> Certification Authority -> Root certificates, you need to download “ Root certificate (qualified)" (see figure), or if you received a flash drive with certificates, copy them from the Certificates folder.

Certificate Continent TLS VPN

The second certificate that needs to be downloaded is the Continent TLS VPN certificate, but I couldn’t find it on the new roskazna website, so I’m putting a link from my website. Download the Continent TLS VPN certificate to the key folder; we will need it later when we configure the Continent TLS client program.

Install the downloaded Root certificate (qualified) for working with the electronic budget.

In the START menu -> All programs -> CRYPTO-PRO -> launch the Certificates program.

Go to Certificates as shown in the figure below:

Go to the menu Action - All tasks - Import, the Certificate Import Wizard window will appear - Next - Review - Find the downloaded Root certificate (qualified) in our case it is located in My Documents in the key folder

If everything was done correctly, the root certificate of the Federal Treasury CA will appear in the certificates folder.

Installation of "Continent TLS Client" for working with electronic budget

Continent_tls_client_1.0.920.0 can be found on the Internet.

Unpack the downloaded archive, go to the CD folder and run ContinentTLSSetup.exe

From the item, click on Continent TLS Client KC2 and start the installation.

We accept the terms

Leave the destination folder as default

In the configurator launch window, check the box next to Launch configurator after installation is complete.

During installation, the Service Settings window will appear:

Address - indicate lk.budget.gov.ru

Certificate - select the second certificate downloaded earlier in the key folder.

Click OK and complete the installation, Done.

When asked to reboot the operating system, we answer No.

Installing the electronic signature tool “Jinn-Client”

You can download the Jinn-Client program on the Internet.

Go to the Jinn-client - CD folder, run setup.exe

Click from the Jinn-Client list, the program installation starts

We ignore the error, click Continue, Next, accept the agreement and click Next.

Enter the issued license key

Install the program as default, click Next

We complete the installation, answer the question about rebooting the operating system No

Installing a module for working with electronic signatures “Cubesign”

If you need an archive with the program, write in the comments.

Run the installation file cubesign.msi

Setting up the Mozilla Firefox browser to work with the Electronic Budget.

1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Settings".

2. Go to the “Advanced” section to the “Network” tab

3. In the “Connection” settings section, click the “Configure…” button.

4. In the connection parameters window that opens, set the value

"Manually setting up a proxy service."

5. Set the values ​​of the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.

6. Click the “OK” button.

7. In the “Settings” window, click the “Ok” button.

Login to your personal account of the Electronic Budget

A window will open asking you to select a certificate for logging into your Electronic Budget personal account.

We select a certificate to enter the Personal Account of the Electronic Budget, if there is a password for the closed part of the certificate, write it down and click OK, then the Personal Account of the Electronic Budget will open.

2024 gtavrl.ru.