Email. Server settings you need to check with your email service provider How to contact your email provider

The email service provider landscape is constantly evolving, with advancing technology and the changing needs of brands and merchants. In this article, I'll look at factors to consider in 2017 when choosing an email service provider.

Emerging Industry

Over the past few years, many leading email service providers have been acquired or focused on expanding their core offerings. Therefore, shopping for email providers is becoming complex, with new company names and capabilities. Here are some examples.

  • ExactTarget. Acquired by Salesforce.
  • Silverpop. Acquired by IBM.
  • Responsys. Acquired by Oracle.
  • Yesmail. Acquired by Infogroup.
  • CheetahMail, Acquired Experian.
  • Bronto. NetSuite acquired.

As email service providers grow and add valuable brands to their client routers, large companies are acquiring them to diversify and complement their offerings. Data plays a key role in email marketing, which is attracting data-driven organizations to the industry.

All of this is important to know when shopping for a supplier, as features and functionality may change after purchase.

Service Levels

Email service providers typically focus on one of three market segments.

  • Company. These are larger providers with sophisticated tools and functionality. They typically handle high volume senders. Examples of enterprise-grade providers include IBM Marketing Cloud (formerly Silverpop), Salesforce Marketing Cloud (formerly ExactTarget), and Epsilon.
  • Middle of the market. Mid-market providers primarily serve mid-market companies. These suppliers are quite sophisticated in their offerings and handle relatively moderate volumes. Examples of mid-market providers include Dotmailer, Postup, Bronto and Delivra.
  • Small business. Small business providers serve start-up and mid-size companies. These providers have increased their service offerings to keep customers from switching to mid-market providers. Examples of small business providers include MailChimp, Constant Contact, and VerticalResponse.
Features and Opportunities

A well-suited email service provider should offer your company's core functional needs as well as additional features for potential future use. In my experience, most eCommerce sellers only use a small percentage of their vendor's features. The key is to balance not paying for features you don't need versus paying for ones you'll need later.

The easiest way to do this is to make a checklist of (a) the main must-have features, (b) those that are good for them, (c) and those that are bonuses. Disable vendors that don't offer mandatory ones that are likely to include, regardless of market segment:

  • Email template or WYSIWYG designer;
  • Built-in A/B testing;
  • Integration of social networks;
  • Partner integration to ensure seamless tracking;
  • Trigger and autoresponder capabilities;
  • Advanced reporting, including mobile and desktop.

One often overlooked area of ​​research is data storage capabilities and how to update data. This may include updating your data with behavioral actions, such as a sale or other conversion from email promotion, and the ability to take action on that data.

Valuation Models

Many enterprise and mid-market service providers charge per thousand dollars, i.e., a fee per email deployed. This CPM rate typically decreases for higher annual volumes, but many suppliers require an annual contract to receive lower rates. Small business providers typically charge a flat rate based on the size of the email list. For example, VerticalResponse charges $120 per month for 5,001 to 10,000 address lists.

Additionally, some providers charge additional fees, such as the following.

  • Monthly management. These may cover a dedicated account and other services offered by the provider.
  • Extended capabilities. Some additional features may have an a-la-carte price that is higher than the base CPM or monthly fee.
  • Dedicated IP address. Dedicated IP addresses usually include additional fees.

Review pricing models to find the right match for your shipping patterns and needs. When it comes to email providers, in my experience you really do get what you pay for. Cheaper options usually have limited functionality.


Red Pill Email, a consulting firm, publishes an independent (and free) email guide that compares and contrasts vendors, although it does not include small business vendors. Choosing an email provider offers similar guidance.

Email has also become available through major providers that provide communications and services to users around the world. Here is a list of the five main ones:

    Microsoft (MSN);

  • America Online®;

Their mail systems have evolved into standard communication platforms through which each subscriber can communicate with any other subscriber who has a mailbox on the system. Additionally, one service can exchange messages with another service. This opportunity is used, for example, by CompuServe and MCI. Subscription to such services is available through local providers.


When planning an e-mail system, the network administrator must take care of its support and training of users. Some organizations assign a special employee to the role of email administrator, whose responsibilities include:

    creating, modifying and deleting users and groups;

    managing the storage of messages and folders on the mail server;

    email directory administration;

    specifying new post offices, remote users and networks with which your mail system should communicate;

    training new users.


An administrator creating an e-mail system must take into account standards that contribute to the stable and rapid development of network products. Most popular standards are developed by the World Committee for Standardization. Here is one of the most common standards: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol), was created for exchanging messages between two remote network computers. It is used on the Internet, UNIX systems, and as part of the TCP/IP protocol stack.

SMTP works in conjunction with other email programs that support both server and client functions when sending and receiving email messages.

SMTP provides control signals used by two computers during a handshake. Signals include:

    connection check;

    message transmission;

    sender identification;

    transfer parameters.

SMTP provides programs that use it with the following functions:

    message relay;

    sending messages to groups.

SMTP also provides an address book.

Rice. SMTP allows two remote computers to exchange email messages

Networks that are connected to other common carrier networks may face a problem: how to exchange messages if their mail systems are different? In this situation, the network must translate incoming messages into a format that its own system can understand. The device that performs the conversion is called a gateway. It is usually a computer dedicated specifically to this task.

Lecture 9. The efficiency of the functioning of computers, networks and telecommunication systems and ways to improve it.

Let us briefly discuss some prospects for the development of computer technology and various means of data transmission.

24. 1. Fifth generation of electronic computers

The history of the development of computers is usually divided into several generations, meaning computer models characterized by the same technological and software solutions (element base, logical architecture, software).

Fifth generation originated in the depths of the current fourth. According to the projects, computers and computing systems of the fifth generation, in addition to higher performance and reliability at a lower cost, fully provided by VLSI and other latest technologies, must satisfy the following qualitatively new functional requirements:

    Ensure ease of use of computers by implementing effective systems for input-output of information by voice and visual; interactive information processing using natural languages; learning capabilities, associative constructions and logical conclusions ( intellectualization COMPUTER);

    Simplify the process of creating software by automating the synthesis of programs according to the specifications of the original requirements in natural languages; improve support tools and the interface of developers with computing tools;

    Improve the basic characteristics and operational qualities of VT to meet various social objectives; improve ratios costs and results, speed, lightness and compactness of computers; ensure their diversity, high adaptability to applications and reliability in operation.

Experts assess this project as extremely difficult. Among the developments within the framework of this project, the following main directions can be noted: the development of high-performance means of parallel information processing, devices for translating from Japanese into English via voice, a parallel computer logical output, information and computer network for 10,0000 automated workstations, database and knowledge processors. Particular attention is paid to the problem of ensuring the reliability of VT, including self-testing and artificial intelligence elements for diagnosing failures.

It is assumed that PCs within the framework of fifth-generation computers will correspond in basic parameters to modern large and supercomputers.

2.Active networks

Many solutions to the problem of lack of bandwidth in non-local networks have been proposed. Adherents of radical approaches advocate for a complete update of the communication infrastructure, transition to fiber optic lines, and replacement of protocols. This path, however, is associated not only with significant costs, but also with low implementation rates: as is known, the process of standardization of new technologies and protocols usually lasts for several years, and a lot of time is spent on their implementation in commercial products.

Experts with more conservative views are in no hurry to depreciate previously made investments. They do not seek to radically increase bandwidth, but to increase the efficiency of using existing resources. In this vein, numerous developments are underway to improve routing algorithms, give switches a more “intelligent look” (switching the third and fourth levels), implement priority traffic processing schemes (QoS), etc.

Less traditional is the idea of ​​giving network applications the ability to independently determine the protocols used when transmitting and receiving data. This idea is especially attractive if it extends to the entire global network. If applications begin sending pieces of executable code to the network to control the operation of intermediate nodes, it will be possible to customize the functioning of the network to the current needs of individual programs or users. This approach, which gradually evolved into the concept of active networks, allows the implementation of new network services and protocols, bypassing the lengthy standardization process.

Over the past years, the concept of active networks has absorbed many of the author's ideas, actually turning into a general name for a group of various technologies. These technologies are united by the desire to significantly increase the intelligence of global networks, raising it to a qualitatively new level.

In a traditional packet-switched environment, routers' processing of incoming traffic ultimately amounts to passive forwarding of data from input ports to output ports. Network devices are unable to make sense of the data generated by applications, so they travel across the network in their original form. The function of active equipment is limited to analyzing headers in packet-switched networks or transmitting and receiving signaling information in connection-oriented networks.

The concept of active networks offers a fundamentally different view of traffic processing, which must take into account application requests and rapidly changing network conditions. Dynamic control functions can be implemented by loading special software into network devices with the ability to quickly modify and reconfigure it (hence another name: programmable networks). The main problem here is choosing a specific method for delivering software to network nodes. The main options for solving it can be divided into two large groups. In the first case, the software is loaded in advance, and incoming traffic only switches to one or another processing scenario. In the second, executable codes are embedded directly into data packets.

Rice. 24.1 Active node architecture

As an example of the first approach, consider the architecture of active networks, which was developed at the State Institute of Technology. Georgia is not least focused on building self-organizing caches in global networks.

Active nodes and packet processing.

For each intermediate node, called active, a limited set of operations with received packets is determined. When processing traffic, state information can be used that is stored in a given node and is not itself transmitted from node to node (the role of such information in traditional packet-switching networks is played by routing tables or virtual connection switching tables).

The interface between the user and the network in this case is organized in the simplest way. The header of each packet contains service information (ActiveProcessingControlInformation, APCI), including a function identifier and a descriptor. The identifier specifies the processing function to be called, and the handle indicates the active node state parameters that should be used during processing. The sequence of operations with an incoming package looks like this:

The output port is determined (in the traditional way);

If the packet contains control information, it is forwarded to the active processor; if not, it is sent to the output port;

According to the contents of ACPI, the processing function is called and the required parameters are extracted from the state information; if the result of the function is a packet to be transmitted, the network layer header is updated and the APCI is recalculated; at the same time, information about the state of the node is updated;

The packet is transmitted through the output port to the next node.

The presence of a predefined set of functions in the active node limits the flexibility of this approach, but it allows you to optimize processing procedures, implement them at the hardware level and eliminate security problems. Examples of functions performed according to the described scheme include buffering packets and controlling the bandwidth of output ports in accordance with channel load, proactive discarding of logically related pieces of data if individual packets are damaged, additional compression of traffic before transmitting it over an overloaded section of the network.

A typical active node architecture optimized for handling network congestion is shown in Fig. 24.1. The congestion switch receives information from network monitors and updates the route table for normal and congested network states. The path marked with the “No” arrow corresponds to the normal transport of the packet to the output port, and the “Yes” arrow corresponds to processing under high network load. In the latter case, the packet arrives at one of the active processors, where it is converted into a new format (for example, it is split into fragments transmitted separately). Inner core routing provides high-speed packet transmission between ports and active processors.

The emergence of active networks deployed on top of existing corporate communications infrastructures or provider networks should not only change the work of traditional applications (for example, the implementation of intelligent network fault diagnosis schemes, multicast packets and real-time transmission of audio and video streams), but also bring to life Complete new types of services (for example, implementation of online auctions).

24. 3. New generation of radios

CompTek has developed a whole series of wireless data transmission devices, including Revolution radio routers. The next step in the development of wireless networks is the transition to high-speed 11-Mbit/s equipment

3. Technologies and components for data transmission over power lines

Recently, there has been a surge of interest in means of transmitting data over power lines. This is due, first of all, to the ever-increasing need for telecommunications on both a global and local scale. Control and monitoring systems in industry and transport, medicine, energy, environmental safety systems and other areas of human activity are becoming increasingly intelligent and distributed. At the same time, new types of information exchange are becoming widespread - home automation equipment, networks of small and home offices (SOHO), distributed security and other alarm systems, which also require a developed communications infrastructure. In this case, the economic factor plays a decisive role: the means of information exchange, being a “tool” of communications, must be cheap and universally available.

Against the background of the weak infrastructure of Russian wired communications, it is the widespread prevalence of electrical networks, the absence of the need for expensive work associated with the creation of trenches and wells, breaking through walls and laying cables, as well as the possibility of forming symmetrical communication channels that stimulate increased interest in electrical networks as a data transmission medium.

Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about data transfer between nodes connected to one phase of the step-down transformer, i.e. about transmission within one transformer substation.

The difficulty of organizing communication over power lines lies in the fact that existing power networks were not originally intended for data transmission. They are characterized by a high noise level and rapid attenuation of the high-frequency signal, as well as by the fact that the communication parameters of the line, constant for traditional physical media, vary significantly over time depending on the current load. A specific feature of power lines is their branched tree topology. In addition, when organizing communications, electromagnetic compatibility and shielding of data transmission processes from actual power consumption must be ensured.

Basic components

A typical functional diagram and main components of a communication node of an “electrical communication network” are presented in Fig. below.

The core of the communication node is controllers of the network, data link and physical levels; the latter are often also called transceivers or transceivers. As a rule, these components are implemented on the basis of universal or specialized microprocessors and are produced by a number of companies in the form of chipsets.

The isolating (connecting) module generally performs two functions: it isolates the equipment of the communication node from the supply voltage and separates the information signal from the power voltage. Typically this module is made of separate radio-electronic components.

Rice. 24.2 Block diagram of the communication node

Some companies manufacture special power amplifier chips that allow signal transmission over long distances. Based on these components, an electric modem with a standard or custom user interface can be built.

24.4. Mobile satellite communication

Satellite communication systems Euteltracs, Inmarsat, Omnitracs and Prodat are widely known, the services of which are mostly used by cargo transportation companies from around the world. The cost of services is at least 3 dollars per minute.

24. 5. Computers + TV

In the future, interactivity in broadcasting will play a key role. This becomes obvious when accessing news Web pages. Interactivity provides a link between the user and the program creator or service provider, allowing the former to select what they want faster and more accurately. Thanks to interactivity, television and radio broadcasting is turning from a means of mass media consumption into a new type of multimedia communication. The plan for the convergence of TV and computers proposed by the Forum of Modern Television Systems contains a description of the means for creating programs and their delivery both to television receivers and directly to the input of a personal computer. According to this plan, the enhanced quality television signal in the interactive system consists of three main components: notices for the receiver that the signal contains data of increased quality, the most program content improved quality and starting signals, indicating to the receiver at what point to display certain data elements.

24.6. Integrated services of a new generationInternet

Current trends in the development of data transmission networks (DTN) can be considered as the result of the constant interaction of basic telecommunication technologies. Until recently, the main objects of the communications industry were public telephone networks (PSTN) and data networks (DTN). Today we are witnessing the emergence of a new concept - integrated services networks (ISS), which inherit the best properties of their predecessors.

Evolution of network technologies

Telephone networks

Public telephone networks appeared in the last century. Their current state is the result of the development of digital data transmission technologies and channel multiplexing. It is noteworthy that for more than a hundred years, digital technologies (first of all, multiplexing and transmission methods, PDH, and then SDH) have modernized only the PSTN backbone structure, while the access means have not fundamentally changed: they are still focused on the analog channel, formed using a copper pair. In the 80s Telephone companies have attempted to adapt to changing conditions and provide customers with a new type of service - ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network). But this technology has not deviated from the general principles of PSTN construction, and therefore has become less widespread than expected. Some components of ISDN, however, have emerged as independent technologies; an example is the family of DSL access methods over digital subscriber lines (xDSL).

Data networks

Construction of the first global data network, ARPANET, based on packet switching, began in the United States about 30 years ago. In 1974, based on five years of research on the ARPANET network, the TCP/IP model was developed, which was soon supplemented by other protocols and turned out to be the “engine” of the Internet.

With the development of global network infrastructure, the growth of their throughput and the reduction of delays associated with packet processing, network applications have also changed. In particular, the share of traffic coming from multimedia objects has increased, and a number of completely new multimedia services have appeared, for example, audio and video on demand, and IP telephony.

The asynchronous transmission method, based on data cell switching, represents a certain compromise between the two above-mentioned groups of technologies. To exchange data, it requires the prior establishment (and reservation) of a virtual channel over which cells will be transmitted, but takes advantage of statistical multiplexing. Both companies that traditionally specialized in data transmission and telephony representatives are actively involved in improving ATM technology. Therefore, ATM is well suited for both data networks and integrated services networks and telephone systems.

The very elegant and well-thought-out technology of asynchronous transmission, however, has not received the widespread, especially in the LAN field, that experts predicted. This happened mainly because, as a universal network medium, ATM turned out to be difficult to configure and maintain, and the corresponding equipment was relatively expensive. Nevertheless, ATM definitely has a future both as an independent technology and as an integral part of the SIS.

The emergence of the SIS concept

The rapid development of the Internet and the emergence of new services have revealed the shortcomings of both data networks and PSTN. The telephone network is unable to provide high-quality and efficient access to, and the Internet cannot guarantee the required characteristics of information transmission in real time. In this regard, the practice of simultaneously supporting several network infrastructures, for example for telephony and data transmission, has become very common. It was obvious: if all user needs in the field of information exchange could be provided (without sacrificing quality and reliability) by a single infrastructure and technology, this would significantly simplify the architecture of communication systems and lead to significant cost savings.

Networks with integration of services, allowing to combine different types of traffic - from ordinary data to audio and video in real time - have become a qualitative leap in the development of network technologies. SIS inherited the best properties of their predecessors - PSTN and SPD. Packet switching technology, used on the Internet and borrowing some important properties from circuit-switched networks, is best suited to serve as the basis of such networks.

One of the first things to consider is choosing an email provider. Each provider offers similar features, but not all will be tailored to your specific needs.

Let's take a look at the most popular email marketing platforms.


Mailerlite is often not seen as a small business solutions provider for small business owners, but it should be.

Here's why: They have a free plan for lists with less than 1,000 subscribers that have no restrictions on functions .

That's right, you can use your visual automation, opt-in forms, landing pages and all other features for free.

Paid plans are significantly cheaper than competing providers, and all accounts are verified to ensure high availability.

Overall, Mailerlite has a fast learning curve and is loaded with features for free, with an easy upgrade path once you hit 1000 subscribers.


To really make an impact on your email marketing, ActiveCampaign will help you take your business to the next level in terms of subscriber growth with its advanced marketing automation functionality.

It can support extremely deep funnels with its smart automation features. There is a simple flowchart view to help you structure your automation, and the complexity of your marketing wars is truly limited by your imagination. This What powerful.

ActiveCampaign allows you to tag your subscribers and also segment them into different lists and groups. Unlike some tools, you only pay once for each subscriber, no matter how many tags they have or the lists they are on. Among other features, you can A/B split your emails to optimize conversions.

However, if you're new to email marketing automation, ActiveCampaign has so many features that it can be a little overwhelming, making the learning curve steeper than some other email service providers.

Although more expensive than Mailerlite, it's something to consider if you're anticipating high list growth and need powerful automation capabilities.


Drip is considered a lightweight, yet still powerful version of more sophisticated, more sophisticated email automation providers.

It includes one of the best visual workflow flowcharts that allows you to create complex marketing campaigns.

You can use "If, else" logic to mute subscribers in a different direction when they take a certain action, or complete an email mini-course. For example, it's easy to set up a workflow to automatically move a new customer from a leadership-focused mini-course to a product-training mini-course.

Drip also includes powerful tagging capabilities and can respond to events such as when a subscriber clicks a link, signs up for a webinar, signs up for a trial, and more.

It also has email broadcasting features that can be used to send a one-time, targeted email or newsletter to a segment—or your entire list—of subscribers.

You'll find plenty of standard email entry forms that can be easily customized without writing any code, but what's quite unique is their live chat widget. You can place them on every page of your site to increase registration rates.

Blob is on the pricey side compared to some of their peers, but it's incredibly easy to use, requires little training, and comes with powerful automation tools for feeding your crows.


ConvertKit is a new email service provider aimed at professional bloggers and entrepreneurs.

They make several lead magnets and content updates easy to customize and deliver—and they make it easy to place different email capture blocks on your site.

A somewhat unique feature of the email service provider is that ConvertKit gives you a selection of landing page templates to choose from, making it a fast, easy, and all-in-one lead capture solution.

Thanks to ConvertKit's user-friendly interface, someone who is not into email marketing may not find it difficult to use like other email providers.

However, due to their childhood, advanced power users may find certain areas of ConvertKit's limitations—compared to more full-featured platforms like ActiveCampaign or Drip.

However, the company is very responsive to user feedback and the platform is constantly evolving.

Getting people to sign up for your list

With that out of the way, let's take care of the next thing so we can focus on getting people to choose their list.

Once you land on your site, how do you get them on your email list?

The first method is to use a strong lead magnet, and the second method is to know where to display your registration form.

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Most email applications, such as Outlook, can configure your email server settings automatically. If you don't know your server settings and need help finding them, click one of the links below.

Server settings for your or Office 365 for business email account

When prompted for server settings when setting up an email account (such as,,, etc.), use these settings. If you're using an Office 365 for business account, you can find your POP or IMAP account settings here.

Server settings for

    Note: For IMAP or POP accounts in, use the server for IMAP and for POP.

    Incoming port: 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP.

    Outgoing port number: 587.

Server settings for Office 365 for business

    Incoming mail server settings:

    Outgoing mail server settings (SMTP):

    Incoming port: 993 for IMAP or 995 for POP.

    Outgoing port number: 587.

Finding Exchange Mailbox Server Settings

If you're connecting to an Exchange mailbox and you're not using Office 365 email or don't know if you're using Office 365, follow these steps to get the information you need.

Commonly used mail server settings

Many popular email services, such as Gmail and Yahoo!, publish their server parameters on the Internet. If you can't find the settings online, you'll have to contact the vendor directly.

Commonly used mail server parameters:

What server settings do I need to check with my email service provider?

To help you with this, we've put together a handy list of email server settings you need to know. You will most likely need to set up a POP or IMAP account as well. What are POP and IMAP? Contact your supplier if you are unsure which protocol to use.

Note: If you set up a POP or IMAP account, only email will sync with your device. All calendar items and contacts associated with the account will be stored on your local computer only.

To find out your email settings, follow the instructions below.

Print this page to refer to as needed.

Call your email provider and ask them for the options listed in the table.

Write the mail server settings in the empty column.

Return to the email app and enter your details to complete your email setup.

Note: You may only need some of the options in this list. Check with your email service provider to see what you need to access email on your mobile device.

General mail settings Incoming mail server settings




Incoming mail server name.


The email address you want to set up.

[email protected]

The port number that the incoming mail server uses.

Most servers use port 143 or 993 for IMAP and 110 or 995 for POP.

Server or domain

This is your email provider.,, etc.

Is email encrypted using SSL?

(SSL is enabled by default in the Outlook mobile app)

SSL enabled

Outgoing mail server settings (SMTP)

These settings are used to send messages to your email service provider's mail server.

Getting more email marketing email starts with sending your email from a reputable email server. According to a recent study by Return Path, 77% of email delivery problems are due to sender reputation. Most companies that provide email for their clients consider sender reputation when filtering email.

Since your own email server is unlikely to have a reputation, delivering mail through an email provider (EMP) with a reputable and known reputation is one of the most important steps you can take to maximize email availability. Make sure you choose an EMP that can

    Authenticating your email: Authentication Allows mail servers to identify the sender of an email.

    Eliminate clients with high spam complaints: EMPs send emails from their servers on behalf of their clients, even though the emails are coming from their clients.

    Since too many spam complaints can cause EMP servers to become blocked blocks, make sure your EMP takes action when one of its clients receives too many spam complaints. Reputable ASPs keep overall complaints low - and your sender's reputation is as clean as possible.

    Confirm the quality of their clients' email lists: While EMPs cannot guarantee or predetermine the quality of their clients' email lists, reputable EMPs require clients to adhere to strict permission policies to warn their clients when attempting to use email addresses that may generate a large number of complaints.

    Adopt a spam tolerance policy: Some businesses, such as those in the financial and healthcare industries, receive a lot of spam complaints because their legitimate email content looks like a lot of spam emails. Use an EMP that either has options for such businesses, or has a policy of referring such businesses to another service that specializes in industries where spam complaints may be higher than average.

    Keep customers from sending repeated emails to unknown users: Spammers send billions of emails to every possible email address, hoping to reveal the real addresses. Because ISPs (such as AOL, Yahoo! and Hotmail) spend a lot of money bouncing emails sent by spammers, they don't value emails sent to non-existent addresses. As a result, your productivity may suffer if your email server is flagged how unpleasant.

    To protect the sender's reputation (as well as the EMP), most reputable EMPs will stop sending your email to non-existent email addresses after two or three attempts, even if you don't delete the email referring to yourself.

Email filters often rely on sender reputation before content filters, so be sure to run the EMP test. You can check the EMP sender's reputation against the competition by signing up for a free account on the sender's account.

Enter your company's domain name and then click on each of the email servers you list to see the sender rating for each server used to send email on behalf of EMP clients.

A score of 0 has the lowest value on a particular mail server, while a score of 100 is the best. Once you feel comfortable that you are sending email through a reputable EMP system, you can rest assured that your email content optimization efforts will not be wasted.